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Nervous system is made up of cells called neurons.

They are the fundamental units

of the brain and nervous system. Neurons are responsible for receiving sensory
input from the outside world, for coordinating the movements of our muscle, for
transforming and relaying the electrical signals at every step in between. The
basic structural components of neuron includes a nucleus, cell body, dendrites,
nucleus, nodes of Ranvier, myelin sheath, Schwann cell, axon, axon hillock and axon
• Receive information from different parts of the body.
• Collect and unite all the incoming information from different receptors.
• Transmit information to required cells, neurons or glands.

1] CELL BODY: The neurons core is the cell body. It is also called soma. The cell
body contains nucleus and other cellular components like mitochondria, golgi body
and endoplasmic reticulum. These components help in performing different functions
of the cell. The function of the cell body is to maintain genetic structure, to
carry genetic material and provide energy to drive various activities.

2] DENDRITES: The branch-like structure present in the beginning of the neuron is

called dendrites. Dendrites extend from the cell body. The function of the
dendrites is to receive and process messages from other neurons and transmit them
to the cell body. It receives electrical and chemical signals and send them forward
to the axon.

3] NUCLEUS: Nucleus is the most important organelle. It is present in the cell body
of the neuron. Nucleus regulates all the functions of the cell. The cell’s DNA is
present in the nucleus, which is essentially the neuron’s blueprint.

4] AXON: The axon is a tube-like structure. The axon receives the electrical or
chemical signals from the cell body and takes it to other neurons via axon
terminals. It acts like a bridge between receiving and sending of signals. The axon
is covered with myelin sheath.

5] AXON HILLOCK: The junction where the cell body and axon meet is called the axon
hillock .




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