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The Future We Want, The UN We Need

Written by Chinomso Glory Ekejiuba.

Our lives have been reshaped and things will never be the same again. The pandemic of Covid-19 struck
the world with revelations of the negative realities it has been living in, ranging from inequality, racism,
poverty, hunger, poor governance, lack of infrastructure, police brutality to poor education. The
world’s ills and anomalies have come into focus and this, has given everyone a sense of judgment. The
Virtual life replaced the physical life where major activities were all done online, depriving people the
right to an outdoor social life. The true heroes were equally unveiled and just for a moment, life gave
a new perspective.

Now, the real questions are ; ‘What does our future look like ?’

‘How do we fix our problems ?’

As we begin our journey towards recovery, it is important to identify the primary needs of humanity
and see how we can do things differently to create a better environment for co-existence. We believe
that the pandemic is a call for global transformation, a global social renaissance.

The pandemic has analyzed the world’s current state and we can easily figure out what our future
looks like. We can also deduce from the current happenings, that our future looks brighter because of
the clear transition from our old normal life to the new normal life. The world has adjusted and we
have discovered new ways to live, which equally gives us the same result but with only a slight
difference, either positive or negative.

However, nothing could amount to the satisfaction and pleasure we derive from doing some certain
things the ways we have always done them. For example, a virtual hangout can never be the same as
a picnic with friends at the beach nor will an online class replace the mood interpretation of a student
by the teacher.

Moving forward, we should be willing to pick up our pieces, embrace our new reality, blend in and
build a world where everyone can happily live in. This could be done by achieving the 17 Sustainable
Development Goals designed by the United Nations.

The future we want includes nothing less than the following :

-A future where everyone is seen as one and possesses the same right as others irrespective of colour
or race.

-A future where very single life matters ; young or old.

-A future where everyone can have access to quality education.

-A future where everyone can afford at least 3-quare meal per day.

-A future with a good justice system, restoring peace and eradicating police brutality.

-A future of gender equality.

-A future where everyone can be gainfully employed.

-A future with access to good health

-A future with access to reliable, quality and resilient infrastructure.

-A future where terrestrial ecosystems are preserved, restored and sustained.

The future we want can only manifest when we come together and put a stop to factors that create
division and inequality amongst us. We need the action of our constituted authorities like the United
Nations to help us build this desired future. With the collaboration of its 193 member states which
constitutes 98% of the world’s countries, achieving these goals is assured. The social ills that cause
division will no longer exist, therefore giving room for peaceful and equal co-existence.

Nevertheless, let us not forget to keep appreciating humanity and the gifts it brings ; kindness, love
and happiness, for they create an outstanding future for everyone. The future we need starts with us
as individuals, the change we make today determines the life we live tomorrow.


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