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2122122, 10:55 AM OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE 2021/2022 — Universita ci Bologna ALMA MATER STUDIORUM § forzaky UNIVERSITA DI BOLOGNA Home > Didattica > Insegnamenti > OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE 2021/2022 85294 - OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE Scheda insegnamento Docent ‘rancesco Saverio Violante Moduli : Francesco Saverio Violante (Modulo 1) , Paolo Boffetta (Modulo 2) Crediti formativi : 2 SSD : MED/44 Lingua di insegnamento : Inglese Campus di Bologna : Corso : Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico in Medicine and surgery (cod. 9210) Gi Risorse didattiche su Virtuale © Orario delle lezioni (Modulo 1) dal 02/03/2022 al 11/03/2022 © Orario delle lezioni (Modulo 2) dal 15/03/2022 al 18/03/2022 ANNO ACCADEMICO 2021/2022 Conoscenze e abilitaé da conseguire Define the major occupational health problems in terms of clinical features, epidemiology and exposures causing those health problems. Discuss the concepts of occupational epidemiology, biological and environmental monitoring of workplace hazards, and measures that can be taken to control these hazards. Identify strategies to promote the physical, psychological and social well-being of workers in their work-place. Contenuti 1 Introduction and general fundamentals of the discipline (2 hours). = Introduction to occupational medicine. = Reference legislative frame. The role of the occupational physician. hitps:lww.unio ititidaticalinsegnamentiinsegnamento(20211421897 18 2122122, 10:55 AM OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE 2021/2022 — Universita ci Bologna = Classification of occupational risk factors. Occupational diseases (8 hours). = Musculoskeletal disorders. Occupational noise-induced hearing loss, Work-related respiratory disease. Work-related skin disorders. Work-related cancers. Occupational toxicology and industrial hygiene (2 hours). = Introduction to occupational toxicology and industrial hygiene. = Metal toxicity, = Toxicity of solvents. Reproductive health in the workplace (2 hours). = Endocrine disruptors. = Reproductive hazards in the workplace. Reference legislative frame. Health care sector and psychosocial risk factors (2 hours). = Occupational medicine in the healthcare work setting. = Psychosocial risk factors in the workplace and related health effects. Models for job-related stress assessment. Testi/Bibliografia Mutti A and Corradi M. Lezioni di Medicina del Lavoro. Nuova Editrice Berti, 2014, LaDou J and Harrison R. Current Occupational and Environmental Medicine (5th ed.). McGraw- Hill Education, 2014 Metodi didattici Classroom lectures Modalita di verifica e valutazione dell'apprendimento The exam will focus on the issues indicated in the "Course contents" section. The exam consists in a multiple choice test with four answers for each question. Students are asked to select one correct answer from the choices offered as a list. A total of 64 questions will be included: n.30 on Forensic Medicine, n.30 on Occupational Medicine and n.4 on General and Social Pedagogy. To get the maximum final score (30/30 cum laude) students should answer correctly to more than 60 questions, If the number of right scoring is 59 or 60 then the final score will be 30/30. Minimum final scoring (18/30) will be awarded for 36 correct answers and pass-scoring for each subject. Final score will be proportionally calculated for intermediate results Time for completing the test: 60 minutes. Strumenti a supporto della didattica hitps:lww.unio ititidaticalinsegnamentiinsegnamento(20211421897 28 2122122, 10:55 AM OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE 2021/2022 — Universita ci Bologna If needed, they will be distributed directly or via the university website. Students who need compensatory tools, due to disability-related reasons or Specific Learning Disorders (SLD), are invited to inform the teacher of their needs as soon as possible in order to adopt appropriate measures. Orario di ricevimento Consulta il sito web di Francesco Saverio Violante Consulta il sito web di Paolo Boffetta SEGUI UNIBO SU: : b ©Copyright 2022 - ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - Universita di Bologna - Via Zamboni, 33 - unl of 40126 Bologna - Partita IVA: 01131710376 hitps:lww.unio ititidaticalinsegnamentiinsegnamento(20211421897 38

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