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Young Christian Students (Y.C.S)

Theme: Serious in my Conversion, I prepare to see the Salvation of God…

*Luke3: 3a.4.5b-6.7-8a.15-16
*Matthew3: 1-3.5a-6.7-8.11

 What is a Recollection ?
Recollection originates from the Latin words Recolligere or Recollection meaning to gather
Surely, we gather or remember something or things from the past i.e. our Memories, good as
well as bad, our successes as well as our failures.
And the Month of December is the appropriate time to carry out this exercise, to remember
and make a self-examination in order to get set and enter the new year, with a new spirit,
completely regenerated or afresh, anew: « The inner self is renewed, from day to day…  »
2Cor4: 16b or  « Throw out, then, the old yeast and be new dough… Let us celebrate… no
longer with old yeast, which is sin and perversity let us have unleavened bread, that is
purity and sincerity… » 1Cor5: 7a.8b

 What does December mean to you ?

It can refer to: Enjoyment, Break, Christmas, Love, Friends, Fresh Start, Cold, Warm
(someone to cuddle with) etc…

 What is Advent ?
Advent comes from the Latin verb Ad-venire meaning « to come » (ad-to; venire-come)
We then have the word Adventus, referring to Advent meaning « Arrival » or « Coming »
Advent is therefore the season during which christians prepare for the coming of Jesus;
everyone prepares one’s heart during this period.

 Characteristics of Advent
The colours, they can be seen each on the Advent’s candles; Purple, Pink and White.
*Purple stands to signify Repentance, Conversion, Fasting.
*Pink stands to signify Joy.
*White stands to signify Purity.

Br. Joseph Daniel BOAYEHOK of Saint Joseph, Husband of Mary, Sch.P

Another characteristic is the Four Sundays during which we get ready to enter into the
Christmas season; The 1st Sunday is of Hope, the 2nd Sunday is of Love, the 3rd Sunday is of
Joy and the 4th Sunday is of Peace…
The Advent’s candles too are Four or Five lit gradually Sunday after Sunday till we light the
Candle of Christ i.e. the 5th.

 What is to be prepared ?
Ourselves, our body, our soul, our heart.

 How should we prepare ?

From our text of reflection, the common words are Forgiveness of sins, Confession of sins,
Change of ways, Serious Conversion, Self-acceptance, and Humility.
This is the role of Advent at the end of a year, while we prepare our crossing over the new
year. We must thank God, for the gift of our lives and give him the respect, the honour he
Can you welcome a visitor in your house in a great day, with the house dirty ?
It’s the same with Christ.
Our hearts are like houses that need to be cleaned almost all the time, and now you know it’s
dry season, so, there’s always more than enough dust.
That dust also represents our sins, that we need to confess in order to welcome Christ in
Purity like the stand of our 5th candle.
Sometimes, again and again, we fall whether conscious or not through many impulses and
errors, whose sinful character we ignore. This is the moment to remember them and present
them to the Lord and be sorry for them, because despite them « God loves you as you are,
but he loves you too much to let you go that way. » That is the Word of God; « The power
of God for salvation for everyone who has faith » (DV 5.17); « I do not want the wicked/
sinners to die, but, rather, that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your
wicked ways!  » Ez33: 11.
It is the time to evaluate how close we have been to God this year and if we have failed, if I
have failed these are 3 ways to put into place this New Year and while preparing to welcome
Christ: Daily Prayer and Reading of the Word of God; Eucharistic Adoration; Confession…

 Self-acceptance and Humility

We all have something to offer, as such, we should not feel belittle by people around us,
instead, we should be able to recognize and acknowledge our place like John the Baptist… He
prepared the way for the way, and then acknowledges that he has done or accomplished the
task that was his.
Pope Francis invites us during this Synod in the Church through these 3 words, Participation,
Communion and Mission. These can be seen in John and that’sa call for all of us as we

Br. Joseph Daniel BOAYEHOK of Saint Joseph, Husband of Mary, Sch.P

prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ, let us ask ourselves what am I to do ? Get
involved and share the various ideas we have and be ready to go and prove them.


Br. Joseph Daniel BOAYEHOK of Saint Joseph, Husband of Mary, Sch.P

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