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YEAR 5 SCIENCE (Textbook page 46-48)

Total points21/24
 Ms A.Sivashankari

Name *
Kessha M Shanmuganathan

Class *

1. Label the skeletal system below. *

Hand bone Leg bone Skull Backbone Rib Score

a Skull 1/1
b Rib 1/1
c Back bone 1/1
d Hand bone 1/1
e Leg bone 1/1
2. State the functions of joints in the human skeletal system. *
Joints transport nutrients to the whole body.
Joints transport oxygen to the whole body.
Joints allow movement and flexibility of the body.
3. The figures below show the three main parts of human blood circulatory system.
State the functions of X, Y and Z in the system. *

Transports oxygen, nutrients, water, and waste products.

Pumps blood to the lungs and the whole body.
Transports blood throughout the body.
X Pumps blood to the lungs and the whole body. 1/1
Y Transports blood throughout the body. 1/1
Z Transports oxygen, nutrients, water, and waste products. 1/1
4. Complete the concept map of the blood circulatory pathway in humans with the
answers provided below. You may use the answers more than once. *
Human body
Blood rich in oxygen
Blood rich in carbon dioxide
A Lungs 1/1
B Blood rich in oxygen 1/1
C Blood rich in oxygen 1/1
D Human body 1/1
E Blood rich in carbon dioxide 1/1
F Blood rich in carbon dioxide 1/1
5(a). Transports oxygen, ______________, and water throughout the body. *
other waste products

5(b). Transports carbon dioxide and _______________ to be removed from the
body. *
other waste products

Question 6 (A), (B), (C) are several situations that disrupt the systems in the
human body.
6(A). Based on the situation below, explain how the disruptions of the systems can
affect other systems in the human body. *
When food gets stuck in throat, the digestive system is disrupted at the oesophagus. Food
trapped in the oesophagus will block air from entering the trachea. This will make breathing
difficult and disrupt the respiratory system.
When food gets stuck in throat, the digestive system is disrupted at the trachea. Food trapped
in the trachea will block air from entering the lungs. This will make breathing difficult and
disrupt the respiratory system.

6(B). Based on the situation below, explain how the disruptions of the systems can
affect other systems in the human body. *

A fractured bone affects the skeletal system. At the same time, the arm becomes swollen
because the blood flow in the blood circulatory system is disrupted.
A fractured bone affects the skeletal system. At the same time, the arm becomes swollen
because the blood flow in the respiratory system is disrupted.

6(C). Based on the situation below, explain how the disruptions of the systems can
affect other systems in the human body. *

A heart failure affects the blood circulatory system. At the same time, skeletal systems in the
body will also be disrupted because there is no oxygen and nutrients needed for the systems
to function efficiently.
A heart failure affects the blood circulatory system. At the same time, all other systems in the
body will also be disrupted because there is no oxygen and nutrients needed for the systems
to function efficiently.
7. The picture below shows a habit that can disrupt the digestive system. Based on
this situation, state another system in the human body that is also disrupted. *

Blood circulatory system is disrupted because blood vessels become narrow due to the
formation of plaque from the excessive cholesterol in the body.
Skeletal system disrupted because nutrients cannot be transported due to the excessive
cholesterol in the body.

8. State two ways of protecting the systems in the human body to ensure a healthy
life. *
Eating foods that are high in fat and sugar
Not smoking
Living in a clean environment

Correct answer
Not smoking
Living in a clean environment

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