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E payment is a subset of an e-commerce transaction, it include

electronic payment for buying and selling goods or services through the
Generally electronic payments refer to online transactions on the
internet. With technology developing online transactions is also
increasing while the percentage of cash and check transactions are
We have two types of purchasing system:
1: Traditional system
2: E- commerce (electronic purchase)

Enable a customer to pay for the goods and services online by using
hardware and software systems.


 Oldest electronic payment systems.
 Transferring money from one bank account directly to another.
 Safe, reliable, and convenient way to conduct business.
Digital cash

It is also called electronic cash (e-cash).refer to a prepaid stored value

that can be used for electronic purchases instead of cash it includes
credit cards, smart cards and debit cards.
Payment cards:
Credit cards, debit cards, smart cards are payment cards .the most
popular tool for electronic payment.
Smart Cards:
is a small plastic card that looks similar to a credit card, but it contains a
microprocessor and a storage unit. Mostly used in Europe, also called
stored value cards.
The microprocessor chip is loaded with the relevant information and
periodically recharged, store cash, security (protected by a password),
disposable. (PERFORMANCE)
Debit Cards:
Debit card allow customers to access their savings or current accounts,
work like a credit card, Has an account in a bank and some money in

that account, spend only what you have, can use Automated Teller
Machine (ATM)

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