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6 The Keyboard The keyboard is made up of white keys and black keys. The black keys are in groups of twos and threes. 2blacks 3 blacks 2blacks 3 blacks 2 blacks 3 blacks AYN A NAAN LOW SOUNDS DOWN (Lower) HIGH SOUNDS UP (Higher) On the keyboard, DOWN is to the LEFT, and UP is to the RIGHT. ‘As you move LEFT, the tones sound LOWER. As you move RIGHT, the tones sound HIGHER. Play the 2-BLACK-KEY groups! RH 2. Using RH 2 3, begin at the middle and play all the 2-black-key groups | Fy Bl going (UP the keyboard (both keys at once) Play the 3-BLACK-KEY groups! LH 1. Using LH 2 3, begin at the middle and play all the 2-black-key groups going the keyboard (both keys at once) LH 3. Using LH 2 3 4, begin at the middle and play all the 8-black-key groups going the keyboard (all three keys at once) RH 4. Using RH 2 3 4, begin at the middle and play all the 3-black-key groups going the keyboard {all three keys at once). Name That Key! Piano keys are named for the first seven letters of the alphabet, beginning with A. Each white key is recognized by its position in or next to a black key group! For example: A's are found between the TOP TWO KEYS of each 3-BLACK-KEY GROUP. Play the following. Use LH 3 for keys below the middle of the keyboard. Use RH 3 for keys above the middle of the keyboard. Say the name of each key aloud as you play! Play all the A’s (on your piano. Play all the B's. Play all the C's. Play all the D's. Play all the E's. Play all the F's. Play all the G's. i" You can now name every white key on your piano! The key names are A B C D E F G, used over and over! CT ey The C nearest the The lowest key middle of the piano is ‘on your piano is Al called MIDDLE C. Going UP the keyboard, the notes sound HIGHER and HIGHER! Play and name every white key beginning with bottom A. Use LH 3 for keys below middle C, and RH 3 for keys above middle C. You are now ready to begin ADULT THEORY BOOK 1 and ADULT FLASHCARDS. 8 Right Hand C Position Place the RH on the keyboard so that the 1st FINGER falls on MIDDLE C. Let the remaining 4 fingers fall naturally on the next 4 white keys. Keep the fingers curved and relaxed. 7 The names of the 5 keys are in ALPHABETICAL ORDER: C D E F G. Notes for this position are written on the TREBLE STAFF. ‘The TREBLE STAFF has 5 lines and 4 spaces. Fingering: 9 9 4 5 Middle C is written on a short line | TREBLE CLEF SiG below the staff, called a leger line. used for RH note: soe ao Dis written in the space below the staff. Each next higher note is written on the next higher line or space. RIGHT HAND Warm-Up 4))* Play the following WARIV-UP. Say the name of each note aloud as you play. Repeat until you can play smoothly and evenly. As the notes go higher on the keyboard, they are written higher on the staff! Fingers: 1 & * afi) This symbol indicates the track number of the selection on the CD and cassette tape, See the General MARU INN ante nlnowin far tha GM frank niimhare 10 Left Hand C Position Place the LH on the keyboard so that the Sth FINGER falls on the C BELOW (to the left of MIDDLE C. Let the remaining fingers fall naturally on the next 4 white keys. Keep the fingers curved and relaxed. Notes for this position are written on the BASS STAFF. ‘The BASS STAFF also has faa ca gee: 5 lines and 4 spaces. eae BASS CLEF SIGN: SS epbrtl eiderdetle used for LH notes. is written on the sacond space of the staff. Each next higher note is written ‘on the next higher line or space. Lert HAND Warm-Up 4) Play the following WARM-UP. Say the name of each note aloud as you play. Repeat until you can play smoothly and evenly. Fingers: 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 lq 3 2 1 | ‘When notes are BELOW the MIDDLE LINE of the staff, the stems usually point UP. | ‘When notes are ON or ABOVE the MIDDLE LINE, the stems usually point DOWN. Quarter Notes & Half Notes Music is made up of short tones and long tones. We write these tones in notes, and we measure their lengths by counting. The combining of notes into patterns is called RHYTHM. Quarter Note Half Note a short note. a long note. COUNT: ale COUNT: ilieaae or: “Quarter” or: “Half note” Clap (or tap) the following rhythm. Clap ONCE for each note, counting aloud. Notice how the BAR LINES divide the music into MEASURES of equal duration. eee MEASURE MEASURE MEASURE MEASURE —> BAR BAR BAR DOUBLE BAR LINE LINE LINE used at the end ODE TO JOY (theme trom Beethoven's sth Symphony) e4)) 1. Clap (or tap) the rhythm evenly, counting aloud 2. Play & sing (or say) the finger numbers, 3. Play & count. 4, Play & sing (or say) the note names. Fingers: 3 45, 5 4 8 2 12 3 You are now ready to beain ADULT SIGHT READING ROOK + W The Whole Note Whole Note a very long note. oO COUNT: ‘1-2-3. 4" ‘or: “Whole note hold down” Clap (or tap) the following rhythm. Clap ONCE for each note, counting aloud. didd|iid [Jsdsl/o. | AURA LEE i) This melody was made into a popular song, "LOVE ME TENDER,” sung by Elvis Presley. Clap (or tap) the rhythm, counting aloud. Play & sing (or say) the finger numbers. Play & count. Rea Play & sing (or say) the note names. ‘As the black- bird inthe Spring, ‘neath the wil- low treo Fingers: 5 3 4 3 2 sat and piped, | heard him sing, sing- ing “Au- ra Lee.” w » a » > > a > > > a NOTES: c i This 1S A Nore: The HEAD A-NOTE HAS THREE PARTS. THEY ARE The STEM The FLAG y NOTES MAY BE PLACED IN THE STA, ABOVE THe STA, eo ‘AND BELOW THE STAFF. ob A note will bear the name of the line or space it occupies on the staff. The location of a note in, above or below the staff will indicate the Pitch. PITCH: the height or depth of a tone. TONE: a musical sound, TYPES OF NOTES oO THE TYPE OF NOTE WILL INDICATE THE LENGTH OF ITs SOUND. COTHIS IS A WHOLE NOTE. THE HEAD IS HOLLOW. © = 4 Beats IT DOES NOT HAVE A STEM. A WHOLE-NOTE WILL RECEIVE FOUR BEATS OR COUNTS. THIS 1S A HALF NOTE THE HEAD IS HOLLOW. = 2 BEATS IT HAS A STEM. ‘A HALF-NOTE WILL RECEIVE TWO BEATS OR COUNTS. THIS 1S A QUARTER NOTE THE HEAD IS SOLID. = 1 BEAT IT HAS A STEM, ‘A QUARTER NOTE WILL RE- CEIVE ONE BEAT OR COUNT. THIS IS AN EIGHTH NOTE ap THE HEAD IS SOLID. % BEAT IT HAS A STEM AND A FLAG. AN EIGHTH-NOTE WILL RECEIVE ONE- HALF BEAT OR COUNT. (2 FOR 1 BEAT) 69 90 RESTS: ‘A REST iso sign used to designate a period of silence. This period of silence will be of the same duration of time as the note to which it corresponds STS Is A HALF REST. NOTE THAT IT LAYS ON THE LINE, THEE ——_Tus Is A WHOLE REST. NOTE THAT IT HANGS DOWN FROM THE LINE, NOTES EF xe SE z WHOLE HALE ‘QUARTER, EIGHTH 4 COUNTS 2. COUNTS 1 COUNT 2 FOR 1 COUNT RESTS THE TIME SIGNATURE = == = THE ABOVE EXAMPLES ARE THE COMMON TYPES OF TIME SIGNATURES TO BE USED IN THIS BOOK THE TOP NUMBER INDICATES THE NUMBER OF BEATS PER MEASURE, BEATS PER MEASURE 4 THE BOTTOM NUMBER INDICATES 4 ‘A QUARTER-NOTE RECEIVES THE TYPE OF NOTE RECEIVING (ONE BEAT ONE BEAT. SIONIFIES 50 CALIED "COMMON TIE” AND IS SIMPLY ANOTHER WAY OF orsionatinc $ 1ne THE RUDIMENTS OF MUSIC THE STAFF: Music is written on a STAFF consisting of FIVE LINES and FOUR SPACES. The lines and spaces are numbered upward as shown: ain 2NO SPACE ‘THE LINES AND SPACES ARE NAMED AFTER LETTERS OF THE ALPHABET. The LINES ore named as follows: ‘ ©) © 3 (B) Fine =O os ; Good The letters can easily be remembered by the sentence — Every The letter-names of the SPACES are: a ae SS ee 1 E They spell the word F-A-C-E The musical alphabet has seven letters — A B C D E F G The STAFF is divided into measures by vertical lines called BARS BAR BAR DOUBLE BARS MARK THE END OF A SECTION OR STRAIN OF MUSIC. MEASURE MEASURE MEASURE THE CLEF: THE SECOND LINE OF THE TRELE CLEF 15_KNOWN AS THIS SIGN IS THE TREBLE ye G LINE. MANY PEOPLE OR G CLEF. CALL THE TREBLE. CLEF THE G CLEF BECAUSE IT CIRCLES AROUND THE G LINE 2 Snead orerrergagaIgIaan OAD LEMMA ADANAARAMADM Treble & Bass Clef Notes The Grand Staff CDEFGABCDEF ara GABCDEFGAB The Treble Clef HB aie Gee ea eee Every Good Boy Does Fine The Bass Clef GB pF A Good Boys Do Fine Always "Face" All Cows Eat Grass 12 The Grand Staff The BASS STAFF and TREBLE STAFF, when joined together with a BRACE, make up the GRAND STAFF. Treble Clet ~~. Brace > Bass Clef 5/4321 TIME SIGNATURE 4 means 4 beats to each measure. Music has numbers at the beginning J called the TIME SIGNATURE. 4 means a QUARTER NOTE @ gets one beat. PLAYING ON THE The following practice procedure is recommended GRAND STAFF 4) for the rest of the pieces in this book: 1. Clap (or tap) & count. Only the starting finger number 2. Play & count. for each hand is given. 3. Play & sing the words, if any. i This sign =© is a WHOLE REST. LHis silent a whole measure! RH silent a whole measure. 5 The double dots mean repeat from the beginning, You are now ready to begin ADULT FINGER AEROBICS. About Chords Chords symbols represent a set of three or more notes. Each chord symbol includes several parts that tell you how the chard should sound. These parts include: 1) The root - This part is shown with an alphabet letter like the letter C or D, and tells you the note on which the chord is built. 2)The chord quality - This part tells us what kind of color the chord should have. The symbol for a major chord is a single upper case letter. The symbol for a minor chord is a upper case letter followed bya lower case letter“m’, 3) Chord extentions - This part, shown by placing a number after to the alphabet letter, extends the colors of the chord by adding one or more notes above the triad. Examples include C7 and Dm7. Inverted Chords Sometimes you will want to change the way a chord is played to make it easier to move from one chord to the next. This can be accomplished by inverting the chord. This simply means to make a different chord member the lowest note. Example: Root Position Ist Inversion 2nd Inversion (Cis the lowest note) (Eis the lowest note) (Gis the lowest note) Accompanying with Chords Here's an example of a simple accompaniment in 4 Notice how the right hand chords are written in a way to avoid big jumps, and the left hand plays the chord root. Example: Bye Copyright © 2014 wawemakingmusicfun net Piano Chord. Chart for Beginners | ce ne ee ev AAAI UAE a, I ye ec ee cere ee as) nnnpaag geen a HW mn Buen a gem man A mut Bu a HA A Buen a Aun Tm oWl9Y} ASplig s.IBAA EAS “P'Cer ot op lepe Peter ae P Caat—-D—-, Cid-—-D-—, Gaa-—-p-—-9 os son FES Raiders March John Williams : Fh 6s = Ss rate FA ae : = EF Ge DEF GA Br ABede EF a pa =: PF _ = 1 a = +. ac =z J a G def GGe d Ge dG d Gf d imrerecrrsrens ered Jere scree ese : Sey igis oy =H — —= : 2 = + Sa 6 a - o qo Vv a Pp ° v qo Vv | ==— =* ; = 2 e SURITIEAA tOL YO ALY wo. away], S,SIMpoyy Ode to Joy vO Oo dU : Teo Vv ra ra vO Ba yy ral F iy Pa ea Pa PR vO a vu vu pee ines Pa jeu po ew es ae lhe he tin ee 9} ho eo 90 te HTP

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