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4t ESO

Unit 4 Passive Voice

Exercise 1 (Change the following sentences into the passive voice)

1. CNN showed the sports programme in the afternoon.


2. The newspaper publishes the statistics of unemployment.


3. People transmitted their traditions orally in ancient times.


4. They made the funeral in the morning.


5. The audience applauded the composer.


6. They make a lot of paper from wood.


7. People write Arabic from left to right.


8. People speak Spanish in Perú.


9. Yesterday the police caught a boy trying to burn a car.


10. German teams won most of the matches.


11. Jane’s boss often sends her to the American office.


12. We saw the fire not very far away.

13. A bus took the visitors to the hotel.


14. A hunter found the lost child in the forest.


15. People use a lot of oil in Greek cooking.


16. Children cannot open these bottles easily.


17. The government built a road right outside her front door.


18. Mr. Ross broke the antique vase.


19. The party will celebrate his retirement.


20. Hundreds of tourists visit the statue every year .


21. My son ate all the homemade cookies.


22. Plantation workers raise coffee in many parts of Hawaii .


23. A very strong firefighter carried the woman downstairs.


24. Careless students leave their books in the classroom every day.


25. Our government will export a great amount of our oil to other countries.

26. The police blocked off the streets around the fire.


27. Computers can make fewer mistakes than people.


28. The students will finish the course by July.


29. Plantation workers raise coffee in many parts of Hawaii.


30. Karen is going to prepare the refreshments.


Exercise 2 (Rewrite the following text in the passive voice)

Last summer I painted our house. The job took about two weeks. First,

I washed the exterior using warm water and a mild detergent. Then, I
sealed all the chinks and pores in the walls with putty. After the putty
was dry, I could paint the exterior. I used a latex paint because it is

easy to apply and cleans up with water. I needed a whole week to finish

this part of the job. I was very careful to apply the paint because I
didn’t want to have to apply two coats. I used a colour that was very

close to the original. Eventually, my house was really well painted.

Exercise 3 (Translate the following questions in the Passive)

1. Com es pronuncia això?

2. On es veu aquest tipus d’animal?

3. Quin cotxe es va utilitzar pel robatori ?

4. Quina llengua es parla a Australia?

5. On es troben els diamants?

6. On es fan els Mercedes ?

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