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How social media influence us

Is social media dividing us?. Many people think it is and in many ways it is but
what many people fail to realize is how social media is taking us apart thinking
that is just a very simple problem with a really simple solution but it isn't.

We all have social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and
once in a while we like to share part of our personal life like photos or a short
video and sometimes people like to share their opinion but usually opinions on
the internet tend to be aggressive or disrespectful.

As someone who regularly uses those platforms, opinions tend to be

aggressive or have arguments based on misinformation or incorrect

There have been many attempts to stop toxicity from social media like having
more strict terms of use or banning people who encourage this type of
behavior but this has proven to be ineffective. Companies like meta, twitter
and google are planning to implement AI to monitor their social media.

In conclusion, I think social media benefits us in many ways. It also lets us

share a piece of mind with the rest of the world but most importantly it lets us
talk with people around the world so it's very important that we express
respectfully and we mantaint a good behavior in social media.

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