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Have you ever wondered why your perfect plans are shattered?

Why a seemingly
perfect romance ended? Why good luck strikes at strange times? Why life seems like
a bunch of meaningless chaos?

There is a very simple answer to all of these questions. We were created by an

ancient race of aliens and are nothing but characters in their stories, created to
alleviate their boredom.

As soon as they are old enough to write, they are given a computer software program
and a manual with only the most basic rules of their writing universe. In order to
create a new character, they must collaborate with other aliens to make sure two
human parents give birth to a child. This child will be under their control from
the moment it is born until the moment it dies.

You are always subject to the whims of your creator. Everything you say, everything
you do is controlled by them. Usually, the aliens have jotted down things they want
to happen during your lifetime. But some aliens detest this and make random
decisions as to where your life will go. This is where chaos comes from.

Our planet is relatively new, but the aliens have become bored with it. The best
writers among them have declared that the Earth is a cliché, boring universe. They
have decided they want to write in a new, more exciting world, so they have taken a
special vote. It was this vote that decided how our world will end.

“Why don’t we let a black hole swallow their planet?”

“Nah, we’ve done that already.”

“What if the Earth spontaneously combusts?”

“That’s way too cliché!”

“Okay, why don’t we knock their planet out of orbit and send it crashing into the

“That’s a stupid idea.”

“Fine. How about we give all their world leaders bad cases of paranoia and see what

“Sure. Why not?”

And so, our world will not end with a bang, but with slow decay. Our increasingly
paranoid world leaders will declare war on each other and humanity will slowly die
out. But, since the aliens lost all interest in us, we have gained something we
never had before: free will. It is now up to us to decide our fates—and the fate of
our planet.

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