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UNIT 8: Making Sense

Vocabulary: The senses

➢ Visually-impaired: ciego/a
➢ Perceive: percibir
➢ Stroke: acariciar
➢ Smell: oler
➢ Touch: tocar
➢ Taste: probar
➢ Sight: vista
➢ Guide dogs: Perros guía
➢ Blind: invidente
➢ Sniff: olfatear
➢ Deaf: sordo/a
➢ Mute: mudo/a
➢ Sign language: lengua de signos
➢ Hearing loss: pérdida de audición
➢ Hering aid: audífono

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Exercise 1
They’re impaired

Exercise 2
1. I can stroke animals and touch differents objets.
2. I can taste the food.
3. I can smell the flowers and sniff all of things around me.
4. Visually-impaired and blind.
Exercise 3
1. People who are mute cannot speak, but they can communicate using sing language.
2. People who are blind cannot see, but they can find their way with the help of a guide dogs.
3. A person who is completely deaf cannot haer anything, but a person who suffers from
heraing loss can hear something. They are hearing aid to help people hear better.
4. The way we perceive something is how we feel and understand it.

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