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Interview Camp 

Technique: Topological Sort 

Level: Hard 

Sort a graph in topological order. 

Questions to Clarify: 
Q. For the output, can I return a Stack which contains the nodes in order? 
A. Yes (If interviewer wants a list, simply convert the stack to a list in the code) 
Q. Is this a directed graph? 
A. Yes. (Point out that Topological sort not possible with undirected graph) 
Q. Can we assume that the graph has no cycles? 
A. Yes. (We do a section on detecting cycles later) 

Topological sort is very useful in scheduling problems, or when you need to arrange a 
graph in order. A topological sort is an ordering of nodes. We arrange nodes such that 
for each node N, all its edges point to a node ahead of N.  
You could use topological sort to solve several types of problems. For example, say that 
you are given a graph of college classes. Each Node represents a class and each edge conveys 
that a class is a prerequisite for another. You can use topological sort to calculate the 
minimum number of semesters to complete the classes. Check out the video for more details. 
You could also use it to find the longest path in a graph, which we will do in the homework 
Note​: Topological Sort is only possible if the Graph has no cycles. 
It is also applicable only to directed graphs. In undirected graphs, every edge 
can be considered a cycle since it points both ways. 
To implement Topological sort, you simply add 1 line to Depth First Search (DFS). 
At the end of the ​dfsVisit()​ function call, simply add the visited node to a stack. 
At the end of the DFS, the stack will contain the nodes in topological order. Try it yourself 
with examples. 

dfsVisit(Node, Stack)
Node.state = VISITING

For each neighbor:

if Neighbor is UNVISITED
perform dfsVisit on Neighbor

Node.state = VISITED

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Stack = empty
for all nodes in Graph:
if node is UNVISITED, perform dfsVisit(node, Stack)
return Stack

Test Cases: 
Edge Cases: empty graph, null graph 
Base Cases: single node graph, 2 node graph, 2 node unconnected 
Regular Cases: multiple nodes, multiple connected components 

Time Complexity: O(V + E), where V is vertices (nodes) and E is edges. 

Space Complexity: O(V) 

public static Stack<Node> topoSort(Graph graph) {
Stack<Node> stack = new Stack<>();

for(Node node : graph.getNodes()) {

if (node.getState() == State.UNVISITED)
dfsVisit(node, stack);

return stack;

public static void dfsVisit(Node node, Stack<Node> stack) {


for (Node neighbor: node.getNeighbors()) {

if (neighbor.getState() == State.UNVISITED)
dfsVisit(neighbor, stack);


* Helper Code. Ask interviewer before implementing.
public enum State {

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public class Graph {

List<Node> nodes;

public Graph(List<Node> nodes) {

this.nodes = nodes;

public void addNode(Node node) {


public List<Node> getNodes() {

return nodes;

public class Node {

List<Node> neighbors;
int data;
State state;

public Node(int data) {

super(); = data;
state = State.UNVISITED;
neighbors = new ArrayList<Node>();

public int getData() {

return data;

public void setData(int data) { = data;

public void setState(State state) {

this.state = state;

public State getState() {

return state;

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public void addNeighbor(Node node) {


public List<Node> getNeighbors() {

return neighbors;

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