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Hector: Hi my dear friend, how are you?

Karen: Fine thanks, ready to visit the different shops

Hector: so let’s go shopping!!

Karen, let´s enter this electronic store

Alexis: Sure, what are you looking for?

Hector: I’m looking a flash drive , I need this kinstong from 32 gigabytes, how much is it?

Alexis: It’s 65 soles.

Hector: that’s perfect

Alexis: ok, cash or credit

Hector: I pay with credit card

Alexis: ok

Hector: Sure thanks

Karen: Hector, let’s enter this clothing store.

Hi, can you help me, please

Alexis: sure, what are you looking for?

Karen: I´m looking a pair of shorts . Do you have these in black?

Alexis: Yes, we do! what size are you?

Karen: I´m a medium size

Alexis: oh good! we still have a size medium pair

Karen: great, how much are they?

Alexis: They are 70 dollars. both items

Karen: Do you offer a discount?

Alexis: yes, there is a 10% discount

Alexis: here you go. Thank you, for your purchase

Karen: thank you , bye.

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