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A friend in need is a friend indeed

I’m sure that everyone has heard this expression at least

once in their life. Personally, it’s one of my favourites due to it’s
powerful meaning. Friendship is an important chapter in
everyone’s life book, being an essential element for a human
being survival. Let's analyze a little bit this affirmation, what do
you say?
By reading for the first time this statement, “A friend in
need is a friend indeed”, you can immediately deduce what it
refers to. All of us can see that it’s not to hard to understand the
message, but I think we all agree when I say that it’s a strong
one. Most of the humans always say that they have a lot of
friends, but let's be serious, how many of them are true ones?
When you are having a really hard time and feeling like you
can’t handle it anymore, the person who is there for you and
supports you it’s the one who can be called a true friend. You
can rely on him and give him all your trust, because you know
he will never give up on you and will be on your side.
In conclusion, I totally agree with this affirmation and I
consider that friendships need to be more appreciated.

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