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Group n 1: Story telling: JOAN -LUISA

● Describe the characters : Who are they ? 1

What are they like?
● When and where does the story take place?
● What happens? Dilemma /problem /situation
● Why does it happen? The reasons
● How does the problem get solved?

1. Main characters: They’re Ethan and Emma

Secondary characters: Gabe, Agatha, Vladimir and Cinthya
Ethan: he is impatient, anxious, small and has short brown
Emma: she is happy, funny and outgoing

2. Ethan and Emma’s rooms, at night

3. Ethan wants to scare his sister

4. because she is noisy and does not let him sleep


Group n 2: Story telling: IBETH -YAISY

● Describe the characters : Who are they ? 1

What are they like?
They are Emma and Ethan, they are brothers. He is a boy,
is scary, and she is a very funny girl.
● When and where does the story take place?
The place is in the bedroom at night.
● What happens? Dilemma /problem /situation
Emma doesn’t want to go to sleep, and Ethan wants to
scared his sister
● Why does it happen? The reasons
He wants to go to sleep but emma does* makes much
noise **very noise
● How does the problem get solved?
The brother takes her hot milk and after He reads a story so
she can sleep. So cute!

Group n 3: Story telling:


● Describe the characters : Who are they ? 1

What are they like?
They are brothers
She is funny and play with monsters
He is scared,

● When and where does the story take place?

The story takes place in the room of her* in her room . In
the night* at night .

● What happens? Dilemma /problem /situation

He can’t sleep because of his sister is very noise*noisy

● Why does it happen? The reasons

● Because she needs someone to help her sleep

● How does the problem get solved?

● The brother should help her sleep by telling a story or
sleeping together
Group n 4: Story telling:

● Describe the characters : Who are they ? 1

What are they like?
● When and where does the story take place?
● What happens? Dilemma /problem /situation
● Why does it happen? The reasons
● How does the problem get solved?
Soul is the history/story of Joe and 22. Joe is a music teacher
at a school in New York City ,he likes to teach but his dream is
to be a famous jazz musician. One day Joe is invited to
audition with a great saxophonist , he plays very well and he
wins the audition, but when he comes out he has an accident
and is in coma

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