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The century we live in is an era of development.

Development is accompanied by many

consequences, the simplest of which is the negative impact on the environment.

We all know that the environment is very important to human life. But the current situation
shows that today it is sounding the alarm about environmental pollution. The climate is
becoming more extreme and unpredictable, storms and floods, land and water degradation, forest
resources reduction, large-scale environmental pollution... These are all environmental problems
facing all mankind.

People have too much impact on the environment, and they exploited to the point of exhaustion
of resources. They pay more attention to the matters of profit and income instead of the
environnement. The felling of trees and deforestation caused severe damage to many barren hills
and watershed forests, and caused many major floods. Many companies that produce for
immediate profits have taken "shortcuts", discharging waste directly into rivers, chemicals and
waste, causing serious pollution to the river environment.

Nowadays, facing the risk of environmental pollution, people have been taking active measures
to overcome the consequences caused and avoid the negative impacts that will come. We have
"Earth Hour" day, there are programs to contribute to the protection of a green earth, there are
activities of garbage collection, garbage collection at sea, in forests, ... Many countries set out
law prohibits littering, ban smoking,... to protect the environment. They also encourage people to
ride bicycles, to walk to reduce the smoke and dust from gasoline vehicles. The whole world is
joining hands to preserve a beautiful green world, free from environmental pollution.

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