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God’s Gift Bible Study Pathway Ministries


Open: Do you have a friend or family member that you can just talk and talk with freely about
everything? Tell us about that person.

Last week we saw that God, who created the universe is reaching out to have a relationship with us each
one individually. We also saw that for any relationship to grow there needs to be healthy communication.

What is the correct answer as to how God communicates with us?

Today we want to answer 3 important questions: How God gave us the

Bible, Why God gave us the Bible, and How should we listen to God?

I. HOW God Gave Us The Bible –

Let’s look in…
a. II Peter 1:19-21 - How did God give us the Bible?
b. II Peter 3:2 – Who did God give His Words through?
c. John 14:25,26 – Who showed the apostles what to

Since God’s own Holy Spirit gave us the Bible, we know it is TRUE. Therefore anything that
disagrees with the Bible must be ____________

Since the Bible is from God, what place should the Bible Have in a person’s life?

From God The Truth  Final Authority For All People

For all People: The Apostles wrote in the Greek language. In Greek there are
two levels of writing. One is KOINE Greek, and the other is CLASSICAL
Greek. Classical was for the educated and religious leaders. Koine was for
the masses. The apostles used the Koine Greek because God wants the Bible
to be for all people. He wants all people to know the truth about Him. He
wants everyone to read it.

II. WHY God Gave Us the Bible

a. According to John 20:30-31, why did the apostle John write this gospel?
b. In I John 5:13 what does John say about the purpose of the Bible?
c. What is the difference between “knowing” and “hoping?”
d. Do YOU know, are you sure that you have eternal life, that you will go to heaven if you
die tonight?

God wants us to be with Him in Life and in Eternity, and He wants us to know it. We can
find out how in the Bible.

III. How Can We Listen to God?

Lesson 2 – page 1
There are 4 ways we should listen to God’s Word
Acts 17:11,12 –What three things did the people of Berea do when the Apostle Paul
preached to them?
i. R_________________________________
ii. E_________________________________
iii. B_________________________________
b. James 1:22 – What is the fourth thing we should do when we read or study God’s Word?
iv. A___________________________________

As you start reading your Bible, make the decision that you will do what
it says. After hearing and examining it, Believe it and apply it to your

SUMMARY: Trust the Bible To Guide Your Life – Map Illustration

Imagine that a friend moves away to a barrio where you have never visited before. This friend writes you
and asks you to visit. She sends you directions and a map. It clearly tells you which jeepney to take and
where to get off. The map shows you how to walk to her house. Since her directions are correct, is it
possible for you to go the wrong way? How might you go wrong?

There are several ways you could go wrong: 1) you do not read the letter; 2) you don’t trust her directions
and go your own way. That’s the same with the Bible. God has given us His Word so that we will know
the only way to heaven. The Bible is accurate and clear. A personal relationship with Jesus is the only
way. But many people are still lost and don’t know Jesus and don’t know if they are on their way to
heaven. Why? Because they do not read the Bible and therefore, do not follow its guidelines.

Will you decide today to start reading God’s map and following it?

Prayer: Dear God. Today I understand that you want me to know you more through reading the Bible.
Today I will start reading your Word and following your ways. Please speak to me through your Word. I
ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

 Listen To God: If you are not yet following another Bible reading plan start reading the New
Testament. Begin with Matthew Chapters 1-7 this week, asking God to help you get to know Him
better through His Word.

 Pass it On: Share something you learned in this lesson today that impacted you and that you want
to pass on to someone else this week.

Lesson 2 – page 2

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