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Welcome Address


The highest place in the world/ is not found on top of Mt. Everest/
but at the Lord’s feet./ You don’t need to climb up/…. Just kneel down
and pray/… Life maybe tough and difficult/ but the values we gain from
trials/ make it all worth the journey/… And for everything that happens
in our lives,/ there is a reason,/ and/ there is a mission./ Let the reason be

Esteemed Schools Division Superintendent’s duly

authorized Representative/ Ma’am Jovy G.Molina/ Supportive
Barangay Council/spearheaded /by the Barangay Captain/
Honorable Glorio D. Sajulga/ Beloved Principal,/ Mrs. Leny G.
Ama,/ Barangay Kagawad Elizabeth L. Padada,/ chairman
Committee on Education/ our distinguished Guest Speaker,
/which will be introduced to us later/ dear teachers, PTA
Officials under the baton of Mr. Victor Atillo, /loving parents,/
schoolmates, classmates, friends, ladies and
gentlemen………………. Good Afternoon!

It is indeed a great honor and privilege having your

most precious time to be with us in one of the most
significant events in our lives; our graduation day
with the theme; “Sabay-sabay na Hakbang Tungo sa
Maunlad na Kinabukasan!”

As the saying that goes, “The journey of a

thousand miles begins with a single step.” We would
not have gone this 6 years’ stay in school without
your countless dedication, patience and
perseverance, so we would be able to continue the
first into the next steps toward the brighter future
I do believe that with the collaborative efforts of
our dear parents, beloved teachers, and respected
local government officials we would be able to
continue our journey in reaching towards the miles
of success!
Thus, in behalf of my schoolmates, I warmly
say,/….. Welcome to this 52nd Graduation
Thank you/ and once again,/
Good Afternoon!
is what Aglayan Central School experienced upon
trudging to a road towards achieving the most
desired goals and objectives. The school has brought
about better or best changes and great signs of
development and progress in the different aspects.
As the days went on and changing to its fast
quest of life, people who are concerned for the
common good never wasted time and effort to
improve the school in various ways, such as the
stuffs in teaching, its facilities and have enhanced
school landscapes.
Apparently, the school is constantly receiving
honors, benefits and possible opportunities for
improvement. This is because of the ever supportive
internal as well as the external stakeholders; our
provincial, city and barangay officials, the Non-
government organizations, business institutions, the
parents who continuously provide endless support.
They served as stewards over the possible needs of
the school amidst inadequacies, to enhance the
quality of education, to produce outstanding,
knowledgeable and well prepared pupils, ready to
face any challenges, thus outstanding teachers and
administrators also have come out for that endeavor.

As an idiomatic expressions states, “It’s raining

cats and dogs,” which means a “heavy downpour,” a
downpour of graces and “When it rains, it pours,”
are felt by us because we are working our task as a
sign of love as exampled by God as the reason and
for love as our mission to the realization of such
The school had not come this far without the
above collaborators in progress. Take a look in a
family; it could never be called a family with the
absence of one. It needs a triad relationship; the
father, the mother and the child/children. In the
school, to search for a meaning there should have the
teacher, the pupils and the parents, a trinomial effort,
and for today’s quest, the school, the department and
you, evaluators.
This afternoon, I’m pleased to introduce to you
the goal leaders. (Presentation of each goal
Thank you and an empowered day to all of us!

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