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Name : Yusril

ID : A 121 20 053

Class : B

Exercise 2

1. the book that I read was good.

2. i liked the woman who I met at the party last night.

3.i like the composition that You wrote it.

4. the people who we visited yesterday were very nice.

5.the man is that i was telling you about is standing over there Ann brought him to the party.

Exercise 3

1. the meeting which I went to was interesting.

2. the man to whom i talked to yesterday was very kind.

3. i must thank the people from whom I got a present.

4. the picture which she was looking it was beautiful.

5. the man who i was telling you about is over there.

6. i ran into a woman that I had gone to the elementary school with.

7. the topic which Omar talked about it was interesting.

8. the people to whom I spoke was friendly.

9. olga wrote an topic about which she knew nothing.

10. the candidate for whom i voted didn’t win the election.

Exercise 4

1.Did i tell you about the woman who i met last night?

2.the woman that i was dancing with stepped on my toe.

3.the report which Joe is writing must be finished by Friday.

4.the doctor who examined the sick child was gentle.

5.the people that i was waiting for were late.

6.Did your here about the earthquake which occured in california?

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