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Name: Abeguel Layague BSA 2-A

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Woman as Temptress

1. Women have been seen in this light even in the Judeo-Christian tradition of
Adam and Eve. How did Ram and Odysseus differ when sexual temptation
was given?
Ans: Rama considered as a person son and a faithful husband to Sita.
Though, Rama was lured by Shurpanakha but still faithful to Sita, his beloved
wife. While Odysseus is faithful to his wife, Penelope but not sexually because
he he sleep to Circe and Calypso multiple times over many years.

2. Can Odysseus refuse the temptation of glory given him by the Sirens?
Ans: Yes, Odysseus solves the problem by covering the crew's ears with
beeswax and instructing them to tether him to the mast. The Sirens are
winged women who sing to the crew in an attempt to persuade them to die
on the rocks. They use what they want to hear to entice each man
individually. That's why they're such a strong allure.

3. If Ram past the Sirens' island, what would have been the temptations?
Could he have refused?
Ans: The temptation is same as what Odysseus face in the island of Siren.
They will lure the troops of Ram and if they can’t resist the temptation, they
will eventually die. And yes, they can refuse the temptation by praying to the
gods and goddesses to keep them safe while crossing the siren’s island.

4. The "double standard" concerning marital fidelity that exists for Odysseus
does not exist for Ram. What conclusions can we draw from this?
Ans: Odysseus differs greatly from Ram because Ram resists temptation and
remains faithful to Sita, whereas Odysseus is also faithful to his wife but not
sexually, and he does not resist temptation. There is no such thing as a
perfect relationship or marriage. Couples' relationships may have failed due to
a variety of factors. Just as Odysseus did to his wife. If he can set aside his
pride, he will be on his way home in no time. Rama is a perfect example of a
faithful husband; he adores Sita, and thus those qualities do not exist in

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