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Name : Shafiyyah Ramadhani Arafa

NIM : 205040100111013
Class : E

Assignment TM.12 Agricultural and Rural Sociology

1. Social changes in agriculture can involve social values, social norms,
behavioral patterns in organizations, institutions that exist in the social
system, layers in society, social interaction, power and authority in society.
2. Changes in social dimensions are divided into 3, namely:
a. The dimension of cultural change that occurs in society gives rise to
cultural innovation, there is cultural innovation marked by the emergence
of new technology, so that people's needs are increasingly complex, so
that they can change the lifestyle that exists in society. For example, the
change in lifestyle in a village that initially only had coffee shops, now
there are several cafes complete with WiFi facilities.
b. The dimension of structural change is a change in the shape of the
structure of society which involves changes in roles, the emergence of
new roles, changes in social class structures, and changes in social
institutions. For example, there is a change in the addition or reduction of
the role of the community in the field of education, initially in a village
there is no high school so that the average education of the community in
the village is only up to junior high school. However, after the existence
of a high school in the village, the village community was able to attend
high school to college.
c. The dimension of interactional change is a change in frequency.
Technological developments have led to a reduction in the frequency of
individuals to meet each other face to face, all needs to interact can be
met with the existence of technology. The development of information
and communication technology has shifted the face-to-face function in a
limited or unlimited interaction process. For example, with mobile phone
technology, people don't waste time and energy, it is enough to use
mobile phones to communicate. Not only young people, but parents also
choose to use cellphones rather than face to face interactions because of
the efficiency of time and energy.
These changes also have an impact on the thinking of the village
community on the gender aspect, especially the view of women. The
position of women is considered equal to that of men. Not only in terms
of education but also in terms of work. Women do not only work in the
domestic sector but can also work in the public sector.
3. There are internal factors and external factors to changes in social dimensions
in society.
a. Internal factors
An increase in the level of education causes the mindset of the
community, especially children, to change to become more advanced
even though it can be a boomerang for their parents and will cause
changes in social stratification between children who only graduate from
junior high school and those who graduate from high school to continue
to college.
b. External factors
The entry of foreign cultures in the era of globalization has a very rapid
impact on people's lives. The development of mass media such as
television, radio, internet, and telecommunications media has led to
changes in lifestyle for the community, especially in villages so that
many teenagers are carried away by the flow of western and Korean
culture. In addition, different cultures can also be obtained from
immigrant communities. Indirectly, the existence of immigrant
communities brought changes to the indigenous people of the village,
because the immigrants brought changes both in terms of habits,
clothing, and mindset.
4. The comparison was state in the time change occurs. In the theory of the
dimension of social change in rural areas, it is stated that it seems as if these
changes occur rapidly, whereas in fact during the case studies/articles written
by Cholifah and Hariyanto (2017) this change occurs gradually as the times
and existing technology develop.

Cholifah, S., & Hariyanto, S. 2017. Perubahan Sosial Masyarakat Desa Jamprong
Pasca Pendirian SMP Satu Atap. Paradigma. Volume 05 Nomor 03.

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