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1. Why is international marketing important?

International marketing is a crucial consideration for business success. There are numerous
advantages to international marketing why it is important. It is important to enlarge market
globally, It is important to boost brand reputation, It is Important to connect business with
world and lastly it is important to open door for future opportunities and trends.

2. Discuss briefly the difference between domestic marketing and international marketing.
Domestic marketing refers to the creation, promotion, distribution, and sale of products and
services in a local market and it focuses on a single sort of consumer with distinct tastes,
whereas international marketing refers to the creation, promotion, distribution, and sale of
goods and services in a worldwide market and it focuses on a diverse range of consumers.

3. Why you should expand your business into the international market?
First is new income potential by expanding your company model to new international markets,
you have access to a whole new audience, which means millions of potential new consumers
and greater sales. Second is Outperform the competition if you can cater to an international
audience, you may be able to acquire a competitive advantage by leaving a saturated market
for somewhere your competitors do not operate. Third a broader range of investment
opportunities expanding your firm abroad may attract foreign investment and you may be able
to capitalize on opportunities that do not exist in local market. For example, in United Kingdom
they provide incentives for businesses to do business in their country. And lastly global brand
exposure, by successfully developing your business on a global scale you not only attracts new
clients but you also nourish your company's reputation and earn credibility.

4. Explain and give an example of the disadvantages international marketing

First Business practices and cultural barriers It refers to the possibility that a company's
operations in a country will struggle due to variations in language, customs, norms, and
customer preferences in once country for example the Starbucks in Australia they failed to
maximize their expected sales their because Australians prefers not to sweet, not pricey and
homegrown coffee. Second is Unstable economy is the possibility that a country's economic
conditions and policies and currency exchange rates will have a negative impact on a firm's
activities within that country. For example, the Kia’s operations in Europe, it achieved sales
volume growth in Europe every year since 2008. This success often going against the overall
market recession is a compliment to Kia’s design, product range, quality, and warranty. As Kia’s
planned for the future, they needed to wonder how economic conditions would influence Kia’s
future performance in Europe. If inflation and interest rates were to increase in a particular
country, this would make it more difficult for consumers to purchase new Kia's. If currency
exchange rates were to change such that the euro became weaker relative to the South Korean
won, this would make a Kia more expensive for European buyers and lastly Political and country
refers to the possibility for government turmoil or intervention with business to impair an
operation within a country For example, the armed confrontation between Russia and Ukraine
that drove up international oil prices due to fears of additional instability in oil rich countries.
Firms find it difficult to prepare for the future when governments are unstable as a result of
such demonstrations and uprisings. A government may become increasingly unfriendly to
foreign enterprises over time by introducing new taxes and regulations.

5. What do you think are the risk of going international market?

First is Foreign exchange because when the value of an investment fluctuates owing to changes
in the exchange rate of a currency. When a domestic currency appreciates against a foreign
currency, profits or returns gained in the foreign country are reduced when converted back to
the home currency. Second is political, because when a country's government changes its
policies suddenly, which now negatively affects the foreign enterprise. Some governments will
ask for more fees in exchange for the privilege to import goods into their country. Third is
intellectual property, because this risk involves third parties making unlawful use of a
company's strategic knowledge or property, which affects the value of the company's services
or goods, either directly or indirectly. And lastly shipping, contamination, seizure, accident,
vandalism, theft, loss, and breakage can all occur when delivering products, whether
internationally or locally.

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