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First thing that I’m thankful for is my good health. At the moment my health is good and that is
why I am grateful for that. I know my health it will get worse in the future and that’s why I’m
happy with my health.

Second thing that I’m thankful for are my friends. I have some friends who can I call them at any
time to help me if I need it.

Third thing that I’m pleased for is freedom of religion. Why I’m pleased for that, because I’m
being able to worship whomever and however you want and that it is something many people are
not allowed to do.

Fourth thing that I’m indebted for are my parents. Without them I couldn’t be me anymore.

Fifth thing that I’m appreciative for is the opportunity to get an Education. The opportunity to a
attend school is something many people don’t have.

Last thing that I’m thankful for is music. I’m thankful for music by reason of it brings me nice
emotions when I listening to music.

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