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Learning Style Inventory Learning to Study Through Critical Thinking ByJonelle A. Beatrice ‘A. Circle the letter of the phrase that is true for you most of the time. 1. If [have to learn how to do something, | learn best when I: (K) Try to do it myself. (V) Watch someone show me how. (A) Hear someone tell me how. 2. When I read, I often find that I: (A) Read out loud or hear the words inside my head. (V) Visualize what I am reading in my mind's eye. (K) Fidget and try to "feel" the content. 3. When asked to give directions, I: (V) See the actual places in my mind as I say them or prefer to draw them. (A) Have no difficulty in giving them verbally. (K) Have to point or move my body as I give them.. 4. If 1am unsure how to spell a word, I: (K) Write it in order to determine if it feels right. (V) Write it in order to determine if it looks right. (A) Spell it out loud in order to determine if it sounds right. 5. When I write, I: (A) Often say the letters and words to myself. (V) Am concemed how neat and well spaced my letters and words appear. (K) Push hard on my pen or pencil and can feel the flow of the words or letters as I form them. 6. If [had to remember a list of items, I would remember it best if I: (V) Wrote them down. (A) Said them over and over to myself. (K) Moved around and used my fingers to name each item. 7. Lprefer teachers who: (K) Use hands-on activities. (V) Use the board or overhead projector while they lecture. (A) Talk with a lot of expression. 8. When trying to concentrate, I have a difficult time when: (A) There is a lot of noise in the room. (V) There is a lot of clutter or movement in the room. (K) Ihave to sit still for any length of time. 9. When solving a problem, |: (V) Write or draw diagrams to see it. (A) Talk myself through it. (K) Use my entire body or move objects to help me think. 10. When given written instructions on how to build something, I: (K) Try to put the parts together first and read later. (V) Read them silently and try to visualize how the parts will fit together. (A) Read them out loud and talk to myself as 1 put the parts together. 11. To keep occupied while waiting, I: (A) Talk or listen to others. (V) Look around, stare, or read... (K) Walk around, manipulate things with my hands, or move/shake my feet as I sit. 12, If [had to verbally describe something to another person, I would: (V) Be brief because I do not like to talk at length. (A) Go into great detail because I like to talk. (K) Gesture and move around while talking. 13. If someone were verbally describing something to me, I would: (K) Become bored if her description got too long and detailed. (V) Try to visualize what she was saying. (A) Enjoy listening but want to interrupt and talk myself. 14, When trying to recall names, I remember: (V) Faces but forget names. (A) Names, but forget faces. (K) The situation that I met the person other than the person's name or face. Scoring Instructions: Add the number of responses for each letter and enter the total below. The area with the highest number of responses is probably your primary mode of learning. Remember, most people learn through a mixture of all three styles. Kinesthetic (K)= Visual (V) Auditory (A) Read through the recommended strategies for using your preferred learning style on the following pages. Highlight 2 or 3 strategies you will use in class, or when completing your assignments. Practice them for the next several weeks. Write those strategies below. Left-Brain or Right-Brain Preference Al people use both sides of the brain - but most people have a dominant or preferred side. Check the response that most often is true for you: 1 Time often passes without my noticing. Lam very aware of time. It’s important for me to have everything where it belongs. often need to spend time looking for what I want to use or wear. 1 follow my hunches and go with the flow. Tanalyze whether ideas are good or not before taking action. When speaking, my natural inclination is to stick to the point. When speaking, I tend to talk about several different subjects or ideas. 1 like to do things spontaneously. Llike to plan out what I’m going to do. Tusually have my papers filed away. Lusually keep my papers out in piles where I can see them. I prefer to locate papers by color-coding file things by subject. Tusually have to wait for other people to get ready. Other people usually have to wait for me to get ready. I like to save things in case I might need them someday. 1 like to throw things out when I don’t need them. 10, | feel irritated when my room or desk starts to look cluttered. If my stuff is in my way, I walk around it. BP D> Oh D> D> D> Bp > BP wD = Count all the A’s for questions: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ~ Count all the B’s for questions: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 Add them together. These are your Right-Brain points: = Countall the A’s for questions: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 = Countall the B’s for questions: 1, 3, 5,7, 9 ‘Add them together. These are your Left-Brain points: ~The higher your score for either left or right indicates the greater your natural preference for that way of thinking. = It also indicates a challenge for you to develop your ability to use your less preferred side “Time devoted to organizing is time gained, not time lost." From: Organizing for the Creative Person by Lehmkuhl and Lamping Left Brain - Right Brain Description The brain has two equal hemispheres, the left and the right. We all use both sides of our brain; however, each of us has a different preference. ‘Traditionally, schools and businesses have been geared toward the left brain dominant person. In addition, time management and organizational skills are typically much more natural for left brain dominant individuals. ‘The goal is to become balanced, developing the increased ability to use and be comfortable with the processes and behaviors of both hemispheres. Left Brain Dominant Right Brain Dominant Left Hemisphere Right Hemisphere © Logic + Intuition © Analysis + Emotion © Structure + Abstract © Verbal communication + Nonverbal communication Linear, sequence + Holistic — total picture Precision + Simultaneous * Detail + Humor Characteristics: Characteristics + Tidy + Creative « Methodical + Spontaneous » Punctual + Lose track of time » Well organized + Less organized * Disciplined + Spiritual “Corporate chief executives are generally ‘creative’ rather than ‘analytical’ types . . . yet every single one (interviewed) was not only organized, but extremely organized.” = From: Organizing for the Creative Person by Lehmkuhl and Lamping

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