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Igniting University Innovation throug NATIONAL GRASSROOTS ICT Beseancl INITIATIVE NGIRI nee, Program has been divided into two phases: FYP willbe selected for funding with the ae a breakup: Equipment: Maximum up to Rs: 70,000- Miscellaneous: Maximum up to Rs: 10,000! Remuneration of Rs. 1,000/- per eligible FYP submission maximum up to Rs, 15,000/- willalso be provided to nominee person of each participating institute. ‘Selected Final Year Projects (FYPs) from participating institute wil be invited to compete forthe National Championship. Winners will be avated the following prizes: i + Project Team (up to 3st + FYP Supervisor: ): Cash Prize of Rs: 400,000- Cash Prize of Rs: 100,000/- Cash Prize of Rs:275,000/- + Project Team (up to 3 students): Cash Prize of Rs: 75,000!- + FYP Supervisor: Up « Project Team (up to 3 students): + FYP Supervisor: Important Information: Eiigjble students must submit their FYP applications at htps/gniteorg pking FYP application submission by any athe means is not acceptable “Tes & Conditions, Dos & Don'ts, FAQs and Eligibilily Criteria ofthe program are avalabe at htpsignite.orgplinatlona-grassroots-esearch nial Please Keep ving our website fr program updates and changes any or contag, Manager Monitoring Technical Ignite - National Techno'oay Fund Sd Foor, Telecom Founcation Complex, 7 Mauve: For queries: Cash Prize of Rs:150,000/- Cash Prize of Rs: 50,0001- Area, G94 Istamabad. @ wrwisnteorask | fronton | wy @iontont | 2021 29 wy In icompanyignitentt | (EQ /e“gnitentt Through this Program Ignite provides financial assistance to selected Final Year Projects (FYPs) of undergraduate students (7” & 8° semester students only) studying in HEC recognized institutes of ICT related disciplines for developing prototypes / working models oftheir FYPs in order to increase creativity, innovation and hands on engineering and development skils. ‘Students are encouraged to develop their FYP having ICT components preferably based on 4th Industrial Revolution i.e. Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, Internet of Things, Cloud — Infrastructure and Cybersecurity, Augmented and Virtual Reality, Wearables and Implantables, Shared Economy, Robotics, 3D/4D _Printing, NeuroTech and Blockchain etc. ‘Note: The lst of participating institutions is avaiable at fitpsigne org plinatona: rasroes research ited Aay ig raton ot included in thelist iy download the nomination form for faricpation from our website and submt fhe same to Ignite office via courier or eal ‘al nii@ignite.orgpk latest by 28 February, [Giant Scanned with CamScanner

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