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Master: Mayra Jacomé

Asignatura: ENG 120

Tema: the different types of adjectives.

Valor: 3%
 Students will do a synoptic table of the different types of adjectives.

The Adjectives

Number Adjetives
1 Good
2 Great
3 Handsome
4 happy
5 Angry
6 Asleep
7 Bad
8 Beautiful
9 Bright
10 Cold
11 Cool
12 Delicate
13 Dirty
14 False
15 Far
16 Free
17 Full
18 Hard
19 Hot
20 Lovely
Students will write a conversation using adjectives.

Carlos, our boss, is richer than your father.

His wife Laura is a great woman. in Paris she is famous because she likes her
culture, she always dresses in dresses alluding to her country, they are very pretty.
It's something very unusual
for its traditional culture.
But if we talk about your father, he is the most generous man in the entire region,
he is well known and very job-oriented, a hard-working man who gets up very early
in the morning and finishes his work day very late.

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