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Dear Manager of the Travell-Tour company,

I am writing regarding a tour that my group of friends and I took

with your company last week. I can say that this tour is not the
cheapest one in my life, and we pay a good amount of money .You
said  that we would see some of the most interesting sights of the
city. Since we had visited the city before, we looked forward to
seeing some new attractions.
On the morning our tour guide picked us up in a small, tiny bus.
We were shocked. It did not look like any tour bus I had ever seen.
Our tour guide drove us to the waterproof area, where were
overcrowded and said that we could explore the area on our
own. The tour guide added that he had to leave for a short time to
arrange our lunch, so we were absolutely lost. And in particular,
there was nothing difficult to put on the table, cooked lunch
Two hours had gone by, and by the time the tour guide came
back! My friend and I was very angry and confronted him. I told
him that this was the worst tour I had ever been on. If you want
people to come and go with good impressions of you, be kind and
make sure that all your employees are exactly doing their job. AT
the same time make your tour more comfortable and enjoyable, at
least with capacity bus which has all the necessary conditions.
I am asking for a complete refund of the price of the tour. Please
send a check to the our address for $300.00 at your earliest
convenience. I have attached  a copy of the receipt for this tour.

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