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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

C or r e sp ondence

Guillain–Barré Syndrome Associated with SARS-CoV-2

To the Editor: From February 28 through ent in three patients initially; in another patient,
March 21, 2020, in three hospitals in northern they were absent initially but were present at 12
Italy, we examined five patients who had Guil- days. The findings were generally consistent
lain–Barré syndrome after the onset of coronavi- with an axonal variant of Guillain–Barré syn-
rus disease 2019 (Covid-19), the disease caused drome in three patients and with a demyelinat-
by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavi- ing process in two patients.1 Magnetic resonance
rus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). During that period, an esti- imaging, performed with the administration of
mated 1000 to 1200 patients with Covid-19 were gadolinium, showed enhancement of the caudal
admitted to these hospitals. Four of the patients nerve roots in two patients, enhancement of the
in this series had a positive nasopharyngeal facial nerve in one patient, and no signal chang-
swab for SARS-CoV-2 at the onset of the neuro- es in nerves in two patients. Additional labora-
logic syndrome, and one had a negative naso- tory findings are shown in Table S2.
pharyngeal swab and negative bronchoalveolar All the patients were treated with intravenous
lavage but subsequently had a positive serologic immune globulin (IVIG); two received a second
test for the virus. Detailed case reports are pro- course of IVIG and one started plasma ex-
vided in the Supplementary Appendix, available change. At 4 weeks after treatment, two patients
with the full text of this letter at remained in the intensive care unit and were
The first symptoms of Guillain–Barré syn- receiving mechanical ventilation, two were un-
drome were lower-limb weakness and paresthe- dergoing physical therapy because of flaccid
sia in four patients and facial diplegia followed paraplegia and had minimal upper-limb move-
by ataxia and paresthesia in one patient (Ta- ment, and one had been discharged and was
ble 1). Generalized, flaccid tetraparesis or tetra- able to walk independently.
plegia evolved over a period of 36 hours to 4 The interval of 5 to 10 days between the onset
days in four patients; three received mechanical of viral illness and the first symptoms of Guil-
ventilation. The interval between the onset of lain–Barré syndrome is similar to the interval
symptoms of Covid-19 and the first symptoms of seen with Guillain–Barré syndrome that occurs
Guillain–Barré syndrome ranged from 5 to 10 during or after other infections.2 Although many
days (Table 1 and Fig. S1 in the Supplementary infectious agents have been associated with
Appendix). None of the patients had dysauto- Guillain–Barré syndrome, there may be a pro-
nomic features. pensity for preceding infection with Campylo-
On analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), bacter jejuni, Epstein–Barr virus, cytomegalovirus,
two patients had a normal protein level and all and Zika virus. There have been reports of an
the patients had a white-cell count of less than association between Guillain–Barré syndrome
5 per cubic millimeter. Antiganglioside antibod- and coronavirus infections.3,4
ies were absent in the three patients who were On the basis of this observational series in-
tested. In all the patients, a real-time poly- volving five patients, it is not possible to deter-
merase-chain-reaction assay of the CSF was mine whether severe deficits and axonal involve-
negative for SARS-CoV-2. Results of electro- ment are typical features of Covid-19–associated
physiological studies are shown in Table S1. Guillain–Barré syndrome. We could not deter-
Compound muscle action potential amplitudes mine the effect of reduced vital capacity due to
were low but could be obtained; two patients neuromuscular failure from Guillain–Barré syn-
had prolonged motor distal latencies. On elec- drome in these patients, but such an effect
tromyography, fibrillation potentials were pres- might be considered if findings on chest imag-

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Table 1. Characteristics of Five Patients with Guillain–Barré Syndrome after the Onset of Covid-19.*

Patient Onset of Neurologic Neurologic Signs Antiganglioside Treatment and Outcomes

No. Syndrome and Symptoms CSF Findings† Antibodies‡ MRI Results at Week 4
1 7 Days after fever, Flaccid areflexic tetraplegia Day 2 (first lumbar puncture): Negative Head: normal Received 2 cycles of IVIG;
cough, and ageusia evolving to facial weakness, normal protein level; no cells; Spine: enhancement of had poor outcomes,
upper-limb paresthesia negative PCR assay for SARS- caudal nerve roots including persistence of
(36 hr), and respiratory CoV-2 severe upper-limb weak-
failure (day 6) Day 10 (second lumbar puncture): ness, dysphagia, and

protein level, 101 mg/dl; lower-limb paraplegia

white-cell count, 4 per mm3;
negative PCR assay for SARS-
2 10 Days after fever and Facial diplegia and generalized Day 3: protein level, 123 mg/dl; Not tested Head: enhancement of Received IVIG; had im-
pharyngitis areflexia evolving to lower- no cells; negative PCR assay facial nerve bilaterally provements, including
limb paresthesia with ataxia for SARS-CoV-2 Spine: normal decrease in ataxia and
(day 2) mild decrease in facial
3 10 Days after fever and Flaccid tetraparesis and facial Day 3: protein level, 193 mg/dl; Negative Head: normal Received 2 cycles of IVIG;
cough weakness evolving to are- no cells; negative PCR assay Spine: enhancement of had poor outcomes,
flexia (day 2) and respira- for SARS-CoV-2 caudal nerve roots including ICU admission
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l

tory failure (day 5) owing to neuromuscular

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respiratory failure and

flaccid tetraplegia
4 5 Days after cough and Flaccid areflexic tetraparesis Day 5: normal protein level; no Not tested Head: normal Received IVIG; had mild im-
hyposmia and ataxia (day 4) cells; negative PCR assay for Spine: normal provement but unable to
SARS-CoV-2 stand 1 mo after onset

Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

m e dic i n e

5 7 Days after cough, Facial weakness, flaccid are- Day 3: protein level, 40 mg/dl; Negative Head: not performed Received IVIG and plasma
ageusia, and anos- flexic paraplegia (days white-cell count, 3 per mm3; Spine: normal exchange; had bacterial
mia 2–3), and respiratory failure CSF:serum albumin ratio, pneumonia during IVIG
(day 4) 1.2%; negative PCR assay for treatment, which delayed
SARS-CoV-2 plasma exchange

* Covid-19 denotes coronavirus disease 2019, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, ICU intensive care unit, IVIG intravenous immune globulin, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, PCR polymerase
chain reaction, and SARS-CoV-2 severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.

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† On CSF analysis, all the patients had a normal glucose level and IgG index and a polyclonal pattern on electrophoresis. The normal range for the protein level is 15 to 45 mg per
‡ An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to test for antibodies to GM1, GQ1b, and GD1b.

ing are not commensurate with the severity of Fausto Baldanti, M.D.

respiratory insufficiency. Guillain–Barré syn- Rossana Daturi, M.D.
drome with Covid-19 should be distinguished IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo
Pavia, Italy
from critical illness neuropathy and myopathy,
which tend to appear later in the course of criti- Paolo Postorino, M.D.
cal illness than Guillain–Barré syndrome. Anna Cavallini, M.D.
Gianpaolo Toscano, M.D. Giuseppe Micieli, M.D.
IRCCS C. Mondino Foundation
IRCCS C. Mondino Foundation
Pavia, Italy
Pavia, Italy

Francesco Palmerini, M.D. Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with

the full text of this letter at
Istituto Ospedaliero Fondazione Poliambulanza
This letter is dedicated to the loving memory of Dr. Arrigo
Brescia, Italy
Sabrina Ravaglia, M.D., Ph.D.
This letter was published on April 17, 2020, at
IRCCS C. Mondino Foundation
Pavia, Italy
1. Hadden RD, Cornblath DR, Hughes RA, et al. Electrophysi-
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Luigi Ruiz, M.D. sociations and outcome. Ann Neurol 1998;​44:​780-8.
2. Wijdicks EF, Klein CJ. Guillain-Barré syndrome. Mayo Clin
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Istituto Ospedaliero Fondazione Poliambulanza
4. Sharma K, Tengsupakul S, Sanchez O, Phaltas R, Maertens
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P. Guillain-Barré syndrome with unilateral peripheral facial and
M. Giovanna Cuzzoni, M.D. bulbar palsy in a child: a case report. SAGE Open Med Case Rep
Diego Franciotta, M.D.
IRCCS C. Mondino Foundation DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc2009191
Pavia, Italy Correspondence Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society.

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Downloaded from by gilmar brito on May 17, 2020. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

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