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UNIT 1C: BLOODLINES America is well-known for being a melting-pot of different ethnic groups
and cultures, but this diversity is more pronounced in Queens, New York City because here,
immigrants from countries such as Greece, Korea and Puerto Rico live all united by a common
feeling of pride in their American identity, but they are also proud and curious about their
ancestral roots. Some people came to America when they were very young, and they had to face a
lot of difficulties. The ability to cope with difficulties made the “American Dream” come true for a
lot of people. Other people immigrated to America to offer their children a better life and more
possibilities to receive a good education. Richard and Tanja know exactly their family histories.
Richard's great-grandfather, named Tomas, didn't like his stepmother, that's why he decided to
move to the US at the age of 15. Through an announcement he discovered that also one of his
brothers was seeking fortune in the US. The story was passed down by Richard's grandmother,
who holds all her family together and has a strong sense of belonging. Tanja's parents are
Jamaican, they're both nurses and they give a great importance to education. They have a strong
work ethic that they have transmitted to their children. Both Tanja and her sister studied in the
medical field and became doctors. As their parents taught them, they always try to give their best
during work hours.

Why do you think people emigrate to other countries? People emigrate to other countries
because there are better work opportunities, and the quality of life is better. Many people also
emigrate to escape the wars and poverty of their countries.

What difficulties do first-generation immigrants face when they settle in a new country? The fact
of having to learn a new language and get used to the rhythms of the people, finding work and
housing, fight the racism from the locals.

Where would you choose to emigrate to? Why? Maybe I would emigrate to America because it
offers many job opportunities and I really like American life. So yes, I would like to move to the US.

UNIT 1F: ‘LADY LIBERTY’ AND ELLIS ISLAND David Lucshing is the last resident of Liberty Island.
Both of his great-grandparents came through Ellis Island. In the past immigrants would pack
everything that meant the world to them in one or two bags even though they didn’t know if they
would ever be able to see the pictures of their parents or of their children again. They only relied
on the faith that everything would be okay. It’s been reported that a bag has never been lost on
Ellis Island. Everybody came from some place in America, expect the native Americans. During the
peak immigration period at Ellis Island, arrivals were between 8,000 and 10,000 per day, now
visitors are approximately 22,000 per day. While visiting the island, the descendants of immigrants
feel emotional because for the first time they can understand what their relatives have been
through. In 2011 the hurricane Sandy destroyed the entire infrastructure. Even though it was a sad
moment, at the same time it was an opportunity to make a more sustainable park. Seeing the
statue standing and the flag still flying gave strength to keep on going.

Why was the island closed to visitors? Because of significant damage in 2011 from Hurricane
Sandy. (Stewards and visitors)

Pag 11 es 12  think about one of your friends and make notes on these points
My best friend Fabio and I have known each other since we go to kindergarten, but only in the
high school years we got very close. We meet very often during the week because we both
volunteer and we do different activities for the oratory of our country. He also attends the Catholic
University in Brescia and he’s in the first year of Primary Education Sciences. He’s very shy and
reserved but he’s a very pure boy. He cares a lot for the poor and he’s very committed to the
charitable activities we organize. We get on very well even if sometimes we argue because we
have different ideas about some activities. In addition to volunteering, we really enjoy walking
together because we always have many things to tell each other, especially after not having seen
each other for a long time due to the coronavirus.

Pag 13 es 14  make a list of the differences between your parents’ lives and your own.

Upbringing and school: my parents had stricter rules than mine and they went to work very early.
In fact, they finished their studies in third grade.

Work opportunities: the jobs available in those years were mostly manual; in fact, both my mom
and dad worked in the industrial sector.

Free time: in their free time they often played outdoors because there weren’t yet all the
technological devices that we have at our disposal.

Standard of living: my parents were very thrifty when they were young because, earning their own
money, they spent it only on the most important things, while I maybe indulge some more whim.

Pag 14 es 8  how does family shape you?

1. Would you say you are a close family?

I would say yes because we spent a lot of time together, especially on weekends.

2. How much time do you spend with family?

We spend a lot of time together on weekends because sometimes we go to the lake, sometimes
we go hiking or just go out for dinner.

3. Is family a consideration for you in choosing where to live?

I’ve always told my parents that when the times comes, I’ll move in and go live alone but I would
always come back to see them.

4. How conscious are you of your family’s history?

I don’t know much about my family history, especially from my mom because her dad is from
Puglia, but I really like hearing their anecdotes about their childhood and I would always like to
know more.

5. Is there a strong family characteristics or quality? Have you inherited it?

We are a very sociable family even if, compared to my parents, I’m much shyer. We are very
charitable; in fact, we actively participate in the proposed activities to help the poor.

6. Is there a 'head of the family'? How important is it to have this person's approval?

I don’t think there’s a real ‘head of family’ in my family because there is a confrontation with both
parents and their approval is important, even if they always tell me to do what I think is better to

7. Is there someone in the family you particularly admire? Why?

I admire both my parents even though they had a very difficult childhood, they never made
neither me nor my brother lack for anything.

8. Has your family influenced the career path that you have chosen?

Really no, they always left me free to take the path I wanted. The important thing is that I was
determined and convinced of my choice.

9. When seeking advice, are you more likely to turn to friends or family?

It depends on the advice I'm seeking but I usually compare myself much more with my friends.

10. How important is it to you that your family approves your partner?

I don’t think that it’s a fundamental thing because if they don’t like him, they don’t necessarily
have to relate to him. My parents always tell me that the important thing is that I’m happy and if
they see that I am, then they will be too.

UNIT 2C: ONCE UPON A TIME the Brothers Grimm began collecting their own stories, after an
encounter with a wise man of their school who led them to a library of old books with tales.
Their story collection named “Children’s and Household tales” was published in Germany in 1812
and the collection has been translated in more than 160 languages. The collection competes with
the Bible and has helped to make Disney a media giant. During their lifetime the collection sold
only a few copies and the early editions weren’t addressed to children. The Grimm’s aim was to
preserve the oral storytelling tradition. During long winter nights, people would keep each other
entrained with tales of adventure, magic, and romance. To write their stories the Grimm’s
interviewed about forty storytellers. In the following edition tales were reshaped to make them
more adaptable for children and to underline the moral. Also, today these tales are very modern.
The core is maintained, but some cruel particulars are omitted. Grimm's tales are immortal for two
reasons: they always have a happy ending and can satisfy a wide range of readers, from children
to adults.

They lived in Germany, in the late 70s to 80s.

The stories came from people who told them stories.

They saved the stories from disappearing.

People still like their stories because they gave people an escape from the realities of daily life and
a hope for a better future.

When I was a child, I was read many tales by Brothers Grimm, such as Snow White, Cinderella,
Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel & Gretel, Rapunzel and sometimes I still watch movies from these
books, especially when I want to watch a film but I’m too tired to stay focused because they aren't
difficult to watch, and they remind me of my childhood.

UNIT 2F: HOW NOT TO CLIMB A MOUNTAIN one day 2 friends decided to climb Middle Palisade,
which is one of the highest peaks in California. They were prepared and had read how to climb the
mountain on their phones. While they were climbing the peak, one of these guys noticed that
their route was different from the one he studied. When they reached the peak, they discovered
that they were on the wrong mountain. The mountain they wanted to climb was in front of them
since the beginning. After twelve hours of climbing, they were finally able to reach the top of
Middle Palisade.

Personally, I would never have climbed two mountains on the same day. I enjoy hiking in the
mountains, but I don't have much breath so I would come back another day and I would check the
route better.

Summit/peak = both mean the top of a mountain but peaks can refer to a series of high points as
you go up a mountain, whereas ‘summit’ is the very top of a high mountain

Ridge = a flat section up in the mountains.

Vertical face = it’s the straight face of a mountain and it’s difficult to climb.

Base = the bottom from which mountain climbers start.

They wore the wrong clothes, or they didn’t have enough experience.

Pag 23 es 10

Melanie had been watching the news every day since the mine collapsed. When she saw Daniel,
she decided to get in touch with him in any way possible.

Pag 23 es 12

The day my brother was born was the best moment of my life. I remember how much I used to
envy my cousins as I’d watch them play with their little siblings. When the day came, I was very
scared because I heard the screams of my newborn brother from the hospital corridor, and I
wanted to go home. But when he came home, I was very happy because I finally had someone to
play with.

Pag 25 es 9

1. Where was this photo taken?

2. What is shown in the photo?

3. What story does the photo tell?

4. What emotions or ideas are expressed in the photo?

Pag 25 es 10

Photo A  I think that this photo was taken in a field or in a nature reserve and shows a cook
preparing food for guests. He looks like a chef of a hotel and he looks happy.

Photo B  I think that these 2 girls are in a parking area and it looks like they are about to hug
each other. They seem very happy.

Pag 26 es 9

One of the most well-known fairy tales ever written is Cinderella. The tale is about a young woman
who is treated poorly and saved from her dismal existence. I think that this tale gives us 3 different

1. The first is 'kindness towards all matters.' Even though Cinderella was seen as less than by
others, she was good in her heart. At the end of the story, Cinderella ends up with the
prince, due to her lovely heart. He liked her even when she wasn't wearing her beautiful
ball gown. Cinderella teaches us kindness is a form of beauty, which will eventually be
2. The second is 'forgive others for doing you wrong.' Even though the stepsisters and her
stepmother treated her poorly, Cinderella kept a full heart. When her stepsisters realized
she was the beautiful woman from the ball and apologize to her, Cinderella 'said that she
forgave them with all her heart and wanted them always to love her.
3. The third is ‘don’t let the bad things ruin your heart’. Cinderella’s mother died and her
father remarried. This loss could have made her bitter and sad, but she still remained

UNIT 3C: APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY Even though the term “appropriate technology” is new, the
concept for sure isn’t. In the 1930s Gandhi claimed that he wanted technology that could
empower the poor villagers of India and help them to become self-reliant. The term “appropriate
technology” was first used by Schumacher in his book “Small is Beautiful” to promote is own
philosophy of technological progress. For him a technological item should be a long-term one and
useful in the context it is used. “Appropriate technology” refers also to the environmental, ethical,
and cultural conditions and can find its appliance also in the developed world. For example, in
Sweden a company has found a way to exploit the heat produced each day by the bodies rushing
through Stockholm’s central train station. Their body heat is absorbed by the building’s ventilation
system than used to warm up water. Not always “appropriate technology” is accepted, there’s a
case in Guatemala where women refused to use a mechanical device for shelling corn because
they enjoyed the time, they spent hand shelling as it gave them an opportunity to chat and
exchange news with other people.

My favourite device is my phone because it’s useful for keeping in touch with my friends, listening
to music, taking photographs, checking travel directions.
What characteristics make technology “appropriate”?
It does not cost a lot, it is easy for the user to understand (user - friendly), it is good for the
environment (eco - friendly), it doesn’t upset people’s ways of life.
Explain the concept appropriate technology with your own words:
Appropriate technology is a technology which promotes self-sufficiency on the part of those using
it and is environmentally sound. It’s a technology which combines difficult ideas with cheap and
available materials, especially for use in developing countries.
UNIT 3F: 3D-PRINTED PROSTHETIC LIMBS Charlotte lost both hands and both legs to
meningococcal septicemia. People are surprised by the fact how mobile she is, how she can write
and draw and by the fine motor skills she’s still got even without her hands. Charlotte is
independent and says that she doesn’t need help with things.
She has gone through several false limbs: prosthetic legs even though are basic, they still manage
to do their job but for hands it’s not so simple. As Charlottes grows, she needs to change her
prosthetics each year. A robotic hand at a target price of 1,200 pounds could be the answer as it’s
within range of normal families. The robotic hand would work in response to flexing the muscle.
Now children are underserved by the prosthetics industry so this project could help them since the
cost component is low. The project is still at the prototype stage, but the delivery seems not be
too far away.
My cousin has a leg prosthesis due to a motorcycle accident but by now he's got used to it and
doesn't pay much attention to it. He feels good and has started riding again and it’s not a problem
for him.
When I was 5 I enjoyed playing with barbies, drawing pictures, watching animated cartoons,
playing games with my friends.
It’s an artificial device that replaces a missing body part. It’s intended to restore the normal
functions of the missing body part.

Pag 35 es 10

1. This weekend I’m going to dinner at the lake Garda with my boyfriend.

2. I’m going shopping to buy a dress for this occasion.

3. Would you help me assemble this wardrobe? It won’t take long.

4. Soon I will start working in a pizzeria on the weekend.

Pag 37 es 11

1. How many years do you think you’ll be studying English? I’ll be studying it for 2 years more.

2. What things do you hope you will have achieved by the end of this year? I’ll have passed
my exams.

3. What do you think you will be doing in five years’ time? I’ll be working for a big company, I
4. Ten years from now, which of your friends or colleagues do you think will have enjoyed the
most success in their careers? My friend Fabio because he’s very clever and ambitious.

5. When do you think you will have earned enough money to retire? I hope I’ll have earned
enough by the time I’m 60.

Pag 38 es 8

Product 1:

1. It can hold up to 6 people.

2. It’s made of strong nylon.

3. It can be put up in a few minutes.

4. It weighs only 2 kilos.  it could be a hammock.

Product 2

1. It runs on solar power.

2. It lasts up to 6 hours.

3. It costs only £1.90.

4. It provides light and a little heat.  it could be a torch.

UNIT 4C: WHY DO WE NEED MUSIC? Humans on average, spend a lot of time listening to music
even though it isn’t something they need to survive. Music is important to us because it stimulates
us both emotionally and intellectually. A neuroscientist Valorie Salimpoor, who has researched the
effects of music on the brain, says that music has the power to excite or soothe us. The musical
way of speaking to babies, known as “motherese”, is a feature of every culture around the world.
Music produces emotions that we immediately feel and understand but that we find difficult to
explain. For example, sad music helps regulate negative feelings and even lift us out of them. It can
also be used to make a verbal message stronger: for example, both hip hop and rap music inside
their lyrics describe life for people who lacked the same opportunities as the rich. On an
intellectual level music challenges our brain to understand and recognize certain systems and
patterns. In conclusion Salimpoor says that music satisfies both humans’ emotional and
psychological needs.

I think we need music because it’s enjoyable and it makes us feel good. It allows us to express
ourselves and it can create atmosphere in public spaces. I listen to a lot of music, especially in
English as it helps me improve my vocabulary and speak more fluently.

UNIT 4F: ART FOR THE PEOPLE Banksy’s spy booth appeared in April making fun of the issue of
Government surveillance in the home of GCHQ, the intelligence, and communications
headquarters in Cheltenham. Now the owner of the property wants to sell the artwork and the
wall it’s on. The local community says that it’s public art, so it’s not meant to be in private hands.
When the scaffold went up, it was hoped it was just for building maintenance. But it’s since been
reported that a collector has bought the work and plans to take it out of the town. People in
Cheltenham are so keen to see it that they are willing to tear the scaffold themselves. Because the
spy booth relates directly to Cheltenham, it belongs to the city and to the community. The sale of
the mural has re-started the debate over what’s public art and what can be bought by a private
individual. The one person missing from this campaign is Banksy himself, who remains
anonymous. Cheltenham’s community hopes Banksy stands up for this cause.

I like art, especially street art because it always expresses the emotions of those who made the
work. So, it's nice to look at the works and try to understand the author.

GCHQ is the British Communications Headquarters and is a company that deals with national
security on the internet.

Booths = a place with walls or sides where you can do something privately, for example make a
phone call (cabin)

Campaign = a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular aim

Spy = a person who tries to get secret information about another person or another country

Expose = to show something that is usually hidden

Auction = a public sale in which things are sold to the person who offers the most money for them

Anonymous = a person with a name that’s not known or that’s not made public

There has been a lot of protest about the DDL Zan.

My ideal place to live would be near the seaside.

My favourite discount store is not far from my house.

Pag 47 es 11

1. I like certain styles of music, like pop and commercial music.

2. Some lyrical music is really difficult to understand.

3. I don’t have any favourite artists.

4. Both my best friends are musicians.

5. All art galleries should have free entrance.

6. At my school, we had no music lessons.

7. Some people say that all classical music is the same, but I think that each artist has its own
style of music.
Pag 49 es 11

1. Overall, quite a lot of Australians take an interest in the arts, and a small number of them
also participate creatively.

2. Lots of Australians read literature and a few of them also write creatively.

3. There’s certainly not a lack of interest in the visual arts, with a quarter of the population
being involved in some way.

4. Many Australians attend live performances and hardly anyone said they never listened to

5. The main reason for not participating is having too little time. But the amount of money it
costs to be involved and not having enough opportunities are also important factors.

UNIT 5C: THE TEENAGE MIND Today’s society tends to think of adolescence as the most difficult
stage in human development since teenagers: do not want to communicate with adults, they like
doing dangerous things and they constantly chat to friends on social media. “Sensation seeking” is
the hunt for experiences that are unusual or unexpected, but it can also be a positive thing since it
helps expand the knowledge of the world. Teens recognize the risk they are taking and prefer the
company of people of their own age because they want to invest in the future rather than the
past. Excitement, novelty, risk, and the company of peers are all elements that define adolescence
in almost all human cultures. Adults tend to complain these characteristics, but they should
celebrate them since they make teenagers the most adaptable human beings around.

Infancy  0 to 2

Childhood  3 to 12

Adolescence  13 to 18

Adulthood  from 19

Toddler = a baby who has only recently learnt to walk.

They always look for sensation like risk or excitement and they prefer the company of people their
own age.

The writer thinks these are positive qualities because sensation seeking can lead to a wider circle
of friends and a happier, more successful life and preferring the company of their peers is positive
because it helps to build relationships.

UNIT 5F: SCANDINAVIAN MEGA-BRDIGE In Northern Europe, the Baltic Sea converges with the
North Sea at the Oresund Strait which is ten miles wide. It was a frustrating barrier because each
shore had something the other needed: Denmark needed cheaper housing and Sweden needed
more jobs. Companies from both countries needed to form a consortium to build the bridge
together. But building a bridge with high towers would have obstructed air traffic and a low bridge
would have blocked ship traffic. To resolve the problem engineers considered building an
underwater tunnel but it was too expensive. So, the third solution was to build a part-bridge and
then a tunnel where they could get closer to the airport. They needed a dry land for the tunnel to
emerge from underwater, so they had to build an island from scratch. Now the Oresund Bridge,
which is the world’s longest cable-stayed bridge, can carry cars and trains.

It's a long bridge over a stretch of water. It’s probably a road bridge and in the middle, it has two
towers and a space underneath to allow ships to pass.

They can cross the stretch by ferry, via tunnel or by plane.

Pag 59 es 10

A few years ago, the municipality decided to redevelop a playground for children. The
redevelopment involved putting new games, such as slides and swings. Now, this area of the town
is very attractive, and many children always go there with their mothers.

Pag 61 es 11

1. How satisfied do people seem with the amount of money they have? Not very satisfied, I
think because we are always trying to earn more money.

2. Do people have a good balance between work and free time? I don’t believe. I think that
the time taken up by work is much greater than that available for free time.

3. How happy are people with the education they get? Often, we young people complain a lot
about education because we would like to leave school as early as 16 and go straight to

4. What kind of food do people eat? Is it healthy or not? I think that, as true Italians, we eat a
lot of pizza and pasta.

Pag 62 es 10

1. What are the positive and negative aspects of each stage?

Childhood – positive aspects: a time of play, discovery, adventure, family holidays, toys, presents,
little responsibility.
Childhood – negative aspects: school, having to do what you’re told, being told off, having fewer
Adolescence – positive aspects: friends, boy/girlfriends, smartphones, and other technology,
discovering movies and music, concerts, growing independence, holidays, planning an exciting
Adolescence – negative aspects: parents, arguments, rules, exams, school/college, falling out with
friends, not having your own money, not having as much freedom as you would like.
Young adulthood – positive aspects: friends, boy/ girlfriends, freedom, adventure, being your own
boss, earning your own money, being able to live independently.
Young adulthood – negative aspects: money worries, exams, getting a job, relationship problems,
Early middle age – positive aspects: family, responsibility, positive career moves, wide group of
friends, holidays.
Early middle age – negative aspects: working hard, too much responsibility, financial concerns.
Late middle age – positive aspects: freedom, chance to do your own thing, wide group of friends,
Late middle age – negative aspects: health, family leaving home, identity may change with
Old age – positive aspects: hopefully no work, no financial concerns, grandchildren, freedom to
travel and do new things, wisdom.
Old age – negative aspects: health, mobility, possibly money worries, friends becoming ill or dying

2. Do you think attitudes change at different stages of life?

As people age, they tend to have fewer friends and see less of them (but establish stronger
friendships with closest friends). Young people have less money but worry about it less whereas
older people get increasingly concerned with it. Health becomes a bigger issue as you age.

UNIT 6C: UNUSUAL PLACES TO STAY Prison hotel offers guests an opportunity to stay overnight
on real prisoners’ wooden benches and thin mattresses. The hotel is unfriendly, unheated, and
uncomfortable as it is a more a reality jail experience rather than a hotel. After a meal of bread
and sweet Russian tea, guests have 5 minutes to wash before making their own beds. The price is
low: 12$ per night.

Period hotel: Virginia City in Montana was a ghost town until it began to be restored for tourists in
the 1950s. Now the town operates as a large open-air museum. Inside the Nevada City Hotel’s
cabins, you can sit out on the porch and enjoy life as a cowboy and downstairs there’s a real Wild
West saloon. The city comes to life only at weekends, when actors walk around dressed as sheriffs,
cowboys, and gold prospectors.

Cave hotel: The caves of Sassi di Matera in Italy are Bronze Age homes that were given a makeover
in the Renaissance with vaulted ceilings, doors, and shutters. Now they have been renovated to
provide hospitality in a historical setting. The owners left as many original features as possible. The
price is high: 300$ per night.

Art hotel: Propeller Island City Lodge in Berlin manages to combine modern art gallery and hotel.
The hotel is a collection of individually designed rooms inside which you can deeply feel the art.
The rooms are comfortable, but sometimes claustrophobic. The only problem is that you must
share the bathroom.

Hotel: comfortable but expensive

Bed and breakfast: cheaper than hotels but you fell you’re in another person’s house
Tent: cheap, adventurous but uncomfortable

Caravan: you can take lots of things from home, but you can’t go everywhere

Apartment: you can cook what you like but it doesn’t have facilities like a hotel

Hostel: you can meet a lot of people, but it can be noisy

UNIT 6F: THE UNEXPECTED BEAUTY OF TRAVELLING SOLO Since the girl couldn’t speak with the
boy on the phone, she decided to leave him a voice mail where she apologized and explained why
she couldn’t catch the flight with him. She complimented the boy for travelling by himself and
continued to call him to check that he was doing well. In several other voice mails she understood
that the boy might have blamed her, but she still hoped he was having a good time. The girl said
that was weird to keep talking to an answering machine, but she didn’t know what else to do. She
also understood that the boy was angry and didn’t want to talk to anyone, but she still hoped to
receive a phone call from him. She hoped to see the pictures the boy had taken during the trip,
because she was certain that he brought the camera with him. Only at the end of the trip the boy
finally called the girl. All the voice mails were combining with videos of the countries the boy

I would never take a long trip alone because I get scared very easily. There must be at least one
other person with me that I can share the experience with.

Benefits of travelling alone: you can go where you like and you can stay where you like, you can
meet other travelers or locals easily, you don’t have the arguments you have when you are with
somebody else.

Benefits of travelling with someone else: you can share your experiences, you can go out and have
fun, it’s cheaper to stay somewhere when you can share a room.

UNIT 7C: CULTURAL CONVENTIONS There are cultural differences in communication. In the 1950s
Edward Hall studied two different areas: personal space which means how close we are used to
standing or sitting next to other people and turn-taking which refers to the “rules” of conversation
such as how long you speak for and how long the other person waits before responding. In “non-
contact” cultures, such as USA, Northern Europe and Far East, the distance is greater, in “contact”
cultures, such as Latin America, the Middle East and Southern Europe, it is smaller. Not respecting
the correct distance could lead to misunderstanding or offence. We are very sensitive to any
variation from the norm since as human beings we find contrasts entertaining but we must be
cautious when we make comparisons and bear in mind that our similarities are much greater than
our differences.

I would dress smartly and maintain a very upright and confident posture. I wouldn’t stay very close
to the interviewer, but I would be composed in my chair. I would speak in a calm tone but one that
conveys confidence, and I would keep a strong eye contact. I would stay with my legs crossed and
keep my arms resting on my legs. I would wear a black suit with not too high heels, light make-up
and hair tied up in a bun.

Personal space = the distance we keep between people

Turn-taking = is when participants speak one at a time in alternating turns

UNIT 7F: EATING INSECTS Every resort town in the US has a candy store, but one store in Pismo
Beach, California, goes beyond the usual toffee and caramel apples. At Hotlix, Americans can snack
on everything from caterpillars and cockroaches to mealworm- covered apples. Larry Peterman is
a candy man on a mission. For more than a decade he’s been promoting a valuable food source
that most Americans find revolting. Insect eating is part of healthy diets in Asia, Africa, Australia,
and Latin America. This trend is anything but new. Archeologists have found evidence of it dating
to the earliest humans. Insects are full of vitamins and minerals. Despite all the benefits, most
Americans can’t stomach bugs. Larry predicts he’ll eventually win people over.

Advocate = someone who speaks in favor of something

Garnish = a small amount of food used for decoration

Niche = serving a small group

Revolting = disgusting

Have snob appeal = attract people who like to feel superior to others

Which countries include insects in their diets? Asia, Africa, Australia and Latin America.

Is eating insects a new habit? No, it dates to the earliest humans.

Why is producing insects better for the environment than producing meat? Because producing
insects takes fewer resources than producing meat

Are insects good for you? I personally don’t know if I would eat them, but I know that they are full
of vitamins, but I have very classic tastes, in fact I don't even eat spicy food.

Where’s Hotlix shop and restaurant? In Pismo Beach, California.

How long has Larry been trying to get Americans to eat insects? For more than a decade.

According to Larry, why do most Americans not like eating insects? Because parents teach children
to avoid insects.

How many species of insects are eaten around the world? More than 1400 insect species.

What does one of his dinner guests want to know about the cockroach on his plate? He wants to
know where the cockroach has been.

The fashion for wearing low-rise pants is anything but new.

I can’t stomach horror films even though my boyfriend forces me to watch them.

My friend disagreed with me about working abroad but I was able to win him over by saying how
many career opportunities there are.
When I was a little girl, I ate a lot of galatine. They are milk candies that I always took after
catechism, and I remember that my mom always had to hide them because otherwise I ate them

Pag 83 es 11

‘Don’t eat with your mouth open’ I think it’s a good rule because if you eat with your mouth open
you look rude and it’s important to have good table manners.

‘Hold mum or dad’s hand when you cross the road’ I think this is a sensible safety rule.

UNIT 8C: SAVING MADAGASCAR Madagascar is the world’s fourth largest island, but its beauty
hides the island’s desperate situation. In the last years humans have been destroying the island’s
original forest to use it to create room for crops and cattle. In fact, Madagascar has been identified
as a region in danger. In 2002 Marc Ravalomanana, an environmentally friendly president, was
elected but in 2009 he was replaced by a new president with little interest in protecting the
environment. The government made it legal to sell wood from hardwood trees which had already
been cut down. The main targets of this crime are the rosewood and the ebony since their wood is
in high demand in America, Europe, and China. Poverty and high value of rosewood have driven
Malagasies to cut down trees that they traditionally believed to be sacred. Rosewood trees are not
the only victims. To transport them down the river, rafts must be built from other wood. All of this
disturbs the natural habitat of the island’s animals and puts their survival at risk. The only solution
is to give local people economic alternatives such as training the village lemur hunter to act as a
guide or by visiting the wild orchid conservatory.

How big is Madagascar? Madagascar is over 225000 square miles. (Two hundred twenty-five th)

How much of its flora and fauna is found nowhere else on Earth? About 90%.

What is produced in Madagascar? Madagascar is the first producer of vanilla in the world.

Es 2 pag 98

1. The rosewood and ebony trees.

2. The trees are cut down and are transported away by river to be shipped to China, Europe,
and America.

3. The collection of medicinal plants; guiding tourists to photograph the lemurs and the
setting up of a wild orchid conservatory that tourists pay to visit.

UNIT 8F: WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF MONEY DIDN’T MATTER? Students open to their councilor
saying that even though they are getting out of college, they haven’t got the faintest idea of what
they want to do next. The councilor always asks them what they would like to do if money were
no object. A lot of students say they would like to become artists, but they are aware that they
wouldn’t be able to earn any money that way. To help his students, the councilor suggests
forgetting about the money, because if getting the money is the most important thing, people will
spend their life completely wasting their time. He says that it is better to have a short life that is
full of what we like doing that a long life spent in a miserable way. He also points out that
nowadays we are bringing up our children and educating them to live the same sort of life we are
living in order that they may justify themselves and find satisfaction in life by bringing up their
children to do the same thing. For the councilor the most important question to consider is: “What
do I desire?

If money didn’t matter, I would like to travel the world to discover the different realities that exist
especially in the poorest countries.

Es 3 pag 103

1. What do I desire?

2. He says we will spend our life wasting our time: we’ll be doing things we don’t like.

I haven’t the faintest idea where I put my phone.

If you keep trying out different jobs, eventually you know what you want to do.

I don’t know how long I will go on looking for a job.

Pag 95 es 10

If my friend Alberto hadn’t done evening classes, he wouldn’t be a college student now.

If my brother hadn’t met a good football coach, he wouldn’t be so good at it now.

Pag 97 es 11

A new job I have just started.

Problems and wishes:

I don’t feel confident with my colleagues  if only I felt more confident, I would happily go to the

It’s hard work because it’s new for me  I wish it wasn’t such hard work.

Nobody speaks to me  I wish people would speak to me.

The boss shouts at everyone  I wish the boss would stop shouting at everyone.

Pag 98 es 7

There’s a little park in my town that belongs to the community. It’s a beautiful area, where we can
escape the pollution and chaos of the city because it’s a bit isolated from the street. I heard that
the municipality wanted to build a small company headquarters, but thanks to a collection of
signatures organized by a group of young people we were able to defend this small green area.
UNIT 9C: FROM HERO TO ZERO In January 2008, Peter Burkill was the pilot on a flight from Hong
Kong and was responsible for the lives of more than 100 passengers. A few seconds before landing
two of the plane’s engines failed so he decided to adjust them by himself while the co-pilot took
control of the plane. It was a risky decision, but it worked, and the passengers escaped without
injury and Burkill had done what any captain would have done. At the beginning the pilot was
praised like a hero but in the following days he became a villain. British Airways banned Burkill
from speaking about the events until the investigation by the Air Accidents Investigation Branch
(AAIB) was completed. Overnight, Burkill’s life changed. Before the accident he had a great job, a
beautiful home, a loving wife, and the respect of his colleagues. Now he felt betrayed and
desperate. In February 2009 the official report was published. It praised the captain’s decision to
change the wings flap setting. In August 2009 Burkill left the company but in September he
decided to come back.

The expression ‘from hero to zero’ is used to say that someone goes from being very successful or
admired to being very unsuccessful or unpopular.
Don’t just believe what I say
Didn’t know what to say
Personal recommendations
UNIT 9F: NEWS: THE WEIRD AND THE WONDERFUL The humpback whale: Humpbacks are already
known to use their superior size and weight to fight off killer whales or orcas but now researchers
have found that they also protect other species from attacks by orcas that are much smaller than
whales, but ruthless hunters. The researchers have observed several instances of single
humpbacks trying to prevent the Orcas getting to their prey. An ordinary-looking fried chicken
stall: In Chiang Mai, Thailand seven years ago Khan, the owner of a stall, discovered that he was
immune to burns from hot oil. A squirrel was eating a mango on the tree, and it fell into the
chicken wok. The oil splashed all over him. The taxi took him home and the next day after he woke
up, he was going to see the doctor but when he looked in the mirror, he found his skin had no
burns or anything. So, the next day he just came back to work to fry chicken again and it’s proved
to be great business for his stall because many tourists come to see for themselves.

Pag 107 es 10

In high school I was criticized because I was called the nock of the professors only because during
the lessons, I asked so many questions and I was interested in the topic. I learned to not care
because I knew I was doing nothing wrong and have always been defended by my closest friends.

Pag 109 es 12

And finally, a woman escaped from her burning house yesterday after her pet dog raised the
alarm. Although the house is known to have smoke alarms fitted to it, the woman slept deeply as
her dog tried to wake her. She only woke up when the dog bit her leg.

Pag 110 es 9
1. Nowadays, journalists’ attitude towards our political leaders is deeply connected to the
type of government of each country. For instance, I believe that in the democratic western
societies, generally the press has the possibility to express its opinions towards politicians,
even if they criticize them and their choices.
2. I think the reporting of public scandals is not really balanced. Newspapers and newscaster
sometimes prioritize more giving a lot of updates that may be not a 100% accurate than
investigating more on the topic.
3. I think the vast majority isn't interested in it but people come to know about the private
lives of famous people because nowadays mass-media are full of this useless information.

UNIT 10C: THE KING HERSELF Hatshepsut was one of the greatest builders of ancient Egypt and
nowadays her body lies at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, but in 1903 her coffin was empty. Only a
century later Hatshepsut’s body was found in a less important tomb. Hatshepsut married her
brother Thutmose II, who became pharaoh when his father died. When the pharaoh died,
Thutmose III was still a young boy, so Hatshepsut took control and became queen regent. At first,
she respected convention and just handled political affairs while the young king was growing up.
But as time passed, she began performing kingly duties and by the end she assumed the role of
“King” of Egypt. Her stepson was relegated to second-in-command and the “king herself” went on
to rule for 21 years. When she died, Thutmose III took his revenge, doing his best to erase her
memory, but, in the long term, it’s Hatshepsut, who has achieved greater fame.

King is a masculine noun so ‘herself’ should not be used with king but with Queen.

Self-confident = you have no doubts about your ability or knowledge.

Self-help books = books that advise people on how to solve their own problems

Self-made = a person who has earned everything by herself

Self-conscious = worried about how you appear to others

Self-control = the ability to hide your feelings even when you are angry

Self-interest = you do something for yourself, and it helps you in some way

UNIT 10F: QUEEN OF EGYPT Cleopatra has a reputation for beauty, power, controversy, and
tragedy. She was born into Egypt’s Ptolemaic dynasty, which was in decline and under the
protection of Rome. At the age of eighteen, she became queen and ruled Egypt with her younger
brother Ptolemy the 13th. The royal couple didn’t have a good relationship and Cleopatra was
soon forced from power. But she waited for a chance to prove her capabilities. That opportunity
came when Julius Caesar arrived in Alexandria. He was completely charmed by Cleopatra and
defeated her rivals and helped her seize the throne. Shortly after, she gave birth to Caesarion,
whom she claimed was Caesar’s son. Cleopatra was determined to keep Egypt independent of
Rome. Her relationship with Caesar kept the Romans from taking direct control of Egypt. But after
Caesar’s murder, her position and the future of her country became uncertain. Searching for
people who could help her, she was overjoyed when Mark Antony sent for her. Mark Antony was
charmed by the elegant Egyptian queen and her riches. Together they ruled Alexandria, they
married and became the power couple of the eastern Mediterranean. Antony tried to help her
acquire some Roman lands. And he declared Cleopatra’s son, Caesarion, to be the true successor
to Julius Caesar. That insulted Mark Antony’s Roman rival, Octavian, who went to war against
them. Antony and Cleopatra were beaten at the Battle of Actium. Legend tells us that Cleopatra
spread numerous false rumors of her death and Antony killed himself. But word came she was still
alive, and Antony’s followers carried him to Cleopatra, where he died in her arms. After 22 years
as queen, Cleopatra was fighting a losing battle. She tried unsuccessfully to make peace with
Octavian. She took hold of a poisonous snake and let it kill her with its bite. With her death, the
Ptolemaic dynasty was finished, and Egypt fell into Roman hands.

She was Queen of Egypt and she ruled in ancient Egypt at the time of the pharaohs and pyramids.
She met the Romans generals Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony and she died bitten by a snake.

Es 2a pag  126 3a 3f 1b 1c 2d 2e


I was overjoyed when I heard that I had passed my exam.

I think that communication by letter is in decline.

Although he’s dead, Michael Jackson’s music lives on.

Es 6

She’s brave, resourceful, and dishonest because she spread rumors and would do anything to keep

Es 7

Cristoforo Colombo was an Italian navigator and explorer, who discovered the American continent
in 1492. He was adventurous but careless because he didn’t realize he had discovered a place
unknown to Western society.

Pag 119 es 11

As a child, I was very interested in playing with barbies and painting a lot of drawing.

At school, I loved math because I had good math teacher.

My first job was as a waitress in a pizzeria.

In high school I studied tourism and I took an extra Spanish course.

In the future I hope to be able to work in a multinational and I think that the course I have chosen
to attend in the Catholic University is very suitable to allow me to achieve this goal.

Pag 121 es 14
I would like to have a very developed eyesight to be able to grasp all the details of things and be
able to see from far away if maybe there’s a danger.

Pag 122 es 8

Working 9–5; being employed; working with people; using your brain; taking decisions; being full-
time; being part of a team.

UNIT 11C: WHO’S CLEVER BIRD, THEN In 1977 Irene Pepperberg decided she would teach her
parrot Alex to speak English. Most researchers thought Pepperberg was certain to fail but with her
patient, the parrot learned how to imitate one hundred English words and to express feelings of
them. Pepperberg’s aim was to learn more about a bird’s understanding of the world and during a
demonstration Alex was able to distinguish the main differences between a key and a cup even
though they were the same color. The parrot passed many tests and finally he was able to correct
one of his companions.

Es 1

Dogs can learn tricks, and can develop skills such as herding sheep, rescuing climbers, guiding and
helping blind and disabled people or sniffing out drugs.

Es 2

He understood colors, shape and numbers and he also learned some language. He was also able to
express his feelings.

Es 4

I found very interesting when Alex placed Pepperberg in the center of a room and showed him 2
objects whose shape and color he could recognize.

Learn something by heart = learn something that you remember without having to look at notes.

Learn something the hard way = learn something by making lots of mistakes.

Learn some tricks of the trade = methods that help you to do a job better or faster
Learn to walk before you can run = to progress gradually
Never too late to learn = It is possible to learn new things, at any age
Learn my lesson = to decide not to do something again because it has caused you problems in the
past; learning from mistakes
Learn to live with it = to accept a new but unpleasant situation that you cannot change
Learn from its mistakes = learn my lesson
UNIT 11F: PARAGUAY SHAMAN The rain forests of Paraguay have been a source of medical cures
for a long time. Paraguay’s famous healers, called “shamans”, have a deep knowledge of local
medicinal plants. The journey begins in Paraguay’s isolated Mbaracayu Forest Nature Reserve and
the nearby native community of Tekoha Ryapu, where shaman Gervasio lives. To reach Gervasio, a
group of researchers set out on a long journey through the reserve. Meanwhile, at the village,
Gervasio is using prayers to make a spiritual connection with the forest. When he feels ready,
Gervasio and his wife take the group on the search because they are looking for a plant called
Suruvi, which is used to treat and cure various illness. Gervasio brings the root back to the village,
where his wife puts it in a pot of water to prepare tea. Scientists have published a book that helps
to easily identify and study local plants because medical plants that were once healthy and
multiplying are now disappearing and the possibility of finding new medical cures is disappearing
with them.

I don't take many medicines, but I think taking those of natural origin is very good for our body
because they have no side effects.

Es 3

1. They come from the nature reserve in Paraguay.

2. Because of deforestation.

3. They hope to find plants that will help cure diseases like cancer.

Es 5b

1. The internet is the best way to transmit knowledge.

2. My grandpa has always been a source of wisdom and learning in my life.

3. A potential disadvantage of drinking too much coffee is getting too nervous.

Pag 131 es 9

My dad taught me to drive a car when I was 18 and I was in driving school. At first, I couldn’t
balance the clutch and accelerator, so he took me to a free parking lot where I could try the starts.
He also taught me to drive more fluently and to be calmer because I was always very tense and

Pag 133 es 13

I’m sorry for the delay but my train was canceled. I was going to call you, but my phone went out
and I didn't know anyone at the station to ask for a call.

I apologize for the misunderstanding, but I thought I had the car available for 3 days. I’m willing to
pay extra to apologize, and I will bring the car back to you immediately.
I’m so sorry if I didn’t even wish you a happy birthday but it’s been a very busy work week. I didn’t
have a free minute but I’m ready to be forgiven. Saturday night I’ll take you to dinner!

Pag 134 es 11

To learn English better, I watch many English-language movies and TV series with subtitles so that I
can read the words I don't understand or don't know. I also listen a lot of English songs and many
times I find myself having very mundane speeches with myself in English, such as what I did during
the day.

UNIT 12C: START UP In 2008 two friends in Los Angeles established the Kogi BBQ food truck,
which started a whole new trend in mobile cuisine. What Kogi BBQ did was to bring higher quality
food at a reasonable price to a new generation of consumers. The economic recession of 2008
helped to foster this kind of business because it was easy to find staff, workers, and chefs and, at
the same time customers were encouraged to still go out and find good food at an affordable
price. Twitter helped to raise the social status of Kogi BBQ food truck and in a few months, Kogi
was attracting hundreds of customers. Kogi BBQ now has four trucks and a permanent truck stall
in Los Angeles. Customers line up in queues to eat and to take pictures of their tacos because
there is an important social aspect to this: it’s not just takeaway food but it’s a shared experience.

1. It may sell burgers, hot dogs, fries, pizza.

2. I think they made a lot of money because they can go to places where there a lot of
customers and they have low costs.

3. In my country I’ve never seen takeaway food vans but sometimes I order takeaway food
like pizza or sushi.

UNIT 12F: THE FARMERY The Farmery is an urban farming market, where the entire structure is
used to grow food and the bottom level is used as a retail area, where food can be sold. The
Farmery specializes in growing gourmet mushrooms, strawberries, herbs, baby greens and salad
mixes. All of this grow in a small space with a dedicated retail area where customers can walk in
and cut the crops and put it in a sack. They will have an intimate connection with their food that
they won’t experience anywhere else. The main goal is to open a Farmery in every city across
America, starting with regional growth and hopefully expanding into national. Two of the most
attractive options on where to open it, are:

 putting it in urban neighborhoods, where customers can come in and they can see their
food growing on the walls.
 or locating it in the middle-class market, which would help people be proud of themselves.

The Farmery should help customers value quality over quantity.

It’s something to do with growing vegetables or gardening, I think.

I think that Greene’s business idea is creating an urban farming market where customers can see
the food growing and buy food from the area they live.

Es 6b
I want to pursue a career in a multinational company because I love business.

Linguistics is a very complex subject.

I’m on a mission to pass all my exams.

Pag 143 es 12

1. many people work long hours during the week, so they just see their children at weekends.
2. Even people with university degrees are finding it difficult to get jobs these days.
3. For many people a job is only a way to make money, not something they particularly enjoy.
4. The rich are only a very small part of the population.
5. You don’t see extreme poverty. Even poor people usually have food and somewhere to
6. The state pension gives you enough to live on, but only to live a very basic kind of life.

Pag 145 es 12

1. Assemble a kitchen cabinet

2. Clean or fit a carpet
3. Put up a picture
4. Fix
5. Put up or fit
6. Tile or decorate or clean
7. Do
8. Fix or tile

The letters DIY stand for Do It Yourself and when I was a child, I often helped my mom to make
small hand-made things for the house, such as frames or clay pots. 2 years ago, DIY t-shirts were
very fashionable, and I remember having them made by the children of the oratory. It had to be
rolled up and tied with a rubber band, sprayed with colors, and left to dry. It was then washed in
the washing machine and once dry a completely colored spiral was obtained.

Pag 145 es 13

Picking up the rubbish, cleaning the windows, taking things to the dump, getting new curtains,
painting walls, put up some shelves, have a painter decorate the walls, asking a cleaner to tidy the
room, getting made some curtains, getting replaces the carpet.

Pag 146

I would adapt the railway carriage to be an internet café in a big city where the networks are
always clogged. It would be suitable for everyone but especially for students who need the
internet to study and do research. I would promote my business through social media because
they are the most efficient mass media especially among young people, but I would also do
advertising by hanging flyers in the busiest streets of the town.

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