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Choose the correct answer

1- "Sara is learning Vietnamese".

He told me that Sara ________ Vietnamese.
   will learn
   was learning

2- "My mother is going to cook dinner for us".

She told me that her mother ________ dinner for us.
   would cook
   would be cooking

3- "I am writing an email to my sister."

He told me that he ________ an email to his sister.
   is writing
   was writing

4- "Yeah, I've been to France.".

My friend told me that he ________ to France.
   had been

2. Change to reported questions!

a. He asked: “Do you live in the country Tom?”

- He asked me ________________________________________________________

b. She wanted to know: “Will we get there on time, Peter?” –

- She wanted to know____________________________________________________

c. The professor asked me:” have you ever worked with groups from abroad?”
- The professor asked me ________________________________________________

d. Jerry wanted to know: “Are you going to be a lawyer Kevin?”

- Jerry wanted to know ___________________________________________________

e. The trainer wanted to know:” Can you do your best boys?”

- the trainer wanted to know _______________________________________________

f. The policeman wondered: “Don’t you know the traffic regulations?”

g. The policeman wondered ________________________________________________

h. The residents asked: “Are you going to have our roads repaired, mayor?”
- The residents asked the mayor ____________________________________________

i. Jenna asked: “Do I have to sweep the floor after work?”

- Jenna asked __________________________________________________________

j. The pilot asked:” Have you prepared the runway for our flight?”
- The pilot asked ________________________________________________________

4. Now you're telling your friend what Frank told you. Choose the correct option.

He said he (1)__________ just got engaged. He told me that he (2) __________ next year. He told
me (3) __________ to Paris for their honeymoon. He mentioned that it (4) __________ very
expensive. He said that his friend (5) __________ and he (6) __________ the photos for them. He
mentioned that they (7) __________ the reception in his parents' garden. He admitted that (8)
__________. He said his sister’s band (9) __________. He said he (10) __________ I'd come to the

(1) have / had

(2) was getting / getting
(3) they were going / they going
(4) was all to being / was all going to be
(5) will be a photographer / was a photographer
(6) would take / will take
(7) be having / would be having
(8) his mum was baking a cake for them / my mum is baking a cake for us
(9) was playing free for them. / is playing free for us
(10) hope / hoped

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