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Dear Earth,

Today is your birthday, and I am glad that you just reached this period even though many
events happened within the past years. You’re really improving yourself by having a new
species, environment, and having a new formation of the continents. We’re happy to have
you. Because of you, we’re here in this world.
I could still remember the time when you’re still in the Jurassic period. It is the
middle/center period of the Mesozoic era. During this period, many species of reptiles were
born. Climates world-wide were equal, creating forests of conifers and ferns; dinosaurs were
abundant, birds evolved, and limestones and iron ores were deposited. Those are some
things/events you have got in this period.
After the Jurassic period, tertiary period followed. It began unceremoniously when a
meteorite slammed into you, and it led to a mass extinction that wiped out about 75% of all
species in you, and it ended the reptile-dominant Cretaceous period and Mesozoic period.
But look at you know. You have reached this tertiary period. Even though tertiary started
with a biosphere in ruins, it recovered. And I am very thankful that you reached this period
because mammals were born. Where mammals took over all the ecological niches left vacant
by the extinction of the dinosaurs, and became the prevalent land animals. And where the
continents took on their present positions, and climatic and vegetation zones as we know them
became established. Tertiary began hot and humid but it ended in an ice age.
I’m happy and so proud that you are constantly growing. And we are thankful because as
you grow, we, the humans were born. Thank you for your colors, the Disney green of the
plants, the deep blue of the sky, the austere of the white clouds, and also the attractive
color of the sunset and sunrise. Thank you for your plants because they sustain us with food,
they are our medicines to heal our bodies, they become wood for our shelter, and raw material
for clothing. And thank you for your animals, because they became our companions, they
show us love, and that they teach us the way to play and live near to you.
Today, the flowers are blooming, the sun is sunnier, and life is awesome to any or all living
things__ all because it’s your birthday!!

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