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Grade 07
Home work 06 Conducted by - Gayani Suriyapperuma

01. Put the suitable adjective in to the blanks form the box.

Junior , famous , empty , traditional , national

i. We finish our school concert after the ……………………… anthem.

ii. Children in England go to play school before they go to ……………………… school.

iii. Bodisattha came to teacher in ……………………… hand.

iv. He was a ……………………… teacher.

v. We present in the school concert a ……………………… dance.

02. Join the following parts of the sentences. Put the letter in the correct box.

i. I respect you because (a) it gives exercise to the whole body .

ii. She goes to church since (b) I was feeling tired.

iii. we play indoor games because (c) You are my teacher.

iv. They like swimming because (d) She’s Christian.

v. I went to bed early as (e) We have no playground.

03. Write a small description about “ Madduma Bandara ”








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