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Jalan TGKH. M. Zainuddin Abdul Madjid Kode Pos. 83612 Pancor, Selong Lombok Timur
Telp. (0376) 21394. Fax. (0376) 22954 Website:http//, e-mail:
Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) Ganjil tahun akademik 2021/2022
Mata Kuliah: Writing in professional context
Name :________________________
Class :________________________
Semester :________________________
Deadline : 15 January 2022 time 04.00 pm at PMB office
Notice : Please submit your worksheet to your head of your class and she/he will hand it to me.

A. Please write 250 descriptive texts about biography of TGKH. M. Zainuddin Abdul Majid, the founder of
Nahdlatul Wathan Pancor.

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