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Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance Companion Workbook with Marisa Peer Ww Table of Contents How to Succeed with Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance 4 Pre and Post Self-Assessment 7 How To Use Your Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance Companion Workbook 8 Day 1: The Key Areas of Abundance 1 Day 2: The Beliefs That Are Holding You Back B Day 3: Visualize Your Abundant Life 6 Day 4: Rapid Transformational Therapy v Day 5: The Rules of the Mind ” Day 6: RTT Session for Limiting Beliefs a Day 7: Implementation Day 2 Day 8: Limiting Beliefs Are There to Protect You 2B Day 9: Silence Destructive Criticism Fs Day 10: Accept and Truly Love Yourself 2 Day 11: Accept and Truly Love Yourself 2» Day 12: Become Guilt Free a Day 13: RTT Session for Abundance Mindset 3B Day 14: Implementation Day Bu Day 16: The Mind ~ Body Connection 35 Day 16: Reasons Behind Addictions 7 Day 77: linesses Have a Purpose 39 Day 18: Your Relationship with Food a Day 19: Your Relationship with Food “3 Day 20: RTT Session for Health 4s Day 21: Implementation Day 46 Day 22: The Most Common Limiting Beliefs About Wealth a Day 23: Overcome Fear of Change 49 Day 24: You Are Wealthy Now 51 Day 25: Help Yourself First 53 Day 26: Your Unique Gift 55 Day 27: RTT Session for Wealth 7 Day 28: Implementation Day 58 Day 29: The Most Common Limiting Beliefs About Relationships 9 Day 30: Love Yourself First a Day 31: Eliminate Destructive Relationship Patterns 8 Ww Day 32: Change the Beginning Day 33: Attract Lasting Love Day 34: RTT Session for Relationships Day 35: Implementation Day Ww cy o 70 How to Succeed with Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance Who Is This Program For? Each of us have past hurts, unexpressed desires and situations where we craved for love that resulted in a certain blueprint of thinking. Whether you have been exploring your limiting beliefs for a while or you have just decided to take a magnifying look at them now, this program is designed to help you change your mindset and achieve abundance in the most important areas in your life. How We Learn Here at Mindvalley, we are invested in your growth. As such, we seek to bring you the most cutting-edge leaming experience to create life-long transformations. Here's ai brief explanation of how you can make the most out of your learning 1. Information: We learn information, which creates knowledge. In this, program, you'll lean Matisa’s step-by-step framework of how to be a master of your own mindset and live an abundant life. Take notes. 2. Integration: Now, don't just take notes of the information, integrate it with what you already know or how it relates to your life/purpose. This is how information sticks! Make the information meaningful 3, Practice: Take action. Put what you know into practice. You'll be asked to practice and post videos in the Tribe. The key to transformation is through action Ww How This Program Is Structured Each daily lesson consists of a 10-20 minute video and Actions for Today. Thete ate small actions and big actions, so be prepared to do your self-work Some daily actions will take longer than others to complete. We recornmend you schedule a time in your day dedicated to watching daily lessons, completing your actions and engaging in the Tribe. Top 3 Hurdles 1. Not enough time Schedule when you will set aside 30 minutes in the day to dedicate to learning and completing your daily actions. Note: Some days will require more time than others. 2. Low motivation Remember why you started this quest in the first place, apply what you have leatned immediately, and know that practice and celebrating the little victories are key to keeping up momentum. When in doubt, revisit your intentions and the commitment you made on Day 1 3. Resistance Resistance is normal and expected. There will be challenges. Marisa encourages you to take one step beyond fear, to show up and be your own cheerleader on the path to abundance. What Happens If | Miss A Day? We understand life happens, and you might miss a day or two. Don't let that detract you and continue where you left off You also have the opportunity to continue with the next cohort of students or cycle back and complete tasks later on in the quest. The importance is showing Ww up and finishing. Set Your Intentions It is important to start with knowing what you wish to get out of the experience. Intentions help to create more clarity, especially when the seed is planted right before you start. Write down your intentions for starting the Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance quest. What do you hope to leave with by the end of this quest? Ww Pre and Post Self-Assessment Before you start your Quest, let's first gauge where you are at in terms of your ‘abundant life, This pre-assessment is helpful for two reasons: 1. It will help clarify what areas you should focus on in the Quest. 2. It will help set a reference point for yourself, so you can later evaluate which areas you've developed as a result of participating in this Quest After the Quest is over, rate yourself again to see how much you have grown ‘and in which specific areas, Then, calculate the difference of your pre and post assessments in the “Growth Points” column of the table. Share your wins with the Tribe. Rate how true these statements are to you on a seale from 1to 10. ing Poste Growth Pre-rating rating Points (1- least true; 10 - most true) 1. 1am fully aware of my limiting beliefs and fears thatt are holding me back from living an abundant lite. 2. I strongly feel that | am enough and lovable. 3. Ihave a clear vision for my love relationship and what I need to do to get it. 4.1 know my unique gifts and talents that | want to share with the world. 5. | know how to deal with destructive criticism. 6. know how to deal with stressful situations and, choose weliness every time. 7.1 know exactly how my abundant life will feel, smell and look like. 8. have a Tribe that supports me. Ww How To Use Your Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance Companion Workbook Welcome to your Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance quest! To help you along with your learning journey, we have put together a companion workbook to use side-by-side your quest. Don't worry, it’s completely optional to use the companion workbook, and you can opt to use your own journal if you'd like. This workbook will help you with 2 things: 1, Take better notes. 2, Prepare, reflect, and/or brainstorm your daily actions You see, there's a learning curve, but there's also a forgetting curve. Within 48 hours of learning something new, our brains will have forgotten up to 80% of the information, Taking notes per verbatim is a passive learning experience, but using your brain to make meaning of the information will help you retain it. As such, we recommend employing a method called "Capture & Create" note- taking. Ww Capture & Create Note-Taking You are provided a space t “capture & create" your own notes for each lesson On the Left sid ‘On the Right side: This space is for normal note-taking | Make your own notes. Integrate the as per verbatim. information and make it meaningful We have included the general What are your impressions on the summary points of each daily lesson notes on the left? How does this apply for you, but you will have to watch the to what your life? What can you do daily lessons to get more of Marisa’s _ with this information? Record any nuggets of wisdom. ;) aha-moments You do not have to create all your notes in one sitting. Learning is cyclic in that you will learn new information when you review and cycle back to previous knowledge. You can always come back after the quest is over and add more notes as your self-awareness develops. For now, it's important to enjoy the process of learning and keep up the momentum You ate welcome to share your notes with the community. Sharing your insights and ideas could spark new inspiration for others, TIP: We recommend you print these pages and write your notes by hand. You'll have better results, because writing by hand motivates us to be more selective of key information. Actions for Today The most transformative experiences come through acting on what you know and then reflecting on what you have learned. Get ready, because Marisa will be teaching you through sharing a lot of valuable reflection exercises. Use the space in the Actions for Today section of every lesson as an optional supplement to hold all your reflections, preparations, brainstorming, and/or lessons Ww Alternatively, you may use your own joumal, but we figured you might want a space to hold all your notes and lessons for easy reviewing. ;) Ww 10 Day 1: The Key Areas of Abundance Before you can achieve abundance in any area of your life you must estatblish a mindset of abundance. Abundance is not only about money and wealth. There are 4 key areas of abundance Mindset, Health, Wealth, Relationships. Abundance is about being able to receive everything and understanding that there is no scarcity. "Wealthy’ is a state of mind. . Your life is the outcome of the choices you make both consciously and unconsciously and the beliefs that you hold. Make Your Own Notes Ww Day 1: Actions for Today Write down and share in the Tribe: + What are your beliefs about abundance? + Where did your beliefs came from? + What are the empowering beliefs you want to adopt? Ww N w Day 2: The Beliefs That Are Holding You Back We form most of our beliefs before the age of S. Challenge, question your beliefs. When you do, they are no longer true. Imagine alll the beliefs that don't serve you in a suitcase. See yourself handing it back to the people who gave them to you while saying ‘these belong to you, so | am returning them to you." Make Your Own Notes Day 2: Actions for Today Write down and share in the Tribe all the limiting beliefs that you have. Complete the sentence “| can't make it because...” Ww Day 3: Visualize Your Abundant Life Visualization can help create an abundant life. In order for big changes to happen, we need to use big visualizations. 2. Visualization is not limited to only seeing an abundant life. We can use other senses too: get a feeling of it, sense it, hear it. Make Your Own Notes Ww Day 3: Actions for Today Write down and share in the Tribe: + Write out how your life will look sound, feel, taste and look like and the results you will get when you become abundant. + Write out the names of people you will impact when you become abundant. Ww Day 4: Rapid Transformational Therapy The mind works as a transmitter. It needs to be constantly updated as any other software. 2. We act consistently according to our beliefs and thinking. Neuroplasticity means that the brain can change. When we change our thinking, the orain rewires itself and our action change too. 4. RTT method rewires your thinking, For the best results, isten to each of RTT audios for 21 days. Make Your Own Notes Ww Day 4: Actions for Today Use the space below to write down what images you would like to put on your Vision Board. Ww Day 5: The Rules of the Mind The Rules Of The Mind: 1. What is expected, tends to be realized Imagination is more oowerful than knowledge, Imagination is more powerful than logic Your mind always does what it thinks you want it to do. Your mind works to move you from pain to pleasure. Your mind responds to the pictures in your head and the words you say to yourself. Your mind learns by repetition Your mind loves what Is familiar. We make our beliefs and our beliefs make us. Make Your Own Notes Ww Day 5: Actions for Today Use the space below to reflect on how the rules of the mind apply to your abundance beliefs and how you can reverse them. Don't forget to share them with the Tribe. Ww 20 Day 6: RTT Session for Limiting Beliefs Use the space below to reflect on what came up during your RTT session. Ww 24 Day 7: Implementation Day Write down your reflections from these past 7 days. What new insights and self-discoveries have popped up? Ww 22

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