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Uneori oamenii pot sa puna prea mare atentie frumusetei fizice ,ce de obicei poate sa duca la

narcisism, deoarece ei pun accent pe cea exterioara si aproape nicioadata nu se gandesc ca

deseori frumusetea interioara este mai bogata decat cea din afara. In general frumusetea
adevarata porneste de la o inima curata a carei frumusete predomina cea interioara. E mai greu
sa creezi ceva legaturi cu alte persoane numai cu ajutorul frumusetei fizice dar daca scoti masca
si ii deschizi frumusetea ta adevarata ascunsa, ei cel mai probabil isi pot schimba parerea
asupra ta caci in afara esti o persoana dar din inauntru vor afla ca tot timpul erai altul.

Sometimes people may pay too much attention to physical beauty, which can usually lead(lid)
to narcissism(нарсэсизэм), because they focus on the outer(аутэ) and almost(олмост) never
think that inner(инэ) beauty is often richer than the outer. In general, true beauty starts from a
pure() heart(хат) whose inner beauty predominates. It is difficult to create some connections
with other people only with the help of physical beauty but if you take off the mask and open
your true hidden(хидн) beauty, they can most likely change their mind about you because
outside you are a person but inside they will find out that everything the time was different.

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