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HI, I’m here with mister X, he’s a being from outer space, I’m going to ask mister X some

about his work life and school life in outer space, so let’s start:

Me: Hi mister X, hope your doing well outside, first of all tell us, what’s your occupation out there?

X: Hi Rodolfo, hm I’m an intergalactic transporter, but at the mornings I’m a normal Science

Me: pls tell us how difficult is being a part time intergalactic transporter and a student?

X: Well its tough because I barely have free time to do my things such as go to intermall etc.

Me: Its Seems to be really tough, keeping on the interview, do you have issues with grades etc.?

X: I really don’t, but sometimes I only sleep like 2 hrs. because I’m working and studying.

Me: I see I See, ok now here it comes the last question for you mister x, what do you like doing the
most, being student or a part time intergalactic transporter?

X: well I spend more time on school so is more distressing being at my vehicle, but answering your
question I prefer being on school because I’m preparing myself to do what I always wanted to.

Me: Thank you for being on my interview, have a nice one.

X: thanks to you for inviting me

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