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September 18, 2018 techno4you Uncategorized Leave a comment

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to configure apache or http server
kali linux machine.
If you want to configure Apache server in kali linux then it is very easy to
configure http or apache server in kali linux so just follow these simple steps
and then configure by yourself.
Stpe-1 Firstly open the kali linux in your system here i am having kali linux in
my VM VirtualBox if you want to configure in your real machine then also
same process is there.
Step-2 After opening the kali linux and then open the terminal in kali linux
then install this package of http server so how to install and configure the http
server in kali linux by scrolling the the page see the commands to configure
the http server in kali linux
Here is the commands to configure kali linux
Firstly check the ip address of linux machine here is the command to check
the ip address

root@kali :~# ifconfig

After checking the ip address now here is the commands to configuring the
apache server
root@kali :~# apt-get install apache2 {To install the package of apache server}

root@kali :~# service apache2 start { To restart the service of html server}

root@kali :~# service apache2 status {to check the status that server is working or not}

root@kali :~# cd /var/www/html {To go insige the www folder}

root@kali :/var/www# vim index.html {To create the index.html file}

root@kali :/var/www# service apache2 start {To start the service of apache}

This is how to install the package of html server

This is to restart the service of html server and check the status of server
This is what we have to write inside the index.html file

Step-3 After all this configuration now open the chrome browser or firefox or
internet explorer or you pc default browser in kali linux or windows and type
the ip address of the kali linux in search bar and then see all the output of http
server which we write on the index.html file.

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