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escribir contar una historia escribir una historia sobre un viaje en el que tuviste un problema

escribe sobre un viaje en el que tuviste un problema (o inventa uno) para enviar a la revista.
Planifique lo que va a escribir usando las notas de párrafo a continuación. Usa los idiomas del
cuadro Un mal viaje para ayudarte

A bad journey

This happened a few years ago. I live in Alicante. In Spain, my husband and I rented a house in
Galicia for the summer holidays. We were going to drive to Tarragona first to stay with a friend
for a few days and then drive from Tarragona to Galicia

The first part of the journey was fine. We were using our new satrav for the first time and it:
took us rigth to the door of our friends' house. Three days later, when we continued our jou
mey, we put in the name of the small town in Galicia, Nigran, which was our final destination.
We started off, obediently following the instructions. However, after a while we realized that
instead of driving west towards Lleida, we were going north. In fact, soon we were quite near
Andorra, right on the border with France. I was sure we were going in the wrong direction, but
my husband wanted to do what the satrav was telling us- it was "is new toy". It was only when
we started seeing mountains that even he admitted this couldn't be the rigth way. so we
stopped, got out an old map, and then turned round. We had wasted nearly two hours going in
the wrong direction

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