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As the world is developing continuously, technology is more and more modern helping to

expand human capabilities, and the population continues to increase going along with the
increase in living standards, perhaps each individual is seeking more of the right to decide what
they want to do, or in other words, they want to have more power. In a democracy, the rulers of
the nation are by the public and run by and for the people (Admin, 2021). And if rulers do not
work well, people will not elect them in the next election (Admin, 2021). Furthermore,
regardless of their race, gender identity, class, or sexual orientation, the multitude are allowed to
take a part in politics. Thus, democracy provides people with more freedom of speech than any
other form of government. To put forth as the first independent variable, each individual in
that community has more power when living in democracy. To be more specific, democracy
is an important step in achieving equality between oppressed groups by allowing those who
would otherwise be excluded from politics to vote for anything they believe in including the
rulers and the regulations. Obviously, given the right to vote, underprivileged groups are more
likely to help politicians working to end the repressive approaches that are dominant around the
world. Even though democracy itself is not enough to achieve equality, it brings about abundant
possible alternatives. Compared with other systems of government, such as autocracies,
theocracies, and monarchies are relatively worse at reaching equality, as only one person or
group of people can hold ultimate power over the entire population ("Why democracy...", n.d).
This could be one of the reasons why the Democratic party prevailed in both the 2020 elections
in the US and Canada.

Mentioning about the second independent variable, democracy is essentially a very

elastic system that simultaneously allows everyone to have an equal voice and entitles
governments to acclimate to changing ideologies. In fact, the elected politicians usually
consult and urge public opinion as means to sustain political power and to remain well-known.
Although many criticize the credibility of Democratic politicians, representatives actually often
reflect people's beliefs because they guarantee that most of the people's beliefs are reflected in
national regulations and policies ("Why democracy...", n.d). In addition, it serves as an important
control for those in power. As mentioned above, those who don't act according to the majority's
will generally, or act unethically in particular, would be likewise "cast out" of the national office
in the next election.

In a democracy, each individual has rights and power to some extent, yet no one can have
total power. Rulers are elected by people, laws are passed by the majority. Precisely because no
one can completely decide on anything, the people will not be afraid of oppression. The states
can't punish anyone just because they want to, they must act according to the rule (Team, 2020).
Likewise, perhaps it is because democracy is more beneficial to the majority rather than to a
single person or a group of minorities, that the last two elections in the US and Canada, where
the election results were based on the consensus of the majority, the democratic party dominated.

Admin. (2021, March 19). Why is democracy considered the best form of government? - GK
Q&A. BYJU'S. Retrieved January 3, 2022, from

Team, V. C. (2020, December 8). Why is democracy considered as the best form of government?
Why is democracy considered as the best form of go class 6 social science CBSE.
Retrieved January 3, 2022, from

Why democracy is the best we've got. Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. (n.d.).
Retrieved January 3, 2022, from

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