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Review Article

Internal Root Resorption: A Review

Shanon Patel, BDS, MSc, MClinDent,* Domenico Ricucci, MD, DDS,† Conor Durak, BDSc, MFDS
RCS (Eng),* and Franklin Tay, BDSc (Hons), PhD‡

Introduction: Internal root resorption is the progressive
destruction of intraradicular dentin and dentinal tubules
along the middle and apical thirds of the canal walls as
R oot resorption is the loss of dental hard tissues as a result of clastic activities (1). It
might occur as a physiologic or pathologic phenomenon. Root resorption in the
primary dentition is a normal physiologic process except when the resorption occurs
a result of clastic activities. Methods: The prevalence, prematurely (2, 3). The initiating factors involved in physiologic root resorption in the
etiology, pathogenesis, histologic manifestations, differ- primary dentition are not completely understood, although the process appears to be
ential diagnosis with cone beam computed tomography, regulated by cytokines and transcription factors that are similar to those involved in
and treatment perspectives involved in internal root bone remodeling (4, 5). Unlike bone that undergoes continuous physiologic
resorption are reviewed. Results: The majority of the remodeling throughout life, root resorption of permanent teeth does not occur
documentation that exists in the literature is in the naturally and is invariably inflammatory in nature. Thus, root resorption in the
form of case reports, and there are only a limited number permanent dentition is a pathologic event; if untreated, this might result in the
of studies that attempted to examine the histologic premature loss of the affected teeth.
manifestations and biologic aspects of the disease. Root resorption might be broadly classified into external or internal resorption by
This might be due, in part, to the relatively rare occur- the location of the resorption in relation to the root surface (6, 7). Internal root
rence of this type of resorption and the lack of an in resorption has been reported as early as 1830 (8). Compared with external root
vivo model, apart from the previous attempt on the resorption, internal root resorption is a relatively rare occurrence, and its etiology
use of diathermy, to predictably reproduce the condition and pathogenesis have not been completely elucidated (9). Nevertheless, internal
for study. From a histologic perspective, internal root root resorption poses diagnostic concerns to the clinician because it is often confused
resorption is manifested in one form that is purely with external cervical resorption (ECR) (10–12). Incorrect diagnosis might result in
destructive, internal (root canal) inflammatory resorp- inappropriate treatment in certain cases (13).
tion, and another that is accompanied by repair, internal The aim of this work is to review the etiology and pathogenesis of internal root
(root canal) replacement resorption that is featured by resorption as well as the problems encountered in the diagnosis and treatment planning
the deposition of metaplastic bone/cementum-like of this condition. In addition, the epidemiology, classification, and histologic features of
tissues adjacent to the sites of resorption. Conclusions: internal root resorption will be discussed.
From a differential diagnosis perspective, the advent of
cone beam computed tomography has considerably Prevalence
enhanced the clinician’s capability of diagnosing Internal root resorption has been described as intraradicular or apical according
internal root resorption. Nevertheless, root canal treat- to the location in which the condition is observed (9). Intraradicular internal resorp-
ment remains the treatment of choice for this pathologic tion is an inflammatory condition that results in progressive destruction of intraradic-
condition to date. (J Endod 2010;36:1107–1121) ular dentin and dentinal tubules along the middle and apical thirds of the canal walls.
The resorptive spaces might be filled by granulation tissue only or in combination with
Key Words bone-like or cementum-like mineralized tissues (14). The condition is more frequently
Bone metaplasia, cone beam computed tomography, observed in male than female subjects (15, 16). Although intraradicular internal root
internal root resorption, pulp histology, pulp inflamma- resorption is a relatively rare clinical entity even after traumatic injury (17, 18), a higher
tion prevalence of the condition has been associated with teeth that had undergone specific
treatment procedures such as autotransplantation (19). Cabrini et al (20) amputated
the coronal pulps of 28 teeth and dressed the radicular pulp stumps with calcium
hydroxide mixed with distilled water. Eight of the 28 teeth extracted between 49 and
From the *Endodontic Postgraduate Unit, King’s College,
London Dental Institute, London, United Kingdom; †Private
320 days after the procedure demonstrated histologic evidence of internal resorption.
practice, Rome, Italy; and ‡Department of Endodontics, School xkan and Türkün (16) examined the prognosis of endodontic treatment on 25 teeth
of Dentistry, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, Georgia. with nonperforating and perforating internal resorption. The authors reported that the
Address requests for reprints to Dr Domenico Ricucci, most commonly affected teeth were maxillary incisors. The small sample sizes in these
Piazza Calvario, 7, 7022 Cetraro (CS), Italy. E-mail address: studies precluded definitive conclusions to be drawn on the prevalence of internal root
0099-2399/$0 - see front matter resorption. Moreover, diagnosis of internal resorption in most of the earlier studies was
Copyright ª 2010 American Association of Endodontists. based solely on 2-dimensional radiographic evidence, without complementary 3-
doi:10.1016/j.joen.2010.03.014 dimensional radiographic and/or histologic support. Further epidemiologic studies
are required to identify whether there are racial predilections in the manifestation of
intraradicular internal resorption.
Compared with intraradicular internal resorption, apical internal resorption is
a fairly common occurrence in teeth with periapical lesions (21). The authors exam-
ined the extent of internal resorption in 75 roots (69 roots with radiolucent periapical

JOE — Volume 36, Number 7, July 2010 Internal Root Resorption 1107
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lesions and 6 vital control roots) and graded the severity of resorption results in inhibition of the regulation of clastic cell differentiation. Thus,
on a 4-point scale. They concluded that 75% of teeth associated with it is possible that the OPG/RANKL/RANK system might be actively involved
periapical lesions had internal apical resorption and that vital teeth in the differentiation of odontoclasts during internal root resorption.
had statistically less apical internal resorption than teeth with periapical It is known that osteoclasts do not adhere to nonmineralized
lesions. Severe internal resorption could be identified in 48% of those collagen matrices (40). It has been suggested that the presence of a non-
cases with periapical lesions. Conversely, only 1 root in the control collagenous, organic component within dentin (odontoblast layer and
group displayed mild internal resorption, which was speculated to be predentin) prevents resorption of the root canal wall (41, 42). Similar
transient in nature as a result of trauma. Because apical internal resorp- to osteoclasts, odontoclasts might bind to extracellular proteins
tion is invariably associated with apical inflammatory external resorp- containing the RGD (arginine-glycine-aspartic acid) sequence of
tion of the cementum from partially resorbed root apices (22, 23), amino acids via integrins (43). The latter are specific surface adhesion
only the intraradicular forms of internal root resorption will be glycoprotein membrane receptors containing different a and
discussed in the rest of this article and will be simply referred to as b subunits. In particular, avb3 integrin plays a key role in the adhesion
internal root resorption. of clastic cells (44). Extracellular matrix proteins containing the RGD
peptide sequence present on the surface of mineralized tissues, in
particular osteopontin, serve as binding sites of clastic cells (45).
Etiology and Pathogenesis The osteopontin molecule contains different domains, with one domain
Osteoclasts are motile, multinucleated giant cells that are respon- binding to apatites in the denuded dentin and another domain binding
sible for bone resorption. They are formed by the fusion of mononu- to integrin receptors in the plasma membranes of clastic cells. Thus,
clear precursor cells of the monocyte-macrophage lineage derived osteopontin serves as a linker molecule that optimizes the attachment
from the spleen or bone marrow, as opposed to osteoblasts and oste- of a clastic cell to mineralized tissues, mediating the rearrangement
ocytes that are derived from skeletal precursor cells (24–26). They are of its actin cytoskeleton (46). It has been speculated that the lack of
recruited to the site of injury or irritation by the release of many RGD peptides in predentin reduces the binding of odontoclasts, thereby
proinflammatory cytokines. To perform their function, osteoclasts conferring resistance of the canal walls to internal root resorption.
must attach themselves to the bone surface. Recent studies indicated For internal root resorption to occur, the outermost protective
that the polarity of osteoclasts is regulated by their actin cytoskeleton odontoblast layer and the predentin (Fig. 1) of the canal wall must be
(27, 28). On contact with mineralized extracellular matrices, the damaged, resulting in exposure of the underlying mineralized dentin to
actin cytoskeleton of an actively resorbing osteoclast is reorganized odontoclasts (40, 47). The precise injurious events necessary to bring
to produce an organelle-free zone of sealing cytoplasm (clear zone) about such damages have not been completely elucidated. Various
associated with the osteoclast’s cell membrane to enable it to achieve etiologic factors have been proposed for the loss of predentin,
intimate contact with the hard tissue surface (29). The clear zone including trauma, caries and periodontal infections, excessive heat
surrounds a series of finger-like projections (podosomes) of cell generated during restorative procedures on vital teeth, calcium
membrane known as the ruffled border. It is underneath this ruffled hydroxide procedures, vital root resections, anachoresis, orthodontic
border that bone resorption occurs. The resorptive area within the clear treatment, cracked teeth, or simply idiopathic dystrophic changes
zone, therefore, is isolated from the extracellular environment, creating within normal pulps (18, 20, 48–55). In a study of 25 teeth with
an acidic microenvironment for the resorption of hard tissues (30). internal resorption, trauma was found to be the most common
Odontoclasts are the cells that resorb dental hard tissues (Fig. 1) predisposing factor that was responsible for 45% of the cases
and are morphologically similar to osteoclasts (31). Odontoclasts differ examined (16). The suggested etiologies in the other cases were inflam-
from osteoclasts by being smaller in size and having fewer nuclei and mation as a result of carious lesions (25%) and carious/periodontal
smaller sealing zones possibly as result of differences in their respective lesions (14%). The cause of the internal resorption in the remaining teeth
resorption substrata (32). Osteoclasts and odontoclasts resorb their was unknown. Other reports in the literature also support the view that
target tissues in a similar manner (29). Both cells possess similar enzy- trauma (18, 42, 56) and pulpal inflammation/infection (11, 56) are the
matic properties (33), and both create resorption depressions termed major contributory factors in the initiation of internal resorption.
Howship’s lacunae on the surface of the mineralized tissues (Fig. 1) Wedenberg and Lindskog (47) reported that internal root resorp-
(29). Although mononuclear dendritic cells share a common hemato- tion could be a transient or a progressive event. In an in vivo primate
poietic lineage with the multinucleated osteoclasts, they have previously study, the root canals were accessed in 32 incisors with the predentin
been regarded solely as immunologic defense cells. Recent studies indi- intentionally damaged. The access cavities in half of the teeth were
cated that immature dendritic cells function also as osteoclast precur- sealed; the other half were left open to the oral cavity. The teeth were
sors that have the potential to transdifferentiate into osteoclasts (34, extracted at intervals of 1, 2, 6, and 10 weeks. The authors noted
35). Because dendritic cells are present in the dental pulp, it is only a transient colonization of the damaged dentin by multinucleated
possible they might function also as precursors of odontoclasts. clastic cells in the teeth that had been sealed (ie, transient internal
From a molecular signaling perspective, the OPG/RANKL/RANK tran- root resorption). Those teeth were free from bacterial contamination,
scription factor system (36) that controls clastic functions during bone and no signs of active hard tissue resorption occurred. In the teeth
remodeling has also been identified in root resorption (37). The system that were left unsealed during the experimental period, there were signs
is responsible for the differentiation of clastic cells from their precursors of extensive bacterial contamination of pulpal tissue and dentinal
via complex cell-cell interactions with osteoblastic stromal cells. Similar to tubules. Those teeth demonstrated extensive and prolonged coloniza-
periodontal ligament cells that are responsible for external root resorp- tion of the damaged dentin surface by clastic cells and signs of miner-
tion (38), the human dental pulp has recently been shown to express os- alized tissue resorption (progressive internal root resorption). Damage
teoprotegerin (OPG) and receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B to the odontoblast layer and predentin of the canal wall is a prerequisite
ligand (RANKL) mRNAs (39). Osteoprotegerin, a member of the tumor for the initiation of internal root resorption (42). However, the advance-
necrosis factor superfamily, has the ability to inhibit clast functions by ment of internal root resorption depends on bacterial stimulation of the
acting as decoy receptors that bind to RANKL and reduce the affinity of clastic cells involved in hard tissue resorption (Fig. 2). Without this
the latter to RANK receptors on the surface of clastic precursors. This stimulation, the resorption will be self-limiting (42).

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Figure 1. Light microscopy images of a case with early internal (root canal) inflammatory resorption. (a) Maxillary canine with caries penetrating the pulp. The
tooth was tender to percussion. There was no response to sensitivity tests. (b) Sections were taken along the buccolingual plane. Overview image shows carious
perforation and necrotic tissue in the root canal (Taylor’s modified Brown & Brenn [TBB]; original magnification, 2). (c) Coronal third of the root canal shown
in (b). Dense bacterial biofilm was present on the canal walls. Necrotic tissue can be identified in the canal lumen (TBB; original magnification, 16). (d) High
magnification of the area indicated by the arrow in (c). Dense aggregation of bacteria can be seen along the canal wall (TBB; original magnification, 400. Inset;
original magnification, 1000). (e) Apical third of the root. Contrary to the histologic condition present in the coronal two thirds, the tissue was vital (hematoxylin-
eosin [H&E]; original magnification, 25). (f) Magnification of the left root canal wall. The odontoblast layer was absent, with only some remaining predentin.
Resorption lacunae can be observed along the canal wall (H&E; original magnification, 100). (g) Higher magnification of the upper lacuna in (f). Large multi-
nucleated resorbing cell (odontoclast) and granulation tissue consisting of fibroblasts and chronic inflammatory cells can be seen (H&E; original magnification,
400). (h) High magnification view of the odontoclast showing multiple nuclei. The empty space is a shrinkage artifact (H&E; original magnification, 1000).

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For internal resorption to occur, the pulp tissue apical to the Zetterqvist (56). In that study, internal root resorption lesions in
resorptive lesion must have a viable blood supply to provide clastic cells both primary and permanent teeth were examined with light micros-
and their nutrients, whereas the infected necrotic coronal pulp tissue copy, scanning electron microscopy, and enzyme histochemistry. The
provides stimulation for those clastic cells (7) (Fig. 2). Bacteria might study examined 6 primary and 7 permanent teeth that were extracted
enter the pulp canal through dentinal tubules, carious cavities, cracks, as a result of progressive internal resorption. The histologic appear-
fractures, and lateral canals. In the absence of a bacterial stimulus, the ance and histochemical profiles of the primary and permanent teeth
resorption will be transient and might not advance to the stage that can were identical, but the resorption process generally occurred at
be diagnosed clinically and radiographically. Therefore, the pulp apical a faster rate in the primary teeth. Pulpal tissues in all the teeth
to the site of resorption must be vital for the resorptive lesion to prog- were inflamed to varying degrees, with the inflammatory infiltrate
ress (Fig. 1). If left untreated, internal resorption might continue until consisting predominantly of lymphocytes and macrophages, with
the inflamed connective tissue filling the resorptive defect degenerates, some neutrophils. The inflammation was associated with dilated
advancing the lesion in an apical direction. Ultimately, if left untreated, blood vessels, and in 11 of the cases, bacteria were evident either
the pulp tissue apical to the resorptive lesion will undergo necrosis, and in the necrotic coronal pulp tissue or within the dentinal tubules
the bacteria will infect the entire root canal system, resulting in apical adjacent to the lesion. The granulation tissue in the pulp cavities con-
periodontitis (57) (Fig. 2). tained fewer blood vessels than in normal pulp tissue and resembled
periodontal connective tissues, with comparatively more cells and
fibers. Indeed, the periodontal membrane was continuous with the
Histologic Manifestations tissue in the pulp cavities in all but 2 teeth through either the apical
Our knowledge of the histologic manifestations of internal root foramen or perforations of the external root surfaces as a result of
resorption in humans is based largely on the work of Wedenberg and the resorption process. A distinguishing feature of all the lesions

Figure 2. Light microscopy images of a case with early internal (root canal) inflammatory resorption followed by necrosis and infection. (a) Periapical radiograph
shows a mandibular second premolar with gross caries and enlargement of the periodontal ligament. There was no response to sensitivity tests, and the tooth was
extremely sensitive to percussion. The buccal gingival tissues were swollen and fluctuant. The diagnosis was pulpal necrosis with acute apical abscess. After dis-
cussing the various treatment options, the patient opted for extraction. (b) Sections were taken along the mesiodistal plane. Overview image shows that the distal
caries had penetrated the pulp space. Pulp tissue was necrotic (TBB; original magnification, 2). (c) Apical third. Main canal and ramifications were filled with
a bacterial biofilm (TBB; original magnification, 16). (d) Higher magnification of the main canal in (c). Numerous resorptive defects were present on the right
root canal walls and filled with bacteria (TBB; original magnification, 100). (e) High magnification of the upper lacuna in (d). Predentin was absent, and the
cavity was occupied by a bacterial biofilm. Some polymorphonuclear leukocytes can be observed (TBB; original magnification, 400). (f) Resorption lacuna apical
to that shown in (e) (TBB; original magnification, 400). (g) High magnification taken from the left canal wall of the apical canal. Despite the presence of necrotic
pulp tissue along the root canal wall, predentin was intact at this level, and no resorption can be seen (H&E; original magnification, 400).

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examined was the presence of numerous, large, multinucleated Internal (Root Canal) Inflammatory Resorption
odontoclasts occupying resorption lacunae on the canal walls. The This type of resorption might occur in any area of the root canal
odontoclasts displayed evidence of active resorption and were system. It is characterized by the radiographic appearance of an oval-
accompanied by mononuclear inflammatory cells in the adjacent shaped enlargement within the pulp chamber (Fig. 3). The condition
connective tissue. Both types of cell displayed tartrate-resistant acid might go unnoticed until the lesion has advanced significantly, result-
phosphatase activity. There were no predentin or odontoblasts on ing in a perforation (62) or symptoms of acute or chronic apical pe-
the dentinal walls. riodontitis after the entire pulp has undergone necrosis and the pulp
Of interest was the presence of a metaplastic mineralized tissue space has become infected. If resorption occurs in the coronal
that resembled bone or cementum. The metaplastic mineralized tissues portion of the tooth, the latter might exhibit a pinkish hue that is clas-
incompletely lined the pulp cavity in all cases, and islands of calcified sically described as the pink tooth of Mummery after the 19th century
tissues were identified from the pulp in 3 teeth. Similar metaplastic anatomist James Howard Mummery (63), who first reported the
mineralized tissues were reported by Cvek (58) and Cvek et al (59), phenomenon.
with ‘‘ankylosis of the canal walls’’ similar to what was observed along Internal root canal inflammatory resorption involves a progressive
the external root surfaces. On the basis of those results, 2 types of loss of intraradicular dentin without adjunctive deposition of hard
internal root resorption were described by Ne et al (60) and Heithersay tissues adjacent to the resorptive sites (Figs. 1–3). It is frequently
(61), internal (root canal) inflammatory resorption and internal (root associated with chronic pulpal inflammation, and bacteria might be
canal) replacement resorption. The prefixes ‘‘internal’’ and ‘‘root identified from the granulation tissues when the lesion is progressive
canal’’ were used to delineate these entities from similar observations to the extent that it is identifiable with routine radiographs (47)
in external root resorption. (Fig. 3). Although chronic inflammation is commonly present in pulpal

Figure 3. Light microscopy images of a case with internal (root canal) inflammatory resorption. (a) Radiograph of a nonrestorable grossly carious mandibular
molar. A radiolucent area can be seen in the distal root at the transition between the middle and the apical thirds of the root canal. (b) Longitudinal section of the
distal root, taken from a mesiodistal plane. The defect appears empty, except for some debris present in its apical extension (H&E; original magnification, 16). (c)
High magnification of the area from the right wall indicated by the arrow in (b). Resorption lacunae appear empty; no multinucleated cells are visible (H&E; original
magnification, 400). (d) Section taken approximately 60 sections after that shown in (b). Necrotic tissues can be seen at the transition between the resorption
area and the apical canal followed by a concentration of cells (TBB; original magnification, 50). (e) High magnification of the area demarcated by the rectangle in
(d), showing the transition between necrotic tissue with bacterial colonies and an area of acute inflammation (TBB; original magnification, 400). (f) High magni-
fication of the area indicated by the arrow at the center of the cellular accumulation in (d). Dense aggregation of polymorphonuclear leukocytes can be identified
(TBB; original magnification, 400). (Reprinted with permission from Ricucci D. Patologia e Clinica Endodontica. Edizioni Martina, Bologna, Italy, 2009).

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infections, it alone does not provide the conditions necessary for medi- might subsequently arrest and might be followed by complete oblitera-
ating root canal inflammatory resorption. Other conditions must be tion of the canal space by cancellous bone.
present simultaneously to initiate the event; for example, conditions Different hypotheses have been proposed regarding the origin of
must prevail for the recruitment and activation of odontoclast precur- the metaplastic hard tissues that are formed within the canal space.
sors within the dental pulp, and the adjacent odontoblast layer and pre- The first hypothesis suggests that the metaplastic tissues are produced
dentin must be disrupted (64) for those activated clastic cells to adhere by postnatal dental pulp stem cells (75, 76) present in the apical,
to the intraradicular mineralized dentin (Fig. 1). This probably explains vital part of the root canal as a reparative response to the resorptive
why root canal inflammatory resorption is less frequently observed than insult. This is analogous to the formation of tertiary reparative dentin
external inflammatory root resorption (EIRR). The coronal part of the by odontoblast-like cells after the death of the primary odontoblasts
pulp is usually necrotic, whereas the apical part of the pulp must remain (77). Unlike reactionary dentinogenesis, dentin repair studies have
vital for the resorptive lesion to progress and enlarge (Fig. 1). One shown that the matrix deposited during reparative dentinogenesis
hypothesis suggests that the necrotic coronal part of the infected pulp demonstrates a high degree of heterogeneity. Following the depletion
provides a stimulus for inflammation in the apical part of the pulp. of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions that occur in primary dentino-
An alternative hypothesis is based on the recent understanding that oste- genesis, the matrix deposited in reparative dentinogenesis often resem-
ocytes participate in bone homeostasis by inhibiting osteoclastogenesis bles osteoid instead of tubular dentin (78–80). Odontoblasts are
(65). In the presence of living osteocytes, osteoclasts fail to produce postmitotic cells that are incapable of cell division following their
actin rings, which are the hallmark of active resorbing cells. Conversely, terminal differentiation. Despite the advances in our understanding of
apoptosis of osteocytes induces the secretion of osteoclastogenic cyto- the molecular signaling that determines cell fate during tooth
kines that trigger bone resorption (66, 67). Similar to osteocytes, dental morphogenesis and regeneration (81, 82), the precise cross-talk mech-
pulp cells and odontoblasts undergo apoptosis during tooth anisms that determine the commitment of mesenchymal progenitor cells
development as well as in response to certain types of injury (68– to a definitive odontoblast lineage (as opposed to the osteoblast lineage)
71). Thus, it is possible that odontoblasts or pulpal fibroblasts remain ambiguous at large (83, 84). In the absence of highly specific
undergoing apoptosis as a result of trauma or caries produce epigenetically derived signals required for lineage diversification and
cytokines that initiate an internal resorptive response in the apical differentiation of ’’true’’ odontoblasts in an adult tooth, multipotent
part of the pulp. Internal resorption only occurs when the predentin stem cells engaged in the process of reparative dentin formation
adjacent to the site of chronic inflammation is lost as a result of retain the osteoblastic phenotype and secrete a matrix that more
trauma (56) or other unknown etiologic factors. resembles bone than dentin. These histologic observations appear to
be supported by the results of a recent article that involved the use of
gene therapy to introduce a growth factor into dental pulp stem cells
Internal (Root Canal) Replacement Resorption (85). In that study, the newly formed hard tissue resembled bone rather
Internal root canal replacement resorption is characterized by an than dentin, with concentric lamellae of mineralized matrix entrapping
irregular radiographic enlargement of the pulp chamber, with discon- osteocyte-like cells. In addition, a bone marrow–like hematopoietic
tinuity of the normal canal space (72). Because the resorption process tissue could be identified within the newly formed hard tissues. Thus,
is initiated within the root canal, the defect includes part of the canal it is possible that a similar phenomenon occurs during the formation
space, and hence the outline of the original canal appears distorted. of metaplastic tissues in root canal replacement resorption.
The enlarged canal space appeared radiographically to be obliterated The second hypothesis proposes that both the granulation tissues
by a fuzzy-appearing material of mild to moderate radiodensity and metaplastic hard tissues are of nonpulpal origin. Those tissues might
(Fig. 4). This form of resorption is typically asymptomatic, and the be derived from cells that transmigrated from the vascular compartments
affected teeth might respond normally to thermal and/or electric pulp or originated from the periodontium (86). This hypothesis suggests that
testing unless the resorptive process results in crown or root perfora- in internal resorption, the pulpal tissues are replaced by periodontium-
tion (60). Root canal replacement resorption appears to be caused by like connective tissues. Such a scenario is analogous to what occurs
a low-grade inflammation of the pulpal tissues such as chronic irrevers- during ingrowth of connective tissues into the pulp space when a blood
ible pulpitis or partial necrosis. Similar to root canal inflammatory clot became available (87–89) or, more recently, after pulpal
resorption, the chronic inflammatory process must occur along a region revascularization procedures (90, 91). Indeed, the histologic features
of the canal wall in which the odontoblast layer and the predentin are of heavy inflammatory infiltrates and bone/cementum-like metaplastic
disrupted or damaged before the resorption component of the condi- tissues formation in root canal replacement resorption are highly reminis-
tion commences (56), because odontoblasts have to bind to extracel- cent of similar unresolved lymphocyte infiltration and intracanal
lular proteins containing the RGD amino acid sequence. cementum-like hard tissue deposition in experimental revascularization
Histologically, resorption of the intraradicular dentin is accompanied procedures conducted in immature dog teeth with apical periodontitis
by subsequent deposition of a metaplastic hard tissue that resembles (92). Similar to the challenge posed by the authors of that article (92),
bone or cementum instead of dentin (Fig. 4). Metaplasia refers to it is not clear whether internally resorbed roots filled with bone/
a reversible change in which one adult cell type (epithelial or cementum-like tissues are as strong as teeth with canal walls supported
mesenchymal) is replaced by another cell type (73). In the present by intact intraradicular tubular dentin. Although root fracture associated
context, the metaplastic tissue appears lamella-like, with entrapped with internal resorption had been reported (93), the absence of histologic
osteocyte-like cells that resemble osteons of compact bone (Fig. 4). backup and the paucity of such reports preclude evidence-based conclu-
A variant of internal root canal replacement resorption has previ- sions to be drawn regarding the correlation between teeth with histories of
ously been reported as ‘‘internal tunnelling resorption’’ (74). This entity root canal replacement resorption and their fracture resistance.
is usually found in the coronal portion of root fractures but might also
be seen after luxation injuries. The resorption process tunnels into the
dentin adjacent to the root canal, with concomitant deposition of bone- Differential Diagnosis
like tissues in some regions. These bone-like tissues have the appear- The manner in which internal root resorption presents clinically
ance of cancellous bone instead of compact bone (Fig. 5). The process depends, to a degree, on the nature and position of the lesion within

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Figure 4. Light microscopy images of a case with internal (root canal) replacement resorption. The tooth was derived from a 44-year-old male patient who was
referred to the first author for management of a perforated root. The tooth was asymptomatic on examination, but there was a history of previous trauma. (a)
Radiograph of a maxillary central incisor with a radiolucent lesion in the mid-third of the root canal. The radiolucent lesion appears to be mottled, which is sugges-
tive of internal root resorption with metaplasia. (b) Radiograph of the tooth after extraction taken at 90-degree angle to the clinical radiograph showing the conti-
nuity of the resorptive lesion with the canal space. (c) Cross section taken approximately at the level of line 1 in (b). Low magnification overview shows that the
dentin around the root canal had been replaced by an ingrowth of bone tissue, and the root appears to have been perforated on the distopalatal aspect (H&E;
original magnification, 8). (d) Higher magnification of (c) (H&E; original magnification, 16). (e) High magnification of the area demarcated by the rectangle
in (d). The intraradicular dentin has been resorbed (H&E; original magnification, 100). (f) High magnification taken from the right part of (c) showing that the
resorbed dentin has been substituted by lamellar bone. Osteocytes are present in lacunae between the lamellae. A characteristic cross section of an osteon can be
seen on the right (open arrows), with concentric lamellae surrounding a vascular structure (H&E; original magnification, 100). (g) High magnification of the
area indicated by the left open arrow in (e). A multinucleated resorbing cell (odontoclast) can be seen in a dentinal lacuna, indicating active resorption of the
dentinal wall (H&E; original magnification, 1000). (h) High magnification view of the bone surface indicated by the right arrow in (e). The large cells are
osteoblast-like cells. Once they produced mineralized tissue, they were embedded in the bone lacunae, assuming the characteristics of osteocytes (H&E; original
magnification, 1000). (i) Cross section taken approximately at the level of line 2 in (b). The root canal was still large at this level and surrounded by a relatively
thin layer of newly formed bone (H&E; original magnification, 16). (j) Cross section taken approximately at the level of line 3 in (b). At this level the root canal
appears consistently narrowed by a dense layer of newly formed bone (H&E; original magnification, 16).

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Figure 4. (continued).

the tooth. If the pulp is still partially vital, the patient might experience tially balloon out. Internal root resorption lesions might also be oval,
symptoms of pulpitis. However, if the resorption is no longer active and circumscribed radiolucencies in continuity with the canal walls (60).
the entire pulp has become necrotic, the patient might eventually Lesions caused by ECR, by contrast, have borders that are ill-defined
develop symptoms of apical periodontitis. Sinus tracts might be detected and asymmetrical, with radiodensity variations in the body of the lesion.
clinically, which might be indicative of root perforation or chronic The canal wall should be traceable through the ECR lesion because the
apical abscess. A pink discoloration might be visible through the crown latter is superimposed over the root canal (95–98).
of the tooth as a result of internal root resorption in the coronal third of The use of parallax radiographic techniques is advocated for differ-
the root canal. The pink spot is caused by granulation tissue undermin- entiating internal from external resorption defects (10, 94, 95). A
ing the necrotic area of coronal pulp. Traditionally, the pink spot of second radiograph taken at a different angle often confirms the nature
Mummery has been thought to be pathognomonic of internal root of the resorptive lesion. ECR lesions will move in the same direction
resorption. However, these pink spots are more commonly associated as the x-ray tube shift if they are lingually/palatally positioned. They
with ECR (12). Thus, differential diagnosis of internal root resorption will move in the opposite direction to the tube shift if they are
cannot be based solely on the observation of pink spots. In many buccally positioned. Conversely, internal root resorption lesions
instances, there are no clinical signs, and the teeth that exhibit internal should remain in the same position relative to the canal in both
root resorption are asymptomatic. Given the varied manner in which radiographs (Fig. 7). Radiologically, internal (root canal) replacement
internal root resorption might present clinically, the diagnosis of the resorption presents as a cloudy, mottled, radiopaque lesion with irreg-
condition is primarily based on radiographic examination, with supple- ular margins (Fig. 8) as a result of the presence of metaplastic hard
mentary information gained from history and clinical findings (10). tissue deposits within the canal space. Differentiating internal (root
The difficulty in distinguishing internal resorption from ECR has canal) replacement resorption from ECR might be clinically challenging,
been highlighted in the literature (7, 10, 94). The problem in especially if the metaplasia has occupied the entire resorptive cavity.
diagnosis occurs when the ECR lesion is not accessible by probing Diagnostic accuracy based on conventional and digital radio-
and is projected radiologically over the root canal. Both lesions graphic examination is limited by the fact that the images produced
might have a similar radiographic appearance (Fig. 6). Gartner et al by these techniques only provide a 2-dimensional representation of
(95) described guidelines that enable clinicians to differentiate the 2 3-dimensional objects (94, 99, 100). In addition, the anatomic
processes radiographically. The authors reported internal root resorp- structures being imaged might be distorted (101). This might lead to
tion lesions to be smooth and generally symmetrically distributed over misdiagnosis and incorrect treatment in the management of internal
the root. They described the radiolucency of the internal root resorption root resorption and ECR.
as having a uniform density. The pulp chamber or root canal outline The advent of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) has
could not be followed through the lesion, because the canal walls essen- enhanced radiographic diagnosis (102, 103). The use of CBCT

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Figure 5. Light microscopy images of a variant of internal (root canal) replacement resorption with tunneling resorption. Lower right lateral incisor was derived
from a 39-year-old former boxer who suffered from jaw fracture during a boxing match in his early twenties and was placed in intermaxillary fixation. The patient
developed symptoms 20 years later and complained of pain associated with his lower incisors. (a) Radiograph of the mandibular right incisors. Lower right central
incisor had asymptomatic apical periodontitis associated with a necrotic and infected pulp. Lower right lateral incisor showed a large area of internal root resorp-
tion. The tooth did not respond to sensitivity tests. (b) Sagittal CBCT slice shows some calcified tissue in the resorptive defect. (c) Cross section taken at the level of
line 1 in (a, b). Overview shows that the canal was apparently empty at this level (H&E; original magnification, 6). (d) High magnification of the area indicated by
the arrow in (c). Lamellar bone fills an area of previous resorption. Note the osteon structure (arrow) (H&E; original magnification, 100). (e) Cross section
taken at the level of line 2 in (a, b). Overview shows that the canal lumen was partly occupied by necrotic remnants, partly by bone-like tissue (H&E; original
magnification, 8). (f) High magnification of the lower part in (e) (H&E; original magnification, 50). (g) Higher magnification of (f). Bone trabeculae sur-
rounded by necrotic debris (H&E; original magnification, 100). (h) Cross section taken from the same area as that in (e) (TBB; original magnification, 16). (i)
High magnification of the area indicated by the arrow in (h). Fragment of bone-like tissue can be seen surrounded by bacteria-colonized necrotic tissues (TBB;
original magnification, 100. Inset; original magnification, 1000). (j) Longitudinal section passing approximately through the center of the root apex. Dentin
walls had been resorbed and substituted by a bone-like tissue (H&E; original magnification, 16).

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decisions/the number of actually negative cases, respectively, constitute
the basic measures of performance of diagnostic tests. The receiver
operating characteristic (ROC) curve, which is defined as a plot of test
sensitivity versus its specificity, is a well-accepted method of evaluating
the quality or performance of diagnostic tests. The area under an ROC
curve that has been fit by the conventional binormal model (Az) is widely
used as an index of diagnostic performance (107). Recently, Patel et al
(98) compared the accuracy of intraoral periapical radiography with
CBCT for the detection and management of root resorption lesions.
ROC Az values for correctly diagnosing internal root resorption with in-
traoral radiography were satisfactory (0.78). However, CBCT resulted in
a perfect diagnosis (Az 1.00). The authors concluded that the superior
accuracy of CBCT warrants reassessment of the use of conventional
radiographic techniques for assessing root resorption lesions.
The use of CBCT can be invaluable in the decision-making process.
The scanned data provide the clinician with a 3-dimensional apprecia-
tion of the tooth, the resorption lesion, and the adjacent anatomy. The
true nature of the lesion might be assessed, including root perforations
and whether the lesion is amendable to treatment (Figs. 7 and 8). In the
same study (98), the authors concluded that there was a significantly
higher prevalence in the choice of the correct treatment option when
CBCT was used compared with the use of intraoral radiographs for diag-
nosing resorptive lesions.

Treatment Perspectives
Once internal root resorption has been diagnosed, the clinician
must make a decision on the prognosis of the tooth. If the tooth is
deemed restorable and has a reasonable prognosis, root canal treatment
is the treatment of choice. The aim of root canal treatment is to remove
any remaining vital, apical tissue and the necrotic coronal portion of the
pulp that might be sustaining and stimulating the resorbing cells via their
blood supply, and to disinfect and obturate the root canal system (108).
Internal root resorption lesions present the endodontist with
unique difficulties in the preparation and obturation of the affected
tooth. Access cavity preparation should be conservative, preserving as
much tooth structure as possible, and should avoid further weakening
of the already compromised tooth. In teeth with actively resorbing
lesions, bleeding from the inflamed pulpal and granulation tissues
might be profuse and might impair visibility during the initial stages
of chemomechanical debridement. The shape of the resorption defect
usually renders it inaccessible to direct mechanical instrumentation.

Chemomechanical Debridement of the Root Canal

The principal cause of persistent apical periodontitis might be
attributed to microorganisms remaining within the canal after root canal
Figure 6. (a) Clinical examination reveals that the mandibular left central treatment (109–112). Root canals have complex morphology that
incisor tooth was discolored and nonresponsive to sensitivity testing. (b) harbors bacteria. Despite advances in endodontic techniques,
Two periapical radiographs taken at different horizontal angles confirm the instruments and irrigants fail to predictably access the restricted areas
resorptive lesion is labially positioned by using the parallax principle; the of the canal space (113–116). The use of ultrasonic instruments to
root canal outline is still visible through the lesion, indicating that the lesion agitate the irrigant has been shown to improve the removal of necrotic
is ECR. (c, d) Sagittal and axial CBCT slices show that the lesion is actually debris and biofilms from inaccessible areas of the root canal (117).
internal root resorption, which is located at the periphery of the root canal.
Ultrasonic activation of irrigants after mechanical preparation of root
True nature of the resorptive lesion could only be assessed with CBCT. (Re-
printed with permission from Patel S. New dimensions in endodontic imaging: canals has been shown to reduce the number of bacteria. Given the inac-
part 2—cone beam computed tomography. Int Endod J 2009;42:463–75). cessibility of internal root resorption lesions to chemomechanical
debridement, ultrasonic activation of irrigants should be viewed as an
provides greater 3-dimensional geometric accuracy when compared essential step in the disinfection of the internal resorption defect.
with conventional radiography (104). Several case reports and case However, even with the use of ultrasonic instruments, bacteria might still
series have confirmed the usefulness of CBCT in diagnosing and remain in confined areas (117). Chemomechanical debridement of
managing resorptive lesions (105, 106). Sensitivity and specificity, the root canal space fails to consistently render the root canal system
which are defined as the number of true positive decisions/the bacteria-free (118–122). Thus, an intracanal, antibacterial medica-
number of actually positive cases and the number of true negative ment should be used to improve disinfection of the inaccessible root

1116 Patel et al. JOE — Volume 36, Number 7, July 2010

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Figure 7. (a, b) Parallax views of the maxillary left lateral incisor showing internal (root canal) resorption. A gutta-percha point has been used to track the sinus.
The reconstructed sagittal (c) and axial (d) slices from CBCT reveal that the lesion has extensively resorbed the palatal aspect of the root (arrows) and has nearly
perforated the root wall. (e) The tooth has been obturated with gutta-percha by using a thermoplasticized technique.
resorption defects (114). Calcium hydroxide is antibacterial and has adequately. To completely seal the resorptive defect, the obturation mate-
been shown to effectively eradicate bacteria that persist after chemome- rial should be flowable. Gutta-percha is the most commonly used filling
chanical instrumentation (123, 124). Calcium hydroxide has also been material in endodontics. Gencoglu et al (129) examined the quality of
shown to have a synergistic effect when used in conjunction with root fillings in teeth with artificially created internal resorptive cavities.
sodium hypochlorite to remove organic debris from the root canal They found that the Microseal (Sybron Endo, Orange, CA) and Obtura
(125, 126). Nevertheless, some case reports demonstrated the inability II (Spartan, Fenton, MO) thermoplastic gutta-percha techniques were
of calcium hydroxide to eliminate bacteria in ramifications because of significantly better in filling artificial resorptive cavities than Thermafil
its low solubility and inactivation by dentin, tissue fluids, and organic (Dentsply, York, PA), Soft-Core core systems (CMS Dental, Copenhagen,
matter (127, 128). Despite these limitations, the use of multiple Denmark), and cold lateral condensation (CLC). The CLC technique
calcium hydroxide dressings has been advocated to enhance produced slightly fewer voids than Obtura II, but a larger proportion
chemomechanical debridement of the internal root resorption defect. of the canal space was filled with sealer with this technique. Goldman
et al (130) also concluded that the Obtura II system performed statisti-
cally better in obturating resorptive defects than CLC, Thermafil, and
Obturation of the Root Canal a hybrid technique. Stamos and Stamos (131) reported 2 cases of internal
The primary objective of root canal treatment is to disinfect the root root resorption in which the Obtura II system was used to successfully
canal system. This is followed by obturation of the disinfected canal with obturate the canals. Similar conclusions were reached by others (132).
an appropriate root-filling material to prevent it from reinfection. By their In situations when the root wall has been perforated, mineral
very nature, internal root resorption defects can be difficult to obturate trioxide aggregate (MTA) should be considered the material of choice

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Figure 8. (a, b) Radiographs reveal internal (root canal) replacement resorption of maxillary left central incisor; note the lesion remains centered with second
parallax view. (c) CBCT-reconstructed coronal (left) and axial (right) views of the tooth indicate that calcified tissue was present in the coronal part of the defect.
(d) The tooth was obturated with gutta-percha by using a thermoplasticized technique; note the irregular borders and varying radiodensity of the root filling asso-
ciated within the internal root resorption lesion. (e) 2-year review radiograph.

to seal the perforation. MTA is biocompatible (133) and has been less, internal root resorption is often asymptomatic, and painful symp-
shown to be effective in repairing furcation perforations (134) and toms do not appear until an advanced stage of the lesion. Thus, the
lateral root perforations (135). The material is well-tolerated by peri- clinician’s ability to detect this pathologic entity must rely heavily on
radicular tissues and has been shown to support almost complete the use of radiographs in routine oral examinations. Although the advent
regeneration of the periodontium (134). In addition, MTA has superior of CBCT provides an important adjunctive diagnostic tool for differenti-
sealing properties when compared with other materials (136). A hybrid ating between internal root resorption and ECR, it does not break new
technique might also be used to obturate canals; the canal apical to the ground from a treatment perspective. Irrespective of whether the lesion
resorption defect is obturated with gutta-percha, and then the resorp- is manifested histologically as the inflammatory or the replacement form
tion defect and associated perforation are sealed with MTA (137, of the disease, the ultimate treatment of choice for those prognostically
138). When internal resorption has rendered the tooth untreatable favorable teeth is still nonsurgical root canal therapy.
or unrestorable, extraction is the only treatment option. Although this pathologic condition has been reported for more
than a century, our knowledge on the pathogenesis of this disease is,
unfortunately, surprisingly thin. The majority of the documentation
Concluding Remarks and Future Directions that existed in the literature is in the form of case reports, and there
To date, root canal treatment remains the only treatment of choice are only a limited number of studies that examined the histologic mani-
with teeth diagnosed with internal root resorption. Because the resorp- festations and biologic aspects of the disease. In particular, the patho-
tive defect is the result of an inflamed pulp and the clastic precursor cells genesis aspects of this disease still contain a high degree of uncertainty,
are predominantly recruited through the blood vessels, controlling the with much of the information adapted from our understanding of
process of internal root resorption is conceptually easy, via severing external root resorption. This might be due, in part, to the relatively
the blood supply to the resorbing tissues with conventional root canal rare occurrence of this type of resorption and the lack of an in vivo
therapy. With that said, early detection and a correct differential diag- model, apart from the previous attempt on the use of diathermy, to
nosis are essential for successful management of the outcome of internal predictably reproduce the condition for study.
resorption to prevent overweakening of the remaining root structures From a histologic perspective, it appears that the disease might be
and root perforations. The advent of CBCT no doubt has improved the manifested as one form that is purely destructive, caused by inflamma-
clinician’s diagnostic capability for internal root resorption. Neverthe- tion and elaborative clastic functions, and another form that is

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