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Referral Marketing: It's Efficiency on Brand Awareness for Gcash Customers

Statement of Problem

The main aims of this research are to evaluate the effectiveness of referral marketing in raising brand
awareness among Gcash consumers. As a strategy, the researchers will conduct a mix of qualitative and
quantitative approaches. The following questions will be answered in this paper:

1. What are the different types of referral marketing?

2. What are the potential advantages of referral marketing in terms of gaining a competitive edge,
particularly in digital marketing, specifically in Gcash?
3. What are the advantages of utilizing referral marketing as a strategy to increase Gcash brand
4. Is referral marketing effective in increasing customer brand awareness in Gcash?

To supplement the quantitative data, a qualitative approach will be use through in-depth surveys.


The objective of this research is to recognize the value of referral marketing and assess its effectiveness
in terms of increasing consumer brand awareness of Gcash. It is a well-known truth that referral
marketing is the most efficient and cost-effective strategy to generate brand awareness, new potential
customers, and immediate sales in almost any business. The following objectives were identified to
assist the research study's development:

1. To know the different types of referral marketing.

2. To explore potential benefits of referral marketing for attaining a competitive advantage, notably in
digital marketing, specifically in Gcash.
3. To learn about the benefits of using referral marketing as a strategy for increasing Gcash brand
4. To ascertain if referral marketing is effective in raising consumer brand awareness in Gcash.

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