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Unit 2 Recupero Name: _______________

Class: _______________
Date: _______________

Grammar 3 Scegli l’avverbio corretto per completare i mini-dialoghi.

Modal verbs will, may might: future predictions 1 Jack I’ll definitely/probably come to the
1 Scegli l’alternativa corretta: a, b o c. picnic, but I can’t promise.
The volcano might erupt in the next 100 years, but Perhaps/Certainly my grandma will visit
scientists aren’t sure. us this weekend – she hasn’t told us yet.
Mark I hope you can come – we’ll
a  will b  won’t c  might
perhaps/certainly have fun. We always
1 My friends be at the beach this
afternoon – it’s cold and cloudy.
2 Heidi Maybe/Definitely it’ll rain next week. It
a  might not b  won’t c  will sometimes rains in June.
2 The teacher sometimes gives us a test on Lee No, it probably/maybe won’t rain. I
Fridays, so we have one this week. checked on the Internet, and it’s going
a  won’t b  may c  might not to be nice all week.
3 Mandy be at choir practice because 3 Zoe Perhaps/Definitely Gary will come to the
she isn’t very well. But she’ll try to come. party – I’m not sure.
a  might not b  will c  might Claire I’ll tell him that you’re going. I know he
4 The other team are much better than us. I’m fancies you so he’ll definitely/maybe

sure they win the match. come!

a  won’t b  may c  will Zero conditional and 1st conditional

5 I’ll try to call Jason, but he answer 4 Riordina le parole per formare le frasi allo Zero o al 1 st
his phone because he’s angry with me. conditional. Inizia con If o Unless.
a  will b  may not c  might pollute factories the die if rivers fish
6 I don’t know what Liam is doing today, but If factories pollute the rivers, fish die.
he be at the gym. He often goes 1 lose animals their habitats destroy people forests
there on Saturdays. if
a  won’t b  may not c  might
2 Scegli l’alternativa corretta per completare il dialogo. 2 bottle that it go will landfill into you unless
Lucia I’m sure you may not/’ll have a great time on recycle
holiday in Jamaica. It’s got great beaches and
beautiful mountains.
3 everyone the for if energy uses less good it’s
Franco Yes – I’m really excited about going. We
’ll/won’t spend a lot of time at the beach
because our hotel is next to a beautiful bay. But
4 global stops weather the change will warming
we 2might not/might visit the mountains, too.
Lucia The mountains are amazing, and you
may/won’t see some beautiful birds there.
5 we’ll they nuclear power station a move another
Franco Well, I hope my dad takes us there. He’s a bit
to area if here build
lazy sometimes so he 4will/might not want to
leave the beach and drive us there!
Lucia Well, the beach is great and the weather 6 under water one day the melt Venice if will polar
will/may be hot. I think July is the hottest ice caps be
month of the year there.
Franco Cool. I 6might not/might have diving lessons 7 you feel healthier if eat will you organic food
when I’m there, but I don’t know how much they
cost. They probably 7will/won’t be very cheap. 8 we if help don’t endangered species won’t
Lucia 8
Yes, they may/won’t be quite expensive. But survive they
there are lots of other things to do on the beach.
You 9may/won’t be bored!
Franco No, I probably will/won’t want to come home! 5 Scegli l’alternativa corretta per completare il poster di una
Modifying adverbs: maybe, perhaps, probably, definitely, campagna ambientale.


Unit 2 Recupero Name: _______________
Class: _______________
Date: _______________

Environmental meeting – Launton Square, 8 p.m. Vocabulary

Geographical features
7 Leggi le definizioni e completa il cruciverba.
Did you know that the local government
want to build a landfill site in Pingle Wood? If Across >
we don’t do/won’t do something now, it 4 Grandma’s village is down there in the valley.
will be/be too late.
5 There’s a hole over there – I think it’s the
A landfill site is always bad for the entrance to a .
environment because if rubbish from landfill
gets/will get into a river, it often kills 7 It never rains in the .
everything in the river. And if a landfill site is 8 That is 3,000 metres high.
near houses, it usually 3will smell/smells
9 A is a hill of sand.
very bad, too.
Down v
If the government 4will build/builds this
landfill site, we will also lose all the trees in 1 In the summer, we swim in the sea and
Pingle Wood. Our village will change forever. sunbathe on the .
Governments never listen to people unless 2 The Tiber goes through Rome.
they 5organise/will organise meetings and 3 There are millions of trees in this .
protest. So come to our meeting tonight and
say ‘No!’ to the Pingle landfill site. We 6don’t 6 The of Jamaica is in the Caribbean
stop/won’t stop this landfill site unless we sea.
all fight it together.
1 2 3

6 Completa le frasi usando lo Zero o il 1st conditional e le coppie V A L L E Y

di verbi tra parentesi.
If dad arrives home early, he usually takes the dog
for a walk. (take/arrive) 7

1 If we late for class today, the

teacher angry with us. (be/get)
2 Most people ill when they
too much food. (feel/eat)
3 I always all my homework if it 9

really difficult. (do/not be)

4 I you my new boyfriend’s name if The environment
you to keep it a secret. (not 8 Completa le frasi con le parole date.
tell/not promise)
5 Hurry up! If we now, we endangered species pollution deforestation
the bus. (not leave/miss) recycling conservation organic food fossil fuel
6 We usually in the park after school
Pollution from factories goes into the air.
unless it . (meet/rain)
1 is a big problem. People are
7 Sally her Geography exam unless
cutting down trees all over the world.
she hard. (fail/study)
2 Don’t throw that bottle away! Remember what
8 I always off my phone when I
the teacher told us about things?
to bed. (turn/go)
3 This farm grows . They never use
4 Snow leopards are an . There aren’t
many in the world now.
5 Oil is an important , like coal.
6 The school club wants to build a
nature area behind the science classrooms.


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