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Surat lamaran kerja

Nama : Wegei Putra Shohor

Kelas : Xll IPA¹


Muara Enim,23 Agustus 2021

Kepada Yth :

Ibu Ade Suryati

Perihal: Lamaran kerja

Dengan hormat

I, the undersigned below :

Name :Wegei Putra Shohor

Places, dates of birth :Ujanmas Baru, 22 Mei 2004

Status :Belum kawin

Religion :Islam

Last education :S1

Address :Jalan lintas Muara Enim-Prabumulih no Rt Rw Sumatera


Phone number : 0831-7680-9356

Email. :

I applied for a job in the name of a company as the psych editor. I

graduated from the muhammadiyah university of professor Dr. Wegei son of
shohor's psych study program with a 3.22 gpa and had experience as team leader
in logistics. I have good health, can operate computers and understand the
Internet well, can work well individually and enjoy working as a team.

Surat lamaran kerja

As a consideration, I enclosed :

1.Resume. 3.Fotocofy Transkip Nilai

2.Pas foto 4.Fotocopy Ijazah terakhir

This is the job application letter that I submitted. I hope to join in the
name of the company, for your attention I thank you.

Muara Enim,23 Agustus 2021

Hormat saya,

Wegei Putra Shohor S.psi

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