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1. What does responsible communicator mean?

As a communicator, you are responsible for being prepared and being ethical. Being prepared
includes being organized, clear, concise, and punctual. Being ethical includes being egalitarian,
respectful, and trustworthy and overall, practicing the “golden rule.”

2. How does context play in communication?

Context is critical, because it tells you, the receiver, what importance to place on something, what
assumptions to draw (or not) about what is being communicated, and most importantly, it
puts meaning into the message

3. Why do you need to be an ethical communicator?

What you say and write aren't as significant as what you do. Honest communication not only
fosters trust, but it also aids you and others in identifying and repairing any cracks that may
develop at the intersection of authority, power, and teamwork. Communication fails to achieve its
primary goal if it is not honest.

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