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Java + OOP concept Cheat Sheet

by Kunanon S (son9912) via

Hello World! Operators Loop

Start your Java day with Hello World program Oper​and What they do  for (int i: someArray) {}
public class HelloWorld {  while (somet​hing) {}
= Assign value
public static void main(S​tring[]  do {somet​hing} while (true)
== Check value/​address similarity
args) {
> More than
// Prints "​Hello, World" to the Prime number function
>= More than or equals
terminal window.
if (n < 2) { return false; }
System.ou​t.p​rin​tln​("Hello, World"); >>> Move bit to the right by
for (int i=2; i <= n/i; i++)
} ++ Increment by 1
​ if (n%i == 0) return false;
inverse of these operands still working the return true;
When you want to run the program, choose this same.
class as main class. For example : != is not equal  returns a boolean

Run your code Defining variable String Pool - Optimi​zations

Compile from single class up HelloWorld Defining new variable attrib​utes String pool is created to make the same value
class int x = 12; string use the same address. By doing that, it
 javac HelloW​orl​ will save memory and time for compiler to do
int x; // will be defined as 0
 java HelloW​orld stuff
Define by creating new instan​ces
Basic testing
Compile from multiple classes and choose String x = new String;
String s1 = "​Hello World";
main class
Type Casting (decre​asing bit use)
 javac *.java String s2 = "​Hello World;
Expanding data types will not require type
 java HelloWorld // HelloWorld is Check it using "​=="
casting. Narrowing does.
your preferred main class  Syste​m.o​ut.p​ri​ntln(s1 == s2);
double x = 10; // Expanding data
 True
"==​" will check its address
Variables int y = (int) 10.222222; //
Allocate a new address using new
Type Default Memory Alloca​tion Narrowing data types
String s1 = "​Hello World";
String s2 = new String;
byte 0 8 bits s2 = "​Hello World";
short 0 16 bits If statem​ent Syste​m.o​ut.p​ri​ntln(s1 == s2);
 if (state​ment) {}
int 0 32 bits  False
If - else statem​ent
Allocate new address by changing its value
long 0L 64 bits
 if (state​ment) {} else{} String s1 = "​Hello World";
float 0.0F 32 bits (decimal)
String s2 = "​Hello World";
double 0.00D 64 bits (decimal) Switch
s2 = "​Hello Thaila​nd";
boolean False varies on impliment
switch (num) { Syste​m.o​ut.p​ri​ntln(s1 == s2);
String NULL depends on character ​ case 1: doSome​thi​ng();  False
​ ​ ​ ​break;
char \u0000 16 bits (unicode) ​ ​def​ault: doThis();
​ ​ ​ ​break;

By Kunanon S (son9912) Published 25th September, 2017. Sponsored by Last updated 29th September, 2017. Measure your website readability!
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Java + OOP concept Cheat Sheet
by Kunanon S (son9912) via

Naming Grammars Access Modifier Constr​uctor (cont)

Naming should be regulated for easier But will be created automa​tically by not writing
recogition from others any constru
​ ctor
Use Upper Camel Case for clas​ses: Create an argume​nt-​defined constr​uctor
Veloc​ity​Res​pon​seW​riter  <m​odi​fie​r> Person (String name)
Use Lower Case for pack​ages: {
com.c​omp​​oje​ct.ui th​ = name;
Use Lower Camel Case for vari​abl​es: }
Use Upper Case for cons​tan​ts: Abstract Class
- Java uses <d​efa​ult​> modifier when not
assigning any. Abstract is a type of class but it can consist of
Use Camel Case for enum class names
- public modifier allows same class access incomplete methods.
Use Upper Case for enum values
- Works in inherited class means itself and the Create new abstract
Don't use '_' anywhere except constants and
classes that inherit from it.  <a​cce​ss_​mod​ifi​er> abstract class
enum values (which are consta​nts).
HelloWorld () {}
Attribute modifier
Receiving user input
Attr​ibute Access Grants Interface
There is normally 2 ways to receive user
keyboard input Interface is different from constr​uctor. It
1. java.u​til.Sc​anner Private Allows only in class where variable consists of incomplete assign​ments

Scanner x = new belongs Interface allows you to make sure that any

Scanne​r(S​yst​em.i​n); Public Allows any class to have this inherited class can do the following methods.
attribute (It's like a contract to agree that this thing must
String inputS​tring =; //
be able to do this shit.) The method is then
for String type input Static Attribute that dependent on class
completed in the class that implements it.
int inputI​nteger =​Int(); // (not object)
Creating a new interf​ace
for Integer type input Final Defined once. Does not allow any interface Bicycle {
2. String[] args from public static void main() change​/in​her​itance
void speedUp (int increm​ent);
NOTE: args is already in a array. It can }
receives unlimited amount of argume​nts. Methods
String inputS​tring = args[0]; //
Methods are fucking easy, dud. class fuckBike implements Bicycle {
for String type input  <m​od> <re​tur​n> mthdName ...
Int inputS​tring = (int) args[0]; // (<a​rgs​>) { } void speedUp (int increment) {
for Integer type input Exam​ple: speed += increm​ent;
To use Scanner, importing Scanner library is  public double getAge () { }
required : import java.O​bje​ct.S​ca​nner return someDo​uble; ...
} }
All types of input can be received. (not just
String or int) Constr​uctor

Constr​uctors allow you to create an object

template. It consists of complete proced​ures.
Create a blank constr​uctor to allow its
extension classes to inherit this super
 <m​odi​fie​r> Person () {}

By Kunanon S (son9912) Published 25th September, 2017. Sponsored by Last updated 29th September, 2017. Measure your website readability!
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Java + OOP concept Cheat Sheet
by Kunanon S (son9912) via

Encaps​ulation Overload (cont) java.u​til.Sc​anner

Encaps​ulation allows individual methods to Java will not allow this to be run, because it Create a Scanner object
have different access modifier. cannot determine the value.  Scanner sc = new
Creating setters and getters is one way to use Scanne​r(S​yst​em.i​n);
encaps​ulation Override Accept input
For example
When you have inherit some of the class from  double d = sc.nex​tDo​uble()
private void setTim​e(int hour, int
parents, but you want to do something different.
minuite, int second){
In override feature, all the subcla​ss/​class object java.l​ang.Math
this.hour = hour;
will use the newer method.
this.m​inuite = minuite; Meth​ods Usage
To make sure JDK knows what you are doing,
this.s​econd = second; type @Over​ride in front of the public name. If Math.m​ax​(<v​alu​e1> Return maximum
} the override is unsucc​essful, JDK will returns , <va​lue​2>) value
Math.m​in​(<v​alu​e1> Return minimum
Inheri​tance Example of overriden helloW​orld() method :
, <va​lue​2>) value
Class Student
Inheri​tance helps class to import the public void helloW​orl​d(){ Math.a​bs​(<v​alu​e>) Return unsigned
superc​lass' method.
Syste​m.o​ut.p​ri​ntl​n("H​ell​o"); value
Impo​rting superc​lass
} Math.p​ow​(<n​umb​er> Return value of a
 class HelloWorld extends Object
Class GradSt​udent extends Student , <ex​pon​ent​> number​ex​ponent
Normally, the class that does not inherit any Math.s​qr​t(<​val​ue> Return square root
public void helloW​orl​d(){
class will inherit Object class.* ) of a value
Syste​m.o​ut.p​ri​ntl​n("Hello World");
Class can only inherit 1 class/​abs​tract
Impo​rting Interf​ace }
 class HelloWorld inherits Rules of Overridden methods
1. Access modifier priority can only be Find the length -> int
Interf​ace​Thing {}
narrower or same as superclass  msg.l​eng​th()
Class can inherit unlimited amount of
2. There is the same name method in To lower/​upp​erc​ase -> String
superclass / libraries  msg.t​oLo​wer​Case()
 msg.t​oUp​per​Case()
Replace a string -> String
We use overload when you want different input
Print with new line  msg.r​epl​ace​All​(String a, String
to work differ​ently, but remains the same name.
 Syste​m.o​ut.p​ri​ntl​n("Hello b)
Example of Overload
World"); Split string between delime​ter -> array
public printe​r(S​tring x){}
Print  msg.s​pli​t(S​tring delime​ter)
public printe​r(S​tring x, String y)
 Syste​m.o​ut.p​ri​nt(​"​Hello World"); Star​t/end with -> boolean
 msg.s​tar​tsW​ith​(String pre)
If the input is 2 string, it will go to the second
 msg.e​nds​Wit​h(S​tring post)
method instead of first one.
String format -> String
But you cannot overload by using the same
 Strin​g.f​orm​at(​String format,
input type sequence. For example
public printe​r(S​tring x){} Object... args)

public printe​r(S​tring x, String y)

{} // conflict
public printe​r(S​tring y, String x)
{} // conflict

By Kunanon S (son9912) Published 25th September, 2017. Sponsored by Last updated 29th September, 2017. Measure your website readability!
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Java + OOP concept Cheat Sheet
by Kunanon S (son9912) via

java.l​ang.String java.u​til.Co​lle​ction (Colle​cti​onAPI) HashMap - Collec​tionAPI

Meth​ods Desc​rip​tion Provides ways to keep variables and access it Method Usability
charAt(int index) Returns the char value at
Ways to keep data Collec​tions
the specified index
1. Set - Care about duplicity, not queue (eg.
compar​eTo​(String Compare 2 strings Create List of 1, 2, 3 on-the​-fly
otherS​tring) lexico​gra​phi​cally  Array​s.a​sLi​st(1, 2, 3)
2. List - Care about queue, not duplicity (eg.
concat​(String str) Concat​enate specified Linked​List) Convert primitive array to Stream
string 3. Map - Care about both queue and key  Array​s.s​tre​am(​pri​mit​ive​Array)

endsWi​th(​String Test if the string ends with duplicity (eg.Ha​shMap) Convert ArrayList to Stream
suffix) specified suffix Methods that will be included  array​Lis​t.s​tre​am()
boolean add(Object element);
equals​(String Test if strings values are
andObject) the same boolean remove​(Object element); LinkedList - Collec​tionAPI
int size();
toChar​Array() Convert string to Create empty LinkedList of Integer
boolean isEmpt​y();
character array  Linke​dList myList = new
boolean contai​ns(​Object element);
toLowe​rCase() Convert string to Linked​Lis​t<I​nte​ger​>t()
lowercase Iterator Iterat​or();
Create LinkedList with values in it
toUppe​rCase() Convert string to  new
HashList - Collec​tionAPI
uppercase Linked​Lis​t<>​(Ar​ray​s.a​sLi​st(1, 2,
toString() Convert things to string Method Usability 3)))

valueO​f(<​val​ue>) Return the repres​ent​ation void add (int index, Add value to list Add an object to Linked​List
of argument Object element)  myLis​t.a​dd(50)

length() Return length of the string Object remove(int Remove item #index
index) from list
replac​eAl​l(S​tring Replace string a to string
a, String b) b Object get(int index) Retrieve item #index
from list
split(​String Split string between
delimeter) delimeter void set(int index, Set data to
Object element) correspond #index
starts​Wit​h(S​tring Test if string starts with
prefix) specified prefix int indexO​f(O​bject Find the #index from
element) element
format​(String Format strings to the
format, Object arg) format given ListIt​erator listIt​era​tor()

There is many more in Java documents : It also includes all Collec​tionAPI methods
g​/St​rin​g.html Create new HashList by using
List x = new HashLi​st();

By Kunanon S (son9912) Published 25th September, 2017. Sponsored by Last updated 29th September, 2017. Measure your website readability!
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