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Elizabeth Reina

Online dating draft

“I can’t believe how convenient online dating is. Now my dream of finding love can be crushed
more efficiently and in the privacy of my own home.” Tammera 21, a Pinterest user posted this
quote which illustrates some people's feelings about online dating. Despite the memes and the
funny quotations that surround online dating, the experience of finding love through the Internet
seems to become a more common practice.

These days, online dating is more common among people, mainly because it seems to be
easier and there are plenty of web sites and apps which offer finding the love of your life, a night
stand or at least getting to know people. According to two studies carried out by the Pew
Research Centre in USA, in a period of ten years, positive thoughts about online dating as a
good way to meet people, increased from 44% to 59%.

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