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Did you know that breathing polluted air can take

1 or 2 years off your daily life?

Air pollution is a mixture of solid particles and

gases in the air. Automobile emissions, factory
chemicals, dust, pollen, and mold spores can be
suspended as particulates. Ozone is a gas that is a
major part of urban air pollution. When ozone
forms air pollution, it is also known as smog.
Some air pollutants are toxic

 So what are the cause of the air pollution The

Burning of Fossil Fuels. ...
 Industrial Emission. ...
 Indoor Air Pollution. ...
 Wildfires. ...
 Microbial Decaying Process. ...
 Transportation. ...
 Open Burning of Garbage Waste. ...
 Construction and Demolition

 What are the consequences of air pollution?

 In particular, air pollution can cause
cardiovascular problems, allergies, asthma
attacks, conjunctivitis, bronchial diseases,
lung or skin cancer, vision problems, blood
problems in the child's mental development,
among others.
 So hear I am going to tell you some facts
about air pollution
Fact 1: An average American breathes 2 gallons of air per minute, which means around 3400

gallons of air each day. Fact 2: Inhaling air pollution takes away at least 1-2 years of a typical

human life. this fact I already said at the beginning

 Fact 3: It has effects as small as burning eyes and itchy throat to as large as

breathing problems and death.

The pollution that human and nonhuman animals inhale accumulates in their tissues,

causing damage to their organs that weakens their immune systems and makes them

more vulnerable to many diseases. In the most egregious cases of air pollution, the

health impacts that animals suffer are even visible to the naked eye

How do we know that polluted air could end our

lives, What can we do to reduce air pollution?

Well, what we can do is that we could reduce how

the factories produce smoke, we can also reduce
the burning of fuel, since that is one of the big
reasons why there is a lot of pollution in the air.

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