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Fundamentals, Applications and Strategy

Edited by
Simone Badal
University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica

Rupika Delgoda
University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica


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10 PART | I Pharmacognosy 101 Concept of Molecular Pharmacognosy

a. Molecular Identification of Medicinal Raw Materials
G Molecular identification has the advantage of not being impacted by the environment.
G The identity of the medicinal raw materials is determined with the use of molecular markers.
G It allows the morphological variation of medicinal raw materials to be described more precisely.
b. Phylogenetic Trees and the Evolution of Medicinal Plants and Animals
G The phylogenetic trees of medicinal plant and animals are determined based on their gene sequence analysis of
chloroplast and nuclear genome, and may be used for the identification of new potential drugs among species
which are closely related to known medicinal species.
c. Evaluation and Preservation of Germplasm Resources
G Germplasm resources are used in the selection and propagation of new medicinal species, and in the sustainable
use and development of available resources.
d. Biosynthesis and Regulation of Active Components in Medicinal Plants and Microorganisms
Molecular Pharmacognosy can also be involved in the biosynthesis and regulation of active plant metabolites.
Methods used in the regulation of secondary metabolites are biotransformation and recombinant DNA. Transgenic
techniques aimed at increasing the percentage of active components present in plants are also available.
e. Mechanism of Endangerment and Protection of Endangered Medicinal Plants and Animals
Conservation of genetic biodiversity is an essential objective in the protection of endangered species. Molecular
markers, based on DNA polymorphisms and gene sequences, facilitate the evaluation of DNA variation, thereby
identifying which plants and animals should be actively protected. Techniques
Techniques in molecular Pharmacognosy include molecular markers, gene chips, recombinant DNA, and protein
analysis. Applications of Molecular Pharmacognosy

Molecular Pharmacognosy has diverse applications which include quality control and standardization of plant-based
medicinal agents, identification and validation of new drugs, accumulation of secondary metabolites, DNA expression,
and genetic diversity. Prospects of Molecular Pharmacognosy

G Molecular identification of medicinal plants.
G Functional genome research related to plant secondary metabolites.
G New ideas and methods for the core identification and collection of genes.

1.5.3 Ecopharmacognosy
The emerging term of ecopharmacognosy is defined as “the study of sustainable, biologically active natural resources.”
As a philosophical approach, it provides a consensual framework for developing new strategies and new scientific
perspectives which may improve future global product accessibility and assured beneficial outcome [42].
A wide range of ecological factors affects secondary metabolites. These include drought [43], salinity [44], tempera-
ture [45], climate change [46], light [47], and nutrient stress [48]. Therefore, if we continue to exploit our natural
resources the way we have, then the question is asked, “what will be the source of natural medicines decades
from now?”


Pharmacognosy as a multiplex of overlapping and integrated sciences is at the forefront of numerous technological
advances, both in the laboratory and the field. Thus, Pharmacognosists are involved in a number of selected activities
and these include:
G Identification of natural drug sources.
G Determination of morphological characters.
Background to Pharmacognosy Chapter | 1 11

G Planning for the cultivation of medicinal plants.

G Protocol development and/or implementation of processes involved in the collection, drying, and preservation of
crude drug material.
G Evaluation of crude natural drugs microscopically, macroscopically, genetically, chemically, and biologically, for
quality control purposes.
G Evaluation of the Pharmacology of crude extracts and active constituents.
G Isolation and characterization of active secondary metabolites from natural sources.
G Involved in interdisciplinary relationships with ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology, botany, chemistry, enzymology,
genetics, pharmacology, horticulture, quality control, and biotechnology among others.
G Legal and regulatory issues.

1.6.1 The Function of Pharmacognosy in Society

Several gaps exist in the worldwide health care system and some of these are:
1. Per capita expenditures by countries on health care [49].
2. The number of trained physicians per thousand population in various countries [50].
3. The overall global access to medicinal agents including those for rare diseases [51 53].
4. The depletion of natural resources [40].
There is currently a major disparity in monetary allocations for medical research as approximately 90% of a US
$110 billion expenditure is used to treat 10% of global health problems [54]. Such worldwide expenditure by the medi-
cal community targets treatments primarily for the wealthy, and stifles innovation in the drug discovery arena, as 75%
of approved drugs in the United States, France, and Canada showed no added therapeutic benefit, and only 5% were
“breakthrough” drugs. Secondly, to date, despite the critical role of natural product sciences in global health care, there
is still a deficiency in the number of professionals in this arena, and the disparity of trained physicians per thousands of
the population is too grave in certain parts of the world. Thirdly, accessing certain drugs in some parts of the world is
a challenge, given the high cost of drug importation which makes traditional medicines the only rational alternative
approach. Finally, if natural resources are exploited as in the past, what happens decades from now for our children and
their children?
The question is then asked, how does Pharmacognosy fill these gaps? Encouraging collaborative efforts in natural
products research between developing and developed countries is certainly one way to proceed and this can be initiated
through an international context like WHO (World Health Organization) or through independent bodies like the recently
developed Society for Scientific Advancement (SoSA). In 2006, the WHO Commission on Intellectual Property,
Innovation, and Public Health (CIPIH) encouraged initiatives that boost patent protection within developing countries
toward improving the declining quality and quantity of drug innovation. Such initiatives are also geared toward filling
the gap of drug discoveries of the developing world. In addition, several funding agencies like TWAS, OWSD, and the
Gates Foundation are aggressive in their efforts to pump funds into developing countries toward filling these gaps.
Bodies like SoSA [55], facilitate intellectual discourse and collaborative ties with scientists from a first world context
with scientists from the developing world.
The number of trained experts in natural product research and medicine needs attention and these individuals also
need a forum of influence. Such efforts are evident in Japan, as the Japanese Liaison of Oriental Medicine (www.jlom. provides an environment where major scientific societies involved in traditional medicine and the WHO
Collaborating Centers for Traditional Medicine based in Japan can come together. Such initiatives encourage an
increase in professionals in these fields and act as a source of advice for the government, steering the way for future
directional natural products research and drug development from these sources. In addition to these benefits, other
benefits to be had are an open discourse of the need for more feasible global access to relevant medicaments.
This takes us to the point of the prudent and urgent need to conduct natural products research in a sustainable
manner. Can Pharmacognosy fix this? Ecopharmacognosy, briefly mentioned previously, addresses this. It provides a
critical area for us to consider and implement sustainable approaches to medicinal plant preparation and utilization,
thereby safeguarding our natural resources and economic standing for the future. Every day, ecopharmacognosy has
applications in plant sourcing, drug discovery, DNA barcoding, and conservation. Such applications have paved the
way for safer recyclable solvents, enhanced efficient energy reactions, reduced use of chromatographic solvents, renew-
able feed-stocks, environmentally friendly by-products, and exploring common plants as chemical reagents [40].

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