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To Be a Hero

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Fandom: ヒプノシスマイク | Hypnosis Mic (Albums)
Relationship: Aohitsugi Samatoki & Everyone
Character: Aohitsugi Samatoki, Aohitsugi Nemu, Yamada Ichiro, Ensemble,
Nurude Sasara, Harai Kuko, Tsutsujimori Rosho, Amemura Ramuda,
Jinguji Jakurai, Iruma Jyuto, Kannabi Yotsutsuji, Amaguni Hitoya,
Izanami Hifumi, Amayado Rei, Arisugawa Dice, Busujima Mason Rio,
Kubiki, Kannonzaka Doppo, Yumeno Gentaro, OCs, Aimono Jyushi
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Fluff and Angst, Characters will be added as they appear -
Freeform, inconsistent characterization, Other Additional Tags to Be
Added, Not Beta Read, Original Character(s), Samatoki can't teach
math, In comes the clown, MCD Era, Mentions of Prostitution and Drugs
Cause Tobari Brothers, The rabid monk is finally here, TDD era,
Insomnia, We are MTC, Angst, Fluff, possible manga spoilers, drama
track spoilers, Fake Rap Abilities, It isn't out yet so I took the liberty of
making them, Samatoki is "dead", Speaker Abilities, Mic Abilities,
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Series: Part 1 of Trying to Play Hero
Stats: Published: 2021-06-04 Updated: 2022-02-24 Chapters: 93/? Words:

To Be a Hero
by yeelimso


Samatoki Aohitsugi. That's my name. And I was asked a question.

If I could go back in time to save someone, who would I save? To what point in time would
I go back to?
I, the great Samatoki Aohitsugi, decided that I would go to the most convenient time to save

Their childhood.
Chapter Notes

My first archive... Whew, I was originally going to do rewrites of my old fanfiction but
I decided that since this is the one I'm currently working on, I might as well do it.
Hypmic is also my current fandom so... Yeah...
It is a lot of rewrites of the original manga, so it's sort of like a recap?

See the end of the chapter for more notes

If I could go back in time to save someone, who would I save? To what point in time would I go
back to?

I, the great Samatoki Aohitsugi, decided that I would go to the most convenient time to save

Their childhood.

So here I loitered in Ikebukuro West Gate Park hoping to see someone familiar. The chance of me
meeting the person I am desperately waiting to meet is very slim, I knew this as a fact, but it didn’t
stop me from coming here every day since I returned to age 18.

The afternoon sky was growing dimmer and dimmer by every second and I would have to retreat
back to the apartment. If this was someplace in the countryside of Japan, I would be able to hear
the cicadas start their mating calls, buzzing so loudly and ringing my ears. But I wasn't in the

In this cement jungle called Ikebukuro, I was fortunate enough to not hear a single cicada. I waited
for a certain boy while keeping an eye on my little sister so she wouldn’t get lost in the large crowd
of people walking around.

My little sister was very pretty with white hair that flounced in the wind and bounced with every
leap she made to peek at a puddle from yesterday’s tears. Her round, pink eyes would glance up to
meet my red eyes every once and a while when she was done inspecting a puddle as if she was
keeping an eye on me and not the other way around.

It took three tries and four pinches to drag my eyes away from my sister after we locked eyes and
to the streets again to continue my search. I think I have a bruise on my weak 18-year-old body.

Then it happened.

Finally, a tuft of familiar black hair.

Turn this way, turn this way. Turn this way. TURN THIS WAY. Wait! Dammit.

Grabbing the petite, delicate hands of my little sister, running towards the moving black hair of a
tiny boy, pushing past all the fucking adults in my way.

I made it.
“Ichiro Yamada!"

The tuft stopped moving and everything seemed as if it went still.

I quickly walked over to the boy who held fear in trembling duo-colored eyes.

“Who are you?”

Great, I hoped I didn’t look like a child predator for stopping and scaring a fucking child.

“I’m Samatoki Aohitsugi,” I started off by introducing myself. All introductions have names and
my name is the best. “I want to be your friend.”

Fear to confusion. Confusion to disbelief. Disbelief to wariness.

“I will help you and your brothers, promise.”

“I don’t know you.”

“You don’t have to.”

“Do you know me?”

“Do you know me?”

I repeated the question, unwilling to answer. I mean, sure I knew him, but I wasn’t going to look
like a stalker of a fucking child. I’m not a fucking predator!

“If you need help, take this phone number and call me,” I pulled out a crumpled piece of paper that
desperately waited for this day to come. Handing the paper to his chubby little hands I watched
him take it and leave.

“Onii-chan, do you know him?”

“Yeah! We’re going to be helping him from now on, okay?”


Nemu’s reply was quite chipper.

I didn’t mention how she didn’t complain about her reddened wrist, held tightly by my shaking
hands. I stayed quiet about the tears of pain at the edges of the pink eyes. I couldn’t answer the
question she silently asked about how I would take care of this new stranger when I wasn’t even
sure if I could keep the two of us safe.

It took a lot of convoluted shit for me to do what I did, but I succeeded in enrolling Nemu in the
same school as Ichiro. We had to move because I lived on the other side of fucking Ikebukuro
compared to Ichiro.

Of course, it didn’t really matter much because I managed to find an okay place to start a part-time
job and the schools here seemed better anyways.

I prepared myself for the part-time job interview. Granted, it wouldn’t be too much, but the truth
was that I was a violent gangster, and beating up people is what I did best. Not doing actual part-
time jobs that were less violent with less income.
I didn’t want to do anything rash because it could potentially harm Nemu and Ichiro. I had to be
more careful about the kids and protect them. That's why I had to stay away from gangs for now.

Yagumo’s betrayal still stuck to me like glue. He wasn’t a bad guy in the beginning, but I guess
money can change people. Hell, I only wear vintage so it sort of makes sense, but he threatened
Nemu too, I had to get away from people like that. I couldn't bring harm to Nemu.

I finished touching up and walked to the door to see Nemu patiently waiting for me there. I smiled
at her and gently grasped her tiny hand. Opening the apartment door, I walked her to school, as I
planned to every day.

“Nemu…” I felt bad asking my sister something like this when I really shouldn’t have, but I was a
little desperate. No, my sister had nothing to do with this. "Nevermind…"

“Do you want me to look for that boy?”

I glanced at my sister whose eyes twinkled.

“Yeah,” I answered truthfully. “His name is Ichiro Yamada and I thought you guys would be good

“Is he nice?”

“He’s nice,” I nodded, “But not nice enough for you to love him.”

“What does that mean?”

“Forget what I said, are you ready for school?”


“Aren’t cha…” I paused, pursing my lips as I thought about Nemu. Now that I think about it,
wasn’t I being too selfish here? What about Nemu? “Aren’t cha mad that I pulled you out of
school with all your friends?”

“Nope!” Nemu shook her head, “I want Onii-chan to be happy too!”

This angel. Did I really deserve her?

Okay, so apparently the little brat didn’t go to school. He was in the same class as Nemu. Nemu
found out because when she didn’t find the brat in her class she decided to ask her teacher.
Obviously, the thought of being in a different class wasn't recognized by the tweleve-year-old.
Luckily the teacher assumed Nemu was a prior friend to the brat and told Nemu that he was absent
for a couple of days before reassuring her that he would come to school soon.

Despite transferring schools a bit after school already began, Nemu made tons of friends. She was
already talking about boys who fucking dared to go near her. I mean, I can tolerate Ichiro, but other
guys are trying to take my baby sister?

Fuck no.

Brats better know fucking better than that. Motherfuckers.

Nemu looks really cute though. She seems to enjoy her new school more so than the last one, that’s
a relief. Maybe she didn’t want to stay in the area where bad memories lingered. I didn’t get
accepted to the job I was aiming for this time, but I’m going to try somewhere else tomorrow. I
needed to start working faster and getting more money for Nemu and me.

The brat too.

“You need to go to school.”

I lazily draped my body on a nearby bench as Ichiro picked at a couple of rocks on the ground.

“You should go to school.”

I can’t really recall how Ichiro met Kuko. I can’t remember how, but my best bet was at school. I
mean where else would two teenagers meet each other? If I was right, Ichiro and Kuko were the
same age so Ichiro would definitely meet his future best friend there, right?

“I don’t want to.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t know anything.”

“Nemu and I can help you.” This twenty-six-year-old, now 8 years younger responded coolly.

“I don’t need help.”

Pausing, I thought for a moment. Snapping my fingers, I figured out what to do.

“Want to see who can throw a rock the farthest then?”

I sat up from the bench and leaned down to pick up a piece of cement. Luckily there wasn’t anyone
present so I could chuck the rock as far as I wanted to. When I glanced at Ichiro, a small cement
piece in hand, I could see a red eye glittering in joy and a green eye sparkling in excitement.

I couldn’t help but snort at the sight.

A memory of the older times, no, the future, resurfaced. This look that was reserved for me, this
look that he would hold in the future when he pierced his ears to get similar earrings to me. A look
that I would end up cherishing forever.

A chubby hand, throwing a rock that only made it a couple feet.

A lean hand, tossing cement so hard that the lone tree it smacked shook.


I couldn’t hold it in then. Rambunctious laughter that soared into the sky and scared a couple of
birds erupted from my mouth. I tried to stifle my laughter as I peered into heterochromatic eyes that
shined with childish innocence that I missed seeing. I couldn’t stifle it when the child tried to
mimic my laughter giddily.

I ended up laughing harder.

I wished that these days would continue.

Chapter End Notes

Chapter End Notes

I promise it's not so fast-paced as time goes on... Hope you enjoyed!
Me and Two Children
Chapter Summary

More random excerpts of The Aohitsugi family with their little plus one Yamada.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“That’s not how you add decimals.”

I don’t know how I ended up tutoring my sister and Ichiro, but here I am trying to teach two
twelve-year-old children how to add decimals.

“Then show me Onii-chan!” Nemu bossed me around as she puffed out her cheeks. Her hands
were placed on her hips and she cutely glared at me.

“Yeah! Show me Nii-chan!” Ichiro copied Nemu after a heartbeat’s pause, pointing at me
accusingly as he glared little holes into my heart.

Walking out of the kitchen and to the table where the two children were doing their math
homework, I stood behind their backs eyeing their messy papers. The homework paper was placed
between the two of them on the table so they could share it.

I pushed the paper away and grabbed the scrap paper for a job I failed to get. Flipping it over I
casually wrote the problem on the paper without the decimals. I then gave it back to Nemu and
Ichiro who stared at the math equation.

Two seconds later, the two twelve-year-olds were racing to get the answer before the other.

Their hands were probably a blur to any other twelve-year-old or younger. Chubby hands smearing
the pencil streaks that were hurriedly written. The cool way they looked with a tongue stuck out or
the way their eyebrows furrowed together as they focused on speed more so than actual thought.
Or something like that.

It was messy and slow for an adult.

Good thing I’m eighteen, a person bordering the term ‘teenager’ and ‘adult’.

So I could see both sides of the cute and cool of it. At least, I think I could.

Waiting patiently, I realized a mistake. My eyes shut as I lightly prayed that I remembered to lower
the heat on the stove when I walked over from the kitchen. I can’t fucking have the apartment burn



I opened my eyes, my fingers leaving the bridge of my nose. Looking down at the beaming
children, I noticed a particular ‘praise me first’ aura emitting from both of them. Of course, I didn’t
hesitate in choosing who got the praise first.

“Nemu, good job! Ichiro, you did great.”

I pet their heads without looking at their answers. I’m great like that. My eyes definitely weren't
facing the kitchen.

“Look, now if I add this decimal, the lil’ dot just moves down, yeah? So you do normal addition
and in the end, the decimal slides down, see?”


The two children clapped their hands and I placed my hand to my hip.

“I’m going back to the kitchen to prepare dinner. You better finish before you eat.”


“Of course!”

I walked back to a burning pan.

Well fuck, at least the kids learned how to add decimals.

I peeled the burning eggs off the pan and placed them on my plate, I couldn’t just waste resources.
If I took out the burned parts of the egg, maybe it was still edible.

I would just join the Katen Gumi in Yokohama and rake in money, but I had Ichiro here.
Not to mention, I have yet to see the stupid clown.

Still, if push came to shove, and I had to join the yakuza, I would ditch the shitty clown and protect
the family I had, adopting Ichiro and his brothers somehow.

It took a while to remake the eggs without burning myself. I decided to make simple egg
sandwiches for the kids. A couple of flips later, I could hear hungry children at the dining table.
Scooping up the sandwiches I leaned over to grab some ketchup.

Being eighteen again sucked, but Nemu and Ichiro made it worth it, I guess. I don’t really mind
reliving childhood with Nemu. I wanted to make her childhood more memorable, more joyful
compared to what it would have been too. Going back in time meant that I was reliving certain bad
memories, but with my newfound knowledge, it was easier to create new memories and make
better choices.

“Nemu, can you get the milk in the fridge? Ichiro, grab the cups in the cupboard to the left of the

I listened to the two bustling kids as the ketchup squirted its last remains on Ichiro’s sandwich. It
sputtered as I continuously pushed onto it. Once the ketchup took its last breath I tossed it into the
trashcan mentally fist-pumping when I made it into the trashcan.

The creak of wood scaping wood followed by the pitter-patter of feet made me internally cringe.
Not the scraping noises. Hopefully, they didn’t leave a mark or a scratch on the floor because that
would cost a lot.

The children giggled as they rushed into the kitchen and back out, talking in lowered voices and
getting ready to eat their dinner for finishing math homework.
I put the finishing touches on their sandwiches as well and I moved to place their plates in front of

Grubby hands reached for the sandwiches leaving their homework papers scattered and forgotten. I
rolled my eyes as I picked at my burnt egg.

Not fucking edible. Fucking great, hopefully, I can find a part-time job soon.

Since I didn’t have dinner, it would be better for me to pick up the papers scattered on the floor.
Time to check the kids’ homework.

They weren’t pretty. Oh no, definitely not.

Scribbles of answers and pencil tracings of pictures of some anime characters were present. Nemu
drew herself a diamond that was adorable and Ichiro drew a weird Gundam figure. The fuck?

It took me two glance overs to notice something dire.

‘Cause, well fuck. Not only can I not cook eggs, but I also can’t teach two kids how to use
decimals. Dots obliterated the numbers in each and every equation like the numbers went through
warfare. The sight made me die a little inside. But the side notes and made me so fucking happy.

‘Onii-chan is the best!’

‘This is obviously rite because Nii-chan sad so.’

I mean, it didn’t matter that they couldn’t spell right or whatever. I’m apparently a fucking disaster
at teaching children, but I don’t mind. If I was the ‘best Nii-chan’ and all the answers were right
just because I said so, I’ll fucking take the fact that I can’t teach children decimals.

But I wasn’t going to teach them something math-related ever again.

I ended up getting a job in a cafe owned by a woman called Ai Yanagi, or Yanagi-san. I mean, as
long as I got a part-time job I might as well try to live straight for the time being.

She was a person with a kindred soul and loved to bake bread. I don't have a vendetta against her
because I never knew she even existed until I was accepted to work under her as a part-timer. She
was also young enough for me to not consider her as an adult. If I was right, she was about six to
seven years older than me.

I don’t plan to work under her for long. This ‘righteous’ way of living wasn’t exactly fit for me.
This money ain’t gonna be enough and I can’t take advantage of her kindness when I can make
money well on my own.

But for me to start living the crooked life, I needed a shitty clown to ruin my life.

Still, every so often, the snacks I bought for Nemu and Ichiro were the pastries from Yanagi-san’s
shop. Nemu and Ichiro surprisingly got along well for the short amount of time they knew each
other. They seemed to hate each other in the beginning for some reason, but as long as they weren't
like that now.

If I had to guess, it was over their love for Yanagi-san’s pastries.

If I asked, I would get a hushed giggle in response.

The apartment Nemu and I stayed in was also modest enough. It had a single bathroom, a single
bedroom, and empty walls. I slept on the only couch in an empty living room. We didn’t have
many furnishings or furniture in the apartment because I told Nemu not to ask for any or put any

I promised her that we would get a better apartment in the near future where she could put all the
decorations and get all the furniture she wanted.

My blessed angel readily agreed.

On a hot, sunny day in Ikebukuro, suffering a dosage of heat, I found the hand fan in our luggage
packed away, ready for a move that was still far away. I refrained from getting an electric fan until
we moved because it would be more difficult for me to move everything.

I started to fan myself and glanced to where Nemu and Ichiro was drawing on the kitchen floor
since it was cooler there.

Luckily, they were drawing on the paper on the kitchen floor. I probably would’ve flipped if Ichiro
drew on the kitchen floor. Not Nemu, never Nemu.

Ichiro visited often and came over to play with Nemu more times than I could count. I guess he
really liked it here more than his orphanage. I was surprised that he didn’t bring his brothers with
him, but it was easier for me if he didn’t bring them.

Two kids are better than four.

I walked over to the kids and squatted in front of them. Starting to fan their sweaty faces, I watched
them revel in it.

“You’re the best Onii-chan!”

“Yeah, Nii-chan!”

I only smirked lightly as I suffered the stuffy heat alone.

An angel child and a cute brat.

Brat better not try to steal my sister.

Once, I made the mistake of thinking of Ichiro as a partner.

It was when I was fighting some punks in the back of Yanagi-san’s cafe.

The dark alleyway was lit up by a flickering light that Yanagi-san had as a lamp at the back near
some dumpsters. It was in the afternoon as the sun was slowly setting and the lamp flickered its
light. Four idiots were ready to screw her and her cafe over.

I wasn’t having that shit.

It was sad how my first instinct was to reach for my mic as I prepared a sneak attack, but I
recovered quickly enough to sock a guy’s jaw without being detected first. Then I managed to back
kick the other into a wall and he fell like a puppet who lost its strings. After the kick, I grabbed the
third one and placed him in a headlock. He struggled and I started to have trouble with keeping the
guy in a headlock and dodging the other guy at the same time.
“Going to see NIi-chan~ going to see Nii-chan~”

I tilted my head to the familiar voice and noticed Ichiro walking by. On instinct, I called out to him
to be my backup. Ichiro turned my way as I tried to snap this bastard’s neck. He didn’t move. I
tackled the one getting up after his jaw got punched and bashed his head to the cement floor to
knock him out. Two bastards remaining.

I lunged for one of the guys and-

“If you make another move, this kid’s going to get it.”

Suddenly I felt frostbites crawling up my back as my hands tingled. My eyes cautiously moved over
to where I last saw Ichiro. Ichiro was sobbing like a baby who lost his candy. Tears poured from
eyes nonstop as if they were a heavy downpour of rain. His hiccups were quiet, but they had the
same effect as a lightning bolt to me, loud and painful.

If I hadn’t called out to him, if I let him pass this alleyway, would he have not gotten involved?

Goddammit Samatoki, he’s just a child! You screwed up!

I mutedly raised my hands in the sign of surrender. Luckily, these guys were idiots because they
stopped messing with Ichiro after that. I held in my grunts as the pain started. They kicked me
harshly, but I refused to let them feel the joy of hearing me scream. I just needed to stall enough
time for Ichiro to run-


“You fucking idiot-!”

I tried not to swear in front of Ichiro or Nemu, but this was dire. I yelled back when Ichiro started to
rush towards one of the guys. I moved quickly, scrambling insanely from my position on the
ground to hug Ichiro as a hard-ass kick was sent to my back.

I couldn't hold it in then, releasing a yell of pain, I grimaced as my hug around Ichiro tighter.

Ow, fucker. I can’t believe that he tried to kick a kid like that. The other thug retrieved his senses
from the shock and tried to grab me. He got my hair as I pushed Ichiro away from me. It was a
rather harsh push for a twelve-year-old, but I had to get him out of my swinging fist’s way.

As the asshole that pulled me by the hair stumbled from the punch, I managed to grab a nearby
trashcan’s top and whacked the guy with it. He too crumpled, folded like an unplayed fiddle. After
he was dealt with, I walked to the last one standing, menacingly.

He looked like he was going to piss himself. Good.

“Don’t you try to fuck with this cafe, me, or this kid, ya hear?!”

My fists collided with that guy’s face before he even answered. Flying and tearing the air. They
continued in a flurry of blind rage. I did not return to have someone I cared about getting injured. I
did not do everything and try to live straight for some thugs to try to harm my family.

The face continued to swell up, but the uglier it got the madder I felt.

This scumbag tried to harm Ichiro and Yanagi-san. What a bitch.

I paused. Turning my head lightly, I noticed Ichiro still sitting in the place I shoved him to. He had
his hands over his face, his red hands scabbed. Black hair tousled by the sudden push and the way
the scumbag grabbed him earlier on.

He looked scared.

Was he scared of me?

Fuck, I messed up didn’t I?

Here I was blindly raging on some dude’s face with my bare hands. My knuckles suddenly felt
bloody as I became self-conscious about my outer appearance. What did I look like to Ichiro right
now? A monster?


He was twelve for fuck’s sake. Samatoki, what the fuck did you do?

“Ich… Ichiro…”

Shit, what do I do? I want to comfort him but my hand is red. Oh so fucking red. Fuck. What do I
do? Shit, I never had to deal with this to a little Nemu. No little Nemu would quietly patch me up
because I was careful with how I presented myself to her.

She didn’t see me raw.

She didn’t see me in action.

Fuck. Shit. Fucking shit, what do I do?

Below the darkening sky with clouds rolling over, under a shitty flickering lamp, I could only see
the little Ichiro in front of me. He shook like a leaf being violently tossed around as it clung to the
branch for dear life.

I didn’t move as he got up crying.

I didn’t move when he ran off screaming.

I didn’t move when my heart froze over and I dreaded tomorrow.

I already screwed up and it hasn’t been a year yet.

Imagine my surprise when Ichiro approached me the next day.

I was confused when he suddenly ran up to me in the apartment and cried on me.

My body shook when he stated that he didn’t hate me.

“You did it to protect me, right? You’re like the superhero in the cartoons! I’m sorry for being
scared! I love you Nii-chan! I really do!”

My body felt so warm, but I was so shocked I couldn’t find any words to say.

“I love Onii-chan too!”

The grip Ichiro had on me tightened as Nemu yelled from behind. My heart clenched as Nemu ran
out of her room and jumped onto my back, her grip preventing her from falling off. My hands
automatically moved to steady her too, can't let my little angel get harmed.

“I love Nii-chan more!” Ichiro suddenly countered, sniffling. His snot-filled face looking up from
my pants. He looked up, challenging Nemu who was on my back.

“No! My love’s bigger!” Nemu hopped off my back and made a wide circle with her arms to
exemplify her supposed love for me.

“No! Mine is bigger!” Ichiro released me, his red, puffy eyes glaring at Nemu as he tried to make a
bigger circle.

As they bickered, I quietly chuckled. Splitting up the fighting kids I just smiled.

“Yeah, yeah, I love you both.”

“Who do you love more?”

“Yeah, who?!”


The answer was swift, so swift that Ichiro's face fell as Nemu brightened up like a Christmas tree. I
hugged Nemu, pulling her to my chest as I knelt down to Ichiro’s eye level. Tapping Ichiro’s
shoulder with my free hand I grinned at him. He suddenly smiled widely and nodded, beaming.

Great, the brat now thought I secretly liked him more.

No you dunce, I obviously love Nemu more.


Ichiro's eyes glowed with happiness I've never seen on him before without his brothers.

I guess I’m not saying that aloud.

Chapter End Notes

I'm going to try and post once a day for as long as I can :'D
If anyone thinks there should be more 12-year-old Ichiro and Nemu with 18-year-old
Samatoki, let me know somehow and I'll try to accommodate!
Amusement Park Fun
Chapter Summary

Nemu and Ichiro get their hands on a rare ticket that ensures a family to go to Tokyo
Dome City. And they're dragging Samatoki with them.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Welcome to all esteemed guests! Tokyo Dome City is doing a raffle for a ticket for a whole family!
Inspired by Willy Wonka, if you bought Tokyo Dome City’s limited edition almond chocolate you
would have a chance of winning!

That was the ad I saw two days ago.

Congratulations! You are the winners of the mystery raffle! Please take this letter to Tokyo Dome
City to redeem your free tickets!

There was obviously more useless stuff detailed in the letter, but it was real. It even had an
expiration date on it.

I looked down to Ichiro who shifted his feet and Nemu who fiddled with her fingers.

“How’d you get this?”

I asked incredulously. I was behind the counter, working on some coffee (for myself, business was
slow today) when the brat and my angel ran in and burst into the store uninvited. They started to
shout about things I simply didn’t understand and then Nemu handed me a chocolate-covered

It was the prize letter from an ad I saw on the TV. There were so many things fucking wrong with
that. But the two large reasons were:

Number 1. The chances of getting this stupid ticket are really low.
Number 2. The amusement park actually went with this ploy.

I stared at the letter in my hand numbly as the kids celebrated by themselves. I… Had no words.
Except for the obvious of where two fucking children got this ticket when I’m pretty sure they
never had fucking chocolate. At least not that kind.

I didn’t really like raffles and such, lotteries weren't my thing. Though I knew a guy who’d love
this thrill, I didn't. I also failed to tell Nemu and Ichiro because I knew they’d buy all the fucking
chocolate they could. And I would have to eat them because all they wanted would be the ticket.

Not to mention… The money that would go to waste because of that...

“How’d you get this?”

“Yurikawa,” Nemu mumbled, “Yurikawa said she didn’t need it because they already bought
tickets on the date so she gave it to me and I told Ichiro.”

“We asked the teacher to read it and she said that it was a really good letter!” Ichiro added,
excitement made his fidgeting legs move faster somehow. I don’t question kids.

“Oh, really. Well, it is a good thing…”

“Yeah! C-Can we go Onii-chan?”

“Can we? Can we, Nii-chan?”

I stared at the hopeful eyes of the children. Closing my eyes I sighed.

“I’m sorry, but we can’t go. I have work to do and-”

The doorbell chimed, I snapped my head up to see a man walk over.

“Give me a second you two,” I walked over to the man. Yanagi-san said I didn’t have to smile if I
didn’t want to. Yeah, no customer-service smile here. “Hello sir, what would you like today?”

“Could you brew me some coffee? I heard this place has good coffee. I like my coffee like-”

I started to list down what the office worker wanted and I moved over to start working. From the
corners of my eyes, I noticed the two downcast children and I started to make smoothies in order to
list their spirits as the coffee brewed.

Once the coffee was finished I handed it to the worker who left as quickly as he came and I handed
the two fruit smoothies to the kids. I’ll have to tell Yanagi-san to take that out of my check.

“Listen you two. We can’t go because I have work to do, okay? The expiration date for that letter
is awfully close and-”

“What letter?”

I turned my head as the owner of the cafe walked in. She raised an eyebrow as she stared at the
kids and me. I think she noticed the fruit smoothies in their hands and I gave her a lopsided smile.

“Err, I’m paying for that so feel free to cut my pay-”

“You can treat them, Samatoki,” Yanagi-san sighed, “I was simply surprised you said ‘no’ to Little
Nemu and Tiny Ichiro.” She placed her hands on her hips and sighed, “You kids should not do
anything dangerous, of course, Samatoki’s going to say ‘no’-”

“It’s not dangerous,” Ichiro argued vehemently. “We just want to go to the amusement park.”

I rubbed my hands together as Yanagi-san’s eyebrows knit. I didn’t have the means or the money to
be able to do that, you brat! I looked back at Yanagi-san who seemed to stroke her chin.

“I can give you the money-”

“It’s okay!” I quickly shook my head. “Uh, this letter is what they’re complaining about.”

Yanagi-san looked at the letter and then back at me. She took it and read with a scrunched-up face
before it loosened into distinct shock.

“And you aren’t going because…?”

“Because I have work until that date and my next break is after-”

“Okay, Samatoki,” Yanagi-san clapped her hands, I want you to take a break on Saturday and go to
this amusement park. I’ll give you early pay on Friday, make sure you remind me.”


“Is that a yes ma’am, or a no ma’am?”

Red eyes peered at the boss with amazement and wonder.

“Yes ma’am.”

“Does that mean we’re going?” Nemu asked, her head peeking out from the counter.

“Yes,” I smiled at her.

The two clapped their hands and spun in a circle. They started to sing in joy, Ichiro more
embarrassed than Nemu as they eagerly awaited Saturday.

So, this park was bigger than I thought. I gave the letter to the people in the front. They got excited
for us and started to pull out tickets. I gave the attendant a smile before I walked off with two
children holding a hand with a paper bracelet each.

“Where do you guys want to go first?”

“I want to try everything!” Ichiro proposed excitedly. Nemu agreed with a large shout and I just
smiled at their dynamics. We walked to the many rides. Unsurprisingly there were a ton of rides
that they couldn’t ride because of their height.

“Here,” I looked at the map and walked. Nemu was holding my hand and a pouting Ichiro was
holding Nemu’s hand. I glanced at the ride in front of us, located it on the map, and walked to one
that I knew they’d like.

It was the Venus Lagoon, a merry-go-round that was nearby. The kids pulled me to it
automatically once it was within sight and I let them ride it. Too many kids were there so I opted to
stay out of it for another kid to take my spot.

They seemed to enjoy it without me anyway. I took a couple of pictures with my phone, getting
them to cheer at me while they were riding. When the ride ended, I already scouted out another
place we could walk to. I bought them some stall foods along the way so that they would happily
trail after me without complaining about how the soles of their feet ached and what not.

I walked to a Super Sentai show that was supposed to start soon. Nemu wasn’t as amused as Ichiro
was. Ichiro was shouting and waving and screaming. He definitely participated more than Nemu
who only cheered lightly every once and a while.

Next time, I think that it would be better to go to the MagiQuest thing instead of this so that Nemu
could be happy too.

Ichiro wouldn’t mind.

I took them to the spinning cups after buying ice cream on the way. They spun so fast and laughed
so hard. I rode with them this time, spinning the cup and listening to their squeals as they clung
onto me instead of the cup.
I was a bit dizzy after and I stumbled, but the kids seemed unaffected.

“Nii-chan! Where next?”

Fuuuck, I really wanted to rest… But… The pairs of eyes tracked my movement and I sighed.

“Let’s go,” I mumbled, forcing my legs to walk.

To save myself, I decided we would have lunch. It was pretty early to have lunch, but I need my
dizziness to subside. We ended up buying pizza because it was the cheapest and easiest to split
amongst ourselves. My head felt better after the rest and the food so I looked at the map again.

We walked to the Viking next. The two once again clung onto me as the ship went to and fro. They
seemed to have a lot of fun over fear so that was something. I tried to enjoy it, but I didn’t really
like the feeling of the rides, they only reminded me of a promise that existed to be broken, that did

The next one was the go-carts. I didn’t get on but I watched the two try extremely hard to beat the
other in the mini race they were having. It was sort of funny.

They also rode Kids Hacker, a mini drop tower meant for children. I stood by the side as Ichiro
started to yell at Nemu in fear as Nemu giggled. I snapped a picture at the perfect time as they
dropped, Ichiro screaming. Nemu was giggling the entire time and when she looked at Ichiro, she
burst into laughter.

Then they saw the carousel that was different from the first one they rode, but that didn’t stop
them. No.

“Onii-chan! I want to ride that!” Nemu pointed at the merry-go-round and I fluttered my eyes in

“But you already rode-”

“We didn’t ride that one!” Ichiro complained alongside Nemu.

I gave in two seconds later and sent them off with the promise of taking pictures. They had fun as
they spun in circles and moved up and down. It was really cute too. Of course, I should check my
phone’s storage later and decide which pictures were worth staying and which ones weren’t.

The last ride was a Ferris Wheel.

Nemu rushed off of awe at the side and I smiled at the sight. My phone was ready to take shots in
my hand as I searched for the perfect opportunity.


I looked down to Ichiro who was holding my hand.


“Do you like amusement parks?”

A figure clad in bruises, holding a cig to his mouth looked into red eyes.
“After this is all over. Let’s go to that new amusement park.”
“Do you like amusement parks?” I reversed the question back to Ichiro who nodded happily. He
cuddled up closer to my side. I smiled at him, chasing remnants away from my mind. We slowly
rose and Nemu dragged Ichiro off scolding him for hogging.

I looked at the number of plushies we collected during the time here. Yes, I won a couple of games
to get these two their wanted prizes. I ignored the way adults looked at me with pity as I basically
babysat the two, but I let them do what they wanted for a reason. They should be happy.

When we reached the top, Nemu and Ichiro rushed to the side to gaze out the window when we
peaked. As we descended Nemu and Ichiro ran to the other side to view. The Ferris Wheel turned
twice. It was still the afternoon so it wasn’t as pretty as it would’ve been at night, but as long as the
kids enjoyed it.

I snuck out my phone to take quick pictures. I managed to get some cute ones I think. Ichiro and
Nemu pushed each other as they fought for a better view on the outside. Calling out to each other
and pointing out things they never noticed before.

I smiled as they continued to play around. The ride was over before we knew it and they were
quickly rushing around to get off the ride.

“Let’s play one more carnival game and then we’re going back home, okay?”

“Okay!” “‘kay!”

Nemu and Ichiro cheered as they rushed to a stand. I followed after them as quickly as I could.
Pointing to two different plushies, Ichiro and Nemu looked at me expectantly. I shook my head in
disbelief and grabbed the fake gun after paying the guy running the stand.

I cocked it and shot with little aim to judge the bullets. Clicking my tongue, of course, it wasn’t as
good as a normal gun, I raised the gun a little higher and huffed.

Holding a gun, made my mind rack for other things to be occupied with as I shot down two targets

Gaining the prize with ease, I made the two hold on to at least one plushy each and we walked out
of the amusement park and made it back to Ikebukuro in a bus.

I sighed at the sight of my wallet, but… two happy kids giggled at each other.

As long as they were happy.

Chapter End Notes

Aaah, technically the next chapter was going to have a time skip so we no longer see
baby Ichiro and Nemu, but... I wanted another chapter with them so the other one was
pushed to be Chapter 4... Unless I feel like I should write more of Samatoki and the
kids :'D
18 to 20
Chapter Summary

Samatoki does his best to take care of Ichiro and Nemu. And he's pretty sure what he's
doing is right.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Apparently, Ichiro skipped school again. Nemu was worried about it and asked me if I saw Ichiro.
I told her I hadn’t seen him since his last visit. She pouted, her squishy cheeks puffing up as I
petted her head.

After walking Nemu to school, I walked to the Ikebukuro West Gate Park in hopes of seeing Ichiro

I sat on a bench and waited for him to come. I was doubtful in the beginning, but I realized that
there was no other place for the kid to go.

As I thought, a couple of minutes later, the simple twelve-year-old mind would bring a child to this

“You really didn’t go to school,” I called out to him by my bench.

I watched the little boy freeze to my voice. He then started to stutter excuses as I walked over to
him. I hope I didn’t look like a fucking child predator. Placing a gentle hand on his tiny shoulders, I
decided to talk.

“Sure, sure Ichiro.”

I agreed with whatever excuses he had. Ichiro frowned, obviously torn between the truth and just
accepting my nonchalant agreement.

“I don’t want to go to school.”

“Nemu’s there.”

“I don’t want to go to school.”

“Are they bullying you?”

A quiet nod. I asked him if I should beat them up. Ichiro shook his head, his small hand grasping
my pointer finger. I asked if he wanted to hang out with me, he nodded.

Hang out it is then.

I walked around the park with Ichiro. Thinking up ways to cheer him up, I think I had an epiphany.

“Do you want ice cream?”

A nod.

I spent the little change I had left on me buying him an ice cream cone. We walked to Yanagi-san’s
shop since I had to work soon anyway. He sat near the counter as I went behind it to wear the
store’s uniform.

“Don’t you have other friends?”

I found myself asking Ichiro about his school life. I was curious as to when Ichiro met Kuko.

"I only have Nemu and she plays with her girl friends. I don’t have any boy friends and I don’t like
playing with the girls.”

“Guy friends,” I unconsciously corrected him, “And I thought I was your friend?”

I took out a small handkerchief to dap his face as he gobbled up his cone. Ichiro looked at me with
a weird knowing look in his eyes and disagreed.

I threw the dirty napkin in the trash and frowned.

The fuck, brat? The great Samatoki Aohitsuhi, a.k.a me, is your goddamn friend so stop being so
whiny. What am I to you, if I ain’t?!

But of course, he’s twelve. I can’t say things like that on the whim to twelve-year-olds.

In the end, I joined Yagumo and his gang. It wasn’t as if I couldn't continue to work a pure life, it
was because I couldn’t take being pushed around. Also, as a person whose life was already tainted
somewhat, I don't think that it would matter that much.

As someone who was already tainted, there was no purity.

But the real thing that hit the nail on this decision was the way everyone around me was being

Nemu came home with a bruise on her knee. She claims she fell over, but there’s a bruise on her
back too. Like fuck she fell, how does she get a bruise on her knee and her back if she fell. Did she
fall both ways?


Yanagi-san was also getting harassed by a lot of people so I had the right to join Yagumo’s gang
near the East Gate Park. Even though Yanagi-san’s cafe was closer to the west part of Ikebukuro, I
managed to extend the gang’s protection to her cafe. I had to quit the job because of this.

Yanagi-san didn’t seem to be approving of my actions and told me that if I ever needed money or
such, I should just work for her again. I thanked her for everything she’s done and told her that I
would go to her if I needed to despite my decision being set in stone.

Nemu seemed displeased when I left Yanagi-san’s shop, but she’s only twelve and I bet all she
wanted was more pastries from the cafe, which I would award her and Ichiro with still if needed. I
don’t think it has to do with the fact I came home with a dislocated arm. She's going to get used to
it anyways.

Ichiro appeared to be okay, but he would make hateful comments every now and then, but the
hateful words of an anime-loving twelve-year-old are more insulting and confusing than actually
hurting. I gave him a package of pastries made by Yanagi-san for him and his brothers to share to
appease him. He still looked angry. I guess it was because I couldn’t play with him when I had an
injured leg.

Every day with Yagumo was surprisingly fun. I guess I pushed away all the good memories I had
of him when he betrayed me. Memories of mundane days started to come back and I felt strong
senses of Deja Vu randomly. We had a fight with a different gang or some other people every other
day too, mainly because Yagumo’s gang was small.

Money came in faster than I remembered.

I wondered if it was possible to adopt the three Yamada brats at age nineteen. I had a pretty stable
life with consistent pay, Nemu and I moved out to a better apartment now decorated fully (a place I
left once it hoarded too much loneliness) and I didn’t mind moving again to accommodate three

I decided against it because I didn’t want to bring up any problems or butterfly effects that can
harm my reputation and have Chuuohku fight back against what I’m doing.

Though, I have plans to recruit him to my gang once I deemed him old enough. Nemu was thirteen
so she thought she was old enough to try and convince me to get out of violence. As per usual, I
ignored her because this work got me so far.

Compared to the dingy, one-room apartment we were at when we moved to Ikebukuro, this
apartment was luxurious. She didn’t understand that we could be happier this way. Actually, Ichiro
didn’t seem to understand either.

“Nii-chan, why do you think you need to get hurt?”

“I’m not?”

“You’re bleeding.”

“It’s just red water.”

“I’m learning in school that it’s not completely water.”

“It’s fine because there isn’t a lot, see. I get more money this way too.”

“Are you short on money?”

“Ha! Don’t worry about it, money just makes you and Nemu happy. Your brothers too.”

“Do you have to get hurt for money?”

“... I think it’s better for me to get hurt more than you.”

When I hit twenty, I managed to play around with Ichiro a little more. Both Nemu and Ichiro have
school together, but they always come back home to talk with me. Granted, I’m not free a lot
anymore so I just tell them when I manage to get a day off.

Whenever that day came, I walked to eat in Yanagi-san’s cafe. Every time Nemu and Ichiro would
arrive there after school just to spend time with me and I always look forward to it.
Ichiro is also more mature, I’m guessing that it was because he was the oldest in the orphanage and
he was trying to become the best big brother figure to his brothers and the other kids in the

Nemu grew up more maturely too, and I was surprised how much could change in 2 years. They’re
always willing to help me out so much too.

Ichiro’s visits were never entirely frequent because he did do a lot in the orphanage for the
director, his brothers, and the other kids, but it definitely is a lot less frequent now than it was then.
It’s just another sign of growing up, I think.

One day, Ichiro was the only one to come to Yanagi-san’s cafe.

“Where’s Nemu?”

I wasn’t worried, of course not.

“She’s with Wayu-san from Class B,” Ichiro shrugged.


“One of Nemu’s friends,” Ichiro provided a better answer as he swirled his strawberry smoothie.
“Apparently, Nemu and Wayu-san didn’t finish their project in class and today was the only day
they could meet up to finish it before the due date.”

“Huh,” I snorted through my nose. “I didn’t know that.”

“Well, you don’t know everything, Nii-chan,” Ichiro shook his head and smiled at me.

“You’re right, but…” I closed my eyes. “Being an older brother, I should want to know, right?
Instead of doing what I foolishly think is right.”

“You’re not doing that right now?”

“No,” I cracked an eye open and stared at Ichiro, “I’m doing what I know is right, not what I think
is right.”

Ichiro looked at me with a helpless smile. I shook my head and I laughed, ignoring how empty I
felt when I saw Ichiro’s face.

“Yagumo! Watch out! There’s construction there!”

I waved my hand to him, running to the construction site. Yagumo was beating up some thug there,
both of them getting pretty roughed up. I decided to help Yagumo, running past a couple of
workers and weaving into the site.


I swore and punched the guy’s face before knocking him to the ground. A couple of swings later, I
managed to knock him out and Yagumo smiled at me.

“Nice, Samatoki.”

“Thanks, Yagumo,” I grinned.

“I can take this guy, let’s get out of this site. It’s pretty dangerous here.”

“I agree,” I nodded. This wasn’t the best place to have a fight. Construction sites were dangerous


I ran towards a worker holding a large pipe. A beam teetered off the top as the workers above
yelled. The worker about to get injured stiffened as the beam fell.


I dashed towards the worker and pushed him to the side. I heard someone scream my name and a
guttering scream erupted from someone’s throat, burning their vocal cords.


I think that scream belonged to me?

“Gaaah! AaaaAaaa!”

My chest heaved as I curled up to grab my bleeding leg.


Yagumo rushed up to me and the guy I was on top of. My left leg had a nasty cut running down
and it fucking stung. No, it fucking hurt.

I tried to stifle my screams by cursing instead, my body involuntarily shook and I felt someone’s
hands touching my leg. There was yelling and screaming about calling an ambulance or whatnot.
Fuck! It wasn’t supposed to be like this.

My eyebrows knitted together as sirens approached. I was surprised that the worker below me
wasn’t moving, but I guess they were pretty shocked about the whole incident too. I mean, they
could’ve died, so there must’ve been some shock.

“Samatoki, stay with me!”

Yagumo shouted to me, shaking my shoulders lightly.

I let out a grunt of pain and affirmation as some wheeling sounds were heard. I was pulled up on a
stretcher as white as my hair. I could barely see through my blurring vision and the white stretcher
became as red as my eyes.

I closed my eyes, my breathing shallow as I tried to adapt to the pain.

“Quick, we need to move him to a hospital.”

It didn’t matter what happened in the hospital. Fuck, there is one thing that matters. I can’t afford
to worry about Nemu or Ichiro so I’ll just tell them that I had to go somewhere else in Tokyo with
the gang and I won't be available.

As long as I could walk. As long as I could walk, I-

Chapter End Notes

A lot of time skips, I know T^T Two year time skip... ;')
Quick Instances
Chapter Summary

Samatoki is discharged, gives advice, and meets a familiar annoying stranger.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

The room was blindingly white.

“The fuck? Am I dead?”

So white, I thought I fucking passed. Apparently, I didn’t because when my eyes adjusted to the
room, I noticed that I was in a hospital room. It took me a while to remember what happened. My
eyes roamed to my leg. Luckily, the cut wasn’t so deep, the beam managed to graze it so a zig-
zagged shape ran down my thigh. It went a little past my knee, but it didn’t seem as bad as I had
imagined it to be.

Now I felt like a wuss for screaming so loudly.

There were stitches running around the leg. The main question was if I could walk. It didn't seem
that deep, but it was stitched together. The best way to answer that question was to try walking
myself. I moved to the side of the bed, getting ready to hop off and-

“What are you doing, Nii-chan?”

I froze. Turning to the other side, I noticed Ichiro walking in with a bowl of water and a rag.

“Ichiro? How did you know I was here?”

“You don’t remember?”

Ichiro’s face was automatically scrunched up. He placed the bowl of water next to me and sat
down. I could tell by his demeanor that he was worried about amnesia. Fuck, did I miss something?

“What’s the last thing you remember?”

Fuck, I didn’t want to tell him I fought in a construction site. That’s fucking dangerous and if Ichiro
started to do what I did, I don’t know what I would do.


“You saved me from a beam, do you remember that?” Ichiro gently spoke as he pushed me back to
the bed. Then he dipped the rag in the bowl, twisting it to squeeze out extra water. He placed it on
my leg, the coldness making me flinch.

“Wait, did you just say I saved you?!”

I finally comprehended Ichiro’s words.

“What are you doing working there?! That’s dangerous! You’re also underage! You can’t be
working there-!”

Ichiro looked alarmed as I grabbed his shoulders. I scolded him for working because he was
underage and for working at a place as dangerous as the fucking construction site. I asked if he
needed the money because I had falsely assumed that everything was fine for Ichiro. I was
obviously gaining more money through Yagumo's gang so I had free money to toss.

“I-I don’t need the money! I, uh, I quit when you got injured! I’m sorry I didn’t tell you Nii-chan!”

That made me stop shaking him. I shook my head and sighed, letting my body rest into the stiff
pillow the hospital called comfortable.

“Okay, okay, sorry,” I sighed. “I was worried you know, what if I wasn’t there? You could’ve been
injured, worse, dead. What I am right now, could’ve been you.”

“It should’ve been me.”

I heard Ichiro’s quiet voice. A simple murmur trying to seep away into the wind never to be heard
again. But, motherfucker, I heard that.

My eyes narrowed at Ichiro and I shook my head.

“No, if it was, I would never forgive myself,” I declared loudly. I had to put aside my inner panic
at the moment. I needed to comfort Ichiro first. I needed to know why he felt the need to get
money. I needed to make sure he would never do something dangerous again.

"I know," Ichiro's eyes shifted from my eyes to the ground.

“I am the older one here,” I stated, my red eyes boring holes into Ichiro’s downcast green and red
eyes. “As the older person, I am the one who should protect and support you. No objections. Feel
free to lean on me Ichiro. I told you this when we first met. ‘I will help you and your brothers,
promise.’ This fucking includes you.”

“Isn’t it a lot of responsibility?” Ichiro had this troubled look on his face. It didn’t suit him.

“Older people normally have more responsibility. Plus, you’ll find people to share the
responsibility with if it gets too much." My lips hurt as they were forced to curl up, “Who knows, I
might start relying on you in the future.”

Brightening up, Ichiro nodded his head and took the rag from my leg to wet it again.

I basked in this silence for a couple of seconds before speaking.

“Can I walk?”

The big question.

“The doctors said you could, it might hurt every once and a while, but you were apparently lucky.”

“Good. How long am I bedridden?”

“Uh… A couple days,” Ichiro hummed without looking me in the eye.

“Ah, did, uh, Yagumo come here?”

“Is he the guy that ran to you when you pushed me out of the beam’s way?”

“I think?”

“He came over and said he would visit a little later.”

I nodded. Good. So Yagumo was still a good guy for the time being. Or maybe, he would stay a
good guy. I pet Ichiro’s head as he placed the rag back on my leg. He got flustered, his ears turning
red and I guess he liked the affection. I snorted and ruffled his head.


I looked up to see Nemu running in. She looked extremely worried, her eyes glittering with unshed
tears. She walked to me and scanned my body, her eyes lingering on my injured leg.

“I told you to stop fighting!”

Nemu huffed as she sniffled. She walked to the other side of the bed and I pulled her close. Her
arms encased me as her wet tears started to stain my clothes.

“Yeah, yeah. I got this from saving Ichiro so it doesn’t count, 'kay?”

Nemu’s eyes widened and she turned to Ichiro. Ichiro looked at me slightly betrayed. I laughed
because I escaped Nemu’s nagging by tossing Ichiro instead. Ichiro started to wave his hands
frantically before their original meaning of excuse changed to surrender. Nemu constantly yelled at
him, waving her finger around and telling him that he couldn’t be doing stuff like this. Her tears
drying up.

I laughed as Nemu scolded Ichiro and Ichiro lost the will to make up excuses.

Ah, what a good day.

In my time at the hospital, I was actually stuck in bed for about a week before I was released.
Yanagi-san would visit me with a pastry or two and we would talk about what happened. I had
asked her to take Ichiro as a part-timer if he tries something reckless again and she readily agreed,
loving Ichiro and Nemu almost as much as I do.

Ichiro would come near the end of visiting hours while Nemu came every day. Yagumo
surprisingly visited me twice out of the seven days and I ensured him that I would be fine enough
to beat up gangs if need be. After all, the doctor said I would only experience occasional pain from
time to time.

One day, Ichiro looked really sad when he came to visit me. It was a while after I was discharged, I
was worried for him.

“What’s wrong Ichiro?”

“Nothing,” Ichiro refused to look into my eyes.

“You can tell me what’s bothering you, ya know.”

“I don’t want to burden you with-”

"You're ever a burden Ichiro."

Ichiro's eyes moved to the side, avoiding mine. So he wasn't going to talk at all.

“I see,” I guess I’ll have to play underhandedly here, “You don’t trust me enough despite our two
years of knowing each other for you to tell me what’s wrong? Do you think I’m incapable?”

“No!” Ichiro jumped up. I felt my shoulders tense in shock at the sudden yell. Noticing my flinch,
Ichiro then quietly looked away, “No, it’s just… my brothers seem very off lately and I can’t figure
out why.”

“Ask them,” I said. I looked at Ichiro square in the eye, “No matter how busy you are, take your
time to listen to them or try to find out what’s happening by yourself. Like I did when you skipped
school. Like I am with you now.”

"You're busy?"

"No," I rested my cheek on my palm as I looked at Ichiro. "Hear them out, or force them to say

"Like you just did?"

"... No?"

He laughed at that. But he soon left, understanding that it was something he could do. I laughed
with him and our time together was cut short because Ichiro wanted to solve his brothers’ problems
quickly. Leaving me behind, I watched Ichiro's back that grew over the years, feeling content with

I made food for Ichiro and Nemu on their birthdays and ordered take-out for Ichiro whenever it
was one of his brothers’ birthdays so he could take some to them. I protected Yanagi-san’s
business like a mother bear protecting her cubs and bought a pastry every now and then or dropped
by to say ‘hello’. I enjoyed days off with Yagumo playing pool to the side. I bought Nemu
everything she wanted.

I beat up people behind dumpsters when they pissed me off. My injured leg once scared me
because I thought I couldn’t feel it anymore. I ran from the police when they tried to catch me. I
killed a person with my bare hands when they threatened my family. I tortured a backstabber in the
gang when he tried to kill Yagumo and take over the gang for himself.

Soon 2 more years passed and I was at the good age of 22 when shit would start going south.

I was running to Yanagi-san’s cafe. If I remembered correctly, Yagumo was apparently dragged
over there by a group of thugs. Fuckers. I ran over from Nemu’s and Ichiro’s school to her cafe to
save Yagumo, obviously.

“Take this!”

I bellowed and jumped in the air. I managed to strike the guy’s face, colliding with his nose. He
screamed as a crunching noise was heard.

“Imma beat your asses!”

I gave them a thumbs down. Glancing over to my back I noticed Yagumo holding his side.
“You good, Yagumo?”

“Samatoki… Y-yeah, somehow…”

He seemed to be in pain but that wasn’t the major reason I was pissed. They were doing this in
front of Yanagi-san’s cafe! It could bring her a bad rep! Motherfuckers could also hurt her too!

“Aight, you leave the rest of ‘em to me…” My clenched fist shook as I shouted, “I’m gonna make
each and every last one of you punks regret the day you were born!”

I proceeded to take all of the fuckers on by myself. They were easy prey and I was too pissed to
care about what the fuck they said.

“P-Please… No more, have mercy…”

“Have mercy?” I growled, someone like him thought I would give them mercy?! All I saw was red
as I spat on his face, “You think you deserve mercy, you maggot?” I raised a fist in the air before
someone grabbed my wrist.

I let out a low growl and prepared to throw the punch anyways but once I heard their voice, the
fight in me ebbed away.

“Hey now, buddy, watch your temper. ‘Cause if you were a tree, you’d be a mad-nolia!”


“Is your brain melted or something?”

I ended up saying that instead of his name, my eyes shone at the sight of Sasara.

“Oh no, my brain sure isn’t! But I have been known to melt in a toasty warm bath!”

I let out a rough chuckle. Letting the other guy go, I watched Sasara who sprinted away.

“Hahaha,” Yagumo laughed behind me, “What a weirdo."

I shrugged.


Taking my time to walk back, I headed towards the aquarium where I planned to meet Ichiro for
the first time in a long while. Nemu was working part-time with Yanagi-san and Ichiro apparently
had plans to work as well.


I stumbled forward when I felt a whack on my back. Luckily, my instincts lessened the damage,
but I was shocked nonetheless. The same fucker I beat up earlier today brought over his friends,
the stupid Tobari brothers, and weapons.

Fucking cowards.

“Hahaha! Not so tough now, are ya? Time to pay the piper, Samatoki…”

The ugly brothers who were business rivals with Yagumo’s gang were making another mess it
“Zansei and Zanen…” I would killed them here, these annoying pests, “I’m gonna boot your asses
outta here…”

“Heh heh heh,” Zanen snorted, “I wonder perhaps it will be your ass which meets the proverbial

I snorted as a group of people started to appear. Fuck it, I’m going to win.

“Come now,” Zanen hummed, “won’t you be so kind as to turn your territory over to us? We have a
new business venture for you.”

“What kinda business venture? It's one of your rip-offs or scams.”

“But don’t you undertake those as well?”

“I won’t work with you,” I snarled, preparing a spit.

“Oh my,” Zanen stuck out his tongue and grinned. “How foolish of you. I don’t believe carrying
things out the normal way has made you a millionaire, now has it?”

I then spat at Zanen’s cheek. His older brother, Zansei, got super pissed off over it.

“How dare-”

“Calm down,” Zanen huffed. He pulled a knife out of his pocket and growled, “If this is the way
Samatoki wants to play it, then we’ll simply have to get rough with him!”

“Oh shit! The police are coming!”

I froze at the voice. Looking into the crowd of the gangsters, I noticed Sasara. But so did the
Tobari brothers.

“And who might you be?” Zanen hissed.

“Oh whoops! You could tell that was me?” Sasara giggled. The man g.i.g.g.l.e.d.

“Think you can lie to us huh…?” Zansei loomed over Sasara. I prepared to propel myself to him.
Anything to keep Sasara safe.

“You there! What’s going on over here?!”

My body jolted on instinct as Zanen and Zansei hurriedly ran off with their gang. Someone
must’ve called the police when I was being beaten up. Trust Sasara to be the best distraction.

“Come on!”

My sleeve was yanked by Sasara as he led me into an alleyway. I followed him without complaint.
In the end, I hid with him as Sasara checked to see if there were any police following us.

I decided to check my phone which buzzed during our run. It was a message from Ichiro
apologizing for canceling our plans today. He said that he was busy with work and couldn't make

“God damn it,” I sighed, lighting a cig.

“Are you alright?”

Ah, I wasn’t going to cry.

“Yeah, you?”

“Same,” Sasara nodded. Then I stopped to think. I want to embrace him, tell him I wanted to see
him again on good terms, but… He’d be injured if he followed me right?

“Mind your own fucking business. I was handlin’ it myself…”

“You’re not convincing when you look like you’ve been through the wringer you know,” Sasara
hummed, “You look scuffed up!”

I huffed, the cig moving from my mouth to my fingers.

“Why do you keep helping me out?”

“...” Sasara looked at me before nodding his head. “I don’t need a reason to help a guy out. But I
guess… if I had to say, it’s because my partner, no, my friend reminds me a lot of you.”

“So, you wanted to help me.”

“Man, even your honesty reminds me of him. This is wigging me out,” Sasara rubbed the back of
his head. I barked a laugh.

Sasara looked a little alarmed, but he seemed to be more relaxed around me and I would take that
over a scared Sasara any day. Then my phone started to buzz. My phone is normally pretty loud so
I’m sure Sasara could hear the dudes over on the caller side ask me for help. I spat the cig out of
my mouth and rushed away.

“Fuck, Yagumo please be okay!”

I cursed under my breath as I ran as fast as I could to the rundown factory. Opening the factory
doors, I huffed. Yagumo was tied up and he was apologizing for messing up. Screwed up my ass.
Memories started to swarm my head over his betrayal.

But there was something else too.

What if… What if he changed over the years this time?

As Zanen grinned. I couldn’t take it. I needed to take it. I’ll apologize to Ichiro and Nemu later.
They know what I do. I won’t let myself die either. I closed my eyes. Please, Yagumo, say that
you’ve changed.

“What do you think? Could you take him down? Well, Shimozuru?”

“Sure… Just gotta drive him into a corner first.”

My shut eyes squeezed together as I accepted the fact that I couldn’t change the future. At least not
for my relationship with Yagumo. I should’ve known that it would’ve ended up the same way. But
I still had to continue struggling to make everything go my way.

Still… Still, I thought we got closer than we did at a different time.


I couldn’t open my eyes.

“Why, you ask? Try using your head a little. It’s the same reason all people come to. You can’t
make the big money by following the rules. But these guys put money first.”

I couldn’t bear to see someone I considered a friend despite knowing the future would betray me

Yagumo leaned over to me and grinned.

“C’mon Samatoki. We’ll give you another chance. Come work for us. Maybe this way you can
give Ichiro-kun and your sister a better place to live.”

I slapped his outstretched hand away, my frown turning into a snarl. I opened my eyes to see the
spiteful face of fucking low life.

“Don’t mess with my family, bitch.”

Preparing myself for a battle I knew was coming, either way, I heard the doors to the factory slam


I turned my head to see Sasara with sweat running down his forehead. He was dashing in as if he
was a reindeer who was being pushed to finish his Christmas runs because they were behind
schedule. He even gathered a ton of attention like Rudolph would because of his red nose.

“Help meeeeee!”

Sasara ran in with a ton of people chasing him. Calling out names and screaming at him loudly. He
then stopped in front of Zanen and waved his body like noodles, “Heya boss! I went through town
and started every fight I could, just as you ordered!”

Zanen was extremely taken back as a shitshow started.

“This is our chance, let’s go!”

I heard Sasara yell behind me. I couldn’t go. No, I could not be in debt to him more. My body
shook as I made a decision my body knew well.

“You dumbass…” I laughed hopelessly before punching Zansei’s face. “From here on out, this is
my own fight!”

I could hear Sasara fighting. I would not let a single person here harm him. Nope. I beat up
Yagumo during the shitshow too. Then I hurried to Sasara’s side to protect him because he was
weaker than me.

He was someone to be protected.

Moving in a couple of guys randomly throwing punches at each other. I grunted as I took a hit
meant for Sasara. I then high kicked the shit out of the punk and he fell. It was nightfall when the
battle ended with only two people standing.

“Man~ I’m pooped!” Sasara giggled.... again.

I shook my head and pulled a cig, placing it in my mouth. Searching my pockets, I realized that I
had lost my lighter during the fight.
“You got a light?”

“Yeah,” Sasara pulled out his lighter and lit the cig in my mouth for me. Good god, he didn’t burn

“Thanks,” I puffed the cig, “I really owe you big time, huh…”

“Good thing I have a way for you to pay me back right away,” Sasara smiled.

“What’s that now?” I asked, looking into Sasara’s closed eyes, knowing exactly what he’d ask me.

“You and me - we’d make a pretty good team!”

“Yeah,” I couldn’t bite back the smile. “We would.”

Chapter End Notes

Hope you enjoyed!

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
A Lying Clown
Chapter Summary

Samatoki does his best to Sasara 'no' only to tell him yes.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Boss, that fucker’s back.”

I turned my head to see Kento Takanashi, one of my underlings, motioning me to the door. I
shrugged and puffed the cig.

“Sure, let ‘em in.”


Sasara wove his hand cheerily, a smile stuck on his lips. I wove Kento out of the door and took a
large inhale of nicotine before releasing it all on Sasara’s face.

Sasara coughed and swatted the smoke off, I grinned at him.

“You’ve been coming back every. Single. Day,” I let out a long drag from the stubby cig and then I
tossed it. “Is it the same thing as last time?”

“Come on,” Sasara sat down on a couch and I sat adjacent to him. “You know what’d be great?
Just think about it! Me and you, on stage-”

“Look, I know you’re trying to pull me into comedy but…” I sighed, the remainder of the smoke
in my mouth hurling out. “It’s not going to happen. I’m not going to make a comedy duo with you
for so many reasons.”

“Reasons you haven’t told me!” Sasara complained.

“Private reasons,” I countered with a wiggle of my brows. Sasara looked at me numbly before
whining all over again.

“That’s what I need! Please~ I have a little sister who goes to middle school. She’s in the school’s
tennis team but she’s in one of her downs lately. And it’s so far down I can’t even pick her up! I
just know that one of my comedy routines is going to cheer her up so you just have to do it with


Did Sasara have a younger sibling? I can’t call him out on his bullshit because I didn’t know him
well yet, technically. I thought he was an only child though? Mmm, I can barely remember this
happening last time.

So many things went differently already.

Wait. I remember doing this with Sasara in front of a little girl… Ah!

I shuddered, determination upsurging within me. Sasara… doing so much for his sister, huh? Man,
were we that similar?!

"Uh, Samatoki?"

Sasara looked at me with those closed eyes of his. He seemed scared for some reason, but I knew
just what to do.

“Of course I’ll do it!”

I pulled my hand to my heart and I stood up so fast that Saara looked scared. Like he’d shit himself

“Why didn’t you say you had a younger sister earlier?! We have to do it! We can do it! I’ll do it!”
I’m so sorry Rosho, but Sasara’s little sis needed this. “Come back tomorrow with no less than 10
scripts for practice. Okay? You have to, alright?”

I gave Sasara my phone number, the one I thought I already gave him and sent him on his way. I
asked him to send me some videos to study and he sent a lot from this weird comedy duo. Yeah… I
just ended up watching Sasara’s and Rosho’s comedy shows instead.

I don’t know how I could be as great as Rosho, but I’d have to try and fill up that spot for the
sister. I have to do my best!

“I watched so much I think I could be a pro comedian,” I complained to Sasara when he arrived the
next day. Kento was disgruntled, so I asked him to be the delivery man for Yanagi-san’s pastries
instead. He disagreed, but we managed to negotiate it out and Rengi was the new guard.

“Good because I worked my ass off on these sketches,” Sasara complained back, passing loads of
paper to me. I took it to read over them. “I’m sure that it can’t even plow more ideas into my brain!
I already harvested the best!”

I can’t say his jokes suck when I’m about to perform them… can I?

After a quick skim of the papers, Sasara is the actual professional here, I just said that it looked
great. They passed my rather lo- high standards.

“Let’s go try it out.”

“Should I explain it first?”

“I watched all the videos you sent me and more last night,” I responded. “Plus, I happen to learn
better on the fly.”

“Oh… okay?”

“Rengi, get Tenki to start the car, we’re heading out.”

“Yes, boss!”

In the car, Sasara started to make random names for us. I ignored him because it was only
temporary right? Unless the little sister needed more jokes to cheer up. This was a temporary set
up. I had no intention of being Sasara's comedy partner.
“SasaSama! What do you think?”

“Whatever you want. It’s only today anyways.”

“Yes! SasaSama! We’re going to be a great comedian pair!”

I sent Tenki away once we reached Ikebukuro West Gate Park. I was supposed to play as the
straight man in this duo so we should be okay? I think. I’m not so sure. I pulled off my best
comedian look. We started off with Sasara saying a joke that wasn't funny.

Sasara said his line and caught my eye. I disregarded him as all the straight men in comedy do and
I punched him. Wait. Oops.

I winced at Sasara’s face and cursed myself when I caught his appearance.

“Ow… Uh… Could you punch... Uh, just a little lighter?”

“Sure?” I smiled at him uncertainty. “Sorry.”

Sasara looked at me with his bruised face and rolled his eyes. Uh, closed eyes style.

“Also, if you could stop looking like that, it’d be nice.”

“What’s wrong with how I look?”

“You look like a working teenager in a convenience store who obviously doesn’t want to be there!
This is a skit, not some shit stick, be more funny!”

I flinched and tried to contort my face into something better.

My face felt like I crinkled wet paper and expected someone to do something about it. Like
homework, a student tosses before realizing they have to turn it in and the wrinkles wouldn't come

“Nevermind, what you had before is better…”

I agreed and eased my face to that funny face I had earlier. The one that wasn't apparently funny.

We went at it for a couple more and I tried to control the ‘slapping’ part better, but Sasara still
looked a little woozy from the multiple hits. Well, I never tried to control my strength before…

Then I saw the police.

I grabbed Sasara’s wrist and jerked him out of the park. Fuck it, I didn’t mean to cause a ruckus!

I apologized to Sasara, but Sasara shrugged it off. He asked me if I was having fun and I had to tell
him truthfully no. I didn’t want to replace Rosho, not that I told Sasara that. Instead, I reminded
him that we were doing it for his sister so we couldn’t back down.

“Ah, you know I have a little sister myself.”

“Y-You do? You don’t have to tell me. I won’t pry-”

“It’s you, it’s fine if I tell you,” I laughed. I told him about my family, my abusive father, my dead
father-killing mother, and how I was fending for myself and Nemu. I proceeded to tell him about
Ichiro and how I met him, excluding the fact that I would wait at the west gate park for him to
arrive since age eighteen because I swear I ain't a child predator.

Sasara hugged me by the waist and started to cry. I pet his head and just laughed. We’re doing fine
for now. What was the big problem?

I ignored the answer in my mind and told him that I thought we were ready to perform in front of
his sister.

Sasara suspiciously froze before stuttering okay.

“Nii-san, you seem happy lately.”

“Yeah Onii-san, want to tell us what’s going on?”

I invited Ichiro over for dinner. I was going to make curry and I thought he’d like it. He came
eagerly as expected. It seemed like he didn’t want to stay in the orphanage. I should ask why, but…
He seemed happy at least.

“I have a new person as a partner, or about to be my partner.”

Ichiro and Nemu exchanged glances.

“Partner as in someone to work with you during your job?”

Ichiro asked for clarification and I nodded. He seemed a little relieved, but still skeptical about it.
Nemu too.

“If he’s anything like that previous guy…” Ichiro muttered, his eyebrows furrowing. Nemu looked
downright evil too. What the hell did these teenagers think they could do?! Also, what the fuck did
they learn?!

“He’s nothing like that. A great, loyal guy,” I announced as their faces softened a little. They still
seemed defensive for some stupid reason.

“You don’t know that Onii-chan! You’re too nice!”

“Nii-san, please let us meet him soon.”

I laughed at their protective gazes. Gazes I knew because I wore it myself.

Now what did these two children think they could protect me from?

A harmless unfunny clown?

“This is… Sasako Nurude!”

A girl that looked barely similar to Sasara wove her hand. I wasn’t going to judge by the look
though. I mean, some siblings don't even look alike.


I raised my hand halfway and she bowed. Cute.

We started to do our acting, me trying to pull back some punches and Sasara continuously getting

She clapped for us with a smile on her face. Woah, that’s a smile there.

“Look at that, she’s smiling,” I grinned at Sasara. She seemed pleased with the performance, that’s
amazing! “You have a great brother who’s willing to get this bruised just for ya to laugh, huh?”

“Umm, yes!”

She squeaked.

“Haha! If you need more of this, I’m down to help you as well,” I responded fondly. Any help I
could bring Sasara is welcomed! Especially his younger sister that I didn’t even know existed.
Sorry, Sasara!

“Yes, thank you. This is exactly what I needed to renew my interest in ballet.”

Wait a fuck. Ballet?

“I thought it was tennis?”

“No, I do ballet,” ‘Sasako’ politely refuted.

I could feel Sasara tensing behind me.

“What was your name again?”

“Uh,” the girl’s face went blank for a second, “”

Two seconds later I feel hands grabbing my feet pleading for forgiveness. Sasara came clean about
his deception and the way he used me to start a manzai duo. I felt an urge of anger rising at both
Sasara and myself. But it died down when he started to plead for his life.

Ignoring the remanents of anger, I just sighed.

“Whatever, just don’t ask me to do this again.”

“Whatever you say Samatoki-sama!”

Maybe in the previous time, that title would boost my ego, but all I hear is an unnecessary apology.

“Get up, just join my gang instead. I mean, we’re still partners, right?”

I don’t think I ever saw someone that shocked before.

What? Did I say something wrong?

Chapter End Notes

I'm glad you guys are enjoying the story and I feel bad that Ichiro makes like a brief
cameo here :'D
On the other hand, hope you guys enjoyed M.C.D's stupid antics!
Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
Extra Story: Broken Arm
Chapter Summary

This is something that happened within Chapter 4 during the two years that passed.
Samatoki comes home after a tiring day until he spots a familiar brat at the other side
of the road...

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Returning home for the night, I was walking back to the apartment when I saw Ichiro.

He was on the other side of the road and it looked like he was sneaking back home. Wait, was that
a cast on his arm?

My feet sped up on their own as I rushed to the fucking brat who was sneaking off.


I shouted as I crossed the street.


Ichiro turned around to face me and he quickly sped the other way. As if his life depended on it.
Oh no you fucking don’t!

“Ichiro Yamada!” My legs started to move faster. Bitch was stupid if he thought he could outrun
me! “Stop right there or else!”

The brat didn’t stop, I wonder how the fuck he thought he could run faster than me when he had an
arm in a cast. Soon enough, Ichiro was running so desperately he lost balance and ended up falling.
I wish my legs could move fucking faster.

“Ichiro! You okay?!”

I managed to catch him before he could start running again and I helped him up. Holding him tight,
I glared at him a little before releasing exasperated air from my mouth. Putting his good arm
around my neck I helped him up.

“Ichiro, I need you to speak. Who did that to you?” Fuck, what happened when I didn't pay
attention, huh? “Can you tell me what happened? Let’s go to Nemu and fix that up along with your

I felt my heart racing at the sight of the broken arm, but Ichiro shrugged it off like it was nothing.
Wait, I think he was trying to shrug me off. Oh, no you fucking brat.

“Don’ even try that with me,” I snarled. Ichiro’s back snapped straight when he was shocked by my
voice and I forced him to walk with me back to the apartment where Nemu was waiting for me.
Normally I was the one injured and Nemu would have to look after me then, but this… this was a
whole different story, fucker.

Ichiro was silent the entire walk, probably harboring guilt. I didn’t care. He needed some treatment
and I would force him to stay home tonight if he didn’t listen to my fucking words.

“I don’t need you to support me, Nii-san. I can walk on my own,” Ichiro finally said something as
the apartment came into view.

Shithead, if that was true, he could’ve said that a few blocks ago.

“I’m not supporting you, I’m making sure you don’t run off,” I released Ichiro and grabbed his
uninjured hand. “Here, we can do this if you don’t like the other way.”

“You don’t… trust me?” Ichiro’s red and green eyes burned into me accusingly. He also seemed
sad to ask me that question, but...

I paused for a second. My red eyes burned as some turmoil mustered in my body.

“I trusted you, fucker!”

“And that’s why I knew I could do this.”

“No,” I growled. Then I tugged him away. Ichiro whimpered and I automatically knew that what I
said was fucked up. I tried to be a bit more playful and added, “Only when it comes to your health.
You always act like you are fine health-wise but that’s not true!”

“I… I am-”

“You have an arm in a cast,” I deadpanned. Staring at Ichiro I shook my head, “You are not
fucking fine.”

Ichiro’s head was hung in shame. I rubbed the bridge of my nose with my free hand. I need a
fucking cig.

“Ichiro, sometimes it’s stronger to ask for help than it is to not ask for help. You need to
differentiate the two,” I sighed. Ichiro looked at me once again accusingly and opened his mouth to
say something. “Especially if you are young.”

Ichiro was silent after that and the environment didn’t seem so heavy anymore. It did feel more
accusing, but that was easy to ignore. We walked to the apartment door. I would just open the door
with my keys but I was holding Ichiro’s hand in one and the other…

I glanced at my left hand and sighed. I’m right-handed and I never really learned how to be
ambidextrous. So I knocked, my knuckles rapping the door.

“Yes? Who’s there?”

A sweet voice called out from the inside and I had to keep myself from smiling at Nemu.

“It’s me ‘n Ichiro, Nemu! Can you let us in?”

“You could just open the door yourself, Onii-chan,” Nemu huffed as she opened the door. She
scrutinized me first, checking for any injuries before she greeted Ichiro. “Good to see you…

Nemu’s eyes widened at the rare sight of Ichiro being harmed and me being spotless. She quickly
ushered us inside and locked the door once we made it in. My fingers gripped his palm hard as I
turned around to face Ichiro.

Ichiro was trying to back away from Nemu who was walking towards him menacingly. I felt fear
tingle on my spine at the sight. I’m so fucking glad it’s Ichiro and not me. I pulled Ichiro over to
the couch and left him there for Nemu to pick on.

He didn’t let go of my hand though.

I thought it was cute and I was going to coax him into letting me go but Nemu got there first. She
tore our hands apart as she spoke with such bloodlust I thought she was going to kill Ichiro.

“Onii-chan isn’t going to help you.”

I blinked as the shock registered in my mind and I started to calm down. Okay, so maybe Nemu
was a bit terrifying, but nothing was expected less of my wonderful little angel of a sister. Yes… I
ignored the demon spawn that was prattling about injuries and casts and broken bones. An angel.

At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if Nemu became a fucking doctor. She knew so much just
from my injuries and Ichiro’s. I guess she studied up to keep us healthy.

“Nemu,” I eyed Ichiro who looked relieved at my interference.

“Don’t bother us Onii-chan,” Nemu smiled sweetly. It resembled an angel, not a demon. An angel.

“I wasn’t trying to,” I muttered, Ichiro’s hopeful eyes dimming. I smiled apologetically at Ichiro,
but he had this coming for him when he ran from me. “I just wanted to state that he fell on the
pavement so there might be more bruises.”

Ichiro looked at me with utter betrayal and I smirked slightly. I ignored how my mind constantly
nagged me with his facial expression, moving me to a time too close in the future.

Nemu’s angry and worried scolding got louder at Ichiro because he failed to mention the extra
injuries himself. Ichiro had already quit trying to create excuses and sat there soullessly, listening
to Nemu’s lecture.

I chuckled as my body automatically started to make dinner. I turned on a couple of the stoves at
the same time and pulled out my pans. I placed them on the stove and started to toss in the
ingredients I needed for tonight’s dinner.

It took a while for everything to be cooked, my cooking skills must improve. I should watch more
videos or something. I placed the hot food on their respective plates and I started to carry them out
to the kitchen table.

Ichiro seemed more annoyed now and Nemu was still scolding him. Dang, she must be really

“You know, you’d think you’d learn something from that construction site incident a couple of
weeks ago and here you are again getting injured! Oh my gosh, I feel like you get stupider every
day! Is this why you don’t come to school? You should, you know?! You’re lucky that I haven’t
ratted you out yet to Onii-chan-”

“You don’t go to school?”

Ichiro glared at Nemu, who quickly covered her mouth with her hands. When Ichiro noticed she
would do nothing to take back her words, he quickly made excuses. I just frowned disapprovingly,
but… I mean, I can’t control what he does I guess.

Wish I could. Then he’d stop doing stupid things.

“Well, I-”

“I don’t really want to hear excuses but, I wish you told me and I didn’t figure it out like this,” I
hummed as I placed the plates down. I walked back into the kitchen to get more. “Nemu, can you
get the silverware?”

“O-Okay, Onii-chan,” Nemu glanced at Ichiro with a worried gaze before she rushed off into the
kitchen with me.


“Don’t sweat it, brat,” I huffed, “Just eat. Do you need help eating?”

Ichiro’s face started to burn when I blew into a spoon of hot rice and lifted it to his mouth.
Smirking evilly I pushed it up to his face.

“Say ‘ah’,” I guided Ichiro whose eyes shook at what I assumed was an embarrassment. “I can't eat
if you don’t eat this.” He took the bite a little while after I dangled it in front of his face and said
that. I smirked as he chewed slowly and I started to eat as well. Nemu and I took turns to feed

Ichiro seemed extremely put off by this, but I laughed as Nemu gave him all the affection and
attention he wanted. I laughed at how he tried to push us away from feeding him, but I was
relentless and so was Nemu.

Nemu and I didn’t mention how we were feeding Ichiro the food that we didn’t like either. Ichiro
soon found a shiitake mushroom being pushed into his mouth and he tried to refuse, I refused to let
him feel that comfort.

“You’re not going to eat it?” I moved my eyebrows, “I guess you like Nemu feeding you more than


Nemu snorted so hard I think she choked or somehow burned her nose because she was not happy
for the time being. Ichiro was staring at me dumbfounded before he reluctantly opened his mouth.
I grinned at him and fed him his least favorite food.

Ichiro’s face was scrunched up as he ate the food with distaste. He would thank me one day, I’m

I chuckled at how Nemu fed him a spoonful of just shiitake mushrooms. His glare of hatred was
just laughed off.

Everything was so peaceful. Except.

“So Ichiro, who did that to you?”

“Some thug,” Ichiro said offhandedly, he glanced away, his eyes burning in resentment and anger.
“They attacked me with a pipe.”

“A pipe?!”

I growled, “Where?”

I know that there was a small gang that was suddenly forming in Mozuku’s area, which was where
Ichiro, Nemu, and I lived, but it was out of Yagumo’s jurisdiction. I didn’t mind beating them up
though, for sure.

“I can’t remember,” Ichiro muttered. I detected a lie, but Nemu sent me a glare and I didn’t
question him. Nemu told me that I was too intrusive sometimes. Something like I couldn’t protect
them from everything or do everything for them.

But I wanted to. I didn’t want them to be sad. I wanted to do everything I could to let them relax. I
guess that wasn’t really an option when my little sister was glaring holes at me.

“I’m going to go for a smoke,” I said after a little while. “Nemu, keep feeding Ichiro.”

I walked off to the balcony and I tapped my cig box. I pulled it out with my mouth and my other
hand was already lighting the lighter. I managed to light the cig before my other hand was free and
I placed the two addiction offenders into my pocket.

I puffed. Watching the smoke float off, I sighed in slight contempt and jealousy of how free the
smoke moved.

But I would never wish to be something that existed for such a brief moment.

I listened to Nemu and Ichiro arguing behind me, closing my eyes briefly as I thought about a
previous time. Their pointless banter, their meaningful exchanges, and our unbreakable bond.

I opened my eyes and I saw a person that was here and wasn’t here. It was funny how I thought I
saw that person in the smoke released from my cig. My mouth opened by itself and a quiet voice
that no one else could hear floated and disappeared with the smoke.

“I miss you.”

Chapter End Notes

I am an idiot for forgetting this chapter :'D So I quickly wrote it up. The next chapter
will be back to the present, my bad!
Cafe Meets
Chapter Summary

Samatoki and Sasara decide to go to the cafe and a certain younger sister walks
through the front door...

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“What happened there?”

I peeked to the side where Sasara was resting his head on his hand. He had his eyes on my left leg
with the scraggy scars faintly visible. I still had occasional pains, especially when I thought of
Yagumo, construction sites, or Ichiro getting injured.

“I forgot I had that,” I answered honestly because this timeline was the first time I had it. Unless it
started to act up again, I ended up forgetting about it. Plus it was twoish years old so it was easier
for me to forget about its existence.

“You forgot you had that,” Sasara deadpanned.

“Yeah,” I shrugged carelessly. I normally didn’t wear shorts, but Nemu bought these for me so I
thought I’d wear them at least once. I guess since the last time I had the faint pain was around two
months ago and the heat was getting unbearable so I forgot, huh?

“How- Nevermind, where’d you get it?”

“A construction site,” I smirked at Sasara.

Sasara quirked his eyebrows before they slightly furrowed. He looked angry? I don’t know.

“I saved someone though. They would’ve died if I didn’t do anything,” I shrugged. Thank god I ran
without even caring who was there. If I ran after knowing it was Ichiro, I would’ve been late. I
know it.

“Ah,” Sasara huffed. He eyed my injury with golden pupils.

“It was someone special to me.”

I decided it wouldn’t hurt to tell him about how it happened.

“They were too young to work at the construction site and I didn’t know they were working. I was
there because I saw Yagumo,” my eyebrows furrowed, “Because that shit was fighting there and I
went to help him. Saw a beam fall and ran to save the person who just stood there.”

“Were they harmed?” Sasara made no comment on the name change regarding the piece of shit.

“Nah, just me,” I relaxed my shoulders and smirked at Sasara, “I’m cool right?”

“Is that really something to boast about?”

“I mean, they didn’t get hurt.”

“But you did.”


Sasara’s eyes flung open and I flinched at the sheer intensity of them.

“You know, it’s as if you don’t value your life.”

I frowned, “What do you mean? I do.”

“From everything I’ve seen, nah,” Sasara commented, pulling out a cig and a lighter.

I took out my own cig, “You only see me in my bad days.”

Sasara snorted, “Then your bad days are your every days.”

“Ha!” I held the cig to my mouth as Sasara lit his. He leaned over to me and lit the butt of my cig
with his lit one.

“It’s not funny.”

“It’s funny, 'cause it's wrong,” I countered. Inhale, puff, rest. I glanced over to Sasara who still had
a large frown on his face. Bah, I rolled my eyes and placed my feet on our table.

A little after the agreement in becoming partners, Sasara and I quickly rose up business-wise and
we had our own place now. Which, if I was being honest, was a place I was familiar with for the
year I worked here. Most of the gang members I gathered before Sasara joined were fine with
Sasara's addition and continued to stick by our side. We got extremely lucky because their loyalty
brought us more ways to gain money.

“Ah,” I glanced out of the office. Sasara and I were planning to visit Yanagi-san’s cafe. “Let’s go

“Got you!”

Sasara put on a smile, both of us deciding to ignore the previous conversation.

“Can you keep me entertained while we go there?”

“Sure!” Sasara's smile got wider as we began our walk.

“Where does a fish keep his money? In a river bank!”

Sasara started to fish for puns as we walked out of the office.

“Why did the dinosaur cross the road? Because chickens weren’t invented yet! How’re these,

“Sort of annoying,” I answered truthfully.

“You said to keep you entertained on the trip over!” Sasara screamed in shock, “So I’m going to
keep making jokes until you laugh!”

I rolled my eyes fondly. Then I felt it rain. I moved under a shop for some shelter, dragging a loud
Sasara with me. Reaching out to touch and gauge the amount of rain, I frowned.

“Looks like it’s started to rain. I’m going to call for a car,” I announced. I glanced at the shop
behind me and took my phone out. Calling one of our underlings, I asked for him to pick us up at
the shop.

“A horse steps into a bar, the bartender goes ‘Why the long face?’”

Sasara wouldn’t stop mumbling. I sighed.

Hanging up the phone call, I turned to Sasara.

“Not to rain on your parade or be a wet blanket or anything, but let’s get out of this downpour

Sasara glared at me, I could practically feel his bloodlust.

“What’re you making that face for?”

Sasara scowled as our ride pulled up.

I shook my head and went in the car, motioning Sasara to follow. He did, but his face was still
contorted in some kind of anger/resentment. I guess I angered him somehow so I timidly tapped his
shoulder and willingly made a goofy face.

Sasara cocked his eyebrows before he burst out laughing. I smiled, the tension dissipating. We
arrived a couple of minutes later, faster than we would’ve if we went by foot like we originally
planned to.

“Yanagi-san!” I called out to the cafe’s owner.

“Maa maa!” A fairly young-looking woman peeked from the back of the cafe. Her eyes glittering
in surprise. I had been busy as of late, so while I sent those under me to do the pastry buying for
me, I haven’t personally seen her in a while. “If it isn’t Samatoki!”

“Yanagi-san,” I dipped my head, Sasara followed suit. “How are you?”

“I’ve been doing well thanks to you, what about you, Samatoki?”

I walked over to the counter of the cafe and hugged her quickly, Sasara followed behind me
awkwardly. I wonder if he remembers the cafe. Probably not.

“I’ve been doing well, as you can see,” I released her and nodded off to Sasara, “That’s Sasara,
he’s my business partner.”

“I heard what happened between you and Shimozuru, I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

“Ah, you don’t have to be. If you don’t mind me asking, who told you?” I casually motioned
Sasara over to a seat as Yanagi-san went back behind the counter.

“Kento-kun,” Yanagi-san smiled, “You know he’s a sweetheart.”

“Beh, I’ll have to teach him a thing or two about spilling things.”

“Don’t do that! Little Nemu and Tiny Ichiro would’ve told me too.”
“They’re not so little or tiny anymore.”

“Yes, they are not,” Yanagi-san agreed. She walked out with coffee and melon cream soda. She
placed my coffee in front of me, the aroma was mouthwatering. Sasara looked surprised as the
melon cream soda was placed in front of him.

“I didn’t order this,” Sasara looked a little reluctant to take it.

“Samatoki already asked for the drinks,” Yanagi-san shot me a knowing look as I sipped my
coffee, “I apologize if it takes too long to make another, I never made it before.”

“Then you didn’t have to-”

“You’re Samatoki’s friend, I should do what I must to ensure you don’t end up like Shimozuru.”

“I won’t ma’am,” Sasara promised.

I smiled causing the coffee to almost burn my tongue. Fuck.

“Thank you as always Yanagi-san.”

“Of course, just stay safe.”

I smiled at her and glanced back over to Sasara. The raindrops were annoyingly hitting the roof
with their loud roaring sounds of water-pounding metal, but I could ignore it easier after a little
while. Yanagi-san walked away, preparing some pastries, I bet.

“You’re not going to try?”

Sasara tilted his head before sipping out of the straw that poked from his drink.

“Mm, this is a berry-less berry delicious drink!” Sasara laughed. He took another sip from the soda
before humming, “How do you know her?”

“I used to work as a part-timer here,” I decided to be honest. I lightly shook the coffee to mix and
cool it at the same time. “Now Nemu works as a part-timer here.”

“You forgot to tell me that, ha. But… sounds like you were close to her,” Sasara frowned, “Why’d
you go to a gang?”


“Huh,” Sasara snorted and looked away. “You like to spoil people?”

“Only those who deserve it,” I laughed as I drank the remaining coffee.

Sasara rolled his eyes and took a long slurp from his drink. I won’t lie, it was fucking annoying. I
let him do it too, uncaring, really, of what I didn’t like.

“Why did you want me to come here? Is it because of this luxurious melon cream soda?”

“Ha! Make sure you tell Yanagi-san that you liked it,” I chuckled, “I called you here because of a
different reason.”

I turned to the door when the doorbell chimed.


I waved my sister over from the door. Nemu whipped her head at the sound of my voice. Her
pearly pink eyes widened as I waved her over.


Nemu quickly made her way over to my table. Sasara whistled in surprise.

“Sasara, this is Nemu, my little sister. Nemu, that’s Sasara.”

“Nice to finally meet you, Nemu,” Sasara did a mock bow. “I haven’t seen a day without Samatoki
talking about you.”

“I haven’t seen my brother get happier in a while, so thank you for being the next step,” Nemu
replied with a curtsey. The two of them giggled and I realized that this could be annoying. Ah,
well, I brought this upon myself.

“Well, I thought it was about time you guys met.”

“About time?” Nemu placed her hands on her hips. “This introduction has been long overdue! Has
he even met Ichiro yet?”


“Onii-chan!” Nemu looked at me and I cringed a bit. She was about to start one of her lectures
again, I could feel it. Although Nemu was only 16, she enjoyed taking part in conversations and
becoming the mother hen figure for Ichiro and me. She was headstrong and determined, I trusted

Though, it doesn’t really work on me as much as it does on Ichiro.

“I haven’t seen Ichiro in a while,” I confessed. “Been too busy with Sasara.”

“Onii-chan!” Nemu huffed, “You should go see him, he’s been looking forward to it! Every day at
school all he ever does is ask about you. He doesn’t even greet me first!"

“I apologize, I’ll talk to him tomorrow,” I conceded, “You should go start your work though.” I
nodded off to the counter where Yanagi-san stood waiting. Nemu clasped her hands in realization
and hurriedly rushed away.

“Aren’t you famous?”

I eyed Sasara who took the last gulp of his soda.

“Sure, not as famous as the comedian in front of me though,” I teased.

“I’m on a hiatus,” Sasara sighed. Rubbing circles on his temple, I watched him take a vicious
swipe at some itch. Maybe it was more mental than physical.

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” I smiled at Sasara lightly.

“This is a nice place, when does your sister work?”

“I don’t know,” I shrugged. “I know she works after school. I haven't looked at this week's
schedule for her yet. Yanagi-san’s cafe got pretty big over the years. And it’s still a homey cafe so
it’s still relatively small.”

“Yeah, I can see that,” Sasara smiled widely. “Why don’t we hang out here a bit more often?”

“Sure,” I nodded, “It's pretty far from the office though and we can’t smoke here.”

“Surely, you jest?” Sasara joked, “She loves you so you should have special privileges.” Sasara
then waved his hand, “I don’t mind coming here a couple of times to talk to your sister for fun
reasons and not business.”

“Ah,” I smiled at Sasara, “Yeah, that’d be nice.”

So we agreed to meet here every other Monday and Yanagi-san always kept a table open for us.

It felt nice, being with people I love.

Chapter End Notes

Hope you liked the chapter :D See you tomorrow ;)

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
Afternoon Hangout (Ft. Ichiro)
Chapter Summary

Samatoki finally has a day off to spend time with Ichiro.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

On my day off, I thought I would go to see Ichiro.

It’s been a while since I last saw him after starting things up with Sasara. I've been busy with
Sasara and the 'business', but since our business finally stabilized and we were doing good, I could
take a break and leave it with Sasara.

I waited for Ichiro at Ikebukuro West Gate Park. I didn’t know if he was going to come to my
sudden hangout since he was probably busy too. I think he told me about getting a new job though
he didn’t specify what kind of job. As long as it was safer than the construction site, I didn’t mind.

But, there was one job I would prefer the construction site over.

Fuck Mozuku.

But I had told Ichiro many times before when he was a child to now as a teenager. So I trust him
enough to not work with Mozuku. I was smoking on a bench waiting a little while. I had my eyes
closed and when I opened them I saw a cloudless blue sky with busy people walking around.

I decided to snuff the cig out and waited a couple more minutes.

An hour later after taking in the scenery and waiting, I realized that Ichiro might not come after all.
Getting up slowly, my hands on my knees, my plans for today would have to be changed. I can no
longer think of Ichiro as a kid who always had free time to drop everything and come to me. I felt a
little sad realizing that as a fact, but I suppose I would have to go through more experiences like

I walked away with the crowd, slowly melting into the busy streets, about to walk aimlessly.


My footsteps pivoted as I turned to the voice.

Ichiro was running over, waving his hand frantically. I side-stepped out of the crowd and walked
over to him, waving my hand lightly. Maybe I wasn't so lonely yet.

“Yo,” I smiled. “I thought you were busy?”

“I always have time for you, Nii-san,” Ichiro huffed. “I’m sorry I was late. A friend of mine said
that he could do everything for me-”

I whacked Ichiro’s head lightly. Shaking my head and crossing my arms I frowned.
“You can’t make your friend do what you're supposed to, especially if it’s work-related,” I scolded
him. Smiling lightly I tousled his hair. Ichiro swatted my hands away and huffed.

“If you told me that you would be free earlier on, then maybe I wouldn’t have to resort to asking
someone to take over,” Ichiro rebutted. He released a puff of anger, his eyebrows furrowing

He seemed more, what was the word, irritable. I wanted to comfort him, so I guess I should play
the role of a friend. Or something.

“We could always reschedule,” I hummed.

“You’re never free lately,” Ichiro pouted.

Ha, brat’s 16 and he’s still pouting. I gave him a noogie and glanced around the area.

“What do you want to do?”

“Hang, I guess,” Ichiro shrugged.

“Sure,” I nodded. “Let’s get some pastries at Yanagi-san’s cafe and plan it out.”

“Can we get a drink nearby here instead?” Ichiro gave me a side look.

Rolling my eyes I walked to a vending machine to get a can of coke for Ichiro. We sat down on a
bench nearby and I watched him open his can.

Ichiro drank greedily, but he seemed to get self-conscious when he noticed my staring.

“Is something wrong, Nii-san?”

“Nah,” I laughed, “Nothing’s wrong. Mm, just thinking about what to do today. Also, you grew up
a lot.”

Ichiro looked troubled for a little bit before he started to smile softly. Yes, he seemed sadder for
some reason, but at least he was at ease now. I should figure out what’s bothering him.

“Yeah, I did grow up. Think you can rely on me now?” Ichiro questioned me wistfully and I turned
to look at him. With a quirked eyebrow, I sent a quizzical look.

“You didn’t know that I rely on you a lot?” I asked him, a chuckle erupting from my mouth. It was
because of Ichiro I was here and because of him, I would fight harder than I did against the future.

“I didn’t know that,” Ichiro confessed. He took another swig of his coke and I shook my head. We
enjoyed the silent presence of each other. The fact that he was next to me and breathing. The way a
bit of his hair moved in the wind. We just enjoyed how we were together.

“Is something troubling you?”

I ended up asking Ichiro anyways. Staring at his wide eyes I gave him a grin.

“Nothing much,” Ichiro settled on after a couple of heartbeats. “It’s something minor.”

“You don’t trust me?” I asked with a teasing smile.

“That’s a low blow,” Ichiro smiled at me. His fingers on his can tightened and he avoided my gaze.
“I do trust you. I don’t want to burden you.”

“You’ll never burden me,” I answered quickly. He wasn’t a burden, Ichiro was someone precious.

“My brothers… I never told you, but they started to avoid me. Not to mention, all I feel like I can
do is work and get money for them. For us.”

Ichiro started to tell me things I never knew. His first director ended up being some scum that used
his money to go to clubs and drink with girls. Apparently, the police found out and arrested him
when Ichiro was 14. Then there was a misunderstanding between him and his brothers. Ichiro
didn’t know his friend was actually bullying and stealing money from his brothers. Luckily, the
brothers managed to sort that problem out, but they resented Ichiro for hating their current director.

I can recall him being sad and I cursed at myself for not being able to do more.

“Should I just adopt you?”

The words flew out of my mouth faster than my thoughts could stop it.

I froze as Ichiro turned to me slowly.


“Uh,” I scratched the back of my neck. I tried to avoid adopting him because I knew that it
wouldn’t be so pretty in regards to the future, but it still bugged me.

“It’s probably better that you don’t,” Ichiro said at last. “I’m nothing but a-”

“You’re everything,” I disagreed. “Your happiness matters too. I’m sure Nemu wouldn’t care
either. I can get all of you, you, your brothers, everything.”

Fuck, I’m digging a deeper grave. But if it would stop Ichiro from thinking he's whatever negative
thing he was about to say, I would do it.

“It’s okay,” Ichiro shook his head. “I sort of don’t want to get adopted. If that makes sense?”

I nodded my head, but a random what if squiggled into my mind. So many adults have failed him
before. And I'm an adult now. So does he believe I would fail him? I kept up my smile, but it felt
more strained. Wouldn’t I fail him too, in the future? Of course, he doesn’t trust adults. Well, I
don’t either, but I am an adult now… aren’t I?


“Nothing,” I wove my hand dismissively.

“You trust me too right? You know you can lean on me right?”

Sly move there Ichiro. I barked out a laugh at the sudden turn of events and the way my words
were being used against me. The thought from before passing away as if I never thought of it in the
first place.

“I know, I lean on you a lot already and I’m the older one here,” I flexed the age card. “It’s
because I trust you, I won't burden you. It wasn’t a special thought.”

Ichiro looked uncertain, but he dropped the conversation after that.

“I’m thinking about getting another piercing,” I filled in the awkward void, “Want to come with?”

Ichiro never spun to look at me so fast before.

I let out a low hum, the new piercing in place. In a couple more years I would end up with more
earrings, something I could be proud of.

“Which one do you like?” I hummed, looking over to Ichiro who was browsing through the earring
section. Ichiro, after seeing the procedure, decided that he would help me with buying an earring.

“I like this one,” Ichiro pointed to a red stud. It was a ruby I think, encased in a black frame.

I bought it and had Ichiro help me put it on my right upper lobe. He then beamed, his eyes glowing
so bright I think I went blind for a minute.

“I think it looks pretty too,” I commented after looking in the mirror. My eyes forlornly looked at
the stud that would’ve been black. I guess I’ll have to thank Ichiro for this later. I smiled at Ichiro
who nodded furiously. I guess he still searched for approval somewhere.

We ended up going to a hamburger joint for the first time in a while. He started to fill me in on
more of the things I missed in life. I was surprised and glad to know more about Ichiro than I think
I ever did.

I won’t lie. I found it weird how he avoided talking about work, but I didn’t want to force him to
say anything. I already got him to say enough already. Who am I kidding, I’m fucking curious.

“So, what do you do in your job?”

“I don’t do much. It isn’t dangerous either so you don’t have to worry,” Ichiro awkwardly said.

“What’s the pay like?”

“Enough to get an allowance for me and my brothers.”

“And apparently enough to try and pay for things,” I added with a smirk, eyeing his hand in his

“Well you’re always paying and I should repay you somehow-”

“You don’t need to. You don’t need to pay for anything.”

“Well, when I grow up I’ll start to support you the same way you are for me now,” Ichiro
hummed, his eyes roaming on a french fry. I laughed at him and disagreed. I have to be the one to
give. I had a responsibility to take after I ruined his life by basically budging my way there. I
wonder if he thought I was some sort of child predator in the beginning. God, I hope not, ha!

“Ichiro,” I smiled at him, “Let’s meet up again and hang out okay?”

“Yes!” Ichiro nodded his head furiously.

Chuckling, I pet his head.

“Why don’t you stay for dinner tonight? I can cook something real quick and Nemu can join us.”

Ichiro looked troubled for a second.

“I’m not sure… I don’t think it’s a good idea?”

“Sure, sure,” I shook my head, “But if you change your mind, you know our door is always open

“Yeah,” Ichiro hummed. He gave me a slightly goofy grin and I suppressed the urge to laugh.

I don’t doubt the fact that he would come to eat dinner tonight.

The new red earring glistened in the faint light of the hamburger joint.

Chapter End Notes

And we're getting closer to the H Age~ Hope you enjoyed reading as always! :D
SasaSama to the Rescue!
Chapter Summary

Samatoki and Sasara crack down on a prostitution case that is happening in their area.
They gain some help from their gang too.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Sasara and I were at the cafe, talking over some of the things we planned to do the following week.
Yanagi-san brought us some pastries and I thanked her for her kindness. Of course, I planned to
pay for these things later.

“Don’t you dare plan on paying for anything, Samatoki!” Yanagi-san huffed.

“Ah-uh,” I stuttered as Sasara saluted.

“I won’t let him pay for a thing Yanagi-san! Well, except a pay-stry or two.”

Yanagi-san giggled and I groaned. That was awful. Like most of his other jokes. At least she liked
them? Or she was being polite.

“Well then, I’ll keep you to that, Nurude-chan!” Yanagi-san wove her hand and quickly made it
back to the counter as a customer came in just at that time.

“Back to the topic of what we’re going to do,” I wove my hand as I reached for a pastry with the
other. “What do you think?”

“I think that your plan is reckless,” Sasara hummed. He bit on a pastry of his own and sipped on
his special melon cream soda. “We’re not even completely certain it is the Tobari brothers. We just
know that there are girls being forced into prostitution for money.”

“It sounds just like something the scumbags would do!”

“You don’t fully know that Samatoki,” Sasara shook his head, “You need to think of this in a
different light. We should be more careful and aware of what we’re doing because it can put other
people in danger.”

“I guess you’re right…” I shook my head and my hair tickled my face as I did it.

“‘Course I am,” Sasara huffed. He smacked his puffed-out chest and smirked, “You can trust this
Sasara, I ain’t no basura.”

“When did you learn Spanish?” I snorted, popping the rest of the pastry into my mouth. I chewed
as Sasara started to explain his linguistic abilities for puns. Swallowing the sweet bread I laughed
at him. Then I drowned the rest of the mush in my mouth with a sip of hot coffee.

I turned my head to see Kento standing over our table.

“Kento,” I greeted him with a nod of my head. “What’s up?”

Kento held a tablet in his hand and acknowledged Yanagi-san with a wave of his hand before
looking back at us.

“We got more info on the… uh, that problem,” Kento replied, still standing. He looked around the
room cautiously, worried to pull in more attention.

I moved over and motioned him to sit.

“If you’re worried about people overhearing or thinking of us suspiciously, standing won’t do us
any good, you know?”

“Pardon me,” Kento excused himself and sat down next to me. “Then, I will start the report on
what we found out about the case.”

I motioned for Kento to continue and Sasara leaned in to hear Kento’s voice.

“As we already know, the girls that are being used for prostitution are not working there
completely willingly. Most of them are from poor families and they need a job, but they are too
young or unwanted in the job areas they are looking for. Because of this, they turn to prostitution
as a way to gain money and income.

“It doesn’t seem like every girl is like this though. Apparently, some of the workers bring/hire
other girls to work because they get bonuses from that. They also ask friends to support or extort
others. It’s a pretty dirty deal.

“Kanade, applied to go undercover and started to-”

“Wait,” I frowned, “Did you just say Kanade went undercover? She went to work as a prostitute?
Why wasn’t I told of this?” I vehemently fumed. Trying to keep my cool, I tore the new pastry in
my hands that I was going to eat.

“Well, uh,” Kento rubbed the back of his head, “We weren’t getting new information so we
thought by sending someone out as a spy would help? And it did! We have a ton of new-”

“And you didn’t consult with me?” I growled, “I’m the boss here, you shouldn’t make decisions by

“Samatoki,” Sasara stopped me from yelling at Kento. “Listen to yourself. If they told you about
their plan, you would’ve said ‘no’ no matter what. We’d be at a standstill.”

“Then we can go beat up the Tobari Brothers who are obviously-!”

“And we already agreed that that would be a terrible idea. We don’t have any proof of their
dealings. It’d be walking to the lion’s mouth without any plans,” Sasara scolded me. I bit my
bottom lip.

“Still you should’ve told-!”

“They had my approval,” Sasara said. My body froze when Sasara spoke. I felt betrayed and my
red eyes met his closed eyes. Sasara’s eyes opened a crack to look into mine. “We needed
information, and fast. This was the best way to get it.”
“But Kanade-!”

“Boss, if I may,” Kento stopped me. “While Kanade is our only female, she also volunteered to go.
Kanade was the one who proposed this plan, not anyone else.”


“Kanade seemed to have asked Tenki about it beforehand because he supported her, but she was
the one who proposed this plan and volunteered to act as a spy despite the rest of us disagreeing.
We know you, Boss.”


“If you were wondering, she hasn’t had anything bad happen to her and she’s coming back later
today. She also sent a picture of a house where the girls are being held against their will. The
willing ones normally go home,” Kento reassured me.

“I… As long as she’s fine, I guess…”

Kento nodded and Sasara knowingly smiled at me.

“On the other hand, the Tobari brothers are indeed a part of this, but we don’t have concrete
evidence yet. Pictures aren’t allowed by the workers.”

“I fucking knew it,” I snarled. Maybe I cheated by using knowledge of the past time, but I fucking
knew it. I got up from my seat and marched on outside. I would beat their asses until they turned
themselves into the fucking police.

Once I reached outside, I was surprised to see two men blocking my way.


A badge was flipped in front of me. Two policemen?!

“Samatoki Aohitsugi, you are under arrest for illegal activity!”


I took a step back. I mean, yeah, I got caught by the police all the time, but I honestly didn’t do
anything?! They moved to grab me, but Sasara tripped one of the guys.


“Woah! You should be careful there sir!” Sasara smiled widely. He gave me a look and I
swallowed the lump in my throat. Running off, I hated the feeling of running and leaving someone

“Hey! You won’t escape- gah!”

I looked back to see Kento helping Sasara out. I kept my eyes forward after that and headed for the
alleyways because there was no way that the hideout wasn’t surrounded. I didn’t want to bring
Nemu and Ichiro any trouble either.

A run later, I waited in an alleyway to catch my breath. My lips flipped to an ugly snarl. I can guess
that the brothers framed me. They really were an ugly bunch of brothers, argh.
Brr. Brr.

I blinked as my phone rang.


“Samatoki, you alright?”

“Duh, what about you and Kento?”

“We’re doing well. We managed to figure out why the policemen were hunting you down. It has to
do something with this girl. She tipped the man off that it was you who was doing all of this stuff. I
can’t recall her name, but Kento’s looking for her as we speak.”

“So I was framed.”

I lit a cig and placed it in my mouth.

“Yeah, let’s meet up and we can talk more about it, m’kay?”

“Heh, you givin’ me a new hideout?”

“Uh huh~”

Sasara peeked from the curtains of the house we rented out. Well, more like bought. I’d have to
give it to Kanade for her bravery after the mission today. No doubt that we wouldn't fail. The
house owner, a well-known drug dealer, really just wanted to get rid of it. I beat him up and

“You need to stay in hiding, I got everything else!”

Sasara pointed a finger at me after the information was exchanged.


“Think about it logically, if you went, that’s exactly what those dirty brothers want. You need to let
me go so that we can subvert their expectations and dodge their trap.”


“Trust me,” Sasara knocked his fist to my chest.


I stared at him long and hard.


Within the next day, Sasara brought his phone over to me with evidence of the meeting between
two scumbags and a picture of the girl who lied about me.

“I’m going to try to get her to take back her words regarding you, okay? After this, we should be

“Yeah, yeah,” I shook my head. “You know what I’ll do. I’ll stay here, right?”

Sasara left after that and I couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy. Nemu had asked why I hadn’t come
home and I warned her about the possibility of becoming a prostitute and asked that she stay with
Ichiro. I also sent Ichiro a text to ask him a favor of keeping Nemu company at all times until I
could come back home.

I know I could trust him to protect Nemu for me when I wasn’t there to do it myself.

Late at night, the police knocked on my door. I had no choice but to follow them and I saw Sasara
running towards me. I signaled him to hide and shouted.

“I’m fucking innocent, I swear!”

I was dragged off to the cell where I started to talk with the policeman there.

“I know you don’t trust me, but I am telling you all the truth. I swear,” I tried to persuade them.
“Let me out of here so I can catch the real perps that are roaming free!”

“How do we know you’re not lying?” One of the men glared me down. His name was Yoshi
Toriki. I pitied him for a while for having the name Yoshi, but I couldn’t vocalize it. I needed to
prove my innocence first and foremost.

“Look, I have a younger sister, she’s around the age that some of the girls in that prostitution biz.
You think I would do that to people that remind me of my sister?”

“Ho? And?”

“You have to trust me!”

“How can we trust someone with a background like you?” Toriki the cop pulled out a clipboard
and started to list the things I was caught doing. Fuck. Come on! It’s not my fault people like to
pick fights with me!

“Excuse me, sir.”

A different policeman walked in.

“We have someone claiming that this man is innocent?”

“I bet it’s someone from his gang, arrest them too.”

“But the thing is, sir,” the policeman shifted awkwardly, “It’s a woman who’s unrelated to his


I watched the higher-ranked officer walk out leaving me with two bodyguards. Or more like prison
guards. A couple of minutes later I watched him unlock the lock on the cell.

“My apologies,” the man sighed, “You are free. It looks like we got the wrong guy.”

Behind him was Yanagi-san. She smiled at me kindly and walked into the cell. She held out a hand
for me and helped me up. Then she led me out.

Thanking the officer we walked outside, hand in hand.

“T-Thank you, Yanagi-san.”

I didn’t understand but I was forever grateful.

“You’re welcome, Samatoki,” Yanagi-san smiled. “Now go do what you have to do.”

I nodded and rushed off to a place I could barely remember. I pulled my phone out and contacted
Kanade. Apparently, she was staying in the second base of the bastard brothers, worried for the
girls there. I told her to hang tight and I rushed off to help her.

It was a bloody one-sided battle with me on the winning side when I got there. I beat up all the
roaches while Kanade helped the girls escape. After we beat them I excused Kanade and told her
to get a good sleep. I also handed the deed of property over the house I ‘bought’ to her and told her
that it was her pay for the rest of the month.

She didn’t seem that bothered. Happier, I think. This was odd because I wasn't going to pay her and
she now had to pay for the house and such instead.

On my way to the hideout, I called Sasara.

Sasara was really worried for me by the tone of his voice. When he asked me where I was I told
him that I was at our office. I lit a cig and waited for Sasara. He barged in and slammed the door
open, his eyes wide in shock.

He then grinned widely and we bantered lightly about our way of handling this case. Still, the
brothers were thrown in jail and we managed to do well.

Sasara pulled out his own cig and I stood up from the couch. Leaning over, I lit his cig.

“Good job, partner.”

Chapter End Notes

Basura (Spanish)- Trash/garbage

Every time Sasara appears, I cry because I can't make puns and if I do, it's not that
great. T^T Sasara is a difficult character to write for me because of this. I'm also
unsure about the house deeds and things so this is most likely inaccurate. And no
Ichiro >:'D
Samatoki's Rap Lesson
Chapter Summary

The H-Age is here and Samatoki has a lot of plans... He needs to train Nemu and

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Hey Samatoki, something really weird’s happening,” Sasara commented, holding a brand new TV

“What is it?” I leaned over from behind the couch to watch the current prime minister of Japan
appear. He was being held down by some ladies and I automatically knew what was happening. I
hopped over the couch to sit next to Sasara.

The H age has arrived. The law of no violence was passed and the head bitch of Chuuohku, the
mother of a gambler, claimed the title of Prime Minister of Japan.

“Ahahaha!” I laughed loudly, an arm propped up to the head of the sofa.

“How can you laugh about this, Samatoki?”

“I can’t help but laugh,” I said, withholding a grimace. The thing that started all and ended all. The
creator and destroyer. The hypnosis microphone.

“I can’t help but laugh,” I repeated.

I got my microphone as quickly as I signed up for it. I snagged a couple more to distribute to my
gang including Sasara and I collected two to give to Ichiro and Nemu.

My gang was surprised at my speed, but I had to be crafty. Moving around quickly to change a
couple of things and gain as much territory as possible, I sought out strong folk and placed them
under my care. I also blacklisted a handful of people.

Everyone at this point was allowed to have a hypnosis microphone. In other words, everyone
needed to be able to rap to protect themselves.

I realized that this could be used to my advantage. Hypnosis microphones were public which meant
that I could take as much as I wanted though not so legal means. Also, if violence wasn’t

I had to choose a couple of the gang members to train personally. Sasara can train the others, but it
never hurts to have a good loyal group to train meticulously. If all goes well, TDD might as well
start a rebellion and my gang members can help me with it.

“What do you think about creating a special, hidden jurisdiction trained by me,” I played with the
pastry on the plate before picking it up with my fingers and tossing it into my mouth.
“You think that you’re going to be good at rap? It’s new, you know,” Sasara eyed me. I eyed him
back with a grin.

“I’m amazing.”

“Yes you are,” Sasara laughed. “I guess that’s fine by me then.”

“Good, how much money you have on you,” I leaned forward. My heart started to rap in
excitement as thoughts of ways to prevent the future continued. This might work. This might work!

“Uh… why?”

“We need to renovate the building,” I slammed my hand on the table in excitement, a pastry was
flung in the air. Reached over and caught it in my mouth. Chewing slowly, I had to remember all
these ideas somehow.

As I jotted down my notes in my mind, I also jotted down Sasara’s shocked face.

I managed to write everything that I had thought up. down on a piece of paper. I demanded
everyone to be out of the building and with the money Sasara and I put together, the MCD building
was to be remodeled.

For the best training and privacy, the building would be reinforced with material to make the
building more or less soundproof. Certain rooms would be expanded for training. I planned on
making secret compartments to put extra mics in them, but I would do those myself.

Since I wasn’t going to be busy in the building, I also thought it would be the best time to train
Ichiro and Nemu. Yanagi-san asked to be trained as well, but I gently said no because my gang and
I would be there to protect her instead. She seemed a little upset with that revelation but made no
comment otherwise.

“Nii-san,” Ichiro glanced at the mic in my hand. “Can you repeat?”

Next to Ichiro, Nemu looked uneasy as well, being dragged out of work. Yanagi-san let her off
easily, but she was still worried about her job. Probably, I’m not sure. She eyed the mic in my hand
as well.

“Sure,” I shrugged, letting the mic in my hand roll around. “I’ll be training you on how to use these
mics. We’ll learn to kick ass- butt in no time.”

“Umm, we got these three days ago? And there really isn’t a point in learning,” Nemu huffed, “I
mean I don’t think we-”

“Self-defense,” I cut Nemu off. Giving her an apologetic look, I tossed the mic to my other hand.
“You need to rap off idiots, offenders, and Mozukus.”

Ichiro’s mouth twitched and I saw him grip his mic tighter. He was annoyed that I mentioned it all
the time, yeah yeah, I get it, my bad.

“If I’m not there, I don’t want you to get hurt,” I supplied looking firmly at Ichiro. Nemu, yeah, I
could protect her easily. Ichiro? I don’t know what that brat does or thinks sometimes. Obviously, I
need some reassurance that he’s going to be okay and that reassurance is the stupid mic in our
“We don’t really know how to use these,” Nemu crossed her arms, “So far the only people who
used them are criminals and I don’t really want to look like one, Onii-chan.”

“Trust me, these are going to be used by many other people,” I shook my head. “First, let’s see
what you got. Do your best to rap at me.”

“Aren’t these supposed to hurt you?” Ichiro had a grim look on his face. “I’m not sure I can do
that, Nii-san.”

“Grow up Ichiro,” I sighed. “We’re close. It’s inevitable that you hurt me.”

“I’ll go first if Ichiro’s chicken,” Nemu hesitated, but she was still teasing Ichiro. “Obviously I’m
much better than he is.”

I motioned for Nemu to rap and she clutched her mic. I watched it transform to the speakers I rarely
saw with a mic I rarely saw. Nemu stood in front of me timidly, but I could remember her confident
pose from the future.

Standing my ground, I waited for her to start rapping. I will be honest, maybe I was really cocky,
but this wasn’t really a threat. After a minute of silence, I raised an eyebrow at Nemu who smiled

“Maybe I don’t know how to rap?” Nemu giggled nervously as she looked me in the eye.

“That’s fine,” I shrugged, “Ichiro.” I jerked my chin back as Nemu took a step back.

“R-Right,” Ichiro stammered. He seemed unsure, maybe because he hasn’t rapped before too.
Should I show them how to before they start?

Ichiro took his stand and I could see the speakers and mic I remembered so clearly. A red mic with
his signature MC name and the iconic DJ sound system and graffiti. It brought so much emotional
turmoil I wasn’t prepared for the rap.

“Every day every night,

I’m wondering if it’s alright.
You’re nagging, ratting, I won’t mind
But here is a contract of trust you must sign!”

I was pushed back at the passive-aggressive rap. It could use work, yes, but it definitely wasn’t
amateur. I looked at Ichiro and smiled widely. This is what I call potential.

They both had extreme potential that they weren’t even aware of. I would prey upon that and train
them until they grow up and become great rappers worthy of being the leader of Buster Bros and
Vice Chief of the Administrative Inspection Bureau. Those titles weren’t for show after all.


“Nii-san! Are you alright?!”

Ichiro rushed towards me and Nemu did as well, her hands covering her mouth. I shook my head
and motioned for Ichiro to stop running with a palm.

“I’m good, is that your first time rapping Ichiro? That was damn-dang good.”

“Ah, uh” Ichiro’s eyes shook as I stood up slowly.

“Nemu, it’s your turn now, just try it.”

“Onii-chan…” Nemu gazed at me worriedly but summoned her mic again. Taking a deep breath I
watched her attempt to rap.

“Saw the birds today

So pretty with wings flapping.
The trees looked nice too
And I think I saw you.”

Yeah, no. I didn’t even know what that ‘rap’ was about. But I still smiled and told her it was great
because it was. My previous angel was learning how to rap.

Before we got too far, some thugs appeared from the back. Yes, I called the two out to an alleyway
so we could practice since the building was in renovations, but I didn’t think we’d be targeted. I
should've known better, but this was perfect.

“Get him! Aohitsugi’s been hit by two raps, there’s no way we can falter now!”

My eyes narrowed, but my lips quirked up. Just as Ichiro pulled up his mic, I had mine out in a

“Perfect, I can show you two a demonstration. Ichiro, protect Nemu, okay?”

I rolled my head, as my speaker roared from the coffin it woke up in.

“Can it, maggots!

Your idiocy and whatnots!
Do you really think a gang that small
Will cause this great me to fall?
Shrivel up and falter
You’ll be too scared to see me later!”

It was amusing to watch the weak falter at just that. Turning to Ichiro and Nemu, I continued on
with my lesson without caring about the idiots on the ground.

“So you got it out of your system right, the rap? Make sure you’re always dissing someone in your
rap if you want to do great damage. You could diss yourself, but there has to be a diss, a roast. You
have to attack a target.”

I moved my finger around while I spoke.

“Nemu, in your case you can think of it as a poem. Ichiro, just scream at a person. You need
rhythm, you need rhyme, and you need reason. Without those three, your rap is incoherent and it’ll
miss its mark. Also, always be certain. Never falter.

“This is a mind game, if your mind is vulnerable or shaken up, your raps will not land a hit. You
need to be firm and decisive.”

Ichiro and Nemu eyed the goons on the floor.

“This mic is dangerous,” I added. Because it was true. It was really dangerous. “Only use it for
self-defense. Otherwise, you would look like a criminal.”

Nemu nodded furiously, her eyes lighting up with determination. Ichiro looked uncertain and he
didn’t nod. Raising an eyebrow, red eyes met green and red eyes.

“R-Right,” Ichiro nodded. He looked at me uneasily, his feet shuffling sort of guiltily. Okay, so I
can definitely imagine Ichiro having to use his mic on some other person, not in self-defense. Got

“Unless circumstances call for it, then I’ll turn the other cheek,” I revealed. Ichiro didn’t seem any
calmer, but I’m sure that he would be fine. I trust him after all.

“Onii-chan,” Nemu held her mic tightly. “Can we do another round? Are there other goons for me
to beat up? I don’t really want to practice on you…”

“Sure, I can find so- Huh?”

I felt my mind blank out as it processed Nemu’s words slowly. As I digested what she said I stared
at my angel of a sister incredulously. Give me a hard good minute of a second. What.


“Are there other bad people to practice on? I don’t like it when I do it on you.”

That was so fucking sweet, but something else was there that I couldn’t quite understand? My
precious angel wanted me to find other people to beat up? Did I hear that right?

“Don’t you agree Ichiro?”

“Well, yeah,” Ichiro nodded, “If Nii-san is going to force us to do this, I think it’s fair for him to
find good targets.”

Hold on. Hold on! What was with this sudden bloodlust?!

“I didn’t know you were so sought after Onii-chan,” Nemu hummed as she- Is she brandishing her

“Do you want us to guard you too, Nii-san? Self-defense and all,” Ichiro asked earnestly, that guilt
washing away as he jumped on the same boat Nemu was in leaving me in the fucking ocean.

What the fuck was going through their heads?

“I can protect myself… umm…” The words wouldn’t leave my mouth.

“Onii-chan, quickly find more people so we can battle!” Nemu demanded. Ichiro nodded sagely
beside her.

Did I mess up somewhere?

Chapter End Notes

I can't rap so here is a warning to all future chapters with rapping in them.

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
New Experiences
Chapter Summary

THe MCD Building is still renovating, but Samatoki has more leeway now... Except
there's a dent to his plans.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“... Yudai, Joben, Fujita, Tenki, and Hajjime,” I called out the names Sasara and I agreed upon.
They were the most loyal and also the most skilled members.

These people were to be part of the more secret, trained side of the gang. Of course, after my
lessons with Ichiro and Nemu, it took about a month for the exterior of the building to be
soundproofed, and now the workers were doing one room at a time so we had access to the

“Follow Sasara, the rest of you are dismissed.”

As the group started to walk away, I noticed Kanade walking towards me with a frown on her face.

“Kanade,” I greeted her.

“Boss,” Kanade greeted me back. She placed her hands on her hips and frowned, “You didn’t
choose me?”

I glanced back at the list and hummed, “I thought I did. Guess I didn’t. Go join the others.”

Kanade brightened up and rushed out after that. It was interesting since the rumor going around
was that the people called were to be punished, but… I watched Kanade slink off. If someone
could distinguish the rumor and the truth, they deserved to be there.

Making my way over to the group, I recalled the names in a quick list. There were about twenty of
them. A little over twenty, but a good amount of people and a fair amount to train. I sighed through
my nose.

Here goes nothing.

It’s been a long day and I’m already walking back home despite it being 7:08 PM. I couldn’t deal
with the idiocy any longer. I wasn’t aware of the bad blood that existed in some of the members. I
thought they were compatible, but apparently, when you’re being pit against people you hate ever
sparring, there are consequences.

I ended the session early so I could walk away from the mess and rethink my training plan.

“Stop right there!”

I turned my head to see a very familiar cop running towards me. He had his mic out, but he wasn’t
using it, probably still not accustomed to it. There were no rapping teachers after all. At the
beginning of the H-Age, it was just spitting out words that hopefully impacted the other person. No
one knew what they were doing and it was possible to immensely harm someone on purpose or on

A small boy zipped past and I reached out a hand to grab the cop. The cop huffed as he was jerked
back, his green eyes narrowing at the sight of me.

“Samatoki Aohitsugi of Mad Comic Dialogue, to what pleasure do I owe you stopping me?”

“Why didn’t you use your mic?” I asked, looking at the mic that hasn’t even been summoned yet.

“That is none of your business. You just let a prime suspect runaway and-”

“I could help,” I stared at the brunette with an arched brow. “I mean, you can trust me, you know?”


The shitty cop looked conflicted for a little bit before he decided that it would be worth it to tell a
gang leader with good backing. Actually, I don’t know why he indulged me, but I suppose it was
worth asking if he was going to tell me.

“I am unsure of how I should utilize this new weapon. Guns are still being used and I don’t think
that words come out faster than bullets. That being said, I only want to apprehend the running
suspect. So I could not use a gun.”

“Yeah, that was a kid, wasn’t it?” I thought back to the blonde rushing away from the brunette cop.

“Indeed,” the cop pushed his glasses up, “Zinan Hagashi, younger brother of Zan Hagashi who was
recently murdered through the use of a mic.”

I raised an eyebrow. That was dangerous and bad. The poor younger brother.

“Mind telling me more?”

“This is an official police case so I cannot tell you any more than that.”

“Want to learn how to rap? I’ve been giving out free lessons as of late.”

“That is something I am aware of,” the cop replied. Oh, that makes sense. Now I know.

“And the reason why you’re bothering to tell me everything,” I rolled my eyes at the bunny cop.


So I taught him the ropes. The parts where he has to practice in rap, the confidence needed in
utilizing a mic. The how-tos and how-not-tos in basic rapping with a hypnosis mic.

“Thank you,” the cop said, a smirk forming on his face.

“No problem.”

I walked away from the cop with easy, light steps. He was doing well… But I couldn't let him get
that kid. I would have to find the kid first.

This is also the perfect time for the new group I formed to work together. Sending a message to
them through my second phone, I walked off, hoping to get good news soon.

Brr. Brr.

When I said soon I didn’t mean now. Oh wait, it’s Sasara.


“Samatoki! What is this?!”

“What is what?”

“Your demand! What do you mean you won’t train them and get rid of the most skilled members
in our gang if they don’t find a-”

I hung up and lit my cig. I meant it. If they can’t work together to do a simple task, then I don’t
need them in my team. It was that simple. I puffed the cig and hummed, it was time to wait for the
ship to sail or sink.

Surprisingly, in three days, the group messaged me with the list of places a blonde short boy could
be found.

I was walking around Ikebukuro in those places searching for a vengeful spirit and I found him. At

“You!” I shouted as my feet carried me to the salty boy. He ran as fast as he could when he saw
me. I started to chase him because I was searching for him for the past three days. It’d be a shame
to lose him here.

Unlike the brunette bunny cop, I knew exactly what I had to do and I didn’t hesitate in running full
speed at this boy. Grabbing his arm, I jerked him back and pulled him into a hug.

“Stop struggling, I’m here to help you.”

“Liar! Filthy cheat! You’re a rapper too! I know it! I can see the mic in your pocket!”

“Okay, calm down, brat,” I sighed, “I heard about your brother. I’m here to help.”

“What do you mean?” Brat glared at me.

“You want to kill the guy who killed your brother right?” I started to file through the information I
got from the shitty cop. “I can help you.”

“Who are you and why?”

“Because wanting revenge is understandable,” I huffed. “If you listen to me, I can teach you how
to rap and shield you from the police. Oh, I’m Samatoki Aohitsugi. You?”

“Zinan… Hagashi…”

“Nice to meet ya Zinan, how old are you?”

“13,” Zinan stared at me with orange eyes.

“Cool, I think that’s old enough. Come work for me temporarily. I'll teach you how to rap and find
that bastard who killed your brother."

"... Then I get to leave?"


That was how the small group gained their temporary 25th member.

Zinan was well accustomed to the group and I think having a young member really bonded the
group. Koni, the second youngest, was 15 so they meshed pretty well too. I gave myself a pat on
the back despite Sasara calling me insane.

Yes, morally, training a thirteen-year-old, a new teenager basically, to kill was a downright terrible
idea. But I have a ton of those ideas and I go through with them anyway.

Zinan looked like he was having fun too. It was as if the vengeful spirit died when I forced him to
communicate, it dissolved. He learned a lot from going out and training with the group too. Sort of
reminded me of Ichiro, but dumber.

Thinking about Ichiro…

I picked up my phone and dialed his number. I wonder how he’s doing?

We finally tracked down the drug addict that killed Zinan’s older brother.

Zinan and I walked to a dingy apartment with flickering lights during the night. He seemed a little
uncertain when I told him we would depart, but he nodded. We walked through the apartment door,
it wasn’t even locked and headed to the room with the most noise.

“You know, after this, you’re leaving the gang.”

“... I know…”

The room the addict was in was a mess.

It was definitely a sight any normal thirteen-year-old should have not looked at.

A man, half-naked injecting himself and pleading to nothing as he tried hard to get high. In a
disgusting, smelly room littered with alcohol bottles everywhere. A couple of posters of models
and half-naked girls and a mic at the corner.

Zinan coughed into his hand and I watched him enter the room as I stayed in the hallway watching
the scene in front of me.

The man rushed backward in fear. He lightly hit his head on the wall and started to spew out curses
and pleads. He stilled when Zinan pulled out his mic.

The addict reached for his own mic, but it was at the other side of the room.

“Move and I’ll kill you.”

“P-P-P-Please! I didn’t do anything wrong, I sw-s-swear!”

He was stammering and I could already see the drugs' toll on his mental capabilities and speech.
His mannerisms were definitely one of an addict. Man, wouldn’t the shitty cop love to imprison
this one?

“Do you remember my brother? The one you killed?”

“I-I-I d-didn’t do anyth-thing! I-I’m innocent, I-I-I swear!”

His stuttering was extremely annoying. How could he forget killing someone? I was about to walk
in when orange eyes looked over at me in sorrow. My footsteps stilled and I reverted back to the
role of a watcher.

The man asked if Zinan was going to kill him.

Zinan said the man was pitiful.

Red eyes roamed the room making sure the youngest male wouldn’t be harmed. I think there was a
blur outside the window, but I had a feeling that it wasn't harmful. Fortunately, there wasn’t
anything that could harm Zinan indoors because the mic was so far, wait there are bottles-

“I’m not going to kill you,” Zinan said as the man reached for a glass bottle. The man froze like a
deer in headlights as Zinan turned around. “I don’t think it’s worth killing you. You’re just a sad

He then walked out and I raised an eyebrow at the amount of sass Zinan could put in his words. We
walked out of the apartment and I looked over at the little, tiny child. He was staring numbly at his
open hands, his orange eyes brimming with unshed tears.

“Did you get the revenge you wanted?”


Zinan’s fingers curled. Then he turned to me and did a 90-degree bow.

“Thank you so much for the help you gave me. I learned a lot from you and everyone from the
gang. I can’t really express it in words.”

I smiled as the tears from his eyes fell to the ground.

“I will never forget this… but I have one more request,” straightening up his back, Zinan stared at
me intensely. This experience is something a child should have not faced. “Please let me join the
gang permanently!”

I was going to reject him. No newborn thirteen-year-old was fit for the job that I would be
demanding from my gang members. Especially that specific group that was being trained under
and hidden away from Chuuohku. The one that he wanted to desperately join.

“Boss! You have to say yes!”

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Koni rush out.

I thought we were being followed. It seemed like everyone was worried about the youngest
member. I couldn’t say no to all the faces of the 24 people hidden around the building.

“Fine,” I placed a hand on Zinan’s head, “Welcome to the group, Zinan. I mean, how else are we
going to keep you a secret from the police?”
“Thank you! B-Boss!” Zinan smiled happily as he gave me a tight hug. Then he ran off with Koni
where the others were presumably hiding.

As the two boys faded into the dark, I spoke to the wind.

“Kanade, Kento, make sure no one comes back here tonight.”


“That was an order.”

“Yessir.” “Roger.”

The dark shifted a little like a mirage or water with ripples. I walked back into the room with the
sobbing addict. He had gone back to his habits it seems. I felt no pity for this roach. I walked over
to the mic still discarded in the corner.

It was a good mic. I pocketed it for myself if I need another. Might as well hide it in the MCD
building or something. I eyed the bottles and pinched my nose because of the smell that reminded
me of my parents.

I only experienced my childhood once and I started off this time as a new adult, an eighteen-year-
old. But my childhood was painful enough and I could still remember it well.

Scum like this didn’t even deserve life.

I picked up a broken bottle from the ground and snuck to the man’s back. Before the drug addict
could turn, my arm swung down.


It was just like Mother.

Chapter End Notes

Yeah... It's an OC centric piece, my bad. But these guys are sorta reoccurent-

Anyways, Jyuto came and went... He'll be back probably later :'D
The Real Beginning
Chapter Summary

Samatoki gets a call during Nemu's Birthday. This is the true beginning for Samatoki.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Ichiro said he would be joining us late for your birthday, Nemu.”

A year later and I’m 23.

I have yet to meet Ichiro’s brothers, but that’s fine. I didn’t want to babysit two more fucking
children. Ichiro and Nemu were a handful on their own.

The gang has been steadily rising and I have tons of cash to just spend them the way I like to. The
building was completely remodeled and I stashed a couple of hypnosis mics in them. Our number
one rule was to not catch Chuuohku's interest and the soundproofed rooms were used as sparring or
training areas like they were meant to be.

I like how all 25 members got along now. Of course, they started to show off this bond since Zinan
joined. He's fondly called Zin or Zina now, so I'm the only awkward one calling him Zinan. Zinan
said he didn't mind and preferred to be called that way so I agreed. Koni is the only one calling him
Zi therefore I can call him Zinan.

I really wanted Ichiro to meet Zinan, because I talked about Ichiro a lot when I spoke with Zinan,
but that didn't necessarily mean I should rush their meeting. Once Ichiro finally decided to join my
gang. I would be able to introduce them to each other.

I didn’t have to prepare for a stupid phone call by Sasara telling me off about Mozuku and his
fucktards because Ichiro doesn’t work for him. He might've been in a different time, but not this
time. I made sure he did. I warned him since I met him and I increased my warnings over time.

I could just enjoy my day off with Nemu and later Ichiro and the three of us would revel in a good
birthday party together.

White streamers, pink balloons, and a red velvet cake. A present (a dress) I prepared and a happy
dinner made just for Nemu.

A portion of the meal was already wrapped up for Ichiro to eat when he joins us. Nemu was
already sitting, waiting for me to take a seat. I chuckled at her patience and as I sat down. I felt
really sentimental, and I think I unconsciously reiterated the words I said at this time before.

“Dang, you’re seventeen already? Must mean that I’m getting old too.”

“You’re only twenty-three still!”

“Yeah, but,” I closed my eyes to think for a brief moment. “A lot has happened over the years and
in just this year, you might leave me because you’re a grown adult.”
I ended up saying ominous things like I always did. Because I knew she would leave me whether
we liked it or not. I was starting to feel tired as the dreaded time got closer, but it didn’t bother me
too much. Not yet.

“Don’t think I’ll ever leave you Onii-chan. You’re not going to get rid of me that easy.”

“Ha ha ha! Sorry, sorry,” I laughed too loudly, my hands were trembling fists on my lap and my
apology sounded fake. I grabbed the soda can and ignored how the soda can dented at the grip. I
ignored the small splish it made. “But, once it happens, you’ll see what I mean. We’ll end up

Nemu puffed her cheeks, but she didn’t push me further. Instead she started to eat her dinner
silently. No, she was conflicted, I could see it in her eyes. She was thoughtful, I could feel her
determination. She was strong, I could hear it loudly.

“Make sure you put some good thought into what you want to become now, okay?” My voice
broke into a couple of octaves higher than normal, but it returned to normal later, “Like think about
joining Chuuohku or something. Now’s the time for that.”

Nemu looked offended for a bit, but she simply responded with ‘I will’.

Bzzt Bzzt.

I looked down at my phone that was on vibrate so Nemu and I could eat in peace. Who the fuck
was calling to ruin my fucking dinner with my fucking sister on her fucking birthday?

Sasara Nurude.

My anger quickly simmered down to confusion.

The fuck?

I thought we wouldn't ahve a problem?

“Sorry Nemu,” I got up from my chair and pushed it back in. “Looks like I’ll be late to finish the

“That’s okay,” Nemu smiled gently. My angel. I decided to push aside the look Nemu had in her
eyes, the one I couldn’t quite understand. I had a hunch on what this call was about and I guess I
can blow off steam with some annoying brats working up a shit turd.

I picked up the phone call.



“Is our territory being taken by Stairway to Heaven?”

“How did you-?”

“Screw it, I’m coming over.”

I was going to destroy some fucking maggots.

Hell yeah.
“You don’t look as pissed as I thought you’d be,” Sasara commented.

“Being pissed is being pissed, but I’ve been wanting to beat up Mozuku and his little shits and
bitches since I was eighteen,” I smirked as I held my lit cigar.

“Sure,” Sasara rolled his eyes.

“You want to know something funny?”

“Sure,” Sasara shrugged, “I’m always looking for a new joke.”

“It ain’t really a joke, but..” I trailed off. Then continued, “I used to think that the person who’s
chasing was definitely stronger than the person being chased, but in the far past, that reversed.
Especially when you and I make up the strongest duo in Ikebukuro.”

“Sure,” Sasara repeated. By the way, his eyes moved, I imagined he rolled his eyes. Shut eyes

I decided to spare Sasara and asked who we were going to be fighting against today.

Sasara rummaged through the pockets in his suit. Soon he pulled out a photo and tossed it to me.
The picture was clear and the faces were faces that I recognized immediately.

My smile shifted down and I looked at the pictures again, the corners of my lips took a deep dive.
A boy in red and black with heterochromatic eyes and a short boy with bright red hair with cat-like
golden eyes.

Ichiro Yamada and Kuko Harai.

What were the Naughty Busters doing working under Mozuku?

I pulled the cig to my mouth and puffed angrily. Had I not warned Ichiro enough? Was this because
of my negligence, did I not do enough?

I could see Ichiro’s lost, angry look, capsulated in the image. Next to him, Kuko was worriedly
furrowing his eyebrows, looking as uncertain as Ichiro which was a rare look on the boy who
always went for everything with a straightforward attitude. His pupils did not face the opponent in
front of him, but rather, Ichiro. His worried gaze cast on Ichiro.

I tentatively touched Ichiro’s figure, my fingers brushing the sadness radiating off of his picture.
Have I screwed up somewhere?

“Ah, that’s Ichiro Yamada,” Sasara provided. He turned his head to the ceiling, a cig in his hand.
“You have that face sometimes.”

“Did you say something,” I glanced over to Sasara who tilted his head my way.

“No,” Sasara hummed, “Just that you don’t look so happy now.”

“Let’s just say I tried to prevent this matchup,” I stated. I never really asked Ichiro much because I
thought he would tell me everything. At least, eventually. When we ate together at the burger joint,
I had thought he spilled his heart to me. I thought I could be of use, of help.

I had thought he was going through puberty and made it my reason to never ask Ichiro too many
things. I don’t want him to hate me. I don’t want him to dislike me. I think it’s selfish that I want
him to love me until that day arrives.

I should’ve realized he always avoided the topic of Mozuku because he felt guilty. He never talked
more about his job because it was something I had specifically told him not to do. He never
listened to me.

I guess I really was one of those adults that he didn’t like.

“Do you know the future or something, Samatoki?”

My face eased up as I looked up to Sasara. I smiled at him and replied to him with a joking intent.


Sasara seemed to take that answer differently, his eyebrows quirking and he shook his head.

If I can fix anything this time, I will do it. If I can keep my friendship with Sasara, have Ichiro not
hate me, give all the encouragement Kuko needs, protect Ramuda from his inevitable death, help
Sensei wake his son, I’ll take it.

To help everyone else, I ended up knowing or learning about the future. I returned to assist
everyone. That was my duty.

“Let’s hurry to the Tobari brothers, the two should be there.”

“How do you know?”

“There’s a pattern,” I replied with a shrug. A nonexistent pattern that clearly begged for help.

The two sadist brothers were accepted into the gang so that Sasara and I could keep them under

It was fine if these kids begging for help were the ones to beat them up.



Ichiro looked very defeated right now, I could tell.

“Samatoki, do you know him?”

Sasara whispered behind my back as I stared at the oldest Yamada brother in front of me. I
motioned Sasara and mouthed ‘Ichiro’ again.

Sasara seemed to get my queue and looked at Ichiro with hostility I hadn't seen before.

“You didn’t listen to me after all,” I settled on my words, deciding to ignore Sasara's odd look.

“He came, Ichiro,” Kuko spoke.

He whispered, but the little shit never knew how to whisper. Kuko looked very conflicted. His eyes
were wide and he urgently looked over to Ichiro then to me then to Ichiro then to me and then to

If I had to guess, Ichiro probably told Kuko about me, my gang, and M.C.D. I guess Ichiro wanted
to avoid this confrontation, but it was inevitable if he joined Mozuku. Which he did.

“The chaser is always superior to the chased,” Ichiro said, his eyes locking in with mine.

“Maybe in the far past,” I shrugged, “when I didn’t know what chasing really meant.”

Staring into two different colored eyes I shook my head.

“Chasing is only for the weak.”

I knew from experience how true this was.

I chased after Nemu because I wasn’t strong enough to protect her. I ended up falling for Ramuda’s
lies when Ichiro had nothing to do with Nemu’s departure because I wasn’t strong enough to
believe in Ichiro. I was weak enough to almost kill Ramuda who only worked to save his own life
despite knowing he would regret it all.

Jyuto was weak as he chased after the impossible goal of eradicating all drugs. Rio was weak as he
chased after his previous commander locked in prison. The list goes on.

The chasers are the weak ones.

“I am still chasing.”

I was chasing a future where everyone was present and happy.

In the future, we would all be weak and lose something, someone that we would have to chase

But I didn’t dwell on that. The present was more important right now.

I didn’t have to ask Ichiro if he wanted to fight. We both knew in our minds that we made up our

We went first. They went second, these turns continued until the two boys were on the ground and
we were still standing.

Kuko had blocked or took most of the hits meant for Ichiro. I don’t know if my words injured them
as much as I thought they would because I don’t want to harm either of them. I took as much as I
could for Sasara too. I had to protect him.

Sasara grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back at one point. He said it was a team thing. Okay,
it was a team thing, but my need to protect you was strong.

I had started to ask Ichiro things by mouthing different words compared to the rap that flew from
my mouth. A skill I learned in the far but too near future

Sadly, I didn’t manage to get the message across. I got one message across.

Ichiro’s eyes widened in recognition as he leaned over to Kuko. It looked as if he still had enough
trust in me. Or was it because I mouthed him to trust me? The only message that seemed to be

“Clear the road! Move out!”

I frowned as Mozuku walked closer to us.

I knew it, bastard. He never changes. I wish I knew bunny cop, he could send this shitty bitch to
prison if I called him right now. But that would mean I’m being very dependent on him. Tch, no I
needed to be independent.

“What a fine battle. Putting your pride as a man on the line, that made for a splendid fight. You
fought while knowing each other on a personal level too. Excellent work, Ichiro-kun. From this
moment forward, I will have you return to being under the Stairway to Heaven’s control.”

Mozuku clapped elegantly like the sissy he is.

“Fine work as well, Harai.”

Kuko sat up slowly, supporting Ichiro, his eyes narrowed as he let out a growl. That’s right, Kuko
never liked Mozuku to begin with.

“Not really,” Kuko snorted, “‘Pride is the first step towards self-destruction’ and all. It’s hubris.
Don’t be too full of yourself, I didn’t do this for you.”

“How harsh,” Mozuku laughed.

Sasara spoke about how Mozuku broke the agreement we had between us. Mozuku said the same
words that infuriated me this time in a different timeline.

“I told you he was no good, Ichiro,” I tried not to growl. I wasn’t disappointed in him. But in
myself. I wasn’t trustworthy enough.

Mozuku requested a war against me and Sasara for all of our territory.

Ichiro tried to refuse for us and questioned the shit’s pride.

“That bitch has no shame, Ichiro,” I growled. I normally tried to prevent Ichiro from hearing me
curse, but Mozuku was a fucking exception. Plus, Ichiro’s 17 now, he’s old enough to hear curse
words. I taught him that they’re effective in rap too. “You wanted this for money, right? Sasara and
I will fight because we have pride.”

“Do we need to fight? My bones are busy breaking some rad raps!”

Sasara asked as he straightened his back, obviously about to fight.

“Shut up Sasara,” I playfully growled.

“I don’t know what to do with a coward who never changes,” Sasara replied, his fun face gone and
his disgust showed instead. He pulled out a cig and a lighter. “So much of a coward that it makes
me sick.”

I shook my head at Sasara’s disdain and grabbed his shoulder. Resting my chin on his shoulder, my
eyes looked up to his closed ones.

“Give me a cig.”

Sasara obliged and gave me a cigarette. He then patted my head as I straightened my back.

I felt myself recovering somewhat at the cig, maybe I grew too dependent on it. Well, as long as it
isn’t drugs I suppose.

“Here’s another thing to teach you,” I decided to try the role of a teacher once more. I gave up on it
years ago when I failed to teach math with decimals, but life lessons and math are different, so I
suppose it’s fair game. Rapping doesn't count as teaching. It was more like waking up the potential
they already had. “Once you sell your soul in the pursuit of your goals, you can’t go back to the
person you once were.”

Stretching my limbs, I prepared for battle.

“Selling your soul piece-by-piece is cheap. Why not throw it all in one big gamble?”

Gamble, ha, that reminds me of that dirt-poor gambler in Shibuya. His love of gambling was
justified, wasn’t it?

“Sasara, how much do you got left in you?”

Sasara glanced at me, a smile playing on his lips, “I can’t go for more than one more verse.”

“Hahaha!” I laughed. Sasara did end up getting injured around the middle of our battle, huh?
“Funny you should say that… me too.”

It didn’t take long for the two brats to side with us either. I knew that after we won this battle,
Ichiro and Kuko would join Mad Comic Dialogue and we would go from the best duo to the best
quartet of Ikebukuro.

Chapter End Notes

Sorry it's shorter than normal chapters ovo

The beginning of the end is here-

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
Samatoki Hates Mozuku
Chapter Summary

Samatoki needs to hurry up and run fast. He has people to save.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

I wonder what the bitch thought he could do.

It felt nice when I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up to my face. It felt nice to see him
walk away, head bowed in shame.

It felt awful knowing what Nemu would have to deal with because of this later.

“Are you willing to join me now, Ichiro?”

I held out a hand to Ichiro and Kuko.

“Of course, I’d like it if your friend joined too.”

“Will… You let me think about it?” Ichiro looked so uncertain. His eyes darted from one place to

“Sure thing,” I chuckled. Stuffing my hand back into my pocket I leaned over to Ichiro. “Just let us
know whenever you make up your mind. Right, Sasara?”

“Yeah, we’re patient. We can wait,” Sasara nodded vigorously. He gave me a grin and looked back
at the two, “We’re very duo-ble and it’ll be nice going as a quartet four some time.”

“Ignore him,” I commented.

“I’ll admit that wasn’t one of my best jokes, but you can’t just tell them to ignore me!” Sasara

He waved his hands and his closed eyes were glaring at me. I'm sure they were glaring with the
way his eyebrows were furrowed.

“Anyways, Ichiro,” I turned away from Sasara. He yelled a little ‘hey!’ in the background. “You
know it’s Nemu’s birthday today, right? You coming home or what?”

“Home…” Ichiro's eyes widened as I shrugged.

“Sasara and your friend's invited too. We can even-”

Nemu wouldn’t be home.

A shadow flickered over my face as I growled loudly. Nemu wouldn’t be home because she would
be with Mozuku and his little shit and his little bitch! I’m going to kill that bastard! Today was her
fucking birthday-
“Samatoki?” Sasara’s worried voice took me back to reality.

“Fuck!” I pulled my phone out to look at the time and-

Bzzt Bzzt.

I stared at my vibrating phone. I answered the call without hesitation once I read the caller ID.



“Nemu! Are you okay? What’s going on?”

I frantically spoke into the phone. Wasn’t she supposed to be kidnapped? What’s happening? I
mean I'm glad she wasn't or did I have to hear her get kidnapped. The fuck is this?

“Some guys tried to kidnap me but I beat them in rap and I'm waiting on the police. I called you to
let you know I’m safe," Nemu nonchalantly spoke into the phone. "I thought you'd have that sister
sense of yours tingle so I called to tell you not to worry."

Nemu beat the kidnappers? The lessons paid off?

“Please be safe, Nemu,” I whispered, my hands shaking. I was so fucking proud of her. I just hope
she didn’t get hurt. She definitely didn't sound hurt. “I’ll be home late, okay?”

“Okay, don’t worry about me,” Nemu sounded so confident over the phone. I was proud but
worried still. She hung up and I couldn’t help but worry even more. I also had to think about who
was in trouble more now that Nemu was no longer there to protect them.

“Fuck,” I swore under my breath. Right, without Nemu, two brats were easier to get rid of.

I started to sprint down the streets, to retrieve Ichiro’s happiness stolen by Mozuku, his shits, and
his bitch.

“Samatoki, what’s wrong?” Sasara shouted after me. A heartbeat later I heard pounding on the
pavement behind me. It gradually increased from one to two to three. My heart soared at the
thought that they were just following me, but I had to keep my head straight.

“Just shut yer traps and follow me!” I yelled at Sasara and the two brats as the winds tore apart to
make way for me and those behind me.

Forget the blurring buildings in the background. Screw the lamp posts that glowed while the
sunset. Ignore the pathetic panicking thumps of feet on concrete land rushing to get to their
destination as fast as possible. Erase the existence of the rapid heartbeat that is hurting my rib

Police sirens. A dead body. Glass shards.

I saw someone else when I saw the body that fell from such a height.

Yellow, grey, brown, black, green, red. Red. red, red and so much more red.


My eyes snapped back to reality at Sasara’s call and I looked away. We needed to get inside. Also,
I couldn't let the other kids see this scene. It was too gruesome for children, even brats. I pushed
past the crowd and walked to the police tape. Ducking under I started to run ahead. Sasara, Ichiro,
and Kuko seemed to have understood the situation because they started to duck under the police
tape with me without even asking me questions.

“Hey! Don’t you four see the police tape?! It says you can’t come in here!”

I frowned as a group of police officers tried to stop me and my friends. I didn’t know what to do. I
got in there somehow, with the help of someone, but all that mattered to me then was Nemu so I
don’t remember who!

I didn’t know what to do.

If only that bunny cop was here-

Speak of the devil. A familiar face walked over,

I knew exactly what to do.

“I’ll only listen to that brunette police officer with green eyes and his ugly glasses!” I declared
loudly. The police officers looked shaken by the declaration and the other three looked at me
oddly. I waited impatiently for the confused and offended officer to walk to me. The young cop
walked out from the crowd of officers and peered at me with curiosity.

“And what does Mad Comic Dialogue’s Samatoki Aohitsugi want from me?” The shitty cop
pushed his glasses up his nose.

“Stop being a dickhead, help me get in there.”

“And why do you suppose I will help you?”

I leaned over to Jyuto’s ear and whispered.

“Don't think I don't remember you. I helped you before. Also, let the four of us in. We will testify
that you were instrumental to the operation.”

I pulled back. Sasara, Ichiro, and Kuko seemed unsure as they glanced between me and Jyuto
occasionally, but Jyuto gave in with a bark of laughter. I would’ve cackled at the way his eyes lit
up if I wasn’t hot on time to save the Yamada brats.

“Fine,” Jyuto smirked, “I will cause a distraction, the four of you may head inside afterward. The
name is Jyuto Iruma.”

My clammy hands wiped the sweat off my brow. No time for rest, everything has to be done
quickly. I don’t know what was happening up there since Nemu beat up her kidnappers. I glanced
over to the other three who looked me square in the eye (save Sasara, but he did his own

“Everyone!” I held in my smirk as Jyuto shouted. “We have just received information that the
criminals in the building have planted explosives! Please leave this area to me and search for the

Automatically, there was a panic rippling amongst the present cops. They started up a chaotic
uproar over finding the nonexistent bombs.
Jyuto looked at me.

“You better keep your end of the deal.”

I nodded and ran off. Motioning the other three to follow.

“What did you say to him?” Sasara wondered aloud. I opted to ignore him to save my breath for
running. Sasara grumbled in annoyance but didn't speak after that. We continued to run as fast as
we could.

As we ran there were some goons blocking our path. I was starting to panic because I think we
were crunching on time. No, the great Samatoki Aohitsugi doesn’t panic.

“Leave this to me!” Kuko sprang to action, holding his mic out. I watched as he summoned his
speaker. The same speaker that I saw with a broken bell. His power now and in the future was
immensely different, I hoped he could climb to that growth soon.

“I was going to say that first,” Sasara grunted as he moved forward, activating his own mic.

“Let’s go, Nii-san!” Ichiro grabbed my wrist and pulled me ahead, leaving the two behind. I could
only stare back at the figures of Sasara and Kuko getting smaller and smaller. This time we were
leaving them, it felt weird because I was only used to it being the opposite. I decided to focus my
attention back on Ichiro’s brothers because their lives were currently in danger. Right? Probably.

With a burst of speed, I ran ahead of Ichiro, twisting my hand to grab Ichiro’s wrist and run
forward. I slammed the doors of the room open. Then I saw it, something that never happened

Mozuku’s little bitch was holding Jiro up by his hair with a knife up to his throat.


Ichiro screamed as he tried to punch the guy holding Yamada brat #2. I ran to catch him when he
got kicked back, his punch not landing a hit.

“If you want to launch a surprise attack, it’s better to do it silently, Ichiro-kun.”

Mozuku’s bitch smirked.

I let out a low growl, holding Ichiro tightly.

“I wanted to have a surprise for you as well, Aohitsugi-kun, but it looks like you raised your sister
quite brutally. She managed to defeat five grown men on her own. How terrifying.”

“Nemu isn't a brute and Nii-san isn't like that! He’s a better person than you ever will be Gencho!”
Ichiro suddenly got mad for like, no reason. I was a little confused to see him scream like that, but I
felt touched that he would stand up for me.

“I’m going to kill you!” Wait, Ichiro? “I’m going to kill you a million times over!”

What has this brat learned?! The fuck?

“Why did you come?” I heard one of the brothers speak. I turned to see the middle brother stare at
Ichiro with distrusting, wide eyes.

The fight seeped out of Ichiro then and I noticed that he visibly deflated. He was torn over saving
his brothers because they didn't want him there.

“Does he need a reason to rescue his brothers?” I stood up for Ichiro. I noticed his eyes shifting
from the ground to the side of my head. I shouted, “He’s doing this because you guys are important
to him!”

Yamada brat #2’s eyes lit up in shock and wonder at my words. Then, Mozuku’s bitch, the one
Ichiro called Gencho, pushed his blade against Jiro’s neck again with a fucking girn. Ichiro
stiffened. The sleazy douchebag was daring to threaten a fucking child. Not on my fucking watch.

“Death’s too good for you,” I snarled at him, my knuckles cracking.

“My, look how energetic you are,” Mozuku snorted, “But if you keep acting like that, who knows
what Gencho-kun might do?”

Then the bastard drew a little blood from Jiro.

Ichiro let out an inhumane shout as he lunged forward. I grabbed him and pulled him back,
knowing that he was bloodthirsty. I only hoped he would listen to me. Ichiro looked at me, jaw
slack open, betrayal glittering in his eyes.

Ah, I would have to see that again one day.

“Calm down Ichiro,” I huffed way more calmly than I felt, “You’re only gonna provoke him.”

Ichiro steadied his gaze and straightened up slowly.

“Then what do you think I should do, Nii-san?”

Ichiro was pleading with me. I can’t let him down then. As traumatic as this experience was, I
honestly didn’t remember everything. Didn’t mean that I would let this bitch get what he wanted

Chapter End Notes

Whaaaaaa We're getting here nowww! Two weeks of daily uploads and my fingers
Ahem, what I meant to say is I hope you enjoyed it!

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
Finishing a Battle with a Party
Chapter Summary

Samatoki finishes his fight with Mozuku and celebrates Nemu's birthday.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Heh heh heh, Aohitsugi-kun is correct. If you come any closer, this knife will find itself stuck in
your darling brother’s throat.”

Yamada brat #3 was crying loudly, but he cried louder from that. Brat #2 seemed surprised, but he
tried to keep a brave face despite his curled-up hands shaking and tears pouring from the corner of
his eyes.

Fucking bitch scaring the children.

“It’s okay Saburo, I’m okay.”

I could hear the soft whisperings of #2 trying to calm #3. Fuck it all, they’re fucking children. Him
trying to keep a brave front just me my toes curl. What does a 15-year-old gain from acting strong
for his little brother? Ichiro's fists were shaking like Brat #2's for a different reason. He was
fucking pissed. So was I.

“You’re an asshole,” I snarked.

Mozuku paid me no mind as he started a speech about his goals. How he wanted to make his own
country. How he wanted to be on top of everyone and rule the world. I didn’t need to hear it a
second time, I didn’t want to hear it a second time. My eyes were focused on bitchy Gencho with a
knife at Yamada brat #2's throat.

“You are forbidden from counter-attacking. We will continue until you break.”

Finally, the part I was surprisingly hoping to hear.

Mozuku continued to speak and settled with stating that it wouldn’t be fun to kill us with guns.

I agree, if he shot us, there would be no chance of survival.

“You don’t need to go along with his absurd battle!” Brat #2 sputtered, his eyes blown back. I
ignored him and I held Ichiro's hands tightly, preventing him from acting irrationally. We would
have to for the brats. They also have guns.

“Give me the best you got,” I smirked at them.

The two shits took their mics out and activated them. Rushing to cover Ichiro with my back I pulled
him to the front and brought his hands to cover his ears, putting my hands on top of his. I took the
brunt of the attack, but that was fine.
I tightly held my hands over his because they were over his ears. Hopefully, it would lessen the
damage and impact of the mics.

Ichiro’s hands started to shake as I held them. My bottom lip bled when I bit them too hard,
suppressing a shout.

“Trying to look cool, huh, Aohitsugi-kun?” Mozuku smirked.

“Fuck you,” I spat. I had enough time to release Ichiro and move quickly. I grabbed the chopsticks
that I knew were on the floor. Stabbing my own eardrums, I had to hold it out for a little longer.
Ichiro pushed me away when they started the second verse.


He stabbed his own eardrums and clapped his hands over my ears. He gave me a look of full
concentration, his eyes furrowed and I was shell-shocked for a while.

No, bitch, you weren’t supposed to get hurt!

I pulled Ichiro into a hug and pressed his head to my chest. Holding him tightly, I managed to turn
my back towards the two bitches. They were laughing about how pitiful we apparently looked, I
bet. As long as I could protect him, it didn’t matter. No fuck. Looking over to the two wide-eyed
children, I glanced back at the teen encased in my arms. A teen who was also a child.

I stood up and pulled Ichiro to his feet. I mouthed an apology as I threw him over to his brothers.

"Hey bitches, think you can take me on?"

I puffed my chest and smiled at them. Behind my back, I kept motioning Ichiro to hide his brothers
away while I took the two idiots' attention. A couple of bluffing and taking in stupid raps later, I
glanced over to where the brats were. Perfect, Ichiro was hiding behind a pillar his brothers free
from their restraints. His eyes shaking.

Two pairs of shaking hands were holding to his shirt. Ichiro couldn't leave his brothers.

Looking on the bright side, I can use this as endurance training. Training, I smirked through reflex.
Looking up at the two bitches, I stretched my body a little before I sprinted towards them. It was
perfect because they didn't expect it. The gun was pulled out but it only grazed my arm.


I threw a kick at Gencho who held the gun and punch Mozuku with my good arm. I kicked the gun
away and stepped on the duo's body. It took longer than I remembered, but the little, bubbly, pink
shit finally appeared with Sensei and his child. Or maybe, they came in time and we were just early
this time around. I don’t know.

I don't think it mattered though. I got off of their bodies, I'm pretty sure they were knocked out.

Ichiro ran over to me, holding his brothers close as the youngest one had his face buried in Ichiro's

I could see him saying something that I didn’t understand. Of course, I didn’t. My ears rang, I
couldn’t hear a thing. My eyes were focused on his body anyways and not his mouth. I would've
known if I was reading his lips, but I wasn't doing that. Ramuda pulled Sensei forward and Sensei’s
kid seemed shocked. Sensei rushed towards me and took a look at my arm with his son. From the
corner of my eyes, I could see Ramuda leading the hostages out.

In the other corner of my eyes, I could see Ichiro was comforting his brothers. He petted both of
their heads and said something that looked like ‘I’m glad you’re safe’. The brats cried.

Right then, Mozuku and Gencho woke up. Or more like, I guess I didn't knock them out. They
were surrounded by shits and I could tell that they were preparing to fight us.

I staggered a step towards Sensei and Ramuda as they prepared to fight Mozuku, Gencho, and his
other little shits.

“Shit,” I tottered. More like wobbled.

“-oah there!”

Someone grabbed my shoulders and held me tightly. I gazed to the side to see Sasara, worriedly
looking at me, his eyes scanning me for something. Behind him, Ichiro was shouting something as
Kuko helped him with his brothers.

That’s right. This time, it wasn’t just me and Ichiro. Sasara and Kuko were here too.

I couldn’t hear well, but I could read mouths and as long as I saw it, I knew what was going on.
Ramuda and Sensei were not going to be fighting by themselves.

“I’m not the kinda guy who keeps on taking it without fighting back,” I shouted, activating my
mic. Sasara grinned from beside me.

“I know, I’ll support you as you did back then too!” Sasara, what the ever-loving fuck, that’s so
fucking sweet.

“I won’t calm down if I don’t land a hit on those guys,” Ichiro hissed.

“You know what they say! ‘The tongue is like a sharp knife. It kills without drawing blood’! You
shitheads are gonna get it!” Kuko cackled.

I glanced over to Ramuda who smiled widely.

“Then~☆!” Ramuda bundled up together before he popped up, “Let’s all rap together!”

Mozuku and his goons couldn’t take the six of us. They fell easily.

Looking at Mozuku and Gencho’s face irked me. I just got angrier and angrier until.


I picked up and dropped Mozuku’s body on Gencho. During the battle, Sasara had released me
since I had enough strength to walk. After the two bodies were stacked on each other, I started to
kick them. I couldn't punch them so I kicked them. Kick and kick and kick and kick. I could hear
the snapping and bones breaking from the two shitheads. Why was this making me angrier? Why
did these shitheads breathe and inflict harm on those I cared about?

Two pairs of hands pulled me back from snapping at the bodies longer. I turned to see Sasara and
Ichiro. Ichiro leaned over to my ear and whispered.

“You’re scaring my brothers.”

I frowned, a piece of my heart-shattering. Once again, I was scaring someone. Clicking my tongue
and looking away, I avoided eye contact. Looking around I noticed Sensei’s kid taking care of
Yamada brat #2 and the cut on his neck. They soon left, Sensei, Ramuda, and the kid. It was just
me, the future Buster Bros, Sasara, and Kuko.

My arm was bandaged and I wasn't going to die. I didn't need Sasara and Ichiro to look at me like

Sensei and Ramuda disappeared all too quickly. I decided to ignore it. Turning to those present and
I smiled through the pain.

“Who’s ready for the best birthday party ever?”

Yeah, Nemu seemed to enjoy the fact that everyone would be celebrating her birthday at our
apartment. I gave her a call early on to make sure she was alright. More like, Sasara was the one
who spoke to her and Ichiro gave his inputs now and then.

Sensei helped us with the care of our ears and my arm. I’m pretty sure he said we’ll be fine
because we were lucky and etc etc. I don’t really remember. But I knew I could hear better now
than I did in that building.

“Happy Birthday little Nemu!” Sasara shouted as he opened the door to the apartment.

Ichiro and Kuko congratulated her alongside me while the youngest brat stayed silent but the
middle brother muttered congratulations.

“Thank you,” Nemu smiled. She led us in and I was surprised to see most of the decorations intact.
It looks like she was cleaning up after the arrest, huh?

And she looked at my arm. Grabbing me tightly, I think Nemu cursed, but I couldn't hear anything
and I could mistake mouth reading. I tried to ignore the way she jerked me indoors and tossed me
to the couch. Then she went to greet the others and welcome them in.

“They destroyed the food, Onii-chan,” Nemu informed me, her eyes gazing into mine. I nodded
and mutedly walked to the kitchen to cook up more food. Nemu tried to stop me but I motioned to
her that I was fine. I could cook with one arm.

First, I checked the refrigerator and noticed that the cake was still there, good. It was also luckily
large enough for everyone to have at least a slice. Fortunately, I thought about buying a big one.

The present was ripped a little, but it was still placed on the table.

“Ah, Nemu,” I heard Ichiro say as I pulled out vegetables. “I forgot to bring your gift, um-”

“It’s okay! You can give it to me later, haha!”

I started to look for spices for dinner.

“I can help with the rest of the cleaning up,” Ichiro offered his help to Nemu. I continued to fish out
supplies for a grand feast. A lot of people and Nemu’s birthday obviously means I need a lot of
food. A lot of good food.

There weren’t enough chairs to go around for all the participants, but Nemu told me to leave that to
her. Including me, Nemu, and Ichiro there were a total of four more people but I only had four
chairs. We were three chairs short. I suppose some people would be on the floor or on the couch.

If Nemu placed the brats on the fucking couch, I was going to be annoyed. The brats did not extend
to just the two younger Yamada brats, but Kuko as well.

I started to cook a lot of dishes at once. I practiced this skill over the years to impress Nemu and
Ichiro and so that we could have a good meal that was all hot instead of some being hot and other
dishes being cold.

The frying pan flared as I placed some vegetables in it with some oil. I hummed to a song that I
made with a certain author. We had created a song specifically for a division team that would exist
in the near future.

It took a couple of minutes for me to realize my eyesight was foggy, not because of the steam, but
because of something else. The kitchen started to spin lightly.

The fuck?


Then it went black.

When I reopened my eyes, I realized that I was lying down on the couch. The fuck? I thought I was

“What the fuck?”

I groaned out words as I sat up slowly, my hand on the side of my head... My brain ached.

My eyes wouldn’t adjust to the lights, nah, that the room was simply too bright. I squinted my eyes
to look around the living room. I couldn’t see much through my bleary eyes so I shut them again.
The couch dipped to the side and I realized that someone sat next to me.

“Looks like some butter woke up on the wrong side of the bread.”

Annoying shit.

“I’m on a fucking couch Sasara, fuck you.”

“Yeah, yeah.” A heartbeat’s pause. “You okay?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

I turned to squint at Sasara, my eyes finally slowly adjusting to the brightness of the room. I saw
him peeking at me with one eye open. Doubting my health motherfucker?!

“You passed out while you were cooking, Samatoki,” Sasara informed me, “You gave us a big

I shook my head in disbelief. Me? Pass out? Fuck it all. He was shitting me. I ain’t weak!

“Wait,” my eyes roamed to the kitchen, “Who’s cooking?!”

“Relax,” Sasara hummed as he grabbed my shoulders. He pushed me back to the couch. “Nemu
and Ichiro are working on finishing your crazy way of cooking. We can eat their food later.”
“Wait, but-”

“Take it easy ‘cause you need ta,” Sasara shook his head. I couldn’t get up. “The food won’t be
ready until later and you’ll only risk everyone else if you want to go back to the kitchen in that

“I don’t need to! If anything, aren’t you the tired one? Fighting until you run out of juice, chasing
me all the way to some building because I randomly panicked and started to run then squeezing out
more lines?”

“I didn’t willingly get hit with rap,” Sasara pointed out.

“Ichiro did- My god, Ichiro did!”

“Calm your horses,” Sasara shook his head with a smile, “He didn’t get as injured as you did. In
fact, he was impacted waaay less than you.”

I decided to ignore him after that. Bitch. Don’t get smart with me, I'm the one on the right. I’m the
motherfucking amazing Samatoki Aohitsugi.

“Are you okay?

I looked down to spot two children. Two brats, I mean.

“Yeah, don’t worry about it.”

I don’t need fucking babies to worry over me too. I ain’t no infant or fucking baby in someone’s

I moved to get up, using Sasara as support before I felt two grubby hands and a pretty heavy body
push me back onto the couch. The youngest brat’s body was on top of mine, pushing me down to
the couch.


I let out an angry shout. Shit, I scared the kids. The youngest one shuddered in my grasp.

“I-Ichi-nii said th-that you can’t move!”

The baby brat sniffled. His eyes started to get teary and he clung onto my jacket with tears. Was he
shocked by the volume of my voice? Gah.

“Yeah, well, I don’t listen to you or Ichiro,” I snarked. Fuck, still scared the babies.

“B-But!” The youngest brat started to cry. Like actually, ugly cry. Brat!

“Fine! I’ll stay on the couch! Stop crying! You’ll get your snot all over me fuuuu… Idiot.”


I turned my head to face Sasara who started to laugh at my situation. I mouthed ‘motherfucker’ at
him. Then I turned my attention to the brats

“How old are you both anyways?”

“I’m Jiro Yamada and I’m fifteen years old,” The middle brother jerked a thumb towards himself
before jerking it over to the baby brother, “That’s Saburo, he’s 12.”


“I’m Sasara Nurude and I’m 23~”

Sasara cut me off and jumped off the couch. He gave me a rather forceful push causing me to fall
sideways to the couch. He petted my head to add salt to the wound too. Oh, not to mention, the brat
that was making sure I didn’t move from the couch earlier was now cuddling into me so he
wouldn’t fall off the fucking couch.

“I’m Samatoki Aohitsugi, 22.”

“Make sure you hold onto him tightly, Sabu-chan!” Sasara hummed, “He might get up otherwise!”

That motherfucking son of a bitch!

Small hands gripped my shirt tightly and I could feel the remaining wet tears on the snotty brat
seep through my shirt. Ew...

Ah, I met Ichiro when he was twelve this time. This brat… I stared at the youngest one in my arms,
he was 12 right now.

I released the sigh I didn’t know I was holding and I scooted closer to the head of the couch to
make room for the child. From the corner of my eyes, I saw the middle brother watching wearily
from the side, keeping a close eye on the youngest brother.

I picked up the 3rd Yamada brat and placed my arm under him before pulling him close. He
seemed more content after the initial shock of my movements. I can’t really tell, but I’m sure that
I’m right because the shivering brat cuddled up to my chest. Guess I was warm too, cause the brat
as fucking cold.

As he huddled closer to me, I glanced over to the weary middle brother. Wasn’t he the dumb one? I
stared into his eyes and smirked, ha… Pushing myself into the couch more I motioned him to come

In a couple of seconds, the middle brother reluctantly moved over to grasp the back of Yamada
Brat #3 and placed his arms around his brother, successfully squishing the youngest one and
suffocating me.

The soft breathing from the youngest was far better than the shallow breathing I last remembered.
Holding him tight and extending my hand to prevent the middle brother from falling off, I closed
my eyes and listened to the beating hearts of the two boys I had in my embrace.

Then I fell asleep.

I woke up to somebody shaking my shoulders.

The light was bright again, but my eyes adjusted to it faster. My head no longer buzzed with pain or
thoughts and my hearing seemed to have gotten better. I cracked my eyes open to see Nemu
shaking me lightly.

The room was redecorated and it really looked like a party.

Something completely opposite of the traumatic experience we went through hours ago.
I tried to sit up, but the weight on my chest and arm prevented me from doing so. I looked down to
see the tiny brats who also fell asleep. Near the dinner table, I spotted Ichiro with a smile on his
face. He looked peaceful as if weight was finally put off his chest.

It was a pretty good night then. I think it passed midnight, but we all still wished Nemu a great
birthday. Sasara cracked a joke or two every so often and Kuko would come up with randomized
quotes from his ass. Ichiro would shush everyone every once and a while so we didn’t wake his
brothers and Nemu helped herself to my slice of cake.

And I…

I laughed through it all with wishes never meant to be fulfilled.

Chapter End Notes

Slightly later than normal, sorry y'all!

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
The Birth of a New MCD
Chapter Summary

The Naughty Busters and MCD hang out as a quartet for the first time.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

A few weeks after the terrorist attack, or more like Mozuku, Sasara and I were sitting around

“Maan~ No one’s put up a good fight since that whole thing with the Mozuku fool.”

“You should be glad that it’s peaceful,” I shook my head. “It’d be worse if someone of that level or
higher came in to destroy what little normalcy we have.”

Sasara huffed, puffing out his cheeks. Before he could speak, someone beat him to it.

“Yo. Whatcha guys up to?”

I smiled slightly when I noticed Ichiro and Kuko. Giving them a small wave with the hand holding
my cig, I smiled.

“What does it look like?” Sasara asked, puffing his own cig, “Killing time, of course.”

“Heh. Y’know they say adults with too much free time on their hands are prime examples of social
degenerates,” Kuko smirked, his hands behind his head.

“Says the kid who never goes to class,” Sasara smirked.

I snorted since it would be class time right now, Sasara was right.

“Ichiro, shouldn’t you be in class?”

Ichiro gave me a sheepish smile and I rolled my eyes. I guess I could forgive him for now. I put the
cig in my mouth again, staring at Ichiro with a smirk.

“Cut him some slack, Samatoki. The kiddos came all this way to see us, so the least we can do is
be nice to them, right?” Sasara smiled. “Plus, you know how kids are. You don’t give ‘em a break
and it breaks their hearts.”

“Your shitty jokes might break me ,” I mumbled with a playful grin.

“Shitty?! I’ll show you shitty!” Sasara yelled at my ear and I shook my head.

“Shut the hell up, heh,” I glanced over at Sasara who was frowning.

“Yo Ichiro,” Kuko suddenly spoke. I glanced over to him and Kukko placed his middle fingers
together. “They say ‘pointless arguing is the hallmark of a beast.’”
“...” Ichiro looked a little confused, he seemed exasperated, but I knew how close they were. “They
say it or you say it?”

“Bwa ha ha!” Kuko laughed loudly and grabbed Ichiro’s shoulder. “Don’t sweat it, buddy! After
all, we did it to become friends, we’re not gonna let a little thing like that tear us apart are we?”

I knew how much these random quotes or sermons meant to Kuko. I guess Ichiro did as well
because he only pouted in response to the shoulder hug.

“Oh yeah!” Sasara clapped his hands together after snuffing out his cig, “You kids have nothing to
do, right? So we can all learn to get along better, how about we all go do one thing each one of us
wants to do?”

“Yeah, sounds fun! I’m down for it,” Kuko smirked widely.

“Then let’s get to it!” Sasara smirked, “Up we go.” He got up from his seat and I smirked. “We’re
going to start with mine.”

I got up slowly, rolling my eyes with the cig in my mouth.

In the Togoshi Ginza Division’s Shopping Street, there were a lot of street foods and restaurants

“Damn, check out all these shops with the hella good-looking food,” Kuko eyes followed
everything that he deemed was tasty looking.

I forgot that as a monk he had a certain plate to eat and certain food that he wasn’t allowed to eat.
Mmm, I guess I’ll have to buy him his favorite then. I think it as karaage? Maybe I can give it to
him later.

“Oh! Look at this!” Sasara used his fan to point at a sign.

Seeking a challenger!! Eat the WHOLE THING in 20 minutes and WIN 30,000 yen!!! The Mega
Super Ultra Heavenly Delicious Special KATSUDON (5KG)

Ack. I felt bile rise up in my throat. I remembered that.

“Now this looks fun! Let’s give it a shot!” Sasara grinned as he glanced at the picture.

“Hell yea! Let’s do it!” Kuko grinned.

Fuckers! They never finished!

“I-I’ll pass,” I stuttered a little, staring at the picture of the large bowl of Katsudon. No, just no.

“I’ll pass too,” Ichiro glanced away, sweat rolling down his forehead.

“Oh? Samatoki’s back down from a challenge to his manhood? Say it isn’t so!” Sasara mocked me
as he spoke in a high-pitched voice.

I shook my head. “Manhood my ass, I’ll take a normal Katsudon. I'm playing it smart.”

“What are you chickening out, Ichiro?” Kuko made a sign with his fingers, “Your stomach is as big
as a sparrow’s is that it?”
“I’m no sparrow!” Ichiro shouted, “I’m in!”

We walked in and sat at the table near the counter. Sasara and Ichiro sat next to me while Kuko sat
on the other side of Ichiro. I had a decently small plate laid in front of me while three large bowls
were placed in front of the others.

“Here ya go, boys!” The store owner grinned widely, “The Mega Super Ultra Heavenly Delicious

I could feel the heart burn looking at it. Fuck.


I ate my lunch peacefully as Sasara was the first one to go.

“This is as far as I can go… Urgh…”

He was chomping away at first, but now he was slumping against the counter. He had about eighty
percent left. Ha. It took a while for the next person to fall.

“Urrrgh…” I heard a clatter over at Ichiro’s side. I looked over as I slurped up some noodles to see
Kuko was also slumping down on the counter, a hand over his mouth.

I took a large piece of meat and ate it calmly. Glancing over to Ichiro who was still chewing his
large bowl of Katsudon, I sipped at my bowl, drinking the broth.

As I finished my broth, I glanced over at Ichiro and caught his eye. He looked at me for a second
before he started chewing faster, stuffing his mouth with Katsudon. I hummed, my stomach,
moderately full.

Ding! Ding!

I glanced over to Ichiro.

“Congraaatulations!” A crowd formed over the counter. Ichiro was holding his stomach, facing the
ceiling. “A total of 30,000 yen for this challenger here!”

If no one caught me eating from Ichiro’s bowl, it was fair game.

“Thanks a bunch!” Sasara called out to the restaurant as Ichiro held in his throw-up. I was rubbing
circles on Ichiro’s back as Kuko collected the money. Kuko then hopped as he grinned.

“Alright! Now it’s my turn!”

“Yep,” I nodded, laughing at Ichiro who was holding his stomach.

“Whoah, feels great to be out here,” Sasara whistled as he walked ahead with Kuko.

We were at the hiking trail in Mount Takao.

“Heh, you know it! This mountain’s a real easy hike and a lot of fun!” Kuko grinned, pleased with
being praised about his choice of location. I could hear Ichiro’s groaning as he slouched over,
walking slowly.

I was still rubbing circles on his back, smiling the entire time.
“Oh, I have an idea!” Sasara raised a finger.

Oh no, it was this fucker who instigated it?!

“Let’s have a race to see who can be the first to the top!”

Sasara grinned evilly.

I looked at Ichiro pitifully. The poor brat would have to go through a lot, huh?

Too bad, I wasn’t going to pass this challenge.

“Hell yeah! I’m down!” Kuko pulled his sleeves up. Ichiro held his stomach and looked away.

“I’m gonna pass on that…”

“C’mon, Ichiro. You know eating is supposed to restore your stamina, right? Man up.” Kuko
snickered into his hands. I felt Ichiro tense up. Great…

“I’ll do it!” Ichiro shouted.

I shook my head. Three idiots, haaa. I can't believe I was one of them.

I lightly jogged to get good momentum and not use all of my strength, pacing myself. Ichiro was
keeping up the same pace as I was, surprisingly.

Sasara then laid straight on the hike, the first to fall.

“Whew… this is as far as I can go…” Sasara groaned on the ground.

“Haha! Yo, Sasara! Dropping out already?” Kuko laughed. “You’re not even halwa-argh!”

Kuko stumbled and tripped on a rock. I paused to grab him before he fell. I held him up steadily as
Sasara laughed at him. Sasara was slapping the ground in his fit of laughter.

“Ha ha ha! Watch where you’re going!”

Sasara cackled.

Ichiro was leading by now. I left Kuko and rushed to catch up.

I had no doubt that Kuko would’ve won in his sandals if he didn’t trip. But he slipped on a rock and
stopped me. He still had to get over that shock so I had no doubts that he would come up with

I was surprised that Ichiro was determined to keep up with my speed when I reached. I reached the
top faster than he did though. I had trained my body taxingly since I returned to being 18 years old
and I practiced my rap in secret as soon as I got the mic. I don't think I was beatable.

Sasara and Kuko joined us soon after.

I glanced over to the side and saw Kuko hold out a bottle of water to Ichiro with a grin. Good
friends, I see. Ichiro was up next and I already knew where we were heading. Good thing I always
brought a ton of yen with me.

Ichiro was vibrant and sparkling while we walked in the Akihabara division. We were in the
electronics shopping area.

“Man, I always love coming here!” Ichiro was smiling like the child he was. The traces of pain and
loss were wiped off from his face. Ha, what a brat.

“Check out all these flashy signs everywhere,” Kuko whistled, a hand to his hip. Brats.

“You good over there, Samatoki?”

“Maybe,” I puffed on my cigarette. Moving over to a bank I quickly took out some cash from the
ATM. I don’t really trust the banks, but I already knew I needed more money than what I had on
me currently.

“Come on! We’re wasting time! Let’s go!”

Ichiro motioned us over to a store called Radio of the World. I think it was like Akihabara Radio
Kan or something. As we walked in I noticed that Kuko was staring at the Buddha statue and
Sasara was gushing over some action figures of two comedians.

“Damn, they even have a figure of The Buddha! And it’s hella detailed too.”

“Woah! It’s Hyoukin and Uhyou! I-I want ‘em…”

My eyes swerved away from them and noticed the cursed thing was worth 40,000 yen. Fuck. I still
don’t understand it's worth.

“That’s prototype 99 from steadfast tactics execution, Codename: Libertine!”

Shit, Ichiro caught me staring.

“The armor for the nucleus device on this model is equipped with special anti-heat, anti-implact,
and anti-decay technology and the 7 layers of coating applied to the outside of the figure protect it
from over 45% of nucleus attacks.”

Ah, I triggered his explanation mode. I decided to only focus on how happy Ichiro seemed. Even if
the conversation took 5 fucking minutes.

“-Which makes it the strongest mech in the entire show!”

Ichiro grinned as he placed a hand over his chest.

“I see,” I hummed. “Do you want it?”


Ichiro’s eyes shook. I took notice of it and shrugged. I mean sure, since the entire fiasco with
Mozuku, I bought Ichiro and his brothers a place to stay, mainly the future Yorozuya Yamada
building, but I don’t mind buying him more stuff.

“It’s 40,000 yen,” Ichiro stuttered.

“Are you out of your mind?!” Sasara gawked at me. I rolled my eyes, I looked over to Ichiro who’s
eyes glittered.


Ichiro’s eyes shined before they dimmed out as if water was dropped on the flame. I raised an
eyebrow as Ichiro looked really uncertain.

“Hey,” I walked over to the cashier. “Can you get me some things?”

“Sure? What do you want?” He seemed a bit intimidated. Whatever.

“That, that, and that,” I pointed out everything that the three mentioned.

“Wha- wait?!” “Samatoki?!” “Nii-san?!”

Three exclamation marks, three outbursts I really didn’t care about. Soon, after losing a bit of
money I managed to get the Buddha figure for Kuko, the comedian duo figurines for Sasara, and
the large robotic whatever liberation thing for Ichiro.

“Let’s go to where I want to go now,” I hummed.

“Where do you want to go?” Sasara eyed me oddly. In fact, it was as if they were all eyeing me,
looking for some kind of evil intention. The hell, I’m a nice guy.

“BerBerBer,” I smirked as we walked into BerBerBer, a vintage shop in Harajuku.

“Oh, hi Samatoki!”

“Hey, how’s it going?” I smiled at the cashier, great guy.

“Great timing. I picked up some awesome jeans I wanted to show you, wait here.”

“Okay, cool.” I shrugged. Sure, I got the jeans before in a different time, but no way in hell was I
going to let some slack off fake vintage lover buy it this time.

“Oh, this is a cool T-shirt.”

I heard Ichiro’s quiet comment. I glanced over to see him holding a shirt with a two-headed dog,
ah, nice taste.

“Huh?! 40,000 yen?!”

I snorted at his remark, marking the clothes down in my mind.

“For a picture of some pups? Hell no…” Kuko commented.

“Here ya go, Samatoki!” I turned my head back to Dori, the cashier. He held out some jeans and I

“Yo, real shit? I’ll take it!”

“Knew you’d like it!” Dori snickered.

“Would ya hold onto it? Lemme look around some more?”


I walked over to Ichiro and Kuko. Both of them seemed reluctant to be there. Gah, I brought extra
money on me for this purpose, didn’t I?
Picking up a suit that probably fit Sasara, the T-shirt for Ichiro, and a bomber jacket for Kuko, I
walked back to the counter.


Sasara noticed my intentions too late.

“Here you go!”

Dori gave me what I needed real quick. Real good guy, this guy.

“Wh-What you got there, Samatoki?”

Sasara asked me as I started to peel off the price tags carefully.

“Which ones?”

“Denim jeans?”

Ichiro perked up from the back and spoke before Sasara could speak.

“Yeah, and they were hella cheap,” I responded.

“What, like in the 3000 range?” Ichiro questioned.

“Brat, you can’t get 999 Double X Deadstocks for a price like that. It’s more like five.”

Sasara had a bead of sweat rolling down his cheeks.

“What, you mean five thousand?”

“No, dumbass! Five hundred thousand!”

“Five.” “Hundred.” “Thousand?!”

Ichiro, Kuko, and Sasara seemed shocked. Huh, did they not know?

“Yeah! I got it for half the market price. I did this dude a hella big favor one time, so that’s how I
got it for so cheap.”

“But they’re just jeans…” Ichiro mumbled.

“Just jeans?” I felt a little pissed. Okay, time to teach these clueless dolts a lesson, it wasn't math so
I should be fine. “Listen up, Ichiro. These bad boys have the double x paper patch that was only
manufactured from ‘63 to ‘64! The back pockets are reinforced with rivets, and the area from the
crotch to the fly doesn’t use bar tack stitches but instead inverted u stitches! And they have the
distinct feature of the belt loops being slightly off-center! And-

“- Which makes them a must-have for any vintage clothing lover!”

“Ah, I see,” Ichiro’s eyes were swirling at this point and Kuko and Sasara seemed very confused.
Ah, whatever. At least they tried to understand.

“Let’s get some grub then,” I ended up laughing, pitting them. I gave them their respective gifts,
Ichiro with the shirt and pants included to even out the price worth of the other gifts to Sasara and
Kuko and we went to eat burgers at the harajuku cat street.
Everyone seemed burdened, I wonder why.

I munched on my hamburger, chewing slowly as Kuko scarfed two hamburgers, one in each hand.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t Mad Comic Dialogue and The Naughty Busters? What do you think
you’re doing here?”

“Aw man… and we just got a chance to take a breather,” Sasara took a long slurp of his drink,
finishing it quickly.

“Oh shit! Are we in for a fight? Awesome!” Kuko brightened up and demolished his burgers,
crumpling up the burger’s wrappers. “Nothing like a little rapping to wash a meal down!”

“What you need a whole herd to face us, is that it? I’ll take you all down!”

Ichiro finished his last bite.

"Catch me on the streets dishing out my sermon,

But you won’t catch me going easy on you vermin!"

"Careful, Mr. Monk!

Don’t get into a funk!
Don’t go too hard when you trash this junk!"

I glanced over to Ichiro and he nodded at me.

"When you mess up my day off,

I’ll mash you ‘til you’re applesauce!"

"I won’t let you ruin this nice day,

So I’ll beat you up, my way!"

“Let’s give them our final verse,” I ordered on instinct.

In no time flat, the crowd of punks ran off, crying as the closer ones were slammed into them.

“Looks like they’re all bark and no bite,” Sasara frowned.

“I didn’t even break a sweat,” Kuko sighed.

“Alrighty then, let’s head back to Ikebukuro!” Sasara fanned himself. I laughed loudly.

“Yeah, let’s get back now,” I agreed.

What a great first day as a quartet.

Chapter End Notes

Okay~ After Mozuku's battle that I had struggled on we have rapping sections I
struggled on :'D

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
Becoming a Quartet (ver. MCD)
Chapter Summary

Ichiro and Kuko finally get to go to the MCD base and meet a couple of important
people to Samatoki.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Ichiro and Kuko were to finally come and officially join the gang. I mean, look, the rooms were
finally finished and the building was done. We’re basically all good here.


I wove my hand over to the teenager. I told him that I’d wait for him and Kuko in Ikebukuro East
Gate Park since it was closer to the building. Since Ichiro and Kuko have never seen the building, I
was tasked with bringing them over to the building. Sasara was in charge of getting everyone

In other words, not telling them anything and simply training them.

“Nii-san,” Ichiro greeted me warmly as he walked over.

“Where’s Kuko?”

“Probably running late,” Ichiro grinned sheepishly, “He tends to randomly pop up and leave so-”


Speak of the devil. Ichiro and I looked over to the side and spotted a red-headed monk leisurely
jogging on over. He had a hand in his pocket and wove the other one wildly.

“Made it!” Kuko announced with a large grin.

“Fucking finally,” Ichiro hissed under his breath. I stared at Ichiro shell-shocked and Ichiro
coughed, “Uh…” Averting his eyes he whispered even quieter, “Fu-fudge…”

“Kuha! I can’t wait to see that base of yours!”

“Yeah yeah,” I snorted, “Let’s go.”

We walked towards a building that could be spotted by our meeting spot. Kuko kept pointing at
buildings and loudly asked if they were the ones we were going to while Ichiro would add his
guesses sometimes too.

I told them no continuously until we stopped at the entrance.

“Woah.” “Sick dude.”

Kuko and Ichiro awed at the remodeled building. I felt my chest swell with a little pride and I led
them in. Inside two of the men saluted me.

“Welcome back Boss!”

I ignored them and lit my cig instead. Kuko whistled and I think I heard Ichiro gasp in admiration
or something. It just made me feel prouder. We headed towards the larger training areas because I
knew that the others were there.

The members I really wanted the Naughty Busters to meet.

“Yo,” I spoke as I walked into the room. The rapping stopped immediately and they all turned to
look at us.


I smiled at their reactions and motioned them over.

“Here are our two new recruits,” I announced. Sasara was stretching in the background, preparing
to walk over I guess. Then he sat down. Okay, fat bitch wanted us to go to him. “Get along alright?
They’re sticking with me and Sasara.”

I walked over to Sasara, Ichiro, and Kuko fruitlessly trying to follow us. Yeah, no. It didn’t take
long for them to be swarmed by the group curious about their abilities and such.


I looked down at Zinan. Zinan looked at me square in the face. Pausing midstep, I nodded.


“Is that the boy you talk about all the time?”

“You talk about me, Nii-san?”

Ichiro lit up like a bulb as he made his way to me and Zinan.


“A lot,” Zinan replied bluntly. He puffed out his cheeks a bit, “Does he talk about me?”

Fuck. Red flag. I looked over at the pouting 13-year-old.

“Yeah!” Ichiro immediately spoke and I felt my respect for Ichiro grow. Nice save Ichiro!

“Really?” Zinan’s eyes glowed in pride.

I walked away from the two and back to Sasara who snorted at me.

“Could you make it any less obvious that you didn’t talk about little Zinan to Ichiro?”

“The fuck you mean?”

“I’m sure everyone could tell, Boss.” Kento peeked from behind Sasara.


Sasara screamed, apparently unaware of Kento who sat behind him the entire time. He had his
hands up in the air and squealed.

“Oh my God Sasara, shut up.” I kicked him lightly. “Kento, join the others. Don’t do this stuff. It’s

“Yes, Boss!” Kento headed over to Kuko and the others as I slapped Sasara’s knee.

“Fucker, you should be careful,” I huffed at him. Then I rested my head on Sasara’s shoulders and
Sasara petted my head. It felt nice. The nice, peaceful atmosphere of two parties meeting each
other and becoming friends. It was truly-

“Buddha, send this man to Nirvana,

I’ll beat up your ass just ‘cuz I wanna!”

Fuck. No fucking peace with a fucking feral child. I watched Kuko challenge the group with a
ferocity that was unparalleled with the others in the room. I mean, they were all bloodthirsty sure,
we’re a gang, but Kuko’s…

Kuko’s fucking cat eyes looked like they were going to eat some shit and spit them out. The shit
being the person taking his raps.

I looked for Ichiro who was normally the voice of reason in these scenarios. Lo and behold, that
brat didn’t do anything as well. Wait actually-

“You’re only thirteen, you call that mean?

I’ll show you something you’ve never seen!
In between my bros,
I’m your new older bro!”

Ichiro was fighting too?! With the fucking youngest one here?!

I was about to stop this when Sasara grabbed my shoulder. I turned to see that skinny ass clown
with a fucking flat butt wink at me.

“Whaddya say to us rapping it out too? Or would you rather have a nice wrap to go?”

I summoned my mic without a single thought or rationality, my cig falling to the ground.

“Nii-san? Are you here?”

“Yeah,” I answered back without looking at the door. Ichiro and Kuko settled into the group pretty
well. I was worried for a little bit since the group never existed before, but it seemed to have
worked out for the better or the worst.

“Can I ask you a favor?”

“Ichiro, you can ask me anything. What’s up?” I puffed my cig as red eyes slid over to the boy in
front of the door.

“I, uh, I have an acquaintance from Mozuku’s work. He doesn’t have a job, but he needs one to
support himself and his sister…”

“You thought I’d give him one here?” I raised a brow as Ichiro fiddled his thumbs.

“I-I was hoping you could do that… yeah… He helped me out before so I wanted to do the same
for him…”

“What’s his name, what’s he like?”

“His name is Monden and he’s a good guy. Has a little sister named Yuika and stuff.”

“I see,” I puffed at the lit cig again and looked at the ceiling. “Good rapper?”

“Uhm, I’d say he’s decent,” Ichiro nodded his head.

“Anything else he’s good at?”

“He’s a pretty responsible guy. Probably would’ve fought for justice if he didn’t need the money,”
Ichiro answered honestly.

So this Monden guy was like a big friendly teddy bear?

“Then no,” I looked back at Ichiro who flinched.

“N-Nii-san, please reconsider-”

“First, you don’t need to be so nervous when you’re asking me for something,” I listed off a couple
of things, “Second, Monden sounds like a wuss. Third, I’ll see if Yanagi-san can contact the

“The police?!” Ichiro’s eyes blew open as I laughed, snuffing my cig and reaching for my phone.

“Yeah, he sounds more police material than gang material.”

Hopefully, Yanagi-san still had contact with that policeman who locked me up before... IF he
didn't, I guess we ended up with a new member.

Chapter End Notes

Whaaa.. Uh.. Remember that break I mentioned earlier? Might take it ^^'
Also wanted to see if people were okay with Tuesday and Thursday uploads instead of

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Afternoon Hangout (Ft. Kuko)
Chapter Summary

Samatoki is bored until he sees Kuko... Who just so happens to be fighting.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

I let out a hum, thinking about what I was going to do for the day. I planned on randomly calling a
meeting at Yanagi-san’s shop since Nemu worked there today, but I wasn’t completely sure. As I
walked aimlessly in Ikebukuro I heard a large fight start.

Fuckers, this was my territory. I let out a growl in response. I walked over to see the conflict and
noticed that it was Kuko beating some guys up. He was beaten up pretty badly himself,
outnumbered, honestly. I rushed over to support him as his legs gave way.

“Oi! Kuko, get a hold of yourself!”

I brought him to the closest hospital I knew. Luckily it was a couple of minutes' run from here and
I’ve been working out more and more.

“It isn’t anything major, seems like he got in a normal brawl.”

That is what the doctor said, but I was worried so the shitty doctor didn’t have to look at me
exasperatedly fucker. Just a normal brawl? This feral self-proclaimed monk of a child was beating
up like 20 guys on his own and you call it a NORMAL BRAWL?

Fuck that doctor, Sensei's better!

“Kuko, you good?”

Kuko’s eyes were hazy, but yes, they did open up to meet mine as I led him out of the hospital.
They focused once he recognized who I was though sharpening with an emotion I wasn't sure of.

“Ichiro’s Nii?”

“Uh, yeah?”

I answered without much thought. What mattered right now was that the red feral monk was okay.
He started to struggle in my grip so I released him to let him walk on his own.

“What’s going on?”

Kuko asked, his bust lip protruding a little too much.

“You’re were in the hospital,” I deadpanned. “You fought some punks, beat them up, but took a
good number cause you fell too.”

“Oh,” Kuko blinked slowly. Then he placed his hands in front of his face and grinned, “‘Those
who are virtuous will remain protected while the sinners will suffer eternal pain!’”

“Scary fucking words,” I sighed, rolling his eyes. Not understanding anything as per usual. I mean,
it made him happy to say the quotes? Sayings? Whenever he wanted to so I guess I just had to let
him say them.

“Not really?” Kuko scrunched up his face. "It's just the truth."

"Then the truth is scary," I sighed. “Who were they?”

Kuko gave me a shrug for an answer. Okay, bitch so he doesn’t want to share. Deal. Fine fucker.
See if I care.


Red eyes roamed the sort of battered form of the smaller, younger man.

I care.

“Okay cool,” I hummed, “Want to hang out for the day? The doctor said you were fine so we can

“Uh,” Kuko furrowed his brows, “Sure? Don’t you normally hang out with that clown guy and

He looked at me suspiciously and I felt a little offended. I saw a future Kuko not taller, not shorter
with the charisma of a leader. We would get along and to do that I needed to interact with him.
Plus, I was sort of bored so this was the perfect chance for a hangout.

“Never got to know you, so I thought I’d take the chance,” I shrugged. A good, open answer. Haha,
fuck you Kuko.


Kuko seemed genuinely taken back. He rubbed the back of his head and grinned a bit. He hopped
off and started to walk somewhere else. I followed him, I guess he didn’t mind me tailing him

Good, I had nothing else to do.

“What are you planning to do?”

I asked Kuko as we walked around Ikebukuro West Gate Park. Ichiro was currently with Sasara
doing some business in Akihabara. I think it had something to do with a rough gang that was being

They told me not to come so despite the burning rush to follow them, I agreed to not go. That's
why I was wandering aimlessly until I saw Kuko.

“‘Since time is limited, make effective use of your time’,” Kuko randomly pulled a saying, “I plan
on getting to know you too, Ichiro's Nii.”

“Oh, cool,” I shrugged. “Let’s go to the convenience store and chat then. We can get a snack or
something and talk.”
“Cool!” Kuko hummed.

“I’ll pay.”

We went into the convenience store and I watched Kuko run around looking for things to eat since
I said I’d pay. He was unsurprisingly shameless in buying many things with someone else’s
money. I just went for a couple of karaage that I knew he would end up loving and that I could eat.
I thought about buying coke, but then I saw him with five cans so I decided against it and went for
a cold beer again.

Wait, I shouldn’t drink in front of him.


I put the beer back down and opted for a cool non-alcoholic cider instead. With the many food
items in my arms, I walked to the counter where Kuko held his own things, arms full of food and
coke that I doubt he could finish.

After paying for the excessive amount of food from a cheap place like the convenience store, we
walked over to a bench to enjoy the food.

Kuko seemed content with the karaage I bought, his eyes sparkling like a child as he took a bite of

“So, how’d you meet Ichiro?”

I asked, curious.

“I met him when he attacked one of my old friends,” Kuko spoke through a stuffed mouth.
“Apparently the dude tried to start a fight with him first though. I stepped in cause I can’t stand to
see someone under my care get injured.”

“Mm,” I took a small piece of karaage. Kuko eyed me like he was a predator and I was the fucking
prey. I decided to not touch another one.

“Then a bloke tried to hit Ichiro with a weapon during the fight despite it being a fair man-on-man,
barehanded fight. Punched that shit and the police came. We ran for it and later I asked Ichiro to
meet up with me cause his arm was in a cast. Used a pipe to break my own arm too to show that
we were even ‘cause I wasn’t taught to leave an unfair fight like that. Mm, I think we fought after
that and became friends or something after spilling our hearts out and stuff. He called me crazy I

Kuko reminisced as he ate his karaage. I’ll be honest, I could barely understand him since his
mouth was full every fucking second, but I think I got the picture.


"The fuck?! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"What do you mean?" Kuko got defensive but I was pissed.

"Oh my God, you little fucker," I swung my fist to his shoulder. "That's for making me and Nemu
worried about Ichiro that year!" I whacked him on his head, "That's for not taking care of your own
gang." I whacked him again on the head as Kuko complained with a stuffed mouth. "And that's for
injuring yourself although it wasn't completely your fault!"
Kuko hissed at me, but it was more like blowing a raspberry and chunks of food which I was lucky
enough to dodge. After swallowing, golden cat-like eyes eyed me befuddled and angrily.

“What about you?”


“How did you meet Ichiro, Ichiro's Nii?”

“I met him at the park by chance,” I shrugged. I didn’t want to delve deeper into this conversation
for many reasons. For one I’m not a child predator. Kuko, luckily, seemed to understand and he
kept silent. He’s a shrewd guy, but a kind one at heart, huh? What the fuck was I saying, here was
a fucking brat who was willing to whack a pipe continuously on his own arm to break it for
'equivalent exchange'.

I changed my question to one that I was always curious about, but never got an answer to.

“When’s your birthday?”

“?” Kuko looked at me confused at the sudden topic change. “Uh, it’s the 21st?”

“21st of what?”

“Last month?”

“Shit,” my eyes widened as Kuko glanced at me oddly. He then snorted as if it was some funny
shit and wove his hand around.

“It’s just a birthday, why are you shocked about it? Shouldn't you be more worried about-”

“Ah, fuck,” I cursed, pinching the bridge of my nose. I celebrated Sasara’s birthday with Nemu
before, last year, but I didn’t think I’d miss Kuko’s! “I guess I thought it was in September or some
other shitty month.”

“Mm,” Kuko shrugged. “I don’t really mind. Why are you making such a big fuss about it, Ichiro's

“Fuck you,” I ended up saying. Then I backtracked. Fuck was I cursing a loud? Fuck. “Fuck,

Kuko laughed at me, apparently finding my pain hilarious. I decided to ignore him and sent a quick
message to Nemu, Ichiro, and Sasara.

“Do you live near here?”

“Kuhahaha!” Kuko laughed, “Nope! I ran from home!”

What. The. Everloving. Fuck?

Brat ran from home?! But he’s a fucking minor? The fuck?

“Okay,” I hummed, turning my phone off, “You’re either staying with me and Nemu, Sasara, or
Ichiro and his brothers.”

“What the hell?”

Now it was Kuko’s turn to be shocked. I shook my head and sighed.

“You don’t have a good place to stay, right? Sasara is somewhat lonely anyways so hang with him
or something. Fuck, I’d rent a hotel for you if you need, where do you sleep?”

“Wherever I want to on the streets?”

“Hell no,” I groaned.

Make it stop. Make him stop.

Our nice, peaceful talk had devolved into me trying to convince this short, feral, probably needs a
rabies shot redhead that he needed a place to stay, like an actual home, while he tried to convince
me otherwise.

In the end we compromised that he could stay in MCD's hideout since it had a couch that could
unction like a bed, electronics, air conditioning, a roof, and a refrigerator. It was sort of stupid, but
I decided that he wouldn’t budge otherwise and I rather prefer him using the hideout than the alleys
or some other shit. I’d have to raise his pay, fuck.


I turned my head to see some dudes rushing over to us with pipes and knives. Fucking hell.

“You know that’s illegal, right?” I asked, staring at the weapons.

The brats sneered and I noticed that some of them had hypnosis mics. Ah, so it was a group-up
battle thing or some other shit. Bitches.

Kuko seemed uncomfortable with me here. I could tell his eyes were glistening for a good fight,
but he also was glancing at me.

"Ichiro's Nii-"


“I ain’t leaving a friend,” I stated.

Kuko seemed to relax after that.

The battle started with the ugly guys first. It was easy to get rid of them with a couple of raps. I did
underestimate them though, they were tougher than the guys that I was used to fighting with
around this time because everyone was still getting used to their mics. Still, I knew I had more
skills than they did.


“Sorry ‘bout that,” Kuko mumbled, “Fuckers were really out to get me, huh?”

“Don’t sweat it,” I shrugged, “Let’s get patched up at the hideout.”

Kuko’s eyes widened as they glanced over to me curiously.

“You aren’t gonna ask about who they were or what they wanted?”
“Does it matter?”


“Then no.”

I led Kuko to our hideout, or more like MCD’s area, checking my phone for the third time.

“They were the guys I left for Ichiro.”

“Cool,” I shrugged. “I can see why you left them.”

From the corner of my right eye I saw Kuko break out into a toothy grin, his canines visibly


Kuko wasn’t injured to the point where he needed help walking and neither was I so he was trailing
after me, walking a bit slower. I decided against walking alongside him when he seemed to be
purposefully walking slower.

“Hey Kuko,” I glanced back as I walked in the unlocked door. “Get the lights for me?”

Kuko seemed confused but did as I told him to and flipped the switch on.

“Happy belated birthday!”

I shouted with Ichiro, Nemu, Sasara, and the two Yamada brats.

Kuko’s eyes widened as he took in the sight.

Party streamers, poppers, hats, a rather large cake (probably baked by Yanagi-san), and a couple of

It was a good thing I texted Nemu, Ichiro, and Sasara about Kuko’s birthday. Of course, they were
all willing to jump in and help start a party for the runaway monk. Apparently, Ichiro wasn’t aware
of Kuko’s birthday either. Secretive little fucker.

Nemu was tasked with the cake while Ichiro and Sasara would split up for presents and the setup. I
was to distract him from coming to the hideout, which worked out nicely when the bitches of
Kuko’s past came to bother us. Not to mention those bitches needed a good whooping. One for not
changing their lives to do good as Kuko would've probably make them do, two for coming to harm
Kuko, and three for hurting Ichiro in the past and by extension Kuko.

I was worried we’d be found out, but I guess I never had to worry.

This was a pain in the ass for sure, but...

The glittering sparkles in Kuko’s eyes was worth it.

Chapter End Notes

Hello! It's Tuesday and I'm dropping by~ Thank you guys for understanding ^^
Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
Another Meeting
Chapter Summary

Samatoki decides to get Sasara some Osaka Melon Cream Soda. When he reaches the
city, he didn't expect to see a familiar, yet new face...

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

It was interesting the way time moved so quickly. And as all good things were, I knew that it
would not continue forever. Did I want it to? Fuck yeah.

Whenever Ichiro and Kuko mention a new anime or manga it somehow ends up appearing in our
hideout. It definitely wasn’t me, because I wouldn’t do that. It just so happens when Kuko asks me
to buy him something I give him my money.

Take the money and leave me alone.

Something like that. I tend to visit Ichiro and his brothers a lot too. It’s mainly because I want to
make sure they’re cleaning the building spotlessly and that my money isn’t going to waste. I also
like Ichiro’s cooking so I 100% don’t cook up a meal for them sometimes because Ichiro works
hard. I also don’t spend my money on buying a gift or something every time I visit.

When Sasara mentions a new suit I don’t know how it ends up materializing out of thin air, but he
gets it somehow. And no matter how much he looks at me, I swear it’s not me.

Also, me buying ice cream for anyone has become a given, so there’s that.

I hope I’m not being burdensome with the heavy gifting I do sometimes. I mean, it’s not a burden
for me and I don’t expect anything back. I don’t want anything back.

I can recall there was this time when I asked if anyone needed anything because I had too much
money and I remember them stating that they didn’t want anything from me. Even Nemu, who I
constantly spoil, didn’t wish for anything.

I don’t know why, but it felt as if I wasn’t needed anymore.

I went home early and locked myself in my room that day. I can’t remember what I did next, but I
was sure it was raining indoors.

All in all, I hadn’t changed at all. I mean, the only minor thing that changed was the way I treated
those important to me, but it was really minor. Does taking care of the people I love to change the
world or something?

‘Cause for some reason, everyone seems to gravitate towards me more. And I have honestly done
jack shit.

I set out for Osaka during a little trip of mine when I wanted to get Sasara some of the stuff he
liked. What were they called again, uh, Melon Cream Sodas or some other shit?

And met a very familiar person.



My eyes made contact with the person I was staring at.

Brushed back purple hair with ruby red eyes. We looked strikingly similar to each other, it was
almost uncanny.

“May I help you?”

“Samatoki Aohitsugi,” I introduced myself, raising a hand, ignoring his question.

“Rosho Tsutsujimori,” Rosho introduced himself in response. A little confused as to why his
question was ignored. My eyes were sort of zoning in on his left arm before I moved them to look
into his eyes.

“Nice to meet you Rosho-san,” I added the honorific. I also knew it was rude to use his first name,
but I felt uncomfortable using his last name.

“Likewise, I suppose?”

“I was wondering if you could help me?”

“E-eh? Me?”

Rosho’s eyes widened in shock as I mutedly nodded.

“I’m looking for a place that sells good Melon Cream Sodas, I’m from Tokyo.”

“O-oh,” Rosho’s eyes glinted in a tinge of sorrow. Lingering pain from his separation with Sasara I

In the end, Rosho offered to take me to a small cafe and ordered a coffee and a pudding for himself
and a soda for me. I didn’t really know the difference of taste from these to those in ‘Bukuro, but I
suppose what Sasara wants will do.

It was… not good. I wasn’t a big hater of sweets, but this thing was… too sweet. Too... not my

“Do you not like it? Should I order something else?”

“Nah,” I wove my hand, “I’ll do it. I got this ‘cause a friend of mine wanted some. I guess I’ll
bring some back for him later or something. He loves this stuff.”

“I-I see,” Rosho looked uncertain for a split second. I ignored it in favor of getting a coffee. Taking
my leather jacket off, I hung it over the chair and thanked the waitress.

“I had a friend who likes that drink,” Rosho quietly mumbled to himself.

“You do?” I arched an eyebrow, already knowing who it was.

“Y-Yes,” Rosho looked up at me, surprised I heard him I guess, “He’s really pushy, but he means
good. I know it.”

“Why do you use ‘had’?”

“Because I…”

Rosho trailed off. I shrugged my shoulders.

“You don’t have to tell me or anything. I’m just a street thug stranger that’s somehow sharing a
meal with you.”

“It’s because you’re a stranger. I feel as if I can tell you without being bothered. You’ll forget it
soon anyway, is what I am believing.”

“I see, then continue.”

“I left him. I felt as if I was weighing him down and I left him. I have a bad case of stage fright and
standing in front of a lot of people scares me.”

“I see,” I hummed, “That’s a valid fear, but I don’t think that leaving him makes you not friends.”


“If neither of you is willing to forego that friendship, why would you not be friends? Something
like a business matter could be broken instead,” I said, “Ah. Sorry, it’s just that way with one of my
friends. We were partners or something, but he had to leave the business. Still friends though.”

I conveniently didn’t mention that Rosho was the one who told me Sasara still thought of me as a
friend in a different time. I didn’t tell him that this issue with Sasara leaving me hasn't happened
yet because it hopefully wouldn’t.

“Do… do you really think so?”

“Yeah,” I huffed.

“Huh,” Rosho let out a soft noise and ate another bite of his pudding.

“Mm, since you told a stranger something, do you mind if I share something?”


“It’s been bugging me,” I hummed, “Do you think all dreams can come true?”

“Not all dreams,” Rosho admitted after a hot second. “Some dreams can’t be achieved, but it
doesn’t hurt trying.”

“Mm,” I closed my eyes and sighed through my nose. “I see. Then I guess I’ll have to keep striving
towards my dream too.”

“I-If you want,” Rosho looked uncertain for a second but he fished out his phone anyways. “I can
help you?”

“That’d be…” I stared at him, my eyes widening in shock, “That’d be awesome, thanks.”

“Yeah,” Rosho nodded, “I… uh, work as a teacher.”

“That’s cool,” I hummed as we exchanged phone numbers, “If only you were closer, I’d ask you to
tutor some kids.”


“I have a younger sister and a bunch of rowdy brats,” I shrugged. “I’m not good at teaching them
anything, especially math.”

“Oh,” Rosho smiled fondly, “Lucky you then, I, uh, I’m a math teacher.”

“Oh really?” I feigned surprise. Rosho sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, what a modest
person. “Well, then I guess they’re in your care Rosho-sensei.”

“Ahhahaha,” Rosho awkwardly laughed, looking to the side.

“You seem like a good guy, great teacher,” I praised him. A man with low self-confidence would
have to start growing confident. I have to admit, I miss that determined, strong-willed look I
remembered he had, broken glasses hanging from his neck.

“Thanks? I mean, you never saw me teach before-”

“Don’t have to to know your greatness.”


I smiled at him a little.

“Do you care if I call from time to time?” I asked. I wasn’t sure if I would, but a small happy
birthday wouldn't matter, right?

“No, I don’t mind,” Rosho answered simply.

As the waitress walked towards us with the bill, I stopped Rosho from paying and calmly placed
bills on the clipboard. Good thing I’m always carrying good amounts of cash on me to satisfy my
impulse on buying something for someone.

“You know,” I hummed, “I think you’re very capable of reaching your dreams too.”

“Oh?” Rosho glanced at me awkwardly as I sent the waitress away. Reaching for my shedded
jacket I glanced over at Rosho.

“Your dreams, being funny isn’t the only way to make people smile,” I hummed, “You were a
comedian before right?”

I watched Rosho’s face pale, but a light tinge of pink was appearing on his cheeks.

“You’re good at making people smile. I liked your jokes with Sasara and shit,” I hummed,
crumpling the receipt to toss in the trash. “You made things funny, you made people laugh. With
or without him I thought you were good.

“But smiling isn’t limited to just funny jokes or things to laugh at.”

I walked out after that. I planned to send Rosho a text message when Yamada brat #2 was going to
have a test or some shit because I knew that little brat couldn’t do anything school-related well.

Until then, I guess I’d have to wait for him to contact me.
“You’re finally back~!” Sasara hummed as he inched over to me. “Where did you go?”

“I meant to come back as soon as I got what I needed,” I pulled up my hands to show off the eight
cups of melon cream soda I got at Osaka. “But I got caught up in the process so here’s something to
make up for it.”

“Woah!” Sasara’s eyes flew open, “Aren’t those the ones in Osaka?!”

“Yeah,” I shrugged. I took a container of four drinks and placed them in the fridge we had at the
hideout while putting the other four on the table. “You can have two, but Kuko and Ichiro get one

“Sure, sure,” Sasara hummed, licking his lips. He looked at me oddly, but hummed a quick ‘thank
you for the meal’ and started to sip on his favorite drink. Yanagi-san made melon cream soda, but
I’m sure that this fanatic probably missed the taste of his hometown or some shit like that.

“You can have three in total because Ichiro probably wants to take some to his brats and I want
Nemu to try one,” I continued speaking, rolling my eyes at the childish sight in front of me.

“You don’t want one?”

“It’s too sweet,” I shrugged.

Sasara looked at me oddly and swiftly nodded.

“You can’t enjoy the good things in life.”


Sasara hummed as he sipped at the cup in front of him, his eyes glittering at every sip.

Fucker, if I knew it’d make him this happy, I would’ve gotten them a long fucking time ago.

Chapter End Notes

I'm so freaking sorry about this late chapter! IRL got in the way, here it is! Gah, sorry!

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
Here We Go
Chapter Summary

Samatoki gets roped into MCD antics that will eventually lead to a heartbreak. And to
solidify that future, a pink bubblegum makes an appearance.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

I hummed a silent prayer to Mother’s picture, hoping that she's still looking over us. What would
she think if she knew that her son traversed time and wasn’t getting the results he wanted?

“Now then…” I looked up to see the food on the table. With a smile, I reached out for the food.
“Today’s my favorite, isn’t it?”

“Hey now!” Nemu slapped my hand, “Onii-chan, you should properly say thanks to me before you

“Did I not? Haaah, thanks Nemu.”

“You’re welcome!” Nemu said smiling.

I looked at Nemu quickly, scanning her.

“Mmm, Nemu… why are you all dressed up like that today..? You going out with a boy after

“No! I’m going to see a friend from school! Onii-chan, you idiot!”

“That’s cool and all, but you know you should tell me if it’s a guy. I’ll make sure he regrets being

“And yet you have no problem if one of your guy friends comes to me without a warning,” Nemu
rolled her eyes.

“Well I know ‘em,” I sighed, “And they’re trustworthy.”

“What makes you think that I’d tell you about a boyfriend if I had one?” Nemu huffed, taking a
bite of her food.

“Mmm,” I didn’t answer and chose to focus on my plate.

“Are you pouting? God, honestly I wonder how you’re 23 sometimes. You know I would tell you.”



“I wasn’t pouting.”

We ate dinner with a light-hearted talk after. I walked her to the door and watched her run off, her
bag in hand.

Brr. Brr.

I looked down at my phone to see Sasara calling me again. What does he want?

“Sasara, what’s up?” I asked, quickly turning the phone on and to my ear. I held a cig in my mouth
and lit it up with my free hand, listening to Sasara speak.

“Samatoki, I got a bit of sweet news to tell you. Can you come out right now?”

“Yeah, where should we meet up?”

“Hahaha! Ichiro, Kuko, and I are waiting for you a bit at the west entrance to the park.”

He hung up after that. I flicked my cig and watched the tiny ashes fall to the ground.

“Sweet huh?” I mused to myself. “Is it a job?”

“Nii-san, over here!”

Ichiro wove his hand, motioning me to come over. I walked to see the other three of MCD sitting
on a bench. Kuko was munching on some fries and Sasara was slurping on some fizzy drink.

“What’s the sweet news?”

I asked the three of them. Ichiro handed me half a burger which I politely declined. I opted for pop

“We were thinking about taking over Japan,” Ichiro announced, his eyes gleaming.

“Wha, huh?”

“We’re pretty strong ya know? It’d be nice to have some other guys to butter up and grill,” Sasara
hummed, “Gotta roast more to get some nice toast, you know?”


“‘Nothing comes to the lazy’, we need to work our asses and take over!”

“Fucking hell, wait,” I shut my eyes tight, “What?”

Here I was thinking that as long as I didn’t propose the plan, we’d never get through with it.
Apparently not since we were going to go through with it anyways.

“We want to run the entire nation, come on,” Sasara grinned, “This is the big stage we’re supposed
to rule over!”

“Ain’t no one gonna stop us!” Kuko shouted, raising a fist in the air. The other two followed suit
and I raised my own, albeit more confused than determined.

“Nii-san, do you not want to?”

Ichiro’s eyes were pleading almost. Gah, forget it. I’ve been trying to protect you for years now. I
guess it’s about time to lose a couple of good times. I can’t stay here forever. I can’t abandon the
people I would lose staying here in Ikebukuro.

“I don’t mind.”

“Ha ha ha!”

I laughed through the pain.

“The Ueno’s team is putting up a real fight, huh?!”

“I wish they’d give already…” Sasara mumbled, using his mic as a support to stand, “These guys
are super tiring.”


I glanced over to see Ichiro and Kuko summon their mics.

“Gotcha!” Kuko whipped out his own mic and grinned like a hungry beast, his canines peeping out
of the top corners of his mouth.

“Ichiro! Sasara! Kuko! Let’s end this!” I shouted these fuckers were going down!

“Yes!” Ichiro responded happily.

“Kuhaha! Prepare yourselves, shitheads!” Kuko smirked.

“Great,” Sasara sighed, “The top brass is in top form, but not this underling. What a slave driver…”

It went silent after that.

“Hey Sasara,” Kuko flipped Sasara off, “Cut it out with those shitty jokes! You’re killing the

“Huh?” Sasara grinned, but it was obvious he was pissed, “Why don’t you try calling my jokes
shitty one more time, punk?”

“Cut it out you two,” I sighed.

“Fine!” Kuko smirked.

“These vermin beasts needa shut up,

Otherwise this monk’s gonna fuck you up!”

“Now now no need to be fiesty,

Here’s a joke that is so spicy.
There’s no way, no,
We won’t take over Ueno!”

“I’ll say it, you’re persistent,

But guess what, I’m insistent.”

“We are M.C.D, there’s no fucking doubt,

No way we’re losing this round!”
I finished it up with a quick two-liner and watched the pussies get flung back. They put up a good
fight though, I had to give it to them.

The screaming from the girls in the crowd annoyed me. It wasn’t like they were bad, but I wonder
if they knew this wasn’t just a spectacle. They would probably never understand the pain.

“That was so cool!”

I heard a girl shout.

“Thanks! Keep cheering us on!” Sasara wove at the crowd as the girls squealed and ogled at us.
Bitches. Thank god that Sasara was good at dealing with crowds.

“Man, Tokyo’s full of cute girls!” Kuko cackled, “Now this is a sight!”

“Tch,” I unknowingly clicked my tongue. I waited for Sasara and Kuko to give out their thanks and
I noticed Ichiro doing the same thing. Good, at least they have manners. The great Samatoki
Aohitsugi didn’t have to worry about stuff like that though, of course.

A while later, we wove our goodbyes.

I always felt uneasy when we split up like this, Ichiro and me, Sasara and Kuko, but we haven’t
met Ramuda yet so I always thought that it was fine.

I sighed and fished out a cig, placing it in my mouth and using my other hand to light the cig I
stuffed my free hand into my jacket pocket.

“Nii-san,” Ichiro glanced at me, putting his hand down after waving at Sasara and Kuko. “You
seem pretty ticked off about something.”

“It’s nothing.”

“You sure?” Ichiro looked uncertain.

I gave him a side-eye and shook my head. “It’s all these girls popping up out of the woodwork.
They randomly appear and they’re a huge pain in the a… butt. Took us this long to get this far, but
they’re a buzzkill.”

“You know I’m seventeen right?” Ichiro smiled at me lightly, “You can curse freely, Nii-san.
Though I do understand what you mean. I appreciate how they come to cheer us on, but they do
sort of ruin the atmosphere… To be honest, I haven’t got all the battle out of my system for the day

“Hah,” I smiled as I lightly kicked Ichiro’s back. He wobbled forward, but he wasn’t injured.
“Look at you saying kiddie crap.”

“You can curse,” Ichiro chuckled.

“Nah, not ‘til you’re of age or some shit- fuck- crap.” I rummaged through my pockets and pulled
out my mic. During a visit, I heard Yamada brat #3 curse, haa, fuck no. He's fucking 12. It’s
because I’m influencing Ichiro, the babies are swearing. So I have to refrain. “But I like what you
said. How about it? I haven’t had enough yet either. Let’s go, me and you.”

“You already train me enough,” Ichiro laughed, “Even if I’d love to, you have to get home right? If
you get home late, Nemu’s going to be mad, you know.”
“Ah,” I put my mic away and started to walk faster, “Right, right.”

Ichiro sped up as well, catching up to me, laughing all the way.

“Found ya~☆!”

I felt myself being pulled towards Ichiro and pushed forward. I reacted quickly and pulled my cig

“Ichiro and Samatoki!”

Fuck. A child’s tone I’m too familiar with. Suddenly I’m getting the urge to call Sasara and Kuko.

“You’re that guy...”

I heard Ichiro speak as the weight on my back disappeared. We turned to see the pink motherfucker
of all things shit.

“... from Kuujaku Posse…”

“What do you want, Ramuda Amemura?”

Ichiro questioned Ramuda for me. I was slowly starting to get tired already and Ramuda only said
'hi'. Fuck it.

“Well, ya see~♡” Ramuda spun as he took a couple steps away from us. “I came to have a little
chit-chat with you!”

“Chit-chat?” Ichiro repeated with a conflicted face.

“Here,” Ramuda pulled out candy from his sweater. “Sweets for the sweet!”

I opened and closed my mouth. I was about to ask Ramuda if he needed them, but then I realized
that he probably didn’t know the extent of his looming death at this point. The lollipop swirling in
his mouth right now was no doubt the one he needed to stay alive.

The lollipops he ate… They tasted like regular candy, but they were packaged differently so that
they could be distinguished. I knew that he handed them out randomly because he was still
Chuuohku’s faithful puppet.

Maybe I should take a lot while he can still obtain them from Chuuohku.

“Give me all of your candy,” I stretched out a hand, my mind swirling with, not negative thoughts,
but thoughts to save Ramuda.


Ramuda took a step back in shock as Ichiro glanced over to me as if I was crazy.

“Nii-san? I thought you didn't like lollipops?”

“Come on, Ramuda,” I ignored Ichiro’s confused stare, “Give them to me.”

I stared into Ramuda’s emotional eyes. Bright eyes full of life and curiosity and suspicion. He
bounced over and handed me a shit ton of candy. I would have to start splitting the good ones from
the bad. I needed to make sure that I had a ton. At least, until I could find a way to manufacture
more. He tilted his head but dumped a ton into my waiting hands.


I shoved them into my pockets, once again, choosing to not comment on Ichiro’s questioning gaze.

“Is that all?” I asked my eyes leveling with Ramuda, “Because if not, you need to hurry up.”

“Then let me cut to the chase,” Ramuda spoke with a wide smile, “How ‘bout you form a team
with me and Jakurai?”

Ichiro’s eyes went dark and I only sighed. To know what would happen in the future. Ramuda…

“... You want us to join your team?” Ichiro’s voice was a baritone low. Ah, Ramuda ticked him off.

Ramuda clasped his hands together and begged loudly. Tiny pink bitch.

“We’re not going to double-cross Sasara and Kuko,” I sighed, ruffling my hair. I mean, I know
what it would end up as. Four males ruling the entire nation as the strongest team. I knew that the
four males would not have Sasara or Kuko included. But was it bad to want to stay with Sasara and
Kuko longer? To extend the days of M.C.D and have the happy days stay for a little while longer?

Was that unfair?

“Pretty, pretty please!” Ramuda clasped his hands as he begged. I wonder if he really thought he
was cute like this. “I promise we’re way more fun than those guys!”

Aand, Ramuda messed up. I saw something snap in Ichiro then. I quickly threw out my hand to
block Ichiro from pulling Ramuda up by the collar. Ichiro paused, blocked by my arms, and looked
at me with indescribable anger on his face.

I knew that that look would be directed at me in the near future.

“I heard that Samatoki was the more hot-headed one, but it doesn’t seem like it, huh?”

Ramada giggled and blew a raspberry. Ichiro let out an animalistic growl, maybe Kuko’s
influencing him too much.

“What did you say, bastard?” Ichiro snarled, “You’re disrespecting my friends and Nii-san?”

“Ahaha!” Ramuda laughed loudly, “I would never! I bet they’re all worthy and great! I’m just
saying that you’d have more fun with me and Jakurai~☆”

“Stop,” I looked at Ramuda’s blue eyes. “I’ll play along.”

“Ooh, really?” Ramuda smiled so wide his eyes closed, “Yay!”

“If you beat me in a battle right now, I’ll quit M.C.D and join Kuujaku Posse.”


Ichiro’s eyes widened as my mic shifted. I stared into Ramuda’s eyes, calculating deviously like
the little demon he is.

“Ooh, the leader Samatoki is going to quit M.C.D?”

Ramuda licked his lips before he smiled widely and ran off.

“Eek! Samatoki’s scary!”

As I suspected, the little shit ran.

“Heeey~ I’m not gonna give up! See ya later~☆!”


“Honestly, tell me if you’re going to be late.”

I looked at my plate of curry as Nemu shook her head disapprovingly.

“The food’s gone cold.”

“Sorry, sorry,” I apologized as I took a seat, “Got caught up in talking with Ichiro. He’s probably
coming over with his brothers later, that okay?”

“I suspected that,” Nemu hummed, “I already made enough curry for five people.”

“That’s good,” I nodded. “How’s work?”

“You already know Yanagi-san wants you to come back,” Nemu giggled softly, “But it’s fine.
Nothing large or unforgiving. “

“You’re strong now.”

“You’re the one who taught me how to rap,” Nemu snorted, pulling out her hidden mic from her

“It’s dangerous… the outside world.” I didn’t touch my plate since I wanted to eat with everyone.
Nemu and I, we just knew he was coming. We didn’t have to ask. “I won’t let any more of those
shitheads like Mozuku throw their weight around anymore.”

I watched a switch flip in Nemu’s eyes.

“I… I heard about what you did to Mozuku after you defeated him,” she stared at the cold curry on
the table, “Irrational violence is wrong.”


I decided to indulge her this time. What was the point if she was going to leave me soon anyways?
What is my ‘irrational violence’ was the real reason she stayed in Chuuohku despite breaking free
of the true hypnosis mic?


“Maybe it is wrong,” I supplied, “But I can’t help it sometimes. I’ll try to be rational from now on,

I closed my eyes to avoid eye contact with the pink eyes rising from the cold plate to my face.


“Yeah, I’ll try. But the reality is, Nemu, emotions get the better of me all the time.”
The door rang and I stood up to get it.

“Whether we like it or not.”

I greeted Ichiro and his brothers with a faux smile.

“We’re having curry tonight!”

I announced.


They cheered.

My strained smile never slipped off my face. Maybe it became more genuine as time passed.

Chapter End Notes

Didn't forget this time! Also, I forgot to mention, but I think everyone noticed- Ichiro
went from Nii-chan to Nii-san to signify his 'maturity'.
Pop is another way to say soda

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
Choosing for me
Chapter Summary

Samatoki wants to check up on what he is to Sasara. And prepares himself to continue

MCD's era. But things don't always go his way...

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

I decided to call Sasara late at night, or rather, early morning. He definitely didn’t appreciate it and
he definitely wasn’t in the mood for jokes.

“Fuck, Samatoki…” I heard a groan on the other side of the call. “Do you know what time it is?”

“You have time to chat?”

“Fuck you, man.”

I walked out to the nearest window and opened it. Lighting up a cig, I puffed and waited for Sasara
to get up. Selfishly I knew, I knew that Sasara would end up getting up to listen to me.

A rustle, a sigh, a stretch, and a yawn.

“What do you need so early, Samatoki?”

“You sure it isn’t late?”

“I would crack a joke if I wasn’t so tired.”

“I know,” I chuckled at the phone. “I just wanted to talk with you, no hard feelings?”

“I think they’re already hurt.”


He laughed and I smiled.

“You remember you said you wanted to help me because I looked like your former partner, right?”

The laughter choked out with a sharp intake of breath.


“Do you… do you see me as a friend?”

“Wha- Of course I do?”

"I meant as me, myself."

“It’s just been bothering me,” I interrupted him.

I wasn’t scared for the answer, no. I just needed to confirm my thoughts or Rosho’s words from the
far future. When we laughed together, played around, visited others, and had rap battles together,
did you see me or did you imagine it being Rosho instead? I ended up wondering what he thought
of me ever since I found out about Rosho's existence right before the 2nd DRB.

“It’s been bothering me for a long time.”

I was being extremely truthful right now, it sort of scared me.


The silence was gripping my throat and constricting it ever so slowly I wouldn’t have noticed that I
was suffocating. Like frogs in a slowly boiling pot of water.

“We can forget this ever happened if you want. I’m sorry for stepping over my boundaries-”

“Don’t apologize.”

Words that stumbled out of my mouth froze.

“Don’t. Just don’t."

I inhaled as Sasara spoke.

"There are times when you- never mind. I can answer that question. You’re you, Rosho’s Rosho. I
might’ve gotten you mixed up in the beginning, but in the end, you guys are fundamentally
different. Two different individuals that I can cherish and be proud to say you’re my friends. I
respect both of you differently, you are not Rosho, Rosho is not you. You can’t be replaced and
neither can Rosho. Does that make sense?”

“Yes,” I let out a breathless reply. Fuck, wait. My chest, fuck. Maybe I took in too much nicotine. I
choked out a cough and snuffed the cause of my pain away. Fuck, what the fuck?

“Hey, you okay?!”

Sasara sounded really alarmed. I wanted to laugh at him for his needless worry.

“Yeah, I just inhaled too much nicotine,” I replied after gaining my breath.

“You fucking moron.”

“Shitty clown.”



“Is that it?”

I hummed. Was that it? Ramuda’s visit had ended up shaking me to my core, but that didn’t really
mean anything, right?

“Nah, one more.”

“What is it?”

“Promise me,” I hummed, “that you will contact me even after you leave.”

“Huh?! What kind of question is that? Are you getting all sentimental or something because it’s-”

“Can you promise me that? You know I’ll forgive you no matter what. You can punch me or hurt
me or whatever, promise me that you at least know I will forgive you and welcome you back with
open arms.”

“Dude,” Sasara sighed, “You’re being so cheesy that you’re out cheesing Switzerland… and they
have Swiss cheese!!!”


I guess he was awake enough to throw out a joke, huh?

“Yeah, yeah. I already know what kind of person you are, you doormat.”

I thought of retorting, but I decided not to.

“Cool, night.”

“Wait, you’re hanging-”

I hung up and looked out at the night sky.


Is it okay to dread tomorrow?

“Yo Samatoki!” Sasara grabbed my shoulder. He didn’t question the call this morning or anything.
Cool guy. “Why’s Nemu here?”

We were walking down the streets of the red-light district of Gotanda. The place where my third
major heartbreak would reside since I met 12-year-old Ichiro.

“She said she wanted to tag along today for some reason. I let her come ‘cause we ain’t doin’
anything dangerous today.”

“... Doesn’t she have a part-time job with that cafe?”

“Yeah, but apparently, Yanagi-san said she has the day off.”

“And you just let her tag along?”

We walked past a vending machine with a couple cans of soda. Ichiro, Nemu, and Kuko were
walking ahead of Sasara and me, chatting away with some random things.


“Nevermind, you just can’t say no, can’t you?”

“Shut up, I can too.”

Sasara eyed me unconvinced.

“Fucker, sure I can.”

“Mmm, I want soda.”

Remembering that vending machine we just passed, I opened my mouth to holler at the two brats
and Nemu to stop before Sasara pulled me closer to him.

“See, you can’t say ‘no’.”

“Fuck you.”

I glanced over where Ichiro, Kuko, and Nemu were talking to each other. I watched over them
fondly, I think. It felt nice to see them get along.

“Man,” I turned my attention to Sasara again. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been here, but it’s
the same mess of a town it’s always been.”

“Woah,” Kuko spoke right after Sasara, glancing around with curiosity and disgust, “This place is
packed with signs for adult shops.”

Sasara walked forward to grab Kuko’s shoulder.

“Kinda reminds you of Ikeboobkuro, huh?”

“Ugh, that sucked!” Kuko recoiled, separating himself from Ichiro and Nemu.

“W-What do you mean?!” Sasara grabbed Kuko and shook him. “You don’t get my amazing

“No no no! It’s like ‘the shameless understand human nature'. Only a dude like you who's got a
screw loose would find it funny, you know?”

“Geez... I don’t understand what you just said,” Sasara released Kuko to sigh dejectedly, “It’s like
I’ve got so much empty space in my head that NASA’s calling.”

“A dad joke,” Kuko cringed.

“What do you mean it’s a dad joke?!” Sasara jumped.

“Hey,” I lightly kicked Sasara’s ass, “Cut it out!”

“Mmm,” Sasara rubbed his ass a little and looked at me with a serious glint in his not opened eyes.


“That’s my bad-boon!”


Sasara then ran out with a wiggle. I laughed at the way he ran, finding my laughter mixed with
annoyance and joy.


A loud roar of amazement was heard and it stopped everyone in their tracks. I had an inkling of
what the roar was about and who we were about to see.

Ichiro and Kuko attempted to sprint over but I walked over there slowly, motioning them to stay
with the group. They exchanged glances and listened, walking slowly to the commotion.

There he was, pink bastard.

Four bodies on the ground conked out.

One petite man with doll blue eyes and a black hat. He wore all white akin to a hospital. His voice
was high-pitched and sweet, laced with fakeness. Innocently he stood, but I knew better.

“The whole team,” Kuko trailed off, his eyes on the bodies. Sasara and Ichiro glanced at the little
pink bitch wearily. I only smiled, I had a good idea to prolong MCD after all. Ramuda wasn't a
threat to me right now.

“Oh! Hiya~☆! Over here!” Little gremlin wove his hands as he called out to us.

“You beat the whole team by yourself?” Ichiro would’ve awed if he wasn’t wary of Ramuda
already. Ichiro seemed to dislike Ramuda a little more than usual, but I didn’t mind that. I did think
that we'd have to change that mindset of his to accept Ramuda for TDD, but that wasn't going to be
near us anytime soon.

“Yup, sure did! Heard you guys were coming for a battle today so I came here to watch!”

“Why’d you battle them then?” Sasara asked, gauging Ramuda’s danger level.

“They all came charging at me so I had to do something you know!” Ramuda exclaimed. He pulled
a hand over his mouth, “I was super, duper shocked when they went down in one verse~☆!”

“You said in one verse?” Ichiro was starting to get more aware of his surroundings.

“Mmhmm~☆ I took out the trash before your battle for ya! Eh heh~♡” Ramuda twirled, “But your
opponents sure are late, aren’t they? It’s naughty to keep people waiting.”

Kuko spat at the ground, “That team you cleared out was the one we were gonna fight.”

“Ooh, really?! Guess I went a lil’ overboard,” Ramuda huffed before he ‘cutely’ knocked himself
on his head, “Oopsy-daisy~♡!”

“Cut the bullshit,” I challenged. “You knew, didn’t you?”

“My my~! That’s a bold assumption!” Ramuda beamed. He then waved his hand as if the matter at
hand wasn't important. In all honesty, it really wasn't. “No matter, I wanted to tell you that my
team, Kuujaku Posse, challenges your Mad Comic Dialogue to a battle!”

“You understand what it means to challenge us?” Ichiro asked uncertainly.

“Duh~ Of course! You see, Kuujaku Posse controls almost all of western Tokyo, and you guys
have the east side! So whoever wins this battle, basically owns Tokyo!”

“... You say you want to battle, but your team has only two people. Are you really saying you will
go against all of us?”

“Mmm, I’m fine with it but,” Ramuda tapped his chin. “I wonder, will it really be 2 on 4?”
I should’ve seen Ramuda’s hand earlier. He had already planned it all out. I was calm though. I
closed my eyes as Kuko behind me shouted.

“Hey! What does that mean?!”

“Ahahaha! Nothing~☆! There’s only two of us, but we’re totally up for it, so the decisions on you

“What if we don’t want to?”

Everyone stopped and turned to look at me. I opened my eyes to stare Ramuda down.


I could hear the star at the end of his sentence drop.

“What if we don’t want to battle Kuujaku Posse?”

My perfect answer to increasing my time with Sasara and Kuko and Nemu.


“Ah,” Ramuda looked shocked, then he smiled widely. “Aha! Ahahahaha! You don’t want to
battle us?!” He doubled over, clutching his sides. “Are you scared?”

I frowned as Ramuda continued to laugh. Watching his eyes, he was scheming something. He was
definitely trying to overcome this sudden obstacle. I wasn’t going to give in.

"We're not going to battle you," I stated calmly. Ramuda can't intimidate me.

“Is Mad Comic Dialogue really as strong as they claim?”

I ignored that provocation too.

"My answer isn't going to change."

Ramuda's eyes started to shake and his voice was sounding more forced than natural. He was
starting to panic. Good.

“Does everyone follow your words, leader Samatoki-sama~☆?”

My eyebrow twitched, but I smoothed it out. I was standing by my decision.

“Maybe Samatoki isn’t strong?”


I turned to see Kuko snarl. What the fuck, what are you getting angry for? Kuko understands that
Ramuda’s insulting me and not him right?

“Is Samatoki weak? Lonely~☆? I wouldn't be surprised if Mad Comic Dialogue was a group of
strong folk except you!”

All of a sudden the pink gremlin was sounding more confident. What the hell these provocations
might've reached me in the past, but-

“We’ll do it.”

I spun my head so fast to see Ichiro with his face shadowed in anger. No, wait, Sasara and Kuko
looked pissed off too. I could see Kuko’s veins bulging and Sasara and craning his neck.

“Wait, I just said-”

“And let him get away with insulting you?” Sasara questioned, quirking a brow and turning his
head towards me.

“Fuck. No.” Kuko replied.

Wait, this was going off the course I had prepared-

“And so everyone who’s brave in Mad Comic Dialogue decided to accept our challenge! How
about setting the date for two days from now~☆?”

"Samatoki is brave too! He'll beat your ass!" Kuko hissed.


“How about settling this right now?!” Kuko snarled. The other two nodded their heads.


“Uwaaah! You guys are so scary~☆” Ramuda ran off. "Two days from now?"

“Two days from now,” Ichiro agreed. He was growling too. I was confused. What’s happening? I
thought we weren’t doing it?

“See you then~☆”


I looked over at the other three who cluttered over me.

“Don’t worry Nii-san, you don’t have to fight if you don’t want to.”

“We should be okay with just the three of us.”

“Let’s beat their asses tomorrow!”

Did I miss something here?!

Chapter End Notes

Gah it's a three hour late post. Sorry!

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
One End, One Start
Chapter Summary

Sasara and Kuko suddenly call Ichiro and Samatoki. Samatoki heads out with a heavy
heart. He can't stop here though, there are people waiting for him. Oh, and TDD is

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

On our walk back, the group was almost dead silent. I pulled out a cig to puff. The heat seemed to
have died from everyone and they were all avoiding my gaze.

“Your smoking is bothering people!”

Everyone but Nemu. I watched my newly lit cig be ripped from my hand and tossed to the cement
ground. Damn.

“I don’t see anyone pitchin’ a fit…”

I glanced at the other three who had their heads hung low.

“It’s bothering me!”

I clicked my tongue and held back the urge to grab another one.

“What’s with the dead silence? Y’all seemed so fired up a couple of minutes ago.”

“Did we upset you, Nii-san?”

Ichiro timidly met my gaze.

“Is this what it’s about?”

I raised a brow. Since when did they care about my opinion on this matter? Haaa, idiots.

“You already accepted it, let’s go and beat their asses the day after tomorrow, simple, right?”

“Yes!” “Duh.” “Of course!”

It wasn’t simple.

I rolled my eyes fondly and ignored the urge to throw up whatever I had Nemu cook me for

As we walked, I could overhear Ichiro and Nemu chatting as Kuko and Sasara hummed about one
thing or another. I couldn’t make out what anyone was saying. I wish I could. It could be
something important.

“Let’s get some grub at Yanagi-san’s cafe,” I said after a while, the silence was killing me.
“Sorry, but me and Kuko gotta dip,” Sasara apologized.

I froze up for a bit. I must’ve worried someone because Ichiro grabbed my shoulders and shook me

“I mean unless you want us to stay,” Sasara quickly amended, looking my way. I mustered up the
biggest smile I could and slapped his back.

“As if I care whether you come or not, fucking clown!”

The corner of my smile twitched. Sasara looked unconvinced.

“Just remember you promised," I said without looking at his eyes.

I noticed Sasara eyeing me as he walked away with Kuko.

“Thank you Yanagi-san!”


Two shitty brats stuffing their faces with pastries that I was paying for. Fucking brats. Yamada brat
#2 was eating faster than Yamada brat #3 who was trying to futilely beat his older brother. He
couldn’t beat the athlete, athlete’s stomachs are literally made differently, I swear.

Nemu was conversing with Ichiro again. She wove her hand around, the other propped on the table,
holding up her cheek. Ichiro seemed more or less content with listening to her and slurping on his
strawberry smoothie.

As for me, my brain was elsewhere.

I had to prepare for tomorrow, I’m sure. I had to prepare Ichiro for tomorrow and I had to stay
strong for all four of us.


I glanced over to Ichiro, my coffee cup emptied despite the fact I didn’t even touch it.

Four children stared at the only adult at the table. Their eyes glittered with fucking innocence.

I couldn’t force a smile so I took a bite out of Ichiro’s cake and hummed.


I’ll feign ignorance until tomorrow.

“Man, they’re late,” Ichiro sighed for the nth time, his eyes never leaving his phone’s screen.

“Ichiro,” firm red eyes were planted on the heterochromatic green and red eyes. “You trust me?”

“Yeah? What’s this suddenly?”

“Try not to cry today.”

Ichiro’s eyes were round. They were less sad, less afraid, and they resembled the curiosity of the
twelve-year-old when I first met him this time around. This innocent look that I knew would tear
down by the end of this afternoon.

Fuck it.

“Whatever happens happens, don’t try to make sense of it.”


Bzz. Bzz.

I didn’t bother picking up the phone call. I just walked out to the door with a heavy heart.

Time to steel myself.

“Dude it’s hella rude to leave your friends waiting for you this long.”

I heard Ichiro huff angrily as I walked out the door. Holding the vibrating phone in my pockets, I
walked out confidently. I have to play along if I want to reach my goal. You want to dance
Chuuohku? I’ll give you my best impromptu waltz. I’m not fucking playing anymore.

East Ikebukuro Division Central Park.

Goddamn awful memories are associated with this place, huh?

I saw Sasara waiting for me. By the look in his opened eyes and the posture, I could already tell his
mind was hacked.

“You leaving?”

A cold question.

“Yeah, I’m leaving.”

An equally cold answer.

“Your reason?”

“I’ve been fed up with you for aaages now. The way you talk, the way you act, your stupid face,
your personality… I hate all of it! I can’t stand it anymore! I’ve had enough!”

“I won’t stop you.”

I let go of him easily. It hurt so fucking much. Heart attacks… are certainly dangerous. I gave him
a smile, at least let him go with a smile. I told myself.

Sasara twitched. He grabbed his head and I only watched him the smile etched in place.

“Don’t think about why you have to go, you just do.”

I can recall the time I asked Ramuda about the true hypnosis mic before it was completed into
perfection. What would happen if you tried to disobey?

“What would happen? If you’re going against it, it’s like your mind is fighting the order with the
truth right? Wouldn’t it hurt? Doesn’t the order win in the end? And if it doesn’t… at what cost did
you win? Isn’t it just better it out until its effects are almost over to try and combat it? I wouldn’t
really know though, tehe~☆”
Yes… at what cost are you willing to fight the hypnosis, Sasara.

I stared down at Sasara.

Just go back down to Osaka where you’ll find your own division and remeet your old partner. Isn’t
that better in the end?

“You just hate me and you just want to leave the team, right? Go back down south then.”

“I’m going back because I want to! Not because you’re telling me to!” Sasara screamed as he
summoned his mic.

I didn’t even bother summoning my own mic.

“Why won’t you fight back?”

The words were the same as the first ones that were seared into memory. But… wasn’t the tone

I looked up from the ground I was pushing myself up from. Sasara had tears running down his
eyes. I wonder why.

“What are you hiding Samatoki?” Sasara held his mic tightly, “Why isn’t anyone allowed to help

I don’t understand. Everyone was helping me all the time. What were the smiles then, the laughter?
What about the times we hung out and did stupid things. Or when everyone cared for each other.
Was that not help?

“Goodbye Samatoki.”

Words I knew.

“I can’t work with someone who isn’t willing to trust me.”

Words I never heard.

Ah, but maybe that hurt me more than I would’ve liked it to.

I let the cig in my mouth burn into a stump. The office felt lonelier and I knew exactly why. I can
only anticipate it to get even more lonelier before it’s gone, huh.

I wasn’t crying. No. Not to something I already experienced. It was a little different, but it was all
the same in the end.


I acknowledged the boy who decided to sit in front of me. I moved myself over to sit next to him,
tapping the ashes out of the cig in my mouth.

“Did you know?”

A quiet, wavering voice of a strong individual.

“I might’ve guessed,” I supplied. “They called at the same time.”

“He and I started off as enemies.”

Ah, I heard this before. I knew the full story thanks to Kuko too.

“But as we kept on battling we became friends before we even knew it… we went through a ton of
awful shit, but we got through it all together… H-He was m-my best f-friend… My best friend…”

Ichiro started to cry.

Bastard, even though I told him not to…

Think about how I would feel. Knowing this would happen and letting it happen all the same.

Pulling Ichiro into a side hug, I thought up another life lesson that probably wasn’t worth anything.

“Hey Ichiro. A fight with a friend’s not a good enough reason for a man to cry, y’know? Dumbass,
the only time a man cries is when his family dies. Got it? And you know, Kuko’s not dead, is he?
As long as we’re all alive, then we still have a chance to talk to each other again sometime. He was
being weird, give it two years. Try to call him again or some shit. Who knows, he might not even
remember today in the future. He might not know why or anything.”

“How would he forget-!”

“He was actin’ weird.”

I stood up and looked away from Ichiro. Walking to the door, I couldn't look at the teenager behind

“He was actin’ weird.”

I held back tears.

Just when I thought the knowledge of the future was helpful, what kind of curse was this? Just
what could I fix?

“We’ll win tomorrow for sure, for them and for us. Think about it as if they left to make it more
even for the other team.”


I couldn't turn to face him as I spoke in a false determined voice. I had to be the adult he hated so
much here. One that lies.

“Dang,” Ichiro eyed the crowd, “It’s like half the city showed up to watch.”

“Doesn’t matter,” I mumbled, puffing on my cancer stick, “Whoever’s watching doesn’t change
what we do and what’ll happen.”

“R-Right,” Ichiro nodded his head firmly.

I caught Sensei looking over at us, I gave him a short wave and turned my attention back to Ichiro.

“You ready?”

“I won’t disappoint you, Nii-san,” Ichiro stated confidently.

“Ha, don’t worry about it. You never will,” I hummed, “Nemu’s watching though, so we hafta be
cool on stage, ya hear?”


I tuned out after that, my eyes staring at Ramuda who was the MC for the battle.

“And now, and one! Next up are the boys from Mad Comic Dialogue! Five it up for Samatoki
Aohitsugi and Ichiro Yamada!”

I walked out slowly, Ichiro in tow. He didn't even bother mentioning Sasara and Kuko. Well, made
sense. If he knew they wouldn't come, why would he announce their names? Ichiro didn't seem to
notice though, focusing more on the mic in his hands.

All the girls were screaming for Ichiro. Heh, as if he’d like some pussy, screaming girl like them.

My ears were ringing from the loud noise of the audience. The lights were too bright on stage and I
felt blinded. There was saliva in my mouth, but it tasted metallic. The grip on my mic was tight, the
mic felt like spikes protruding my skin, but I made an effort not to reveal what I felt. The real
annoyance was the strong scent of perfume that wafted over to my nose, burning it.

“Samatokiii! You’re so cooool!”

“Aaah! Samatokiii!!!”

I had an image to uphold, whiny teenage girls.

"Stop it."

I flipped them off in hopes of stopping them.

They screamed louder.

What the fuck? I’ll never understand them.

“Ahahaha! So it is two on two after all~☆!”

“No thanks to someone,” I countered Ramuda who wove his hands. His wide eyes suddenly
narrowed as he gauged my threat level. I seemed to score low when his eyes widened again into
that disgustingly fake, cute act.

“Hello, it’s good to see you again.”

Sensei gave us a short bow. I followed suit causing Ichiro to do the same.

“Hello Sensei,” a respectful tone for a respected someone, “I won’t hold back just because you
helped us last time.”

“I was hoping you wouldn’t.”

“Hah,” I huffed, “Someone’s confident.”

To my side, I could hear Ichiro talk with Ramuda. He seemed pissed off for some reason.

“I’m gonna make you take back your insults right now!”

I glanced over at Ichiro alarmed. Huh? He wasn't that angered when we got here?

“And with that,” Ramuda announced, “Let the battle begin! Since we challenged you, we’ll let you
go first.”

“Let’s go Ichiro,” I summoned my mic.

“On it!” Ichiro summoned him as well.

“Sensei, Ramuda, don’t take this too nicely.

You guys need to come over here and agree.
One talks big for a guy too small to see,
The other too small for a man with large vanity!”

“You call that a fight?

You punks feeling brave?
‘Cause you’re getting these disses
Instead of flowers on your grave!”

“Nii-san,” Ichiro’s eyes narrowed as the other side summoned their own mics. "It’s like they hardly
felt it.”

I ignored the bandages on Ichiro’s face caused by a fucker who wouldn't be back anytime soon.


“From the way you look at me

My, what a devotee!
How can I get these fans to see
Your vision of me is only a fantasy?”

“Wh-What is this?” Ichiro hissed.

Rap abilities.

I closed my eyes to sharpen the rest of my senses. Right, Ramuda was the only one with an ability
at this time in the whole nation, huh?

“Nii-san! Let’s take ‘em down!”

“Okay,” I breathed through my nose.

I managed to send a hit towards Ramuda through the smell of his fucking lollipops instead of
Ichiro, but Ichiro’s verses stung when they swerved back to hit me.


“What the-?”

I watched as Ramuda almost broke his exterior, shock written all over his face at the landing
attack. Sensei seemed surprised as well. Ichiro helped me up, apologizing and asking what
happened. I waved him off.

“Well~☆” Ramuda quickly fixed his mask, “My rap skill bewitched ya! Just a lil’ magic to make
you attack each other~♡! But it looked like it failed with Samasama~☆!”

“Motherfucker,” I swore under my breath.

We got hit pretty rough after. Fucking assholes, I refuse to go down. I will never falter or lose
because of a fucking rap battle ever again. There was one exception but it was not now.

“Ichiro! Don’t worry about me! Hit ‘em with everything you’ve got!”


I stared at him. Ichiro firmed his resolve and nodded.

“Here I go!” Ichiro summoned his speakers, ready to blast at full volume.

I took the hit, unexpected, but worth it.

“Ggh,” Ichiro looked uncomfortable, “Not again…!”

I grit my teeth and smiled. Guess what Ramuda, you pink fucking little shitty gremlin bitch. You're
not the only one with a rap ability. Oh no, not this fucking time.

“Hehehe,” I laughed, “Hahaha!” I held my microphone stand. I couldn’t use the full extent because
I didn’t want to bring Chuuohku’s eyes to me, but… “That was a pretty good hit, Ichiro. Now with
your help, I’m gonna show ‘em who’s boss…”

My speakers growled as they took Ichiro's attack and I sent it back to Ramuda and Sensei double
the amount.

"Huh?!" "Gh!"

Kuujaku Posse was sent flying back.


“Nice one, Ichiro.” I gave him a thumbs up. We then fist-bumped.

Two rounds later Ramuda and Sensei forfeited.

We chased them backstage after the battle was officially finished.

We argued for a while, or more like Ichiro argued with Ramuda and Sensei for a while. The
persuasion started once Sensei pulled Ramuda away from Ichiro and I managed to calm the feisty
brat down.

“Don’t you hate that? I just want life to be fun. I hate all this constant fighting, fighting,

A real complaint from a faker.

I understand though. What’s wrong to want to have fun for the short time we have called life? Why
spend it fighting?

It took fewer words and more feelings as Ichiro and I joined Kuujaku Posse.

And even fewer words and even more feelings to become the Dirty Dawg.
And of course, I can take credit for coining the name once again.

Chapter End Notes

Sooo, instead of the next chapter, there is going to be a 'special chapter' in a different
character's view for Thursday! Uhh, it will probably be in a different archive in the
same series so keep a lookout for that! I'll also add the link here, after Thursday :D

As always, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga

scanlations, translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
Afternoon Hangout (Ft. Ramuda and Jakurai)
Chapter Summary

Samatoki hangs out with Ramuda alone for the first time and he meets Yotsutsuji.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

I was playing around with Ichiro in Tokyo since the whole district belonged to us. It wasn’t a bad
hang out, just one with fun, for fun, and for entertainment. He had to leave for Ikebukuro because
he promised to hang out with his brothers. I watched him go.

Sometimes I would still visit Yanagi-san in Ikebukuro, but I tended to drift here and there. I only
saw Nemu during dinner because of it, but she didn’t mind as much as I did. I found it a little
annoying to flutter here and there, but otherwise, it was doable.

“Samasama~☆!” Ramuda wove his hands together. “Over here!”

Because Ichiro was busy, Ramuda asked me on an impromptu hang out and I found it plausible to
do it. Technically speaking it would be the first time it was just me and Ramuda without anyone
else. I was also supposed to meet Sensei’s child soon, but I wasn’t sure exactly when soon was. I
walked up to Ramuda’s fashion shop, the pink gremlin jumping up and down as I got closer.

“Yo,” I drawled, puffing on my cig. I snuffed it on the wall and let it fall out.

“Hiya~☆! I’m glad you could make it!”

Ramuda opened the door and I walked in. He walked in shortly after.

“What is it?”

Ramuda wordlessly pulled out a bright-colored jacket. Well, his clothes were normally bright, but
this one burned my retinas. There was black on it, but the white and neon colors stood out so much
in my eyes… It was like I was staring right at the sun.

“No,” I told Ramuda, shaking my head lightly.

“O~☆ kay~☆!” Ramuda slid out and returned with a black puffed-up jacket with dark blue streaks.
It sort of looked like Mad Trigger Crew blue.

I let out a sound of agreement and Ramuda disappeared into his office again.

He later came out with an outfit set and demanded that I wear it. I rolled my eyes but did as I was
told. He was thoroughly displeased when I told him I only wore vintage clothes a couple of days
ago. I don’t think he understands. Vintage clothing was the absolute best.

But I guess I liked Ramuda’s clothes too. I think they're very well made.

“What about that? Is that better than your vintage clothes?”

“Hey, nothing’s wrong with vintage,” I grumbled, checking myself out in the three-way mirror. “It
ain’t bad, I like it, pretty dark though, huh?”

“Well, I made it with you in mind~☆!” Ramuda giggled.

“Sure, sure…”

I pulled on the soft fabric of the pants and did another look over. If Ramuda wanted to sell it to me,
I would buy it without hesitation.

“Your skills are the real deal, huh?”

“But of course~☆!”

“It’s as authentic as you are.”

Ramuda’s eyes narrowed into slits at that. He seemed on edge and I wonder if he thought it meant
that skills were as fake as he thought he was. As insecure as he was. My choice of words was trash
as usual.

“No one else can make it,” I huffed, “You’re a human being with more talent.”


“I like it. Can I keep it?”

Ramuda looked at me with wonder in his eyes. His blue eyes sparkled at the sound of being
praised. I guess it was different coming from a ‘friend’ than it was with multiple strangers.

“Sure! But you’ll have to pay for it~☆!”

“Sure, how much?”

“Eh? Uh, you don’t actuallyhavetopay-”

“Cool,” I placed a couple of bucks down. It was around a bit more expensive than my vintage
clothing ‘cause it’s Ramuda’s design.

“Wait, Samatoki? That’s more money than what you pay for your regular clothing?! And your
clothes are vintage.”

“Hmm?” I looked at Ramuda whose jaw was unhinged. “It’s worth at least this much. Do you
think it costs more?”


“Cool, I’ll wear it and take care of it well.”

“Uh-um,” Ramuda stuttered, his guppy eyes not getting any smaller.

I closed my eyes for a second and a design appeared in my mind. Ah, I wanted to wear that. I really

“Think you can make me a custom later?”

Ramuda returned to normal at that point. He was still confused, I could tell, but he was definitely
more willing to keep up his fake act. I was giving him a chance of escape for now.

“Sure? You’re commissioning me?”

“I wouldn’t ask anyone else. No one has the talents except you,” I stated firmly. My thoughts
spinning to recollect as many memories of the future it had as it could.

“Don’t you only like vintage clothes?”

“You’re an exception.”

Ramuda seemed really pleased by that.

I asked for a couple of his candies, returning the ones I deemed that weren’t the medications he

“Why are you giving them back?"

" I said I didn’t like them."

He tossed another random batch of candy into my waiting arms and I put them in my pockets to
sort them when I got home.

During my time with Ramuda, I think I saw him genuinely smile a couple of times.

Whenever I mentioned him being a true human, a real being, the fake niceties disappeared, leaving
a vulnerable, truthful Ramuda. He seemed shocked every other time I said something, but I ignored
him. If he couldn’t feel being told he matters and that he’s human no matter what, then he is an
ignorant shit. Scratch that, he's more of an ignorant shit. Of course, I didn’t say anything directly. I
didn’t want him to get on to me.

But as long as he understood me. As long as he was smiling freely.

Wasn’t that all that mattered?

“Hello, I am Yotsutsuji Kannabi.”

“Samatoki Aohitsugi, that’s Ichiro Yamada.”

I met up with Yotsutsuji when Sensei finally decided to introduce us to each other. It was
interesting to see how Yotsutsuji was doing before he became a pretty good doctor.

He was definitely nice and more eager to help out, especially Jakurai. I hope to connect with him
soon. I definitely did not buy him something to gain his favor. I only bought it because I thought
he’d like it.

He did.

Sensei appreciated the gesture too.

Ichiro and Yotsutsuji surprisingly hit it off well. They were both polite and they showed that caring
side of their personalities as they spoke with each other. I should bring Nemu over later. I wonder if
Ramuda would care. I guess I won't.

“Sensei,” I hummed, “That’s a nice son.”

“Well, I would hope that I am a befitting father.”

“Nah, you’re a great father. Don’t sell yerself short.”

“Thank you, Samatoki-kun.”

“You mentioned you adopted him after his parents died, right?”

“That is correct.”

I nodded, ignoring how my back tingled with pain that was inexplicable and explicable. Instead, I
glanced over to my injured leg. Well, scarred leg. It still had that ugly zigzag shape and I only ever
felt it near construction sites. Not to mention, I couldn’t even see it beneath my pants. I looked at
the shoulder that had a bullet graze it. That only scarred as a clean line and it was underneath my

But still, I stared, thinking about what would’ve happened if I had not saved Ichiro that day. This
mark was proof that I had changed the future somehow. Hopefully, it was going in a more positive

“Oh yeah, Yotsutsuji,” I looked up from my leg and to the young boy who was speaking with
Ichiro. He looked curiously at me, his head tilting to the side.


“Thanks for all the scouting and stuff you do,” I hummed. “Without you, I don’t know if TDD
would be able to defeat all of these teams the way we do.”

His cheeks, dusted a light pink, twitched as he smiled widely.

“Of course!”

He bubbled over as Ichiro gave his own thanks. I watched the two brats, thinking about what they
would be like in the future.

Wait, let’s not take it there. I brought my mind back. I didn’t want to see it.

“Thank you, Samatoki-kun.”


I glanced over to Sensei who moved over to me.

“For what?”

“For thanking Yotsutsuji-kun. He seemed to be quite troubled lately. I wasn’t sure how I could lift
his spirits.”

“Ha, I only told him what he deserved,” I snorted. After a moment of silence, I huffed, “You’re not
a superhero, Sensei.”

“Indeed, but I fear I must be because everyone else perceives me that way.”

“I don’t.”

Sharp blue eyes gazed over my lazy red ones. He seemed to be gauging the meaning of my
sentence, trying to understand me. Too bad, Sensei. I’m not the easily readable guy I used to be. If I
was, I would’ve died a long time ago.

I wonder if he found it fun or interesting to meet someone he couldn’t read as easily.

“You’re as human as all of us, if you fail, no one will blame you. You can afford a couple of
mistakes Sensei,” I had the urge to pull out one of my cigs.

“I see,” Sensei blinked slowly. He nodded his head in a rather slow fashion and pulled on his

I forced myself to ugly laugh at Sensei. The latest mistake I could remember hurt a fuck ton, but I
didn’t plan on telling him fuck.

“Sensei, don’t tell me you thought of yourself as some superhero this entire time?”

“Perhaps I did.”

It was a conceited answer. It made sense to someone who’s been placed on a pedestal over and
over again. He was someone who received the burden of others despite not wanting it. I wonder if I
could be a ‘superhero’ for everyone this time.

As long as I wasn’t the ‘victim’ I think I would be okay.

“If you chase after being someone invincible, you’re going to fall too quickly from the top,


“But if you still wish to be that person, let me be your backup.”

Sensei’s blue eyes widened. His hands twitched and his jaw fell loose to make a delicate circle.

“If you fall, I’ll be there for you, hero.”

I sort of laughed at how awful that was. I wonder if he cared.

Chapter End Notes

Whoo! TDD is here now (I struggle with writing TDD)

Train Harder, You Three
Chapter Summary

Samatoki agrees to train Ichiro, but he also agreed to train Zinan at the same time and
day beforehand. Without a choice, he ends up training both of them, but there's an
unexpected attendant...

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

I groaned. Ichiro had requested me to train him and I forgot that I already promised Zinan to train
at that time. The training would begin in 8 minutes and I had to find a room big enough for three
people to duke it out with each other.

I didn’t want to do it in the main room, the one big enough to fit everyone from the group to have
multiple battles at once. Most of them normally trained there so I wanted to find a smaller room,
but if it was too small, I’d lose the lesson I was trying to teach this time.

“Boss!” I turned my head to see Yudai.

“Yudai,” I greeted him with a wave of my hand.

“Are you alright?” The hero-wannabe looked at me with sparkles in his eyes. I smiled sheepishly,
“I’m looking for a room to train Ichiro and Zinan in. I don’t want a small room, but a big one."

“Why not do it in the main training room?” Yudai stared at me with curiosity and I shook my head.

“That room is for everyone. I don’t want to be interrupted or surrounded by other rap while
teaching them,” as Yudai opened his mouth I lifted a finger to stop him from speaking, “And I’m
not kicking out the others who are currently practicing there.”

“Hmm,” Yudai tapped his chin. Then he pointed up in the air like a lightbulb was there and
grinned. “I just came out of a rather big room! I was using it for myself, but you can use it Boss!”

“Really?” I peered at Yudai, “Don’t you need the practice?”

“Nope!” Yudai laughed loudly, “I was training my voice to get it louder! You need to be able to
hear a hero from far away after all! I planned on leaving it anyway so I could practice on Suzu-

“Good idea,” I patted Yudai’s shoulder as I nodded. It definitely made more sense. Also, now I had
room to teach two brats. “Thanks, Yudai.”

“Anytime Boss!” Yudai brightened up as he left.

It took me ten seconds to realize that I didn’t know which room Yudai was talking about. Just as I
was about to ask him, the speedy, loud, hero was gone from the halls. I shook my head and started
to search the rooms carefully.
Luckily for me, I managed to find it. Yudai had yet to take off the occupied sign so that was
something. I put up another magnetic sign that each room had.

Boss’s Training.

No one else was really allowed to touch them except me and Sasara. I let Ichiro and Kuko claim it
too. But they seemed reluctant to use it. It basically stated that the room wasn’t to be bothered
unless there was a special reason to. Like an emergency.

It was also a good way to get the gang members' attention. Especially if we already scheduled an
appointment, like today.

“Nii-san!” Ichiro rushed in with a smile. Since TDD formed, he was more or less with his brothers
often. I think the fact that we claimed all of Tokyo relieved some burden on him.

“Ichiro,” I nodded. “Wait a bit, we’re waiting on someone else.”

“We are?” Ichiro looked at me shocked. I nodded my head, checking my phone for any updates.

“Yeah. Zinan is going to be practicing with us,” I looked at Ichiro sheepishly, “Do you mind?”

“Zin?” Ichiro blinked, “I don’t mind.” Ichiro shrugged, glancing at the door. “He’s the youngest
one, right?”

“Yeah,” I nodded my head.

“Nii-san, I wanted to know about something…”

“What is it?” Red eyes moved over to a slightly hunched figure of Ichiro. I slowly panicked at his
sorry state as Ichiro muttered.

“Zin is only 13 right?”

“Err,” I thought back to when I first met the child, “I think so, yeah.”

“How come he got to join your gang at that age, but I didn’t?” Ichiro looked over at me with wide
eyes. “A-Am I weak?”

“Hell no!” I shouted without thinking. “Don’t think like that!”

“T-Then, why?” Ichiro stuttered from shock at my aggressiveness. Green and red eyes were blown
back and his mouth opened into a circle.

“To be fair, Zinan wasn’t going to be accepted as a full-time member,” I explained honestly.
Because it was true, I originally planned to let him go after he dealt with his brother’s killer, “The
others were the ones that convinced me to keep him around permanently. Plus, there’s a large
difference between recruiting you and recruiting him.”

“What is it?”

“The time,” I stared at Ichiro. I started to realize his level of understanding by the way his eyes
shined. “The H age didn’t exist when you were 13.” I patted Ichiro’s head before ruffling it. “I
would’ve thought about you if the H age did exist, but it didn’t. Understand, now?”

“Then what about Koni?” Ichiro stared at me with curiosity much more than hurt. “When did he
“When he was around 14,” I recalled. Tapping my chin I hummed, “Sasara found him. He refused
to go to an orphanage in the beginning and even if he did, he started to follow us around. I think
that was about the time I was thinking of asking you to join us…”

I railed off in thought. I wasn’t exactly sure when I planned to have Ichiro involved in this stuff, but
14 seemed like a good age. If he was in the gang, I could also protect him in multiple ways.

“But I was with Mozuku instead…” Ichiro spat out the name like a rotten orange that soured in his
mouth quickly. I just laughed at him and his tenacity. Ignoring the puzzled glance he gave me, I
turned my head to the opening door.

“Excuse me,” Zinan walked in sheepishly. “I’m sorry I was late… Kon-nii… uh…”

“Hiya Boss!”

I linked as Koni appeared from the back. He smiled widely, his hands waving as he walked

“Zi told me that you guys were having a party! I wanted to be a part of it too! You don’t mind,
right Boss?”

I blinked slowly as Zinan rushed forward to apologize to me. I should’ve known. Zinan would
definitely tell Koni which would end up with the second youngest to rush forward to take part in it
too. Zinan must’ve agreed to have Koni as a sparring partner because he wasn’t aware of Ichiro’s

“Uh,” Zinan looked over at Ichiro with wide eyes, “Ichiro-nii? Did you need the Boss for

“No,” Ichiro awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m here to be trained… with you?”

Zinan nodded as he understood the situation and glanced over at Koni who froze. He turned his
head robotically at me with a puppy look on his face.

“Does that mean I should go?”

Zinan looked apologetically at his friend alongside Ichiro, already accepting the fifteen-year-old’s
fate. Koni refused to back down and looked at me again. I sighed. Well, it wouldn’t hurt to test
their limits… would it?

“No, you can stay. A three-way battle is something else to try as well.”

I wove my hand dismissively and looked at Ichiro motioning him to one side of the room. I
motioned Koni to the other. Zinan glanced at me and I signed him over to me.

“First is going to be Koni against Ichiro. I want no actual harm, enough to blow someone back,
make sure you pull back your punches to deliver that effect. Otherwise, I want to see what you can

“Understood!” “Roger!”

I watched the two teenagers duke it out. Did they listen to me about pulling punches? No. Did they
try? Yes. But neither of them saw the basics of pulling back. While they were practicing, I told
them to rap for about 5 turns. I turned to Zinan.
“Zinan, I want you to do the same to me, okay?” The youngest nodded his head as I gave him a
demonstration of what I wanted. As Zinan felt relieved, I hummed, “I want you to do that, but with
lyrics that should sting a little. Okay?”

“Yes,” Zinan no longer stared in awe but positioned himself to get ready. He started to rap until the
other two on that side were finished. I just took the hits ‘cause it was good training for me too, at
least in building my strength against raps.

I’d ask Sensei to join us, but I don’t think I introduced Ramuda or Sensei to these guys. I wasn’t
sure if I wanted to because of Ramuda, but I suppose I would have to, maybe.

At the end of the first exercise, I clapped my hands and called for a short break. The brats were
already tired it seemed. Nemu could do better. But Nemu would never have to endure raps.

“Okay, now we’re going to do a fight where you are surrounded by multiple enemies,” I walked
over to Koni with Zinan in tow. Placing a hand on a shoulder each, I hummed, “These two have
knowledge in being ganged upon. I know you do as well, Ichiro.

“But I want you to be able to fend off against someone that is on your level. Take two turns before
a break and then after the break, you switch and the cycle repeats,” I paused for a second and then
hummed, “Go full out if you want to.”

That being said, I should’ve expected the outcome of the rounds. Each break was longer than I had
expected and the three of them were in pain caused by each other or by themselves in an attempt to
get better. I laughed at their sorry state in their journey to get stronger.

“Next is going to be a 1:1:1, once you guys can get up, we can start,” I laughed.

“We’re doing a lot of different types of training today, Nii-san,” Ichiro said in between pants.
“That’s different than usual.”

“I’m trying to find out which one I should focus on later,” I said flippantly. “It’s meant to be
something like testing the waters and seeing where you guys can swim deep and where you’re
stuck onshore.” I tried to give them an image, but my words don’t flow like an author’s.

They seemed to get me though, nodding their heads as they prepared for a 1 v. 1 v. 1. I watched
them struggle for a real long time. I was thinking about their actions and sighed.

“You all need to build up your endurance for sure,” I half laughed, half sighed. I was a little
disappointed with Ichiro, but I had to remind myself that Ichiro and he had different ages. One had
plenty of experience while the other was still a hatchling.

A couple more minutes later, they stood up on their feet, taking ragged, but steadier breaths.

“Are you ready?” I asked, looking up from my phone. They all nodded and I deemed them okay to
take in a couple of hits from each other.

I picked up Koni and placed him on one side of the room before going back to grab Ichiro and drag
him off to another side. I pulled Zinan to a corner and looked at the triangle I created.

“Okay so here’s the deal, we’re going all out and every teen is for himself, right?” At the chorus of
yes, I continued, “So we’re doing a survival type of training. The last one standing wins. Whoever
wins can get a favor from me within reason.”
I paused for a second.

“ Within reason .”

I feel like I need to repeat that. If I didn’t. My eyes roamed the hungry look of victory in their eyes.
If I didn’t, I probably would get some no-name disaster. A disaster too big to have a title other than

I pulled my hand down and whistled with the help of my fingers. I never realized that I would learn
such mundane things in the future, but they weren't completely useless.

I watched them and waited for their plans. Would they team up? Work alone? Try to sneak an

The end was completely unexpected though. Koni had dropped by Zinan and Ichiro’s teaming and
Ichiro was about to win before he gave in to Zinan’s desperation. I had no doubt that Ichiro
would’ve won otherwise.

Well, they all looked happy, except Koni. But Koni never stayed grumpy for too long- Yep. He’s
smiling again.

Chapter End Notes

Don't worry! I plan on adding the sauna scene soon T^T

Enjoy the young trio from Samatoki's gang

Sauna Battle
Chapter Summary

Samatoki decides to treat Ichiro by taking him to a sauna...

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

I was working up a sweat, jogging around the neighborhood with Ichiro. We were just jogging to
build up our muscles. He joined without question which was funny.

Maybe I should treat him. He’s been doing really well lately after all. Slowing down, I glanced at
Ichiro. I’ve been with him for a good part of his life now… I don’t think I ever saw him study up
on something.

Ichiro huffed a little as he steadied his breath from the rather long jog. Looking at me with vigor in
his eyes. He needs a little treat for pushing his boundaries. Right? I can test his sauna knowledge
this way too.

“Come here, Ichiro,” I motioned him to follow me. It was funny how he didn’t hesitate to walk
alongside me, riding a bus to a place he didn’t know about. I felt as if I was kidnapping a child.

We walked along the path of some other place to the destination I had in my mind.

“Where are we going, Nii-san?”

Ichiro finally asked me where we were going. I chuckled at how late his survival instincts were and
I automatically knew I had to protect this innocent brat. My hands flew to his shoulder so I could
grab him and pull him close.

Ichiro stumbled and tripped on his own feet as I suddenly tugged him to my side. Holding him
steady, I grinned. Pointing at the building we were going to, I led him through the crowds.

“It’s already sort of hot, isn’t it Nii-san?”

Ichiro glanced at me oddly. We were walking to a Spa location, or more specifically, one of the
ones that had saunas and jacuzzis built in it. Perfect for the best hot experience. They were
generally full in the winter for obvious reasons. But saunas were also good for someone’s health so
it was perfect for me to introduce it to Ichiro.

And start a quiz between us.

There was no way I was going to lose this time. Well, I didn’t lose that time either, but I wanted to
actually win this time.

“It’s good for your health.”

We walked into the building and I easily paid. Leading Ichiro to a sauna room I was too familiar
with, I laughed at the similarities and differences we had coming here. It was completely different
from what I could last remember, but it wasn’t a bad kind of difference either.

I think it made it better for me.

“Don’t forget to strip,” I said as we walked to the lockers. I took off my jacket first, folding the
beautiful leather, vintage jacket and placing it in the lockers first. It was already getting pretty
heated even from the entrance. I shed from the rest of the articles of clothing, I used a towel to
wrap around my hip and I prepared to move to the sauna room.

I glanced over at Ichiro who just pulled his pants down last. What the heck was he doing that
caused him to take his pants off just now. He should’ve been finished like me! Not that I mind
waiting. His face glowed red. I looked at his bare body, but we’re both men. So I guess it was
because of the sudden change in temperature in the building compared to embarrassment.

We walked into an empty sauna room, claiming it for ourselves. It was hot, but I found it weirdly
refreshing. The health perks of a sauna were the real deal. I closed my eyes as the temperature
slowly rose over time. My head was thrown back and my arms were splayed as I got comfortable.
The heat didn’t affect me as much, I think, but I have to admit how Ichiro seemed worn out

Time passed by faster than I could remember it going. Before I knew it Ichiro grabbed my shoulder
and shook me. I blinked, opening my eyes to look at Ichiro who was looking at me with worry.

“It’s 110 degrees, Nii-san.” His sweaty hands were rather… sweaty on my shoulder. “Do you want
to leave? Are you feeling alright?”

Looking at the way he was puffing and how his chest was basically glistening, I could safely
assume that the one tired was him, not me.

“I’m fine, what about you? You can leave if it’s too hot.”

“I’m okay too,” Ichiro claimed. His face didn’t really back up his claim, but I could appreciate the
small muscles he was growing with the view at least.

“Sure,” I drawled. “Totally.”


Just as Ichiro was about to protest I pulled up a hand to stop him. He abruptly closed his mouth and
I pushed his hand away from my shoulder. It was getting a little too hot.

“Why not have a sauna quiz?”

“A sauna quiz?”

“Yeah,” I nodded my head, “You go first.”

“Uh, alright,” Ichiro took a seat next to mine and blinked. “What country does the word ‘sauna’
originate from?”

“Finland,” I rolled my eyes, “What with that lame question? Make it harder for me, Ichiro! Saunas
first appeared-”

“Over 2000 years ago!” Ichiro blurted, over-excited.

“Wrong!” I announced. Ichiro glanced at me confused and I laughed, “I wasn’t done talking yet!
The question was, saunas first appeared in what part of Finland?”

“Oh!” Ichiro smiled, “The Karelia region!”

What the fuck, the brat actually knew these? When did he learn them?

“My turn! It’s a Finnish custom to throw water on hot rocks to produce steam inside saunas. What’s
the process called?”

I rolled my eyes at the rather simple question. Would it count as cheating if I already knew the
answers because I did this before?

“That’s ‘Löyly’,” I wove my hand as it started to get a little hotter. “Mmkay, Ichiro, what were
saunas originally used for?”

“Nii-san, don’t look down on me,” Ichiro joked as he used an extra towel in the sauna to wipe his
face. “For storing and smoking food. What’s the most surprising sauna spot?"

“That’s a bit subjective, isn’t it?” I raised an eyebrow. “For some people, it could be yachts, or bars
or the Finnish Parliament House. But for me, it’s the one in Burger King.”

“Burger King?! They have one?!” Ichiro’s eyes blew back as I laughed.

“Yeah! Finland said that they’d let Burger King open up restaurants only if they included saunas!”

“Woahh,” Ichiro’s eyes sparkled and I laughed harder.

“How far do you think we’ll make it?” I looked at Ichiro who was sweltering. Laughing at his
bewildered face, I said, “I mean our minds might be a little messed up after, but we don’t have to
worry, you know?”


“Come on, let’s see how long we can continue this Q&A,” I hummed, “If anything, try to rhyme
with your answers so that we’re training our rap abilities too.

“Okay!” Ichiro nodded, “That sounds fair enough. This is training.”

My body was laced in excitement as soon as he said training. Perfect, we would do our best.

As time continued to go by, I could already tell I was starting to feel dizzy as sweat sort of covered
my eyes and prevented me from seeing completely clearly. Ichiro hissed when he touched
something that was way too hot. At least he didn’t get burned.

“It isn’t over yet!” Ichiro shouted.

I nodded, “You’re sweating bullets, you know?”

We continued for a couple of minutes, but the sweet was making it really hard for me to cope. It
wasn’t enough to make me suffocate, but it did bring up a question to a person I wished could
answer me but can’t. Was this any similar to suffocating on your own blood?

“Hey, Ichiro!” I shouted at Ichiro. Waving my hand over and patting his back, or chest? I don’t
know. “ You’re drowning in your sweat. You okay?”

“Uh, yes,” Ichiro answered quickly, “I can continue!”


“Nii-san, are you competitive?”

I blinked. Wasn’t it obvious?

“Yes,” I blurted it out without thinking much about it. “If you want you can give up. I may or may
not quit until you lose.”

“Well…” Ichiro huffed a bit too loudly. “My eyes are getting blurry and I’m starting to see double.
But I’m also a competitive type of person. What should we do?”


I could only laugh at our situation. I did not want to pass out here again. Slowly pushing myself up
I grabbed Ichiro.

“Come on, let’s go. I’m starving.”

Ichiro grabbed me for support, but he ended up getting my towel instead. I could feel it loosen and
slip from my hips and I watched as Ichiro quickly realized his mistake. I pulled him to his feet on
my own and reached down to get my towel. Wrapping back around my waist, I led him out.

“Want some water? I can get you some. What about a cold bath?”

“Uh, um, I-”

Ichiro only stuttered as he stumbled along, my grip never leaving his arm. Suddenly he showed
resistance. I tugged him forward a bit, but Ichiro refused to budge.

“Nii-san, we can’t just go out in public like this!”

Ichiro shouted all of the sudden and I realized that in my foggy mind, I was about to drag Ichiro out
with me, both of us in towels. I laughed too loudly and walked to the lockers.

“My bad!”

I took clothes from the locker and started to wear them. They were oddly tight and stuck to my
skin, but it sort of made sense, didn’t it? I was sweating and it was too hard for me to comprehend
anything. Tossing the other clothes to Ichiro to wear, I didn’t wait for him as I walked off.

Ichiro quickly caught up to me stuttering and trying to make sentences, but I didn’t understand him
so I didn’t listen to him. The outside air was cool. I liked the breeze ruffling my hair and cooling
me off from the sauna deathmatch I had with Ichiro. It was put on hold for now, we’d pick it up
later I’m sure.

We took the bus back to Ikebukuro, Ichiro’s head hanging low. I wonder why. I was still a bit
dizzy from the sauna. We walked to TDD’s lounge instead of my own. I didn’t mind that. Ichiro
helped put me on the couch and I relaxed a bit.

“Yo yo! Samatoki, Ichiro~☆”

A bouncy pink fuck hopped in with Sensei.

“How are…. You…? Eh?”

The star attached to the sentence fell off as Ramuda looked at us confused.

“Doing good,” I nodded, “We just came back from the saunas.”

“That makes sense,” Sensei huffed amusedly. He held his gloved hand over his mouth to contain
his laughter, but his shoulders were shaking. “Have you noticed the state of yourselves?”

“We’re just sweaty,” I announced. It didn’t take long for Sensei to laugh openly and Ramuda to
giggle. Ichiro turned beet red and I raised an eyebrow lazily.

“Is something wrong, Sensei? Ramuda?”

“Oh, nothing!” Ramuda giggled loudly, “Ichiro seemed to have noticed, but- but you haven’t!”

I lifted my other eyebrow miffed at how Ramuda was laughing so hard he couldn’t even attach the
annoying stars and hearts at the ends of his sentences.

“Noticed what?” I positioned myself so I could see Sensei and Ramuda better.

“Samatoki-kun,” Sensei smiled serenely, “Did you notice that you’re wearing Ichiro’s clothes?”

“Huh?” I glanced down and noticed a rather familiar red hoodie and black pants. “Whaa?”

I didn’t notice because Ichiro still had his bandana with him.

“I tried to tell you,” Ichiro muttered shyly.

Fuck! No wonder they were tight but not in a sweaty way. God, I’m so fucking stupid.

“Sorry Ichiro,” I apologized to him. Now he had sweaty fucking clothes. I didn’t mind mine, I
could just wash it, but his… Ugh.

“Come on, let’s go change these,” I sighed. This wasn’t the best, was it? I pulled off my clothes as
Ramuda rushed out to bring in some clothes. I didn’t mind the curious looks of the scars over my

“Nii-san!” Ichiro blurted out my title. I turned to look at him as he fumbled with his fingers, “Nii-
san, change in the room.”

“We’re all men, Ichiro,” I sighed. Taking his shirt off of my chest, I sighed, “There’s nothing to be
ashamed of.”

Chapter End Notes

Shoutout to umbreonblue for coining the idea!

Sorry for the later-than-usual chapter. Had difficulties writing this one. Hehe.
A Drink Then A Couple of Games
Chapter Summary

Samatoki has a drink in Nagoya and he's still drunk when he returns to TDD's base.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Hey," a lollipop rolled around someone's mouth. "What do you think of taking over the entire


Hence our journey to take over the entire nation began.

I was in the area for the Nagoya Division, scouting the place out like normal.

Maybe. I honestly just went to a place to start drinking. A nice bar that was a little cozy, but pricey
and I could have just a bit of fun.

“Hmm, not that good, huh?”

I swirled the alcohol and drank the rest of it down. I ain't no lightweight.

"Then I guess I'll go for the Queen's Rum…"

“I’d recommend Islay Whiskey instead of Queen’s Rum."

A familiar voice.

I turned to see an obnoxious pompadour, a mole, and silver eyes.

"Islay Whiskey it is then."

The bartender passed a glass and I sipped it.


I could enjoy this, I guess.

“Samatoki Aohitsugi from the Dirty Dawg, right?”


“You here to take Nagoya’s territory?”


“I see.”

We took a moment to drink from our respective glasses.

“What’s your name?”

I asked despite knowing.

“Hitoya Amaguni, nice to be acquainted with you.”

“Same here,” I hummed.

Hitoya-san looked at me oddly and took a dignified gulp of his own glass. It was interesting to see
him again in this form, for sure. Of course, he looked younger than what I last remembered him to

He seemed more bitter, more hung up on some past.

“What do you do for a living?”

“Huh, you want to know?

“Yeah, why not?”

“I’m a lawyer, you?”

“Other than being part of the Dirty Dawg?”

At the small nod, I hummed.

“Some gangster punk I guess.”

“I see,” Hitoya-san stroked his stubble.

It was quiet again. I ended up breaking the silence.

“You seem bothered.”


“Why not tell a drinking buddy?”

“A drinking buddy?”

“You gave me a good drink,” I motioned to the half-empty glass, “The least I can do is hear out
your woes.”

“Ha,” Hitoya-san sighed.

And this is how I heard Hitoya-san’s troubles that I never heard of before. His silver eyes cast off
into a far past, his fingers lightly dancing on the rim of the empty glass, his mouth saying forlorn
stories of guilt, grief, and regret.

Hitoya-san did not know I already knew he was friends with Sensei. It didn’t matter since I didn’t
plan to tell him and Hitoya-san looked drunk enough.

I did not drink while he rambled like a drunkard. Moving from the death of his brother to his
occupation to two annoying brats he met.

“You have similar eyes to mine.”

He said it so casually I would’ve missed it.

“What do you mean?”

“It’s as if you can’t let go of something either.”

I looked away and ordered another whiskey.

Hitoya-san laughed as he claimed he hit the nail on the head.

I just laughed with him.

We talked about the little things, the big things. I learned his brother’s name was Sora; I taught him
my sister’s name was Nemu. He told me about a boy named Jyushi; I told him about a man named
Sasara. He spoke of a tale with a child named Kuko; I mentioned a story of a child named Ichiro.

“We’re more alike than I thought, huh?”

Hitoya-san hiccuped. During our talk, I continuously ordered drinks for him. I was surprised to see
that he did not refuse a single Whiskey Islay. I guess he likes them a bit too much for his bladder,
stomach, or mind.

“I’ll leave my business card,” he slurred, “Call me when you want to drink again.”

I watched Hitoya-san get up, tipsy. Crumpled jacket, messy pants, and pristine shoes. I watched
him walk out disastrously, his card still on the counter he left.

I reached to the side to grab the card and shoved it in my pocket.

“It’s as if you can’t let go of something either.”

I ordered something stronger.

A shot.

Two shots.

Three shots.

A couple of hours have passed since I was here. I couldn’t help but scoff at the thought.

Alcohol was good, it burned my insides and made everything toss and turn. My eyes were getting
hazy and blurry and my brain was melting into a comforting fuzziness. Maybe I consumed enough
alcohol today. My mouth was still zipped shut.

There was no one I could complain to regarding the future.

I was in the sky, floating, but I was dropping all too fast at the same time.


I motioned the bartender to give me another shot. I needed more.


I tested my eyes and focused them on the blurry figure grabbing me and pulling me away. In the
end, I only recognized them through their voice.

I’m sure I didn’t slur, I don’t slur.

“Samatoki-san! What were you doing? Come on, let’s go.”

I felt dizzy when I stood up, but I paid for the alcohol and walked out with Sensei’s kid.


I laughed. Thinking about similar days, similar times, similar things.

“Samatoki-san, you shouldn’t drink so much.”

“It was good,” I hummed.

“Not for your health.”

“Who cares,” I snorted.

“I care. What were you doing here anyway?”

“Scoping out the field.”

Through the blurry lenses of drunk eyes and the turning and swirling of the world I saw, I loved
how the street lamps looked like they were bent in hearts. The streets looked as if they belonged in
Oz and there seemed to be some fucking mushrooms from Wonderland.

“Wasn’t that my job?”

“You do too much, thought I’d help.”

I think I sang. Actually, yes, I did sing. My voice is fucking awesome.

“I’m so great!”

I shouted, then I doubled over laughing, Yotsutsuji still supporting me. Wait, he was supporting
me? I don’t need support!

I stumbled out of his grasp. When Yotsutsuji tried to grab me again I refused to accept his help. He
sighed and decided to walk alongside me instead, leading me to certain places.

“I don’t do enough…”

“You do so much!” I shouted, or sang. I think it was a mix of both. “You’re always helping us, the
Dirty Dawg, and Sensei is so proud you and so am I~”


I laughed loudly, really loudly. It was raining too.

“Thank you…”

I laughed harder. It rained harder.

A boy who only wanted recognition from the one he looked up to the most. I wonder if Sensei
would ever tell him face to face that Yotsutsuji was great.
“Samatoki-san! You’re crying!”

“No, I’m not!” I shouted back, “It’s fucking raining and we have to hurry if we don’t want to get

I grabbed Yotsutsuji’s hand and rushed past the crowd, probably scattering to get out of the rain. It
was dark, so I couldn’t tell anyways. Through the twisting and spinning world I saw, I found it
easier to run in a straight line if I closed my eyes.

It was an understatement if I said my head was being cracked open like an egg when a chick pecks
through it.

I cracked an eye open. The feeling of crust crumbling as my lashes parted was disgusting. But the
spinning world refused to let me up and wash my face.

I decided that was fine and attempted to gauge where I was. Through turning tables, moving vases,
and floating chairs, I recognized the place as TDD’s temporary base. Huh. I didn’t think that
Yotsutsuji would move me here.

I closed my eyes and waited out the hangover. It’s been a couple of years since I had one. Urgh.



I greeted the mesh of black and red standing at the doorway.

“Are you… okay?”

“Meh, what about you? How are you doing?”

Ichiro stuttered out that he was fine and I responded that that was good. He quietly clambered next
to me and I laughed at how uncomfortably he looked at me and the way his face looked like a
squash right now.

“Nii-san, are you...drunk?”

“Drunk? Hell no,” I did not slur, it was just a headache, “Hungover? Sure.”

“What?! Nii-san?!”

“Shh,” I placed a finger on his mouth, I think. Wait. My finger moved a couple of centimeters up,
there. “Don’t speak.”

Ichiro was bewildered, I liked that look on him a bit. I softly chuckled as we waited for the other
two to arrive. HE soon got up and left coming back with a rectangle.

“Here’s an aspirin.”


That’s how time went by. Ichiro would speak every once and a while, casting some glances over,
probably thinking that he wasn’t going to drink anytime soon and would provide me with water
and such. It was nice.

“Ichiro~! Samatoki~!”

A bouncy little pink shit bounded over with candy in his hands. Ichiro has finally loosened up to
Ramuda, it took a couple of days, but he’s finally treating Ramuda nicely. I wonder why he
couldn’t get along with Ramuda on the first day, but oh well.

“Here’s some candy for ya!”

“O-Okay thanks,” Ichiro took the candy offered to him.

With a glance at the wrapper, I already knew that this candy wasn’t needed. I did not spend a
couple of seconds staring at the wrapper.

“Yo Ramuda, can I get another?”

“I knew you’d be picky!” Ramuda pulled out another piece of candy and handed it over.

“Oh yeah, I’d like one more too.”

I wonder what Ichiro’s thinking, getting another.

“And another,” I said, wanting to store some of his better candies.

“And another for me too.”

“And another.”

“And another.”

“And another.”

The door finally opened and I tumbled out of the room flooded with candy, Ichiro being pushed out
as well.

“Good heavens, what happened?” Sensei was bewildered as he got devoured by the candy
avalanche as well.

“I was wondering how much candy Ramuda had on him,” I fibbed, looking to steal more of the
nicer candies. My eyes were getting better, my mind clearer.

It took a while to get all the candy back to where they fucking came from (where did they come
from?), but once the area was clean, we all sat down on a couch and chilled for a bit. My headache
is mostly gone now, faint from the shock of Ramuda’s endless supplies of candy.

We basked in the silence of each other and the refreshed feeling after a massive clean-up.

Ichiro was sitting next to me, doing who knows what. I was puffing out smoke rings, something I
learned to do when I got bored. In front of us, on the other couch, Sensei was sipping his dose of
coffee and Ramuda was thoughtfully chewing on a lollipop.

“Hey, guys!” Ramuda suddenly shouted. He raised a hand as he proposed a game, “Let’s go
around in a circle and take turns naming stuff that begins with every letter of the alphabet!”
“Sure,” I hummed.

“Why not?” Ichiro shrugged, staring at his phone, scrolling I think.

“Sounds interesting,” Sensei smiled lightly, taking another sip of his drink.

“Ichiro can go first! Then Samatoki, then Jakurai, and then me!”

“Cool,” Ichiro mumbled as his thumb swiped up, “Apples.”

“Bones,” I supplied, puffing out three circles.

“Cardiac catheterization.”



I think I heard something that didn’t sound quite right?


“Fruit,” I eyed Sensei.

“Gastroesophageal reflux.”


Ramuda was now slumping down on the couch.


Ah, Ichiro just noticed.



“Stop it!” Ramuda whined, lightly stomping his feet, “You’re grossing out all of us!”


Sensei made a deceivingly innocent face as he looked at us.

“Lactic acidosis, myalgic encephalomyelitis.”

“Stop, stop, stop!!!”

Ramuda shouted, shaking his head with his hands bunched up together.

Sensei smiled at us softly.

I wonder… Was he doing that on purpose? I felt cold sweat roll down my cheeks as I thought about
his previous profession as an assassin. Damnit, the large words Sensei said made me feel grossed
out. I snuffed my cigarette.

Ichiro had dropped his phone to his lap and Ramuda was currently scolding Sensei who had the
face of an innocent child being scolded by his father. But I knew better, I think. Sensei might’ve
been purposefully trying to gross us out.

With the way he looked at me with a glint in his eyes and the way he tracked my cig before I
snuffed it, I feel as if he was warning me of something.

Or he was genuinely playing the game because I didn’t understand a single fuck of the words he
said. Out of everything that he could’ve said, he chose medical terms, long and gross sounding

Was he bragging about his intelligence or was that on accident? What if that’s all he thinks about-
God, I can see these terms being the random things on Sensei’s mind. Fuck. Go away random
thought. I don’t even want to consider that.

I grabbed Ichiro’s shoulder. He turned towards me, looking away from Ramuda scolding Jakurai.


“Ichiro, don’t study too hard,” I ended up saying something ridiculous staring at Sensei who
started to list a couple more medical terms probably just to spite Ramuda who was making funny

Sensei didn’t think he did anything wrong, huh?


“Yeah,” I nodded to myself, “Don’t study too hard.”

“I don’t go to school anymore?”

I turned to look at Ichiro oddly. Then it clicked in my head.

“Fuck, I forgot about that,” I sighed, rubbing my temples. I let out a small groan, “Well, I want you
to be smart at the very least. Rack up a lot of experiences or something instead then.”

“Okay Nii-san,” Ichiro grinned at me widely.

Okay so letting Ichiro skip school probably isn’t the best thing I can do, but it’s definitely better
than having him know all those terms… right? Fuck it, I know that medical terminology is actually
helpful, especially in the future, but if Ichiro turned into a medical nerd and contained his anime
nerdiness, I would probably die.

“Where’s Yotsutsuji, Sensei?”

“Ah,” Sensei turned to me, his eyes glinting, “He’s currently looking for more territory that we
may take. He is trying to ensure that we won’t end up fighting the group that is based around
Osaka and slowly taking over the western area of Japan.”

“Has he found any yet?”

“Not that I am aware of, no.”

“I see…”

The time was getting closer then, huh?”

Chapter End Notes

Gaaah another late one, I promise to try to write faster next tiiiime
Afternoon Hangout (Ft. TDD)
Chapter Summary

Samatoki hanging out with TDD separately.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Holding a bag of sweets I thought back to yesterday.

“Ichiro~☆!” Ramuda walked into the hideout with a large number of sweets, not his usual
lollipops. “Some of my lady friends gave me a whole bunch of candy, so I wanna share some with

“Oh, thanks!”

Ichiro took the pile with both hands. Ramuda giggled as Sensei eyed Ichiro’s smile.

“You like candy and shit, Ichiro?”

After the continuous use of curse words thrown at Ramuda, it felt awkward trying to cover it up, so
now I was back to freely cursing with Ichiro.

“Well, I know my brothers will be so happy,” Ichiro scratched his cheek with a finger, “They love
these kinds of things…”

I haven’t bought Ichiro a lot of things lately…

And that smile…

I walked in to see Sensei and Ramuda, they looked at me solemnly and we all walked through the
door with our own bags of sweets.


I pulled out the bag from behind my back.


“For real?!” Ichiro’s eyes shone at the sight of the three bags, “Thank you!”

“Heh, your fucking welcome,” I smiled. Fishing out a cig, I placed it in my mouth and searched for
my lighter.

“What the fuck?”

“I took it!” Ramuda called out loudly. I turned to face him with wide eyes as he wove a lighter in
his hand. It was broken beyond repair.
“What the fuck?!”

“I accidentally sat on it or something? Anyways, if you want it back, you can have it back~☆!”


I stared at the little shit with my jaw hanging. I don’t think I ever felt this betrayed before… yet.
The fuck Ramuda?!

“Well consider it a favor~☆! You shouldn’t smoke cancer sticks! It’s bad for your health!”

Bullshit! I know you smoke you little fucking hypocrite!

“What the fuck?!?!”

I needed a new fucking lighter.

“Uhh,” Ichiro tapped my shoulders, “Nii-san, while I bring this to my brothers we can stop by and
buy a lighter?”


I felt a groan bubble up in my throat, but I beat it down and nodded.

On the streets of Ikebukuro, it felt nice to simply walk around again. There were a couple of stares
sent out and whispers, but no one dared to approach us. Good. I’d prefer it that way.

“Want to stop by Yanagi-san’s cafe?” I asked Ichiro as we headed to the future office of Yorozuya

“I was hoping that… you’d help me get my ears pierced instead?”

My eyes widened at that.


When we walked in, the building was empty, mainly because the brats were in school. I wanted to
buy the brothers a house, but I realized that giving them the building would be much nicer in
comparison. Ichiro insisted that the pay should be done by him so I let him pay for the building
with the money he earned from me.

Ichiro shoved some of the sweets into the refrigerator and hummed in excitement. He looked so
happy, ready to pierce his ear lobes, ha. What a kid.

I took him to the place I went to last time, the one where he chose the stud that I’m still wearing.
Ichiro was obviously scared, but he seemed calmer the more I talked to him. I almost got up to
punch the person piercing his ears when Ichiro winced, but I refrained… for Ichiro.

He couldn’t put on earrings as soon as he was finished, obviously, but Ichiro insisted that he take a
look at the shop selling earrings. I rolled my eyes and took him there so he could curiously look at
the earrings on display.

“Make sure you look at all of them and determine how heavy they are and stuff, okay?”

He wasn’t even looking properly. What did this brat think he was doing?! Choosing the first pair of
earrings has to be something that has to be done with care. His eyes roamed the displays carelessly,
or more like it was too fast.

Wait. Did he already have one in mind? Ah, he must’ve seen it since the last time we were here
and wanted it himself.

Ichiro was talking with a clerk when I snapped out of my thoughts. He was pointing at me and I
raised an eyebrow. Brat was pointing at me? I better tell him that some styles disappear if they
aren't famous enough. We can browse the internet for that stuff.

The clerk nodded and walked off.

“Hey Ichiro,” I waved Ichiro over. He bounded over like a puppy. Fuck, that was cute.

“Yes, Nii-san?”

“They might not have the ones you're looking for. We can head back and search-”

“They do!” Ichiro spoke eagerly.

“Huh? Oh, okay then?” Stunned silent, red eyes tracked the clerk walking over with a small box.

“Here you go sir, is this it?”

Ichiro opened the box revealing a pair of studs with a ruby rimmed with black metal.

“Perfect! Thank you,” Ichiro bowed as he snapped the box shut and hurried to the cashier with my

My brain was trying to catch up with what I just saw.

I knew that earring. In fact, I think I was wearing a stud exactly like that right now. My hands
rubbed the similar stud that Ichiro just bought. That Ichiro chose. I turned over to Ichiro who was
skipping back to me. Well, he looked so happy that it seemed as if he was skipping.

“We’re going to match.”

I mused with a smile.


"Let's go show off your earrings to your brothers and Nemu."



I forgot about getting a new fucking lighter.

“Ramuda, you really have a thing for affection, don’t you?”


Ramuda popped the ‘p’.

“That’d be more believable if you weren’t on my lap with my hand patting your head.”

It was weird because I can recall Ramuda disliking physical touch. He only really accepted them
from Dice or Gentaro and occasionally Sensei. He would recoil if he didn’t initiate the affection.
So why was he begging me to pet his head?!


I stared at Ramuda, briefly pausing my strokes. He turned to glare at me and I continued without a
question. It was more like I was being slaved to shower him with physical affection. My hands
were slightly getting tired.




“If I said I wasn’t human, what would you think?”

“That that’s bullshit,” I replied, stroking his head. My hand was tired. I switched it out with the
other hand. If Ramuda noticed, the little shit didn’t say anything.

“But I’m really an alien from this super cute planet and I came to Earth to make it prettier!”

“Mm,” I hummed, letting my poor abused hand rest. “I could believe that, Empty Candy does have
pretty good designs.”

Ramuda spun to look at me quickly. We made eye contact and he turned back around albeit slower.

“...right… forgot … comments like…”

I managed to catch like four words of his mumbled sentence, but I don’t think it was anything
offensive so I can ignore it. My other hand was starting to ache too. Fuck, was its rest not enough?

“But wouldn’t that make me scawy? That I’m not human?”

Ramuda kept up his questioning.

I can see where he was prodding at. I thought we’d never talk about it after that time I bought
clothing from him.

“Just cause you’re an alien doesn’t mean you’re not human.”


My fingers ran through his silky, too-perfect hair.

“You don’t make sense.”

“Then should I use the term person? Being an alien doesn't rob you of personhood.”

“You’re funny.”

I couldn’t hear the hearts with the pointed edge or the stars with sharp ends.

I felt his head being pushed back against the palm of my hand and his shoulders loosened, relaxing.
Huh. I was too busy worrying about my poor arms and hands stroking the midget that I didn’t
realize he was even tense.


“Sensei, you said you needed me, right?”

“Yes, if that’s alright with you?”

“Of course.”

I sauntered over to the table where Sensei had reserved a seat for us.

Sensei wanted to talk to me alone for a bit, so I obliged. I wasn’t expecting an invitation to a
restaurant, but I wasn’t going to back out.

“Sensei,” I nodded a greeting, grabbing a menu to quickly locate the best steak dish. Once I found
it, I placed the menu down and glanced over to Sensei who was smiling.

“Samatoki-kun, I’m glad you could make it.”

“I wasn’t going to back out on ya.”

“Mmm,” Sensei nodded.

A waitress walked over to take our order. Obviously, I ordered a nice wine with steak while Sensei
got a pasta thing with water. Meh. As long as he wasn’t going to fucking drink. She left and came
back with our drinks.

I spared a quick thanks and sipped at the deluxe drink quickly. Fuck yeah, that hits the spot.

“What do you do when Ichiro-kun is feeling upset?”


I almost choked on my wine.

“Ah, ah?”

I grabbed a napkin to clean my face.

“Are you alright?”

Sensei looked over at me worryingly.

“Oh, yeah, I’m fine,” I nodded, “Could you just repeat?”

“I was wondering what you would do if someone was upset at you or is upset in general.”

“U-Umm, may I know which category I should answer first?”

“Sure,” Sensei nodded, “Let’s say if someone close to you was upset by your actions, how would
you make amends with them?”

Why was Sensei asking me this? He’s the one who’s normally the knowledgeable one in regards to
“Uh, if it was me I’d find a way to learn what they were upset about to amend my mistake or fix it
up for them?”

“I see,” Sensei nodded his head, closing his eyes obviously in deep thought.

“Did something happen?”

“Nothing of large importance,” Sensei wove his hand. “I happened to see Yotsutsuji-kun upset
today and I was at a standstill of what I should do.”


I thought back to Sensei and his character.

“Well, then maybe you shouldn’t prod him,” I shrugged. Knowing that I was being hypocritical.
“You’re normally the type to just stand by their side, right?”

“Yes, but I’m afraid that’s not enough-”

“It’s more than enough,” I chuckled. Once the plate was placed in front of me, I licked my lips and
picked up my utensils, cutting a fine piece of steak I hummed. “My style is the pushy style, your
style is the silent style.

“One isn’t better than the other, but your presence of simply being there really calms people,

The meat was nicely cut, a little bit of the meat’s juices spreading lightly. I hummed in
appreciation and put it in my mouth. The warmth and taste were delightful. Man, I should really
take the brats and Nemu to a fancy place next time. This was amazing.

“I see…”

Sensei looked reassured after that. I smiled at him politely before continuing to eat the soft,
glorious meat.

“It certainly was a good idea to talk to you about it.”

I choked on my wonderful food.


“I wonder if you are aware, Samatoki-kun, but you have a way of pulling people towards you.”

I snorted the pain away and maybe took two inelegant sips of the wine to wash the burn in my
throat away. Not the best decision but it still worked.

“I don’t think so?”

It was simply easier to make friends with people that I knew a lot about.

“Hahaha, of course,” Sensei nodded with a tranquil swipe of his own pasta and placed it in his
mouth. After he swallowed he stared at me with a glint in his eyes. “You really are an interesting

“Well I doubt you’d hang around me if I wasn’t,” I muttered, mouth full of steak.
“What was that?”

“Ichiro might be a better go-to man if you’re asking how to make people feel better,” I changed my
words quickly.

“Ichiro-kun recommended that I ask you over him.”

I did a double-take, the fork almost slipping from my hands.


Ack, too loud. I quietly ignored the looks around me as Sensei dainty laughed at me. Tch.

“Amemura-kun also recommended me to ask you in his stead.”

“The fuck?”

I muttered, unwilling to make the same mistake. I wonder if those two were sane. Weren’t they the
ones always preaching about how I was the person not to go to when there was a problem? Ramuda
used to call me hotheaded and Ichiro would state I’m unnecessarily violent, heck even Nemu
agreed with them!


Actually, did Ramuda this time say I was hotheaded? I blinked for a couple of seconds before
thinking back. I don’t think that in this time that I was portrayed the same as I was in the future?
That’s weird.

“You should eat your steak before it gets cold.”

A quip?

I turned to Sensei who was delicately eating his pasta. No messes formed or whatever. I took a
large uneven chunk of steak and stuffed my mouth, chewing as I thought.

A suggestion.

Now I was getting confused.

Forget it, I won’t find anything by hurting my brain like this. Fuck.

We exchanged simple chit-chat after. Sensei told me that I was easy to talk to and I replied to him
that I felt the same way. Sensei was reliable after all. He wasn’t a superhero, but he was reliable. I
needed to be reliable as well.

“I hope you had a great dinner, Samatoki-kun.”

“Of course I did, Sensei.”

Chapter End Notes

May or may not upload tomorrow as well~ (Yes I took a philosophy class)
Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!

For today, I won't be answering comments. *Pulls a stressed albino over* This guy
Two Doctors then Two Kids
Chapter Summary

Samatoki drags Sensei to meet Papari and he spends the day with two annoying brats.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Sensei, Papari. Papari, Sensei.”

I motioned Papari to offer Sensei a handshake. Papari, the doctor of my group, started to ask about
meeting a doctor to learn from. Obviously, I had one person in my mind when he asked. I let the
two adults talk it out and I moved over to Ramuda and Ichiro.

In the end, I decided that a TDD Ramuda had a more dangerous mindset, and revealing the gang to
him could end up in a really bad future for them. Maybe I could talk about them after the first
DRB, but I couldn’t put those under my care in danger if given the chance not to put them in

The whole purpose of this meeting was to let Papari and Sensei meet so I just excused myself after
listening to their talk for a couple of minutes. Sensei seemed really interested and Papari looked
really excited so there were a couple of things.

I couldn’t understand a single thing they were talking about, but I did enjoy the way their emotions
flickered on their faces and how they expressed themself. I have to admit I think they caught on to
how I wasn’t understanding anything, but that didn’t stop my appreciation for either of them.

“Boss,” Papari blinked, “You can leave, you know.”


“It’s okay, Samatoki-kun,” Sensei chuckled, “I’m sure either Amemura-kun or Ichiro-kun would
love to spend time with you.”

I smiled sheepishly. Rubbing the back of my neck, I apologized for leaving early and excused
myself. I wasn’t completely sure what I’d do so I decided it was a great time to spend some time
with Nemu.

I have been with her a lot, but I don’t think we had time to hang out.

Picking up my phone to call, I punched in the numbers to Nemu’s phone.

I waited for a little bit for her to pick up, but after five rings, she didn’t pick up my call. I was
confused for a little bit, wondering why Nemu wasn’t picking up, but then I remembered that she
wasn’t even in Tokyo this week because she was going to meet some of her friends.

Guess I was alone for the time being. Everyone was busy if I remember correctly. Ramuda and
Ichiro were planning to do something together as well. It might have something to do with getting
more territory from the weaker divisions that Yotsutsji scouted out and we deemed weak enough to
not have everyone present. It seemed like a cocky move, sure. But we were that strong.

So I just blew some time off by smoking.

I met up with Sensei again a couple of hours later. I could assume with the way Sensei was smiling
that the meeting with Papari went well.

“Papari is a brilliant young man,” Sensei praised with a smile, “I’m glad you let me meet him.”

“I’m glad you agreed to meet him,” I laughed. “I don’t think I saw him so elated like that before.”

“Really?” Sensei raised an eyebrow. He glanced at me with a polite smile hidden beneath his hand.
“I highly doubt that. He seems to enjoy what he does, although I disagree with that lifestyle.”

“I’d hope so,” I laughed. “His life was a shitty one. Maybe it turned around.”

“I’m sure it did.”

“You’re stupid!”

“No, you are!”

“I didn’t get a 10 on my last test!”


I grabbed Yamada brat 2’s fist before it could make contact with the youngest brat. The youngest
brother glared at the middle brother as I sighed. Ichiro had apologetically put me on babysitting

I didn’t mind this, I mean, I didn’t spend enough time with the Yamada brats anyways.

Ichiro apologized over and over again, but he promised to hang out with Koni and Zinan. I didn’t
mind the three of them playing around because Ichiro was reliable as well as Zinan. I also had an
inkling that Ichiro was trying to get Zinan to become friends with Brat #3, but I was just

Moving over to the card game we were playing (it was go fish) I watched Brat #2 scream in
frustration as Brat #3 smugly said ‘goldfish’.

What was I doing?

I was watching and preventing fights. I long since gave up on this game after I realized how the
youngest brother was winning and realized that even my calculation skills I gained from the future
were inevitably inferior to the future youngest rapper of Ikebukuro. I folded as soon as the game
started, much to both brats' shock. Meditating was so difficult.

Every round I had to stop one of the two brats from:

1. Verbally attacking
2. Physically attacking.

And I was slowly starting to lose it.

There were tantrums and pouting and god forbid, screaming to top it off whenever Saburo won.
After participating in one round and watching fifteen more, I decided that it was enough. We’d go
shopping instead and do something that would cause these… these brats to not argue.

We walked around a little bit, here and there. I realized that the two brats did not like the same
games. The youngest brother loved board games and the middle brother preferred video games. Oh
and I think Ichiro liked mobile games. They were completely different, yet the three brothers had a
bond so irreplaceable it was envious.

My relationship with Nemu is like that too, I think.

So after buying them each a gift of their favorite game, which I confirmed with Ichiro it was okay
to do, I took them to the clothes aisle. Now I was certain that they would automatically try to look
like Ichiro, so I needed to buy them something else.

I also needed their measurements…

Sadly, as much as I thought it would be less chaotic in a neutral area, it was somehow more chaotic
than it was in the video game store when Jiro started to yell at Saburo. I was so close to shouting
back, but I had to keep my cool.

I think I gave up in the end and I just let them argue as I picked off clothes from the kiddie section.
I put some clothes on either the cart for the middle brother or the youngest brother. Some jeans,
hoodies, t-shirts, and such were placed in each cart. Then I rolled two carts to the arguing brothers.
Luckily it hadn’t devolved into a fistfight just yet.

“Hey brats,” I called out to them. Both of their heads turned so fast that I almost got whiplash.
Curious children looked at me with round eyes and I stared back with my narrowed ones. “Here,
take these and go change.”

I did not have a good taste in fashion unless it was vintage. I just remember what Ramuda told me
once when I saw him give clothes to the dead in the past. It was funny at first to see him toss
clothes that he had just made, but he made it for this occasion so it makes sense, right?

Thanks for your ramblings of trying to explain to Ichiro, Ramuda.

Now I know some good fashion tips for certain people.

Jiro was the first to come out. It has to be because he’s an athlete. They change a lot of times,
right? Like from school uniform to whatever uniform athletes are supposed to wear and stuff. Or
the youngest one just never had a uniform to change into and likes to take his leisure time.

“What do you think, Sama-nii?!”

“Looks good,” I gave the child a thumbs up. Yamada brat 2 looked so pleased with himself. I asked
him to strike a couple of poses before changing and took pictures to send to Ichiro later.

I heard Brat #3 shout that he’d look better much to the middle brother’s annoyance. Before he
could argue with the youngest brother, I sent Brat #2 back and told him to change into more
clothes and show me. He happily obliged.

It didn’t take long for both brats to come out of the fitting rooms at the same time because that’s
just what would’ve happened. As I took Yamada brat 3’s pictures, Brat #2 waltzed out proudly.
Luckily, they both seemed to like what was on each other-

Brat #2 liked how cute his brother looked and the youngest one looked disgusted but kept his
complaints inside for me. Thank you blessed, cursed child.

After a few sessions, I let them fight over my phone to grab some photos with the basic rule of
don’t look at anything else and don’t delete any photos. They could choose whichever outfit they
preferred and I could buy it for them.

I did not expect them to drag out the fight so I had to intervene though. Sitting to my left Brat #3
had his turn first because I knew Brat #2 wanted to see his brother in cute clothes. Yamada brat 3
probably wanted to see his brother as well, but this was when he was a child so I’m sure he
wouldn’t mind, not looking at them.

Brat #3 went to chose the outfit he liked as I showed off the pictures of Brat #2. Brat #2 was quick
about his decision but Yamada brat 3 took his time. Even after looking at the photos, he seemed

I asked Brat #2 to put the other clothes away and he readily agreed as the outfit that he wanted was
in my hands.

“Hey, you alright in there?”


He sounded so dejected?!

“What’s wrong?” I knocked as the lock clicked and I was surprisingly allowed inside.

The brat showed off two outfit choices he was debating between. I automatically realized that one
of them was the one the middle brother commented about liking the most. It was easy to guess that
the other choice was Brat #3’s personal favorite.

“Is that… Jiro’s clothes?” Yamada brat 3 looked at the articles of clothing in my arms as I nodded.

“Yeah, they are.”


“If you want I can show you his photos later, okay? When you get a phone, just remind me and I’ll
send them over.”

“Okay!” The youngest’s eyes glittered as he nodded enthusiastically. The shine dimmed down
when he looked at the outfits again.

“We can get both,” I supplied. Children, especially spoiled, kind children wouldn’t question a gift

As his blue and green eyes shimmered, I picked up the three outfits and walked over to the cashier.
The youngest brother and the middle brother were now racing to put the rest of the clothes away
along with the two carts and I handed the clothes off to the receptionist.

She gave me a price and I paid.

Tossing the receipt into a trash can, I called the brats over and we walked back to future Yorozuya
Yamada’s building.

We walked home pretty late so it wasn’t a shock to see Ichiro already home.
“Nii-san! Jiro, Saburo!” Ichiro spread his arms wide as the kids pounced on him, trying to get the
most from a hug. “Welcome home!”

I laughed.

“Thanks, Ichiro.”

It seemed so homey with the four of us.

“Hiya Boss!” “Boss…” "Onii-chan!"

That’s why I didn’t notice the other presence in the room. Nemu, Koni, and Zinan were present,
playing with… a kitten.


“We found an abandoned kitten!” Koni screeched as he showed off the kitten. “We wanted to adopt
her, but we’re technically still children… So…”

I blinked rapidly, trying to process what was happening.

“I was called over by Zin-chan to take care of the kitty for a while,” Nemu smiled sweetly. I tried
to wrap my head around everything as Ichiro spoke up.

“Can you take care of her, Nii-san?”

The two brats innocently darted off to the yawning kitten's side.

Sighing, I pulled out my trusty phone.

“We can’t have her in our home, Nemu. None of us are at home a lot so we can’t do that.
Definitely not. But, I can give her a home. Lemme call someone from Koni and Zinan’s group. I
know the whole gang can take care of her.”

“Boss,” Zinan refused to look me in the eyes and shyly shuffled his feet. “Do you want to name


“Yeah! Boss, you should do it!” Koni clapped his hands eagerly. Almost immediately the rest of
the children started to claim I should make a name for the kit. I didn’t want to get attached but…


I muttered of a dream forgotten.

“Let’s name her Hyptasia.”

Like how fleeting a cat’s life was, I think it fits well. But also, like a cat, this was a dream with
nine lives.

Chapter End Notes

Aaaand I'm back! Thanks for reading! I'm going to send this man back to where he
came from. Shoo shoo.

Hyptasia the cat.

A Night in Shinjuku
Chapter Summary

Samatoki can't sleep so he visits the city of lights instead.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Shinjuku, Tokyo was definitely a town full of lights. The town with lights? Maybe not.

I was browsing around because Nemu wouldn’t be home tonight. She was at a friend’s house for
the night and Ichiro was actually hosting a sleepover himself for some of his brothers’ friends. The
middle brat I think.

He invited me over when I told him Nemu wouldn’t be home, but I didn’t want to inconvenience
him so I said I was okay.

I honestly wasn’t.

If the Great Samatoki Aohitsugi was to be honest with himself, he hated the fact that he had to be
alone for the night. In quiet, no noise, loud thoughts ringing in mind, silence.

I decided to stay up for the night and walked to Shinjuku for a change. I wasn’t feeling great, I
needed company or just a place to run off to. And I couldn’t afford to go to Yokohama just yet.
Everywhere else had a chance of still silence and I wanted to see something loud.

I hated the stuffy feeling of a quiet room. A quiet area in general.

It was still sort of loud on the streets and I pulled through with my tired body, ignoring how my
body was refusing to cooperate with me, sluggish moving forward.

This led me to beat thugs up behind some building.

I can’t quite remember what happened, but I was on the streets walking around aimlessly and a
blink after I’m getting punched by a punk. I kicked him back, but again, my body was refusing to
cooperate with me.

Another blink later I’m in a building, a wet towel over my left eye, a couple of white string, belt
things on me (bandages I realized later), and a glass of water in front of me on a table that’s too
pretty to be cheap.

“I see you’re finally awake.”

I shut my eyes and prayed that the person I heard wasn’t near me. I opened my eyes to see Izanami.


“Hello,” I spoke awkwardly, unknowing of where I was or what I should do.

“Hahaha, a ‘hello’ as soon as you wake up!”

He laughed casually, but his eyebrows were furrowed in worry. Worry for a stranger. How fucking

“Are you fine? You were beaten up pretty bad.”

“I’m fine,” I replied breezily, “I fight a lot.”

“That doesn’t sound fine with me,” Izanami seemed unconvinced and leaned over to me. “The
other people managed to get away before I could call the police on them.”

“It’s fine if they ran. I managed to land a few good hits I’m sure. Though, I guess we’re still
physically violent despite it being against the law. You're not going to tell right?”

“I see…” Izanami flashed a brilliant smile, "Of course not."

“Gigolo-san! You’re wanted over at table 6!”


Izanami straightened up and fixed his jacket.

“I’m afraid I have to cut our conversation short,” Izanami looked over at me.

“That’s fine,” I hummed. “Could I, ah, request you later?”

Izanami seemed a little shocked at that, but he nodded swiftly before sparkling over to what I
assume to be table 6.

“May I help you, sir?”

I looked up to see the brat who reminded Izanami of work. I noticed that my table was a little more
in the corner where the other customers couldn't see me. Makes sense, I looked pretty beat up. I
wasn't though. THere's no way I lost on a fistfight.

“I’m fine for- Actually, could I have a bottle of Champagne?”

The pupils of his eyes shook. He must be a newbie or something.

“I’ll pay, don’t worry.”

It took him a couple more seconds to comprehend my words because he took too long to leave and
get me a bottle. Once he came back the first question he asked was if I needed a host. I told him
that I would request Gigolo once he was free.

A couple of minutes later, Izanami found his way over to me and poured himself a drink from the
bottle I was paying for. Whatever.

“Mr. Hardcore from the Dirty Dawg, correct?”

“Ah,” I forgot about that. “Yeah, yeah that’s me.” I grabbed a bottle to chug down. My throat
stung, but there was no nice burn I was seeking for right now. Damn.

“I apologize for not recognizing you earlier.”

“That’s fine,” I shrugged, “I don’t really care?”

“I see,” Izanami was looking for a way to create chit chat it seemed. Guess I'll entertain him.
“What is it like ruling half of Japan?”

“It’ll be all of Japan soon, don’t worry,” I smirked while chugging another glass. The towel slid off
my face as I threw my head back to drink. Izanami daintily caught it before it could hit the ground
and softly placed it back on my face.

“What brings you to Shinjuku?”

“Reasons,” I mumbled. My thoughts were getting a little muddled, but my lips were sealed shut. I
couldn’t let other people know what I knew. I knew even while I was drunk. Well, I don't think I
was drunk yet...

He watched me drink in a fascinated sort of way. I can’t tell if he was staring at my bobbing
Adam’s apple or the fact that a to-be legend was sitting in front of him with a black eye and some
bandages that he undoubtedly dressed me in.

“What’s it like working with people you’re scared of?”

My big fucking fat mouth.

Guess I was fucking drunk.

Izanami froze up quickly and let out a low curse word. I think it was ‘shit’. Glancing around the
room he leaned over to me with an angered look. If angered is the best word for it. It reminded me
of a cornered animal, bristling.

“Does it show?”

“Not really. You’re like a natural,” I placated him as fast as I could. “I just understand it so I could
probably see it better than others. You’re like a natural here.”

I lied through my grinding teeth. Maybe I should stop drinking, wait, one more glass. I finished the
remainders of the bottle and looked over to the host who hadn’t even sipped from his own glass
that he poured first.

“I see,” Izanami huffed, “That’s a relief then. It’s interesting to see someone similar to me. Does it
make you uncomfortable here?”

“Ah, I’m not scared of girls or whatever, something else,” I revealed. “Thanks for worrying

“You’re a customer, I must ensure the fact that all customers are happy.”

“You’re a really good host then.”

Izanami beamed at that compliment.

We had a lot of random talking then. Izanami seemed to get more and more comfortable with me
every passing second, happy to talk to a person such as myself. Ha. That’s nice. I’d like to argue
we got close over the next few minutes, but I wasn’t sure.

“How long do you plan on staying?”

“Enough to get a good portion of my vision back to normal.”

“Hahaha, you shouldn’t have drunk then.”

“It’s surprisingly waking me back up.”

“That’s delightful! I hope you get better soon.”


“Where do you plan to go after?”

“Don’t know, not back home for sure, haha.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t like being alone, much. Fuck, wait, you didn’t hear me say that.”

“But I did…”

Pitiful eyes, ew. I don’t need that. I was about to retort until I realized that it wasn't a pity. More
understanding maybe? Or trying to understand? Could he fathom it?

Wait, wouldn’t he be able to comprehend an inkling of my fear?

“Would you like to stay with me and my roommate for the night?”


“You see we-”

“Gigolo-san! We need you at table 2.”

A different host ran up to drag Izanami away. I watched him look back at me and then at the host
who was motioning to a seat with squealing girls.

“I’m fine. Thanks for the offer though.”

“Ah, okay,” Izanami cast a worried glance at me before rushing off to the table of waiting girls. He
calmed them down with a wink and I watched in awe of his theatrics and skills he used to shine in
front of them.

He was as radiant as the sun, but I knew he was a simple moon. His hair glowed in the lights and it
was as if a halo was above his head. He was brilliant and cheerful, showering everyone he spoke to
with positivity that couldn’t be replicated.

But it was a borrowed light from that suit jacket he wore.

I’m sure that the real sun will appear once his phobia of women somehow disappears.


Calling over another host, putting the cash owed in his hands and a note written for Izanami.

“Make sure he gets that note.”

Then I left the warm, bustling Fragrance for the cold, lonely night.

Again, it was just me, shivering lightly walking around Shinjuku. I guess I would have to return to
Ikebukuro, but I didn’t really want to. Actually, I think I might as well continue walking around…

“Going somewhere?”

I tilted my head to see a tall man with sunglasses.


I turned around fully to look at him. A man who loves his sons, but doesn’t dare to show it.
Someone who fears getting loved back, I think I could relate… maybe… No that was just the
alcohol talking in me. I knew about his situation, but I wasn't sure if I could understand him.

“Nowhere in particular.”

“Mind sharing some of your time with an old man, such as myself?”

“Sure,” I shrugged. I waited for him to move towards me.

It took a while because I think he wanted me to come to him. I refused to do that. He smirked and
sauntered over after a couple of seconds. We just walked with each other and through the sides of
my eyes, I could see his smile glued to his face. Couldn't he at least make that smile less fake?

“Do you have anything to say?”

“I have a lot of questions, Samatoki Aohitsugi-kun. There’s quite a lot of information on you, but I
am disappointed to say that I still don’t know much about you.”

“I’m surprised you’re coming clean on the fact you know me.”

“You already knew, did you not?”

I kept silent and we continued to tread together.

“Your sons are doing okay if you were wondering.”

“Hahaha! My hypothesis was right then, you know some things you should not.”

I ignored the glint in his sunglasses and shrugged.

“Whatever, old man. I’m giving you some precious information. Don’t you want it?”

“I already know about it," his voice was a little softer. "I don't need you to tell me how they are
doing when I already know myself."

“Sure, sure,” I smirked at Rei, “You softie.”

Rei stopped a bit, taken back. I barked with laughter. It felt nice to spend time with someone. I was
suspicious of Rei, sure. I never really got to know him, but Rosho believed him and according to
Rosho, Sasara did too. Despite his actions, his questionable heart was always spared for his sons.

If he was willing to protect those he cared about, no matter how offhanded, no matter how much I
can’t forgive him for leaving the brothers, I can’t hate him.

At his silence, I taunted him, "Are you jealous?"

“You are certainly interesting, Samatoki," Rei mused instead. "I am rather envious of your
relationship with the three brothers, yes."

It felt nice to talk to someone who knew just enough for me to divulge them in a slightly guarded
chitchat. It was especially a plus since the said someone was also secretive. Even in a drunken
stupor, I could laugh it off and pull my walls down a little bit.

“As are you.”

“Why are you out on the streets?”

“Don’t you have good intel?”

“Not good enough to tell me why you’re walking around in the middle of the night. Only good
enough for me to know why you came out of Fragrance.”

“Ha ha ha! If you must know, I don’t like it when there’s no one at the apartment. A home is a
home only when there are people to share it with.”

“I see, I myself am quite used to that silence."

We spent the rest of the night and early morning walking around, sitting on a bench, and talking
about the most off-handed things. Neither of us was trying to peek into each other’s lives. We just
wanted company for the night. I was a little saddened to see sus old man leave, but we both knew it
was inevitable.

I walked to the train and prepared myself to go back to TDD’s hideout.

The place I wouldn’t be so lonely for the short amount of time it existed.

Chapter End Notes

Aaand two new characters enter! Slowly the time is getting near...
Sleep First, Find a Math Tutor Next
Chapter Summary

Samatoki gets caught for his all nighter. He also spends some time with the brats.
Mainly connecting The middle one with a certain math teacher from Osaka.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Did you sleep last night, Samatoki-kun?”

Sensei looked angry when he met me today. Well, I was the first one at the hideout, hanging here
since I came back from my walk. As per usual, I couldn’t go to sleep even if I was here, but I didn’t
think I’d be found out this quickly?

“Hey Sensei.”

“Samatoki-kun, please answer my question.”


Fingers raked the back of my neck, skin on skin, I could feel a brief itch appear and disappear.

“Good morning Sensei! Nii-san!”

“Yahoo, Samatoki~☆ Jakurai~☆”

A sigh of relief with a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I smiled at my two saviors walking in
from the door.


“Good morning, Amemura-kun, Ichiro-kun,” Sensei smiled at them. “Does it seem to you as if
Samatoki-kun slept?”


I felt betrayed. Ramuda and Ichiro hurried over to me, leaning and studying my face.

“I don’t think he slept~☆”

"I don’t think so either… Nii-san, did you not sleep yesterday?”

“Err, well, I…”

Fuck. I didn’t think that they were going to bother me about it. My eyes fluttered shut for a brief
second and the next thing I hear is:

“Oh. My. God. He is tired! Someone hurry up and get a blanket!”

“I can do it!”

“I will provide a pillow for comfortability.”

My eyes opened back up and I saw the three of them in a disarray.

“I’m not asleep.”

“Well, then, you should be!”

Ichiro pushed me further into the couch as Ramuda found a blanket stashed somewhere. Somehow
Ramuda was now looking for a blanket and Ichiro was next to me. Also, I didn’t know we had a
fucking blanket. Why do we have a blanket here? Sensei walked over with a pillow that was
hidden somewhere else. When did we hide these things?

As Ichiro pushed me back, I resisted, but he looked at me with the fucking dog eyes and I felt my
body give up. Fuck.

“Nii-san,” Ichiro whispered into my ear, “Did you not sleep because you were alone?”


“Kuko told me that you went to sleep with him before. When Nemu wasn’t there.”

“The fuck-”


The puppy eyes just turned into the sharpest fucking Doberman eyes I’ve ever seen. I want the
pupper back, dammit. I reluctantly agreed to his assumption and Ramuda draped the blanket over
me as Ichiro ducked out of the way. Sensei came to finish the rest of the tucking in.

They stared at me.

I stared back.

I wasn’t a child fuck it!

“I’m alright.”

I got ready to stand up but the various stares I felt made me sink back.

“At least leave…”

It took three words for three people to scoot out of a room and turn the lights off. They also closed
the door.

Once again I felt uncomfortable.

I laid, awake in the dark, hoping that someone would pop in despite being the one to chase them

I don’t know how long I laid thoughtlessly, pleadingly, like this. Regretting my choice of asking
them to leave. But I do know… I do know that it was a long while.

Sometime later the door reopened and the lights were turned on.
My fucking eyes.

“I knew it! You are still awake~☆!”

“Amemura-kun, please excuse us.”

Ramuda hopped out of the way for Sensei and Ichiro to walk in through the door.

“Of course~☆”

“Nii-san, we’re back!”

I watched wide-eyed as Sensei and Ichiro brought in a bunch of blankets. Ramuda started to push
the tables out of the way. Where were they getting the blankets?

“Well? Aren’t you going to help~☆?”

I stood up quickly and started to move everything Ramuda told me to, helping him. I had an inkling
of what was happening.

Sensei and Ichiro placed the bundles of blankets on the open ground and threw a couple of pillows
to the mix.

“Nii-san, I’m a bit tired so is it okay if I slept with you?”

“Me too! Me too!”

Ramuda hopped around.

“I as well.”

I watched in awe as Ramuda bounced to the lights and bounded back. With the lights off again, I
was led to the blankets on the ground.

Ramada cuddled up to my left and Ichiro to my right. Sensei moved over to Ramuda’s side much to
the latter’s delight.

“Can you sleep now?”

A whisper from the right.


I felt blessed to be surrounded by people like them. Closing my eyes, I felt myself drifting to a
sleep that felt so peaceful it was almost a nightmare. With the warmth of other bodies pushing
against me, the safety of being surrounded by those I care for, put me at an ease I never thought I
could feel again.

“Nii-san! Think you can come to visit Jiro and Saburo today?”


Ichiro turned to me with a large smile. He hummed loudly and grabbed my wrist.


“Let’s head over to Yanagi-san first.”

“I have somewhere to be, but I can meet you around there in about ten minutes?”


I walked over to Yanagi-san’s cafe. It was remodeled a couple of days ago, according to Kento.
Most of the guys under me enjoy Yanagi-san’s cafe. I thought it was funny when I overheard some
of them think of working under her after retiring from me.


I wove my hand with a smile. Yanagi-san’s eyes crinkled and she walked out from behind the
counter to give me a hug.

“Samatoki! You’re getting so famous nowadays I wasn’t sure if you could make time for me!”

“Well, you know I’ll always try to make time for you.”

“Of course!”

Yanagi-san smiled at me widely.

“How about Ichiro-kun? He’s pretty young to be such a hotshot.”

“He’s doing fine too, pretty busy actually,” I smiled at her with a bashful nod. “Could I get some

“Of course! How many?”

“A box, please. Ichiro invited me over to his place.”

“I see~”

I didn't even need to tell her what I wanted. She already knew.

“How’s Nemu?”

“Oh, she’s wonderful as always. You know her, hardworking and strong. I think she said
something about finding your hideout with your new friends.”

“Haha, did she?”

“Yes, she did.”

I gave Yanagi-san the money, no change, and we talked a little more on the topic of how fast the
kids grow.

“Yanagi-san, could I ask you a favor?”

“Mm? Go ahead.”

“You never ask me questions, you’re always there for me and you try your damned hardest to be
there for me, Nemu, and Ichiro. You didn’t even ask about what happened between MCD, nothing
big happened, well it did, but please treat them nicely if they ever visit, and overall, again, you’re a
really caring individual.”

“That’s so sweet Samatoki,” Yanagi-san laughed, “But what’s the favor?”

“Will you let some of my men work here? Set them straight?”

Yanagi-san looked at me oddly. Her eyebrows twitched and her shoulders shook. She threw her
head and started to laugh loudly. It wasn’t elegant, but it wasn’t ugly. She wiped tears from her
eyes and nodded.

“Of course, you silly boy!”

I smiled and did not mention the small age difference between me and her.

After thanking her for both the pastries and the favor, I walked out of the cafe just in time to see
Ichiro walking towards me.

“Nii-san, are you ready?”

I lifted the box of pastries and the lit-up face of Ichiro made me laugh. We walked to the Yamada
building (a temporary name, I’m sure) and Ichiro opened the door.

It was a Saturday so neither of the brats had school.

“Nii-chan! Sama-nii!”

“Ichi-nii! Sama-nii!”

Both of them rushed out towards the door. Funny fucking children.

“Hey, I bought snacks.”

“Nice!” “Yes!”

Brat #2 fist-pumped as Brat #3 eyes glittered with anticipation. I laughed and sat down to share the
treats I got. Two pairs of baby hands reaching out to grab a pastry and stuffing it into their tiny

The way they frantically ate reminded me of a starved, but a rather fat gambler. I chuckled at the
thought and turned to Ichiro.

“So, what’s the big thing, today?”

“Uh… It’s nothing too big…”



“Okay,” I laughed.

Nemu was on a field trip for the school somewhere in Hokkaido. I told her to bring her mic with
her just in case and she listened well. She was to come back in two days. With her gone, I couldn’t
sleep well, but I’ve been invited to sleep with Ramuda and Sensei.

I guess Ichiro wanted to do the same.

I appreciate it and I’m not mad at Ichiro for telling Ramuda or Sensei. The chances of them
reaching that conclusion on their own is high too. Both of them were smart in their own rights.
There were many hints dropped too, I think.

“Just wanted me to visit?”

Ichiro bashfully looked away. I’ll take that as a ‘yes’ then. I glanced over to Yamada Brat 2 and
Yamada Brat 3. They fought over the last pastry. I rolled my eyes and got up from my seat. Ichiro’s
eyes were tracking me as I snatched the pastry to split it in half. Their eyes glowed in delight as
they started to eat their share happily.

“Don’t you have homework?”

“I finished!”

As soon as I asked, the youngest answered me with glee. He sent a look to the middle one who
started to twiddle his thumbs. I smirked at Yamada Brat 2.

“Come on, let’s go finish up your math homework.”

“How’d you know it was math?!”

“I can only help with math homework,” I replied with a chuckle.

“Are you going to help him, Nii-san?”

“Sort of planning to. Think you can keep Brat #3 busy?”

“I’m not a brat!”

We both ignored the youngest puffing his cheeks out. I ruffled Brat #3’s head and walked to Brat

“Nii-san, can you really do it? It’s math homework.”

“What do you mean?”

“Remember? Decimals?”

I lightly punched a laughing Ichiro’s shoulders.

“I have my ways.”

Ichiro laughed harder as he guided Brat #3 to the kitchen saying that he was enlisting Brat #3’s
assistance or some shit like that. Either way, Brat #3 looked really happy to be with Ichiro. Brat #2
was pouting the entire time to his room, arms crossed, cheeks puffed.

“Come on.”

“Sama-nii, can you really teach me math?”


Jiro looked at me bewildered. I smirked as I started to scroll through my contacts I pulled up

during the talk with Ichiro. Ro… Ro… Ro… There it is, Rosho.

I motioned Jiro to sit down and take his homework out. He obliged, unhappily, but at least he did
what he was told to do.



“Who is this?”

“Ah… Did I not give you my number? It’s me, Samatoki.”


“Yeah, ah… do you remember me?”

“Of course I do, it’s going to be harder to forget you, you know."

“Hahaha! Yeah… Remember I told you I knew someone who might need your math expertise?”


“Could you help him now? His name’s Jiro Yamada. I can put him on.”

Brat #2 was looking at me with wide eyes, tilting his head, leaning over with one ear. I snorted.

“Sure. Let me get some of my things…”

A couple of heartbeats later, Rosho hummed.


“Cool, putting you up on speaker…”

I pressed the speaker button and moved it over to Brat #2’s desk. Yamada Brat 2, still sitting at his
desk, stared at my phone in wonder as Rosho called out.

“Hello? Is Jiro-kun there?”

“Yes? Who are you?”

I laughed as Rosho spoke, taken back. He introduced himself as Brat #2’s new math tutor. Brat #2
looked disgruntled, but he accepted Rosho’s help after exchanging glances with me.

I listened to Brat #2 talk animatedly with Rosho. It seemed like he really liked talking with him,
huh? Brat #2 was trying his damned hardest too. I wasn’t even aware of the passing time until
Ichiro called us out for dinner.

I walked over to pick up the phone and Brat #2 whined. I rolled my eyes and let him say his
goodbyes before he rushed downstairs.

“Thank you, Rosho-san.”

“No problem, it was fun to work with him.”

“Do you mind if I give your number to him?”

“Of course not! Now, you should go eat dinner…”

“Thank you again. Hope you have a good dinner.”

“You too.”

I hung up the phone and walked downstairs to see Ichiro slapping Brat #2’s hands. Brat #2 had his
eyes on the curry in front of him. I laughed and took a seat next in front of Ichiro.

“Okay, we can eat,” Ichiro announced.

I quickly gave thanks for the meal and stuffed some food down. I glanced over at Ichiro and wove
my phone.

“Do you care if I give you Brat #2’s newest math tutor’s number?”

“Math tutor?!” Ichiro froze up in shock. “We don’t have money for-”

“Don’t worry, Rosho ain’t going to charge anyone. Seems like the brat already likes him too,” I
rolled my eyes and took a munch on the curry spooned up on my plate. Take half a spoon of rice
with half a spoon of curry. Eat precariously, don't burn my tongue.


“Nii-chan! Rosho is really nice!”

“Rosho-san,” Ichiro corrected with a smile. “Thank you, Nii-san.”

“‘Course,” I smiled.

I glanced over to the child who would start using ‘Aniki’ in the future. A kid whose life, I think,
was too short.

Chapter End Notes

Had to delete and re-upload cause of a mistake! Sorry about that!

Aaaaah, ROSHO FINALLY TEACHES JIRO (Yes I realized this might cause
problems for the 2nd DRB, whoops)
Fluff! *tosses warm feelings* good stuff! *ignores last sentence* Here's some fluff!
Fighting Tobari Idiots
Chapter Summary

Samatoki and Ichiro are notified of the Tobari brothers doing shady things again. They
go to the TDD office to get some help on where the two idiotic brothers are at... And
maybe get a lending hand or two.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“You okay, Nii-san?”

“Yeah,” I lied. Rubbing my palms together, I shook my head. I really should’ve just killed the
Tobari brothers when I had the chance.

We caught wind of the Tobari brothers doing more shady shit in Shibuya. Fucking annoying. I was
peeved, but since Ichiro was here I couldn’t blow steam either.

“Hey hey, the gang’s all here,” I grinned as the door clacked open. Smoothing my expression out to
a pleasant one I smirked.

“Sorry, we’re late!” Ichiro spoke from behind me.


I froze up with Ichiro at the sight of Sensei. He had his hair in two braids. It wasn’t bad, per se. But
it definitely was weird to see him like that. I think my brain erased this memory. This sight.

“Is something the matter?”

“Ah, umm, I like your hair?”

“... Hmm? Oh,” Sensei started to undo the braids, “This is the fruit of Amemura-kun’s labor. As
you can see, he was playing with my hair before you came in.”

“Noo~☆ You’re messing it up!!!”

Ramuda whined from behind Sensei, but helped him undo the braids without tangling his hair and
even tied it back to his normal low ponytail.

“Dang, you two must be really good friends, huh?”

“Ehehe~☆ Yeah! ‘Cause me and Jakurai are the best blossoms!” Ramuda squeezed the living
daylights out of Sensei. I appreciated the effort placed to prevent himself from screaming.

“Best blossoms, huh?” I sat down on the couch and pulled out a cig from my box with a tap.

“Yeah! We’re all the best blossoms!”

“The hell’s that supposed to mean?” I asked with a grin, rummaging through my pockets for a

“Oh! I think I get it!”

A lightbulb lit up above Ichiro’s head as he thumped his fist to his palm.

“Want to explain?”

“Of course! You know what a flower blossom is, right? People call friends ‘buds’ so it’s an
evolution of buds.”

“Ah, that makes sense,” I smiled at Ichiro and puffed. I’d give him a pet if he was closer, but he

“Woohoo~☆” Ramuda hopped on over with lollipops in both of his hands. None were the medical
kind. “Gold stars for the both of you! And a lil’ candy as a present~♡”

“O-Oh, thanks,” Ichiro accepted the sudden assault lightly, taking the candy from Ramuda’s hand.

“Have anymore?”

“Nope~♡ These are the only ones.”

“Then I’m good.”

“Samatoki’s being a big meanie…” Ramuda started up his fake tears, whimpering.

“Are you makin’ fun of me?” My voice was quite exasperated.

“Of course not! I’m just teasing you~☆”

I growled playfully and grabbed Ramuda. He laughed as I gave him a good noogie. He soon
escaped my grasp to sit down next to Ichiro.

“So what didja come here to talk about?” Ramuda asked with a grin.

I frowned, remembering the reason why I was here.

“There’s these couple of dudes that used to work under me. Couple of sleazebags named Zansei
and Zanen Tobari. I heard they’re doing some real sketchy shit with kids in the Shibuya Division,”
I puffed.

“Back in,” Ichiro glanced at me before continuing. I shut my eyes and twirled the cig between my
teeth. “The MCD days, we sort of beat their asses and that’s why they left the Ikebukuro Division.
Guess they washed up in the Shibuya Division…”

“Hmm, so you guys are going to go catch ‘em?” Ramuda tapped his chin.

“Yeah, but we lack info,” I stated. “I have a vague idea, but it’s better to be sure.”

“You must know the Shibuya Division’s underground well, right Ramuda?” Ichiro glanced over to

“Oh noooo~☆ I would never know anything about really scary people!”

“Guess we’re going in blindly then.”

“Samatoki’s being a meanie again~☆” Ramuda whined and hugged Ichiro.

“Nii-san, please calm down. Let’s be a bit more careful…”

“Do you really not know Amemura-kun?” Sensei glanced over to Ramuda.

“Of course I know,” Ramuda huffed, “I was just trying to play around! I’ll go ask about them now.
Sit tight for just a bit, okay~♡? I’m looking at you Samatoki~☆!”

We just sat in nice, still silence until Ramuda came barging in waving his hand while holding his
phone steady in the other.

“Guess what I found out~♡!”

I snuffed the cig and shifted to see Ramuda.

“The guys you’re looking for are holed up in an old abandoned factory near the Shoutou Division!”

“You’re a big help, Ramuda,” I grinned. I leaped out of my chair and glanced over to Ichiro,
“Alright Ichiro, let’s go kick some ass!”

“On it!”

I walked to the door, Ichiro in tow.

“Ah, hold on! Wait a second!” Ramuda stopped us with an outstretched hand. “I kinda think that
they probably know you’re out there lookin’ for them. So I bet they got a whoooole bunch of good
teams to come help them.”

“Yeah, and? Doesn’t matter how many of them there are, we aren’t in the losing business
regarding hypnosis mics. Right, Ichiro?”

“Yeah! We can wallop all of them!”

“Plus,” I smirked at Sensei standing up and walking towards the three of us. “Don’t we have two
more friends we can rely on?”

Sensei and Ramuda’s eyes lit up as they nodded.

“Just leave the ass-kicking to us though,” I laughed as we headed out.

“Yes! Now let’s go beat all the bad guys~☆”

I glanced at the factory entrance.

“This is their hideout alright…”

I sighed.

“Looks pretty rundown,” Ichiro frowned. He reached for the knob and rattle it, but the door refused
to budge.

“It’s not opening. What do you think? Should I kick it down?” Ichiro asked.

“Until we know what is inside, we should refrain from doing anything rash,” Sensei added.
“Oh! We can take a peep in that window over th-”

I cut Ramuda off by kicking the door down. These guys were small fries. I could beat kids up like
this in my fucking sleep. I don’t need to be careful.

“We’re not gonna stand around and waste daylight. Let’s go!”

I shoved my hands into my pockets, anger boiling within me. I ignored Ramuda’s comment about
my nickname being ‘reckless’ and I continued to walk forward.

It was dark, but my eyes quickly shut closed as lights flashed on. I opened them, adjusting rapidly
to the brightness.

“Welcome Samatoki!”

“Hey Yamada! Samatoki-san! It’s payback time!”

“Bunch of fucking sissys aren’t ya,” I growled loudly. “I can see you guys are back to pulling his
revolting shit, fuckers!”

“And why would you stop us? This has nothing to do with you,” Zanen laughed loudly.

“You used to work under me. This shit you’re pulling is turning my stomach. That’s enough

“Yeah yeah and-”

“Quit blabbering at us!” Ichiro shouted. I looked at him a little shocked. “Pull your mics out and

Zanen wove his finger and motioned for a ton of groups to appear. I snorted at the sight of babies,
weaklings who didn’t know their fucking place.

“Let us have a nice little rap battle, fair and square.”

I laughed harder. We were about to rule Japan, just what did these bugs think they could do to us?

“You and your dirty tricks,” Ichiro spat, “You haven’t changed a bit!”

“Sensei, Ramuda, you guys ready?”

“You know it~☆!”


“How ‘bout you , Ichiro?”

“You really gotta ask?”

Ichiro summoned his mic. I grinned wildly and summoned mine too.

“Hahaha! That’s what I thought! Let’s get ‘em!”

“You’re all fucking trash,

Let me clean up, no need to be rash.”

“Fucking bugs shaking collectively as a mass,

Here’s a rhyme you just can’t pass!
You ain’t seen nothing yet,
I hate that we even met!”

I laughed at their puny attack. We were healed by Sensei next anyways. It was on accident but also
expected. I could tell Ramuda wasn’t sure what kind of ability Sensei had, but I don’t think it really
matters. I watched Ramuda rap with Sensei, both using their abilities, one knowingly, the other

Ramuda smirked as the others started to turn against themselves and I laughed louder.

Zanen rushed away and started to scream with a knife.

“Stop right there! You do any more rapping and this kid gets it!” He held a child tightly. We all
glanced at each other. I motioned for Ramuda to move and walked up to the kid. I swiftly
exchanged him with a barrel of oil and shoved the kid to Ramuda.

“Hehehe,” Zansei grinned, “Put the mics down…”

“Why would we lay down our microphones?” Sensei asked.

“You guys dumb or what?! Don’t you get what’s going on?! The kid’s gonna-”

“Before you label anyone else stupid, I suggest you take another look at where you stand.”

I got the shivers from that. I grinned, reminding myself to not anger Sensei.

“What are you saying?” Zanen froze up in fear.

“Take a look at what you’re holding,” I pointed out the oil barrel.

Zanen freaked out at the sight of the barrel, his eyes turning into swirls.

I stopped Ramuda from explaining his ability to them. They’re fucking useless anyways. We
cleaned them up easily after that. I laughed loudly at their painfully weak pussies being crumpled

I felt a rising urge to just beat them up, kill them, but Ichiro stopped me. He pulled me out of the
warehouse and I decided to puff my anger out. Lighting up a cig, I used it to relax my body and my

“You okay, Nii-san?”

“Yeah, come on.”

We walked to Ramuda and Sensei who were already walking up ahead.

“Sensei, Ramuda, thanks for today.”

“Of course! Don’tcha worry about it~♡! We only proved that we’re the best team around! Plus, it
got us all really pumped up too~☆!” Ramuda spun in a circle as he halted his steps. Sensei simply
turned his body.

“Indeed, do not trouble yourself about it.”

“Is it okay for us to rough ‘em up like that though?” Ramuda tilted his head and poke his cheeks
with two fingers.

“Yeah, those vermins,” I frowned, rubbing the back of my head. Tch. I held the cig with my teeth
and walked forward. “Those roaches were trafficking kids. It’s fine to rough ‘em up a bit.”

“It’s crazy that they can even make money that way,” Ichiro snarled.

I’m glad that Ichiro never had to experience that. That was the first thought I had when I heard his

“From the information we received tonight,” Sensei looked at a reflective glass of a store we
passed. I saw it from the corners of my eyes. “It appears that someone from Chuuohku is involved
with their work.”

“We gotta change this,” Ichiro clenched his hands tightly. “I’m going to bring down Chuuohku.”

“I will lend my assistance to eradicate all events such as today’s occurrence.”

I only looked at them. Their faces lit with anger, ready for revenge.

“Heya guys~♡!”

My eyes slid over to Ramuda.

“Before all that, my tummy’s getting rumbly.” Ramuda waved his raised hand.

I stared at him, discerning anything suspicious. Recognizing what he was doing.

“Ramuda, don’t kill the moo-”


It was more like guuurrrgle.

Ichiro coughed embarrassingly and I laughed loudly.

“Damn Ichiro! Someone’s hungry.”

“Sorry,” Ichiro looked away, red-faced.

I slung an arm over his shoulder and held the smoke in my hand, careful to not puff at him. “Aight
then, let’s go get some grub. It’ll be my treat of course.”

“Really?!” Ichiro grinned widely. He excluded a light that was too bright.

“Yipee~☆!” Ramuda squealed, “Okay, you pick the place so long as it’s got good steak!”

“Hmm, steak, you say? Fascinating...”

“Thank you, Nii-san!” Ichiro clasped his hands together and bowed.

Ichiro started to walk forward with much vigor, Sensei and Ramuda by his side.

“I’m going to bring some home for my brothers too!”

“What a good idea.”

“Steak time, whoo~☆!”

“U… Uh yeah! Sure! Leave it to me!”

I shouted as I was left behind. My wallet was going to suffer, but I’m used to spending large
amounts of money for everyone so it should be fine, right?

I ran to catch up to them.

“Let’s make this a party and eat whatever we want!” I yelled

I definitely didn’t count the money in my wallet to make sure I could pay for a large amount of
food everyone ate.

Chapter End Notes

Everybody say "TDD"!

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
The Pricey Top
Chapter Summary

TDD is now at the top of the entire nation. But there are hypocrites everywhere.
Especially Ramuda. Especially Samatoki.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Fuck you and your shit!”

I smirked on the Ebisu pop-up stage on the Ebisu bridge. We were currently in Osaka rapping to
get control of the Western part of Japan. We basically ruled over the east, with this win, we’ll be on

“Come at me!”

I shouted, moving forward. It was four vs. four, so the battle was balanced, but the problem was
that none of that side had a rap ability. They didn’t know that though! Ha! I took the hit from all
four of them. Ichiro quickly pulled my arm over his shoulder to help steady me.

I just laughed.

“It’s okay!”

“Shall we wrap this up?” Sensei moved behind us with Ramuda. I nodded. Using my rap ability to
send these fuckers their damage back multiplied.

“You think playing king of the Kiddy pool gives you any right?
Time to face the music and withstand my full might!”

“And another thing! Your shits’ about to get blurred,

If you wanna win, you gotta stand out from the herd!”

“But whatcha gonna do against us, rapping elites?

When compared to us, you’re groveling at our feet?”

“Toil, train and study our essence.

But you cannot combat our omnipresence.”

I watched the kids get blown back. The crowd cheered for the new reigning men of all of Japan.
Honestly speaking. I didn’t want to come to Osaka because of Sasara, but… I sort of wished he saw
us win today.

Ramuda wove both his hands in the air, excited just like the crowd. Sensei leaned over to me and
Ichiro to check for our injuries. We had a good back and forth with the other team that was
knocked out on the ground.

I took the most hits so my rap ability was stronger, but Ichiro seemed the most worn out. I slapped
his back and smiled.

“Good job Ichiro!”


“It’s almost time to relax! Look around a little and we can meet up at the hotel we reserved, right?”

I bit back the nagging memories, the future about to happen. That was for later. I had promised to
meet Rosho when I came down to Osaka so I had to join the others later tonight for the party. I
waved at them and hurried off to the cafe I promised to meet Rosho in.


“Samatoki-kun,” Rosho smiled at me. He waved and led me to an inconspicuous seat in the cafe.
We didn’t want people to stare at me. I mean, the Dirty Dawg did just become the rulers of all of
Japan. “Congratulations.”

He already ordered coffee for me too, sweet.

“Thanks, for the congrats and the coffee.”

“Of course,” Rosho smiled at me pleasantly. He seemed to be doing well. It was my second time
seeing him so far, but he wasn’t down or weary or anything like that. “Is it alright for you to be
here and not celebrate with your team?”

“I promised you over the phone I’d come to see you the next time I went to Osaka, right? It’s fine.
Plus, we’re celebrating tonight and the sun’s still up.”

Rosho chuckled and took a bite from his pudding. Right, he loves pudding.

“How’s teaching going fer ya?”

“Pretty well,” Rosho nodded his head. “If you were wondering about Jiro-kun, he’s doing well.”

“That I’m sure, you’re the teacher after all,” I hummed after a sip. Fuck. Hot. Thank fuck my
tongue didn’t get burned.

“Thanks,” Rosho bashfully laughed.

“Do you want to meet Ichiro?”


“He’s the older brother of Jiro, they have a younger one named Saburo too,” I hummed, “They live
by themselves.”

“Is that okay?!”

I shrugged.

“I pay for the building’s fees, so, I think so?”


I spent more time talking with Rosho until the sun was barely visible. I managed to get some
directions to the hotel and I thanked him for the treat and the directions. Adding the honorific at
the end of his name sounded weird. I tried to ignore the distance it placed between us.

“A toast for the Dirty Dawg! Champions of the entire country!”

Four hands, four different drinks, raised in the air in unison. I had a beer can, Ichiro a bottle of
coke, Ramuda champagne, and Sensei had iced water.

“Yippee~☆ No one can stop us!”

“It is not polite to drink from the bottle, Amemura-kun. Please use a glass.”

“Ehehe~☆” Ramuda winked at Sensei, “Come on! We control the entire country~☆!”

“For some reason, it doesn’t feel real yet…” Ichiro stared down at his coke bottle.

“That’s cause it went by faster than we expected,” I smiled at him.

“Yeah… so here we are, at the top of the country, huh…” Ichiro muttered.

I looked off to the side. Suddenly the drink didn’t sound as refreshing as it did mere seconds ago.
The knowledge of how long we would be top settled in my troubled mind.


I took out a cigarette and shuffled for a lighter.

“Properly speaking, the country besides Chuuohku.”

The cig lit and I put the lighter down on the table after speaking. Blowing smoke, I knew that it
would not end well. This time. This life. This everything. I had to step up my game, but I couldn’t
make a move without all the players on stage. It was… annoying…

“I must admit,” Sensei hummed as he sipped his water. “It is odd.”

“What is Jakurai~☆?”

“We’re at the very top of the country, yet Chuuohku hasn’t done anything to us,” Sensei frowned. I
closed my eyes, reminiscing when I was the one to state this oddity first. “Surely they would’ve
done something to stop this?”

“You mean to say that someone might be pulling the strings? Like Chuuohku?” Ichiro’s saucer-like
eyes stared at Sensei owlishly.

My eyes slid over to Ramuda, studying him for his reactions. What are you thinking about right
now, Ramuda? I know you thought of us as true friends, brothers even. What’s on your mind?

“I believe so, yes.” Sensei and Ichiro continued their two-men talk. “They haven’t reacted to us at
all, are they not afraid of revolution?”

“Ahaha~☆!” Ramuda broke into sudden laughter, “Come on! Why’re you guys being mopey
pants? Let’s have fun!”

“My apologies Amemura-kun,” Sensei smiled not unkindly, “I didn’t mean to dampen our
I simply reached out my hand so Ramuda could pour me a glass of champagne.

I tilted my chin up to chug it. Washing down the bubbling insecurities and questions and memories
about to overflow. To stop the pleading and begging that I’ve already done so much of.

“Let’s burn down Chuuohku,” Ichiro declared, eyes ablaze.

My eyes moved from my now empty glass to Ichiro. Huh. In the end, we are similar. A smile
tugged at my lips, but I made no movement to lower my hand despite the empty glass.

“Hey, ‘scuse me,” Ramuda raised his hand in objection. Of course that fucker did. That only means
one thing, right? Losing Nemu is inevitable. By losing one player, we gain so much more… “I
really really get what you’re thinking, but I gotta object.

“There’s three reasons why it’s a bad idea. Possibility one is that even though firearms are banned
by the H Act, that doesn’t mean they don’t have a stockpile of them lying around. Possibility two
is the more men we mobilize, the more likely we are to have infighting. Then there’s possibility
three which is our biggest weakness- They have more powerful hypnosis mics than us or… maybe
they have something that makes our mics useless. Then it’s game over for us.”

“I’m not a Chuuohku dog.”

I slammed the glass down so hard it cracked. I ignored the way my hands tingled. Ramuda jumped,
Sensei looked at me with a tilted head, and Ichiro stared at the cracked glass.

A shattering noise.

My body, the one I’ve been training alone in preparations for the future, the one with a voice and a
skill I knew about, the one I had to continuously beat until I could surpass my limitations, had so
much power surge through my hand that the glass broke in the end.

I’m not a Chuuohku dog.

“Samatoki?!” “Samatoki-kun!” “Nii-san!”

I waved them off with my now bloodied hand.

“Is Samatoki drunk?” Ramuda asked flustered, his eyes, their eyes, trained on my injured, bloodied
hand over the empty glass now broken into tiny shards.

“They’re messing with us too much. They pretty much ruined my life, will ruin my life, and they
dictate over others,” I eyed Ramuda’s blue eyes who shakily rose to meet my steadfast red eyes.
“Some more controlled than others.”

"I-” Ichiro reached out a hand to me.

“Ichiro, you say something about my hand, we’ll have a fight.”

I wasn’t playing. Not right now.

“I agree,” Ichiro nodded uneasily, retracting his hand. “Nii-san is right about Chuuohku. I’ll put my
life on the line and die if it gives us our freedom.”

“The rest of us would be quite sad to lose you, Ichiro-kun,” Sensei eyed my hand but made no
movements towards it… Not yet. “But I too, share your fighting spirit. This choice may bring us
countless dangers and consequences, but nevertheless, if we do not act, the dark future of mankind
will never brighten. We must move now.”

“Guys… are you all nuts?”

Ramuda looked lost, defeated,

“We’re not forcing you to join in, calm down,” Ichiro tried to cheer up Ramuda as I handed my
hand to Sensei. Sensei worked quickly to take out shards of glass from the injury and pulled out
bandages from who knows where.

“Aw man… fine… I get it,” Ramuda smiled widely, “This is crazy but count me in!”

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Sensei spoke up in front of me.

“Jakurai, I’m a man too! Don’t you know a man never goes back on his word?”

I stared at Ramuda and studied the way his eyebrows met in the middle. The hand on his chest
coupled with the determination in his voice. The way his hair flounced. The way he spoke truth.
The way he lied through his teeth with his acting. The way the stars and hearts no longer appeared
at the end of his sentences.

“All done, Samatoki-kun.”

“Thanks, Sensei,” I smiled at him and moved to clean the glass shards. Sweeping them off
carelessly with a napkin.

I pulled out four identical glasses and grabbed the nearest champagne bottle.

“Samatoki-kun, I don’t drink…”

I poured with my injured hand.

“This is a toast to honor our brotherhood. One glass won’t hurt Sensei.”

I was lying through my teeth too.

“You may be right,” Sensei smiled, “One glass it is then.”

“You down for a glass too, Ichiro? Just soda though.”


“How about you, Ramuda?”

“Of course… we’re a posse forever.”

Ramuda held his glass longingly as if he knew that everything would fall apart like the glass I
broke. But it would be him, breaking our bonds.


Our glasses clinked.


We downed our glasses empty.

“And with that, we have a promise,” I made a promise I knew that would fall on deaf ears in the
future. “That we’re closer than any brothers of blood.”

I ignored the way Sensei got drunk. Instead, I tried to follow the culprit, Ramuda. Sensei still
caught me in the middle of my escape so I got out of the building way later than I would’ve liked
to. I felt bad for leaving Ichiro there, but I think he escaped somehow too.

On the balcony, I noticed Ramuda from the window. He was calling someone. Probably Bitch. I
was running down the stairs as fast as I could. Please, please do not let the call be over. By the time
I reached the door, I already knew I was late.

Ramuda had finished the call and was smoking.


He seemed genuinely off guard. A cig in his hands. He hurriedly snuffed it out and tossed it.

I only watched from the opened door, the wind blowing my hair.

“Samatoki, what are you doing here? It’s pretty cold, you know?”

The wind made his hair flutter and his clothes ruffle.

“Samatoki? Heeelllooo?”

I walked onto the balcony slowly, then quickly. I grabbed him into a fierce hug.

“Eh? Ehhh? Samatoki?”

He was frozen in shock the first second, then he tried to push me off with trembling hands the next.
My grip was tight, refusing to let go of this vulnerable beast they had trapped.

I wonder if he knew that no one ever thought of him as anything less than a human. And that
Sensei only fucked up his wording because he was angered. Because Sensei was as human and
imperfect as Ramuda himself was.

Ramuda started to sob.

My hands tightened further and I ignored the wet blood on one hand.

“You’re not alone.”

He cried louder when I spoke.

The night sky was pretty. The stars twinkled and every so often there was a flash of bright light.
The lamp posts didn’t flicker like they did when I was young or old. There was no one speaking on
the empty balcony except the two figures hugging it out. The water reflected the starry night with
no cicadas buzzing.

I wonder if…

I wonder if it’s selfish for wanting to bring Ramuda harm through guilt.

Chapter End Notes

A quick upload cause I felt like it. I may or may not have written more chapters ahead
of time-

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
TDD's Breakup
Chapter Summary

Between the choice of changing the future and living through the same choice, the
coward is afraid to try something new so the time flows with its normal fated events.
He decides to let the tide continue.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

It stung.

Bitch’s words stung.

“Onii-chan! Ichiro! Congratulations~!”

Nemu popped up from the door to the Yamada building. It still wasn’t a Yorozuya Yamada yet, but
it was getting there. Ichiro was wearing the red headphones, his signature headphones, that I gifted
him back in Osaka when TDD became the rulers of Japan.

“Nii-chan! Sama-nii! Congratulations!”

“Welcome back, Ichi-nii! Sama-nii!”

Nemu talked about having our lunch ready. It was a mix of everyone’s favorite dishes. I smiled at
her and hummed as I ate in peace.

“Hey Nemu…”

Nemu looked up.

“Nothing,” I smiled at her, “Just realized I need to work harder for you is all.”

“Oh come on, you work plenty hard enough! You’re always there for me.”

“Us too!”

Ichiro hopped in, sharing a look with Nemu.

“You really do a lot, Nii-san. No need to do more.”

I chuckled and shook my head in disbelief. Are these the kids that I was working with, really?

After lunch, Ichiro and I headed off to the office to gather all the guys under me. I wanted to make
a speech. I could feel the impending doom breathing down my bare neck.

I hated this vulnerability.

“You should start a Yorozuya shop,” I muttered randomly. “You know, it’s a good way to put your
skills to the test.”

“Why are you saying this suddenly?” Ichiro looked at me with a smirk, “Are you firing me?”

“Never in a million years,” I laughed.

In front of the crowd of guys who worked alongside me loyally. I could only let them down.

“I’m disbanding the gang. You guys have complaints, sure, you can talk to me about it if you want.
I’ll give you all pay as well, for the end after all. I recommend you guys to start looking for good
places, some straight ways to live. For example, Kento, Yanagi-san would love to have you on her

I ignored the flustered look Ichiro gave me as I walked out and away.

I had to wait for a phone call.

I waited in front of the main gate like an obedient puppy. I don’t like how I sounded as if I was
nothing more of a dog, but at the very least I was less so of a Chuuohku dog than Ramuda.

I did not fight back, but Bitch took a turn anyways.

The other bitch who ruled Japan… She was a motherfucking bitch. An insect loving bitch.

I mainly ignored her on the TV because I already knew what I had to do. Either way I was to lose
Nemu, that much was obvious. But what about Ichiro?

Wasn’t my main goal Ichiro’s happiness? Everyone’s happiness over my own? Nemu and Bitch
get happy with Nemu leaving me anyways, right?

It didn’t matter if Ichiro was practically my younger brother at this point.

I flipped off the head bitch of Chuuohku and waited in a room of silence with a black TV screen.
I’d break it now, but then I would have nothing to break later, so I kept it intact.

I waited for the doors to open, steeling my heart so I wouldn’t break, despite the fact I already
gauged how much this could destroy me. I already knew who was on the other side before the
doors even opened.

“Nii-san? Why… are you here…?”

I walked up to him, summoning my mic.

Ichiro was shaking like a spider on it’s last leg. His tremors sent shivers of guilt down my spine.
He looked so small I wanted to hug him, protect him. But I vowed to myself that I would not lose a
rap battle other than one exception, further into the future.

“Do you trust me?”

I asked him casually, pulling my mic to my mouth.

With the ways his eyes trembled, I could already tell that this battle would be shorter than what it
originally was.

“I can’t…”
“You have to,” I said matter of factly. “You have to for your brothers.”

Please let this be a great turning point, a good evolution for Ichiro.

During the unforgiving, practically one-sided battle, I saw him piece everything together. He was
conflicted because he realized what was at stake for me as I knew what was at stake for him.

It wasn’t even difficult… winning that is.

I would always win.

This scenario can replay tens and hundreds of times and I would still reign as the winner.

If I was the loser, the outcome could change and Chuuohku would expect me to hate Nemu more,
but I couldn't pretend to do that.

“Let go of me, Ichiro,” I spoke as softly as I could. As gently as I could. Two worn, shivering
hands wouldn’t release my ankle from their poor, weak grasp.

Damn Chuuohku for ripping my family apart.

I wanted to laugh and scream and cry all at once.

Take Sasara, take the Dirty Dawg, take Nemu, take Ichiro, take Jyuto, take Rio, take everything
from me and strip me bare, I will never let you take any more once I steal back what’s rightfully

Life is not fair, that is true. But Chuuohku only exists to see the day of its impending doom.

“Nii-san… P-please, I’m begging you… don’t press that button.”

Ichiro was desperate.

But so was I.

“Trust me Ichiro.”

I dragged him across the floor to the button. I ignored how lightly and easily he slid across the
dirtied floor. My bandaged hand still stung. It felt as if I was being chained to a large cement ball,
despite reality being so different.

I fought without the need to die. Ichiro was an easy opponent. I didn’t need to use the full extent of
my powers. I never did. Not now, only further in the future.

He refused to let go. I felt bad, but I had a button to push.

“Do you trust me?”

I echoed a question rephrased from before I dragged him across the stage. His eyes widened as I
held my fist in the air.

My bandaged hand slammed into the button.

Ichiro screamed.

I felt my hand start to bleed out again. It’s wet slouching sounds could be heard as it littered the
ground. I couldn’t ignore the cries of the child who wept as he clutched my legs tightly. He would
leave a bruise, this I knew.

I bent down to help him up. I felt my hand being slapped away, the blood remaining on his hands
and my hands stinging worse than before. My offer of assistance was rejected.

“Y-you’re awful. You’re so awful…”

I watched him silently. The crowd cheering would’ve been deafening if I wasn’t so hyper-fixated
on Ichiro and his next words.

“Why would you treat me so kindly and then go do something like this? I would’ve rather never
met you!”

This brat…

I felt him release my leg, but for some reason, I felt as if there was more weight hanging on my
legs than less.

Didn’t he figure out what I had at stake too? How selfish.

He didn’t even know what I would have to go through. He wouldn’t know what I had lost for him.
He doesn’t know how much this hurts me more than him.

The pain I saw in his face as I slammed my hand down, splattering blood. The way his world broke
in front of his face, his dreams crashing down, reality being a bitch, and breaking a portion of his
heart. Does the brat think I wanted to see that?

When he slapped my bleeding hand away, the way he spoke resentful words towards me. The pure
hatred and contempt he held for me although I honestly did him a favor.

He would be in pain for a couple of minutes, his brothers would be returned to him, but I would
walk home empty handed. No Nemu, no Ichiro, no Dirty Dawg. I was the one who lost, you know?

Here he was hating me for losing everything while he would lose nothing.

And I couldn’t even hate or resent him for it.

“Samatoki Aohitsugi, please return to the room you were in before to collect your prize.”

My prize, my ass.

Nemu wasn’t a thing, she wasn’t a prize. She was a human being that was to be manipulated by
Chuuohku to do their bidding. She wasn't even going to come back.

I walked away silently, dragging my feet, scraping them against the floor. One good thing is that I
would be moving out of the apartment filled with memories to avoid again.

I walked into the room and the door shuttered behind me. Of course, Chuuohku can’t have Ichiro
suddenly making up with me, right? He can’t know the truth of what’s happening, right? The door
in front of me, the one I walked into before the battle began, had Nemu standing there on the other

I saw her, but I didn’t embrace her. She was okay, that’s all that mattered.

“Why did you bother coming? I’m not leaving with you.”
Her eyes were shadowed. I didn’t need to look for anything else. I already knew what she was
thinking, why she was thinking that way, and how she got to that point.

“I don’t think you will understand.”

“You’re right, no one will ever understand you.”

Ouch. That stung. It was a fact that was certain, set in stone, something I already knew about. But
to have it clarified aloud. By Nemu no less… It hit differently.

“I’m joining Chuuohku.”


I stared at her, watching the way her pink, dolled eyes were dulled over. Her blank, emotionless
face creates a more horrific scene of a human puppet being played around by Chuuohku. They
praise women, but in the end, it was just about the elites, wasn’t it?

About head bitch and Bitch.

“Ichiro influenced my decision.”

“I see.”

Nemu stared at me. It changed into a glare, her eyebrows furrowing. I wonder if Chuuohku really
thought I would act out. This probably wasn’t going as well as they planned. Or at least, the way
they planned it.



The silence was deafening and at the same time so loud. I heard voices that were from people I
technically didn’t even meet. Voices of people so familiar and close yet so far away and out of my
grasp. Including some of the people, I have lost touch with.

“You don’t have anything to say to me?”

Her tone was harsh, of course, to be expected, obviously. It hurt nonetheless. I was in pain,
nonetheless. I just wouldn’t show my pain. I’m not stupid. I have my life created and made.
Predestined in a way.

I smiled at Nemu. I guess it was bittersweet because it definitely felt that way.

I watched Nemu flinch at the smile, but I held it still. Because everyone who leaves, I should see
them off with a smile. It was Kannonzaka who taught me that. No matter how I felt, I should make
the other party feel at ease.

Nemu stirred, looking more uncomfortable by every second.

My smile, glued to its place, trained to be perfect, without sadness indicated in it, parted.

“I hope you achieve your goals in Chuuohku.”

Nemu broke for a second. In a similar sense to Sasara, she seemed to try to fight it. I wanted her to
break free. I wanted to tell her to fight it and come back to me. I wanted her to stop. It was hurting
her so devastatingly that my heart was shattering.

My mind split in two ways, my heart tugging at two opposite ends, I just stood there with my

In the end, Nemu couldn’t beat the true hypnosis mic. She was sweating, her hair matted against
her forehead and she huffed loudly, her pain visible.

As she walked away I called out after her.

“Use everything I taught you, okay, Nemu?”

Nemu didn’t pause.

“I plan to."

She left after a curt reply.

I could only watch her leave.

I haven’t felt this powerless in a while.

I left without breaking the TV. Maybe I was fearful of being unable to break it.

I was surprised that I hadn’t questioned my capabilities in the beginning. But I was really starting
to doubt myself right now.

What was the use of knowing the future, if, in the end, it meant nothing? I couldn’t prevent
anything or fix anything. I haven’t changed anything.

I walked home, alone.

I packed up, alone.

I moved to Yokohama, alone.

I joined the Katen Gumi, alone.

Here’s to a long time of hard work and loneliness and sleepless nights.

At the very least, Mad Trigger Crew’s beginning was near.

Chapter End Notes

Mmmm I know most or some were thinking I should change it or he might change it,
but... Hope you were satisfied with this outcome!

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
Yakuza and a Gambler
Chapter Summary

Samatoki is in Yokohama. Tdd is over, Ichiro hadn't contacted him, he thought he'd be
lone until he remet Jyuto, but it's not the case as a gambler passes by...

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

I was up planning more counter-tactics against the future. With my sleeping problem, I found it
hard to relax and I constantly fought sleep on a daily basis. Of course, it didn’t bother me much
because I would just stay up and make insane plans to prevent future problems.

However, all of the stuff I was doing was shit and I needed to get some fresh air to think up better
plans. To do this, I obviously needed to step out into ‘Hama’s night.

It was around this time that I saw someone getting beat up.

As someone part of the Katen Gumi clan, we had our own illegal hypnosis mics. These mics, I
enjoyed using on the thugs beating up the guy.

They weren’t going to start that stuff on my turf. Oh fuck nah.

“Whew! Thanks for the save, dude!”

A familiar voice with an unfamiliar childish tone.

I looked over to see none other than Dice Arisugawa without his hair accessory.

“You good?” I checked him for any injuries, noticing a small bruise here and there. It was still
rather dark, so there must’ve been other injuries.

“Yeah! Thanks again for the save!”

I looked at him once over again and laughed.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

He froze, like a deer in the headlights, except, unlike a deer, he was more of a cat. His coat
fluttered as he glanced at me with large, round eyes. It was as if he was begging me to leave him
alone. I was going to laugh at him.

“Come on, you have to repay your debts or some shit like that. Right?”

Dice looked uncertain, but he followed me anyway. I found it funny how he twiddled his thumbs
and moved a little nervously, anxious for this ‘payback’ I asked of him. Honestly, I was just about
to use him as an excuse to fall into a good sleep.

I led him to my new apartment, a single bedroom, single kitchen, single bathroom thing. Just
another something that reminds me of how lonely I was. He looked around confused but dazed. I
couldn’t hold back a snort. His head snapped over to me, his eyes were wide and untrusting.

A nineteen-year-old Dice. He was still a kid then.

I motioned him over to the couch and I had him sit. It took me a while to look for bandages and I
started to patch him up with alcohol wipes and white bandages.

“You hungry?”

“Uh… It’s like… the middle of the night?”

“Okay cool,” I shrugged. Unlike Ichiro, Dice was definitely someone to take advantage of
someone else’s kindness, right? Or was he also untrusting?

“So… the debt?”

“Sleep here for the night,” I shrugged. “Eat breakfast and then you can go, debt repaid.”

“Are you sure that’s me repaying a debt?!”

“‘A man sticks to his word’,” I repeated a quote from the far past. A past I still longed for. “Unless
you want to be the target of Katen Gumi?”


“Yep,” I nodded. Dice looked scared like he’d piss himself if he could, but he even looked too
scared to piss. I chuckled. “So just fulfill your debt and we can be on our merry way.”

Dice looked upset. Obviously. He wasn’t really buying it, but it was silently agreed that he would
stay until morning.

I walked to my room and tidied up everything, putting the papers and plans in the large lockbox I
have. I headed to the bed and felt myself going into sleep, deeper than I thought.

When I woke up, I was surprised to notice that it was the afternoon. It didn’t really matter since I
could work whenever I wanted to (I climbed up the ranks exceptionally quickly), but I was pretty
sure Dice would’ve left by now. Waking up to silence… I tried not to think about it.

I owed him thanks for a good sleep, the next time I saw him.



“You’re still here?!”

“Yup! You said not to go until I ate breakfast…”

I stared at Dice incredulously before I started to laugh really loudly. He didn’t stay for the food
really, he stayed because he feared what would happen to him if he left, obviously. He probably
didn’t wake me up for the same reason, but still...

“You could’ve woken me up, you know?”

“I wasn’t the only one who looked like shit yesterday. Fuck, um-”
I laughed harder as Dice’s eyes comically got bigger and he started to get scared. Pure gold.

“Don’t fret it, I’ll make breakfast real quick.”

I moved around to get some grub and cooked up a simple stir fry with an omelet covering. I could
hear the boy’s grumbling tummy and I just led him to the small dining table. I ate standing up as
Dice sat down.

He scarfed the food down, his cheeks equating a greedy squirrel, his mouth equivalent to a
vacuum. We ate in peace, somewhat. If his chewing sounds annoyed me, I didn’t say a thing.

“What’s your name?” Dice asked me after he licked his plate clean.

“Samatoki Aohitsugi, you?”

“Dice Arisugawa.”

“Nice to meet you, Arisugawa,” I smirked.

I taught him the way to Rio’s place since I knew he’d like his food better. I didn’t really understand
it, but I wasn’t sure if I could support Dice on my own. I didn’t really trust his nifty hands and I
wasn’t going to spend too much money on him (as much as I wanted to) because I needed to save
up a lot.

“Thanks, man!”


I watched him leave, without thinking that he’d ever come back.

He has, at times. And I surprisingly had a good time whenever he came to visit me. Not to mention,
it was unsurprising that I would have a good sleep whenever he came to visit. Memories of the
future didn’t appear in my sleep much anymore.

I was walking towards BerBerBer in Shibuya when I happened to see a familiar person.

Dice, who hadn’t visited me in a while, walked past me towards an alleyway. The sun was just
beginning to set so I thought I had enough time to chase after him. I followed him and he took a
couple of turns before entering an underground casino.

Of course, I followed him.

“Hey Arisugawa,” I called out a greeting.

Dice turned around in shock, his mullet more visible. I snorted at the way he still comically opened
his eyes and mouth. He rubbed his two eyes to ensure my existence. With a large smile, he greeted
me, using the familiarity that we were both used to.

“Samatoki! It’s been a while. You still look like shit, huh?”

I only laughed in response. I would not tell him I didn’t sleep much since he left. Or ate much now
that I think about it. Doesn’t really matter because I still function fine.

“What are you doing here?”

“Was about to buy something, but then I saw you walk by and thought I’d come drop by to say hi.”

“Oooh, I see. Well~ You want to hang around?”

“Sure,” I shrugged. I sat down on a chair nearby and watched Dice play when we entered the

He had a tongue out in full concentration, sweat beading up on his forehead and rolling down on
the sides. His eyebrows were furrowed together so that he almost looked like he had a unibrow. He
held onto the die tightly before shaking them up and tossing them.

“Come on!”

The die rolled and landed on a one and the other, a two.

“Nooo!” Dice shook his head as a portion of his winnings was taken away. I consoled him with a
slap on the back and a chuckle.

“I wanted to look cool in front of ya, but I guess I failed…”

He looked so dejected. He does know that gambling isn’t just about luck, but also cheating, right?
Or maybe that’s just how I learned it.

“Try your luck on something else?”

“Yes! My lucky dice tells me that we have to try the slot machines next!”

I just followed him, unsure of where to go for sure. When we got there. I was surprised to see him
sit and start spinning with intense concentration. He would pull the lever each time with a precision
I never saw happen with anyone before, it was amazing.

I also never went gambling so it was really cool for a first-time experience. He racked up quite a
bit before he grabbed my hand to show me the other games. Of course, I refused to take part in any
games, gambling addictions can be the worst, but I did watch him play and have fun.

The lights were very bright and my eyes were occasionally annoyed by it. The sounds of the casino
and Dice screaming didn’t really boost the entire experience, but it was worth it somewhat. He
looked like he was having fun, so that’s all that really, mattered… right?

Dice was on a winning streak, but he showed no signs of stopping until he lost everything. I gladly
accompanied him the entire time despite disliking the smoke-filled area more and more. It was
getting pretty late and Dice still had a lot of money on him.

It was a game of poker I think. He had a pretty good hand, but who knew what the other guy had.

When I blinked, I was in a different room.


“Yeah, mornin’ to you too man.”

I looked over to Dice’s form. He was smoking a cig (one of mine) by the windowsill. I realized I
was on a bed. It was still pretty late too.

“What happened?”
“You fell asleep,” Dice supplied. He snuffed the cig and tossed it outside. “I brought you to a
nearby hotel.”

“One, you shouldn’t do that, someone could get hurt,” I motioned to the cig tossed outside the
window. “Two, how’d you get money?”

“Didn’t cha watch me win?” Dice asked, his eyebrows quirked. He gave me a toothy smile, “You
were the one who told me to keep some savings cash just in case. I won the Poker game you slept
on and decided to take you to a hotel, my treat.”

“Thanks,” I laughed. I was a little shaken that Dice would spend his money on me, I didn’t mean
for that to happen. “I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

“That’s fine,” Dice laughed. “I don’t think you meant to fall asleep either. But I sure as hell
expected it.”

Is that why he didn’t use everything, every time we played?

“You looked like shit,” Dice wove his hand, “You still look like shit. Go back to sleep.”

“What about you?”

“I can go to sleep later, mind’s too busy to let me fall asleep, yeah?”


From this angle, this time of day, that pose he was in, he reminded me of someone.

Long, overgrown hair, tied into a ponytail for comfort. Small scars on his cheeks and calloused
hands. Puffing away on a cig stolen from some poor idiot he probably fought. A broken hair
accessory wrapped into a makeshift necklace through strands of string. Tattered clothes, but refusal
in taking off the coat that signified his beloved Posse. Strength and visible determination in his
eyes despite being the last of his tightest friend group. Well versed in medicine but never reaching
his goal.

It soon became painful to look at Dice. I looked away more so for my own sake and decided to
give my body the rest it needed.

When I woke up, Dice was still there. He was sleeping and I found it cute. I should look for a way
to repay his kindness one day. I was planning on walking out until Dice called me out. I turned to
see him groggily get up, rubbing his eyes and looking at me.

“You need to repay your debt.”

I blinked for a slow second, numb.

“Of course.”

He then smirked.

“You repaid the first half by sleeping, now repay the second half by eating breakfast.”

I stared into his eyes and we both ended up laughing.

Chapter End Notes

Chapter End Notes

It was either about an hour early or a couple of hours late and... well, I chose early.
Dream A World Without Drugs
Chapter Summary

Samatoki finds Jyuto and swears to help his dream come true.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“It feels great! I have a dream that I must reach, so hell will freeze over before I bow down to the
likes of scum like you!”

“Alright then! Finish him!”

“Got it!”



I easily slung the guy in front of me to the side. My muscles were lean, but I still had ‘em after
working out for so long. I didn’t stop despite the H act, because skills were skills and they had to
be continuously polished no matter the law.

“Nice speech, Jyuto.”

The person who was attacking Jyuto took a step back. He looked angered. It makes sense, I was
walking in and beating up the guys without a question.

“And who the hell are you? You don’t look like a cop…”

The person, the drug dealer, was disgusted as I laughed at his face. I waited for a long time,
writhing in loneliness. Dice thankfully made it better, but it didn’t really mean anything. I was
Kashira, I would sleep in my office when the building was at its loudest so I wasn't too sleep-

I don’t doubt that I still look like shit.

“Consider me a fellow bad guy.”

“Tch,” the dealer clicked his tongue and I laughed harder. “I don’t have time for this! Guys, go
take care of this bastard!”

“As if you could,” I activated my hypnosis mic.

“Outta the way fuckers, I’ll have you all tuckered.

This is my turf, my land, the place where I surf.
Your damned mugs ain’t worth shit compared to a bunny cop who’s lit.
You’re no fucking match for me bitches, hurry up clean your wounds with stitches,
I’m Mr. Hardcore, Yokohama’s number one king!”

Fucking idiots. They’re so weak. I watched them flee as fast as they could after that verse. Fucking
weaklings, that’s why I hate them.

No wait, they came back twice in number. Hahaha, this is getting interesting. If Jyuto was knocked
out I could use that skill and demolish them easily. Probably kill them, but it wasn’t against the
rules, right?

“Thank you…”

I turned back and looked down. Jyuto was struggling to get up. With a smile planted on my face, I
offered him a hand. He took it and I pulled him up.

“Think you got something left in you, Jyuto?”


“Good, ‘cause they’re coming.”

I guess I'll just rap with Jyuto instead.

They were cowards. I watched them leave, scattering like the bugs they fucking were. I had the
urge to run after them and squash them, especially the one that injured Jyuto, but I was held back
by Jyuto.

“What were you doing here?”

Jyuto asked me, his eyes studying my figure. I shrugged off his look and hummed.

“Simple, I was after these scumbags who started to do drug dealing and shit on my turf.”

I pulled out a cig and lit it. A second one was lit and handed over to Jyuto before he could even ask.
Even in the darkness, I could see the gratitude in his eyes. We sat in silence for a couple of
seconds, simply enjoying the sounds of the night.

“It’s weird for me, a cop, to say something like this to a yakuza but… thank you. You saved my

“Likewise,” I chuckled. After an exhale I looked at Jyuto, “Without you, it would’ve been harder
to defeat those punks. I was more impressed by the look on your face when you made that speech
about your dream though.” I decided to switch topics, “It was a good face of strong will and

“...Not really…”

Haha, the shitty bunny cop was flustered by the praise? This narcissistic cop was embarrassed by
me praising him? Funny.

“Nah, I know what I’m talking about.”

I wasn’t looking at him. But I saw a second of it. Jyuto’s soft smile on his worn face. My stomach
churned, but I forced a smile on my face, a grin splitting ear to ear.

“If you really can’t accept this, then take it as payback from the past. We managed to save the kids

“I remember that,” Jyuto nodded, “I would say that that favor has already been repaid because it
helped as a great start for my ascendance in ranks. I got promoted after that incident. Speaking of
that incident, how are the boys?”

“Nii-san didn’t do that! He’s a better person than you ever will be Gencho!”
“Sama-nii, congratulations!”
“Welcome back, Sama-niI!”
“Y-You’re awful. You’re so awful… Why would you treat me so kindly and then go do something
like this? I would’ve rather never met you!”

“Samatoki Aohitsugi?”

I snapped out of my thoughts and I turned to Jyuto.

“Fine I’m sure,” I glanced away, “They’re doing great.”

“You don’t look so sure…”

“Instead of talking about it,” I looked towards Jyuto, “Why don’t you form a team with me?”

I decided to hit the main topic. I needed to form Mad Trigger Crew with Jyuto and Rio. Otherwise,
I was unsure what would happen in the future. I needed them in my team.

“A team?”

“Exactly,” I snapped my fingers and locked eyes with Jyuto. “I don’t know what your dream is, but
if you join me, I’ll help you with your dream. No doubt, no questions.”

Jyuto’s green eyes glittered.

“My dream is to eradicate all drugs.”

“Then I’ll help you with that.”

“That’s a tall order for a yakuza that I just met. How do I know you won’t go back on your word?”

“Mmm, if I bought you a bunny, would you trust me?”

Jyuto looked at me incredulously. He then let out a sigh and started to laugh despite being out of

“O-Oi! Yer still outta breath aren’t cha?!”

I hovered over him worriedly and he continued to laugh.

“Ahahahaha! I, Jyuto Iruma, look forward to working with you!”

I stopped my hovering and froze. My mouth twitched up and I gave him a toothy grin, fangs and

“Yeah, same here.”

Tossing the paper ad of prostitution into the trash, my feet carried me to that location.

I tried to prevent myself from grinding on my cig as I walked on forward.

Dirty roaches.

I walked into a prostitute area and opened the door. The receptionist, some fat bitchass roach
looked at me with the most disrespect I’ve seen in a while.

“Hey, welcome. Just one of you?”

I puffed a little and walked over to him. I didn’t reply, instead, I squished my burning cig on his

Before he could even scream I gave him an uppercut with my other hand to shut him up. It was
quiet and easy. I put my hands in my pockets and walked towards the last door at the end of the

I opened one of the doors rather roughly. Looking at all the girls there… My anger boiled over.

Faces of people who didn’t want to be there. Wearing unexplainable cosplay and looking at me
with complete and total fear.

“What?! Who the hell are you?!”

I watched a guy get up from his chair and stalk over to me. I waited for him to get close enough
before kicking the side of his head. I smirked in appreciation of the sound the skull made when it

“You’re nothing to me,” I finally spoke.

Since one of the guys was conked out with a simple kick I moved to the other man in the room.

“Hey, you guys better take this as a chance to escape,” I spoke to the girls without looking at them.
That’s when I couldn’t contain my anger anymore. I started to punch the man in the face, his face
getting distorted and ugly like a bug releasing its disgusting juices as it was continuously squished.

I grabbed him by the hair and tossed him to the lockers where he slid. I ignored the fact that some
of the girls were still in here, probably embarrassed by their outfits. I casually waltzed on over and
pulled the punk up by his hair.

“Hey wake up, it’s not nap time.”

I slammed his head to the locker continuously as he started to babble.

“P-Please forgive me…”

“Huh?” I snorted, “I won’t forgive you. You got the balls to do this kind of stuff? Especially in my

The punk raised his hands and looked at me, his jaunty, bruised face looking more like a zombie.

“I-I’m just working for them so I d-don’t know anything!”

“You still chose to work in a place like this, didn’t you? You’re still scum.”
I punched him hard on the stomach and watched him crumble.

“Well, well, well… an alarm went off, and look what we just found.”

I turned my head to see the most annoying brothers in the world.’

“It’s been a while, hasn’t it, boss? No… You’re our ex-boss now, aren’t you?”

“Zanen… Zansei…” I glared at them. Sighing and ruffling my hair, my eyes looked up to them. “I
knew I should’ve killed you the day we met.”

“Pretty brave words for someone like you!” Zansei growled, “Quit acting like you’re always gonna
be and always have been our boss!”

“Samatoki-san,” Zanen raised a hand to stop his brother from talking, “You’ve put us in quite a
tight spot, as you’re interfering with our business.”

I laughed, hard. Here were two idiots who continuously thought they were my underlings, I don’t
like them like that. It’s more like jealousy. Ha ha ha! Jealous of me? Because I look down on them?
They shouldn’t be so weak then.

“You start a business that you know I disapprove of on my territory and you frightened these girls
into working for you, right?”

I dropped the guy and gave him another kick before turning to the two Tobari brothers.

“It was extraordinarily easy to do that. It’s quite efficient at that. What’s the problem with it?”
Zanen laughed.


“You’re not our boss anymore so it doesn’t concern you. I think there’s entirely no need for you to
butt in on our business.”

“I see,” I smiled serenely, “Seems like you’re just asking to die.”

They pulled out their mics and I laughed. I don’t need to use my mic on small fries.

I walked through their pansy raps and punched Zansei. K.O.

I headed over to Zanen who started to panic.

“A-ah? I-I don’t understand… I don’t understand at all…”

He was shaking in his boots, literally. I watched him cower and pull his phone out, I didn’t increase
my speed. At a slow and steady pace, I approached him. He called the police but I ignored him.
Punching his face multiple times I watched him flop over.

I glanced at the girls who were still sitting there in the violence of things. I don’t know how old
they were but… I wonder why they weren’t leaving.

The police came before I could ask and they cuffed me. I obliged without a fight. I disliked how
they treated me so I might’ve quipped back angrily. I looked back at the girls who were still
frozen, most likely fear.

“Go straight home now.”

I called out to them as the police led me away. They bowed their heads and I even heard one of
them say ‘thank you’. I was pretty pleased with myself.


One of the girls, much to my, the police’s and her friends’ surprise, ran over to me.

“H-He didn’t do anything wrong!” The girl suddenly spoke to my bewilderment. This never

“Lassie, he was the one who beat up the men here despite there being a no-violence act in place.”

“They attacked him too!” The girl tried to reason with the police much to my dumbfoundment. She
spoke about being forced to work there and how I was the one to save her and her friends. I was
even more surprised to see some of the girls backing her up.

How old were they? These teenage girls…

“It’s okay,” I used my most soothing voice, but it still came out gruff.


“I used violence and I’m sure some of you never wanted to see what I did. Either way, I should at
least be put behind bars for a little bit, right?”

The girl looked at me with tears in her eyes. She looked away with a sniffle and I only smiled at
her. The police took me in after and I tried to ignore the way a stranger cried for me.

I sat patiently in the cell, uncuffed.

Should be anytime now…

Chapter End Notes

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
And wiki lol

I realized how easy it is to miss a chapter and not think much about it after because
they're mostly stand-alone :P
Anyways, school has started for me so I can't keep up the normal updating style I can
only do it either earlier or later than my normal update time. Just a heads up. Also, It
would most likely be after the normal update time by like an hour and a half.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed and good luck in school or work to anyone who does
those two things!
MTC's Creation
Chapter Summary

Samatoki gets out of jail thanks to Jyuto and Rio fills up the empty spot for MTC.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Hey Jyuto, how’s it goin’?”

Jyuto walked in with his own cig lit. He blew out air and probably steam as he glared at me.

“Why are you here… again?”

I smiled at him, rubbing the bags under my eyes. Heh, I probably looked like Kannonzaka now. I
doubt Jyuto knew what he was getting himself into when he said agreed to be my partner. I don’t
think he knew I counted on him to get out of jail every so often. More often than not to be fairly

“There’s this dude that kinda pissed me off. I knew him in the past too. So I sorta beat the shit out
of him and his brother, but he had the balls to call the police despite being yakuza. What kind of
nerve does he have calling the police, you know? Anyways, yeah, that’s why I’m here.”

“Honestly,” Jyuto rubbed the bridge of his nose, his cig in his other hand. “You’re such an idiot to
always be acting like some kind of punk.”

“It’s not being an idiot?” I gave him a lopsided grin, “He was scaring girls into prostitution, what
else was I supposed to do? Not to mention it was on my turf.”

I stopped rubbing my eyes as Jyuto pulled out his phone.

The couple of weeks I’ve been with Jyuto definitely helped me brighten up. Granted I still didn’t
get much sleep (the plans were too important), but there were times when I napped in the afternoon
when I knew Jyuto would still be there when I woke up.

“Could you do what you always do?”

“Tch,” Jyuto clicked his tongue and looked to the side. “I was about to. You have to follow me
when you get out though, alright?”

“Fine with me.”


I listened to Jyuto call some dudes who were in charge of my over welcomed stay in the cell. I
enjoyed listening to it every time I was locked up in here so far. There was a sense of familiarity
that came with hearing Jyuto blackmailing other policemen. I don’t think I will ever get tired of
him doing it.
“You always seem so badass when you do that,” I commented as Jyuto rattled the door open.

“You want me to put you back behind bars one more time?”

I stared at Jyuto whose cheeks were dusted pink by the praise. I should do it more often, it gets the
best reactions out of him.

“Do you want me to say it makes you look like a pussy?”

Jyuto tugged me out of the cell.

“Fuck you.”

I laughed.

He led me to his car. I’ll be honest, I get this pang of nostalgia whenever I step in the car. I sat on
the passenger’s seat in the front and glanced over to Jyuto who planted himself comfortably in the
driver’s seat.

I racked my brain to think about where we were going.

“Are we going to a forest close to the harbor?”

I found myself asking him. I asked him this almost every time I rode the car, just in case. He
offered to take me there once, but I refused, saying that we should only go when there was a reason
to go. That didn’t stop me from asking him though.

“Yes, we’re finally going for some business.”

“Mm… You found our third member?”

The car suddenly reared as if it slid on ice. I hissed in slight pain when my head tapped the
window. Otherwise, I used my arms to keep my body steady. Jyuto fought for control and steadied
the car a couple of seconds later.

“Bastard watch out!”

“Sorry,” Jyuto mumbled as he steadied the car, “I was surprised by your sharp guesses.”


I caught Jyuto eyeing me from the side, but he made no movement or sound. Time to play pretend.

“If this dude we’re meeting ends up being worthless, I’m going to kick both your asses.”

“Sure you will,” Jyuto rolled his eyes. I helped him light a cig and placed it in his mouth while he
drove. “Don’t worry, he’s a pretty fun guy, I can guarantee it. Not to mention, he seems like he’d be

“You’re pretty confident in that,” I snorted.

“Well, he’s from the military.”

“Didn’t they dissolve the military?”

I blew smoke riddled with lies out of the car’s window.

“The guy we’re going to meet was in the military before it was dissolved. He believes that his
comrades will come back so he lives a survival lifestyle right now.”

“In the woods?”


“Seriously?” I asked, trying and failing to prevent my mouth from shifting into a grin.

“He seems pretty normal, though.”

I snorted, that was an understatement of the century.

“I just learned of the guy recently myself. We met once, but he doesn’t seem that weird… he’s
more funny than anything.”

“Whatever you say.”

“Oh,” Jyuto puffed, “He has a hypnosis mic.”


I leaned over to Jyuto and grinned.

“He has one of those hypnosis mic prototypes from back when they were still being made for the
military. The ones customized for military use. It’s better at causing spirit interference than ours
for obvious reasons.”

“That’s cool,” I mused. I propped my arm out the window and hummed.

We parked at the base and Jyuto climbed out. I thought about leading Jyuto to Rio’s campsite, but
then I realized that it would make him more hostile if we came unwelcomed. So I followed Jyuto
to the site that he and Rio set up.

Cicadas hummed as we walked up the path, grating my ears. In the dark forest, there was a small
area of light visible up ahead. I looked up to a couple of stars that littered the night sky but they
were soon blocked by the trees along the path.

An owl sang in search of a person that didn’t respond and I understood it well.

“No one's here,” I deadpanned, scanning the area. There was a campfire started up with a crate that
had steaming food.

“Well, there’s food here, and it’s still warm.”

Looks like Jyuto spotted it too.

“Don’t move.”

I prevented a snort of laughter when I heard Rio’s voice.

“You’ve already walked right into my trap. Don’t move if you want to avoid being hurt.”

“Pssh. You walked into my trap,” I pulled the uno reverse card trick Brat #2 taught me some time
“I do not understand.”

“You should walk on out.”

“It would be idiotic of me to reveal myself when you said that I walked into your trap. I presume
that this is a hostile threat.”

“Nah, just some fun.”

I waved my hand as Jyuto slapped the backside of my head.

“You idiot! Rio, it’s me! This is the guy I said I’d bring with me!”

“Mm, I see,” Rio peeked out from the bushes and walked on over. “You made it just in time for

I pulled out my mic. It flashed as I brought it to my lips. Smirking they parted with words tumbling

“Show me what you got, military man!

Forget your marching days for Japan!
What moves can you show
If you can even withstand this blow!”

I sent a small verse to Rio. Not to harm him completely or anything, but enough to get him excited.
I’m against hurting division members, mine or others, but I can’t help but want to spar with Rio a

Rio recovered albeit quicker than expected. Maybe I should’ve gone a little harder on him.

“I am a soldier, this is not a normal procedure

I will fight you, sure
But you were like a joke
Treat this fight seriously, you bloke!”

“Hahaha!” I threw my head back to laugh. “That was a good one.” It didn’t really hurt too much,
but I’m sure with a little more training we’ll be fine!

“Hey!” I turned to look at Jyuto. “We’ve got trouble!”

I tsked and turned to the louder rustling of the woods. I backed up to Rio and Jyuto joined us. We
were back to back as a group of punks surrounded up.

“Hahaha! Not sure how it happened but this Rio dude looks like he’s about to croak! All of you!
Hand over your hypnosis mics! They’re ours from now on.”

A guy with a pipe smirked at us casually. Did he seriously think that the pipe with blood made him
look cool?

“Who the hell are they?”

Jyuto frowned.

“They’re a bunch of men who are after my hypnosis mic,” Rio explained. “It sells for a lot on the
black market, I believe. They’re only after the money. This isn’t your fight. Escape now.”
“... Are you an idiot? That’d be a good joke, a policeman like me running with my tail between my
legs,” Jyuto scoffed, “Samatoki, I'll stall them so you can help us once you’ve recovered.”

“Huh?!” I snarled, “You fucking with me? I’m ready to roll!”

“I will definitely return this favor.”

There was a mixed response in the group once they realized who I was. Good, confusion is a good
way to continue this, heh.

“Come on! I’ll let you guys have the first verse if you can rap!” I motioned them to bring it on with
my finger. They scowled and I laughed harder, “Just fucking kidding, you idiots don’t even have
mics! Jyuto! Rio! Let’s get ‘em!”

“Let’s talk some fuck about your outer appearance

I’ll give you a hit and knock some sense!”

“If you mess up even once, I can guarantee,

You'll be locked up in jail thanks to me!”

“I will bring you easily to your knees

If this was war you'll all die before the navy hits the seas!”

The goons were tossed back. Some, flying off as if this was hurting them that bad. Bah, none of
them were going to die from this.

I listened to them scream and they started to call for help. I found it interesting that none of them
ran towards me.

“The number of you riffraff isn’t enough to rival my power,” I gloated a little.

“You better be ready to get hauled out of here,” Jyuto smirked.

“You started a fight with a soldier,” Rio hummed, “Did you really think you could walk away

I laughed at their sorry asses and lit up a cig instead.

“Those guys were all bark and no bite,” I snorted.

“Requesting immediate back-up, I have arrested a large number of thieves, so I am requesting a

few vehicles to pick them up and bring them in. Our location is-”

I ignored Jyuto and glanced over to Rio who approached me. I raised an eyebrow when Rio spoke.

“I apologize, but it appears I am now in your debt,” Rio stared at me.

I blew out smoke, “A debt? Nah, hell no. It’s been a while since I sparred with someone with that
much backbone. It was fun. So, don’t sweat it, Rio.”

“Samatoki,” Jyuto shimmied over, “Rio’s a fun guy, right?”

“Yeah, I like this dude a lot,” I smirked.

Rio looked at us with the most confused look.

“Hey, you wanna join our team?” I looked at Rio, my cig still lit, “Can’t pass up a guy like you
with so much spirit.”

Rio looked at me dumbfounded. He then smirked. A gloved hand raised to meet mine halfway.

“If this will repay my debt to you, then I’d be happy to lend you my strength.”

“Awesome. Let’s all change this shitty world together!”

And this was the birth of Mad Trigger Crew.

Also the beginning of excuses for Rio’s cooking.

Chapter End Notes

If things get rough I will most likely be going to be uploading chapters a bit later due
to irl circumstances, but for right now, everything seems good!

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
Eating Survival Cooking
Chapter Summary

Samatoki and Jyuto make it to Rio's camp for the 'first' time and are offered odd food.
Looks like today's a day where Samatoki can laugh.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

I hated it when the stupid sounds of the cicadas in the night buzzed my ears off. It’s annoying if I
do say so myself. It was getting dark and the flashlight in my hand felt light. It’s been about an hour
since we walked through the path in the forest.

“We’re almost there, right?”

“Yes,” Jyuto hummed.

Rio invited us over for dinner. I was okay with it, despite the fact I didn’t plan to eat anything.
Although I have gotten used to the acquired taste (it was more so of the ingredients than the taste),
I was going to save myself from it this once. I also ate a little while ago so I was plenty full.

Jyuto’s suffering alone tonight.

I couldn’t lead Jyuto to Rio’s place so we were stumbling about. If I wasn’t so scared about Jyuto
questioning me, I would’ve taken the lead easily. It’s taking so long to get there and the mosquitos
were so fucking annoying.

Rio invited us over with the reason of “So the three of us can strengthen our bonds of brotherhood.”

It wasn’t really needed considering the fact that Ichiro’s and his brothers’ teamwork was bullshit. I
wouldn't be concerned about my team if it wasn’t for the fact that we were strangers to Rio.

“‘Sup Rio,” I turned the flashlight off as soon as the campfire was in view. Or more like had it off a
while ago, knowing where I had to go while Jyuto had his on the entire time.

“Welcome,” Rio turned his head away from the bubbling pot with questionable substances. “I’m
glad you could make it. My apologies for making you come out so far.”

“That smells great,” Jyuto smiled politely. “We did quite a bit of walking so we’ve both worked up
quite an appetite.”

“Bah, I ate before I got here,” I lied, ignoring how my stomach churned a little. Sitting on a nearby
log to use as a chair, I got comfy. “Maybe I’ll eat next time.”

“It’s okay to have some if you want, Samatoki.”

“Thanks, man, but I don’t feel like it today. I promise to eat some next time though.”

“I see,” Rio seemed disheartened so I wove my hand. I have to change the topic or else the big man
might get sadder.

“But this is amazing,” I motioned to all of the food served. “This is a nice spread for being

I planted a trap and I just hoped Rio would place the bait.

“Cooking is my hobby and it’s useful, so it’s killing two birds with one stone,” Rio smiled as he
continued to stir the stew. “I went all out with my skills today to capture the ingredients for this

I propped my arm up on my leg and placed my cheek on my palm. Honestly, I was just propping
myself to have a better view of Jyuto who was starting to get uncomfortable. Great.

“Aren’t you going to dig in, Jyuto?” I smirked, “Rio spent a lot of time making this for us I bet.”

Rio nodded solemnly and I watched Jyuto fake enthusiasm over the bowl he was handed. I watched
as the first bite was wonder and interest and he seemed to genuinely enjoy it over time. The smile
wouldn’t fall off my face.

Jyuto was in for a ride.

My nails dug into my palms, preventing my laughter as Jyuto commented. No.

“This has such a lovely creamy flavor. What is this chewy bit though? This is… Mm, it's very
good. It’s very tasty. It’s got a flavor akin to crab soup, but it’s definitely not crab soup. Amazing…
It’s good, but there’s this weird kind of rubbery texture. I can’t place the ingredients here...”

I snorted as Jyuto’s face caved in as he started to eat.

It didn’t take long for Jyuto to eat everything.

“Thank you for the meal, Rio,” Jyuto was being polite, “May I ask what was in the dishes? I never
tasted anything quite like them.”

“Yes, I would suspect as much,” Rio smiled. He finished his stew up and was looking at me and
Jyuto with a large grin. “Those who live in the city do not often get the opportunity to eat them or
have the ingredients. But they’re quite edible anyway.”

A plate of fucking bugs was thrust into Jyuto’s and my view.

“What you ate just now was beetle soup and whole deep-fried tarantulas.”

My eyes quickly moved away from the disgusting dish to Jyuto’s face. He spat out the little
remains he had and wiped his mouth. He seemed extremely displeased and shocked. My shoulders
wouldn’t stop shaking.

“It was quite an ordeal to catch them all. I lay in wait for several days down by the harbor,” Rio
spoke of this painstaking experience of catching the bugs for us today. “I captured those mixed up
with the international cargo.”

I nodded my head to feign understanding. Jyuto looked at me as if I was crazy. Well, it’s Jyuto’s
fault for thinking that Rio was a normal, simply weird guy. The three of us all had a screw loose.

“I-Is it okay to eat stuff like tarantulas?” Jyuto asked, holding his mouth.
“Why not?” I snickered, “They’re pretty popular overseas.”

Rio’s eyes lit up as he heard me.

“I’m surprised you knew, Samatoki. That is indeed correct, they are popular overseas. May I ask
how you knew?”

Rio’s praise just made me smile at him. His question made my mouth twitch.

“I learned that from someone who was well versed in ‘survival cooking’.”

“I would love to meet that person,” Rio commented. I gave him a bigger smile in reply, ignoring
the way my stomach pooled at the thought of how I can never let them meet.

“Tonight’s main course is different though,” Rio changed the topic so quickly I was pulled out of
my thoughts almost immediately, “I will grill up some plump rats, snakes, and crows. And I’ll
sprinkle a little salt on, but you can still taste much of the original flavor. It will be delicious.”

Rio looked like a professional chef, holding the plate in one hand and doing that chef sprinkling
salt thing with his other hand. But I knew that it was similar to a nightmare for Jyuto.

“I have searched far and wide with the finest specimens for you gentlemen. I am very lucky to be
able to offer such fine foodstuffs to you!” Rio held out his hands on the other side of the campfire.
He was grinning, but it definitely didn’t feel so good.

“Samatoki, I’ll forgive all the debts you owe me if you eat my share too. I can’t eat this weird

“You’ll hafta,” I smirked, “If you don’t there’s no way in hell he’ll come back with us. We need to
make a team with him. Plus, are you a pussy? My debts’ got nothing to do with this.”

“Oh, it’s all cooked now! Go ahead and eat up while it’s still hot,” Rio smiled from the fire,
holding out sticks. “Of course, I will save some of these for later because Samatoki isn’t eating?”

“Oh,” I glanced at the finished one. It was a crow. Bah. “Could I have a snake kebab? Jyuto can eat
that one.”


The alarm written over Jyuto’s face as he took the crow with trembling hands was extremely funny.

“How did it come to this…? I’m really stuck between a rock and a hard place,” he took a bite of the
crow with shut eyes.

I waited patiently for my snake kebab. I’ll be honest and say that the taste of Rio’s cooking almost
made me cry from nostalgia, but I can’t cry. Not when I haven’t lost my family yet.

I ate my kebab slowly compared to Jyuto who could barely finish one. He survived three though so
I’ll have to give him props for that.

“How about some coffee after dinner?” Rio gave us cups of coffee. His homemade, homegrown
ones, I’ve been craving these since I met him.

“I-Is there anything weird in the coffee?” Jyuto stuttered as he accepted his cup.

Rio’s eyes gleamed as he turned to Jyuto’s way.

“So you can tell,” if he was a teenager, I bet I would hear him scream in excitement, “I grew the
coffee beans myself! It’s homemade coffee!”

I sipped a little bit and sighed in content. They were still so good. I swear, Rio’s amazing. Minus
the vegetables and bugs. When Rio gave me a thumbs up I gave it back, taking another sip.

Rio looked over to Jyuto who still didn’t drink anything.

“Do you need milk or sugar?” Rio offered Jyuto. Jyuto shook his head and his given-up eyes
looked over my way.

“It’s normal, I swear,” I whispered so low only Jyuto could hear me. He took a tentative sip and
looked my way. I smiled at him as he gave me a relieved smile back.

Well, I didn’t really think it was normal coffee because it was Rio’s homemade coffee. It’s the best
shit in the world.

“Thanks for treating us, Rio.” Beside me, Jyuto stood up, “It’s about time we left for home.”

Have we finished already? Well, then again, I do need to plan out more stages…

“Sure thing,” Rio smiled, “It’s good to eat with other people from time to time. You should come
back sometime.”

“Sure,” I smiled.

“Ahaha… ha,” Jyuto stretched out the last ‘ha’, “We should… alright…”

“Are we allowed to make requests?” I was hesitant in asking, but if I requested, I could avoid
vegetables and insects. Jyuto looked at me like I was insane. I ignored the way he stared and
looked into Rio’s shocked eyes.

“Of course,” Rio beamed, “If you have a dish you think I would be able to make, please, request
away. I am more than happy to fulfill your wants.”

I smirked at him as I got up from the log. I moved out to the path leading back to a sleepless night.
Two steps in I paused for a second, remembering something.

“Oh yeah, by the way,” I lit a cig.

“What’s wrong, did you forget something?” Jyuto glanced at me worriedly.

“Nah, just wanted to tell y’all that the division battle prelims are coming up pretty soon. You both
good? I want to get through them without a scratch on any one of us.”

“Yeah, looking forward to it,” Jyuto smirked from underneath his glasses.

“I have no problem with it. I’m always prepared for a battle,” Rio claimed.

“Hahahaha!” I laughed and shoved my hands into my pockets. “You guys are the best!"

My heartfelt jumbled when I said that. Like a confused snake who tied itself up on accident. I
wonder what face I made when I spoke.

Chapter End Notes

Chapter End Notes

Some fluffy MTC *Toss*

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
Going to Chinatown
Chapter Summary

Samatoki helps some people. When he goes to Rio's campsite, an owl destroys the
food so MTC decides to go visit Chinatown.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

I was walking around when I saw Tonagi-san walking by. He seemed to be having trouble with
putting the sign outside back into the store.

“Let me help you,” I walked over to him quickly. I easily tucked the sign under my arm and walked
into the store.

“I’m sorry for the trouble…”

I laughed at the old man.

“I’d be pretty pissed if I couldn’t eat your fried rice, Tonagi-san.”

I waved him goodbye only to see Onnu-san walk into an alleyway. I hurried to catch up to her and
slowed down once I was nearby.

“Onnu-san! This is a dangerous area, watch out,” I walked with her through the alleyway. She
thanked me and I smiled. “Your dumplings are the best, please do take care of yourself.”

Then on the other side of the corner, I saw Tora-san’s fried chicken area. There were a group of
thugs out in front of his shop causing a ruckus. Wait, was that Tora-san getting picked on?

Fuckers. I ran in the circle and threw a punch. After beating them up I dusted my hands as Tora-san
thanked me. I told him that all I wanted in return was his fried chicken.

I bid Tora-san a farewell only to see Ken-san crossing the road. I walked with them, holding some
of her stuff. The light would definitely change on our way there so as long as I was with her, we
should be fine.

We talked about how much I loved her takoyaki as we continued forward.

A car started honking and Ken-san froze up. I looked up to see the car. Tch, people are so
annoying. Behind them, I could hear police sirens. Oh, so they’re even worse.

“Ken-san! Duck!”

I pushed Ken-san to the ground and summoned my mic. There was no one here, I was looking
around as we crossed the street. No one would suspect a thing.

“Stop right there, fucking bugger!

Or your body’s going under the rug, uh!”
Boney fingers reached out from under the car and pulled it to a screeching halt. I helped Ken-san
up, who was looking at the floor with shaking hands. After she was safe, she thanked me profusely
and I offered to take her to her store.

I got free takoyaki, so I didn’t complain.

On one of our trips to Rio’s campsite, I noticed an owl nearby. We stared at each other as Rio
placed the ingredients out.

“Today I’m making a meat dish that even Samatoki will like,” Rio glanced at me with a knife in
his hands. He was crouched down and it looked more menacing if I didn’t know Rio better.
“Please wait a bit.”

From the things there, there were a couple of ingredients I still felt queasy about eating. I glanced
over at Jyuto worryingly and Jyuto shook his head at me. We can’t have fun, can we? A couple of
minutes later, the owl I was staring at spilled the questionable meat onto the ground.

Now, I know it’s bad to waste food, I know this especially because I know the future, but I couldn’t
help but fist pump secretly with Jyuto when it happened.

Rio swiftly turned his head and frowned.


He seemed confused because it was probably the first time it happened. Either way, it was great
the owl flipped it over.

“How terrible,” Rio pouted, “I am truly sorry, you two…”

I’m pretty sure I heard him mutter ‘my ingredients… they’ve all escaped me…’ but I wasn’t so
sure. Jyuto hummed that it was okay and told him to not worry about it. He pulled out a box of
sweets I forgot we bought for Rio.

I tried to dissuade Jyuto because Rio didn’t like processed food and the box of sweets was
obviously processed. That didn’t stop Jyuto because I couldn’t tell him the reason why Rio didn’t
like it nor tell him how I knew it in the first place since we always met Rio together this time.

Rio made the gloomiest face when Jyuto presented the sweets. I would’ve laughed... If I wasn’t so
busy trying to get the owl to ruin the carrots and vegetables discreetly.

Come on you damned owl, get these too!

“I will defend these vegetables to the death!” Rio placed his hands on the bowl. I cringed.

“Why don’t we go to Chinatown instead?” Jyuto tried to appease us. I hummed. Rio looked unsure
but with a little convincing we decided to go to Chinatown despite the time. An hour walk down
the forested area to Jyuto’s car. I called shotgun and Rio sat in the back.

I lit a cig in the car and lit one for Jyuto as well. I didn’t have to ask Rio because I knew he would

“How rewarding is it when you catch your own food?”

Jyuto flinched as I turned to look at Rio. Rio smiled at me in a way that made me want to scowl
and smile and weep at the same time.
“Very. I learned it when I was training with my allies and it has stuck with me since,” Rio
chuckled. “I enjoyed my limited time there very much.”

“I enjoyed our limited time together very much.”

I hastily inhaled and coughed at the sudden intake. Fuck. I could hear Rio shuffle in the backseat of
Jyuto’s car to adjust into a position to help me while Jyuto glanced at me, his eyes leaving the

“I’m fine,” I wheezed after a little more coughing. “Just a- Fuck.”

I snuffed the cig out, as wasteful as it was, and pounded my chest. Fuck. My fucking bad. It went
away a little while later with Rio giving me soothing back rubs. I would’ve cursed at him, in the far
past and near future, but it just felt comforting.

I reveled in it a little, calming down from my sudden intake of fucking nicotine like a fucking idiot.
I enjoyed it until it started to bring up more things better buried in my mind.

“I’m okay now, thanks, Rio.”

“Of course,” Rio hummed. I could hear him move around again. I didn’t want to think about how
he could bend and reach over to my back when he was in the seat behind Jyuto.

“You’re truly an idiot,” Jyuto sighed, one hand on the handle the other on his own cig.

“I ain’t no fucking genius, I know,” I grumbled, my eyes set on the road. I watched the scenery
change as he continued along the road below a starless night. Would it be weird if I told them I
preferred starless nights? I don’t have the best memories of a starry night for sure.

I guess it wouldn’t really matter, either way works. I have ways of coping either way. Also, as I
was thinking, I realized that I wouldn’t make it in time to continue my planning and mapping. With
a click of my tongue, I decided it was a worthy loss if it meant I could hang out with Jyuto and Rio.

When we reached Chinatown, I wasn't surprised to see all the lights still up and running despite
being real late at night. I unbuckled the seat listening to the zip and the clank as I got out of Jyuto’s

“Let’s walk around some,” I smiled. “Maybe we can find something in exchange for Rio’s lost

“Yes, let’s,” Rio agreed as Jyuto locked his car.

We wandered the streets of Chinatown, the smell of the food making my mouth water. I noticed a
stand with pork buns and I clapped my hands in excitement. Fucking, yes.

“Hey! Let’s eat some pork buns!”

I rushed over to the pork buns, dragging Rio and Jyuto with me. They seemed amused, but I only
had thoughts about treating them. I bought a box of pork buns and shared it. Between the three of
us, we each could have two buns.

It was nice to eat the steaming buns as we walked around the cold night road of Chinatown.
Whenever I saw Rio staring at the food too long, I would end up buying it to give it to him and I
would do the same with Jyuto.
Rio and I were chewing on some grilled salamander sticks while Jyuto bit into a Chinese sweet.

“This is some good stuff,” I exclaimed, taking another bite out of the salamander.

“I agree.” I could hear the cracking noises of Jyuto’s sweet. “This is extremely good.”

“We made a good choice,” Rio smiled. He bit off the head of the second salamander stick, finished
with his first one. The salamander was chewy and I just watched Rio eat it without worry.

Mine wasn’t too bad. The seasoning was just right and as long as I didn’t stare into the eye sockets,
I felt okay eating it… I still gave the heads to Rio so he could eat it.

“We only ate street food and nothing really sustainable,” Jyuto sighed, pushing his glasses up after
licking off the rest of the sweet from the stick. “Should we find someplace to sit and eat?”

“I don’t mind,” I shrugged lazily, finishing off the tail with a vicious bite. Gnawing at the texture
and the remainder of my last griller salamander, I smirked at Jyuto, “we can eat at someplace

“I would prefer rice dishes, but I do not mind noodles,” Rio added in his two cents. He was still
chewing his last salamander.

“Cool, I guess that narrows some things,” I took a quick look around the area to find a good
restaurant that would have all of our needs. When I found it, I pointed it out and asked if they
wanted to try it.

Jyuto was pleased with anything, but Rio seemed unsure. He suggested a different restaurant. The
restaurant Rio pointed out caught my eye once I saw it. Jyuto looked at me and raised an eyebrow
as I nodded.

We walked into the restaurant and took a seat. It was almost completely full, tourists and visitors
with no exhaustion from staying up this late. The menu was placed in front of me and from a quick
scan, everything looked legit and delicious.

I stuck with the noodles I was most familiar with though. I watched Jyuto and Rio get their own set
of meals. I waited for my dish to arrive, thinking about things for a while.

“Samatoki,” I turned to Jyuto, “I’ve been meaning to ask… But… Do you sleep?”

“Yeah?” I frowned. Though I found it hard to sleep without anyone nearby, I have tried to force
myself into a comatose state for the night until morning. Terrible nightmare-like dreams would
occur so I normally opted to sleep in the cell or the office where there was plenty of noise.

“Do you have trouble sleeping? I can brew a concoction for you,” Rio offered after he swallowed
his food. I listened to Jyuto slurp his noodles as I tossed a dumpling into my mouth.

“Nah, it’s fine,” I hummed, “These bags will go away soon, probably.”


“Well, it’s not like they’re permanent, right?” I looked over at Jyuto who frowned. “Don’t worry
about it.”

“How can I not?” Jyuto sighed, “Your nonchalance towards your own health is amazing as always,
I picked up another dumpling and placed it in my mouth. Rolling my eyes at Jyuto who was going
into a mother hen mode I thought only a couple of people could activate, I looked over to Rio who
seemed to be contemplating something else. He was staring at my dish.

“What? You want some?”

“No thank you,” Rio politely declined. I bit a dumpling in half before tossing the other half in my
mouth without a second thought.

“It’s okay if you want some you know. I don’t mind sharing.”

“I’m sure you don’t mind, but I am fine,” Rio declined again.

I tilted my head. Then why in the world did this man stare at my food as if he wanted it?!
Whatever, it’s Rio. Whatever is in his head, it can be pretty hard to pull out at times.

We finished our dinner and walked back to Jyuto’s car. We had more meat buns along the way and
I was feeling almost queasy from the amount of food consumed.

In the car with the sweet lulling of the ride and the whirring noises coupled with the presence of
Jyuto and Rio, I fell asleep peacefully.

I dreamed of eating an MTC special that Rio conjured up and visiting an amusement park that
wasn’t even created yet with Jyuto.

When I woke up, my face was damp and the other two weren’t anywhere to be found.

I woke up in Jyuto’s apartment, but he had already left.

I guess he had a mist fan that was left on too.

Chapter End Notes

Hello! I know this is sudden, but if anyone has time please fill out this form! It has
something to do with updating, thank you!

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
Rio, Stay in MTC!
Chapter Summary

Samatoki is going to make sure Rio stays in the team. Rio has to stay in the team!

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“We should focus on the main battles,” I announced when the three of us settled in my office. Rio
brought his homemade coffee so we had that freshly brewed coffee along with a cig tray in the

“Then what of the preliminaries?”

Jyuto cleaned up the papers he brought for work.

“Tch, they don’t need any prelims. We’ll win either way,” I sighed. I took a cup of coffee, planning
to smoke after I finished it all.

“Samatoki,” Rio smiled as he held his own cup. “I would call this overconfidence negligence.
Negligence leads people into degradation. And once degraded your power will decrease until you
are no more than an ordinary person.”

“Rio,” I sipped at the coffee, “I’m not being overconfident, I’m knowing that we’re good enough. I
don’t doubt the fact that we’re all training in our own ways too. The only thing we need to work on
is a team strength.”

“Hmm,” Rio still looked unsure, but he nodded, “If it’s not overconfidence, then there is no

“No, there is a problem,” Jyuto sighed, waving the stacked papers in his hand, “Don’t intentionally
cut corners, Samatoki.”

“Huh?” I guess my lazing figure worried Jyuto. “I’m not slacking, don’t worry ‘bout it.”

“...” Jyuto eyed me with his green eyes. I rolled my red ones.

I tapped my chin, “By the way, Rio.”


I watched Rio pull his cup up for another sip.

“What are your old mates up to right now?”

My eyes focused on Rio who jumped in shock, the coffee almost spilling. His brows furrowed and
he fell silent.

“I do not know the whereabouts of any besides my direct superior officer,” Rio stated, “But I
should think that everyone else’s goals are the same as mine.”
“Really?” I ignored the fact that I knew exactly what Rio would say. It was to fill Jyuto in after all,
“Where’s your superior officer at then?”

“In prison.”

I whistled in false amazement. I would stop prying if this was too much for Rio, I didn’t want to
force him into doing anything stupid, but I thought that this would bring us together somewhat.

“Yes, the Major was a highly respected officer, but he went to prison for the sake of us soldiers,”
Rio sighed.

“Woah,” I hummed as I left half of the coffee in the cup. “What in the hell did-”

“Samatoki,” Jyuto frowned as he placed the papers on the table. “Lay off the prying a bit. People
have personal pasts they don’t want to talk about. Just like you and I."

I frowned. Maybe he was right, I guess I was pushing Rio too much. I opened my mouth to
apologize, but Rio shook his head.

“Thank you for being so considerate Jyuto, but we are compatriots now. I will hide nothing.”

We listened to Rio’s story about his major. How important this man was to him. How amazing he
was as a leader and how Rio loved following him no matter what. I wonder if Rio knew that he
was a great leader as well.

I didn’t tell him that we never had the chance to save the major.

“I see,” Jyuto tapped the ashes to the ashtray, “He was imprisoned to save the troop you were in.”

“Yes, the troop I belonged to was composed of soldiers from all sorts of backgrounds. We had
special duties as well. In order to hide the existence of our troop to other soldiers, I was also a part
of the navy.”

“I see,” Jyuto repeated. He nodded his head with his crossed arms.

“Your major sounds like he was a pretty good guy for leading you all,” I smiled.

“Yes, he was excellent,” Rio looked peaceful, “I could not hold a candle to him.”

A couple of minutes later, I’m smoking, Jyuto is reviewing his papers one more time, and Rio is
humming to himself.

Rio pulls out a watch he doesn’t wear and hums, looking at the time.

“We ended up talking for quite a long time,” Rio stated. “I must take my leave now.”

“It’s about time I get going too.”

“Oh,” I blinked as the two stood up. Would you consider staying? “Okay.” The words I wanted to
come wouldn’t. I snapped my fingers instead and grinned, “We’re definitely gonna rock the

“Of course,” Rio chuckled, Jyuto scoffed as if the thought of us losing was hilarious. My eyes
followed them leaving, mainly lingering on Rio’s back.
I eyed Rio who was struggling to find verses for today’s battle.

“Hey Rio,” I approached him after winning. He was wiping sweat from his face, a sign of
weakness. Never engage in a rap battle when the mind is uncertain, you’ll receive more damage
because it’s defenseless. Anger is a different story though. “Something up?”


“You were screwing up everywhere today, you know?” I sighed, “It was pretty weak.”

“No, it’s nothing,” Rio answered after a heartbeat’s pause.

“For real?” I stared at him. “Your conviction is normally steady so I’ll trust you.”

“Well, I’ll be heading out now,” Jyuto sighed. His shoes clicked as he walked by. I eyed him
preparing to drop a cig box on purpose... His favorite brand, Marlboro Menthol Lights. Did I also
mention that it’s his favorite to bug?

“Yes,” Rio replied to Jyuto.


“Get your shit together next time, Rio,” Jyuto said, dropping the box.

“Yes,” Rio replied.

As soon as Rio noticed the cig box, I took it as a cue for me to leave.

“Aight, I’m gonna go home too.”

I stretched my arms and headed out the other way. Leaving Rio with a bugged box of cigs that he
undoubtfully picked up.

“You figured out why Rio was actin’ so weird?” Holding two mugs of freshly brewed coffee, I
walked over to Jyuto. “Why’s that?”

I feigned ignorance as I handed Jyuto a cup. He came over to my office so I assumed he knew why
Rio was acting weird.

“Please refer to the details in the attached materials,” Jyuto said as he took the coffee.

“Hmm, you have something to give me?”

Jyuto slipped his phone towards me and I smiled.


I leaned my head to the side to listen to Rio and Kubiki. Jyuto was humming about how the coffee
was good. I asked Rio to give me some of his coffee beans so now I had delicious coffee in my
office. That and I was good at brewing coffee.

I put the phone down after my second initial listen and grabbed my mug of coffee.

“So Kubiki, want to explain more, Jyuto?”

“Were you even listening?” Jyuto rolled his eyes, “He said Rio’s old crew is gathering right now. I
would presume that’s why he contacted Rio.”

“They want to get that commander out of prison,” I mused aloud, huffing air. I wonder if these
soldiers knew that it was all for naught.

“Exactly,” Jyuto snapped his fingers.


I flopped on the couch, my legs in the air and then back at the armrest. I looked at Jyuto who
glared at me.

“Hmm, you say. If we don’t stop him, Rio might accept that offer and choose them over us.”

“If we do talk to him, it might turn out that it’d be better to keep our mouths shut,” I responded.
“So we’re not gonna do a damn thing.”

“I see,” Jyuto stroked his chin. He still seemed troubled by it. I snorted.

“Let’s sneak out and watch him from the side though.”

Jyuto’s eyes flashed dangerously behind the lenses of his glasses.

“Now you’re talking.”

“I can’t go with you.”

“Why? Why don’t you want to rescue the Major?”

Jyuto and I watched from the bushes. It was interesting to see Kubiki again, his dumbass face still
seemed just as stupid as I last remembered it.

“I do, but… even if you do recover the Major and challenge Chuuohku, I don’t think you would

Rio was solemn and I could tell he truly felt like they would lose against Chuuohku. Indeed, he
wasn’t wrong. I watched Kubiki’s eye twitch as he repeated quotes from Rio. I rolled my eyes as he
used them in the cheesiest of ways. To use them for his own benefit.

Rio mentioned the Hypnosis Canceller. That was true. They had one, I knew. They had multiple.
Because Rei made them.

Rio moved forward as Kubiki’s team decided to move out. Rio claimed how he couldn’t stand by
and watch his old companions march to their deaths. I agreed, we couldn’t have useful people go
die of their own accord. I motioned Jyuto to stand up as Rio spoke.

“There is another reason I cannot go with you. You are my precious comrades,” Rio swore, “But
right now I have other comrades that I have sworn my services to. I will not betray them.”

“There’s nothing you can do,” Kubiki frowned. He summoned his mic and scoffed, "This will be 3
against 1 but don’t think us unfair."

“It’s not 3 against 1,” I bit my cig as the bushes below me rustled.

“Samatoki?” Rio’s eyes widened, “Jyuto? Why are you here?”

“Don’t sweat the small stuff,” I puffed.

“Good grief,” Jyuto gnawed on his own cig, “Even though we said we’d do nothing, here we are
coming to save you.” Jyuto flicked his cig to the side and snuffed it. “Let’s hurry and wrap this

“Yeah,” I laughed, “Let’s end this.” I snuffed my cig on a nearby tree and summoned my mic.

“This is 3 against 3, now you don’t need to hold back!”

“Yes!” “Now, let’s go!”

Rio and Jyuto followed my lead and summoned their own mics. Perfect.

A couple of verses later, We caused a pretty loud explosion to beat the damned soldiers. Kubiki
seemed shaken by the strength of MTC. That’s right bastard, this is Mad Trigger Crew and we’re
fucking amazing!

Jyuto and I let Rio have his parting words with his old comrades before he came to join us.

“How did you know to come to me?” Rio asked.

He handed the cigarette box to Jyuto who pulled out a cig with a bug on it. Smirking as Jyuto
showed off his bug, a look of understanding settled on Rio’s face.

“I didn’t notice the listening device planted in this box of cigarettes I picked up,” Rio mused as
Jyuto revealed how he knew, “It’s because I was not thinking clearly.”

“We thought you weren’t doing so hot,” the cop’s smirk became awkward. “Just wanted to make
sure you were doing alright.”

I turned around and started to walk after watching their exchange. This was us, MTC.

“Hey!” I shouted suddenly, my mouth twitching up. “Hurry up! I’ll leave you behind!”

Jyuto rolled his eyes, it looked fond though. I couldn’t hear what he said to Rio, but whatever it
was, it made them both move along.

Despite my baggy eyes and my arms itching to write up another prevention plan, I felt as if I was
free for a while. Rio chose MTC over his old comrades.

Rio and Jyuto caught up to me and I lit a cig, using both of my hands to protect it from the smoke.
Looking over at Rio, he mustered the softest smile a man could fucking make.

“Do you want to share a drink together once in a while?”

I stared at him wide-eyed and laughed.

“Fuck yes.”

“Why not?”

“Let’s go drink some right now, Jyuto can drive us there and we can crash at my office.”

“That sounds like a plan, but what about my car?”

“We can leave it there,” I huffed, “It doesn’t really matter. The guy who owns the place is super
chill, trust me.”

We laughed during our trip to the bar.

All I wished for was the fact that this feeling of freedom would last forever. But I knew as soon as I
wished that, the burden of the future came rushing back at a force stronger than before.


I could not forget my mission.

Chapter End Notes

Almost forgot about posting!

If you haven't already and have the ability to please fill out this form! I admit,
everyone who has answered made me smile and laugh. Thank you for taking time off
your day to reply!

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
I Dream
Chapter Summary

Samatoki talks to MTC about defeating the Buster Bros. Then all the people who left
him suddenly knows about his regression?!

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“The Division Battle is finally here! We’ve truly waited a long time for this! Soon the real battle
will begin for those veterans who have won their way through the preliminary rounds…”

“How annoying,” I scoffed, rolling a cig between my teeth. In the blazing sun, Yokohama was
definitely a loud city, the port was too, of course. I think I disliked the way my baggy eyes couldn’t
stand the sun after getting no sleep yesterday.

I came up with ridiculous nonsense plans too. It was a waste of fucking time.

“We’re not doing this to get your attention,” I muttered, kicking at the street. I wasn’t in an angered
state, but I was in a rather sad one. Maybe my physical appearance looked sad too.

Since this morning, no, last night, I felt powerless again. This came with sudden tiredness and I
didn’t really want to move, but I didn’t want to go to sleep either. A question rose up during my
planning session.

Can I really change the future?

It scared me a little. Even this Great Samatoki Aohitsugi-sama gets scared by things.

I walked to my office, chewing away on my cig. I spat it out when the light went out near my
office. Guarding the door was a burly man named Rodii.

“Hello Kashira,” Rodii bowed, “Iruma-san arrived and we led him to the reception office.”


I couldn’t bring myself to nod or something. I just dragged my feet to my office and opened the
door. There was no surprise when I saw Jyuto waiting for me, blowing on his own cig.

“Good morning, Samatoki,” Jyuto greeted me. He scanned me for a second before frowning. “Did
something happen?”

I fell on the couch since Jyuto loved hogging the one-man chair.

“Nothing much?” I rolled on the couch and my eyes fell on Jyuto, almost like how a puppet’s eyes
roll around without strength. I felt like I had no strength. “I can’t believe we have to spend a night
in Chuuohku.”

“Well, yes, I agree. But there’s nothing we can do about that, after all, the Division Rap Battle is in
Chuuohku…” Jyuto tried to appease me, tapping the ash of his cig onto the ashtray.

“Mmm,” I rolled around until I got myself up in a sitting position. With my hands over the head of
the sofa I looked up at the ceiling. “There’s also the fact that we’re being the dolls on their show.”

“I know, we’re going a day early for media coverage,” Jyuto sighed, “It is very tedious but as
disgusting as it is, we have to wag our tails for them.”

“I don’t want to wag shit,” I closed my eyes. Breathing in the familiar smell of Jyuto’s cig, I tried
to force myself out of this stupor I found myself in.

“They have control of all political power in Japan, we sort of have to,” Jyuto mumbled, snuffing
out his cig and leaving it with its last embers in the ashtray, “They’ll also seize our hypnosis mics if
we don’t cooperate.”

“I could care less about the battle,” I confessed, locking red with green eyes. “Deadass.”

“What are you saying?!”

Jyuto stood up furiously. He got up so fast I thought the sofa chair would get knocked backwards.
He was getting riled up, but I was getting more tired. I knew what would happen and I had to work
it out so that it would happen.

But even if I played the part right, when I try to change something… Would it really change?

“When we met that night at the yard where I spilled my heart to you! Are you saying that
everything you said then is a lie?!”

Ah, my ears rung.

“Shut up Jyuto, it’s not like that…”

“Kashira, Busujima-san is here-”

“Then what is it?!”

“Something you won’t understand.”

“You’re four years younger than me! Don’t try to pull that fuck with me Samatoki! If anything,
you’re the one with little to no experience!”

Could you really say that to a person who murdered someone before though? Or seen someone
die? Multiple people?

To someone who lived more years?


I mumbled an apology I didn’t really mean.

“You dumbass,” Jyuto started to calm down, “Aren’t we a team?”

“Am I interrupting something?”

I turned to look at Rio who just joined us. Jyuto had his mic out, but he was in the middle of putting
it back away.
“We must not aim our hostility at each other,” Rio said after a while. “This is not the real fight.
Save your anger and release it in our first battle against the Buster Bros.”

“Yeah,” I gathered my slowly dissipating energy. “We need to beat them.”

I repeated my words, trying to get rid of the voices of the past. The looks on Ichiro’s face when he
would call out for me or just looked as if the whole world was his for a day when I spent time with
him. The words he screamed when I bought him the entire building for his future workplace, his
current workplace probably.

The way he stared at my face as if I had killed his brothers in front of him. They died under my
rule. Oh wait, I did that, didn’t I? I basically did by pushing that button.


“Sorry, my mind isn’t here at the moment.”

“We could tell, dumbass,” Jyuto swore. He had an inkling of worry in his green eyes. I wonder
who was worrying him. Didn’t think Jyuto could get worried ov-

I shut my eyes and after a tight squeeze I pulled out a cig to smoke.

“Jyuto, Rio, could you guys do me a favor?”

With these mics it was possible to kill someone if it was being used for that reason. But
unconsciously we were holding back that part of us that enabled us to kill others with our mics. I
knew this for a good reason.

I was always holding back.

“Sure.” “What is it?”

“Don’t go easy on them,” I opened my eyes to stare into blue and green. “Sure they’re kids, but
they’re not planning on going easy on you. Don’t underestimate them.”

“I don’t have the slightest intention to go easy,” Jyuto snorted.

“That is a foolish thing to tell me,” Rio shook his head as he sat down. “It is discourteous to our
enemies to go easy on them.”

“I’m counting on that,” I smiled. The smoke sizzled out of my open mouth as I held the cig in my
hand. It was nice and quiet after that. They were going over battle tactics and I shut my eyes for a
quick second, tired of a repeating future to come.

When my eyes reopened I had to adjust them to the sudden brightness of the room. I recognized it
as my office. But not the one I was in.

It was the M.C.D office.

My guts felt queasy as I got up from the couch I was resting on, different than the one I had now.


“Finally awake aren’t cha, Samatoki?”

“You know what they say! ‘Only the early birds get the worm. The rest can starve!’”
“Sure, Kuko. Nii-san, are you awake?”

I turned my head from the couch to the door. I could see the faces of people that left me. To my
shock though, they were all grown up, Ichiro looked the same as when he was in Buster Bros.

“Ah, uh, um.”

No words escaped my lips in this fictional setting. It was fictional, right?

“Are you okay?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Whatever it is, you know you can tell us, right?”


“Is it about the future again?” Kuko was picking his nails. That’s when I noticed it.

Kuko’s bomber jacket had an accent that wasn’t Bad Ass Temple’s symbol. Instead, there was a
symbol of a four-pointed star encased by a crescent moon. My eyes shifted left and I noticed that
Sasara had a brooch with the same symbol, not the iconic fan of Dotsuitare Hompo. My shaking
eyes made it to a worried Ichiro who hovered over me.

His pin that normally was a circular shape with a red color and a black B proudly on its middle was
now a four-pointed star with a crescent moon.


Did Kuko just say the future?!


I whipped my head to Kuko who now looked worried too.

“Man, you must really not be feeling well, Onii-san,” Nemu sighed, her hands on her hips. She
didn’t wear the Chuuohku outfit, but something else entirely.

She wore a more hip outfit including a shorter skirt. She wore leggings underneath with a crop top.
She had an open sweater jacket on as well. It looked cute on her but it was definitely too revealing-
Ha? Was that a- Wait, on her jacket, there was a badge with a flipped heart and sprouting wings.
The right angelic, the left devilish.

My mind… It’s going to fry.

“Wait, wait, my mind hurts,” I shook my head, “Can someone explain what’s happening?”

“You’re waking up?”

“No, something else. What’s going on? Nemu’s clothes, your team symbols-”

“Nii-san, are you okay?” Ichiro looked at me more seriously now. His breath hitching.

“Kuko, is something wrong with our leader?” Sasara turned to the redheaded monk who reached
forward to touch my head. Holding his rosary beads, he muttered an incantation and stared into my
I felt a small sting before Kuko released my forehead and sighed. Golden eyes scrutinized me.

“He’s not Samatoki,” Kuko muttered, “At least not the one we know? He’s similar but different.”

“Oh, then we should explain?” Nemu was completely chill with this shit?! What the fuck was
going on?

“Yeah,” Sasara answered Nemu’s question. “Look Sama-tan~ This is Mad Comic Dialogue’s
base.” Sasara walked over to me and Ichiro parted to let him get closer. He pulled on my necklace
which I found to be the same symbol the other three members of MCD had. It wasn’t the triangle
of MTC.

“You’re our leader and you came from the future,” Kuko continued, “You ‘awakened’, as we like
to call it, when you were in your twenties and prevented pink shit from hypnotizing Sasara and

“Currently,” Ichiro picked up from where Kuko left off, “We’re one of the strongest Divisions
owning Ikebukuro. We rejected the fight with Kuujaku Posse and Chuuohku took everyone’s mic
except they couldn’t get ours so they made an event called the DRB so it didn’t seem like they
were weak and they purposefully left the mics in our position.”

Nemu raised her hand steadily, “There are currently 7 major divisions.” She raised her fingers to
count them off. “Mad Comic Dialogue in Ikebukuro, Fling Posse in Shibuya, Matenrou in
Shinjuku, White Falcon of Nagoya, Private Time of Yokohama, Gag Con of Osaka and Lil’
Busters of Akihabara.”

Everyone else I could sort of guess, but…

“Lil’ Busters?”

Nemu blinked. She formed an ‘o’ shape with her mouth and snapped.

“That’s me, Jiro, and Saburo!”

“You’re shitting me.”

“Kekeke!” Kuko crowed, “You’re cursing in front of us, ha!”


“You just haven’t done that in a while,” Ichiro shrugged. “You told us, by the way. That you know
what happens in the future. You told us everything.”

“I… I did?”

“You did!” Kuko chirped, “Glad you did too.”

“Well that sums up our world,” Sasara smiled at me kindly.

“What’s your world like?” Nemu asked me with wide eyes.


I stayed silent for a second. This was an intricate dream. But still, it was a dream I wanted to
believe in. Even for a second.
So, I told them everything. From my meeting of a twelve-year-old Ichiro to my babysitting skills
and my terrible math tutoring skills despite the math being elementary level. I told them that I let
everything happen because I wanted all the players of the puzzle. And I told them my fears of the
future. The fears of telling anyone about the truth of a repeating world.

They were comforting.

They were nice.

I almost didn’t want to go back. If I did this… Would I have also been loved this way? Would I not
regret it?

I started to cry. Eyes closed, water streaming down and covering a face so worn.

When I opened my eyes, the room was dark. In my lonely office, I waited for a second. No one was
here, Jyuto and Rio must’ve left. They’re always leaving.

Then again I never asked them to stay.

I think they tried to wake me up by tossing a cup of water over my face because it was damp. Still,
I continued to let the water pour into my waiting hands in the dark.

I felt more confused.

Was I really doing everything right?

Chapter End Notes

What an intricate dream!

Should I make a discord where writers and fans of Hypmic can band together and just
chat or a Tumblr to
randomly put up spoilers?

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
Chapter Summary

Samatoki meets up with the old members of the TDD.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Yesterday, I was chomping meat buns outside a shop, crouching. Jyuto and Rio noticed me and
they approached me.

“Oh, isn’t that Samatoki?” Jyuto grinned as he walked towards me, “What are you doing sitting

“I got hungry and bought a meat bun,” I replied. I left out the fact I skipped breakfast. I went on a
trip down memory lane as I continued to speak, “It’s like when the three of us went to Chinatown
and walked around eating pork buns… They were really damn good…”

“I see,” Rio responded.

Five seconds later, the three of us are speeding down the road to Chinatown in Jyuto’s car.

Because of this, we came back sort of late and we had to quickly pack up our things before
immediately heading off to Chuuohku.

Jyuto insisted that we leave the things in the car and checked out the wall first and I agreed. Rio
however, still bought a small backpack with him.

“Just in case,” he said.

We walked around the walls, looking for different and similar things. I was smoking, trying to keep
my cool because my heart was thumping so fast I thought I could die from it overworking itself.

I didn’t want to be here.

Oh, isn’t that?

“Yo, Sensei!”

Sensei turned his head to see me and then he turned his entire body. He had his coat off and had a
bag of his things slung on his shoulder.

“Oh, Samatoki,” Sensei smiled, “It’s been quite a while now.” Upon closer inspection of my face,
his smile flipped upside down but I spoke before he could.

“Hey,” I turned to Jyuto and Rio, jerking my head towards Sensei. I hummed, “Introduce

“Pleased to meet you,” Jyuto bowed slightly, “I’m Jyuto Iruma of MTC. I’ve heard quite a lot
about you, Jakurai-sensei.”
“Pleased to make your acquaintance,” Rio smiled. “I am Rio Mason Busujima, a pleasure.”

“My, how polite,” Sensei’s frown flipped into a more serene smile, “I am Jakurai Jingugi of
Matenrou. I hope we can get along well after this battle.”

“These dudes with you, your teammates?” I asked the most obvious question.

“Hiya~! I’m Hifumi Izanami a.k.a. MC Gigolo from Matenrou! You can call me Hifumin~ Please
to meet...cha…?”

Izanami and I locked eyes.

“Wowie! I didn’t expect to see you here!”

I nodded a greeting to Izanami who looked at me worriedly despite his friendly tone. Jyuto and Rio
made confused noises behind me but I ignored them in favor of talking with Izanami.

“You don’t seem to be doing so well, that sucks! Are you still living alone?”

My eyes widened as a barrage of words barreled out of Izanami’s mouth. I forgot he could be pretty
mouthy. Probably because his last moments impacted me far stronger than this him.


“You should just move to Shinjuku then! You know that Doppo-chin’s and my place are always
open for you!” Izanami wove his hands frantically. I smiled fondly.

I was not expecting to be pulled back by Rio and Jyuto, but I totally envisioned Kannonzaka
smacking Izanami when I heard a thwack.

“He’s our leader, I’m sure you understand that Izanami-san,” Jyuto seethed lightly.

“We will decline your offer,” Rio added.


What’s got their panties in a twist?



Yup, Kannonzaka just hit him. His smack jerked me out of my confusion.

“Look at that you angered them! You can’t just go around and say whatever you want. Don't forget
you live with me! You don’t own the apartment yourself!” Kannonzaka did a 180 right after
muttering about how Izanami was the only one who substantially paid for the house expenses and
the rest of their living expenses.

“Uh,” I moved past Rio’s bulky body and Jyuto’s defensive one. “Hi.”

“Hi,” Kannonzaka squealed at the sudden call. He held out a card to me and I took it to shove in
my pocket sort of filled with emergency candy.

“You’re Izanami-san’s roommate right?”

“Yes! Doppo Kannonzaka… pleased to make your acquaintance…”

“Same here, Izanami-san talked a lot about you when we met.”

“Really?! Oh-”

“Only good things,” I laughed. “You’re tenacious, brave, and persistent.”

Kannonzaka flushed and shook his head.


“Oh yeah! I did say that! Wow Samama, you really remember a lot don’t you?”

“Samama?” “Hifumi?!” “?!” “?”

I wasn’t fazed by the nickname (it was different from the traumatizing one) so I laughed in

“Yeah, I’m surprised you remember me,” I confessed.

“Of course I do!” Izanami exclaimed, “How could I forget you? You were at the back of the shop
with bruises all over! You look worse than you did back then too!”

I ignored the burning gazes of everything minus Kannonzaka and touched my face instead.

“I do?”

“Yeppers! You totally~ do! You know, if it’s easier you could totally move-”


Kannonzaka huffed.

“I apologize for his behavior! Ignore him, I think he mentioned you before as well,” Kannonzaka
stepped in between us. I laughed and told him it was okay. I also thanked Izanami but I told him
that I was definitely doing better than before.

Izanami didn’t seem convinced, but with Kannonzaka, I managed to divert his attention away from

“Aight Sensei,” I smiled, “See ya later.”

“Samatoki…” Sensei looked like he wanted to say something but I was already walking away.
“Yes… until later…”

“You don’t look well, Samatoki,” Rio said after Matenrou was out of earshot.

“Really?” My heart was still working overtime so close to Chuuohku.

Because of this, we decided to stay in a hotel near Chuuohku instead of inside it.

“T-Thanks,” I stuttered, “Sorry for being a bother about it.”

“It’s fine,” Jyuto sighed, “You obviously don’t like it there, we can't have our leader breaking
down now, can we?”
“I won’t break down!” I protested, “If that’s the reason we fucking left, we can walk back there

“Don’t worry,” Rio assured me, “I like it better out here as well.”

“I was only teasing you, Samatoki,” Jyuto scoffed, “I didn’t like it there either.”

I calmed down and nodded. We walked from the hotel to the gates of Chuuohku. A group of
people was already there. I lit my cig and walked forward, my feet getting heavier with each step.

“Nii-chan! It’s him!”

“I’ve been waiting to see y’all again,” I hummed scanning the area. Haa… Everyone was here
except the two new divisions, huh?

Jyuto and Rio walked behind me like some bodyguards. I would’ve laughed at the idea, but I was
too busy avoiding a certain group’s eyes.

“Heeeey! Rioooo-saaaaan! Hey! Hey! Over here!”

I turned my head along with Rio and Jyuto to spot Dice waving his hands. He walked over to us
with Gentaro in tow.

“Someone’s calling you,” Jyuto, Captain Obvious, stated, “Do you know him?”

“I have helped him out before when he was hungry,” Rio supplied, “He used to come over to eat
with me often.”

“He’s… a very bold person,” Jyuto hummed. “Oh my, I knew I recognized him before,” Jyuto
shifted his glasses before he walked off towards Kannonzaka.

“An acquaintance of yours?” Rio asked.

“He was in questioning a lot back when I was a regular uniformed officer,” Jyuto revealed, “We’ve
made small talk before.”

As Dice came, Jyuto left.

“Woah, is that who I think it is?” Dice whistled as he walked towards me after his greeting with
Rio. “Yo, Samatoki!”

“Arisugawa,” I greeted him as if I saw him yesterday and the same familiarity was received as Dice

“You still look like shit.”

“Thanks, I guess. Still living on the streets?”

“You fucking bet. See you later, yeah?” Dice snorted. He gave me a do-over before walking
towards Gentaro who was playing with cards he undoubtedly hid in his sleeves.

My eyes followed after his back before I felt myself being knocked sideways.

“Samatoki~♡! Hiya!”

“Ramuda,” I greeted. I placed a hand on his head and started to pet it lightly, ignoring the way he
moved his head and pushed into my hand.

“It’s been soooo long since I last saw you!!!”

“Yeah, I know,” my hands continued to move in a rhythmic pattern and Ramuda sighed in content.
He also hugged me tighter. I wonder if he missed this affection. I would’ve given him more if
Sensei hadn’t pulled him off of me.

Ramuda was about to start another fight with Sensei but Ichiro pulled him back. Speaking of
which, Ichiro wasn’t wearing the red headphones I got him. They were replaced with red earbuds, a
long wire connecting them and flowing into his pocket. I chose to ignore it.

“Sorry about that, Sensei,” I apologized to Sensei.

“Not at all Samatoki-kun,” Sensei looked at me forlornly, “I wasn’t done speaking with Ramuda
either. How are you feeling?”

“A bit tired,” I gave him a weaker smile. I couldn’t draw that picture-perfect angry Samatoki when
my heart was pumping so much blood my head felt dizzy. The adrenaline I was receiving was

“Why’s that?”

“Let’s just say the future seems bleak.”

“For this-”

Sensei was cut off by Ramuda who barged into the conversation. He started to speak with Sensei
angrily. I politely left the conversation.


A voice filled with hatred I couldn’t fathom. But it also had that monotonous undertone as if Ichiro
didn't know what to make of me.


My heart was slowing down now. Maybe this was a good way to calm down. But everything else
felt extremely sluggish instead. I’d rather have my heart pump so fast my insides would explode.

“There’s no excuse for what you did back then!”

He moved his arms to the side harshly.

My eyes fluttered shut on their own and I sighed without thinking. His shouting made my ears ring.

“Tell me something I don’t know,” I responded.

“I can’t stand that attitude of yours. You act as if everything is your fault as if you’re the fucking
victim, grow up! You’re not the victim, you’re the fucking antagonist!”

“Yeah sure,” I responded offhandedly, my eyes opening to stare at an angered Ichiro. His pupils
shrunk and he was basically growling at this point. But his eyes were telling me that he was
struggling to find something to say to me.

“You can’t even make excuses,” Ichiro snarled, “Tomorrow I’ll silence you forever.”
“Mhmm,” I nodded.

“You really are... an awful person-!”

I furrowed my eyebrows and I turned my face. I opened my eyes and I just felt tired. Really tired. I
had to give it my best tomorrow. Rio and Jyuto deserved that much and more. Even if I didn’t
really want to make Ichiro hate me more, Rio and Jyuto deserved a lot too.

He must’ve been saying something, he as in Ichiro, because Ichiro pulled out his mic.

“You can’t just ignore me!”

I just took the attack. And the next attack. And the-

“Jyuto?! Rio?!”

The other two members of M.T.C moved to block Ichiro’s next attack, Ichiro seemed to get angrier
at this aspect and claimed I was fooling everyone with my false niceties.

But, I didn’t like this. Getting protected. My eyes shook violently. Despite rationally knowing that
Jyuto and Rio would not be injured gravely, I couldn’t stand being placed behind them. Staring at
their backs as an attack was coming through-


My fucking ears.

Everyone I could see looked confused. My breaths were shallow as I tried to calm my rapid
heartbeat. I was surprisingly panicking. I already felt awful being near Chuuohku, but the sight of
their backs. My chest clenched.

Someone wiped the blood off the corner of my mouth. Someone touched my back gingerly. I
looked up to see Jyuto wiping my mouth. He clicked his tongue as Rio stood next to me, rubbing
my back softly.

I didn’t need taking care of damnit. I’m just fine. I was just fine! I should be doing this to them! I
should be the one who was strong enough to-

“You okay, Samatoki?” Rio helped me up.

“Yeah,” I huffed. “I feel great. Just need some rest, thanks, Rio.”


Bitch clicked over, her hips swaying.

“Yes…” Jyuto frowned, “What can I do for you?” He gave her a quick bow though.

“The weak one is your team leader, yeah?”

I felt my knees wobble at the sound. Me? Weak? Did Bitch call me- Bitch called me-

“With all due respect, ma’am, he is not weak,” Jyuto spoke against her.

Something else was going on, but I couldn’t hear anything through the static in my mind. I could
also hear it, getting louder and louder like some stupid TV was broken.
“Samatoki,” Rio snapped me out of my daze. “Are you okay?”

I forced the saltwater I could feel at the corner of my eyes to disappear and nodded. Lying with
every fiber of my body.

Chapter End Notes

So for the rest of September month, I will also be posting on Saturdays! Thanks for
answering the questions! Also, uh, the last question ended up as a tie so I guess I'll just
go by writing instincts...

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
Before The First Battle
Chapter Summary

It's the night before the first battle and Samatoki gets an unexpected visitor. Wait, two
unexpected visitors if you count the morning.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

I rolled off the bed that Jyuto reserved for me. It took a little while for me to actually move after
lying there without happy thoughts. I asked for a pen, a ton of paper, and some tape from the staff.
They brought the items to me without question. I scribbled a note to tape outside on the door.

If ANYONE comes into my room today, I don’t care who you are… I’LL KILL YOU!!


I tacked on an extra exclamation point to set the words home.

Opening my door lightly I taped it to the door and moved to the bed. I sat down on the bed and fell
until my head hit the mattress. I curled up to the side, clutching my head. The room was white. So
white it was blinding. There was also a constant whirring, ringing sound that probably belonged to
the air conditioner I didn’t turn on.

I wasn’t cold, but my skin prickled as if I was freezing.

I wondered if it was bad to selfishly want Rio and Jyuto to disregard the note and come in
anyways. Being alone meant that there was nothing to distract me from the thoughts in my head
that liked to plague me.

Negative thoughts like:

Sasara probably wouldn’t call me even if I forgave him.

Ichiro would never forgive me even though I did so much for him.
Nemu wouldn’t come home to share another dinner with me even if she broke free from the THM.
Jyuto would not take me to the amusement park he promised to even if I asked.
Rio wouldn’t make me another MTC Ratabat even if I begged for it.

My head spun as my thoughts continued.

Knock. Knock.

My eyes widened in shock at the sound of someone rapping their knuckles on the door.

“Who is it?” I asked, my voice aching a little. It was oddly grating, but I think it sounded okay.
Opening the door I noticed Dice standing there with a grin on his face.


“Whatcha doing?”

He was showing me that toothy, wolfish grin of his as he waved with the hand that was rapping on
the door. I looked up at him and we exchanged glances. I found myself giving in to his aura and
smiled a bit, despite feeling tired from before.

“Ah… Nothing I guess, what about you?”

“About to go into your room!”

Dice beamed and I chuckled a little. I opened the door to invite him inside and I closed the door
right after.

“How did you know I was here?”

“Rio-san mentioned that you guys were staying in a hotel near Chuuohku and to me, that equated
to you not being in Chuuohku.”

Dice flopped on the bed and sighed contently. I smiled at him, thankful to be fished out of my
thoughts. It definitely helps that he’s also fun to hang around with, pretty chill.

“You’re not going to scold me are you?” I asked Dice with a raise of my brows.

“Ha? Who do you think I am? Of course not, I can’t say I do much better,” Dice sighed. He kicked
his legs up in the air and looked at me, “You know, sometimes you really confuse me.”

“I confuse myself,” I chuckled.

It grew silent, but it was definitely more comfortable than what I was used to. I liked the way I
could pull out a cig and give one to Dice. Dice took it and lit the cig up himself. He leaned over to
light mine and I didn’t mind leaning towards him so the butt of our cigs could touch.

Once mine was lit, he moved back and pulled the stick out of his mouth, releasing smoke from his
mouth. I did the same, puffing on a cig, tilting my head back to exhale, and watch the smoke float.

“Can you make shapes?”

Dice looked at me with childish wonder in his eyes. I didn’t really want to indulge him, but I
wanted to indulge him at the same time. It was taking my mind off of things so I should repay him
somehow. Also, the way his eyes shined was too fucking cute for a twenty-year-old man who was
probably robbed of his childhood.


I made a couple of circles with the smoke, to the best of my abilities.

“I can only make rings, but I can try something else if you want,” I laughed as he awed at the

“That’s fine, you want to teach me how to make them?” Dice looked at me with round, pleading
eyes. Like a cat whose pupils were so large, it looked so fucking squishable.

“I can try,” I conceded.

It didn’t go well, obviously.

“Dammit! I don’t understannnd!!!”

Dice whined as I snuffed my cig out. Dice snuffed his too. I watched him grab mine and… toss
both cigs out the window.

“Fuck! Arisugawa! I told you that’s dangerous!” I reached the window too late when I looked
down, the cigs were simple specks.

“It’s fine, I made sure no one was there before I threw it.”

Dice nonchalantly rolled his eyes. My eye twitched, but I think I was relatively calm when my hand
reached for a cup of water.

Lucky for Dice, there was no cup with water.

“Haaa, you planning to stay for the night?”

I tried to ask the question as smoothly as possible. I didn’t want him to think he had to stay or

“I have to pay you back somehow,” Dice laughed, “What about a night over and some breakfast?”

“What do you mean? You don’t owe me nothing,” I asked out of habit. Dice looked at me and

“I owe you the fact that you look worse than when I first met you. I should’ve visited more or
somethin’,” Dice smirked. I opened my mouth to protest but he shook his head, “Just take it so I’m
no in debt to you.”

I silently accepted his proposal and thanked him with a nod. Dice and I shared a bed, but I slept on
the left and he was on the right. I was thankful that there was someone with me. My eyes shut in a
sleep so deep I didn’t hear Dice trying to wake me up.

I cracked my eyes open and rubbed the crust off my lashes. Looking around I noticed a note written
on it along with a plate of breakfast.

I felt a little sick, waking up to see no one there, just a note to show the small proof Dice was here
last night. I didn’t want to eat breakfast so I skipped it. I stayed in my room, head against knees

Knock. Knock.


I peered from my sheets to hear the door creak open. It was Dice. Instantly, I felt good enough to
get up from my bed.

“Arisugawa,” I smiled, relieved, “Good morning.”

“Yeah, morning,” Dice mumbled, his eyes traveling to the side of the door. Someone must be
there, on the other side of the wall. I couldn’t see them but Dice was obviously communicating
with them through his eyes.
“Umm, well I just wanted to tell you that I have to go? We can eat breakfast later so I can repay my

“Okay,” I nodded my head. “See you later then.”

“Yeah,” Dice wove his hand and walked off, looking again to the side where I was now sure that
someone was there.

“Who’s there?” I asked the door that was left open. A black tuft appeared from the side and I raised
my eyebrow at the sight of Yamada Brat 3.

He seemed unsure of himself, obviously, our match was today, and his hands twiddled around like
a child in trouble. I could easily deduce that Ichiro wasn’t aware of his youngest brother’s decision
to meet me, and I’m fairly sure the middle brother didn’t know either.

The youngest one wouldn’t be so afraid if he was going to get in trouble with someone else, right?

“M-Me…” Yamada Brat #3 looked at me with wide eyes, I motioned him to come in. He hesitantly
walked inside and I got up to close the door.

“What are you doing here, brat?”

“I’m here because I wanted to ask you some questions regarding Ichi-nii,” he said. His duo-colored
eyes shined a specific light in a mood I didn’t fully understand.

“Okay, how do you want me to help?”

“I wanted you to answer my questions,” he said in a matter-of-fact tone.

“This couldn’t wait until the battle?”

I asked him with a soft grin. When he froze I pet his head as affectionately as I could. I would’ve
pulled away, but he seemed to melt into it.

“I’m kidding, ask away.”

“Why did you and Ichi-nii get into a fight?”

My hand froze for a split second and there was no way the brat didn’t notice.

“I wouldn’t say we fought-”

“You rapped against each other, “ he deadpanned.

“It was a setup, a misunderstanding, and betrayal,” I decided to sum it up, “Sorry kiddo, that’s all
you're going to get from me.”

I swear I heard Yamada Brat #3 say something close to ‘Ichi-nii was right, he is secretive’, but I
wasn’t so sure.

“Why do you act like the bad guy?”

I looked at Brat #3 surprised. Did he not side with his brother when Ichiro said that I acted as if I
was a victim?

“You try so hard to be a hero, but you always make yourself a bad guy to do it,” he pointed out, “At
least that’s what I’m understanding.”

“Then I would say that you are wrong. I’m acting out of my own interests so I am a villain,” I

“Your own interest is to look like a bad guy and have Ichi-nii hate you? No offense, but you’re not
fooling anyone. I could see as clear as day that you don’t like fighting Ichi-nii. You didn’t even
pick up your mic. It was very pitiful.”

“I… see…”

Sharp-tongued brat. I didn’t know that’s what I looked like. Fuck.

“You’re weird.”

“Thank you,” I groaned, “Is that it?”

“No,” Brat #3 huffed, “Do you think I snuck out on my own to talk to you for two dumb

“You admit you snuck out?”

“Shut up!” Brat #3’s face turned bright red and I chuckled. Cute. Ichiro used to be 14 too, I can
remember it, haha. The resemblance was almost uncanny even if they were brothers. Brat #2 was
the outlier, overly wary and distrusting. Understandably.

Though I couldn’t understand the way he was staring at me sometimes.

“Then, what else do you need to know that Arisugawa brought you to me? Actually, how did you
figure out how to get here?”

“I woke up early and started to look up hotels out of Chuuohku nearby. You didn’t look so well so
I assumed you wouldn’t be in the hotel room Chuuohku set up inside. I checked the room you were
supposed to be in just in case, but of course, you weren’t there.” Brat #3 stated, “So I walked
around until I found the gambler smoking outside the hotel. He seemed hesitant to let me talk to
you though.”

“Mmhmm,” I nodded, “Makes sense. But you shouldn’t walk around alone. You’re 14 and that’s
still young.”

I felt myself start to lecture Brat #3 on the dangers of walking alone early in the morning. Also,
apologizes to Dice, but what if other Division members weren’t nice people? Or he was scammed
into coming here. There were so many red flags in the reckless things he did. Not to mention, how
would he go back to his room without being noticed? There were too many risk factors.

“You really do care,” Yamada brat 3 snorted. His eyes shined too like a child’s who found out a
secret on his own.

“I…” I rubbed my head on my hand and shook it.

“I now have proof you do!” Brat #3 claimed as he puffed his chest out. He then glanced at me
sideways and tilted his tiny fucking head. “Then why did you hurt Ichi-nii?”

“Circumstances, asked for it,” I claimed, ignoring that one weird dream I had before. “It had to
have happened without regard to anyone’s feelings.”
“For someone who seems so emotional, you can be rational huh,” Yamada brat 3 judged me with a
raised brow.

“And for someone who can pack quite a punch, your rap alone is pretty weak huh?” I bit back,
after a chuckle. “You know, if you want to get stronger, just hit me up and I can help you.”

“You trained Ichi-nii when he was younger, right?”

Sabu- Brat #3 looked at me with stars in his eyes. He decidedly ignored the first point of the
argument, hilariously enough.

“Yeah,” I nodded.

“Then give me your phone number,” he demanded with a hand in front of my face. I shook my
head exasperatedly and walked to the table to grab some of the paper I didn’t use. Tearing off a
small piece from the corner, I wrote my number and handed it over to Brat #3.

“You’re stronger when you work together with the middle brother,” I hummed.

“Huh?” Brat #3 frowned, “Who’d want to work with that idiot?”

“He’s also your older brother,” I reminded him, knowing fully well it’s what Ichiro does as well.
“You can’t be jealous of not being able to catch up to him and get close to Ichiro because you are
different than he is. You can’t surpass him like he can’t surpass you.

“The middle one is the one with strong, wacky verses that only hit when you support it.” Well, that
wasn’t completely true, but Brat #3 didn’t have to know yet. “If you don’t work together, both of
you are weaker than the goons I fight on a day-to-day basis.”

“Why are you helping me? Aren’t we, the Buster Bros, fighting your division, Mad Trigger Crew,

“You think you can change tactics just like that?” I drawled. “Funny. I heard better things than that.
Just keep an eye out on that one. He’s probably the most sacrificial one of you three brothers.”

Brat #3’s eyes widened as I got up from the bed. I motioned to the door.

“You should get going now, right? Don’t want to get caught sneaking into the enemy’s room.”

Chapter End Notes

I realized that this fic is really long and has a ton of chapters...
It is canon that Samatoki can make smoke rings!

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
Fated Win
Chapter Summary

BB vs MTC The first battle of the 1st D.R.B

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Time for the battle.

Jyuto knocked on my door to pick me up. Dice had all so kindly ripped the paper off the door in
the morning so I guess Jyuto felt good enough to come in. We traveled in Jyuto’s car, our normal
sitting positions simply followed.

“Samatoki,” Jyuto looked at me sideways, “Let’s give it our all.”

“Yes,” I nodded, “We’ll beat them.”

“I apologize for lecturing you, but,” Rio crossed his arms and closed his eyes, “Your heart should
be firm when you are going into battle.”

“Right,” I nodded, “Hesitation is the worst enemy.”

Rio looked satisfied by my answer and nodded.

“Good grief,” Jyuto smirked.

My head was dizzy as soon as the building was in view, and my heart pounded as blood rushed into
my ears as we walked into the building and to the stadium. We waited to be introduced before he
could be a part of the stage.

Ichiro looked strong on the battle stage, I wonder if I looked strong too.

I knew Sasara, Kuko, and Nemu were watching me from someplace afar.

Bitch was speaking in the middle of the stage, welcoming guests of the first Division Rap Battle’s
Finals tournament.

I knew that Ramuda and Sensei were watching us with their division members. Their battle will be
tomorrow. Great.

“Samatoki! We will ruin you in battle today!” Ichiro growled, the underlying hesitance from
yesterday wasn't there anymore. Simple hatred and determination.

Brat #3 looked our way, his eyes trained on us. I gave him a quick glance, a look of assurance, and
turned my attention back to Ichiro.

To my left, I could hear Yamada brat #2 pick a fight with Jyuto.

“Hey you P.O.S cop! We’re gonna finish what we started yesterday! And of course, I’m gonna

“Oh children, always playing cool when they can’t do a thing on their own,” Jyuto poured gas onto
the spark, “You look like a guard dog, but the most you continue to yap, the more I realized you’re
more like a dog running away with its tail between its legs.”

To the right, I heard Yamada brat #3 instigate a brawl with Rio.

“You talked a big talk yesterday, I don’t know if you really used to be a soldier. Aren't you simply
unemployed now? I won’t be defeated by a loser like you.”

“Boy… your passion is excellent,” Rio complimented the youngest brother first, “But words from
a powerless boy do not sway this soldier. Prove to me you can win with your actions, not your

I love how the shitty bitches give us enough time to snarl and yap at each other before they begin
the fucking tournament.

This really was a show to them.

They started to speak of ideologies of the Party of Words, which sounded like bullshit to me. On
the big screen, the head bitch appeared. Head bitch started this elongated speech, something that
would’ve sounded beautiful if I wasn’t who I was.

She raised the hypnosis microphone that symbolized so many things, none of which was positive.

“Let the first Division Rap Battle Finals tournament commence!”

Then the screen cut off. Bitch walked up and demanded attention, “Let us remind you of the

Bitch announced the rules and read them one by one. They were also placed on the screen above to
remind us. Remind us of rules that would chain us down, right?

They irritated my head a little and heard a couple of popping sounds. Meh, this was just going to be
used for endurance training, right?

“Today’s match is the first match! It will be Buster Bros vs Mad Trigger Crew!”

Our division logos were placed above on the screens and they glowed on the screen from the floor.

Bitch showed off a Chuuohku coin, one with black and white sides and a different announcer
started to commentate.

“Ichijuku Kadenkouji-san will perform a coin toss to determine which team attacks first.”

“Head is Buster Bros and tails is Mad Trigger Crew,” Bitch showed off the two sides, if it landed
on white it would be Buster Bros, if it was black, it was us.

I already knew what would happen.

“Look sharp, they have the first attack,” I muttered, my eyes narrowing.

The two exchanged glances before following my orders. Our bodies moved to a defensive stance
right away.
The coin flip was rather simple and the power behind Bitch’s thumb was impeccable as always.
She smacked it down on her hand and revealed a white coin.

“Buster Bros have the first attack!” The other announcer declared.

“Get ready...”

I summoned my mic and glanced over to Jyuto and Rio who did the same.


The three brats did the same thing.

“Bring the Beat!”

“Me first!” Yamada brat #2 dashed forward without an attack plan. I watched Yamada brat #3
panic lightly as he tried to stop Brat #2. “Let’s go, you P.O.S. Cop!”

“H-hey Jiro...!”

“Become corrupt eyesore of a cop!

The Popo? More like the Poo Poo!
Get out of my fucking sight!
I’ll be taking this spotlight!”

“Weapons are worthless in this age:

It’s time to say goodbye to your glory days!”

Mm, Brat #3 tried to adhere to my advice, the problems were that they were fighting two different
people. Still, their growth made me smile secretly. They became strong. It’s time to see how well
they can put up with Jyuto and Rio who didn’t take that much damage from that.

“Rio, Jyuto,” I motioned them over with my finger, “Y’all are next.”

“It’ll be my pleasure,” Jyuto smiled, “Since it seems like he’s picked me, I’ll have to crush him in
a single verse.”

“The Juvenile Delinquent runs from my rhymes,

Cause once they catch him, he’s doing jail time!”

“I’ve laid down my arms to be armed with a microphone,

This mic that’s gone through so much alone.
It’s my nuclear skills that’s the winner,
Your petty rhymes won’t even serve as dinner.”

Mm. I frowned lightly at the way the two doubled back so quickly. So Ichiro protected them that
much, huh? I mean, I did as well, but I realized if I protected them from everything, they would end
up with weak endurance.

“Jiro! Saburo!”

Ichiro looked behind him to where his brothers were blown back to.

Jyuto and Rio fought separately, but their attack power was still good enough to be separated. Next
time though, I’d have to teach them the ability to gang up on a person. It wasn’t underhanded, it
was still a strategy after all.
“Just knocked me a bit off-balance,” Brat #2 stood up on shaky legs, Brat #3 silently stood up too.

“Was that a bit too strong for you?” Jyuto smirked.

“Hehe,” Brat #2 smirked, “That was just the thing to wake me up!”

“Ichiro, it's our turn now.”

“Your ass is about to be whooped!” Ichiro snarled.

In a far present time, I think that I said those exact words, directing anger wrongfully at the hurting
boy in front of me.

“Bring it on,” I hissed. I had to stay strong and win for Jyuto and Rio. I would not lose here, No, I
would not lose to him ever. Not again.

“I want to know why you did what you did, Samatoki!”

“I don’t plan on telling you, Ichiro!”

Ichiro took his mic and took his turn.

“You’re ego and power is so low,

Never to rise, here take this blow!
Picked me up at age twelve,
Don’t need you, I can take care of myself!”

I flinched at the words. Ah, this was surely a good endurance training session. Not to mention, I
craned my neck as my speaker buzzed behind me, I should take it slow and take another blow.
Nothing is fun with one turn. Right, this was a game. It was a game.

“Taught by me, here’s your master, newbie,

I think you forgot something about me,
I have more power than you have seen!”

In the next turn, Ichiro took it up, shocking his brothers. With their turns skipped, The two younger
brothers exchanged glances with each other as Jyuto and Rio looked at me. I hissed at the strength
of the words. Nothing as painful or dangerous as I remember them to be, but enough for this body
to shiver.

I needed to train the body and the mind more than.

“I’m rebutting. That fine, Rio? Jyuto?”

“Do as you please,” Jyuto huffed as Rio nodded.

I countered Ichiro and took a second turn, activating my ability the entire time. Ichiro snarled, but it
didn’t really do anything against me.

“You still up for more?” I asked Ichiro with a small smile. What was I supposed to do about a kid
this persistent? I was treating it like a sparring session, the ones Ichiro and I used to have. My heart
felt calmer in this back and forth. This lighthearted fight with no death on the line.

“Of course!”

“No, Ichi-nii,” Brat #3 frowned, “We’ll go next.”

“Nii-chan, leave it to us. We’ll round these two sideshows.” Brat #2 cracked his knuckles.

“‘Side-shows’ is harsh,” Rio frowned.

“If you're calling this a ‘side-show’ then you've also labeled yourself as part of the circus haven’t

“What did you say?” Brat #2 growled, “I’ll end you!”

“You sure you’re not misunderstanding the situation?

Welcome to the cop’s execution!
This is my land, my rules,
You gang of fools!
I don’t give a damn for your justification!”

“Here’s to a celebration for your miscalculation,

I won’t let you off the hook
It’s a checkmate with my rook!”

Brat #3 unexpectedly joined in. I felt my lips tugging up at the improvement. Good teamwork.

I watched Jyuto struggle, would he falter here? Should I take the hit?

“Words have power,

But in front of shields, they’ll sour.
Like a dying star,
Your rhymes can’t even reach Mars!”

Rio spoke just in time to protect Jyuto. I watched the brothers exclaim in shock at Rio’s ability. It
was a rather good one as well.

“You saved us, Rio,” Jyuto pushed his glasses up. “That would have been dangerous if you hadn’t
raised our defenses.”

“No problem,” Rio nodded, “but I wasted my turn, it’s back to the other team.”

“Yes, but I doubt he’ll be able to use such a strong skill twice in a row,” Jyuto scoffed.

“Don’t call it a waste, Rio,” I smirked, “It’s anything but.”

Jyuto asked if he was right on his hunch that Jiro couldn’t send that amount of power back. Jiro
retorted, but I already knew the answer.


I watched Ichiro approach his brothers and grab their shoulders.

A joint attack.

“Brace yourselves,” I warned my teammates. At the same time I walked to the front to take the
brunt of the attack, Jyuto and Rio tried to follow me, but the brothers already started to rap.

“The note of our emotion,”

“Is constantly in motion,”

“In this ocean of devotion,”

“Take this Yamada Explosion!”

I could hear the other two slide back as I was pushed back too. My heart was burning, but the fight
was lighting a fire in me. A flame telling me I needed to survive.

As I opened my mouth someone rapped behind me before I could.

“I’ll arrest you for your obstruction of justice!

Hear that kid rapper? You’re busted!”

Jyuto smirked, “Please sit out for a turn.”

Ichiro in a cell. Well...

“Nii-chan can’t move! It’s up to us, Saburo.”

Brat #2 dashed forward as Brat #3 followed him.

“We’ve got enough firepower in this verbal tug of war,”

“To heat up the blood running through our very core!”

“Boiling our determination to a powerful roar!”

Good, they both attacked Rio, like how they both targeted Jyuto from before. Good tactics. I
stepped in to take the last line as Rio fell to his knees.

I craned my neck, my skin sizzling, tingling. I forgot how much I loved a good spar.

“Good stuff,” I acknowledged them and touched my cheek. I summoned my speakers who grew
bright. One look at a shaking Ichiro, I already knew what he was afraid of. “You can’t protect
everyone, Ichiro.”

I only told him the truth.

It was a truth I was trying to make a lie.

I stared at Brat #3 long to signal that I would attack him. I watched him brace himself as I threw out
a verse at him.

In no time I watched as Brat #2 rush forward and hug Brat #3.

The scream erupting from Brat #2’s mouth shocked me and threw me off balance for a second, but
I had to remind myself this was a sparring match, not a duel. With the reassuring touches of Rio
and Jyuto, I managed to calm down quickly.

I watched the other two brothers rush over to the fallen one.

We didn’t do anything because it was their turn.

I watched them scream, it sounded so foreign and understandable at the same time. I can remember
that tone, that face, that fear. But it was definitely not what they were thinking. I can remember
there being more pain, more anger, more resentment.
Saburo slept without forgiving his brother in the end, right?

“Jiro Yamada is defeated!”

Annoying bitch spoke from the speakers of the arena.

Ichiro’s shoulders shook.

“Samatoki you bastard!”

“It’s judgment time!

You and your rude ass rhymes
With your little demon crew
Are about to get stabbed right on through!”

Fuck, I knew that ability.

“Gah!” I screeched as the attack hit me head-on.

“Samatoki!” “Samatoki?!”

I heard Jyuto and Rio call for me as I fell.

“Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five!”

I took five seconds to think quickly about the decisions that led me here. I stood up, brushing my
hands. Mm. The flames surrounding my speaker grew a darker blue, it wasn’t black though. Black
would surely kill them.

I rapped hard only to see Brat #3 nullify it. Ichiro took that chance to hop in and take a turn with his
brother as well. Beautiful teamwork, but-

I heard my back slam into the wall with Jyuto and Rio. I felt my knees creak as I stood up. Indeed,
I would have to train harder for the future.

I heard the crowd’s roaring and the beeping to signify the downfall of Jyuto and Rio.

Stomping forward, I summoned a speaker full of navy blue flames.

I watched Ichiro run to protect his brother, but it didn’t really matter. Both bodies fell to the ground
and I huffed. Wiping sweat off my brow, I used my mic as support as the announcer screamed.

“Winner is… Mad Trigger Crew!!!”

Chapter End Notes

We are at the 1st DRB! *waves hands around* Whoooo!

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
After the 1st Battle
Chapter Summary

After the first battle Samatoki sees someone he didn't expect to see...

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

I wonder what dream this was.


I see, it was this kind of nightmare. I waited in the black space for a figure to grab me by the
shoulder from behind. Another hand towards my neck.

“Aohitsugi-san, you said you would protect my brothers.”

I did.

Ah, I couldn’t speak. This hand is constricting my throat… My brain started to hurt like hell. I
wonder if this is what hell felt like. The way I felt now, this burning feeling while freezing all the
while, is this hell? Or is hell the place I can feel more comfortable in?

“Nii-san, you promised to protect me and my brothers.”

I have.

Damn, still couldn’t speak. I could feel the large hands shrink down into a child’s. What a pain.
The hands then grew larger again, but they felt more calloused. I knew who they belonged
immediately. My heart ached. It was as if my mind was looking for the right way to torment me.

“Samatoki-san, are you truly doing everything you can?”

My breath hitched as I was choking and that was the worst fucking thing, but I couldn’t bring
myself to pry the hands off my throat.

“Even though you know everything, you can't do anything. Are you destined to be weak?”

I couldn’t even breathe anymore.

“Samatoki-san, is this the person we put our faith in?”

I could feel multiple hands on my body. Something slid down my eyes.

Why would he say that? Would he say that?

“Samatoki!” “Samatoki!”

Two separate voices, one name. Whose name? Right, my name.

“Jyuto, Rio,” I acknowledged them as I stood up slowly from my bed.

“Are you alright, Samatoki?” Jyuto looked at me, his green eyes roaming my body.

“Yeah,” I smirked at him, “I’d like to get out of the building, but I do feel fine. Why wouldn’t I

“Because you-”

“We were worried because you wouldn’t wake up when we called you,” Rio cut Jyuto off. Jyuto
glanced at Rio in shock. He looked a little desperate, I wonder why?

“I’m going to go out for a smoke,” I claimed, “I can’t stay here longer. When I come back, let’s go
back to the hotel.”

“Wait, Samatoki-”

“We will wait for you outside at the front of the building,” Rio cut Jyuto off again. Jyuto was
visibly stressed at this point, but I didn’t have time to question him about it now. I needed a break,
somewhere my heart would hurt so much.

I walked in the dull halls of a building that I remember desperately trying to memorize in the
future. Good thing I already knew its layouts then.


My brain wasn’t working, I forgot I had the chance to run into Ichiro. I turned back around, holding
the unlit cig with my teeth.

“You two, go to your rooms without me, I’ll catch up.”

My feet didn’t stop.


Ignore him.

“Aohitsugi, you bastard!”

A hand gripped my shoulder and forced me to turn around. Fuck, I don’t like this. My anxiety is
going through the roof, fucker.

“Explain it to me, why did you push that button two years ago?”

“You’d never understand,” I shrugged off his hand that loosened when I answered him. “But if you
want a short answer, it’s ‘cuz we both had goals to reach.”

Ichiro stared into my eyes, something like uncertainty flickering in them.

“How’s Nemu?”

My eyes widened from the unsuspected question and my chest tightened more. Clenching nothing
but air, I looked at the ceiling.

“Well, I suppose.”
“You suppose?”

“Why do you care? It’s been some time,” I sighed. “I beat you and your brothers up single-handed

“I needed that time to cool off my head and think more logically,” Ichiro explained. “Also, today’s
battle reminded me of something. You were treating it like a training match, not a duel.”

“Ha, I know two idiots who would probably use the same excuse as you,” I thought back to two
people who left us in the beginning of the H age. My body, pounding and hurting from the mental
instability I would admit I had if asked, started to get heavy too. Heavy like it was being weighed
down by millions of weights. Or gravity was being a bitch. Maybe I dreaded talking to him.

Nah, it’s the fucking gravity. Bitch.

“You really did it to save Nemu,” Ichiro concluded.

I wonder if Chuuohku thinks that their plan to make us hate each other isn’t working because I
could never bring myself to hate Ichiro. They probably didn’t know I wouldn’t harm Ramuda

“I did it to protect someone,” I commented. Fuck, wait, I wasn’t even drunk, fuck my mouth. My
eyes flickered from his face to the floor. Fuck.

“Yeah, Nemu.”

I didn’t reply. I realized I should’ve answered but I brushed past him instead. Heading to the roof
where I could feel better, I didn’t look back.

Of course, I wasn’t completely sure what I was doing anymore because I walked back to Rio and
Jyuto then back to the roof, making it painfully obvious I was avoiding Ichiro, but the human mind
is normally as complicated as fuck.

“Running away, bastard?”

I turned the corner.

Walking up in a building I hated, my subconscious feared, and my mind knew, I found the balcony
easily. Lighting my cig that was almost flat in my mouth, I puffed.


My eyes roamed from the city of Chuuohku to the door. Ramuda stood there, his eyes wide. He
stared at me, silently. I didn’t say anything and motioned him to come over. No noise escaped my
mouth when he pulled out a cig to smoke as well.

I checked my pockets for candy with my free hand as I inhaled and exhaled the nicotine. Smoking
was definitely a bad, addictive way to cope with things. Didn’t stop me from doing it. I grew a
dependency on it.


“Thanks,” I let him lean towards me a little and I ruffled his head. He huddled closer after a single
touch. Hah. This motherfucker was acting cute.

Little pink shit.

I held him close as I smoked, his smoke brand smelled sweeter, but I liked the tangy feeling mine
had. But I don’t really judge.

“Good luck tomorrow, don’t do something stupid.”

“Ha, you think I would?”

I left the balcony and did not hightail it out of Chuuohku. Rio and Jyuto, as they promised, stood
outside the gates, Jyuto’s car parked nearby. I thanked him and we left for the hotel.

Jyuto was unusually quiet and the looks and signals Rio gave Jyuto confused me from time to time.
But I ignored it. Bidding them a good night, I walked into my own room. I wonder if Dice would
visit me again. I hoped he would, but I wasn’t sure myself.

Knock. Knock.


I stopped my pacing and headed for the door. Turning the knob I was greeted by yet another

“Congratulations, I guess.”

“You did your best,” I hummed letting the youngest brat inside.

“What about your brothers?”

“I ran off. They didn’t notice it.”

I led him to the bed and he flopped on the bed, an arm over his face.

“Sure,” I hummed. “They could be looking for you, you know?”

“It doesn’t matter. I was weak. Jiro had to go down because of me.”

“No, he went down because of me,” I chuckled. “I’m the one who cast the finishing blow, he only
protected you.”

“Last time you made it sound like he shouldn’t do that,” Brat #3 huffed. “I was too weak, he had to
protect me because of that.”

“Okay, you’re weak, the bottom of a ditch, now what?”

“I should quit rapping, even though you said you would teach me. I came here to apologize for

“Ho,” I eyed the brat, “So you’re planning on running away?”

He shifted uncomfortably under my watchful gaze. His arm moved ever so slightly so he could see
me, the one still standing.


“Life’s not fair,” I hummed, “But if you’re still alive and kicking, you shouldn’t give up. If you’re
at the bottom of a ditch, you can run around in circles, hoping that something won’t squash you to
death or hoping you don’t starve. Or you can start climbing out of it.”
“I’m not good enough for my brothers, I’m garbage compared to them.”

“You’re brothers would disagree,” Brat #3’s eyes twinkled in hope. “Plus, didn’t I tell you, you’re
the reason why the second brat is so strong. Without you, there’s an imbalance.”

I paused, my lips pursing in thought.

“Good job incorporating the first lesson in today’s battle by the way. I didn’t think you’d manage
to pull it off.”


His cheeks were dusted pink. Cute.

“If you really have trouble consoling with the fact you lost, and that you’re weak, talk to your
brothers. They probably have much better things to tell you than I do.”

I took a seat next to him to see him smile under his arm. I smiled back and hummed.

“So, weakling, if you want,” I poked his arm, “We can start the fuc-freaking lessons now. If my
first one proved to be good.”

“That’s fine with me!” Brat #3 smirked. He hopped up to a sitting pose and I chuckled.

“Good, first things, first, you have the techniques down. You can rhyme, you can rap, you can
obliterate your enemies and stuff, but there is an underlying problem I see. Your mental fortitude is
still that of a child.

“Forget rap abilities, capabilities, and rhyming. To have a good attack you need to have a good
grasp on your opponent or have the ability to find something they would be affected by to achieve
a greater impact. Something true. If you’re fighting an opponent, brunt force is fine, but a personal
attack is always stronger.

“Next, to have a good defense, you need to be mentally strong. You are still a child, a fourteen-
year-old child. Don’t argue with me, it’s true. Your defense is much weaker than an adult's, but it
is also arguably stronger than someone who has been traumatized. However, you are a traumatized
child. Therefore, you are arguably not just weak but extremely weak.”

I looked at the little boy who listened to my words attentively. He seemed displeased by the last
few statements, but that didn’t matter. Why don’t I let him in on a little secret then?

“There are also ways of enhancing your rap abilities and rapping material overall. This however is
top secret and even Chuuohku is unaware of this.”

At my raised finger, the brat’s eyes widened in curiosity and amazement.

“I can help you reach that level. But this only pertains to you if you stay in Buster Bros and in the
rapping business. It’ll hurt like hell too. Not to mention, you can’t tell anyone or show anyone
about your enhancements. You have to stay in power with your rap abilities and it’ll be harder,
won’t it?”

“How do I know you’re not telling me baloney?”

“Mmm, I can show it to you. But again, this stays a secret.”

“I know,” Brat #3 wove his hands. He stared at me with his curious eyes. “Do you have other
general or broad tips for me? Ones that don’t state that I’m weak?”

“Defensively speaking you’re weak. An attack won’t have its full impact if you’re scared. You
were scared on the battlefield, it made your attacks weaker. However, they still work as the perfect
support for anyone. Of every division altogether there is only a handful of people who can provide
support to an attack whether it is for a partner or a different division. You are one of those few

“By support, I don’t mean your ability. Hell- Heavens- Heck no, I’m talking about the general rap
ability you have. So you should be proud of that. I’d focus on strengthening your mental stability
overall and looking for a way to support instead of fighting alone.

“Obviously, if you manage to train in both at the same time, that’s the best. I’d recommend
endurance training to heighten your defenses, but it can do more harm to some rappers. You’re one
of those rappers. I don’t recommend endurance because there is a higher possibility that you’ll
falter more through it.

“Of course, you don’t actually have to listen to whatever I say.”

“I see,” Brat #3 nodded his head. He muttered a couple of words which I could guess were
summarizations of what I told him. “I think I got it. I… don’t have a complete decision yet, I want
to talk to my brothers first.”

“Makes sense.”

“Can you show me what you were talking about before?”

I smirked.

“I’ll demonstrate a small sample of it. Don’t know if you’ll blab to your brothers. This stays
between us, got it?”

Bony hands wove at the youngest brother of the Ikebukuro Division.

Chapter End Notes

Samatoki gained a new pupil! Dang, how long has it been since he had one...?

I used a small bit of the manga so... special thanks and shoutout to slugtransla
FP v M
Chapter Summary

The second battle of the 1st Division Rap Battle is here! And Samatoki would much
rather do something else.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Our ride to Chuuohku for the second battle was quiet. Jyuto seemed uncharacteristically stressed
and angered. I tried to ask if he was okay; however, Rio stopped me with a shake of his head.

My body uncontrollably tensed up as we got to Chuuohku again, the adrenaline of a sparring match
nonexistent. Rio and Jyuto led me to the place where we would watch the battle. My antsy hands
clenched on my lap as soon as I sat down.

My eyes frantically searched for something to keep myself occupied, landing on Jyuto. Rio had
left, probably to scout the area, so I let him have his ways. It wasn't like we could do anything
about his commander at this point.

“We won,” I spoke aloud to destroy the insufferable silence.

“Yes we did,” Jyuto replied. He still looked troubled so I wanted to help him. I had the urge to help
him. “I-”

“Don’t apologize for falling if you wanted to do that. Ichiro’s strong, I’d expect him to be, I trained
him myself,” I looked at surprised green eyes. “We won, you don’t need to apologize. By winning
this, we’re one step closer to reaching your goal, right?”


“We’re strong, this battle we had today, proved it.”

“Yes,” Jyuto finally responded. “I suppose it did.”

“Ha,” I blew out a laugh and craned my neck to eye Jyuto, “Pay attention to the battle tonight.
We’re going to be fighting however wins next.”

“Do you have a hunch?”


"I see."

Jyuto asked no more questions and we just waited for the battle to start. I still felt an itch move all
over my body, but they were better compared to the ones I felt before talking to Jyuto. Bitch got up
on the stage and held her dear coin. She flipped it and Matenrou had the first turn. As soon as the
battle started, Rio walked into the room. He rushed in to take a seat between me and Jyuto. I rolled
my chair to the side so we could watch the battle from the glass above the stadium.
We watched Sensei attack Ramuda after healing himself from an injury.

“Both his defense and offense are magnificent,” Rio hummed.

“Jinguji Jakurai… to think he would be this strong even after switching to attacking,” Jyuto

“That’s because Sensei was the most balanced out of all of us in the old crew,” I replied. “His raps
could do harm and he got his ability when the Dirty Dawg broke up.”

Those were the good days. Friends, brothers, unity. If I hadn't lost Sasara or Kuko, I would argue
that my time in TDD was perfect. If I hadn't known Jyuto or Rio, I wouldn't know what I was
missing so arguably Mr. Hardcore of the Dirty Dawg would've had it nice. But it was all broken by
one person.

I looked down as a tiny child screeched with hatred.

“But Ramuda’s…”

I watched Ramuda scream into his mic, Sensei staggered, holding a hand to his ear.


I lit a cig.

That’s not what Ramuda’s ability is supposed to look like. It’s his normal attack. His body was
already deteriorating, wasn’t it? Or was this an act of defiance against Chuuohku? Either way,
this… This was not a battle to watch again. It wasn't really worth it.

Izanami used his ability on Dice and caused him to injure Gentaro.

“Why did he attack his own teammate?” Jyuto asked against the thud of Gentaro’s body and the
screams of Dice. Fling Posse, they were still tight enough to jump out of the stage and reach a
helping hand. Even at this stage.

Ramuda, isn’t that great?

“I believe he was made to by Hifumi Izanami’s rap," Rio answered Jyuto.

“So his ability allows him to control his opponents like puppets?”

“That would fit the facts, yes. On another note, Arisugawa’s rap is quite amusing as well. So his
power changes depending on where the wheels stop spinning, yes?”

I stood up, the chair clattered a little. I couldn’t deal with this anymore.

“Where are you going?” Jyuto called out.

My shoes clicked as I stepped out of the room.

“I've seen enough,” I said, pulling the door open. It was the same old, same old.

“Good grief.”

I heard Jyuto’s remark as I stepped out. My heart once again beating twice as fast without
someone’s support. I used the smoke to calm me as I walked down the hallways, glancing down
the glass panes to see Fling Posse lose.

Ramuda... He looked happier. Though he lost. He was smiling on the ground.

Good for you, Ramuda.


My body froze up at the name. The title. I looked back to see Brat #3. He had also walked out of
his room.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“I wanted to walk with you," he said.

“I’m leaving the building.”

The brat shrugged. My smoke mixed with Yamada Brat #3’s company made my beating heart slow
down to a regular workout.

“What did your brothers say?”

“I’m not quitting Buster Bros,” Brat #3 declared. His eyes had that sparkle and he slammed a fist to
his chest with a large grin.

“I see,” I hummed, “Thought so.”

“That means…” Yamada brat #3 trailed off as he walked out of the building housing a puppy fight.
“You’re training me, right?”

“Sure,” I hummed, “What was the sudden title though?”

“I thought it to be appropriate to use when I refer to you,” Brat #3 shrugged again. "Do you dislike

“No, but what if your brother finds out?”

“I just won’t use Sama-nii in front of him.”

“You can bad mouth me,” I laughed. We walked to an ice cream parlor and I had snuffed my cig
out by then. As soon as the cig went off, I started to feel a minor panic arise, but Brat #3 calmed
me down by grabbing onto my wrist.

“What flavor?” I asked Yamada brat #3 as the TV in the shop showed the battle.

“I wanted to try Pistachio.”



“I want coffee.”

I started to layout some exercises he could take to train his proficiency at attacking people.

“Your unique attack or best ability is your ability to support a wide variety of people. I don’t have
the methods to train you in this because I don’t have that kind of skill. It’ll be like the blind
teaching those with sight about colors. Maybe rapping with other people who have very different
rap styles?”

Brat #3 nodded as he penned down his thoughts. Smart kid brought paper and pen, huh?

“Now you should head back, I have somewhere to go. Do you know your way back?”

Brat #3 licked his ice cream and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

“Do you know who I am?”

I laughed and walked away. Chuuohku, right now it was safe. He should be fine on his own.

“See you brat.”

“Byebye, Sama-nii.”

The name still gave me the chills. Maybe happy chills. I walked around Chuuohku’s streets. I
honestly was looking for-

I watched a lone figure walk off the streets from a restaurant. I lit another cig to calm myself as I
walked towards Ramuda. I didn’t step in as officials took away T.H.M. I walked slowly enough to
let Ramuda talk with Bitch. I watched as he started to cry.

As I got closer I could see his hands shake, the grip on his phone tightening.

“So my life… is worthless…”

He kicked a nearby trash can and smashed it open. Trash rattled out as he curled up to his knees,
squatting close to the trash.

“You bitch…”

“Hey Ramuda,” I called out to the crying shit, the one that just got saved by Rei, I’m sure.


I pulled him up and to my chest, letting him sob.

“Let it all out. ‘Cause you’re anything but worthless. Your teammates would agree too.”

As I listened to him, I thought about a Ramuda who didn't cry.

Chapter End Notes

It's a short chapter this time!

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
A Good Night
Chapter Summary

So many things happen before the final battle. Samatoki talks with his teammates,
Jakurai, and even bumps into Saburo. What a busy day.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

I left Ramuda and walked back to the hotel outside of Chuuohku. It was a long trek, but I didn’t
mind taking it. My phone rang and I saw Jyuto waiting for me in front of the hotel.

“You idiot! Why didn’t you answer my calls? My messages?! You took too long to get here, I was
getting worried!”

“Sorry, I was still in Chuuohku,” I smiled unevenly at Jyuto. “I didn’t think that this would happen,
I swear.”

“You could’ve called me to pick you up.”

“You didn’t need to, I was fine with walking.”

Jyuto exasperatedly groaned and I just laughed.

“Let’s go see Rio.”

“Rio’s not in his room,” Jyuto informed me.

As I thought. I led Jyuto to the front portion of the hotel, a slightly forested area fenced off.
Hopping over the fence, I motioned Jyuto to follow me.

“What are you doing?”

“Looking for Rio.”

Jyuto uncertainty followed me, leaping over the fence and as we walked a large tent came to our

I walked over to it while Jyuto rubbed his forehead. Holding out the flap open I spoke.

“You in here, Rio?”

“What’s wrong?” Roi peered at me as he unzipped the rest of the flap.

“Nothing’s wrong,” Jyuto smiled. “If I may ask, why did you pitch your tent in front of the hotel?
Why not use the room I lent?”

The tent rustled as Rio poked his head out.

“I couldn’t relax there.”

Neither Jyuto nor I asked why.

“You have room for three, Rio?”

I asked him, Rio slid back in his tent and it moved a little more. I then saw him motion us inside.

“Take your shoes off, I’ll brew coffee.”

I slid into the tent and Jyuto awkwardly followed me after taking his shoes off. The tent felt cozy
underneath my white socks, that’s for sure. Jyuto and I waited as Rio served us coffee. I took a cup
to sip as did Jyuto.

“Come to think of it, where did you run off to during the match Samatoki?” Jyuto glanced at me,
“We were worried about you.”

I looked down at my wrist that was grabbed by Brat #3. My shirt was still sort of wet from a snot-
faced pink midget. The corner of my mouth twitched.

“Just went to take care of a few things.”

“Mm,” Jyuto pushed the rim of his glasses up and looked over to Rio. “You left some time before
the battle, may I ask what you did?”

“I went to scout out the area around the high-security prison,” Rio revealed.

“The one where your major is being held?” Jyuto asked. “I personally have no issue with it, but
please, for the love of god and everything nice, don’t do anything suspicious.”

“I would hardly do anything to warrant strict police action,” Rio reassured Jyuto. He made himself
as comfortable as we made ourselves comfortable in the tent. “But I understand where you are
coming from.”

“My own team is going to the dogs,” Jyuto sighed. He raised his hands and shook his head. “But
never mind that, tomorrow we fight Matenrou.”

“You know one of them, correct?” Rio asked Jyuto, his eyes curiously watching Jyuto.

“Yes…” Jyuto reluctantly agreed, “But I don’t know much about him. He’s a bit of a mystery.”

Jyuto tapped his chin, trying to recall more information about Kannozaka. Kannozaka is a real
monster, isn’t he. His ability was a difficult one, it knocked both of them out, Jyuto and Rio. In
fact, both of them were knocked out together every battle for the first D.R.B. Hmm, I wouldn't
have realized that before, I guess I should train them a bit more.

“I remember him being a typical office worker. Not exactly the type to enter this kind of
tournament. But now he stands between us and victory. We can’t be too cautious.”

“That team’s trouble,” I blew at my coffee. “Sensei is one of the guys I see as strong. His
teammates and their abilities are just as bad.”

“Do you have a verdict on who’s going to win?” Jyuto probed.

I blinked in shock at his curiosity and didn’t answer immediately. After all, we would lose.

“We’ll give it our best and conclude that we gave it our all, whether we win or we lose.”
“I see,” Rio nodded in understanding.

“Then we will overturn those expectations,” Jyuto smirked.

I gave him a smile back.

Another moment of brief silence with small crickets chirping outside. It was rather peaceful,
sipping coffee late at night, surrounded by my teammates.

“You said you had a sister, right Samatoki?”

I looked at Jyuto who spoke suddenly. I only mentioned Nemu a little bit since I knew what was
going to happen. I no longer chased her back alone, I chased everyone’s.

“Yeah, Nemu.”

“I’m sure I can only guess a fraction of how much you care for your sister, but I have to ask: What
do you think of yourself as in terms of being a brother?”


“Do you think you’re a good brother? A bad brother?”

I think my pupils shook because everything got a little fuzzy for a second. I sipped my coffee
again. Focusing on my heartbeat that sounded like a ticking clock.

“I’d say I’m a pretty bad brother,” I hummed after a brief moment of silence. “Neither Nemu nor
Ichiro liked what I did and when they had enough, they got up and left.”

Whether it was by force or by manipulation, they had still gone and left and in their own free will,
they decided to stay gone and left me alone.

“Are you an idiot?”

I looked up in shock at Jyuto who straightened his tie.

“What the hell did you just say?”

A curse just flew freely from my mouth.

“Was I not clear? Are you an idiot?”

“I mean, I guess so?”

My body started to feel sluggish again. Fuck.

“Cut the crap, Samatoki,” Jyuto sighed. He placed his cup down and stared at me. “Do you really
have no self-awareness? Or confidence?”

“Wh-What?” I looked at Jyuto oddly, “I have tons of confidence.”

Jyuto sighed and his brows furrowed, “Samatoki, you’re a great brother.”

“What the hell?”

“So get out there and win the battle for yourself.”
My hand started shaking and I think I split some of the coffee because my leg started to hurt.
Ignoring the sudden pain on my leg I stood up and left the tent.


Rio tried to stop me.

“Leave me alone,” I muttered. Walking out.

Win the battle for myself? I could overturn the battle right now. I’ve been practicing and
enhancing my skills ever since I got these stupid mics. I’m not trying to win the DRB I’m sorry,
but I’m trying to protect everyone I owe.

My debts must be repaid ten times the fold.

I wasn’t fighting for myself. I wasn’t planning to win. I lit a cig and hopped over the fence.
Ignoring how my legs felt, how my insides twisted and turned, I walked to Chuuohku. Nemu would
be here. Sasara and Kuko had been here. Rei is in here.

I went to the hotel to walk up to the rooftop of it. I wanted to see Chuuohku from the top. I wished I
was here to see it burn.

But when I looked up to the stars and looked back down, I no longer thought about Chuuohku and
its bright future. My heart clenched as a different thought, revelation, foretelling, whatever I want
to call it, claimed my mind.

Stars, night, height. This height.

What would it be like to fall down I wonder?

Peering down from the weak, metal fence I stared at the bottomless ground. My cig was clenched
between my teeth and my hands held the fence tightly as I pushed a little further to look for the

What would it be like to fall down?

Would it feel like flying?

Did Izanami feel as if he was flying?


A thump behind me. I glanced back to see Sensei.

“May I join you?”

I nodded lightly and pulled away from the fence. I turned and had my back pushed up against it
instead, holding my cig in between my hands.

“It has been quite some time since we last battled one another.”

“Yeah,” I agreed, forcing my mind to not think of my tingling back.

“Amemura-kun and I only clashed with you and Ichiro-kun that one time… before we formed the
Dirty Dawg.”
“I guess you’re right.”

“Goodness, I’ve known you for quite a while now.”


“And while there may still be very much I don’t know about you, we can safely say I know a fair
piece. You have a strong sense of duty, so I presume you will reserve yourself out of courtesy…
however, you do not need to hold back. Fight me earnestly.”

I’m sorry Sensei, but I can’t do that.

I turned to face Sensei who held the fence forlornly. He looked at me with determination and his
hair floated in the night breeze. I wanted to float like that, maybe, one day.

“Mm,” I hummed, snuffing my cig to the metal fence before tossing it to the wind. It fell, it didn’t
float. Ah, what an unfair life.

“Do not suppose that I’ll go down so easily, Samatoki-kun.”

Rich coming from you.

I bit my tongue and only nodded.

“Tomorrow we will be enemies. Please do not restrain yourself.”

Sensei then left and I started to feel antsy again.

I leaned back against the fence, my heart once again beating over time. I continued to lean until I
felt the fence tightening. This flimsy, yet strong, hold. It made me feel better for some reason.

Then the fence creaked.

Alarmed, I quickly pushed my body forward before the fence could break. Someone grabbed my
shirt and yanked me forwards at the same time I pushed myself away from the fence.

I looked down to see a tiny pink shit of a human.


He looked a fuck ton better than when I saw him earlier today.

“Tehehehe~♡ !” Ramuda smiled at me. Then his eyes darkened. “What were you about to do?

Ah, his real voice.

“Nothing much.”

“You sure?” Ramuda was oddly still using his real voice. Not that it really phased me, but- Oh
wait. He was worried. How weird. Oh well.

“Yeah, I guess I was too heavy or something.”

“You, heavy?”

Ramuda deadpanned as I shrugged.

“Not really.”

“Have you been eating?”

“Got more candy to spare?”

I avoided the question and silently held out a hand. Ramuda looked at me with a glint in his eyes
and tilted his head. He then dumped a handful of candy to my waiting hands.

“You never eat them.”

My eyes shifted through them and I handed them back except a few.

“I’m picky with candy.”


Ramuda stared at me and I smiled at him. He took the candy I was giving back to him. Blue eyes
met red.

“What brought you here?” I couldn’t revel in the silence any longer.

Ramuda looked up at the sky. “I wanted to see the stars?”

“Cool,” I smiled to myself, “Good job today. Let’s hang out again sometime.”

I pet his head affectionately. Sure, Ramuda annoyed me a lot, but… today is the day he deserves to
be praised. I saw him cry today. I saw him weak. I saw him break down when a ton of bitches
surrounded him. To be wanted and to be told to stay alive, that’s what he needed now.

I told him this when I saw him earlier today. I can tell him this again.

We stayed under the starry night a while, the broken fence in view. But the later I got the more
antsy I felt staying in Chuuohku. I stood up and Ramuda looked towards me.

“You’re leaving?”

He sounded upset.

“Yeah. I also want to get some sleep before tomorrow’s battle.” I walked to the door and wondered
if I should tell him about it. Meh, why not. “You did a good job, not using that other mic.”

Ramuda’s eyes widened as I left.

“Don’t worry, I don’t plan on telling anyone.”

On my way down I met someone I didn’t expect to see, Yamada brat 3 stood in front of me with
wide eyes. He was holding a pillow and stood in front of what I assumed to be Ichiro’s door.


“Brat,” I nodded. I lit another cig with one hand and moved it to the other, away from the brat. His
rounded eyes tracked my movement and he looked at me with the most innocence I think he could

“What are you doing here?”

“Smoke and a view,” I answered, “What about you? Couldn’t sleep?”

Brat #3’s face blew up and I laughed. My legs continued to move and I walked past him.



I turned my head curiously to see Brat #3 grabbing the back of my shirt.

“C-Can I come with you?”

I stared at him and quirked a brow. With a fond smile I nodded, “Sure, it’s gonna be a pretty long
walk though. Think you can manage?”

“I should be able to.”

He held onto the pillow tightly and followed me out.

He tried in the beginning, but it was too late at night. I carried him on our way there (pillow in tow)
because he soon fell asleep. When I reached the hotel, I placed him on the bed and managed to ask
the host for another blanket. I made do with sleeping on the ground. This was nothing new.

Chapter End Notes

It's almost time for the final battle of the first DRB!!!

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
Same Track
Chapter Summary

The Final Battle Ends! And the winner is...

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

It was time for the final battle. I stood on the stage, looking at Sensei and his crew.

“And without further ado, let the first Division Rap Battle Championship match begin!”

I stared at Sensei who shouted something at me. I couldn’t hear it well.

“Get ready…”

We summoned our microphones.


They summoned theirs.

“Bring the Beat!”

I rushed forward, taking our first turn.

“Let’s settle this Sensei,

Take in this landscape!
Can you avoid being stained as red as mud,
In my baptism of blood!”

Sensei wobbled backward and then he gave me a smile, covered in sweat.

“I suppose it’s time to get serious.”

“You are but a child, looking up at me from below.

But your destiny is to remain in my shadow!”

I had to pretend to flail for that one. It just didn’t hit me right. It was true, I am younger than him,
but I wasn’t completely young either. Sensei was the one who was left to the shadows, after all.

“Nice one, Sensei.”

“Very well, shall I be next?” Jyuto stepped up, “Let’s go, Kannonzaka-san.”

“Lift your idiotic head,

Are you practicing being dead?
You spent so long wishing for bed,
Dirt covers your forehead!”
Woah. Jyuto threw out some nice verses. I smiled at Jyuto who smirked at me. Just then
Kannonzaka rapped and I watched it send Jyuto flying. Ho, I guess Kannonzaka’s stress is on a
high right now.


I turned my head away from Jyuto to Izanami and Rio. Izanami was smirking at himself and I
shook my head. This was a battle that was better to be left outside of the stage.

“Is something funny?”

Rio eyed Izanami.

“Oh no,” Izanami waved his hand as he gave Rio a pitying look. “Only the fact that you’re playing
as a soldier. And here I thought we no longer had an army.”

Rio’s eyes narrowed as he glared at Izanami. Izanami seemed to miss the glare because he
continued talking, his waving hand one on his chest as he flashed a generous pose.

“If you’re having a hard time looking for work, you’re welcome to join my club! Let me turn you
into a fabulous host.”

“My apologies for turning down your kind offer, but I refuse. I have as much pride in my work as
you do in yours,” Rio’s speakers rumbled. “Even without an army, I am still a soldier.”

“Well, let me know if you ever change your mind,” Izanami shrugged.

Rio’s verse knocked Izanami back, but Izanami sent Rio flying. Rio’s mental weakness to his army
was definitely something he needed to improve upon.

“Samatoki,” I turned to Jyuto, “We have to take down the doctor first. He’s continuously healing
the other two so it will be better to get rid of him first.”

I stared at Jyuto before nodding.

We weren’t trying to win, right.

As we got ready to battle, Izanami and Kannonzaka moved to block attacks directed towards

“I won’t let you lay a finger on him,” Kannonzaka hissed.

“If you want to fight Sensei, you’ll have to get through us first,” Izanami huffed.

Our rap towards the duo was strong, but Sensei’s ability was like no other.

“They can take a hit like that?” Jyuto scoffed.

“They’re no pushovers,” I hummed.

However, with Sensei’s rap, their turn was being handed over to us.

“Izanami-san,” I called out to the host, we locked eyes and I smiled at him, “No hard feelings?”

“Of course not,” Izanami bowed with flair. I smiled at him, just what I wanted to hear.
“Up stars, down earth,
How could you fall with such mirth?
In a suit that's boiling hot,
Can’t you see, your act is for naught?”

Izanami screamed. I braced myself for Kannonzaka’s explosive ability, but Izanami stopped him.

The flowers reappeared before the petals began to fall, turning into sand and withering away.

“Here it comes,” Rio warned us.

“His skill,” Jyuto frowned.


My eyes felt drowsy and I could hear a voice ringing in my head.

Attack the soldier.

Attack Rio.

Fucking hell, I ain’t under some THM! But I had to, right? I had to look not suspicious.

“The one thing more stubborn than me,

Is a whining fool begging shit for free!”

I threw a slightly weak verse at Rio, enough to knock him outside the ring, but hopefully not
enough to knock him out.


Jyuto screamed as I snapped out of my haze. Fuck, it wasn’t as bad as the THM but it still fucking
felt awful.

“Shit! Rio, you alright?!”

I listened to the counter beep as Rio walked back onto the stage.

“I’m fine, or I would like to be, but that almost knocked me out.”

Whoops, maybe I rapped a little too harshly. Well, I was never used to pulling back my punches.

Matenrou took their turn to heal Hifumi. I shook my head at Sensei’s weakness. I motioned Jyuto to
take the stage and Jyuto obliged.

“First we have to deal with that,” Jyuto adjusted his tie. Rio was staggering as Jyuto used his
ability to trap Hifumi. I would have to follow this losing plan, huh?

“Forgive me.”

My body moved as quickly as it could as Sensei rapped. Rio looked alarmed at the strength of
Sensei’s rap heading towards his body.

I rushed over and my shoulder smacked into Rio’s as I took the hit for him. I slid backward, my
body crumpling on its own. It stung, but…

Two voices, one name. My name.

I needed more endurance. This was nothing.

My eyes snapped open and a smirk played on my lips. This sparring match was amazing. I couldn’t
contain my smile as I thought about how this match was going. Not the end, but the way to it. I
could train my mental endurance for ages if Sensei would allow me to.

“No hard feelings, Izanami-san!”

I winced at the way his body smacked the ground and rolled. It slid to a stop and I wonder if I took
it too harshly. I had to activate my ability otherwise it’d look suspicious! I’m so sorry Izanami!

“Hifumi Izanami defeated.”

I watched Kannonzaka’s curled up, slouched form trembling uncontrollably. The screens started to
fizzle out into static as he continuously apologized.

“Jyuto, Rio,” I smiled at my teammates, “Good job.”

“What do you mean-?”

Jyuto was cut off by Kannonzaka’s incoherent rap. Kannonzaka screamed at the top of his lungs,
tugging his tie the entire time. I refused to let my feet fly off the ground, it was harder than I
thought, but I would rather not deal with another bruise on my back.

I didn’t look back. This sparring match with a dedicated outcome was still ongoing.

“Jyuto Iruma defeated. Rio Mason Busujima defeated.”

Instead, I watched Kannonzaka fall.

“Doppo Kannonzaka defeated. And with that, time’s up! The match will now continue into

“Sensei, you found yourself good teammates,” I smiled.

“I could say the same for you.”

“Let’s give it our best.”

“I will fight you earnestly.”

We knocked fists and the counter started to ring up.

Our battle went on for ages I think. I was milking the fact I could get training out of fighting
Sensei and Sensei was doing his utter best to help the other two win. I was fighting here for
myself. Sensei was tired, but the adrenaline in me kept me going. I had to stop soon, otherwise, I
couldn’t make a defeat that looked real.

We knocked heads and microphones.

I think this would be a good way to feign defeat.

As I fell, I wondered…

Did I let you down again, Ichiro?

“Winner is… Matenrou!!!”

“Here ya go,” I handed coffee to Rio and Jyuto.

“Oh, thank you,” Jyuto took his coffee with both hands. Rio placed him on the table. I took mine
up to my lips as I sat down on a chair. Jyuto and Rio took the different sides of a sectional couch.

“Are you mad at us?” Jyuto asked me while he fiddled with his cup.

“Ha?” I blinked rapidly. I was genuinely taken back, what did this bitch mean by being mad at
them. Shouldn’t they be mad at me? I lost on purpose! “What, you got something for me to be mad

The two stayed silent and I snorted.

“Dumbass, I’m not gonna flip out on you. I appreciate what you did.”

Jyuto looked taken back as his body jerked backward.

“Y-you appreciate it…?”

“Hell yeah. You stuck by this great Samatoki Aohitsugi’s side in the two battles which I would’ve
ended up as toast without you guys,” I put the coffee on its plate and thanked them.

I couldn’t look at their eyes completely because I had lost, on purpose.

“We’ll win next time,” Rio spoke up, looking at me with determination in his eyes, “A soldier does
not retreat until he is finally laid low in battle.”

My body cringed on its own at the image.

“Of course, I do not plan to crumble like that,” Rio added quickly.

“We’ll win next time,” Jyuto gave me an empty promise, “We can’t leave off now with a loss on
the record.”

“Yeah,” my lips tipped up. Just then my phone buzzed in my pocket. It was from Sensei. I read the
message with a quirked eyebrow. “I’m going to head by Chuuohku really quick.”

“Do you need a ride?” Jyuto stood up.

“Yeah, that’d be nice,” I nodded. “Rio, we’ll be right back.”

Jyuto and I quickly made our way to the car and we drove off to Chuuohku.

“Why are you going there?”

“Sensei wants to talk to me,” I replied, “You can just drop me off and go to Rio. I can walk back.”

Jyuto dropped me off as I asked and I walked into Chuuohku. Fuck, my body refused to listen to
me. Ignoring the pang in my heart and the throb of my brain I walked to the hotel and waited in the
Ichiro was already there, his eyes roaming my body.

“What are you doing here?”

“Sensei, you?”


Ichiro looked extremely displeased to see me. Made sense, I don’t think I’d want to see me either.

“Why’d you lose?”

“Wow,” I laughed. I didn’t expect that question of the day. “Yes, I chose to lose.” Ichiro’s eyes
narrowed as I lied. “Did you really think I would lose on purpose?”

Ichiro and I knocked our foreheads together as he got angry himself and I started to panic about
whether or not other people noticed my purposeful loss.

“Ichiro-kun, Samatoki-kun,” Sensei walked in at this time. I have never felt so saved in this time
before. “Please, settle down.”

Ichiro flopped onto the chair with an angered pout as I landed on my couch with less worry. Sensei
didn’t have his coat on which was interesting, but I suppose he got down here as fast as he could

“I apologize for leaving you waiting after I asked you to come here,” Sensei smiled apologetically.
Ichiro shook his head to assure Sensei that he didn’t do anything wrong while I wove my hand
nonchalantly. “There is no time so let me cut straight to the point.”

Sensei looked us square in the eyes.

“Sasara Nurude and Kuko Harai were present at yesterday’s battle.”

The truth that neither of them knew was that those two were watching us from the beginning.

Ichiro’s eyes blew back in shock.

I think I saw a tuft of green hair that resembled a melon more than grass, but I wasn’t sure. I did
know, though, that I would not stand for any idiocy committed against the comedian.

“They were your team members, right?”

“Yeah,” I nodded.

“Kuko was,” Ichiro trailed off, hurt in his eyes.

I wanted to comfort him, would he hate me? Stupid brat.

“I also noticed an old friend from my childhood,” right, Hitoya-san, “I can’t help but think their
presence speaks to some sort of Chuuohku plot. It is possible that this is not the case, but let’s be
cautious anyway.”

“That’s smart,” I hummed.

“Okay,” Ichiro agreed. He seemed displeased to agree with me, but it didn’t matter that much to
“And as for Amemura-kun…”

“What’s up with Ramuda?” Ichiro asked, quirking an eyebrow.

“No,” Sensei shut his eyes for a second, “This is not like me. Please forget I spoke.”

I eyed Sensei down, knowing exactly what he was going to say.

“It’s rare for you to be stuck on your words, Sensei,” Ichiro smiled kindly.

“Let me impart you with one thing,” Sensei’s frown was etched onto his face. “Please be careful
around Amemura-kun.”

“Around Ramuda?” I questioned as Sensei got up.

“What for?” Ichiro looked confused too.

“He’s not completely dangerous. He’s just a person.”

Sensei paused a little at my declaration. He turned his head towards me, his eyes filled with mixed
emotions that I could pick out little by little.

“I must leave you now. Goodbye.”

Sensei’s voice was clipped as he walked away.

I got up from my place on the sofa and moved to the outside of the lobby. Jyuto and Rio were
probably waiting for me.

“I gotta say Ichiro,” I shoved my moving hands into my pocket. “You’ve grown a lot.” I tilted my
head back to look at the two differently colored eyes. “I don’t know if it means much, but I’m
proud of ya. Despite what you did to Nemu.”

I lied at the end to Ichiro. I had to keep the place moving the same as I did before to gather all the
pieces of this game. This meant I needed Ichiro to look into Nemu.

“I did something to her…?”

I could hear the fading question Ichiro proposed as I walked away. With quivering hands, I lit a cig
to calm myself down. Walking out of the lobby, I moved to walk to the rest of MTC.

Chapter End Notes

Samatoki would've aimed for Doppo first if he wanted to win, Dopop's too strong
when he blows up.

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
The Start of Training
Chapter Summary

Samatoki heads back to Yokohama with Rio and Jyuto. Two days later he gets a visitor
that demands he trains them.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

In Jyuto’s car, I leaned against the window and puffed at the cig in my mouth. I was reveling in the
presence and silence of my two teammates. The car ride was peaceful and quiet.

A while later, I could see Jyuto reaching over to turn the radio on from the corner of my eye. When
the radio played, I couldn’t help but let out a snort of amusement as it played.

“Goood morning! Today’s hot news is the First Division Rap Battle concluded yesterday! And the
winner is none other than Shinjuku division’s Matenrou! Let’s hear from some local townspeople-”

A fiddle and click.

“Matenrou’s prize money of 100 million yen-”

Another fiddle and click.

“Unfortunately, Yokohama’s division's Mad Trigger Crew was eliminated from the competition-”

Fiddle and click.

“Oh well you see, I just knew that Matenrou had to win!”

“Oh, you did? Ahaha!”

Jyuto snarled suddenly and slammed his fist down on the radio of the car. I swear I heard a crack
as Jyuto shook his fist.

“What’s up with the same goddamned crap everywhere we go?! Maybe think about how we feel
for a change, huh?!”

I laughed at the welcoming memory I was reliving. Deciding to spare Jyuto some mercy, I lightly
patted his shoulder.

“Come on now, cool your tits Jyuto,” I grinned refreshingly at him, “I get that you’re butthurt
about losing, but hitting the radio’s not gonna do you any good.”

“Yes, I agree,” Rio piped up from the rear. “And shouldn’t you feel bad about hitting an inanimate
object?” Rio questioned Jyuto as he grabbed Jyuto’s seat from the back.

Jyuto let out a growl as I went back to puffing my cig.

We experienced a soft quietness and I could hear the tires rolling on the asphalt. The easy
repeating motion of back and forth from my mouth to away from my mouth. The smoke leaving the
car's window. But the silence wasn't as peaceful as I wished it was. I guess I have to change this
enviroment. Rio wasn't going to do anything, I could tell. Jyuto definitely wasn't going to.

“Jyuto,” I huffed, my eyes moving to turn to the cop I came to trust. The first adult of a different
time, I’d say.


“Losing is an important experience if you can try again,” I sighed. My eyes slid back to the
window, my head tilting towards it slightly. “‘Cause great men aren’t born great. They grow

The car went silent after that. And not into an awkward silence but one of appreciation I think. I

“And that’s how it’s gonna be for us, you feel me?

I chuckled after that, my cig in my hand with ashes falling to my jeans.

“Absolutely,” Jyuto agreed, a heartbeat too long after. “For my own sake as well, I suppose.”

“No man can ever return to a real battleground a second time, but luck is on our side. We have
another chance.”

I did not mention that Rio’s words were false. Despite having a second chance, we never even got a
chance to set foot on the battlefield. Instead, I exclaimed with crossed fingers:

“We’ll win next time!”

The car went into that peaceful quietness again. I smiled to myself as I opened the car window. No
one was behind us so I tossed the cig out the window and rolled it back up.

Of course, I did it secretly because it would surely alarm Jyuto and Rio.

“Well, we must not let this inspiration go to waste,” Rio broke the silence. “How do you feel about
going with me after this? I’ll put every effort into preparing a great feast for us.”


Jyuto exclaimed as I heard Rio shift behind us. He grabbed our car seat’s shoulders as his seatbelt
from behind Jyuto stretched over so he could grab both of our car seats.

“Don’t be shy,” Rio gleamed. “It’s for our whole team.”

“Urgh…” Jyuto’s mouth released a grunt of pain. His eyebrows furrowed and I felt my own lips

Releasing a sigh, I grinned with mixed feelings. There’s no helping it.

“I mean, if we gotta,” I said. “Sure Rio. I’ll even lend you a helping hand.”

It’s been two days since our defeat with Matenrou and some of these punks were starting to think
we were truly nothing. Just ‘cause we lost. It was honestly really annoying.
I found it easier to ignore them unless they directly picked a fight with me. It was to show them
how weak they were in general. I think I did a good job.

As I walked around In Yokohama, something I never expected would happen, happened to me. It
was the afternoon, sometime after school finished for kids. I could tell from experience with Ichiro
and also how the kids flocked the streets once school was over. Hm, I guess I was a dropout, huh?
I watched the students move around, thinking about a couple of kids I was sure would also be in
school if the world didn't hate them so much.

I was smoking leisurely with a couple of thoughts freestyle swimming in my mind.

Someone grabbed the back of my shirt and tugged it. It felt like a kid. Wondering who was lost and
why they’d choose me out of everyone I turned around to spot Brat #3.

“What are you doing here?”

“You said you’d train me,” Brat #3 smirked. “And you didn’t come to me, so I came to you.”

“What about your brothers, dipsh- idiot?”

“They think I’m in a school club or something,” Brat #3 shrugged. I sighed as I led him to my
office. He didn’t know where we were heading so he followed me, holding onto the back of my

“You’re truly daring.”

“You promised to train me.”

“I lost to Matenrou.”

“No you didn’t,” Brat #3 tugged the back of my shirt and I stumbled back a little. “Ichi-nii knows
you know. He knows you lost on purpose. He’s really angry at you.”

“Hmm,” I let out a low hum and moved on ahead with Brat #3 on my back. Oh, and I snuffed my
cig as soon as I got the chance to smash it against a wall. Couldn't smoke in front of Ichiro's little
brat. I'd get my ass handed to me if I did.

“Okay, let’s say you’re right then. You’re not going to ask why I lost on purpose?”

“I don’t have to and I don’t want to know.”

Funny brat. He probably has a lot of questions. Whatever.

This was easier for me. Looking at the brat, I could tell he thought this was easier too.

Since he took time out of his day to come to see me and he wanted to be trained, I would do him
the favor of doing so. Of course, I'd have to let him train on his own too. It'd be pretty noticeable if
he appeared in Yokohama so often. Ichiro would definitely start suspecting things. For now and the
other times he might as well come, we can do it in my office.

We reached the building. I could tell he was getting scared but I stared at the guards. They stared at
us with cold eyes, but it seemed to light up when I arrived.

“He’s with me. If you see him, let him in next time.”

They nodded with a ‘yes Kashira!’ in response.

Brat #3 awed as he followed me inside. We walked to my office where I directed the guard to not
interrupt me unless it was an emergency.

I motioned him to take a seat anywhere. It was fun to see him take th seat Jyuto normally sat on.

Damn, I had to make sure that Jyuto and Rio weren't aware too. This was going to be more fucking
difficult than I originally thought... I took my normal seat and looked at the brat who was shifting

"You uncomfortable?"

"N-No, I'm okay."

I nodded, of course, I could mistake the fidgeting as nervousness. Maybe he's just excited. Then I'll
get straight to the point.

“So what’d you learn?”

“I tried out supporting Ichi-nii and Jiro, but since we’re brothers it went well after a couple of tries.
There wasn’t anyone else I could think of to support. Also, I was trying out that ability you were
talking about, but I didn’t really have a good place to do it? I mean, it’s sorta big…”

“Okay.” I nodded. “Then let’s hear something. I’m going to rap, I want you to support me the best
you can.”


I coughed into my hand lightly before summoning my speaker.

“Bitches this is war,

Something you fuckers never seen before.
We ain’t here to stick
We’ll end this super quick!”

“I uh, here is a forehead flick,

Listen to these raps, they're sick?”

“Ha,” I let out a sigh at the weak verse. “No, you want to make it stronger. Let’s get you used to
working with me first. Then we can move on to enhancing your ability.”


"Oh, by the way," blue and green eyes peeked at me. "Even if you're confused, don't let your rap
show the confusion. You can hit better that way."

Brat #3 nodded his head furiously as I gave him another verse to support. We went at it for quite a

It felt nice to train someone again.

"Come again later," I lit a cig that I could finally enjoy.

"Okay!" Brat #3 grinned as he waved goodbye.

My heart ached a little.

Chapter End Notes

Op, another short chapter.

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
My Turn to Visit You
Chapter Summary

Samatoki trains Saburo in Ikebukuro.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

I decided to walk to Ikebukuro this time, taking a train on the way there. It was a quick ride and I
managed to get there in time. It’s been a while since I left this place. I wondered fondly about what
the guys I had in my old gang were doing. I should visit Yanagi-san at the very least.


I turned my head to see Brat #3 waving his hands. I greeted him with a wave of my own. It was
nostalgic being in Ikebukuro again. It has changed a fair amount since the last time I was here.

“Brat, do you know where we’re going to practice today?”

“Ah,” Brat #3 rubbed the back of his head. “I… uh, I’m normally prepared, but I have seemed to
have forgotten that…”

I quirked an eyebrow as Yamada brat #3 tried to amend his mistakes.

“If we have somewhere to sit down, I can start looking for good places to practice like alleyways
or something!”

“Haa,” I sighed, “Sure, follow me. We can go to a cafe I know fairly well.”

We walked around from the train station to a cafe I knew fairly well of. It was on the west side of
Ikebukuro and Yamada brat #3 followed me closely with his eyes scrolling on his phone. Walking
inside, I heard the familiar chime of the bell.

“Hello! Welcome to Sweet Sweets Cafe! Please take a seat where you would like!”

It was a face I had never seen before. It was interesting to see how the cafe had changed too. The
decor was more modern, but the safe cozy feeling resided. My insides felt a little chilled though,
there was no one I remembered.

I pulled Brat #3 over to the table I normally sat with Sasara. I don’t know if it was because it was a
Monday, but no one was sitting there. I tugged the small brat along and he sat down with a huff,
his eyes roaming across the phone screen.

“Uh, excuse me, sir.”

I turned to look at the waiter who didn’t even have the menu with him. The fuck? Well, I guess I
didn’t need the menu.

“This seat is reserved…”

I ignored the spineless waiter. What did he mean by reserved? It’s one of the only tables open. I
wasn’t taking any of this bullshit. I wanted to sit here.

“Brat, what do you like?”

“I’m good with anything.”

“I’d like a dark roast coffee and a slice of tiramisu. He’ll take a slice of chocolate frosted cake and a
strawberry milkshake.”

The waiter’s pupils shook when I listed what I wanted. He seemed to be surprised at my memory of
the menu. I sort of helped make it right? I could remember taste testing almost everything Yanagi-
san made.

“B-but sir, you can’t-”

I sent the waiter a glare. If it truly was reserved, I’ll move. But I wanted to sit here, even if it was
for a little bit.

The waiter whisked himself away as I turned to Brat #3 who watched our interaction with a tilt of
his head.

“You really know this place well, if you can read the menu without it.”

I shrugged, “I like this place.”

There were hushed whisperings in the back of the cafe where the goods were baked. The cafe still
retained its front and back structure where the front showed customers the process of their drinks
and the back held all of the baked goods so that they were relatively fresh.

I watched the waiter I shooed off point at us and whisper urgently to another person who just
appeared from the back. I was going to guess he was in charge? Since Yanagi-san didn’t come, she
must not be working today.

The new person walked over to the waiter bowing his head. He had an apron on and was scolding
the waiter. I decided to call him the baker for the time being. The waiter went off to another table
and I watched as the baker got closer. So the waiter must’ve brought his superior to chase me out
of this seat. Funny.

“Sir, we’ll have to ask you to move to a different table.”

“I’m not moving.”

We spoke at the same time. The baker lifted his eyes from the ground and met my eyes. His eyes
were blazing as he spoke firmly. Filled with a determination that seemed oddly familiar.

“This seat is always unavailable to patrons on Mondays. They are reserved for two people only

I watched the baker’s face fall as he met my eyes, his anger dimming out.


He asked incredulously. I squinted my eyes at his blown-back ones. Who is this?

Saburo echoed in surprise as he looked up from his phone.

“Ah, wait a second.”

The baker that I supposedly knew fanned his face. He then pulled up his sleeves to show me a
certain tattoo I remember.


I muttered in shock.

“Good to know you haven’t forgotten me, Boss!”

Rengi smiled widely.

“I’ll be back in a moment, we’re a bit busy right now.”

“What about our seats? Should we move?” I inquired. I didn’t want to start a stir especially if my
ex-gang members were working here. I honestly did this because I wanted to see Yanagi-san come
out herself.

“Don’t worry about it, Boss! You’re the one it’s reserved for so it should be fine,” Renki nodded to
himself. “Sorry about your defeat though, we all did a get-together to cheer you on."

“You guys had a get-together?!”

“Yeah, we wanted to see you win and rise to the top, Boss!”

“You shouldn’t call me ‘Boss’, I ain’t your boss anymore.”

“You still are to us,” Rengi laughed. “Wait a sec, did you order?”

“Yeah,” Brat #3 spoke up. He glanced between me and Rengi before opening his mouth, “The
scared waiter should know it.”

“I can just say it aga-”

“Don’t worry, Boss! We’ll fix yer stuff up right away! Man, too bad most of the other guys that
work here aren’t here today! Can’t wait to brag that I got to see you. I’ll see if anyone else can
come over!”

Rengi happily walked off.

“Who’s that?”

I turned to Brat #3 who was pouting a little bit. I laughed at his puffed-out cheeks and smiled, “A
guy that used to be part of my gang when I was in Ikebukuro. He was your brother’s colleague.”


The brat huffed and looked over to where Rengi disappeared. Soon someone else arrived. I
recognized them immediately, unlike Rengi, this one didn’t change much.

“Kento? That you?”

“Boss!” Kento laughed as he made his way over. I moved down a seat so he could sit down. Brat
#3 looked disgruntled but I didn’t mind. “It’s me! How are you?”

“Doing pretty well,” I smirked, “Nothing too bad, I recently had a loss, but nothing I can’t stand up

My heartfelt lighter and I could hear the positive side of me pep talking. I had changed something.
I did something right. It was fine to bear with the pain for a while. I can do something and it’s not
all for naught.

“I’m sure, Yanagi-san is buying more flour at the moment so she’ll be here soon. What brings you
to Ikebukuro?”

I motioned to Brat #3. Kento pulled out a hand that the brat refused to take. Kento smiled and took
his hand back.

“He reminds me of Ichiro,” Kento smiled widely.

“You know Ichi-nii?!”

Yamada brat #3 stared at Kento in shock. I guess he didn’t believe me when I said Ichiro was part
of my gang once.

“Of course I do! Ichiro was such a cool dude. Not to mention, one of the best for sticking around
Boss’s side. Sorry to hear about the T.D.D breakup, Boss,” Kento solemnly spoke after. He
seemed to have more confidence in what he does now. That’s good.

“Don’t mention it, I’m glad you’re working here. Where’re the others?”

“Most of us work here with Yanagi-san,” Kento hummed, “Sweet Sweets actually got pretty
popular thanks to Ichiro who did a couple of constant postings and some other sweet fanatics and
we managed to open different branches. Only a handful of us are here now, Yanagi-san trusted us
the most to be placed as head of the cafe so we’ve left to different parts of town and other cities.

“You should visit us sometimes, we have another one near East Gate Park, one in Shibuya and
another in Shinjuku. The building we’re going to use in Yokohama is in construction. I’m in charge
of the one here.

“Then some guys are still doing their gang stuff, but nothing major. Just handle what you used to,
protect businesses and such. Ah! Kanade and Tenki got married! They wanted to invite you, but
you went under the radar so we all attended without you. Managed to find Sasara-san, it was nice
he joined us. They still have that house you left them.

“I think they started a company too based on electronics and stuff. You know Tenki and his habits.
The rest of us went there. We have a couple of outliers but we’re still connected and stuff. Hey, you
know what Boss, do you want to be added to our group chat?”

Kento wouldn’t stop talking, but I understood why. He wanted to catch up. My heartfelt warmth so
I handed him my number. It hadn’t changed, but I can see why he wanted it. Kento smiled to
himself as he added me into a group chat with the rest of my ex-gang members.

The ones I really thought of as family. ‘Cause, there were plenty of guys like the Tobari brothers,
but everyone I ever thought of as family in our group was in this very group chat. I double-checked
to make sure no one was left out. Truly amazing. Looked like Sasara and Ichiro weren’t in this one
“Thanks, Kento, I’ll talk later, don’t spoil the surprise?”

“Of course, Boss!”


I turned my head to see Yanagi-san. She held groceries in her bag. Rushing over to the back she
disappeared and then reappeared. Kento moved out of the way to let her hug me tight. He moved
next to a disgruntled brat as Yanagi-san replaced Kento.

“How are you doing?”

I laughed as we caught up. Our orders came and Renki was joining us too. It’s been a while. I
promised her I’d visit again, with real intent, because I really did want to see everyone again.
Kento made me promise to talk in the group chat soon and I said goodbye to Renki and the others

“You okay?”

I turned to Brat #3.


“You seemed uncomfortable, next time, I won’t go to a place like that, okay?”

“It’s fine, you seemed very happy. Why didn’t you visit them beforehand?”

I paused, my feet stilling as I racked up an answer. The brat looked at me curiously. I smiled as
words flew out of my mouth.

“I didn’t think I mattered that much.”

I was satisfied with my words and I walked on ahead.

“Got anywhere?”

“An alley to the left.”

We walked and I had him summon his mic.


“I’ve been ready hours ago!”

I laughed apologetically and held my mic tightly. Here’s to practice.

“Douchebags and fleas

You ain’t nothing to this great me!
I’ll squash you to bits,
You ain’t fit for this!”

“Crawling around your shots all miss,

Squashed and you eat this diss.
I’ll have to give you a how-to-rap book
Because this is a failed class you took!”
“Nice!” I whooped as his support hit hard. “That was good!”

“Yes!” Yamada brat #3 smiled widely.

“Now, hit me with the best you got,” I opened my hands welcomingly, “I need to gauge your own
rap power. Hopefully, you got stronger over the course of time since your defeat?”

“Of course!”

We had a couple of turns before we were stopped by some thugs.

“Hey! You’re not allowed to rap like that on our turf!”

I turned my head to-



“Does he, like, know everyone in Ikebukuro?”

I heard Brat #3 mumbled detested and I chuckled.

“Adi, Wano, I’m training someone, do you mind?”

“Course not, Boss! You… coming back?”

“I’ll come back to visit, but that’s it.”

“That’s fine!”

I watched them leave and I felt a smile tug at the edge of my lips. Good guys.

“C’mon brat, let’s start again.”

Chapter End Notes

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
Something New
Chapter Summary

Saamtoki decides to talk with his old gang back in Ikebukuro...

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

I picked up my phone tentatively. I had trained Saburo constantly, but we mostly did it in
Yokohama because he claimed to ‘hate having our time taken by people you know’.

I had yet to talk in the chat, but when I scrolled up I could see many of them complaining about
adding a new person into the group chat. They were asking me who I was while grilling Kento.
Some were even arguing I wasn't real or that I was an AI. It was a good sight.

It looked like they were going back in an argument over me again. I pulled up the chat to see them
burning Kento again.

Kanade: You are fucking stupid.

Tenki : I agree. Who is dis guy?
Kento : Come on, y’all’ll love me for this I swear.
Kanade : You’re a fucking idiot.
Rengi : I second that.
Tenki : Thirded.
Adi : Does fourth’th exist?
Wano : It does now, I fourth’th.
Adi : Then I fifth’th
Denki : Sixth’th
Piion : Sixth’th
Piion : Seventh’th.
Kento : I hate you all.
Kento’s Anon : Hey.
Kento : You’re finally here!
Kento’s Anon : Yeah, sorry about the late reply.
Kanade : OMG you’re real?
Kento’s Anon : Is this it?
Tenki : Who R U?
Kento : Yeah, sorry. Not everyone is on at the same time.
Rengi : Kento’s on break right now, to be honest.
Kanade : Yeah, we just love to bully him.
Piion : Agreed.
Adi : Seconded
Wano : Thirded
Denki : Fourth’th
I laughed at the way the chat just pulled on Kento’s leg. It was really refreshing to see compared to
what I was used to seeing now. It really puts an improvement on things I think. The lighthearted
chat made my heart flutter with a sort of bravery I never felt before.

Kento’s Anon has changed their name to Maki

Maki : So I was wondering, when is everyone free?
Kento : Err, I think we planned another meet up soon…
Kanade : Yeah, but I don’t really want to add smone we don’t know?
Tenki : I agree, sorry Maki.
Rengi : Yeah, it’s like a personal thing you know?
Piion : We inviting SSR and ICHR?
Adi : We can try, but you know those two.
Wano : Actually, fun story, I met Boss a few days ago.
Adi : We already told them you fucking moron.
Wano : My bad. Well, I was thinking we can scout him out?
Kanade : I want to see him again too!
Tenki : I think that’s a good idea.
Tenki : Anyone still have his number?
Adi : I never erased it.
Denki : I didn’t want to bother him.
Denki : And it could be the wrong number.
Wano : Plus, some of us don’t live that ‘straight life’ he wanted us to.
Kanade : Ha! That’s your fault.
Tenki : We’re working on making gaming products now.
Kento : Whaaat?!
Kento : I thought you guys did something else?!
Tenki : Kanade wanted a VRMMORPG game and headgear.
Kanade : once it’s done we can share it with everyone!

I laughed at the way the chat blew up again, of course, forgetting about me, Maki. I watched them
get excited over the funniest of things. It was amazing to see how their bonds hadn’t broken over
time and they continued to have that fun time together. I was truly thankful that Chuuohku didn’t
touch them. Didn’t harm them.

I wondered if MCD and TDD would still be like this if they didn't step in. I immediately cut that
train of thought and focused back on the conversation on my phone.

Maki : I want one as well.

Kanade : Okay, Kento, tell me who the fuck this is.
Tenki : I need ta kno too
Wano : No offense Maki, You’re probably nice and all but
Wano : We don’t really like it when someone pokes at us ya kno?
Adi : It has nothing to do with you
Denki : Just everything to deal with Kento.
Kento : I can explain!
Kento : Actually, please Maki, can’t you explain?
Maki : Should I save you?
Kento : Please!
Maki : Ho~ I’m surprised that no one really gets it.
Kanade : Could you explain a little more?
Rengi : I’d like that as well
Rengi : Sorry for the late reply, restroom~
Kento : TMI
Kanade : I AM THE WIFE
Wano : Y’all we off topic
Adi : Sorry, Maki we’re just curious.
Denki : And on guard
Kento : We’re paranoid
Kanade : Just a little.
Tenki : Some of us are not.
Wano : But you are!
Maki has changed their name to Amaki
Amaki : Does that help?
Wano : What?
Rengi : The
Denki : Fuck
Adi : No
Kanade : what the fuck! You guys i swear
Tenki : Can you give us more hints
Amaki : How much more, Kento?
Kento : How much more?

I laughed as the group chat got extreme again. I thought to myself and then decided on a solution.
Every time they asked for a hint or didn’t understand, I’d give them another hint. Another letter to
my first name until it was spelled out on the chat.

Amaki has changed their name to Amatki

Kanade : What r u doin?
Tenki : I love guessing games
Amatki : You already needed two hints.
Amatki : Anymore and I will punish you, yes?
Amatki : If it's a yes, please raise your hand.
Kanade : I don’t like this?
Amatki : It’s not a bad punishment. Just a game
Kento : Do I get exempted?
Amatoki : Hell no.
Wano : I accept!
Adi : Same!
Denki : Count me in
Rengi : Same here!
Amatki : Guesses?

Messages of wrong answers flooded the group chat and I had to read them all as fast as I could.
None of them were close to my name, surprisingly. I blinked my eyes owlishly at the creativity that
followed between these messages. Truly… my subordinates didn’t know too much, but they
were… ha… my ex-subordinates at least outsmarted my current subordinates in comedy.
And no.

It’s not because of Sasara.

Amatki has changed their name to Amatoki.

Kanade : If you’re pulling our leg rn Imma rip your legs out
Tenki : I tear the balls
Wano : I have a fire extinguisher.
Wano : SSR said they were very effective.
Adi : I know karate and I graduated in kick ass.
Denki : I have light bulbs.
Rengi : I have thick pastry butter to shove down your throat.
Kento : And I want to die.
Amatoki : So do you guys have an answer?
Amatoki : If you don’t have the final answer, you’ll be punished.
Kanade : Someone say it in case this is real.
Tenki : I could be dreaming.
Wano : I don’t want to say it!
Adi : You do it, Denk
Denki : Fuck you no
Rengi : I vote Denki
Tenki : I vote Denki
Kanade : Denki
Denki : Wait, you fuckers!
Rengi : DENKI
Adi : Denki
Amatoki : You guys have three seconds
Amatoki : one
Denki : U Fuckers!
Amatoki : Two
Amatoki : Three
Denki : BOSS
Amatoki has changed their name to Samatoki
Kento has changed Samatoki’s name to Boss
Boss : Kento…
Kanade : NO WAY
Tenki : Boss?!
Adi : BOSS
Wano : WB BOSS
Denki : OMG The other guys are gonna flip!
Rengi : I think I might faint
Boss : Kento, is this name change necessary?
Boss : I ain’t y’all’s boss anymore.
Kanade : You always are in our hearts boss
Boss : Huh?
Boss : Oh, congrats Kanade, Tenki
Boss : You’ll be great parents.
Kanade : Boss!
Tenki : Ahh… I think Im crying…
Piion : What the fuck did I miss
Piion : I went to get food
Piion : Is this really Boss?!
Piion : Also we’re being punished?!

I spent another couple minutes with these idiots, a couple of them leaving such as Kento and a
couple of them coming like Lomu. It was fun to talk to them all again and I was spending so much
time on the group chat to catch up with everyone.

In the end, I was invited to the party these fuckers planned and I was really excited to see them

“Kashira,” Rodii peered in, “Iruma-san and Busujima-san are here.”

I wove him off with one hand and continued to type into the groupchat. Releasing a snort of
laughter, I read about how Adi drank so much milk he landed in the hospital. Wano, not wanting to
be outdone, snorted milk up his nose and also landed in the hospital. Lomu, who had enough of
their bullshit, banned milk for a week. Which turned out to be hell for him because Lomu was the
only one who used milk correctly.

So Adi, Wano and Lomu lived together. They acted as vigilantes too, funny.

“What’s so funny, Samatoki?”

I looked up to see Jyuto and Rio. I froze in shock for a couple of seconds as the messages
continued to blow up.

“Jyuto, Rio, I didn’t notice you guys came in.”

“Your guard dog literally announced our entrance to you,” Jyuto deadpanned, bringing his hands
across his face.

I smiled sheepishly at Jyuto.

“What did you find funny as we were coming in?” Rio asked, his eyes alight in curiosity.

“Oh, some stuff,” I shrugged.

Jyuto leaned over to snatch my phone out of my fingers.

“Hey!” I hissed at him as he pulled back. Green eyes grew sharp at the possible blackmail.

“You talk with people outside of MTC?” “Fuck you too,” I muttered, stealing my phone back. I
checked the messages that were being spammed because I suddenly disappeared. I typed in a quick
apology and a hasty goodbye before turning my phone off.

“It’s good to have friends everywhere,” Rio praised me. I felt the hair on my back stand. It didn’t
feel like sincere praise for some reason.
“Yeah,” I agreed.

“Except, these friends call you ‘Boss’?”

Fuck that bunny cop motherfucker.

“Boss?” Rio echoed in confusion. I tried to ignore the look Rio gave me, but it was really hard to.
Especially when Jyuto was smirking at me.

“Probably some of his high school underlings-”

“They were my old gang when I was back in Ikebukuro,” I revealed, my lips thinning out. “The
only people who apparently haven't changed since that time.”

Rio and Jyuto stayed considerably quiet for a long time. I only looked away. It felt nice to catch up
with them, is that so bad?

“I did not know you still had contact with those types of people,” Jyuto hummed.

“They’re not bad guys. I’d like it if you didn’t talk about them that way,” I shot a look at Jyuto
who pushed his glasses up. “Also, I met them again a couple of days ago by pure chance.”

“Then I apologize for thinking differently,” Jyuto smiled thinly. “I had not thought about your gang

“It’s fine,” I huffed.

I pursed my lips.

“Did you guys want to hangout?”

“Well I wouldn’t say that but-”

“Yes,” Rio smiled, “We wanted to spend time with you so we came to visit. Also, we should plan
our next battle strategies.”

“Mmm,” I nodded in agreement. It was funny to hear Rio cut Jyuto off from his convoluted way of
disagreeing that he wasn’t here to play around, but it felt refreshing to hear it from Rio. Jyuto's lie
was unraveled so beautifully.

“Oh, you know,” I hummed. “On the topic of hanging out.” I withheld my snort of Jyuto’s reaction
to ‘hanging out’, “The old gang and I were going to meet. It’s going to be on the down-low, but I
can ask them to add you guys if you want to come?”

“Won’t we be encroaching on your privacy?”

“Nah, it’s fine,” I hummed as I fished my phone out of my pocket. I set the bait now I needed these
two angry, trigger-happy fish to bite them. “I’ll ask, hang on a second.”

“Wait, Samatoki,” Jyuto frowned, “It’s a get-together with you and your old crew. I feel as if we
would be stepping out of line if we do this.”

I ignored Jyuto in favor of calling Adi. From the quick skim, he was the only one who wasn’t
doing anything big at the moment.


My volume was loud enough for Rio and Jyuto to hear. Rio stared at me oddly as Jyuto rubbed his
face with his hand.

“You know that meet we planned?”

“Yes, Boss?”

“Think I can bring some people along?”

“Uh, give me a second Boss.”

A rustle was heard from the other side as Adi moved what sounded like papers around.

“Uh, we’re going to be meeting at a place that’s sort of small? It should be big enough for a couple
of extra people but…”

“Cool, can you add kiddie drinks and snacks to your list of things to get? I’ll pay-"

“Don’t worry Boss, we got you. Just attend with your friends! We can’t wait to see you!”

I turned to Jyuto and Rio with a wide grin. Thanking Adi, I hung up on him and laughed.

“What did I tell you? We can go!”

“You’re a fucking idiot.”

Chapter End Notes

Samatoki is getting happy again!!!

Party of Friends
Chapter Summary

Samatoki lets his new friends meet his old friends.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Hey, how you doing?”

“Pretty good, why are you calling me?”

I smirked as Brat #3 huffed into the phone. He was probably working at home for his brothers.

“You want to come to a party with me as one of my plus ones?”

“Wha- huh?!”

“I’ll send you a text message later and we can meet at that time. I think it’s the day after tomorrow
at 9. It’ll last until after midnight for sure.”

“Uh, I-”

“You can’t go?”

I tried not to sound dejected when Brat #3 hesitated. It made sense, honestly, that he was more or
less worried about joining. It was going to be an adult’s thing and he was only fourteen.


Yamada brat #3’s loud yelling made me laugh. I could imagine him heating up from the sudden

“I’m going, err, text me the place we'll meet at later.”


He sounded so embarrassed I withheld my laughter until the end of the call where I laughed as hard
as I could. I called up Kento after, since he was the apparent planner of the party, and told him one
other would join us.

“I can’t believe we’re just walking to enemy territory,” Rio mused.

“I agree,” Jyuto smirked, “It’s amazing to know you still know this city so well.”

“I used to live here,” I deadpanned.

We rode the train incognito. Wearing masks and sunglasses to prevent recognition from fans and
from the government, we were walking in Ikebukuro to pick up Brat #3. These two didn’t know
that though.

“Sweet Sweets?” Rio read the sign in confusion and raised an eyebrow.

Jyuto hummed, “I heard they were going to open another store in Yokohama. Apparently they’re
extremely good. Of course, none compares with the original store...”

“Hope it’s on my turf when they open in Yokohama,” I replied with a grin before opening the

“Wait, Samatoki, it’s closed now!” Jyuto shouted at the same time the door opened.

The doorbell chimed as always, greeting the cafe of my presence. I waltzed in without worry as Rio
and Jyuto tried to get me back out. In the end, Rio followed me and Jyuto had to follow us. Jyuto
was preparing to apologize for me, funny fucker.


I called out to the back.

“Yanagi-san ain’t here,” someone else gruffly said. Soon someone stepped out of the cafe and
nodded to me curtly. “Boss.”

“Torimu, how have you been?”

I felt elated. Despite Torimu having a gruff voice and a resting bitch face, he was by far the nicest
one from the gang. Torimu nodded at me again, his mannerisms didn’t change, huh?

“Good. You can sit at your table. We’ll head off in ten.”

“M’kay, good job so far.”

I slapped his back affectionately and motioned to Rio and Jyuto to follow me to the table in the
corner. They bumbled after me and the face on Jyuto was priceless. I sat down and Rio and Jyuto
sat down in front of me.

“Are you sure they like you?” Jyuto asked me. “This isn’t a trap?”

“What’d I say about dissing my ex-gang members? Don’t do that shit here,” I frowned.

“He seemed hard to approach,” Rio reported, “I was unsure if we could trust him.”

My frown deepened, but then my phone buzzed. I glared at the other two and looked at it. Brat #3
was asking about the closed sign. I shook my head and started to type faster to get him to come

“Who are you texting?”

“My third bring-along guest.”

“Third?!” Jyuto stared at me wide-eyed.

Soon the bell rang again and Brat #3 walked in.

“Shit,” Jyuto cursed, “Don’t let him see us or we’ll-”

He walked straight up to our table and sat next to me.

“I didn’t know there were going to be other people,” he nonchalantly spoke. But I knew Yamada
brat #3 was pouting with the slightly higher pitch in his voice and the way he huffed and crossed
his arms. Ha! Cute.

“I’m sure I said plus ones, with an ‘s’,” I smiled fondly. Turning to Jyuto and Rio, I waved my
hands, “You’re all my guests to the get-together party tonight.”


I looked up to see Torimu holding a tray. It had three coffee cups and a milkshake.

“Thanks, but aren’t you cleaning up?”

Torimu shrugged and started to hand out the drinks. Everyone said their thank-yous and Torimu
nodded before leaving. Would you look at that, he was embarrassed! I guess it was going to take a
while for him to finish cleaning up to close the cafe up.

We spent an awkward time together, waiting for Torimu and the other employees to clean up.
Luckily, they ended faster than I thought they would and we started our trek to the party’s site. I
started to notice something weird as we walked because it seemed so close to a place that I knew
very well.


Lo and behold.

“My old office?” I raised an eyebrow, confused. We walked in through as Torimu nodded. There
already was a party started in the office. Not everyone was there, but almost everyone was.


A chorus of voices shouted as they rushed over to greet me. I took a step back, a little
overwhelmed. My heart beat so fast seeing all these people that remembered me. It was so nice. It
was really nice.

“We bought the place,” Kento said from the back, “Hope you don’t mind!”

“None of us could let go of this place,” Rengi added with a soft smile.

"Let's start the paaaarty~!" Suzu screeched from the other side of the room.


I turned to see Kanade walking towards me. Behind her was Tenki, who I barely recognized.
Actually, I barely recognized either of them.

“Woah, Kanade,” I greeted her with a hug. The runaway girl in the past who used to wear punk
rock clothes was wearing casual, upright citizen-like clothes. Tenki, the one she married, used to
have a buzzcut and looked like he came straight out of a prison now looked like a standard citizen.

“Hiya Boss,” Tenki smiled goofily.

“You okay with your girl hugging me?” I laughed.

“Of course! You’re Boss after all!”

“You should've seen him a couple of months ago before they were married. No one could even get
near her without being confronted,” Kento laughed as he walked over with a tray of pastries.
“Recipes straight from Yanagi-san’s cafe! Dig in, Boss and friends!”

Rio and Jyuto looked off-put and even Brat #3 didn’t mingle well. Huh.

Come on, they're a friendly bunch!

“Yo Boss, is it okay to have a cop here though?”

I turned my head to Piion. Greeting him with a wave, I glared at him lightly.

“We ain’t talking shi-” My eyes fluttered to Brat #3, “Crap about each other. We’re here as equals.
Let’s do introductions.”

A couple of the ex-gang members snickered when they caught my curse word and Jyuto snorted in
amusement. Okay that was something to bond over. So talk to each other fuckers! I listened as
introductions were exchanged and my old friends were ready to mingle with my new ones. They
seemed excited to dig at my new team members and get to know them. Rio and Jyuto got along
fairly well or at least behaved as they shared their experiences of me, but Brat #3 looked out of

Should I not have invited him?

Where were does two…?

“Twerp,” I called out to Brat #3 and walked over to him. He looked at me once and looked away.


“You okay? You don’t seem like you’re enjoying it here, wanna go home?”

“No, it’s okay,” Brat #3 huffed, “I was just listening in to the others’ conversations.”

“You’re not joining them?”


“You know,” I took the sofa seat next to him. “You have to be able to mingle and socialize with
others if you want to increase your ability in supporting someone else’s rap.”

Brat #3 huffed and I smiled softly at him.

“Kanade!” I called Kanade over with a wave of my hand. She walked with elegance and stopped in
front of us. Again, I thought about how I could barely tell this was the same girl who ran away
crying from her abusive family. “Could you do me a favor and get Tenki?”

“Of course, Boss,” Kanade smiled as she went off to look for her husband.

“Look here, brat,” I said. “Let me tell you something important.”

Brat #3 leaned in close and I huffed out a laugh. I motioned to the guys here.

“There are people here for you to partner up and practice with.”
“Your teammates? I already know that.”

“Yes, but-” I knew Jyuto and Rio had their guard down fairly well because of how easy-going
everyone was. And probably because I spoke about them a lot during our trip from Yokohama to
Ikebukuro. But I could tell by the slightly narrowed eyes, and judging stares of the old gang that
they were being evaluated. “-Everyone here is a rapper.”

They were wary of new faces despite it being me who greeted them. They got to see two strong
rappers with their own eyes and despite now living in domestic life (at least for most of them), they
still had that same suspicion and flame lit in their eyes. They were violent people.

“Everyone in my old gang was trained by me to rap before Chuuohku started to take the mics

I could sort of guess why they bought the building now that I thought logically about it. Yes, there
was sentimental value in it, but there was a calculated, cold value in it as well.

“This building is where I used to teach them. It has soundproof walls and was rebuilt in my favor to
train a large number of loyal followers.”

And by the hungry way, their eyes looked for a challenge I could guess what they really wanted to
do with Rio and Jyuto. A sparring match was the end goal for everyone here.

“Boss, you need me?”

“Yeah,” I smiled at Tenki who came at the right time. “Kanade, can you fall back and talk to me

Kanade nodded and waited off to the side as I eyed Tenki’s muscles. Despite working for
electronics, it looked like he still worked out, huh?

“Tenki, did you buy the building for sentimental reasons or something else?”

“I think you already know the answer Boss,” Tenki smiled, “The other was simply a plus.”

I laughed, of course, it was about the way the building was created. It also had a couple of illegal
hypnosis mics planted and hidden away for extreme cases. Sentimental feelings were a great plus.
But there were weapons here.

“Is Zinan and Koni here?”

“Zina is too shy to talk to you so Koni is keeping him company,” Tenki smiled helplessly. I

“I want you to take this brat and rap with him. Ask Wano and Lomu to spar with him, I can
practically see those beasts salivating over my new teammates. He’s going to try supporting you,
Tenki. You guys can use the room at the far left and make sure you close the door. I’ll send
someone over if you guys need to stop. Take breaks and switch so the brat can support a ton of
y’all. If you meet either Zinan or Koni along the way, take them with you.”

My red eyes blazed as I looked at Tenki.

“And don’t go easy on him.”

I tapped Brat #3’s back as Tenki smiled wolfishly at him. Brat #3 seemed a little alarmed, but
became reassured as Tenki’s smile turned more soft. He led the brat out and called out for Wano
and Lomu. I turned to Kanade who was waiting for me.

Kanade sat down next to me and crossed her legs with swift ease and I was automatically reminded
of the crying girl who tried to act strong. She really became strong over the years I worked with
her. I was proud of her.

“You sure you stepped down from your Boss position?”

“Stop it with the jokes,” I cracked a grin at her. I glanced over to the curtain behind the sofa. “You
can come sit down too, Kento.”

“Nothing ever gets past you,” Kento sighed. He stepped out from behind the curtains and moved to
the couch. It looks like he became the leader since I stepped down. That was exactly why I was so
happy to see his growth.

“I need a favor from all of you, the two of you especially.”

“Shoot.” “As long as it is within reason.”

“You guys have been keeping the down low from Chuuohku, right?”

“As you ordered,” Kento nodded.

“Good, because I don’t want anything to happen to y’all.”

“Like with Sasara-san and Ichiro-kun?” Kanade hummed as she picked her nails. “We’re well
aware of the threat we’re dealing with. What do you need?”

“I want to rebel.”

The two stopped moving. Only their eyes slid to meet my red eyes closing in firm determination.

“I request your help until then and probably more so after and during it. I don’t want to tell anyone
else just yet. Just you guys who are under the Chuuohku radar. Chuuohku has eyes everywhere and
phones are going to be tracked if needed. I left mine with Yanagi-san and I told the others to not
bring theirs.

“Only the brat brought his, but I have full trust in him that he won’t get caught. I know this is
ridiculous, but I would like to ask for your help.”

“Boss,” Kanade frowned sharply, “Don’t you already know we’re with you to the ends of Hell?”


“When you asked us the first time, we were already in,” Kento laughed. “We’re not leaving you
hanging. Especially when it sounds fun.”

“Ah…” I think I felt my eyes tearing up. No way, I don’t cry unless people die! “Thanks, y’all…”

Kanade laughed and she leaned on my side. Kento pulled out a handkerchief to dab at my eyes and
slung a hand over my shoulder.

The party ended on a good note. Jyuto and Rio were tuckered out and we were going to sleep in the
building for the night. Jyuto had already drifted to sleep and Rio was barely awake enough to tell
me ‘good night’.
Brat #3 was happy with the training he had and surprisingly got along well with the three men that
trained with him tonight. In the end, Zinan and Koni didn't meet him.

“Brat,” I called out to him. “I’ll walk you home.”

During our walk, I stayed silent as Yamada brat #3 talked his head off about the training and how
good it was.

“I think I improved a bit!”

“I’m sure you did,” I snorted.

“Sama-nii, you know, you should really be careful of some things though.”


“Starting from the call this morning to the reason why the building was bought by your ex-gang


“It’s like you don’t have tact when I know you do.”

Mismatched eyes looked into mine as Brat #3 deadpanned. “I was having dinner with my brothers
when you called, you know.”

Chapter End Notes

Revised, technically... There's nothing really different lol

Sleepy Shinjuku
Chapter Summary

On wandering night in Shinjiku, Samatoki finds himself welcomed in a different


Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

I walked along Shinjuku’s streets. It was another sleepless night and the perfect way to spend it
was to find a place filled with people. I would force myself to sleep, but I couldn’t bring myself to.
I would spend it texting M.C.D’s Remnants as my ex-gang members would call themselves, but
everyone was busy and I couldn’t text them every night until I fell asleep.

As I walked the bright streets someone ran into me. My shoulder moved to the left as the person
stumbled to the ground.

“Watch it,” I snarled without thinking twice. I then noticed that it was Kannonzaka and I quickly
bent over to help him up. “Hey, you okay?”

“Ahh, uh, sorry…” Kannonzaka bowed his head to apologize. My lips twitched as he took my hand
and I pulled him up.

“Don’t worry about it.”

“Ahh!” Kannonzaka suddenly screamed when he saw my face and took five huge steps back. He
bowed his head continuously and started to apologize repeatedly. I closed the distance between us
and patted his back.

“I said it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”

“Huuu,” Kannonzaka frowned. “Sorry, I should’ve seen where I was going. Gaaah, I shouldn’t
even be apologizing to you cause you said it was fine but-”

He went off into another tangent and I just watched him. After a couple of minutes and signs of no
stopping, I snatched his wrist and started to walk to the nearest convenience store. Ignoring the
monotonous welcome of the tired part-timer, I walked to the onigiri section.

“Wha-what are you doing?”

“You just came back from work right?” I asked, “You don’t look like the type to stay out late at
night for another reason. Did you do overtime? You probably didn’t eat anything. Here, are you
okay with this? Good.”

I dragged Kannonzaka back to the cashier and placed the onigiris down. I also took some snacks to
put there as well.

I never really got to know Kannonzaka so this would have to suffice. I just needed to make sure he
wasn’t overworking himself. He needed sleep, obvious by the eyebags. He needed food, obvious
by his loud stomach.


Kannonzaka apologized.

“You have to take care of someone like me… I’m truly sorry.”

“You’re worth it,” I replied, maybe a bit too angrily. I tore into my onigiri. Why would he
apologize for existing?

“Really?” Kannonzaka released a pitiful laugh as he dug into his own onigiri. We sat in front of the
convenience store simply eating the food I bought. Pushing some more snacks onto him I stared
into his eyes.

“You should stop working overtime and get some sleep.”


Kannonzaka sighed and it just stretched out like rubber. I guess he didn’t like the idea of not
overworking? Staring into turquoise eyes, looking for a clearer answer, Kannonzaka frowned.

“I could, but that stupid baldy manager is always pushing things on to me. And not just fucking
him, but everyone else does it too. What do they think I am, someone with no life? I mean I guess I
don’t have a life, but I’m working hard you know. To be paid minimally for this amount of work is
unjust. I would sue them, but I don't want to cause more problems.

“Baldy Gorilla should just go die already. I hope he loses more of the small amount of hair he has
and truly goes bald like his heart is. I have to go home too, you know. I don’t have children or a
wife, but I have a man child of a friend and roommate who needs to be taken care of and-”

Kannonzaka froze. His eyes grew wide and shifted to the side to meet my red ones that were
staring at him for quite a while now.

“S-Sorry! Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry-!”

“Why are you apologizing?”

“... I inconvenienced you with my ramblings because I-”

“I’d rather hear you hating on your stupid company than hear you apologize for no reason,” I
snorted. Taking a large chunk of my onigiri and chewing, I huffed, “Your boss sounds awful.”

Kannonzaka looked at me oddly, but he seemed to be relaxing. That’s good. He was probably
really stressed if he was walking around Shinjuku at this hour. It was pretty late, from what I could
remember hearing, Kannonzaka sometimes didn’t even go home and spent all-nighters in the

I swear he was the only reason why the stupid company was still functioning.

“He is,” Kannonzaka stuffed his mouth with another onigiri. Dang… He already finished his first
one? I looked back on my onigiri that I still had half left of. I looked back up and Kannonzaka was
washing down his third. Wait, I looked at the wrappers and counted them with a stealthy finger.
His fifth. Right.

“Uh… sorry again,” Kanonzaa huffed, his eyes turning into those sad puppy ones. It was like I
kicked a child after stealing his candy and tossing it to the ground so that it shattered.

“Apologizing over and over again isn’t great.,” I smirked. “Thank you works a lot, you know. I
think that’s more fitting.”

“Sorry,” Kannonzaka apologized again. I released a sigh from my nose and popped the rest of the
onigiri in my mouth.

“So why do you think you’re scum unbefitting of society?”

“It’s not I think, I know. I am,” Kannonzaka started his depressing speech about how he was at the
bottom of the food chain, the lowest of the low.

“Then what about criminals?"

"They're different."

"You know there are people who would rather you be alive than dead.”

“If I never existed their life would be so much better. I mean I'm an inconvenience to Jakurai-sensei
and I wouldn’t be spending your money right now if I didn’t exist. You would have a nice walk
along with Shinjuku for whatever reason you’re here and-”

“Then what about Izanami-san?” I bit into the pocky stick that I opened the package of. Nibbling
on the delicate stick, my eyes never strayed from Kannonzaka’s body the moment we sat down.
“He’s so proud of you, you know? He cares for you a lot and without you, I don’t think he’d be
able to stand.”

He wasn’t able to take it without you.

I shut my eyes for a brief moment as something crossed my mind. Erasing it for the sake of this
conversation and my mentality, I glanced over to Kannonzaka curiously.

“You saved him multiple times. He talked a lot about you,” I conveniently left out the fact that he
didn’t particularly say these things when I accidentally met him this time.

“Hifumi,” Kannonzaka had this soft smile on his face. Like he was really thankful he had his friend
by his side. “He’s… a good guy,” Kannonzaka laughed lightly, his eyes trained on the food in his

I opened my mouth to speak, but I couldn’t trust my voice to not betray me. So I closed it and
nodded. Despite the hypocrisy of nodding since I didn’t really agree one hundred percent. A part of
him still couldn’t forgive him. No, I don’t think I could forgive him for it at all.

Red eyes dropped to my pocky sticks, finally leaving Kannonzaka. What I saw wasn’t a hand
grabbing pocky to feed a hungry me, but a bloodied hand, a hand that failed to take what was in
front of me.


I snapped out of it and looked up. Giving Kannonzaka a smile, I wove the thought away from my
mind. Holding out my pocky sticks, I offered him some of it. He took some and opened his mouth.
When I prepared myself to lecture him on apologizing, he thanked me instead.

“Thank you.”
“You s… uh? No problem?”

I smiled awkwardly and Kannonzaka smiled back.

“Do you mind… may I ask why you’re here?”

“Oh, uh,” I smiled uneasily at Kannonzaka, “I, uh, couldn’t sleep?”

Kannonzaka stared at me blankly, obviously having a lot of questions fluttering in his mind before
his mouth turned into an ‘o’ shape.

“Right, you get lonely?”

I froze as Kannonzaka frowned to himself.

“I guess you didn’t tell your teammates. Are they… not reliable? If not, you know, I know I
disregarded it before, but you can stay with me and Hifumi-”

“They’re reliable, don’t worry Kannonzaka-san,” I attached the honorific without a second thought.
I’d prefer not to, but, whatever. "Just didn't want to tell them."

“Huu, well, are you planning to walk around more after?”

“After our talk?” I looked at Kannonzaka oddly before nodding. “Yeah, I’m planning to, haha.”

“You’re… not going home?”

“I’m an insomniac,” I shrugged.

“You want to visit our home for the night?” Kannonzaka stared at me. I only smiled at him and
shook my head despite my body probably needing it.

“Thank you but-”

Suddenly I felt my wrist being pulled away and I blinked as I was pulled up from my sitting
position and Kannonzaka started to drag me to what I supposed was his home. He grabbed the
food I bought and then walked.

I was pulled up to an apartment complex, some stairs, and to a door. Kannonzaka refused to let go
of me and fumbled with his keys.

“I won’t run away-”

“I won’t know that,” Kannonzaka glared at me. “Hifumi said you ran off on him last time… You
look better than when I first met you.” His eyes softened, “But you still look like, pardon my
words, shit.”

“You’re suddenly confident.”

His confidence quickly faded and I quickly tried to amend that.

“It’s a good thing! A good thing!”

Kannonzaka smiled again. He politely pulled me closer and my wrist started to hurt as he fumbled
with the keys again.
The door then opened and Izanami in an apron stared at us.

“Doppo-chin! You’re finally here! Samama too!”

Kannonzaka deadpanned as he dragged me in with him and Izanami happily moved to the side.

“Did you finally decide to live with us?” Izanami asked as he walked to the kitchen.

“I… uh…” I stared at Izanami numbly as he smiled widely.

“He’s staying for the night. Apparently, he didn’t tell his teammates about his sleeping problems
yet,” Kannonzaka just splayed out information. I opened my mouth to protest but Izanami awed at

“You didn’t tell them yet? Boo, I’ll cook up a really late dinner. The other stuff was getting cold so
I wrapped them. But we can all eat together!”

I tried to inform Izanami about our snack at the convenience store, but Kannonzaka stared at me
with such intensity I couldn’t refuse.

“I probably won’t eat a lot,” I said instead of refusing. Kannonzaka nodded, pleased with my
answer as Izanami gave me an affirmative hum.

I was pulled around and soon led to the couch of their house. Kannonzaka apologized and
explained that I would probably end up sleeping there. I thanked him for letting me into his house,
but I wasn’t sure about the sudden kind gestures.

“It’s because you’re younger than me,” Kannonzaka smiled, He awkwardly added, “Also, for
putting up with me. I don’t care what you say, but you did put up with me so I’m repaying that.”


He shook his head and patted my head. My eyes shook at the familiar gesture and I reached up to
touch a hand that already left.

“Well done, Toki-kun.”

My bottom lip started to tremble so I bit it to hide the way it shook. I didn’t realize I was biting on
it too hard (I always had problems with controlling my physical strength) until Izanami started
yelling at me.

Two seconds later my mouth was wrenched open madly by a berserk Kannonzaka who started to
tell me off as Izanami rushed over with a first aid kit. As Kannonzaka scolded me, Izanami was
delicately dabbing at my bottom lip.

I don’t think I will have trouble falling asleep tonight.

I ended up not having late dinner, Kannonzaka eating, and me holding a cotton ball to my lip
despite the fact it stopped bleeding. Izanami ushered me onto the couch and to sleep while
Kannonzaka whispered ‘good night’.

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go back to Yokohama after that, but I did the next morning. I left after
thanking them in the morning when Kannonzaka woke up.

“Thank you.”
“Don’t worry about it, Aohitsugi-san. Come visit us next time, alright?”

I wonder if I can keep being blessed like this.

Chapter End Notes

This is the last update for Saturday! I was only planning to do it for the month of
September, but then I remembered I didn't do it for the first week of September so
here's the extra extra chapter! After this, I'll be going back to Tuesdays and Thursdays
MCD Remnants (Pt 1)
Chapter Summary

Samatoki decides to visit his old gang members in Ikebukuro.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

It hasn’t been that long, but I already want to see everyone again. I sighed to myself and forced
myself to go to Ikebukuro. I knew that there was really no point if I wasn’t going to Brat #3 and I
would just end up getting caught by Ichiro if I wasn’t careful. But I wanted to see them again in a
surprise format.

MCD Remnants.

The best name that Kento could offer after losing in a game of Rock Paper Scissors.

It also fitted since he was the so-called leader.

I huffed a bit at the funny memory as Kanade recalled the instance to me. I wanted to meet some of
them, so here I was. Going to do some crazy thing and figure out how I was going to add myself
into their lives again. I’m a little scared that I would have no way back, but it didn’t seem that way
during the party so I can hope it’s not that way now.


I headed towards Sweet Sweets first. I’ll get something light. According to the group chat,
everyone who worked here would be here today. I was also informed that Yanagi-san would be
here. It was quite busy, but there was always one table open on Mondays. I watched the chaos and I
took a seat in an inconspicuous corner, the one that was never touched during Mondays.

The only empty seat.

“Sir!” A young waiter ran over to me, “I’m sorry, but you can’t sit there! You’ll have to wait in line
like everyone else-”

“Leave him there,” a familiar voice spoke up. I turned my head to see Kento. I greeted him with a
smile and slid down. “This table is for him.”

“Oh… okay, shall I take his order then, Takanashi-san?”

Kento huffed, “No need, I can.”

The waiter then bowed and left. I patted the empty space next to me. Kento looked so torn. I guess
he couldn’t just leave his station right now. I slid back to my seat and ordered a light coffee. He
nodded his head and rushed away.

“Got it, Boss!”

Yanagi-san was here too. She was too busy to give me anything other than a hug, a pastry, and a
strand of words telling me how proud she was and how much she missed me. Then she was gone,
going back to appease the raging crowd in her cozy cafe. I was glad that everything seemed to be
working well.

I just waited for someone to give me my coffee. Imagine my surprise when Kento rushes in with
coffee while two bakers rush in with their own pastries. Rengi and Torimu were next to Kento,
competitive sparks flying from their eyes as they awaited my comment on their pastries.

I planned on not eating, but I suppose that will have to change. Torimu watched me stiffly as Rengi
puffed out his chest. He was acting like he didn’t care, but I’m pretty sure everyone in the cafe saw
him glare at Torimu’s pastry.

I ate both of the pastries, not leaving a speck of a crumb. After metaphorically licking the plate
clean, I grinned at them. There was already an answer.

“Yanagi-san’s are the best.”

I could see her smile from my seat and I could see the other two deflate. Well, Torimu didn't, he
just looked awestruck. Or looked awestruck as much as he could. Rengi deflated, but then he stood
back up straight and nodded his head.

“Of course hers is the best.”

I smiled at the duo and ushered them away. Sipping the coffee I hummed.


“Yes, Boss?”

“Thank you for your cooperation,” I said, unable to find better words.

“Of course,” Kento beamed, “Do not worry, we are all looking more into Chuuohku as we speak.”


I bid the busy quartet a farewell as I continued to walk around Ikebukuro. I knew that there were a
lot of them present in this city so I couldn’t go see the others who weren’t here.

I glanced around before heading into an alleyway. Of course, I wasn’t surprised to see a trio fight
each other with bats. Or more like two idiots fighting each other with bats as if they were swords
and one person watching over them and shaking his head.

“Lomu! Adi! Wano!” I called out to them. They turned their heads to face me. Automatically the
bats were dropped and I was embraced. Lomu watched from a distance as Adi and Wano started to
talk about how important the bat training was and that it wasn’t stupid and I could ignore Lomu
who claimed it was idiotic.

I laughed and asked how their living situation was going.

“It’s pretty good,” Lomu said from the back, he walked closer and pried the other two off of me.
“Milk is once again off the table.” He seemed extremely disappointed as he said this.

“Why?” I tilted my head, “Surely Adi and Wano didn’t do something stupid again.”

“Boss!” The two whined and I chuckled.

“They used it to shower.”

“That’s not bad?”

“And then tried to feed it to the other as cereal. I almost ate that,” Lomu sulked and I found myself
laughing at the utter stupidity. “They stopped me by telling me the truth.”

“Boss!” The other two turned their heads. I felt bad for Lomu once again. Despite Adi and Wano
being my age, they were still childish. I’m glad that didn't really change.

We spoke a bit more on random things and most of them were Lomu’s struggles in keeping the
house clean from two rabid men who were two years younger than him under control. It was like
hearing a parent complain about their child. I couldn’t stifle my laughter at some points at Lomu’s

The trio was the best as a trio.


“Why did you make your own vigilante team? The Remnants are still a thing, right?”

“Right,” Wano nodded, “But there were some things they couldn’t do.”

“The group is big,” Adi added, “Don’t get me wrong, Daichi is doing a good job of keeping the
gang going, but sometimes news don’t reach there fast enough.”

“We split so that the responsibilities would be split,” Lomu added. He patted both of his teammates
and released a sigh, “Despite these guys being idiots, we work pretty well as a team.”

“Really?” I smiled, that was nice. I’m glad to hear that. We talked a little bit more about certain
things before I left. I waved at them. I got information about where Daichi was with the larger part
of the gang, I’d go there later. I just found out that there was someone who interested me nearby.

It took a while to walk there, but I finally made it.

Joben Party.

I can faintly recall Joben telling me Sasara helped him with the name during the party. Apparently,
it was supposed to mean Job in Party, but it also works as Job and Party. Of course, the added
bonus of the name is in Japanese. A real interesting choice of naming in my opinion.

I heard he didn’t want to spread to other cities and wanted to stay local in Ikebukuro. He had Ichiro
help him out with advertising too by borrowing money from Kento.

I think.

I knocked on the door and it sprung open on its own.

Automatically I can hear a couple of noises as Joben spun in a spinning chair and easily slid to a
stop to face me. He waved his hand and smiled widely, using his natural friendly face as a

“‘ello! Welcome to Job an’ Party! What kind of party will you be throw… ing?”

Joben’s hand slowly fell to the table with a thud. Along with his jaw.

Joben stumbled out of his chair and quickly ran up to me.

“Joben,” I greeted him with a grin. He always wanted to be a comedian, but at one point, I think he
said he’d rather not. “You look like you’re doing well.”

“Thank you!” Joben gushed. “Come sit! What can I do for you today, Boss?”

“Well, it’s simple for me,” I laughed, “I wanted to see how you are doing financially! Do you need
more investments or…?”

“I’m doing plenty well,” Joben laughed, “Don’t worry it’s unlike last time! I’m more careful with
my funds and more knowledgeable about my skills. I’m funny, but this job suits me more!”

“That’s good,” I laughed.

We talked a bit more about his business and his life overall. He told me that he was doing really
good despite what it seemed like. Apparently, he was busy almost every day.

“I love you, Boss,” Joben laughed, “As much as the thug life loves me, I can’t do it full time.
Someone has to make money for the whole team, right?”

I nodded my head and laughed.

An hour later, I’m walking out, waving him a farewell. I decided I wanted to save the other guys
for last so I walked into a shady fucking area where all the windows were shady and… It was all
shady. But there was one person here I knew I could talk to.


“Boss, down here.”

I walked down the stairs, using the passcode Papari gave me. It was a rundown building that was
still sturdy. Apparently, it was Papari’s place. He started to work as an underground doctor so that
he could get money and practice his skills.

I heard he sped past the medical school too.

But I’m pretty sure that’s a lie.

“How are you?”

Shit, was that a corpse?

“Doing well,” Papari answered with a grateful smile on his face, “Thank you for taking time off
your day to come to see this old man.” He was working on a corpse. The room was red, the body
had bones and their eyes were basically, the corpse looked like it’s been here a while.

“You’re not old,” I chuckled through the stench of the rotting body. Papari must’ve noticed my
discomfort because he let me out.

“Give me a moment to help this person.”

Wait. Fuck, that corpse was still alive?

“Got you.”

My feet moved so quickly for someone that should’ve been used to that sight. I waited for a bit, but
I definitely heard a man scream. So I guess the corpse really wasn’t a corpse? I don’t know. I just
want Papari to come out already. And that he did.

We chatted a little bit about his work. I wondered about his life briefly and he mentioned that it
was fine despite some bumps alongside the road.

“I still wonder if I’m doing the right thing sometimes,” Papari chuckled. He looked a little down as
he spoke and I laughed.

“Yui would be very proud of you, you know?”

“I suppose so,” Papari’s smile looked more soft and genuine.

“Can you make things like medicine?”


“I have a favor for you later,” I stared at him.


Then, Papari gave me some advice for my eyebags, telling me about certain makeup and whatnot.
He didn’t ask me to go to sleep or get some rest as if he knew I wouldn’t listen and instead
suggested helping me keep it a secret. I thanked him and left.

Before I go to the large gang, I should wear some makeup, right? It would feel weird if I wasn’t. At
least weird for me personally. I needed to look better.

So I went to a makeup shop to grab the products that were recommended to me. Or more like
skincare. I was surprised to see yet another one of the faces I haven’t seen since the party.

Akemi, a god of beauty, stood in front of me. He turned his head and blinked in surprise, his lashes


“Akemi,” I grinned at him. What a small world. “What brings you here?”

“Oh, uh,” Akemi showed off some of the makeup products he had with him. I whistled. They were
pretty nice.

“Cool,” I didn’t know anything, but I nodded as if he was doing something great. They probably
were. It’s Akemi after all.

Akemi laughed awkwardly and I hummed, looking at products, trying to find the one that Papari
told me to get.

Akemi had his brown hair with tips dyed blonde pushed back. He leaned over and looked like a
fucking fairy from a fairytale.

Fuck it. Why don’t I try to get some chit-chat going on? Despite being happy, I didn’t talk to
Akemi a lot during the party. It was as if he was avoiding me.
“You know, I don’t think you ever told me what you were doing as a job now. Since you aren’t
with Daichi, I’m guessing you aren’t a part of that group?”

Akemi laughed awkwardly. It was as if he was trying to hurry away.

“You can tell me you know,” I sighed. I felt a bit bad, maybe I was just imposing on their lives.

“I don’t want you to be disappointed,” Akemi confessed.

We walked to the cashier together. Just as he was about to leave the cashier started to ask him for
his autograph. He panicked but was willing to do so as she gushed about him being a… model?!

“Akemi, you’re a model?!” I rushed over and grabbed his sleeve.

Akemi looked panic-stricken but the cashier started to tell me all about model Akemi. I looked at
Akemi and grinned.

“Looks like I’ll have to invest in some magazines, huh?” He looked ashamed, I wonder why. “This
fits you more, nothing to hurt that pretty face of yours.”

Akemi brightened up and thanked me. He then rushed out after leaving a couple of items in my
hand. There was a note saying that he would message me about what I should use to cover up my

I laughed. Well until I get that message from Akemi I’m not putting these on.

And I needed to meet the other guys while I was still at Ikebukuro…

Guess I’m going without makeup. Meh, they won’t care… right?

Chapter End Notes

This week will be fluff! Next week is -SPOILER-!

MCD Remnants (Pt 2)
Chapter Summary

Samatoki meets up with the rest of the Remnants.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

I don’t know what I was expecting when I walked through the door to the public MCD Remnant’s
hideout. They had their own little building and I recognized it as the one that was temporarily
being used by me in the past. Back in… Yagu- That maggot’s gang.

“Boss!” Daichi waved his hand. Giving me a big smile, he welcomed me inside. “Welcome!”

“We heard you were going to come,” Leta wove his hand. Smiling at me gingerly, Leta blew on his
cigarette. He used to have some other brand, but after hanging around me he changed his to the one
I use. It was odd but also funny. I didn’t mind sharing and he didn’t mind sharing either.
Sometimes we just took a cig from the other’s pack without saying anything.

“I hope I look okay,” Suzu huffed as he twirled around in his designer clothes. “You came and I
wanted to look good for you, Boss!”

“Suzu, you look fine,” I waved my hand dismissively. “You look great as always. Plus, isn’t that
Empty Candy?”

“Yep!” Suzu proudly puffed his chest, “Aken and I went on a shopping spree a couple of days ago.
It’s nice going with a model, he knows exactly what I should wear.”

“That’s what he says,” Namikawa huffed. He gnawed on sugarcane. “If you ask me, it’s just a
waste of our money.” He grumbled and I laughed.

“Don’t try to fool me,” I smiled, “I already know that you guys are basically funded by everyone
else, right?"

They all looked sheepishly, but Iki spoke up quickly.

“That’s not true. Adi, Wano, and Lomu don’t give us shit.”

“But they can sustain themselves,” Fujita muttered.

I laughed as the others practically glared at Fujita. I took a seat, nearest to the middle of a couch.
Almost immediately I was basically surrounded, seats around me getting taken.

“Don’t be a douche, Fujita,” Hajime huffed, “We do get funds from protecting people.”

“If you call that funds,” Fujita snapped, “You know we basically protect them for free.”

I raised an eyebrow at the sudden outburst. I guess Fujita is really stressed about the money, huh?

“And is that bad?” Iki challenged Fujita.

“Bad?! We should be doing it for free!” Fujita complained, “I agree with Yudai on this. Why are
we even charging them anyways?!”

Yudai nodded his head in the background and muttered something about heroes shouldn't do this
and heroes do that.

“Because if we don’t they will give us more than ‘free’,” Daichi sighed. He took the role of the
leader as he quickly shut the others up. “If we don’t accept a low payment we end up with too
much money. That’ll gain Chuuohku’s eyes in no time.”

“Tch,” Namikawa clicked his tongue. “Bitches.”

“Fucker!” Suzu bitch-slapped Namikawa. “Boss’s sister is there!”

“Makes no sense why, though,” Leta mumbled.

Suddenly the room felt too cold. I felt a bit uncomfortable when the chaotic, family-like
atmosphere disappeared. I considered moving about until someone walked in.

“I got snacks that we can share with Boss.”

Thank god. Zinan you little fucking savior!

“Zin-kun!” Yudai shot up from his seat, “You made it just in time!”

“Yeah, in time to hear you guys fight about Chuuohku and whatnot,” Zinan shrugged off a thick
jacket. “Boss doesn’t like them either. He never said anything about the people. Just hate
Chuuohku as a whole and be picky about the people you dislike.”

He plopped to the seat next to me. In his hands, I realized, he held plastic bags filled with snacks.

“You’re right Zin-kun!” Yudai exclaimed in his loud voice. Projecting his voice, Yudai laughed,
“We are completely fine! Disliking who we want to dislike!”

“I don’t think that’s what he meant, idiot,” Fujita huffed, but he still smiled in response. I felt
myself grinning. Thank god Zinan is such a good kid.

His hair was still blonde, but it had grown out a bit now. His body shape changed from a thirteen-
year-old to a much leaner and taller fifteen-year-old. He looked almost like a model. His sassy
nature was still there, but he was more mature, huh?

I felt bad I missed that part of his life, but he seems to be doing well for the most part. That’s good.
I swore to myself that I would be there for him in the future. Can't miss another part of his life, I

He’s a good kid so I wasn’t surprised that he grew into a good person.

I pet Zinan on the head and chuckled, “You’ve grown well, Zinan!”

He flushed and looked away as the others laughed about his reaction. We talked a bit more about
other things, random things, and I happened to ask them about a couple of other things. The whole
group ended up laughing and talking.

The funds were actually saved to be used as the whole Remnants so these guys only got a cut of
what the others actually gave up for the team. I wondered how much money they had stored, but
they told me it was a secret. Then Zinan leaned over and whispered he’d be willing to take me and
show me which led to an uproar. They argued that Zinan shouldn’t be trying to get extra brownie
points when they all agreed to keep it a secret.

“But we all know someone would show it if Boss personally asked,” Daichi commented.

I laughed, “You guys shouldn’t do that.”

“But we want to,” Fujita hummed.

They shared a knowing look between each other, but I didn’t feel left out.

It was fun.

I was going to ride the train back, but I decided to walk over to Kanade and Tenki’s house. I could
remember it as the one Sasara and I got, but I ignored that and rang the doorbell. Almost
immediately after a large series of crashing and fumbling, I could see Kanade open the door. She
smiled widely at me and ushered me in, talking loudly and bragging about the VR project.

“Boss! Tenki says it’s almost done!”

“You know he meant that the headgear is almost done… right, Kanade?” Ginto peeked out from
the corner. I was surprised to see him here. Kanade stuck out her tongue at him and Ginto scoffed.
But he was still smiling at her.

I should’ve expected to see Ginto here, I guess. He is Tenki’s best friend so there’s no doubt that
Ginto would want to help out Tenki.

“Psh,” Kanade shrugged, “Whatever. It’s the same thing.”

“It’s really not, Kanade,” Tenki stepped out. He offered me a smile and I gave it back to him.
“Sorry about the state of the house.”

“Don’t worry about it,” I looked at the mess of wires and electronic items scattered everywhere. “I
shouldn’t step on anything, right?”

“Yeah,” Ginto nodded sheepishly, “You might get injured or you might mess up the equipment.”

I could tell that most of the money the Remnants saved as a team was mainly going into this
project. I smiled awkwardly as my body moved in inhumane ways to get to the more clear area.
They were cheering me on and wincing if I was too close to a wire.

Lesson learned I needed to be more flexible.

Taking a seat in the kitchen, I sighed. They decided it was a good time to stop cheering me on and
start filling me in or bragging about their status on the VR project.

“Gin-chan, Kanade, Yudai, and I have been working on VR headsets for a while now,” Tenki

“Ten-chan, been doing his best,” Ginto laughed.

“That’s good,” I nodded. I opened my mouth to speak again, but the words Tenki said were still
spinning in my mind. I paused as I realized that four names have been called and not two. In fact…

“I know right?” Kanade snickered, “I couldn’t believe how helpful he was... is.”
“It's not too much of a shock,” only one side of Ginto’s mouth was tacked up as if he didn’t believe
it himself, “He has to be good at something.”

“He’s good at flapping his mouth,” Kanade sighed, “He’s fucking good at talking about things he
will never be able to do.”

“He does them sometimes,” I decided to stand up for the man who wasn’t even here to defend

“It’s one of the rare cases,” Tenki sighed as he moved a couple of wires with care to make a better
pathway back to the door.

“We won’t bother about him Boss,” Kanade hummed as she glanced at me. “Why don’t you stay
over for the night?”

“I would, but I have a couple of other places to go.” I smiled. I thanked them, and they told me that
it was fine. None of them looked like they wanted me to go, but Kanade kept the boys in check. I
congratulated her marriage with Tenki again before leaving. When I was heading out, I realized
that I hadn’t seen anyone working at the other Sweet Sweets. Not that that mattered I guess. I
walked into the old MCD building, now the Remnants’ building, and decided to hang out there for
a bit.

I headed inside my old office which was cleaned, but had nothing out of place since then, and got
ready to sleep with the blankets and pillows that were being kept there. I didn't particularly want to
go back to Yokohama yet.

“Hey! Look, I knew he’d be here!”

I heard a hyper voice and I turned to see the people I was worried about not being able to meet.

Koni pointed at me as he waved over the other three guys. Grinning ear to ear he snickered,
“Kanana and I was right!”

“Why didn’t you come over to Sweet Sweets Ikebukuro East, Boss?” Denki whined as he walked
inside. “It’s still in Ikebukuro compared to these guys!”

“Hey! Shibuya isn’t that far! I think!” Koni hissed.

“Shinjuku definitely isn’t!” Piion argued angrily.

I watched Denki, Koni and Piion argue as Tsuju sighed.

“I thought we agreed that no one would be fighting when we got here?” Tsuju asked calmly. He
stared at the other three and shook his head.

“Oh yeah, we did do that,” Koni giggled as he retracted himself from the other two and bounded
over to me. “Boss!”

“Koni,” I ruffled his head. “How are you?”

“I’m doing good! I’m 17 now!” I laughed and gave the teenager a pat on his head.

“I know.”

“I’m the head of Shibuya’s Sweet Sweets!” I nodded my head again.

“I know.”

He just looked thrilled as I continued to pet his head.

“Yeah, well I’m in charge of Sweet Sweets in the East Gate Park of Ikebukuro,” Denki boasted,
puffing his chest out a little.

He peeked at me with one eye, the other closed. I laughed and retracted my hand from Koni’s
head. Koni snatched it and placed it back on my head. I didn’t mind patting his fluffy head as I
patted Denki on the back with my other hand.

Piion huffed as he exclaimed that he was in charge of Sweet Sweets in Shinjuku.

Tsuju commented that they were both the head because Yanagi-san couldn’t fully trust Piion.

“Don’t lie!” Piioon screeched as he pointed at Tsuju. “Fuck you! I was going to be the head alone
until you said you would come with me!”

“Well, what else was I supposed to do?” Tsuju huffed, he tilted his chin up to look down on Piion
despite being shorter than the former. “Let Yanagi-san’s cafe crash and burn because you were the

“Fuck you!”

I laughed as the two bickered. Seemed like they were still a good duo. I glanced over to Denki who
was fighting with Koni.

Yep, looks like I met everyone then. Everyone except… Well…

I’m sure that clown will talk to me again soon.

We went to sleep in a bigger room together. It was the training room that I remembered taking
Ichiro and Kuko to when I was going around and introducing everyone to them. Smiling to myself
as memories overwhelmed me, I swore I would not lose.

Closing my eyes I fell into a deep sleep.

When I got back up, Piion was the only one there. I glanced over at him as he smiled. It was a
knowing smile. I smiled back, thankful.

“Everyone else went to work,” Pinion shrugged, “But since Tsuju and I both work in Shinjuku, I’m
going there later.”

“I see.”

Neither of us mentioned how Piion stayed despite work so that I wouldn't wake up alone.

“I always wonder why you let Tsuju walk all over you,” I commented offhandedly as I tried to get
rid of the wrinkles on my shirt. “You’re part of the Idiot Gang, you know? You, Denki, Kento,
Yudai, Adi, Wano, and Suzu.”

Piion glanced at me, green eyes piercing. Then they softened up as he laughed.

“Who was the one who told me life is more fun as an idiot?”

“I don’t think I said that exactly,” I hummed. “What is it like? Is it more fun?”
“Yeah,” Piion smiled at me as he admitted it easily. “It’s definitely more fun than I thought it
would be.”

“Then I’m glad,” I smiled back.

“Well, we should get going,” Piion hummed. “You have teammates waiting for you, right?”

“Yeah,” I nodded. “And you have a partner who is waiting for you.”

I swung my arm over his neck as we walked out and locked the front door.

Time for me to go back to Yokohama.

Chapter End Notes

Okay! Now we're slamming back to the canon storyline starting next week!
Destroy the Grasshopper (I)
Chapter Summary

Samatoki just wants to eat his fried rice in peace. Of course, something has to mess it

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

I decided to visit Tonagi-san to eat some of his fried rice. He always made the best ones so before I
knew it, I started to come whenever I wanted fried rice. It was better to eat it than the ones that I
made at home alone or the cold ones from the convenience stores that I reheated in the plastic
containers they came with.

“Violent incidents? What’s that now?” I huffed lightly at the cig in my mouth as I eyed Tonagi -san
who shook the pan. After thanking me for helping him with the sign from before, he asked if I
knew anything about the violent incidents that were popping around the city.

“We’ve been having more and more of them around here lately…” Tonagi-san sighed as he
revealed his worries.

“Hmm, there’s nothing weird about a few fights in a shopping district. Is there something in
particular that’s different from normal that displeasures you?”

Tonagi shook the pan again and hummed as he mixed the rice and ingredients with his ladle.

“There’s something strange about the people causing them."

“How so?” I snuffed the cig on the counter and tossed it. Using a napkin I wiped the crumbs off as

“When you look into the whites of their eyes, it feels like they’re lost their minds. They’re so
aggressive, I’ve never seen anything like it,” Tonagi-san sighed as he tapped on the pan with his

“I guess I better check it out if it’s bothering you that much,” I huffed, rubbing the back of my

“That’d be a big help,” Tonagi-san smiled kindly. “And here’s your fried rice.”

“Yum,” I licked my lips. Digging in with my spoon, I prepared myself to eat a bite until I heard
someone scream.

“Aaaah! Someone!!! Anyone!!!”


“Huh?” I placed the spoon down, “The hell…?”

I took a step outside to see a guy going crazy with a pipe in his hands. People were screaming and
everything as I peered from outside the shop. Just as the crazed buy was going to hit a middle-aged
woman, I cursed him out and stole the pipe.

“The hell you think you’re doing?!” I snarled at him and gave him a good thump on the back. He
released a guttering sound from his throat and I tossed the pipe to the side. It clattered and rolled
away as the man staggered.

He lunged for me suddenly and I twisted my body on instinct.

“You’re outta your goddamn mind!” Kicking him with the back of my heel on the cheek, it
should’ve knocked him down, but he only slumped and slowly staggered up. I don’t remember this
from last time! Something was going different again.

He swung a fist at my face as I panicked a little. My body, however, worked faster than my mind.

I grabbed the man in a chokehold and I squeezed hard, cursing the entire time. Once the man
finally slumped, I let him go. I panted lightly, good thing I still worked out. I guess I needed to
train more if this was enough to get me panting.

Wiping the sweat from my forehead I heard someone call the police.

“Are you alright?” Tonagi-san rushed out of his shop. I gave him a faint smile and he smiled back
with worried eyes. Then he noticed his store’s sign.

“Oh no, my shop’s sign… not again…”

“Don’t worry Tonagi-san, I can help you, no worries.”

Wait, my fried rice is probably cold now... Damn it.

I looked up to Oyaji, Taiko Katen, the head of the Katen Gumi.

“I’m sorry for calling you here when you’re occupied with other duties.”

I smirked at him, pulling the cig away from my mouth as I released fog from my mouth.

“You’re Oyaji, I can’t just blow you off, ya know?”

Oyaji laughed as he commented about how grateful he was for his officers being so loyal. I
disagreed with him to some extent, but I didn’t vocalize it. Instead, I smiled and mused about how
I’ll miss him when everything falls apart.

“What’d you call me for?”

I asked as I placed the cig back in my mouth.

“Now now,” Oyaji laughed, “Let’s not rush anything. Here, you can have a drink too.”

“And have you pour it? No thank you,” I declined, “I ain’t that free so I’ll have to ask that you keep
it short.”

“Unfriendly are you,” the old man laughed as he pulled a ziplock bag from his sleeve. He tossed it
to me and I caught them easily.
“Drugs,” I deduced, staring at the bag with a lot of small pellets. “I don’t think I’ve seen this type

“They’re the new grasshopper drugs.”

“What do you want me to do with this?”

“Some idiot was selling these drugs in our territory,” the old man poured himself another drink.
Like Jyuto, Oyaji worked hard to get rid of drugs in the world. Or at least make a city that forbade
drugs. His son died because of it, so it made sense.

“So you want me to shut them down?”

“Good, you understand me,” the old man nodded.

“I guess I won’t take my time with it,” I huffed, looking at him in the eyes I groaned, “Even though
you’re the one who told me to take my time.” I walked out and waved the hand holding the cig, the
other buried in my pockets.

Grasshopper. I think I know who's behind it, but it’s better to run it down with M.C.D’s Remannets
just to make sure.


Oyaji spoke and I froze for a second. I sighed softly before giving him the answer he wanted.

“I know,” I said without looking back, “If someone picks a fight with us… then we’ll make sure
they know they’re better off dead.”

I thought back about the guy I ran into earlier today. That must be the drug’s doing then. I never
got to see it in the works, I only remember Jyuto telling me about it.

I took out my phone and quickly skimmed the group chat.

Boss: Hey, anyone here?

Kento: I am!
Kanade : Reporting
Wano : Give us the order Boss!
Iki : waiting for further instructions
Namikawa : Here!
Leta : Affirmative
Boss : I need information on a drug called grasshopper
Kanade : I’ll look into it
Kento : We’ll give you a report in a couple of minutes.
Iki: You can count on us!

I hummed as the others agreed to look into the drug for me. They didn’t even question me asking
them about drugs even though they were living domestic lives now. Probably because I noticed
that they all still worked as a gang under Kento and made no comment.

Split my ass. They were still interested in the underworld.

I headed off to Rio’s camp. Typing away on my phone, I hummed as Jyuto picked up on the other
line after three rings.

“Where are you right now?”

“He’s with me,” I heard Rio’s deep voice. “I caught bunnies earlier today and I thought I’d share it
with you and Jyuto. But you were not in your office.”

“Sorry, got called over by Oyaji. I’ll come join you guys in a moment, hang on, okay?”

“Of course.”


I picked my pace up and walked faster to Rio’s camp. Bunny stew. Yum.

Bzzt bzzt.

I glanced at my phone. A new message? Huh... Breakfast sounds nice...

Taking a sip of the bowl in front of me I listened to Jyuto talk about the new drug. He pulled out
his laptop and started to share what he knew.

“Once taken, the user apparently becomes extremely euphoric and has intense hallucinations. Their
pupils dilate to an extreme degree and they become hyper so they call it ‘Grasshopper’.”

“Do you know why they’re blowing up?” I question, gnawing on my cig stick.

“For someone who knows so much, when you lack knowledge, it really surprises me,” Jyuto
sighed. “It blew up because of the way it gets someone high and because it’s cheap. Not to
mention, the level of getting high with it is apparently completely above other drugs.”

“Another level, huh?” I watched the smoke dance out of my mouth. “The side effects must be
really intense too then.”

“If they overdose, their mind becomes deranged and they may have a heart attack,” Jyuto huffed.

“People who do that have to be stupid,” I shook my head.

“I agree, it is very dangerous,” Rio frowned. “Do you know anything else, Jyuto?”

“We arrested a few dealers, but most of them were out of it too, so we don’t have a concrete lead,”
Jyuto trailed off. His green eyes left the laptop he’d been scrolling with and looked into my red
ones. “You said you were gathering information yourself? What kind of information do you have to


Bzzt Bzzt.

Perfect timing!

“I do now,” I hummed as I pulled out my laptop. Kento sent me a private folder with information
regarding the drug. “I asked the old gang about it and they just sent the report in. Apparently, their
base is a shipping yard or a container yard near Yokohama harbor. The newest delivery should be
dropped off in the middle of the night. It also confirms everything you said up to now.”
I smiled charmingly at Jyuto who huffed.

“Your old gang members are certainly fast. Do they have a specific job they’re looking for? I’d
like to ask them to think about working under me if they can find drug details that quickly.”

“Ha! They’re efficient, but I don’t think they’d enjoy working for the police. You specifically?

Bzzt bzzt.

I looked back down at my phone to see Wano add additional resources to the information Kento
sent me.

Wano: Sorry Boss, I just wanted to tell you that for drug dealing, this stuff was relatively easy to
find. Adi, Lomu, and I were worried it might be a trap.

Ooh, so they were sharp. I smiled a little. Of course, it was a trap. I couldn’t remember who did it,
it was some woman from Chuuohku, but it was a trap that would pit us against Fling Posse. I can
remember that much. I just can't remember who was the real bad guys here.

“Some of them think it might be a trap with how easy it was to gather information.”

“Well we’ll have to go there and see for ourselves then,” Jyuto pushed his glasses up the bridge of
his nose. “Otherwise, we won’t really know.”

“Are we not getting the police involved?” Rio questioned with an innocent tilt of his head. I took
another bite of my rabbit stew that was now getting cold.


“Well Rio, the thing is, uh, you know, uh,” I stuttered and averted my eyes, cutting Jyuto from
explaining. Jyuto just shook his head and grabbed my shoulder. I quieted down as Jyuto opened his

He did more than I thought he would when he started to speak. I thought he would only stop at his
parents, but he talked about his senpai too.

His parents he lost when they were hit by a driver who was affected by drugs. His parents had no
fault whatsoever. Then there was a problem with his senpai, his friend, who also passed away due
to drugs.

Jyuto despised how drugs injured innocent people, but Rio and I knew. The real reason that Jyuto
held a hard grudge against them wasn’t because of the ill-nature drugs had on innocent people. It
was because of how they hurt the people close to him. It was more personal, ugly, and selfish, but
we respected that.

“We should prepare to leave for tonight then,” Rio hummed, “If it’s near midnight, we should do a
stakeout before that time to catch the perpetrators in their tracks.”

“That’s fine with me,” I hummed. “I don’t have a problem with that, you, Jyuto?”

“That’s perfectly okay with me,” Jyuto hummed. “I don’t mind doing that.”

“Oh, by the way,” I looked over to Jyuto and Rio, “Apparently, Yamada brat #3 invited me over to
Ikebukuro for breakfast. He wants me to bring the two of you along. You guys okay with that?”
“Yamada Saburo?” Rio’s eyebrows knitted together, “From Buster Bros?”

“Yeah, the youngest one. You guys saw him at the party we went to for the get-together?”

“Yes, we know who he is,” Jyuto frowned, “But isn’t his relationship with you a secret to his older

“He invited us, I want to go,” I countered childishly.

“I suppose that is fine,” Jyuto groaned.


Chapter End Notes

I think we're catching up to the manga now? Or is that still far away...?

Of course, special thanks and shoutout to slugtranslations to for the manga scanlations,
translations, and everything they do for the fandom!
Destroy the Grasshopper (II)
Chapter Summary

Samatoki just knew it. Of course, it's all the Tobari Brothers' fault.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

We were walking to the container yard a little earlier than midnight. The docks were peaceful, but
the suspicions didn’t really stop for me. My ears were hyper-alert, picking up even the quietest of

Moderately loud footsteps echoed as we, Mad Trigger Crew, arrived. We continued to scout the
area for the carrier.

“Nyaa, nyaa, nyaa!"

At the voice, I automatically slunk into the shadows. My body’s instinct was automatically
triggered as I tried to sneak around. I glanced over to Rio who seemed impressed by my actions and
he followed suit, motioning Jyuto to do the same. We continued to move towards the sound within
the shadows.


I perked up at the voice.

“Isn’t that-?” Jyuto questioned the people present.

Time to get our hands on Fling Posse’s drugs. Granted, this team acted as if they were always

“Come on,” I motioned the other to follow me. Jyuto was bristling and I sighed at the
misunderstanding that would arise. “Try not to pick a fight.”

“Roger,” Rio nodded as he followed me.

Jyuto trailed behind us without a word. His eyes lit a flame.

“Phew,” Gentaro huffed as he wiped sweat off his brow delicately, “It’s been a while since I’ve run
around like that, it’s tiring.”

“Then don’t do that shit,” Dice growled, “Geez, don’t be so annoying.”

“Ehehe~☆ that was fun, right?” Ramuda hummed, “Let’s play cats again, okay?”

“Do what you want, but next time do it when I’m not around,” Dice complained.

“By the way, it’s past the time that we were told to be here… I wonder what could be wrong?”
Gentaro pointed out.
Jyuto rushed forward without us at that point. I sighed and picked up my pace as Dice mumbled.

“Yeah, you’re right… On the memo, it said to wait here and someone would show up, but…”

“My, my, for Fling Posse to be meeting here in a place like this… What a pleasant surprise.”

The smile on the cop’s face was obviously strained. I could see the cogs in Gentaro’s head turning
as he started to piece what Fling Posse seemed like right now. He was smart, I’m sure he’d find out
what they were being suspected of and what was in the case Dice held.

“Yo Ramuda,” I wove my hand leisurely, “What the fuck are you doing?”

“Ah~☆” Ramuda grinned, “It’s Samatoki-sama! Yahoo~♡! What’re you doing over here?”

“That’s what I was wondering,” I replied, “What are you doing?”

“Uwahhh~♡" Ramuda squealed as he hopped on his legs and bunched up his knees together,
“Samatoki-sama’s so scawwy~☆”

“My bad,” I apologized with a small nod. To the right, I saw Rio help Jyuto interrogate Dice and
Gentaro. “But I ain’t fucking around. That stuff’s dangerous, you know.”

“Ehe~♡I don’t know what you’re talking about~☆!”

I stretched my arms until I heard a satisfying pop sound from both. My lips curled up as I hummed.

“Ramuda, can you do me a favor?”

Ramuda tilted his head, beady blue eyes staring up to study my facial expression. A rather cold
calculation compared to his cutesy act. I cracked my knuckles before pulling out my mic as the
other four bickered.

“Depending on the favor, you’ll owe me a super~♡ duper~☆ lot!”

“I’ll owe ya,” I nodded, I glanced over to my teammates and the other two members from Fling
Posse fought over laws and some shit I didn’t really understand.

“What do you need?”

Ramuda grinned. His hands were clasped behind his back as baby blue eyes stared into bloody red.
I didn’t like seeing his cutesy act, but whatever made him feel comfortable I guess. The way he
accepted so easily too. I guess he wanted me to be in his debt, fucker.

“Mind using your ability to make anyone around us seem as if we’re fighting and beating each
other to death?”

“Huh?” The star that always followed Ramuad’s words just dropped out as he stared at me blankly.
“Come again?”

“Can you make it seem as if we’re fighting each other to death?” I repeated.

“Now?” Ramuda’s puzzled face stared into mine as I nodded. There was another battle going on
near here. We needed to get there and leave the bitches waiting in ambush here. He gave me a
puzzled look but agreed to do so.

Ramuda pulled out his mic and a beat started for a rap.

I turned my head to see Rio and Jyuto running towards me quickly. They had both shouted my
name. I was surprised when they stepped in front of my body, wedging themselves protectively
between me and Ramuda.

They both had their own respective mics out.

Wait, this is a misunderstanding.

“Wait!” I tried to quell their anger, but Gentaro and Dice quickly made their way to protect their
leader as well, throwing out their hands protectively.

“I suppose we will have an exercise right now,” Gentaro nonchalantly commented, his green eyes
hardening into a glare.

“Sorry, but I won’t let you harm Ramuda,” Dice uttered such words with a straight face, a pure
look, that it made me falter lightly.

“Fucking dealers, I’ll show you hell!” Jyuto snarled.

I watched helplessly as my teammates launched into battle. Jyuto’s voice was backed with deep
hatred as Gentaro was careful with his words, choosing everything carefully, and eyeing Jyuto
keenly. Dice was definitely more hesitant to fight with Rio, but the hesitation was erased once Rio
showed his conviction.

“Ramuda… You should know there’s drugs in those cases.”

I sighed, eyeing the cases Dice held.

“Ehhh? I don't’ know anything about that~♡” Ramuda smiled widely, ”I really have no idea
what’s inside those cases!”

“Then pass them here,” I motioned Ramuda with my finger. “I’ll look in them myself.”

“That’s a no-no!” Ramuda smiled.

“If your ability is a no go, our negotiations failed, right?”

“Yeppers~☆ !” Ramuda hummed with a large smile. “I guess you won’t owe me anything~♡!

“Save me the shit,” I rolled my eyes. “Then we’ve gotta do it, me ‘n you.”

“Yeppers again~☆ !” Ramuda cheered, “I guess we’ll be going at it!”

Verses were exchanged by all sides. I was aware of everything, my eyes darting around looking for
someone moving and not just focusing on Ramuda’s raps.

“Oi Ramuda,” I called out to Ramuda, when my eyes caught a glimpse of movement.

“What’s up?”

I coughed into my hand before clearing my throat.

“Looks like we’re both at our limits.”

“Huh?” Ramuda looked offended for a little bit. His blue eyes challenged me as he huffed. “Both
of us?”

“Yeah, the both of us,” I stressed ‘both’ and my eyes once again darted off to a different location.
Just as Ramuda pulled his mic to his mouth a loud ring was heard.


It was so fucking annoying. I knew exactly what it was too.

Hypnosis Canceller.

“My, my~! You really showed us something spectacular! But I suppose it would be more accurate
to say this was expected of Fling Posse and Mad Trigger Crew!”

“Hey, you’re the one who gave me the job!” Dice shouted. But I barely heard him over the red in
my brain.

“Zanen…” I growled out the name of the Tobari brother in front of me. “The fuck’re you here

“Hahaha!” The bitch didn’t flinch from my snarl. “Why am I here, you ask? Isn’t it obvious? I
came here to put you all through something terrible!”

“Shitbag, you looking down on me?!” I was prepared to storm over to him, bitch. “I’ll wipe the
floor with you before you get a fucking chance, asshole!”

“Hehe… Can you really, when you’re already so worn out?”

“Don’t underestimate me, Zanen,” I bolted towards him. Sadly a hand reached out and grabbed me
by the collar effectively jerking me back. Since I never button the top button so I wasn’t choked,
but I was still held back.

Whipping my head around I noticed it was Rio’s firm grasp on my shirt’s back collar.

“Samatoki,” Rio frowned, “Do you know him?”

“The fucking worm was part of the gang I used to lead,” I revealed with a growl. I should’ve
known that the only people who’d do something like this were the fucking Tobari brothers.

“A worm?” Zanen scoffed. He even had the fucking audacity to mock offense, “How rude. If we’re
being compared to insects, I wonder what you would be right now with your battered look."

“So not everyone from your old gang likes you,” Jyuto scoffed as he walked over to me. Gentaro
and Dice were also retreating back to Ramuda carefully.

"Shut up Jyuto," I hissed, "He's different than them."

"What are you talking about?" Zanen sneered, his hands on his hips as he looked down at us.

“You set this shit up,” I really wanted to tear this man some new vocal chords, but I couldn’t move
away from Rio.

“Oh my, our Samatoki-san still has it!” Zanen clapped as he laughed at us. At me. “You’ve got
good judgment, haven’t you? It’s exactly as you say. I took responsibility for working out all the
intricate details -- popularising the Grasshopper in this neighborhood, having Samatoki-san’s clan
as well as that policeman zeroing in on it, and leaking this location!”

“That’s it…?!” Jyuto had to be held back by Rio too. “You popularised a drug that dangerous just
for this?!”

My stomach churned as Zanen continued to speak.

“And for the finishing touch, I had Arisugawa-san over there help me out a little.”

“Eh, me?!” Dice’s eyes went round as he looked at Zanen in shock.

“Didn’t I have you transport that case?” Zanen picked his fingernails, “It was difficult you know,
tricking you into a gamble where you would go all in.”

Then Dice and Zanen had a back and forth about their deal. Gentaro soon joined in to call Dice an
idiot and Ramuda just teased Dice for the heck of it.

“Ahem,” Zanen coughed as Fling Posse continued up a ruckus. Of course, Rio was simply holding
me and Jyuto back. “It seems that you don’t fully understand the nature of the situation.”

A couple other people started to walk up and Rio made a good estimate.

“There are roughly a hundred people.”

“Tch… We can’t use our mics, and we’re completely exhausted. We’ve been cornered.” Jyuto

No. Not if I can fucking help it. I wasn’t going to just sit here and do nothing!

“Zanen,” I tried to control the anger raging in my body and my voice came out flat. It was
monotonous, no anger whatsoever. I shocked myself. “Looks like you still have your habit of
surrounding yourself with useless roaches. I should call you a pest collector.”

“Samatoki…” Rio called out to me cautiously.

“Don’t worry, Rio,” I assured him, but I didn’t take my eyes off of Zanen.

“Hmph,” Zanen eyed me, his haughtiness disappearing. He was getting more weary at my
movements. “You can call me whatever you like. These ‘useless roaches’ are the ones who’ll be
taking you down. Get them!”

The mob screamed as they spilled over to us.

My hands flew to my shirt real fast as I smiled. I released myself from my shirt, held by Rio, and
flew into the crowd.

“Who said I needed to use a fucking mic?!”

“Samatoki!” Jyuto screamed as I ran in.

My fists fucking flew. I can tell anyone that these bastards were buff, sure, but they weren’t too
much. It’s not like I haven’t taken a hundred people at once without a mic.

Yes, it would be easier if I used my mic, but I wanted to feel the pleasure of beating someone up
with my fists. As morbid as it sounds, I was pissed. Recently I started to remember that I have
indeed changed things for the better and that’s all I needed.
Little reminders like the scars I had on this younger body of mine that reminded me that not
everything was going the way I experienced beforehand.

I roundhouse kicked a guy and sent him flying to a couple of others. I was starting to get
overwhelmed because Ramuda definitely wasn’t someone to underestimate and I had taken good
hits from him, but I would continue to fight.

I would continue fighting because there were two other teams near us to the side with two leaders I
could trust to be strong.

I would punch my way there.

Yes, violence was illegal. But when was I doing legal stuff anyway? I’m fucking yakuza and this is
on my turf!

“Hahaha!” I couldn’t help but laugh as flesh met flesh and the contact of my knuckles would send
the others into an array of panic and pain.

I moved forward, aiming for the others on the other side.

Chapter End Notes

I apologize in advance because I'm not good at writing such scenes. OuO
But yes! We're getting closer to the second DRB!!!

This time, special thanks and shoutout to serpenscape to for the drama track
Destroy the Grasshopper (III)
Chapter Summary

Samatoki makes it to the other side with just his fists. And of course, he's going to
fight back.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Wha-What the hell?!”

Zansei screamed when he saw me plowing through. I think I had a maniacal grin on my face.
Maybe I was enjoying this too much. They wouldn’t kill me, there was no point in me holding
back. I just had to not kill them!

I had no doubt that the rest of Mad Trigger Crew and Fling Posse were tied up and tossed where
the others were. I was putting up a good fight, yeah, but there were too many people and I couldn’t
make quick progress.

Doesn’t mean I didn’t make it.

I grinned widely as I broke out to where the teams were tied up.

I heard choruses of my name as I laughed loudly. They all looked funny, shouting my name and a
bunch of other stuff that I couldn't bother to listen to.

“You’re fucking crazy!” Zanen screamed as he rushed to catch up to me.

“Wh-What’s going on?!” Zansei sounded taken back.

My laughter grew more malicious and louder. Did I exceed your expectations yet? Am I worthy of
saving someone now?

Will someone answer me?

The enemies were frozen in fear, they couldn’t get near me. I guess it was because I was half-
naked, my shirt still within Rio’s grasp, and even with a bruised, tired body, I had fought my way
from one side of the container yard to the other. I could spot that woman, Hitaki Tsumabira or
some shit watching us from afar and I flipped her off. She smiled.


And this is where I think I got too cocky. My eyes drifted to the side where a thug had stabbed me
with a knife.

I heard shouts of worry compared to the shock and amazement I heard previously from the four
divisions and my team members. Blood oozed as my mind blanked for a hot second.

“Ha! You’re still a human idiot!” The guy who stabbed me laughed. His hands were shaking as if
he couldn’t believe that he just stabbed me. A couple of others started to beat me up at this chance
and I started to hear struggling from the place where the tied-up rappers were.


I kept the blade in me, the idiot didn’t even pull it out, and bashed my skull to an offender’s head.

Summoning my mic, my speaker grew in size. Okay, so maybe I was tired of punching my way
through things. The knife definitely wouldn’t help either.

“Welcome to hell maggots!”

My speakers grew and landed right behind me. The speaker physically blocked the mob so that
they could only attack me from my front. Pretty convenient if you ask me. Even with an injury, I
could fight. A stab wound that wasn’t even poisoned? To the side? This fucker wasn’t even trying.


The hypnosis canceller.

I looked up to see that woman up there, holding a canceller and glaring at me.

“Tsumabira-san?” Zanen stared at the woman who revealed her ugly ass. “I thought you wouldn’t
be appearing front and center?”

“You think I could stand back and watch you get pitifully defeated by a single person? You wish!
I’m here to make things straight! Now get him! Stab him again if you need to!”

What a malicious woman.

The speakers glitched. I played my part as they faded out of existence. That’s fine, I can still fight I
think. All I had to do was ignore the crawling black spots blinding my vision. Just as the fuckers
got ready to rap, another Hypnosis Canceller was used.

“Honestly…” I recognized that voice. “Who gave you permission to use the canceller?”

Bitch walked in, her hands on her hips. If I was honest, I couldn’t see anything from the dimming
sight, but I would know from the voice alone. Everyone was frozen, listening to their voices, not
doing anything in response. I was trying to gauge how deep the knife went in. I heard the two
females talk to each other, Bitch stating that she came to punish the other woman or some shit. I
fought to keep my eyes, open, cursing this weak body that couldn’t even handle a fucking stab
wound. Maybe it was deeper than I thought.

“Know your place,” Bitch hissed at a fearful Zanen. I could imagine her snarling at him as she
dragged the other woman away, “There’s no need for me to deal with trash like you myself, is

“Th-Then what’re you gonna do?”

“I won’t do anything,” Bitch replied. I think Zanen shuffled his feet. “I’ll leave this up to you
idiotic men, do whatever you like.”

I refused to fall down. My hand did unconsciously move to grab my side though. Maybe I
should’ve stolen my shirt back from Rio. It wouldn’t have done much, but it would’ve done

I stumbled when I heard a voice I missed. Someone helped me stay upright, grabbing my sides
carefully and a rough pair of hands steadied me. Discerning the voices around me, I chuckled at the
fact I was surrounded once again by people who I care about. Rio's hands were warm.

I promise to do justice.

“Can y’all keep going?” I asked through the black. I think I shut my eyes. I got reckless.

“Are you okay-?”

“I’m not losing to these guys, let’s fight then we can talk,” I ignored Jyuto and pushed forward.
Summoning my mic, inhaled.

“You are in no shape to rap, Samatoki-kun,” Sensei called out from behind me but I was already
running back out to fight. I wanted to fight. I needed to fight. I could fight. I won’t be so careless
next time.

With no other choice, I could hear the others follow my lead.

“Sama-nii,” Brat #3 whispered. “Are you really okay?”

My shirt was temporarily used as a bandage and through the black spots in my vision, I told
everyone that I was doing well. I would’ve asked Sensei to use his ability on me, but I wasn’t sure
if this Sensei had enough power to do that. I still refused to be taken to a hospital much to
everyone’s annoyance or displeasure.

I was just going to be shirtless but when Kannonzaka grabbed my shoulders firmly and offered his
suit jacket... I couldn’t say ‘no’. Especially when Izanami was staring at me with such intensity that
caused shivers to crawl down my spine.

“I’m telling you that I’m fine,” I chuckled softly at him.

Most of the rappers present were worried about me, but I could tell there was a couple staying far
away from me not with good intentions, but because of hatred or suspicion.

Surprisingly, Brat #3 boldly made his move to ask me and I could feel Ichiro glaring at me. I didn’t
make a move to push the brat away though. Brat #3 stuck close to my side, probably worried or
some shit. He no longer acted like he disliked me or something. Of course, it sort of sucked
because his facade didn't last as long as I had hoped it would.

"You idiot!" Jyuto tossed my cig box at me. "Don't ever do that again."

I gave Jyuto a lopsided smile in response. His frown deepened and green eyes darted to the side.
Rio checked my bandaged side before helping me up to stand. Totally unnecessary but Rio's glare
gave no openings for me to complain.

I was paler than normal because of the blood loss but it wasn't that bad. At least I don't think so.

I found it awkward that everyone was focusing on me but I wasn’t given any room to complain.

I’m pretty sure Ramuda cursed me out with the stars at the ends of his sentences, but I couldn’t
quite tell and I didn’t really want to know. Dice had offered his own way of caring and gave me the
most room in comparison to the others that flocked around me. I appreciated that a lot.
“You know,” Yamada brat 3 looked up from my side and I looked down at him.


“You should just come to Ikebukuro. It’s almost morning and I still want to have breakfast with
you. You promised me that it would be this morning.”

“You uncultured child,” Jyuto chastised as he suddenly pulled Brat #3 away from me. “He just got
injured. Do you think he has enough time to-”


I watched as Jyuto’s hand was ripped apart from Yamada brat #3’s shoulder. Ichiro held the coldest
glare as he stared Jyuto down.

“Don’t talk to my brother like that.”


I tried to stifle my laughter at Jyuto’s surprise.

But someone else didn’t find it funny. Rio calmly, but forcefully tugged Jyuto back as he too stared
at Ichiro.

“I apologize, but we’ll have to decline. Samatoki is currently in no shape to go to Ikebukuro.

Especially at this time for breakfast in a couple of hours.”

I would have to get involved before this got too big… My mouth opened, but no words came out.
Why? Because I choked on air when I heard a new person join the argument.

“No fair~☆ ! I want to eat breakfast with you too Samatoki-sama!”

I coughed into my hand, someone rubbed my back. I turned to see Sensei bent over as he calmly
made circles on my back while glaring at Ramuda.

“I do not think that it would be smart for Samatoki-kun to be near you when he is, was, injured. It
would be mentally taxing,” Sensei’s voice was clipped as he slightly glared at Ramuda. Ramuda
blew a raspberry at the taller man and smiled sweetly.

“Are you suggesting that he should eat with you then?”

“I am stating that he may do as he wishes,” Sensei frowned, “Whether it be me or you or anyone

else. However, health-wise, he should not start the first meal of a day with you.”

“Sama-nii and I have been planning to eat breakfast together since yesterday!”

Brat #3 threw a hissy fit. He hissed at the adults and had his arms crossed. That surprisingly didn’t
stop anyone. I tried to find out why everyone was getting as irritated as they were, but I knew I had
to put an end to it somehow.

“He’s going home,” Jyuto snarled.

I blinked as my teammates decided to join the silly argument. Wasn’t it obvious that we were going
to Ikebukuro for breakfast?

“Noooo!” Ramuda whined. “I want to eat with Samatoki!!!”

“Ramuda,” Gentaro walked to Ramuda. He seemed highly conflicted as he held his leader back by
the teal jacket. “What are you doing?” I could hear him question his leader in hushed whispers.

“I can cook up breakfast!” Izanami hopped in.

“We’d love to have you visit the apartment again,” Kannonzaka added for some random reason. I
was slowly starting to lose control of the situation as the voices continued to pile.

“He’s… He’s going to have breakfast at our home,” Ichiro suddenly said. Red eyes snapped to the
boy that would never become an adult in my eyes. “He already promised Saburo and if you’re
worried about his injuries, we can take good care of him.”

“Nii-chan,” Brat #2 hissed, “We didn’t clean the house!”

I slowly stood up as the chaos continued. How to stop this mess...

“If it’s breakfast, then I owe him one,” Dice added his two cents. “I’d pay of course.”

“You can pay for breakfast?” Gentaro mocked Dice. Dice did not hesitate to smack the liar upside
the head and hiss.

“Of course I fucking can.”

“And yet, you can’t pay me back for all the money I’ve lost because of you?”


Just as I refocused after getting distracted by Dice and Gentaro. My mouth was once again closed

“Samatoki, we should go,” a hand was placed on my shoulder. I looked up to see Rio. He stared at
me with baby blue eyes, hardened in a final decision that I had no say in.

Sensei had not released my back yet, I could feel his hand pause for a fracture of a second. He
seemed to struggle with some words, but with his wisdom, I’m sure Sensei could save me from this

“Samatoki-kun, you may come to Shinjuku if you wish. It is much closer than the other cities if
you do not wish to stay in Yokohama,” Sensei finally settled on some terrifying words.

“No~☆ !” A small body hugged my left arm as Ramuda pouted at me. He stuck out his tongue at
Sensei and held me tightly. “Samatoki-sama is going to Shibuya with me and my Posse~♡ ! We’re
gonna have a sweet breakfast without any old geezers there to bother us!”

Two hands wrapped around my right hand I turned to see a pouting Saburo.

“He promised that he would come with us!”

Fuck. What do I do?

Chapter End Notes

What is he going to do? :'D He has a stab wound and is being pressured! Samatoki,
you idiot.

I uh, made that tumblr I was talking about! It's really just for spoilers and a way to
contact me if anyone wants to talk @-@ Still thinking about making a discord, but I'm
unsure how I'm going to do that.

This time, special thanks and shoutout to serpenscape to for the drama track
Sushi is a Good Median
Chapter Summary

Samatoki does a smart thing and decides to have late dinner with everyone. At his
favorite Sushi place.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

In the end, we ended up going to a nearby sushi restaurant in Yokohama. No one was really willing
to not put up a fight after that big one we had with the Tobari brothers so I compromised on a late
dinner with everyone and breakfast with Yamada brat 3 and his brothers.

It wasn’t a cheap sushi area with a belt that looped around, but one where we ordered plates.

We had to split into two groups to sit down and eat. It was a little harder than I thought to get a
peaceful, midnight snack. This restaurant was one of the few that was opened at this time and that I
personally knew because I wandered in here often on the sleepless nights I spent in Yokohama.

“Samatoki-kun!” The owner greeted me with a grin, “Welcome back!” He glanced at my side,
wrapped by my T-shirt and my slightly hunched back with a suit jacket over my shoulders. He was
worried but didn't verbally question me.

“Hello,” I dipped my head, “Do you have a table for twelve?”

“I’m sorry I don’t think I do,” the owner then looked at everyone behind me and his eyes blew
back, “Wow, that’s a lot of hotshots you’re bringing here, Samatoki-kun.”

“I guess so,” I chuckled. I went over to the table I normally sat at. No one was here this late
normally so I always took the table for six.

“I can give you two tables for six, is that fine?”

“Yessir,” I smiled at him. The owner gave me a thumbs up and winked as he moved from behind
the counter. His eyes lingered on my makeshift bandage but didn't say anything else. When I sat
down, there was a commotion of the other rappers. I blinked slowly as I realized that the fighting
stemmed from sitting near me.

Rubbing the temples of my head, I got out of my seat. Did I really have to do this?

I let Yamada brat 3 take my left and sat down. Almost immediately, without consultation, Ramuda
hopped on over to my right side. The other two brothers sat in front of Brat #3 and Sensei sat
diagonally to me. The other six made their way to the other table. Rio and Jyuto had dibs on being
on the seats directly behind mine and Dice sat next to Rio. I prayed Kannonzaka was in between
Izanami and Gentaro. After their battle during the 1st DRB, I wasn’t too keen on letting them sit
near each other. Oh no.

I packed out a couple of plates of sushi to order, sticking to what I normally ate instead of
branching out. It was interesting to see what the others were getting.
“Sama-nii!” Brat #3 used his sickly sweet voice that was only used for manipulation. More
specifically Yamada brat 2.


“What are you getting?”

“These,” I pointed out the menu items through the menu, “But you should get something more
befitting of a child.”

“Bleh,” Brat #3 stuck his tongue at me. I gave him a lopsided smile in return. “I’ll try some of
those too.”

“Do what you want, just finish your plate,” I chastised him. I caught Ichiro glaring and my smile
turned a little sour. He was sitting in front of me because Brat #2 was in front of Brat #3. As we
called out our orders, Ichiro started up a chat with his brothers. On my other side, Ramuda was
starting a fight with Sensei. I sighed, praying for the food to come faster.

This was a mess. On the flip side, nothing was specifically going the way I thought it would go. I
knew that would go.

Although I wasn’t religious, when the food arrived, I prayed to any God that existed that might be
willing to save the souls that I lost before. It was still, in one way, peaceful. And I wanted to keep it
this way.

Opening my shut eyes, I noticed that it was rather hushed. Confused, I looked around to see the
others staring at me.

“When were you religious, Samatoki?” Ichiro sort of spat, sort of hissed. Sort of looked like the kid
who stared at me oddly and curiously when I ate burnt food. Just crueler.

“I’m not,” I replied honestly, “I just think there are some things to pray about.”

“Huh,” Ichiro huffed, looking away from my gaze.

I smiled in return and started to eat the plates in front of me. We ordered our own small plates and
a large plate for each table. No one ate dinner to be fair. At least, I knew that we, MTC, didn't. We
did a stakeout after all.

Before I could state that I would pay for everyone, the others quickly decided that each would pay
their own.

Ichiro looked a little worried so I secretly decided that I would pay for the Buster Bros.

“Hey Samatoki~☆ ”

I turned to my right where Ramuda was tugging my arm.

“Yeah? ‘Sup?”

Ramuda smiled at me with a grin.

“So how much do you know?”

“Know what?”
I feigned ignorance and placed aside my last plate on top of my stacked plates. Ramuda scrutinized
me as he popped sushi into his mouth.

“Hmm, nothing~☆ ”

I smiled at him and drank my water. I wanted a beer, but I had a minor next to me in front of me
and diagonal to me. No, I wasn’t going to drink in front of children.


I turned my head to Sensei who had a benign smile.

“Yes, Sensei?”

“Do you get any sleep?”

“I do,” I nodded my head.

“While it does look like you sleep more now than you did when I first saw you during the first
DRB. You still have rather prominent bags under your eyes.”

“Oh,” I closed my eyes, “I guess so.”

“Do you want to come over? My apartment is always free,” Sensei offered. He didn’t say anything
aloud but the way his eyes tracked my movements… I guess he was worried. He didn’t have to be,
in my opinion.

“Boo boo~☆ ” Ramuda stuck his tongue out, “He can stick with me. Who wants to be with an old

“Thank you for the offer you two,” I laughed lightly. Braking it up before they could fight. Putting
away my glass half empty, I continued to have this late sushi snack with everyone.

Just for a moment. Just for a moment, I could pretend this place was a scene of a possible future.

I felt my eyes start to close at the comfort of the scenario.

As soon as my thoughts drifted, I snapped back to reality when someone from my side shouted.

“You’re only eating that much?!”

I looked around in surprise, my eyes darting to and fro. I then saw Brat #2 pointing at my stack of

“Yes?” I answered a little drowsily. But it was an answer nonetheless. I looked at Brat #2 oddly.
"It's a midnight snack?"

"But we haven't had dinner," Jyuto spoke up from behind.

So? It wasn’t much but-

“Samatoki-kun,” I turned to look at Sensei. “Have you been eating lately?”

“Yes? I’m quite full,” I answered as I looked at Sensei. Tilting my head to the side I let his eyes
roam over me.
I mean yeah, I don’t eat as much as I used to, for many reasons, but it wasn’t like I was doing
poorly. Also, I was actually full.

“Liar,” Brat #3 frowned. He placed a hand on my leg and squeezed it. “I feel bone.”

Brat! I’m normally this lean! And that isn’t bone, it’s tough muscle!

“What a man you are Samatoki, being unable to take care of yourself,” Ichiro scoffed. He then
proceeded to drop one of his plates in front of me. “Eat.”


“Eat. Unless.. you don’t even know what it means anymore,” Ichiro jeered. It was as if he didn’t
age. Honestly, it didn’t even feel offensive. Just a bratty child who wants to get his way.

I complied and ate it since it was from Ichiro. I did not expect that to start a chain reaction.

“I knew it! You were still hungry!”

Yamada brat 3 wasted no time leaning over to give me some sushi of his own.

“I’m full though?” I looked at Yamada brat 3 who held my stare.

“Samatoki! You can’t possibly be full after you only ate five pieces of sushi!” Ramuda huffed. He
leaned over and placed a plate in front of me next to Brat #3’s plate.

“Are you okay, Samatoki-kun?” Sensei was looking at my finished plates with disdain…


“Do you not like sushi?” Brat #2 questioned me with curiosity lit in his eyes.

“No? I quite like it? I’m the one who suggested this place?”

I started to get confused at these accusations. I mean I was full, happy, and I enjoyed sushi.


I turned around to see Rio who had turned around as well.

“Yeah Rio?”

“If you are feeling unwell, I can make you something easy to digest.”

“I’m good Rio, I’m okay. Thanks for the offer anyway,” I reassured the burly, soft military man as
the cop next to him scoffed.

“You’re eating too little. Is that your normal diet? We should keep you under a tighter watch.”

The hell Jyuto?

“I normally eat this much,” I protested. I mean, sure, my diet probably changed over the years
because food is always better to eat with someone else and I didn’t feel like eating when I could
spend it on planning and preparing for the future. Not to mention, getting my body used to raions
only meant I’d be stronger when the time comes-
“You ate more before,” Ichiro suddenly interjected. He eyed my measly five plates and scowled,
“Way more.”

“That was ages ago,” I countered, “I’m on a… diet.”

“Like we’d believe that, man,” Dice suddenly spoke up. He eyed me from his seat behind Ramuda.

“You should eat more,” Sensei chided me as he ordered a different plate to be placed in front of
me. “It’s not healthy for you.”

Iznami ordered me another plate too.

Dice passed a plate over to me.


Jyuto gave me some of his miso soup. Rio passed a small bit of seaweed salad to me too. Yamada
brat 2 placed tempura on top of the plate to share with me as Kannonzaka offered some of his rice

“Sh-shouldn’t you give them to Arisugawa or Kannonzaka-san?” I asked, befuddled. The other two
rappers looked at me with an emotion I couldn’t place into words.

“Hifumi makes sure I eat, I’m okay,” Kannonzaka revealed.

“I’m eating as much as I want right now so I’m good,” Dice replied.

“Here~☆ !”

My eyes widened in shock as Ramuda dumped candy into the growing portion of food in front of

“Here’s some sweets since you used to love them so much! In case you don’t want any more
sushi~☆ ! You like them right? Take some!”

With the way the blue eyes dangerously glowed, I knew I couldn’t give them back.

Swallowing the thick sense of dread, I ate all offered food (except the candy) slowly.

I mean, I’d have to eat it all somehow… and the bills for these...

I toughened up and started to chew slowly. The food wouldn’t disappear if I just sat there.

“Hey Samatoki-sama~☆ ”

I looked to my right to spot Ramuda. He had his brows furrowed, which was a rare look on him in
public presently. He seemed conflicted as his mouth opened and closed, searching for the right


“I have a question,” Ramuda spoke carefully as the other rappers around us were too busy with
each other to listen to our conversation.

“Why are you so nice to everyone?”

The question left me stunned for a little bit. I was nice? The only thing I could remember is how
cruel I was to the rappers near me and how harshly I treated them in the far past, not this past, but
the one before.

I contemplated the answer for a while, trying to think of a proper answer I could give Ramuda as I
shoved food down my throat.

I swallowed the tempura down and washed it with miso soup.

Then I told him that I was nice because of my past. Which is true in many ways because the past
not only defines the past of this time but the past of the last time as well. Not to mention the future
is also my past. I think that was the best answer I could give him because no other answer would
answer the question as well as I thought an answer should.

I didn’t tell him I was in debt though.

That would be awkward for the both of us.

“Sama-nii,” Brat #3 tugged at my shirt. I turned to Brat #3 who looked at me with round eyes.
“Do you know where we’ll be staying for the night? It’s too late for us to go back to Ikebukuro so
my brothers and I decided we were going to stay at a hotel.”

“Huh,” I glanced over to Ichiro who’s eyes narrowed. “I know a place you could stay for the

“Good,” Yamada brat 3 beamed. “Oh, before we go, make sure you finish your food, Sama-nii.”

I nodded at the menacingly lit at the end of his voice. To be honest, I wasn’t even scared of not
finishing the sushi anymore.

At first, I thought it was endearing that Brat #3 would now call me ‘Sama-nii’, but now that he’s
using it freely, I hated the way Ichiro glared at me every time the brat said it.

Fuck Chuuohku.

Chapter End Notes

OvO A nice Sushi snack at the end of a battle! Samatoki please do something about
your side!
Memory of the Future
Chapter Summary

TRIGGER WARNING for Suicide! Please do NOT read if that topic makes you feel

The first peak at the future. Just what did Samatoki live through?

Chapter Notes

TRIGGER WARNING for Suicide! Please do NOT read if that topic makes you feel

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Someone’s throat must have burned as they screamed from the roof. Pale hands reached down and
brushed the fingertips of the blonde man who fell, his back facing the earth.


A body desperately lunged but was held back from jumping after the blonde ex-host. A pair of
firm hands, a pair of feeble hands both held onto the body.

The desperate actions of the screaming man whittled into nothing.

Red eyes widened at the deafening thud and then the squelch of human flesh landing on dirt
cement the wrong way. The ears of the man with outstretched hands rang as the sound of a body, of
Izanami, hitting the ground repeated in their mind. A body, Izanami, that was to never rise again.

“Fuck! Izanami! Fuck you Izanami! You idiot! Dunce! I ain’t telling Kannonzaka shit! I ain’t
telling Kannonzaka shit!”

The man repeated loudly from the roof to someone who could not hear him. Hot rain fell from
misted red eyes as the man screamed at the sky. Screamed at the ground. Screamed at a dead
person. Screamed at a coward. Screamed, at the blonde corpse he had called a friend.

It was possible that this man was being emotional, childish, and irrational.

He briefly thought that he would not be acting like this if he decided on something long ago. If he
had chosen to be like the cop, someone who decided ahead of time that dying for someone was his
reason to live. Or if he had chosen to be like the office worker who decided that he would live
through each day for someone else. Or if he was like the clown and died before he realized what
was happening.

Would the man who did not feel like a man, be more adult-like?
The red-eyed man’s knees felt weak and he gave in, crumpling to the ground as a sobbing mess.

A large ex-navy soldier and a small, petite man released him once they deemed him harmless.

The pale man cried for the death of a loved one.

They let him cry.

So he wept, loudly. Hands burying his face like the other bodies of allies he had bid farewell to.



The red-eyed man turned around in complete shock. The petite man clasped his hand over his chest
as he heaved. Red liquid seeped from his mouth and nose. They splattered on the roof, dying its
dusty grey to a metallic red.

The weeping man quickly collected himself and rushed over to the coughing man. He pulled the
tiny body into a hug and picked him up gently in a bridal style. The shaking man had no weight
and could easily be carried. He walked down the roof and snuck around the building with the taller
man acting as a guide.

“We’ll use the back door.”

The ex-yakuza only nodded to the ex-soldier’s words. The two men hurried out of the building. The
shivering man continued to cough and when he tried to stifle his cough, the pale man scolded him.

“Hang in there, Ramuda,” the red-eyed man spoke in a low voice.

The candy production for the tiny man was finished with all of the chemicals needed discovered
and the blueprints completed. The prototype had also been proven to be good. The problem was the
production of the candy. It was near impossible to get all the required ingredients to make the
candy needed.

The white-haired man wobbled as he carried the smaller man. His legs wouldn’t stop shaking, but
he did not stop. He had to keep running. For the petite man’s sake.

The trio avoided the bloody mess at the front of the building and rushed out the back. The detour
would seem troublesome, but it was to offset the possible trauma that the corpse held.

Their footsteps pounded the earth loudly and they ran into their base. A campsite with multiple

“Fuck,” the man muttered. He headed to one specific tent. This man had yet to set his mind on
whether he should die protecting someone or live for someone else as well as his own, but he was
dead set on saving those he could.

“Dice!” The man barged into the medical tent. “Do we have more candy?!”

“Give me a second!”

A younger voice yelled back as a blue haired man darted deeper into the tent. The pale man
propped the petite man on a makeshift bed on the ground. The younger man ran back with a
lollipop in his hand.
“Ramuda,” the young man shouted, “Open your mouth!”

The tiny man was breathing heavily, his chest moving up and down as his body shook, still, the
injured man did what he was told to do.

The white-haired man felt relief crashing into him as the lollipop gently rolled in the small man’s

“What happened to the host?”

The youngest man of the tent asked, looking at the red eyes.

“He fell off the roof,” the man supplied an answer, a grim look on his face.

“P or A?”

“I wish it was an accident,” the man answered the younger man’s question. He looked at his
shaking hands draped on his knees.

“At least you were awake to run after him.”

“I couldn’t stop him.”

“It’s okay,” the younger man reassured the older one.

“It’s not okay,” the older man lamented, “He died and I could’ve done something.”

“Then…” The blue-haired man’s eyes flared in anger. “Then what am I to say about Gen?” The
older man stopped his lamentations. Remembering an author who shared a couple of laughs with
him, he could only shake his head.

“Sorry,” the man mumbled an apology. Red eyes darted everywhere and looked at everything but
the eyes that belonged to the individual who was also grieving.

“I just watched him, Toki,” the ex-gambler rambled, “He jumped in front of the attack meant for
Ramuda and me. There was enough time for him to turn his head and smile. Enough time for
Ramuda to grab his leg. Enough time for him to say ‘thank you’ and ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘I love you’
and ‘goodbye’ and ‘stay safe’ and ‘survive’ before that selfish prick left us for good.”

“Sorry,” the ex-gangster mumbled another apology.

“I-It’s fine,” the younger man sighed as he eyed the petite man whose breathing was returning to
normal. “I just… Nah, it’s fine. I’m sorry for ranting to you.”

“It’s okay,” the older man shoved his hands into his pockets to hide their shaking movements. “I’ll
treat you to some of Rio’s food if he cooks tonight as an apology. Heard we might have enough
rations to get a good meal this time around.”

“I’ll take you up on that,” the ex-gambler grinned. His eyes revealed how tired and weary the
young man truly was, but there was still a fight visible in them. Red eyes left the tent wondering if
they had some sort of fight left in their eyes too. He briefly passed by a man with heterochromatic
eyes, giving him a comforting pat on his shoulder.

Cicadas hummed loudly as if Japan wasn’t going to ruin and the night sky that held stars who
watched a blonde man fall tonight didn’t fall as he did. No stars fell to grant the pale man a chance
for a wish. The sky and the noise sounded so peaceful.
The man closed his eyes for a brief second. It was as if nothing was broken.

“Still looking at the stars, Samatoki?”

The man looked back down to see a different man walking towards him. He approached the pale
man with a benign smile. There was a scar on his right eye caused by a hand-to-hand fight with
some combat forces from some foreign country.

“The night sky is truly beautiful when there’s a lot of stars,” the man with broken glasses around
his neck said.

“I agree,” the pale man nodded. His eyes roamed over to the other man’s left arm. Or more
specifically, his missing left arm.

“Shouldn't you be resting?” The pale man questioned the older man.

“I am fine,” the older man said. He glanced over to the pale man, his own ruby red eyes eyeing the
pale man’s figure. “What about your back?”

“What about my back?”

“If I remember correctly, Jinguji Jakurai managed to cut it up,” the man recalled with a swish of a
finger belonging to his right arm.

“Bah,” the pale man huffed, “It’s healed by now.”

“Did you not get it checked?” The older man asked, concerned for the younger’s well-being.

“Dice disinfected it and everything for me. Yotsutsuji managed to touch it up too.”

“I see...”

The other man tallied off and the two basked in the other’s silent presence. Thinking of many
things. Soon the pale man broke the silence.

“Why did you protect me?”

Bloody red eyes, puffy from crying, lingered on the nub of a shoulder that lacked an arm. The one-
armed man shrugged, his nub of a shoulder bouncing up and down.

“Whether you believe it or not, you were important to Sasara and you are important to me.”


“Don’t worry about it too much,” the man said when the younger one stayed silent. He laughed
dainty despite his appearance, “Just focus on surviving and winning this war alive.”

“Okay,” the bloody red eyes replied, “Do you have any news to share with me?”

“As you can see, many people are asleep. You haven’t missed a thing,” lied the ruby red eyes.

“Wrong,” the pale man called the other out on his lies, “I woke up to Izanami running, I was out
the entire day. There must be something I missed.”

The older man’s face bunched up in the moonlight and the shadows scattered all over his face. He
looked terrifying for a split second. He looked like a man who did not know what to do, what he
was doing, and why he was still alive.

That look was terrifying to the younger man.

“Well,” the older man looked at the ground, “We attempted to capture Jinguji Jakurai.”

“He came back?!”

“We almost lost Hitoya-san because of that,” the older man stated, a pair of red eyes refusing to
meet the other pair. “So Kadenokoji... no... he had to be… He had to be put down.”

The younger pair of red eyes closed.

The man with broken glasses sighed, “That’s what Kuko told me.”

“Kuko, huh? How’s he doing?”

The younger pair of red eyes were calm when they opened. This was because the young man
believed that there was no other alternative choice for the doctor. Once someone was under the
True Hypnosis Mic (THM), no one would be able to escape. No one would be able to withstand it
or fight against it.

The pale man already mourned the loss of the doctor when he fell to the THM. He was not going
to waste time to mourn again.

“Kuko? He’s doing alright. Last I saw, he was really pissed that one of his own was injured.”

“He’d be pissed if you or I were injured too.”

“I mean one of his ex-division members.”

“Isn’t the old Bad Ass Temple the only one with all the members still alive?”

“If you count Jyushi as still living, I guess,” the older man sighed. Ruby red eyes roamed from the
ground to meet bloody red eyes.

“He’s living albeit under the hypnosis mic,” the younger man hummed. “I know Kuko. You know
Kuko. That’s enough for him to be hopeful. Do you hear what he tells Hitoya-san at times?”

“Yeah,” the man with ruby red eyes had a pitying smile, “I know.”

It fell silent once again for the two men. They stared out at the night sky littered with stars
unwilling to aid them.

“You should get some sleep,” the younger man finally said.

“So should you,” the man with only one arm replied.

“I’ll get some now,” red eyes drifted to the ground.

“Then I as well,” red eyes that stayed looking at the sky.

The older man then made his way back to his tent to get rest for the night.
“Good night, Rosho.”

The younger man called out.

The older man turned around to face him. His purple hair rustled from the blowing winds and his
broken glasses taped together, hung on his neck moved ever so slightly.


Then the man turned around and retired to his tent.

Throughout the conversation, the cicadas still sang. They were annoying and a false act of peace,
but it reminded the pale man of what the world was like. A darkened place still filled with hope.

He wondered.

If bugs like cicadas could be happy, why couldn’t he?

The pale man walked into his tent, colder now that there was one less person. Laying on the
haphazard blanket, red eyes closed after the man tucked himself in.

Chapter End Notes

Sorry about the late update! I had something planned and I forgot that I wouldn't be
able to upload. I'm still putting up a chapter tomorrow!
Awkward Morning
Chapter Summary

A breakfast with the Yamadas. What could go wrong?

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes


I was startled awake.

I hadn’t screamed, but it was a mumble that left my mouth unconsciously. I turned to the side to see
if Brat #3 woke up. Luckily, he was still in a sleeping position, his back turned against me, his
chest rising and falling so softly.

After the sushi snack, we all went our separate ways. Matenrou bid us farewell as Fling Posse left
with promises of another meeting. Dice specifically requested to meet me soon as well. Brat #3
requested us, MTC, to sleep in the hotel with the Buster Bros. Jyuto refused, but Yamada brat #3
insisted so we ended up going to the hotel. We got three rooms and split it up between the six of us.

Jyuto and Rio shared a room, Ichiro and Brat #2 shared a room, and me and Brat #3 shared a room.
Brat #3 didn't seem like he would wake up anytime soon. My fingers itched for a stick. I had to
smoke. So, I moved quietly to the door. I think I heard the Brat stir, but I left anyway. That
wouldn't wake him up.

Outside on a balcony, I was thankful this hotel had, I puffed at my cig as my insides churned.

I felt the urge to throw up, but I swallowed the thick gunk down and puffed at my cig instead. I ate
too much today. Or maybe I couldn’t stomach the sight of corpses in my dream. Or maybe, I just
felt like throwing up.

I withheld the bile rising from my throat and the midnight snack that followed after it. My body
shuddered involuntarily as I gagged. Suddenly, I felt a hand rubbing soothing circles on my back. I
retched but refused to let anything come out of my mouth.


My brain couldn’t register the voice, but I recognized a trash can being pushed to my face.
Immediately I hurled whatever was bothering the fuck out of my digestive system and hacked.
Even after everything left my system, it took a while for my body to calm down. It didn’t matter if I
stopped coughing or barfing, my body continued to shake.

The reassuring hand never stopped their circular path.

Once I regained control of my shivering body, I pushed the trash can away. Or, I tried too, but my
arms were apparently too weak. All that training for naught. Just when I was getting positive
The same comforting hands placed the trash can out of my view.

“Thanks,” I spoke to the person who helped me out.

When I straightened my back, I didn’t expect to see the person I did. A teenager in his last year of
being a teen stood with both hands in his pockets. Earphones on his neck instead of headphones
and the distinct look of pierced earlobes without any earrings. His mismatched eyes tracked my

Suddenly I felt really weak. I didn’t like this at all.

“No problem, Aohitsugi-san.”


God, I started to hear cicadas that weren’t even here. Maybe I’m finally going insane.

Ichiro looked at me with those accusing eyes of his and I only stared back.

Fuck it all. I should’ve just stayed in the room… Well, if I was gonna throw up, I would rather it
be in front of Ichiro than Brat #3.

“Did you eat too much?”

It had to be like three-thirty AM or something. Why was he still awake? I was pretty much
insomniac and the food woke me up, but I’d be asleep if it wasn’t for that.

I had someone with me after all. I could go to sleep fine because Brat #3 was there.

“I guess," I muttered.

“You guess?” Ichiro scoffed. Silently he walked over to me and placed a hand on my stomach. I
was surprised at the sudden touch. It was shockingly gentle.

“Do you eat?”


“Doesn’t seem like it,” Ichiro clicked his tongue. After pressing on my stomach several times, he
retracted his hand.

I wasn’t going to barf again. No. But it definitely wasn't gentle anymore.

“You know how to cook, don’t you? Here’s a hypocrite who doesn’t even eat his own meals.”

“I haven’t forgotten,” I muttered. “It’s just… I don’t have time for it anymore.”

“Once a liar, always a liar,” Ichiro hissed.

Maybe it was my stomach ache or that his words stung, but the truth spilled out faster than I could

Maybe it’s true that words are faster than thoughts.

“Food, no matter how good, is tasteless when eaten alone.”

“Alone? Clueless as always,” Ichiro huffed, “You have your teammates, Nemu, and most
importantly, Saburo is with you! Do you need them physically next to you?! What is that

I stayed silent as Ichiro started to rant. It was sudden, but I could tell he was trying to hold back a
while ago. I think he wanted to talk about it with someone for a long time. It was something that he
must have withheld for a really long time.

I knew this because I saw him cry.

“You haven’t changed a single fucking bit and I’m over here scraping by trying to be someone like
you. You never realize there are people around you that are willing to help, or that there are people
worth telling something to. Stop acting like you’re fucking alone. Just what in the world do you
have or know that burdens you too much?!”

“Just what have you lost to act that sad?! What about me? We got through it this far together,
Samatoki-san. Trust me more and let’s continue on!”

“Your burden is our burden too!”

“Your burden is my burden too!”

My eyes shook and a soft smile formed on my lips.

They say the exact same things.

My smile grew larger and I made no movement to comfort the crying child in front of me.

The child that I could no longer see as that man.

“I have nothing to say.”

“Good, let’s get through this together, Samatoki-san!”

“Weren’t you the one who said that ‘sometimes it’s stronger to ask for help than it is to not ask for
help’?! Why aren’t you telling me anything?!”

“I’m not young,” I retorted, it was funny that he remembered the words I said years ago. I could
barely remember what I said this morning.

“You’re a fucktard through and through. A fucking disappointment,” Ichiro hissed.

That stung, bitch. But I felt oddly at peace. It was like a reminder of what I did and why I did it. I
had no plans on telling him anything. I had no qualms about my decision either.

I don’t think I would be able to tell him anything.

Ichiro knows this too. It wasn’t just me that knew.

I'm sure he knows too because why else would he be like this? He’s telling me something as that
child who left me before I could leave him. He wasn’t speaking as someone who didn’t know, but
rather as that tadbit of the past, he tried to suppress. Was the real reason he left me and blamed me
because he was afraid I would leave him first?

Funny, I’d never do that.

Then again, that’s what I speculated. I don’t know if I was right or not.

I’m most likely wrong.

But on the off chance, I was right, it comforted me more in an odd way. It wasn't because of me
that Ichiro hates me, it's because of his own fear.

I smiled at the comfort.

Ichiro stormed off.

I only watched his fading but living back.

It was not a surprise when Ichiro refused to take part in the breakfast between our two divisions. I
think that was expected.

Brat #2 and Brat #3 exchanged glances and whispers amongst each other before staring me down. I
just ignored them to eat my simple, light meal.

A piece of buttered, toasted bread. It was savory and I could eat it without upsetting my stomach.

“Samatoki,” Jyuto glared at me, “Did you do something wrong?”

“Why do you assume it’s me?” I complained. I looked at Jyuto who glared at me.

“Because the children are not exactly discreet when looking at you.”

“It could be about something else,” Rio butt in. “We would like to give you the benefit of the
doubt, but if you do know something, you should tell me and Jyuto. It is common courtesy as

I chewed slowly and swallowed the sweet bread nowhere near as good as Yanagi-san’s. As it
traveled down, I could taste the remaining, bitter throw-up mixed with it.


I finished my breakfast, drowning it in water.

“I saw him last night and we talked,” I said loudly. The two brats stopped chatting and looked over
at me. “That’s it.”

“That’s obviously not just ‘it’,” Jyuto frowned. He sighed and pushed his glasses up, “But I
suppose if I were to question you, you wouldn’t answer me, correct?”

I shrugged and Jyuto huffed angrily like the bunny he was. Maybe he should just stomp around if
he's that mad.

“So, how are you guys?” I asked the kids, ignoring the flabbergasted bunny cop. Flabbergasted,
maybe that author did rub off on me somehow. “Just tired from last night?”

“Uh,” Brat #2 looked like a fish with his gaping mouth and wide eyes. He didn’t know what to say
so Brat #3 spoke in his stead.

“We’re doing okay, Sama-nii,” Brat #3 smiled, “It’s just that Nii-chan looked really really upset.”

“You met with him last night, right? What did you talk about?”

“I guess I did say talk, but,” I shifted my eyes from the prying heterochromatic eyes of Brat #3, “It
was more of a rant that I listened to. We didn’t communicate well. His words went over my head as
did mine to him.”

My feet shifted under the table as I tried to get into a more comfortable position.


I looked up to Mary had a little lamb’s chime. Someone’s phone number? I noticed Brat #3 glare at
Brat #2 and I assumed that it was his. Pretty cute. He excused himself hastily and rushed out to the

Chuckling, I turned back to Brat #3 who huffed.

“Sorry about Stupid Jiro. He doesn’t really know any manners. He lacks brain cells,” Yamada brat
3 huffed. I whacked him lightly on the head and sighed.

“He’s still your older brother, treat him with the respect he deserves.”

“Boo,” Brat #3 pouted, but he listened to me quite well so I was happy. A couple of seconds later a
confused Brat #2 came back.

“You finally back, stupid?”

I glanced over to Brat #2 who refused to meet my eyes. However, it oddly didn't affect Brat #3.

“Jiro?” Brat #3 ended up speaking in confusion to the lack of reaction.

“Uhm…” Yamada brat 2 finally opened his mouth. He stared straight at Jyuto much to my
curiosity. “Could the corrupt cop come with me?”


Jyuto looked fairly shocked as well. He stood up slowly and we awkwardly shifted so that Jyuto
could leave the table.

“What do you need from me, little boy?”

“Uhm,” Brat #2 was definitely shell-shocked. The insults didn’t even leave a mark. Scrunching up
his nose, Brat #2 said, “Let’s go over there…”

Jyuto glanced over at me and Rio. I shrugged and Rio’s eyes glinted.

“Of course,” Jyuto raised an eyebrow. He followed through with Brat #2’s request and they soon
left to who knows where.

“Well, that was… interesting.”

“I agree,” Rio looked over at me and nodded. “I hope that there is no problem.”

“Of course not,” Brat #3 snapped, “Jiro might be stupid, but he’s not that stupid…” Biting his
fingernails, Yamada brat 3 looked to the side. “At least… I don’t think so…”
“I’m sure he isn’t,” I vouched for the middle brother that wasn’t present. The middle brother… He
was the one who wore his heart on his sleeves all the time. At least, that’s what it always looked

He was similar to Dice, I thought mindlessly reaching for my empty cup. Both of them always had
a personality that could easily brighten others’ moods and they were always so easy to read. But
they were also the best liars among all of us.

“Samatoki, that cup’s empty,” Rio looked at me.

I only smiled faintly at the ex-navy.

“Not if you believe it isn’t,” I tipped the cup all the way, the drop I was waiting for finally falling
to my finger. “This was still in there.”

“I don’t understand you sometimes, Sama-nii,” Brat #3 looked at me.

My red eyes glistened as I smiled. Yep, no one would be able to understand me and I’d be alone in
that sense. I was pulled away from my thoughts when I noticed a certain brother returning.

Something was wrong.

Brat #2 walked back alone. I raised an eyebrow at the missing MTC member.

“You’re one person short,” I hummed.

“He’s uh,” Yamada brat 2 stammered, “He’s busy with Nii-chan, uh, stuff. Police stuff!”

In an attempt to fix his mistake, Brat #2 quickly switched his words, but the truth was already
revealed. From the corner of my eye, I noticed Rio opening his mouth to question the middle
brother. I grasped his leg and squeeze it to tell him to hush and I glanced over to Brat #2.

“Aight,” I motioned Brat #2 to take his seat back and Brat #3 mumbled, moved. Rio also eyed the
middle one with suspicion.

A suspicion that made sense. I mean, why did Ichiro need Jyuto?

Was he going to try and get something out of Jyuto? That’s too bad because Jyuto knows less than
he does. Ichiro grew up next to me for five years and never really left my sight while Jyuto only
knew me for a couple of months to a year.

Their knowledge is vastly different, I say.

Chapter End Notes

Whew, I hope this chapter makes up for the sadness in the past chapter! Though I can't
say much. Ichiro and Samatoki met?

Side note, I did post Tuesday's chapter, yesterday! If you hadn't read it yet, you can
just go back, but TRIGGER WARNING there is a mention of suicide.
Rainy Shinjuku
Chapter Summary

Samatoki goes to Shinjuku since a certain cop seems to be avoiding him.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Jyuto ignored my messages after breakfast with the Yamada brothers. I wondered what the hell
they spoke about, but it wasn’t really my decision so I decided to feign ignorance to it. Instead, I
decided it was better to run off and play around on my own.

I walked into Shinjuku’s Sweet Sweets after a quick message an hour prior to my arrival. Since my
current teammates were a bit busy, I might as well have some fun on my own. I sighed, rummaging
my pockets for a cig to smoke when I finished my light snack.

Rubbing my tired eyes awake, I noticed someone standing in front of my table. I looked up to
notice Tsuju staring at me. The haughty look in his eyes remained as a steaming mug of coffee was
gently placed on the table.

“You look like you need some waking up, Boss,” Tsuju cracked a grin.

I reflected on it and took the cup by the handle.

“Thanks, Tsuju.”

“Of course,” Tsuju grinned. He glanced over to the counter where Piioin was. His green eyes were
staring at us as Tsuju scoffed at him. “The idiot was upset you didn’t come to the counter and went
straight for a table.”

“My bad,” my voice lacked the apologetic tone as I drawled out. The coffee mirrored my tired
eyes, fuck. I could see my white hair droop down as Tsuju gave me a sort of reassuring pat on the

“I’ll tell him you were sincerely sorry,” he said with a laughing tilt to his voice. He got up and
walked away as I sipped the coffee slowly. It burned my tongue a little, but that was fine. It gave
me the kick I needed to wake up.

I blew on the mug trying to get the heat to cool down even if it was just a hundredth of a degree
down. Glancing to the side, I could see Piion practically skipping over with a cake slice in his

I thanked him and took the tiramisu from his hands.

“Boss,” Pinion’s giddy smile was lifting my mood. “Thanks for coming to visit us!” His wavy
copper hair flounced as he took a seat in front of me.

“Of course,” I nodded my head slowly. A fork pushed through the soft slice on my plate.
“You are getting enough sleep, right?” Pinion tilted his head as he looked at me dumbly, “You said
that we help you go to sleep and text us so much during the night."

Fuck, come on Piion. Don’t fucking expose me like that. I smiled at him tired as the piece of cake
slid into my mouth.

“I am.”

“You don’t look like you had slept.”

“That’s because I had a bit of a problem,” I replied. “Apparently, Jyuto is avoiding me.”

“Huh?! Why?! Aren’t you guys friends?!” Piion was baffled and shamelessly took out his own fork
to start eating the tiramisu he brought me. “Should I, like, beat him up? I know he’ like Boss’s new
group, but like, wouldn’t I look cooler with a mic?”

I smiled helplessly at Piion.

“I mean,” Piion took another piece of the cake. “He has green eyes, I have green eyes, I have
brown hair, he has brown hair… Uh…” Piion chewed thoughtfully, “I’d happily replace him for
ya, Boss!”

I knew he was joking, and it would’ve been funny, but at the moment, it really wasn’t. So without
thinking, harsh words slipped out of my mouth.

“Shouldn’t you be at the counter?”

“It’s okay!” Pinion smiled widely, “Tsuju can take care of everything for me-”

“Like hell I can!” Tsuju snapped, scoffing at the copperhead in front of me. “Get back to your
station you dimwit.”

“Aww, but I don’t want to!” Piion wasn’t provoked by the jeer, he simply pouted. This entire
pouting act didn’t faze Tsuju. He grabbed Piion’s ear and dragged him away, saying how great he
was while degrading Piion.

As always, Piion didn’t respond to any of the cruel words or treatment. That guy was a softie after
all. Both of them were, actually.

I glanced at my tiramisu that was basically wiped from the plate. The good thing was that the few
bites I had were enough to make me full. Along with the coffee of course.

I glanced at the table where the two bickered and looked at my empty plate. It hasn’t been that
long, but…. I was already feeling a bit tired. I left the cushioned seat and moved to the counter.
Holding out a couple bills too many, I placed it on the counter that didn’t have a line.

“Thanks for the food. Keep the tips. Make sure to share the money.”

I walked off before they could stop me.

I’m sure it was because I was annoyed that Jyuto was avoiding me. I guess it irked me more than I
would’ve liked it too. Damn.

As Shinjuku’s wind hit battered my body once it stepped outside, I tried to ignore how cold I was
starting to get.
I got to Shinjuku early afternoon, but it looked like the night with all of the clouds in the way. I
briefly wondered if it was going to rain. Only briefly, because it did actually start to rain. It was
raining pretty harshly too. A downpour.

I was drenched as soon as the rain started. People were running by either side of me and I couldn’t
even see a step in front of me. Not that it mattered. I was walking where I wanted to go, I think. I
couldn’t really remember the streets of Shinjuku, but if it was Yokohama, I could walk to
anywhere I wanted to blinded. Ikebukuro too, actually.

Shinjuku and Shibuya were the ones that I was the most worried about in that sense, but that’s fine.
I knew enough, or at least, I would’ve liked to think I knew enough.

Damn, the sticky clothes were really annoying. I wondered if I could get sick from this. I’d hope
not, but if I did, I wouldn’t mind the additional training for my body. It would be good to have a
strong immune system. Or does getting sick actually help?

As I stopped in my daze of wonder, someone grabbed my arm.

“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?!”

I couldn’t see them through the rain, but an umbrella was thrust into my free hand. Then I was
dragged away, running through puddles that made a bigger mess of my pants. Thank fuck that it
was okay for my vintage clothes to get wet. The person who shouted, a man by the voice, dragged
me off into a rather loud building.

I shivered as the cold invaded my body. I couldn’t tell from the temperature difference outside and
the rain was rather warm so I let it warm me up, but in here, the rain was simply cold and the
building was cold.

“Kiyo, you’re back!” “Are you alright? You look drenched…” “Did you find her?” “Didn’t we
give you an Umbrella?”

There were so many voices that I couldn’t register. I only realized that the hand grabbing my arm
released its grip, leaving my arm to feel cold again.

“Who’s that?”

Someone spoke behind me and I could see a finger pointed my way. I would be lying if I said I
wasn’t tempted to bite it. Who did the fucker think he was?

“I couldn’t find her, but I found him,” the person who dragged me, Kiyo, huffed. “He was just
standing there in the rain, I had to bring him in before he got sick.”

“But you let her go?!” Someone screeched in a mild whisper.

“We can find her later,” Kiyo complained, “It’s not fair to leave him out there!”

“Thank you,” I finally spoke, lifting my wet head from the ground. “What’s the problem here?”

The men in suits looked uncomfortable. Suits. I quickly recognized my surroundings. Maybe I
didn’t know Shinjuku as well as I thought because I thought I was walking to the train, but I ended
up walking closer to Fragrance. My feet must know the way here unconsciously.

“Someone walked in and left without paying,” someone responded. I quickly recognized the voice
as Izanami. “There was a short power outage when the rain first started and they took that chance
to run. I promised you that I could pay for her, so why is everyone stopping me?”

“Because Izanami-senpai,” Kiyo whined. “We can’t let you do that again!”

“Then…” My mouth opened on its own. Izanami turned to look at me and his gold eyes widened in
shock. “I can pay for it.”

“Huh?! You just came out of the rain, buddy, I don’t think that’s a good-”

“I have money,” I interrupted whoever was talking.

“We can discuss this later,” Izanami suddenly snapped. He walked closer to me and grabbed my
shoulder, “We should get Kiyo-kun and Samatoki-kun towels or something. They will freeze.”

“Thank you, senpai,” Kiyo looked rather pleased as Izanami praised him for bringing me here. The
grip on my shoulder did not detach, it got firmer and a bit more painful every passing second.

“Are you fine, Samatoki-kun?”


A rather angry and hopeless look was tossed my way and Izanami walked off to who knows where.
I watched him leave and decided that I should get going too. First the bills were laid out, then I
pulled the towel off and folded it quickly. It was wet, but I wasn’t planning to stay here. It looked
like the rain was easing too. Not waning, but easing enough for me to see 10 steps ahead of myself.

“Where are you going?”

The host named Kiyo looked at me curiously. He was covered in towels and had a blanket tossed
over him.


“You should stay in. You’ll catch a cold.”

“I think I’ll be fine,” I smiled. Then I booked it for the door. As sophisticated as I could, of course.
I didn’t want the customers here to think of me weirdly. Just as I grabbed the door handle, I was
pulled back by rather surprising strength.

“Samatoki-kun,” Izanami muttered darkly, “Why are you leaving?”

“I don’t feel comfortable here,” I replied with an even tone.

“Then wait a little more,” Izanami coaxed me away from the door. “Wait for me.”

And he left.

I didn’t know what the fuck Izanami was going off about because there was no reason for me to
wait for him. He had work ‘til late and it was still late afternoon at the best.

Yeah, I was fucking surprised that he asked for an early leave.

He placed his suit jacket over my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. Man, I think I felt my
heart pump. If I was any other person, I probably would’ve fallen head over heels.

“We’re going to my apartment,” Izanami’s voice changed to the more uppity and cheerful one. He
dragged me along, keeping an arm wrapped around my shoulder and both of us under the umbrella.

I couldn’t even complain was we walked through Shinjuku. From Fragrance to their apartment. It
was interesting how Izanami didn’t complain how wet he got from sharing an umbrella with me
and just keeping me close to him in general.

I did enjoy the warmth though.

“Doppo-chin~ We’re back home!!!”

Izanami shouted loudly.

“Hifumi!!!” Kannonzaka yelled back, “I thought you said you were going to let me sleep more!!!”

“But Samama is here,” Izanami’s voice dropped into a normal volume.

That’s when I started to hear a lot of fumbling and curses. Kannonzaka stumbled out rather
comically rushing to me. His eyes looked at both of us disbelievingly.

“Take a shower. You guys look cold.”

“It’s okay. I can just take one later-”

“Take a damn shower,” Kannonzaka glared at Izanami who shrunk away. The glare became
apologetic as they landed on me, “I’m sorry, Aohitsugi-san. We don’t have extra clothes that might
fit you.”

“I’d rather stay in this,” I announced.

So I got a blanket draped over me.

Funny how this led to eating dinner here and me staying the night over. They were pretty
convincing, Kannonzaka and Izanami. I left without eating breakfast since both of them were so
deadbeat tired from last night. Kannonzaka woke up as I left and thankfully didn’t try to stop me.

He just waved and stated I was welcome there anytime.

Chapter End Notes

Whoo! Doppo and Hifumin are definitely just trying to take care of Samatoki. They're
like parents :'D Oh, just in case it was unclear, Doppo didn't have work that day!
Sunny Shibuya
Chapter Summary

Samatoki gets a call from a gambler who wants to eat breakfast with him...

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

The sun was shining pretty brightly for a late morning such as this one. But it still excluded a
calming atmosphere. At least, it should’ve but there were two larger factors ruining that.


One factor was that.

I glanced over to see Dice engulfing his breakfast at such a fast pace I couldn’t even follow it. I
glanced back down at my own decent breakfast. I had a hot coffee and two pastries paid for by

Dice said that I could finish repaying my debts with breakfast today and claimed that he would pay
for my meal. He got me a decent-sized breakfast meal and stated I didn't eat enough. He also didn't
pay for his own meal. That led to the second factor of the not calm atmosphere.

The second factor was the pair of green eyes staring at me from the side.

I had to admit that the suspicious and amused stare wasn't very welcoming despite who it came

Gentaro Yumeno had invited himself over and paid for his own breakfast along with Dice's. He
also took this time to stare me down. Ripping me apart from the seams in his imagination and
dissecting my insides.

Yeah, I wasn’t really enjoying this at all. It felt awkward a bit because of Gentaro but if Dice
wasn’t here it would be tense, not awkward.

So I had to pat Dice on the back for that one. Mentally of course.

“You know when you said you’d treat me, I didn’t think you’d be bringing a guest,” I joked after
finishing my coffee. I think I’ll have to take the rest in a to-go box or something. My hand rose to
ask for a box so I could store the pastry. But then I caught Dice’s glare and silently asked for
another coffee before biting into the second pastry.

“Well, I didn’t know I’d bring one either!” Dice reply was chipper after I started to down the
second pastry.

I laughed hopelessly and glanced at my phone. Jyuto had avoided me since that meetup with Ichiro
two days ago and as of yesterday, Rio was avoiding me too.

My best guess is that Jyuto told Rio what he spoke with Ichiro about, but they didn't bother telling
me which, in all honesty, was slightly annoying. I guess it didn't matter too much. Can't say I
blame them for not wanting to be near me.

Gentaro's eyes sparkled as he broke the awkward atmosphere with his voice.

"How was that breakfast with the Buster Bros?"

And a conversation was brought about. I enjoyed our small chit-chat with each other. It definitely
felt more relaxing compared to what happened a couple of days ago.

"Well, I'm going to go gamble!" Dice hollered as he waved his hand around, "See ya later

"Yeah," I wove lightly as Dice rushed out. Breakfast was simple, light, and fast. It finished faster
than I thought and soon we were already bidding our farewells.


One person wasn't leaving.

I turned around to Gentaro and smoothed out a smile.

“Yumeno-san, is there something you would like to say to me?”

Gentaro eyed with his green eyes, slyly studying my appearance. I wasn’t sure what else I had for
him to dissect, but I could already see myself being reconstructed in his eyes.

“Aohitsugi-san,” Gentaro drawled with a soft smile playing on his lips, “I do believe I have a
couple of questions for you... if you don’t mind.”

“Shoot,” I motioned with my hand, smiling a little at Gentaro. Gentaro looked rather pleased with
my easygoing attitude, but I knew better. In fact, I was more nervous to be talking with the author
in front of me.

“How did you get to know Dice?” Gentaro asked me cautiously. It was as if he was picking out the
best possible word choices to make me tell him what he wanted to know. Scary bastard.

“I got to know him through his, uh, gambling habits,” I smiled thinly. Keeping up a relaxed tone
would be good. Everyone in each division caught on fast, but the one who would catch on the
fastest and also try to pry the most was the very fox before my eyes.

“Habits is most certainly a nicer way of putting it,” Gentaro fondly scoffed. His eyes trailed after
the path Dice took. I glanced at Gentaro with a raised eyebrow, okay so someone is very

“I guess so,” I smiled awkwardly at Gentaro. Gentaro sighed and looked at me with a raised brow.

“You know, you act as a person with many secrets,” he looked at me again with those calculating
eyes of his. That creativity working in his mind.

“As do you,” I smiled at him serenely. Or as serenely as possible.

“Ho?” Gentaro’s lips turned into a small smirk. I smirked at him back. He was one to disrespect
boundaries unless he was scared or if he spoke to an ally. “You coincidentally know a lot of those
in the divisions.”
“I tend to travel some,” I shrugged, “Or my luck is just that great.”

Gentaro sighed lightly at my coy act. “You speak as if you are Dice.”

I shrugged in reply, not knowing how to answer him properly. I mean, I don’t know how to walk
free from this lie detector. I should’ve seen this coming. I spent more time focusing on Ramuda
than Gentaro. I asked, Papari from MCD Remnants to start working on Ramuda’s candy formula. I
gave him a small pack from the ones I hoarded over time. He was eager to help and I thanked him
for it. Instead of replicating it, he would be making that near-omnipotent candy that Dice would
have created in the future. The one that wasn’t created due to the lack of resources.

“I must say, you are rather intelligent for someone I would expect to be rather idiotic,” Gentaro
smiled at me but I knew there was something more telling, more sinister underneath that smile. He
wanted to dig out the secrets.

“And you are not as intelligent as I thought, Yumeno-san,” I nodded. The edges of his lips twitched
and Gentaro looked more amused than ever.

“I wonder why,” thinning out his smile, he laughed at me. I chuckled along.

“You like to step on landmines, don’t you? I may be nicer than Ramuda, but I’m less willing to

“So you admit to having secrets, but you’ll make a clear line between us,” Gentaro whispered to
himself. He looked up at me and raised a brow. In a louder voice, he said, “I suppose I will yield
for now.”

As expected, his self-preservation is extremely high. He couldn't afford to lose his life over
something as trivial as this. Gentaro sought revenge for his brother. I knew what he was thinking
because I will feel it many times over in the future if I don’t change anything.

Something he had kept in mind which is why I still didn’t understand why he chose to protect. No,
I knew why he chose to protect. The ones he protected simply didn’t understand it.

I looked at Gentaro’s eyes, weary of my movements.

“Thanks,” red eyes crinkled in a mix of faux and real joy, “I’m going to head out now. Talk to you

“Of course,” Gentaro nodded.

“You know,” I glanced over to the brunette author. “If you have any problems, you should tell me.
As long as you don’t ask questions, I’m a pretty friendly guy.”

“How odd for a yakuza to say that,” he mused before whisking himself away.

I laughed by myself and headed for Shibuya’s Sweet Sweets Cafe. Apparently, there was one fairly
close by. I agreed to meet Dice of course, but there was an extra bonus of coming to Shibuya other
than seeing Dice and Gentaro.

I found the cafe easily with its familiar sign that looked more homey than the pop that surrounded
Shibuya. Opening the door, I listened to a familiar, yet different chime and I stalked up to the
counter instead of taking a seat.

“Hey,” I spoke to the girl in the front, “Is Koni Machuru working here today?”
She nodded her head and rushed to the back. A couple of seconds later, I noticed a 17-year-old
bounding over with excitement. He glanced at me and waved both of his hands. I moved over to a
different part of the counter to let the other customers order and gave him a quick hug.

“Boss! You really did come!” Koni exclaimed excitedly. “When I read that you could be stopping
by today, I didn’t trust you at all, but then it turned out to be true! That’s so cool! How long are you
going to stay? What would-?”

“Calm down, calm down,” I laughed. “Wash your hands and then come out to the table I’ll be
sitting at.”


Koni exclaimed. He then rushed off and I walked over to a table. As I sat down, I could hear a
commotion in the kitchen. Yanagi-san must really trust him if she made him the head of Shibuya’s
Sweet Sweets. It took longer for him to come than I expected, but as soon as I saw his hands, I
knew why.

In one hand was a serving of dark roast coffee and the other a tiramisu. My most basic order is
Sweet Sweets. I normally ordered this, funny to know that Koni knew about it. Well, if I thought
about it, didn't Tsuju and Piion know too? Huh.

“Thanks, Koni,” I nodded.

“Of course, Boss!” Koni chirped. He took the seat in front of me and watched me sip my coffee.
Okay, thank you, Koni. But you watching me is a bit fucking weird. Then again, Koni is normally

“Did you need anything, in particular, Boss?” Koni tilted his head to the side, eyeing my tiramisu. I
pushed the plate over to him.

“We can share,” I said and before I could hand him a fork, the teenager took one from his pocket.
Bet anyone that bastard already knew I’d consent to let him eat some. “And not really. Since I was
in the area, I thought I’d see you.”

“Cool!” Koni hummed.

We talked about a couple of things, mainly to catch up on what we’ve done since we didn’t get to
talk much during the party. Each time the chime rang, Koni’s head would move worriedly to the
door and the kitchen.

I couldn’t ignore it and told him to go back to work.

He apologized and rushed off. Despite the way he acted, he definitely wasn’t as immature as I
remembered him. Koni grew.

I thought of Ichiro, his brothers and Zinan then nodded. Everyone was growing up.

I glanced over to Koni who headed to the back quickly.

I noticed a familiar pink gremlin taking a seat on the other side. Who would’ve thought that he ate
here? Well, I did take him to the one in Ikebukuro before, didn’t I? Guess he liked Yanagi-san’s
sweets then. For a cafe mix of a bakery, Sweet Sweets was still like home to me. I couldn’t help
but feel proud that it even got the tiny bitch hooked.
Gathering my things, I prepared to leave. I somehow finished everything I ordered. I did want to
tell Koni goodbye physically, but I didn’t really want to run into Ramuda. My appearance is eye-
catching, I already knew this. So I got up and left, texting Koni an apology and a promise to visit
him again later.

It was late afternoon when I received a reply with forgiveness and excitement at the prospect of
seeing me again.

I laughed at it and called over someone to pick me up from Shibuya and take me to Yokohama.

On my way back, I had not expected to see a brother and a sister be torn apart.

“What’s going on?” I asked as the crowd separated for me.

“There was an armed robbery at that shop and a little girl was taken as hostage.”

“Asshole,” I muttered as I walked closer to the robber. There I saw a boy beg for the robber to
release his sister. The police were there, but they were useless fuckers. This is why I prepared

“Hey,” I walked over to the boy, “You alright?”

“My sister…” The boy’s eyes shook as he looked up at me, “She is…”

“Don’t cry,” I gently placed a hand on his back. “You’re her big brother, right? Stay strong for

I then walked confidently towards the robber, ignoring the policemen’s shouts and useless

The robber knew my name. Of course, but he had the audacity to threaten me?”

“Camel cricket-lookin’ ass, prepare yourself for a beating.”

I glared at him as I started to rap.

“Look at this shameful act,

All this because it is strength you lack,
Fucking eyesore, we can fight,
But you won’t last long in my might.
This is Yokohama, Hama belongs to me
And you, roach, should now leave!”

The robber screamed as he was flung back. I was glad to see my skills still remained. I could hone
in on one person no matter how close they were huh. I watched the brother rush to his sister.

“Th-Thank you!” The boy cried.

I smiled at him.

“Your lil’ sis,” I smiled, thinking about my own younger sister, “You better keep her safe.”

The boy's head nodded so fast, I could only see a blur.

Chapter End Notes

Chapter End Notes

Samatoki didn't get sick! Whew~

This time, special thanks and shoutout to serpenscape to for the drama track
An Arrest? (Pt I)
Chapter Summary

After saving the sister, Samatoki finds himself thinking about Nemu. But who knew
she would come to him?

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes


I dragged out the cig in between my fingers.

“Onii-chan! Look! I made Mom’s protective charm into a bracelet that we can share! Be sure to
wear it, okay?”

I looked at my bracelet and spun it around against the ceiling light. I could wonder all day about
what she was doing and all I would know is that she was rising up the ranks in Chuuohku.

“Was she happy?”

“What do you hope for?”
“That she was happy.”
“Then she was.”
“Bitch, you better be telling me the truth.”
“You think I’d lie, Samatoki-san? The audacity, haha.”

“Excuse me, Kashira?”

“What, Rodii?”

I turned my head to the guard at the door. He awkwardly motioned to the side.

“Busujima-san wants to talk to you. Should I let him in?”

“I told you that if it’s either Rio or Jyuto, you can just let them in, Rodii.”

Rodii looked at me with a tight frown before he nodded.

“Of course.”

Leading Rio in, Rodii soon closed the door as my teammate walked over.

“I apologize for the late intrusion.”

“It’s nothin’,” I smiled as the cig in my hand was snuffed out. It was rather late since I got back
from Shibuya pretty late, but I was planning on staying in the office the whole day today anyways.
“Take a seat. What’s up?”

“There’s something I need to discuss with you.”


We pretended as if he and Jyuto didn’t avoid me for the past few days.

Rio took a seat in front of me. I got up to get some coffee for the two of us. He sounded solemn,
huh. Wonder what got his panties in a twist. Rio always had a way of finding things out after all. If
I put him and Yamada brat 3 together, they could probably reach into the deepest of Chuuohku’s
secrets. Not that I really care about that.

“I managed to discover some important information regarding Chuuohku,” Rio looked at me

square in the eye and nodded his head as thanks when I set the coffee down.


I wonder what he found. There were so many things to find that Chuuohku hid.

“Actually, I also wanted to discuss it with Jyuto as well, but he didn’t answer his phone.”

I nodded in understanding, “Probably busy blackmailing someone or chasing after drugs.”

Rio nodded as well. Grabbing the mug of coffee with both hands, he looked at me seriously.

“Samatoki,” Rio hesitated for a split second before continuing on, “You are aware of the Hypnosis
Canceller, right?”

I took my own mug with one hand and tipped it back for a small sip. It was still hot, almost burning
my tongue there.

“Yeah,” I hummed, “What about it?”

“The thing is…” Rio’s brows furrowed, “Ichijuku Kadenokoji said something that made me
curious. I investigated the meaning behind her words and discovered that Chuuohku only has a
handful of cancellers.”

I nodded. I knew this. Rei would not give Chuuohku everything easily as is. He was a man who
liked to play it right. A dumb man, from what I can recall. It didn’t matter anyway. The Hypnosis
cancellers had to be upgraded to cancel upgraded hypnosis mics used by certain strong individuals.

“Okay, and?”

Rio took a long sip of his own coffee. How the fuck he didn’t recoil from the heat, I don’t know.

“Even if there are a few, it is still a problem that must be overcome.”

“That’s true.”

Rio eyed me. Fuck, was I being too nonchalant?

“That is the main issue,” Rio took another sip of his coffee, matching the relaxed atmosphere I had
set up, or was it the other way around? “I thought it was odd that they weren’t mass producing the
Canceller, so I did some more digging. I found records indicating that the development of the
Hypnosis Mic is established outside of Chuuohku.”

I nodded slowly. I understood what that meant. Because Rei was the one who was taking all of the
money. He was the creator and even he underestimated human will.
“So you’re suggesting that someone else is working or rather creating everything related to the
Hypnosis Mic?”

“Yes,” Rio nodded firmly. Placing his mug down, he brought his hands together and looked at me
straight in the eyes. “When I tried to look at the records for the information, it turns out that all the
money goes to some personal account.”

I nodded again, taking another sip of the coffee. If Rio was calm, then there was no need for me to
freak over about it right? I can match his pace. Hopefully, he wasn’t matching mine, that would
make me seem too suspicious.

“I see,” I hummed. Putting the mug on the table and circling the rim with my finger, I glanced at
Rio. “Did you find out who it was?”

“I tried to trace it,” Rio confessed. His eyebrows furrowed again as he revealed, “But the name is
not recorded anywhere.”

I nodded, “It would seem that Chuuohku needs to keep this person a secret, huh?”

“I can’t be sure about the goal of this individual, but either way, they have all of us dancing in the
palm of their hand,” Rio huffed. “Chuuohku is still the enemy we must takedown, but in my
opinion, it is also important to investigate who this third party is. They could be a mastermind who
is using Chuuohku to achieve their goals.”

I unconsciously snorted when I heard ‘mastermind’. Rio glared at me slightly and I quickly
brought myself together. Even if he had a goal, it didn’t come to fruition. Rei had failed to
accommodate external obstacles after all. He was certainly, a dumb man.

“Is this funny, Samatoki?”

“No, no. Fuck no,” I wove my hand that was playing with the mug’s rim. “I just found it funny that
that person thought I would willingly be a puppet.”

“That person?”

“The suspicious individual we don’t know anything about.”

“I see,” Rio still looked at me slightly suspiciously, but he seemed to take my answer at face value.
He looked more self-conscious as he continued to speak. “Good. I wish to investigate further, but I
need your and Jyuto’s help. Are you okay with this?”

“Mm? What do you mean?”

Rio opened his mouth to repeat, but he looked less certain than he did mere seconds ago.

“We’re a team, Rio,” I stared at the ocean blue eyes, “Only a piece of shit wouldn’t help a friend
whether they ask for help or not. Rio, do I look like a piece of shit to you?”

Rio’s eyes shook, but gradually they calmed down as he started to smile.

“Thank you.”

I sort of wished he said I was one.

“So, what do you want exactly? I can ask Kento and the others,” I smirked as I pulled my phone up.
I’ll trust Rei and his ability to stay hidden. Got to look as if I’m playing my part.
“First of all, we need to find out their identity. This person might be our key to taking down
Chuuohku,” Rio reported.

“Hmmph, yeah,” I started to type in the group chat. Checking if anyone was online first, I started to
type in what Rio wanted. “Makes sense…”

Bzz Bzz

“Hm?” I looked at my phone. “It’s Jyuto.” I told Rio. Rio nodded at me and I picked up. Putting it
on speaker, I spoke to the caller.

“Yo, Jyuto! Where are-”

“Samatoki! Get out of there! NOW!”

My eyes shook at the sudden memory. The phone clattered to the ground, slipping from my grasp,
as Jyuto continued to speak.

“No time to explain! Just hurry up and run away!”

People started to scream and I started to panic. No, my memories started pouring and I started to
feel like lead. I could get through this, I had to-


My eyes moved sluggishly as Rio lifted me up and over his shoulder. He grabbed my phone and
bolted towards the window. Covering my face and breaking through it, Rio started to rush out from
the window. He headed away from the building as fast as he could. As the glass broke, I noticed
that there were Chuuohku officials everywhere, surrounding the building. They had the building

We couldn’t escape. Still, Rio only halted when he noticed that Jyuto was there and that there was
truly no choice of escaping.

“You should stop while you can.”

Someone spoke loudly.

I felt Rio’s grip on me get tighter and I wanted to huddle closer to him, but I couldn’t. I’d look
pathetic. I’m not here to be a weird fucker, I’m here to be a protector. I can’t be protected. I lightly
pushed Rio.

I can't have Rio play the hero again.

“Put me down Rio,” I whispered.

Rio hesitated but after repeating myself with a bit more firmness, he gently placed me down. I
glanced at the blood Rio received from cuts and I started to dap at his face lightly with a
handkerchief I luckily had. When he winced I realized that I was probably dabbing too forcefully
with shaking hands.

“Here, clean yourself up.”

Rio took the offered handkerchief slowly and looked at me. I glanced over to Jyuto who looked
like he wanted to rush out and check up on us. But he didn’t move, his hands were tied
metaphorically. Chuuohku officials were people above him after all.
“Jyuto,” I glanced at the police officer who had his head down compared to his prideful look. “Can
you explain the situation?”

“Look-” Jyuto tried to speak, but he was cut off... By someone I knew very well.

“I’ll explain it myself. Step back, Sergeant Iruma.”

I only stared at the familiar white hair, pink eyes.

“Make the way for the Vice Chief of the Administrative Bureau!” The other women roared.

“Nemu,” I greeted her calmly despite my heart beating in my chest. It worked overtime, but can I
truly be sad at this point? I knew it would happen. It is inevitable. I had this conversation before.

“It’s been a while,” Nemu spoke resolutely, but with disgust.

I didn’t approach her. Eyeing the people around her, the way she had Jyuto standing there like a
bunny waiting to be slaughtered, Nemu wasn’t approachable. I wonder how I didn’t notice this
before, in the past.

“Samatoki Aohitsugi, I’m surprised you don’t even move to greet your own sister.”

“I don’t want to cause a problem,” I replied softly.

“Although you’re quick to resort to violence every other time? What a disgrace,” Nemu scoffed,
“If only you could be like that every day instead.”


“Don’t worry,” Nemu smiled serenely, “I have the perfect gift for a hypocrite like you.”

“Gift?” I laughed. “The arrest warrant is a gift?”

Nemu’s eyes narrowed as Jyuto’s head snapped up to look at his superior. Rio stopped dabbing his
wounds and sharply looked over at Nemu. My angel of a sister smoothed out her anger and smiled

“Yes. I see you still have your ways of knowing,” Nemu eyelashes fluttered, “Samatoki Aohitsugi,
you are under arrest for violation of the Hypnosis Mic usage guidelines.”

“Jyuto,” Rio looked over at the other one-third that made up MTC. Jyuto sharply inhaled as Rio
growled lowly, “Explain this. Now.”

“I’m sorry,” Jyuto shifted his eyes away, “I have no authority to speak.”

“You used the Hypnosis Mic today, didn’t you?” Nemu ignored Jyuto and Rio.

It was still late at night, my brain must’ve not been functioning right, because I think it was
shutting down.


I offered no fight as a Chuuohku official started to walk towards me with handcuffs.

“You know that using the Hypnosis Mic to attack individuals without one is against the law,

“Wait,” Rio frowned. I don’t know why he spoke. I was listening well, wasn’t I? Wasn’t I finally
listening to the higher-ups and causing less of a ruckus? “There have been plenty of the same

“This one is different,” Nemu quipped.

“The reason?”

“Now we have solid evidence.”

“This makes no sense,” Rio said appalled. He looked furious, I don’t think I knew why at the
moment. “It’s-”

“The only important thing here is the fact that this man broke the law.”

I looked back up at my sister. If Ramuda was here… I’d beat him up. Definitely, I would beat him
up. Nemu was looking at me with pure hatred.

“Why?” Rio started to huff angrily. “Why would you-?”

“Did you forget what happened back then?” Nemu looked at me. She no longer looked at Rio.
“Nothing will get better if we just let violent and foolish men rule the world. But the Party of
Words is aiming to create a world without violence.”

I only smiled as she continued speaking.

“After joining Chuuohku, I realized that this world has no need for someone like you.”

“No need,” I repeated. The smile was stuck on my face, I was so used to smiling now, I think. I like
the change. “Huh.”

Rio stopped the official with a handcuff from getting closer to me. I was wondering what sort of
action to take. Should I fight back or should I go? Which was better for the better future?

“Excuse me,” Jyuto suddenly spoke up. Raising his hand a tad bit he glanced over at Nemu. Nemu
glared at him. “May I speak?”

“What now?”

“Does such a petty violation require such a large group of officials?” Jyuto asked politely. He was
trying to get me out of this mess too, huh?

“Sergeant Iruma, I recommend you to be concerned about your own duties.”


“Your input is meaningless. Now be quiet and get back to doing your job.”


Jyuto walked over to Rio. Rio’s eyes shook as Jyuto brushed past him towards me. Muttering an
apology he handcuffed me. I told him it was fine. Because it was; he did this to me multiple times,
what made today any different?
“We were interrupted,” Nemu said flippantly. She casted her gaze on me again and hummed,
“Let’s continue our conversation. As I said, this world doesn’t need men like you anymore. On the
other hand, you’re my family. As the Vice Chief of the Administrative Bureau, I must be an
example for others.”

Nemu looked at me from head to toe with disgust.

“And having such a bad seed among my kin… is embarrassing.”

“Embarrassing?” I chuckled.

“Hence, I’d like you to get out of my sight.”

These were not new words. I continued on forcing the edges of my lips up. Her eyes stared at me
with such disdain I didn’t really understand.

Nemu narrowed her eyes and scoffed, “You remind me of Father.”

Suddenly something she never said before appeared. I felt bile rise up in my throat. My blood ran
cold. And something made my head throb. Was it trauma? A nightmare? Remembering a man
whom I was forced to call my father with his violent tendencies, his murderous swings, and loud

Memories of a time not repeated, cycled in my mind, flashing so quick as if I was about to die.

If she had stopped there at sight, I would be fine. Because I knew why she was saying that. It was
the THM. But to compare me to that man. There is no way that it’s the THM.


I felt Jyuto snap the handcuffs around my wrists as Rio shouted at him. Seconds later, Jyuto
returned to Nemu’s side after he handcuffed me. But I couldn’t register anything over the cold
metal on my wrist.

“Everyone,” Nemu huffed, “Get him.”

Chapter End Notes

Dun dun duuuun, Nemu is here! To arrest Samatoki?!

If at all possible, please answer this form! It's going to help me with the next couple of
chapters, thank you!

This time, special thanks and shoutout to serpenscape to for the drama track
An Arrest? (Pt II)
Chapter Summary

Samatoki tries to get his words through to his sister.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

The feeling of the officers rushing towards me was nothing compared to Nemu comparing me with
him. I’d prefer Rei over him any day.

“Stop!” Rio shouted. He stood in front of me protectively. “I won’t let you take Samatoki.”

He stood, arms raised in a position to protect the pale man behind him. BANG. A gunshot. The ex-
soldier fell uttering gratitude. The pale man shook like a leaf behind him. The body crashed into
the ground. The pale man couldn’t even grab the falling body of someone precious to him.

“No!” I screamed. Pulling Rio back with my cuffed hands I forced him to the ground, eyes blown
back. Rio looked at me equally shaken as I stood over his body.


Rio whispered as I took in shaky breaths. I think I just saw something horrible.

“I was going to ask Sergeant Iruma to do something with the washed-up soldier, but I supposed the
smarter side of you has spoken up, Samatoki Aohitsugi.”

“I’m sorry,” my head snapped over to Jyuto who turned to face Nemu. “But what you are doing is
an abuse of power.”

“Are you arguing with me?” Nemu snarled, “I can take it as insubordination.”

“Nonsense,” Jyuto huffed. My fists on Rio’s chest shook as the cop continued to speak, “I’m doing
what I must as the police officer. Yes, this man is anything but a law-abiding citizen; however,
there must be mitigating circumstances for his crime isn’t it?”

“Sergeant Iruma,” Nemu growled, “I won’t forget to report you for this infraction.”

“Hah,” Jyuto sighed, “Go ahead. Rio, can you help me with this?”

Rio glanced over at me and Jyuto before he gently peeled me off of him. Getting up from the
ground and dusting himself, Rio replied resolutely.

“Of course.”

“Jyuto… Rio…” I found my mouth moving on its own. “Th-That’s enough.”

“That’s enough?” Jyuto turned to look at me. I raised my head up slowly. If I was true scum like
the man I had to call Father, then wouldn’t this be the best? I even threw Rio to the ground despite
nothing happening. Maybe I was already messing everything up and-
“Samatoki!” Jyuto yelled at me. “You-! Stop being so damned soft! Did you lie to me back then?
‘If you join me, I’ll help you with your dream’ that’s what you said! I couldn’t say it then, but I’ll
say it now! I believe that you’ll grant my wish, and I’d do my damned best to return the favor. So
get the fuck up! Samatoki!”

“After this is all over. Let’s go to that new amusement park.”


“Samatoki!” Rio shouted too. “When I was in need, you agreed to help me, therefore, I must do the
same for you. Remember what you said to me earlier today? ‘Only a piece of shit wouldn’t help a
friend whether they ask for help or not.’ Tell me, Samatoki, do I look like a piece of shit to you?”

“Once this dies over, make me another one of those.”

“MTC Ratabat.”
“Haha, of course. You have this soldier’s word.”

“Haha,” I laughed. It seemed like the devil was crying too, my cheeks grew wet despite a cloudless

“I don’t want to see you like this!” Jyuto shouted as he looked me square in the eyes.

“Samatoki, there is nothing wrong with despair. What matters are your actions following that
moment of weakness. You must keep moving and you will become stronger than ever, don’t you

I laughed louder, with more mirth. I slowly stood up and looked at Jyuto. Holding out my cuffed
hands I smirked.

“Right. You two always…”


“I can’t just sit here. I’m supposed to be doing something.”

“What a troublesome leader we have,” Jyuto smiled at me softly as he unlocked the cuffs.

“Samatoki has a strong spirit,” Rio praised, “He would make an excellent soldier.”

“Hah,” Nemu sighed, “It would have made things easier if your ‘strong spirit’ remained broken.”

“Haha,” I chuckled, “I guess so. Sorry I never make anything easy for you, Nemu.”

“Hmmph,” Nemu frowned.

“Mother’s bracelet, you’re not wearing it,” I pointed out. As Nemu started to get confused, I started
to point out more things, “You also don’t act like you normally do.”

“What? What are you-?”

“You’ve forgotten things. But it’s okay. Are you hurt?”

“Hurt? What are you talking about? I am myself!”

“Sure,” I nodded, “You are you, you are also not you.” I think the THM effects should be wearing
off now, right? Right, I have to start fighting to get Nemu back to her senses too. “If you are you,
then you know why you’re crying?”

“What?” Nemu reached up to touch her cheeks with gloved hands. Her eyes shook softly as she
glanced at me and her wet gloves. “Strange… tears? I can’t stop them?”

“I’m your brother and you're my angelic little sister. I would do anything for you, but when you're
in the wrong, it’s my duty to set you straight.”

“Y-You! What are you doing to me?” Nemu screeched as she grabbed her head.

“Jyuto, Rio,” I looked at my teammates. “Can you help me?”

“Good grief,” Jyuto pushed his glasses up his nose. “Now he’s dragging us into his family issues.”
Nonetheless, the cop took out his mic.

“Like I said,” Rio smiled as he took his mic out as well. “It’s my pleasure to lend you my strength.”

“My will is dictated by Chuuohku!”

“You should dictate your own will!”

I yelled. She was aware then. That Chuuohku had control over her.

“Samatoki, Rio and I will thin out the herd first,” Jyuto stepped up. “Alright, Rio?”

“Roger,” Rio shouted.

I was forced to sit back, but I wasn’t angry. No.

They are… truly great teammates.

The back and forth of Jyuto and Rio was amazing. Maybe they had been training on their own or
something. They easily blew out the Chuuohku ladies leaving a couple of them and Nemu.

“You don’t have to come back, Nemu,” I watched my little sister writhing in pain. “I just want you
to be you again.”

“Shut up, shut up! You awful brother of mine

Acting like some poor dirty swine.
You dare bare fangs at me?!
I’m higher than you, unafraid to cut you without mercy!
It’s time to do some cleaning in this city
I’ll slice you clean with no pity!”

I was blown back a little, but I had to act my part. Still, Nemu was strong. I wonder if she had been
training in the way I told her to train. The way I trained her and Ichiro.

“Nemu, sister, I love you,

I know you’ll still leave soon.
I will support through thick and thin
Even it means I can’t win
But I will only be there if you’re you
Wake up already, I’m sick of this too!”

It pained me to hurt Nemu, but I had to think of it as a sparring match. This was a sparring match.
She was training. I was training her.

“O-Onii-chan? What am I doing here..? I came to arrest you, b-but… why?”

“T. H. M,” I replied slowly, staring into my crying sister’s eyes. I resisted the urges to pull her
close to me. It wasn’t fully gone yet, the effect, right. I had to… stay put...

“I-I missed you, Onii-ch-chan…”

“Me too,” I smiled softly. “We can meet up when you want to.”

“Wh-what? I have to-”

Riiing riiing riiing.

I glanced at Nemu’s phone.


“Stand down. Now.”

I could hear Bitch from Nemu’s phone.


“I said, stand down! I never gave you permission for the arrest. After returning, you’ll have to
explain your actions.”

Nemu looked extremely lost, but she pulled herself together right at the moment.

“Yes ma’am,” Nemu muttered. In a louder voice, she said, “You’re free to go. For now. Everyone,
we’re leaving.”

“No matter how much you hate me or slander me, no matter what they make you do, even if you
say you don’t need me,” I raised my eyes to look at her. “I’ll always be your brother. Keep that in

She scoffed and walked away. I watched her fading back, feeling iffy.


“Sorry for that scene,” I apologized to both Jyuto and Rio.

“No problem,” Rio smiled.

“Do you…” I thought back to the words Nemu said. Biting my lips I looked at them. “Do you
think I’m like-”

“While I do not know who your father was, Samatoki,” Jyuto eyed me, “If he is someone who has
done much harm, you are nothing like him.”

It was as if something weighing me down was lifted. Maybe I was worried about it because I
would compare him with me often. But, hearing that-
“Now come on, Rio,” Jyuto hummed, “I think it’s time for us to leave, don’t you agree?”

“Yes,” Rio nodded.

“Jyuto… Rio… I…” Looking at the two older men in front of me I smiled, “Thank you.”

Jyuto snorted, “You owe me.”

“It’s my pleasure,” Rio smiled back.

I walked back to my office as I planned to. I wove off Rodii and walked inside. The glass from the
windows was already cleaned and the pane was replaced. They'll probably be able to completely
fix it tomorrow... Taking out a cig, I puffed. My mind wandered off about Nemu.

“Will you ever come back? ...Nemu…”

I squeezed my eyes shut, my body finally being allowed to feel heavy. I hated feeling tired like
this. It started to leave when I met up with the MCD Remnants, but I have to confess to myself that
it would probably never leave until I felt safe.

Bzz Bzz

I opened my eyes slowly, crust breaking apart. Without looking at the caller ID, I picked up my
phone slowly, already knowing who was calling me at this ungodly hour.

“Hi hi hi~☆! It’s me, it’s me~♡”

“Ramuda,” I curtly greeted the gremlin at the other side of the call. “Rare for you to call me.”

“Eeeh~☆? Can’t I just call you because I wanna?”

“We both know this isn’t because you wanna.”

“What do you mean, Samatoki~♡?”

“Sorry, Ramuda,” I sighed into the phone, about ready to hang up. There was no point in calling
this person. “I’m too tired to deal with this shit right now.”

There was silence for a couple of seconds. Then Ramuda spoke nervously.

“...Can I come over? Like… right now?”

Tilting my head over the couch after putting my phone on speaker, I looked at the door that
separated me and him.

“Aren’t you already here?”


I hung up as he walked in.


A timid Ramuda peeked from the door. I watched him stand oddly at the doorstep.

“You met with your little sister, right?”

I motioned him in, ignoring the knocked-out Rodii in the background. Ignoring how different this
was compared to then. Ramuda inched in and closed the door behind him. Sitting adjacent to me,
Ramuda eyed me for an answer.

“Why ask if you already know?”

Ramuda stayed silent as I huffed.

“You know how your sister was acting sort of weird?”

“Yeah,” I stared at the ceiling.

“Did you know that it was this cute, little me who did it~☆?”

He tried to revert back to his cutesy form. Haa, he must’ve felt the pressure. I just puffed on my cig
and sighed.

“You did it?” I eyed him as Ramuda stiffened. He prepared himself for a hit, but I only pet his
head. “Don’t make me laugh.”

“Huh?” Ramuda snapped his head from the ground up to me. “What do you mean? Aren’t you
mad? I just told you, I’m the one who-”

“Well,” I sighed. I couldn’t just say that it wasn’t exactly him since I’m not supposed to know he’s
a clone, but… “You didn’t have a choice, I can guess that much.”

“But I still harmed your sister!” Ramuda sputtered in shock. “I-I did so many bad things-”

“Feel free to tell me then,” I opened my arms slowly, looking down at him.

“I…” Ramuda stared at me incredulously, before his face contorted into anger, into pain. “I broke
up MCD, I tore apart TDD by the seams. I stole your sister away, I stole Ichiro away! All the
people who love you and you love, hate you! You went through so much pain because of me!”

Haha, he actually confessed his sins. Never thought I’d see this day so early.

“You’re right, that does hurt.”

“So why are you saying it’s not my fault?! Why aren’t you getting mad at me?!”

“Because you had no choice,” I hummed. Looking at the trembling Ramuda, I pulled out a lollipop
I saved just for occasions such as these. Unwrapping it, I handed it over to him. “I won’t forgive
you, but I don’t hate you.”

Blue eyes quivered.

“I don’t understand…”

“To do all that, how many times did you get hurt in the process? You’re not emotionless, Ramuda.
You’re human, not heartless.”


“And you were wrong,” Ramuda took the lollipop with shaking hands as I continued. “I love you
and you love me back. I don’t see how everyone I love doesn’t love me back. I have Mad Trigger
Crew, I have friends. I have you.”
Ramuda froze as I released a chuckle. Maybe, just maybe Nemu would come back. This part was
already changing, wasn’t it? Then I still had that chance. I still had something to do. My mind was
still a complicated mess, but I couldn’t turn my head away from my loved ones hurting.


Ramuda chuckled humorlessly.


I walked myself out of my own office, leaving the crying person alone.

“I-If you keep giving, Samatoki, you’ll end up with nothing!”

“I think that’s fair,” I responded as I pushed the doors open.

Chapter End Notes

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SAMATOKI!!! I wish it was a fluff chapter, but it isn't. If I

have the time today, I'll post a chapter for Watching a Hero for the fluff part...
There is this saying of the Demon crying and that's rain on a sunny day.

If you hadn't filled out the form please do!

Now, special thanks and shoutout to serpenscape to for the drama track translations!
Chapter Summary

Samatoki calls over Jyuto and Rio to thank them for yesterday. He also wants to brag a

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

I wanted to speak with Rio and Jyuto the next day so I asked them to come over to my office. Rio
answered with ‘affirmative’ and Jyuto simply agreed. I warned Rodii in advance of their entrance.

“Kashira, they’re here.”

“Let them in,” I replied. I guess he really sticks to standards. Despite the fact I already told him
they would come and I was aware of it. I’m always bothering him to just let them in, I guess it went
to deaf ears. My eyes tracked the two figures walking in. I already had coffee placed down for the
three of us. Mine was in my hand since I was sipping away at it.

“Samatoki,” Rio greeted me with a nod. I nodded back.

“What do you need us for?” Jyuto didn’t even spare me a greeting. Fuck you too bunny cop.

“First,” I cleared my throat. My hands moved over to the side of the seat. Two bags were pulled out
and placed in front of my teammates. “I wanted to thank you for yesterday.”

I pushed it towards them when they didn’t make any movement to take it. Two perfect gifts for two
flawed people.

“You didn’t have to…” Rio mumbled in shock. He received the gift numbly with a smile. Jyuto on
the other hand was eyeing the gift suspiciously.

“What’s wrong?” I asked Jyuto. Red eyes met green and Jyuto conceded into telling me his

“Don’t think this lets you escape from your debts,” he pulled his bag over to his side.

“Yeah, yeah,” I grinned, “Open it when you guys go back home though. We have other things to
talk about, you know?”

Jyuto took his mug of coffee and eyed me. I beamed as he took a sip.

“So… Jyuto,” I had the smile of a demon. Jyuto raised a brow as his mug tipped up. “What did you
talk to Ichiro about?”

I did not fucking expect Jyuto to spit burning fucking coffee over me in response. I wanted words,
not burning, hot liquid. Hissing, I pounced up from my seat.

“Sorry! Sorry,” Jyuto mumbled as he quickly looked for something to wipe me with. I didn’t want
him to start fretting everywhere in my office so I motioned him to sit back down and rushed to the
closet. Taking out a couple of clothes in a hurry I rushed out and quickly changed into whatever I
had at the corner of the room.

I did not expect to see them staring at me when I turned back. I know I’m fucking handsome, but
that’s sort of awkward.

“What? Is there something wrong?”

“You have a scar on your leg?” Rio asked gently, glancing at the one that had a zigzag scar.

“I guess the stab wound scarred,” Jyuto muttered.

They glanced at each other and I realized that I was wearing shorts (the one that Nemu gifted me a
couple of years back, and a tank top. I mumbled an apology and went back to my closet to get a
better outfit. Looking through the closet, I groaned.

By the whispers I could hear behind me, I knew they were discussing my scars.

Fuck. I didn’t have the leisure time to cherry-pick.

I snagged the pristine outfit set I had only planned to wear for special occasions. I deemed right
now a special enough occasion dammit.

My body moved quickly to pull up tight black pants and a pair of leather black boots above some
MTC blue socks. A good blue shirt with a puffed-up black jacket with MTC blue streaks on it over
my shoulders.

The set that I bought from Ramuda during the TDD era.

I placed a dazzling smile on my face, or at least, what I assumed was a dazzling smile, and sat back
down on my seat.

“I didn’t know you had that many scars,” Rio announced as he eyed my leg. I simply shrugged. I
suppose they hadn’t seen much when I was shirtless during the worthless attack the Tobari
brothers did. All I got from that was a stab wound, nothing too serious.

“I wouldn’t say a lot,” I decided to humor them, picking up my coffee, “It just tends to happen.”

“How’d you get the one on your leg?” Jyuto huffed as he took a more careful sip of his coffee.

“Saved Ichiro from the construction site a couple years ago,” I waved him off after a good gulp of
coffee. It wasn’t a secret and I definitely didn’t see it as something to be hidden away. In fact, I
don’t think any of these scars have to be hidden.

They didn’t signify anything of the future.

“Does the stab wound hurt?” Rio had a cautious look as he tried to get a better look at the side that
I was hiding underneath my jacket over my shirt.

“No, it only really hurt that time,” I chuckled.

“The gun wound from years ago,” Jyuto looked up to my eye, “That scarred too.”

“Well that was-”

“Gun wound?”

“Ah,” I flashed my teeth at Rio. “That was when I grabbed a gun from two shits to beat their asses.
They shot like the pussies they were and missed like the babies they were.”

“You shouldn’t put yourself in danger so much,” Rio frowned. He crossed his arms.

“I don’t do it on purpose,” my smile almost slid off my face at the accusatory tone. What the fuck
was Rio’s problem?

“A soldier values his life, otherwise he is a useless soldier,” Rio added swiftly. His narrowed eyes
continued to judge me. I started to feel defensive.

“I value my life,” I retaliated without really meaning to. But I mean, seriously? What the hell, Rio?
“Also, I disagree. Isn’t the most useful soldier the one who doesn’t have their own thoughts?”

“Samatoki…” Rio uncharacteristically growled like an animal. I had only seen him this pissed at
me in the far future, so it caught me off guard for a bit.


“That doesn’t seem vintage,” Jyuto butt in and changed the topic rather quickly. Our tension was
cut off and I couldn’t even finish my question. Whatever, I snarled, I’ll entertain the bunny. Rio
also backed down, with a tight frown on his face. But that’s a different topic now.

“Yeah, this is Empty Candy’s,” I bragged a little. Taking my jacket off to show off the brand, I
pointed at the tag. “See?”

“I have never seen that design before,” Jyuto muttered, his eyes inspecting the jacket. I shrugged
the jacket back on and Rio cooled down to some extent. He was still brooding though. I didn’t get
it. It was his fault for thinking what he wanted to think. For thinking false things.

“It’s special,” I could feel myself smiling, glancing at the puffed-up sleeves, I hummed, “Ramuda
designed it during TDD.”

“TDD…” Jyuto’s green eyes pierced me. After a brief moment of silence, he spoke up. “Do you
ever wish that you could go back to the past?”

“Huh?” I choked on my spit. My coffee was already finished at this point.

“I do,” Rio confessed after withholding his answer for as long as possible. He seemed to go after
realizing I wasn’t going to answer any time soon. “I would change the outcome of my
commander’s situation.”

“I’d save my parents and my co-worker,” Jyuto smiled, pleased at how the tension from before was
ebbing away.

I stayed quiet.

I was caught though.

“What about you, Samatoki?” Rio questioned

I stared at the empty mug in my hands.

I had two pairs of twinkling eyes with their own sorrowful smiles look my way. What bitter smiles.
“He’d obviously go back,” Jyuto answered for me, drinking the rest of his coffee. He broke his eye
contact and looked at Rio nonchalantly. “He would still have his sister and Ichiro wouldn’t hate
him so one-sidedly.”

“I see,” Rio nodded in understanding.

“I wouldn’t go back for that,” I muttered. In a louder voice, I added, “I’d try not to change too
much if I went back in time. What if everything changes? I wouldn’t be able to meet you guys.” I
made the biggest smile yet.

Jyuto flushed as Rio smiled in gratitude.

“Sorry for misunderstanding,” Jyuto muttered shyly. His cheeks were dusted pink, “I didn’t realize

“Yes,” Rio nodded, “I hadn’t thought about that, my apologies.”

I laughed a sort of empty laugh. Standing up as I stretched my arms, I ignored how my question
about Ichiro was more or less ignored on its own. I guess I’d have to ask Brat #3 one day instead. I
don’t know what he was doing right now, but surely he wouldn’t mind a visit. I didn’t mind a visit
to Ikebukuro.

“Where are you going?” Jyuto called out to me as I walked ahead.

Can I afford to be petty, Jyuto? Rio?

“I’m going to show off my clothes,” I bragged, “You want to come along?”

I did not expect either of them to say yes. They both did. Glancing at me oddly every now and then
we made it to Ikebukuro surprisingly without a fight.

I walked straight to Yorozuya Yamada. I could walk over to Sweet Sweets later. Knocking on the
door, I waited with a baited breath.

“Hello! Welcome to Yorozuya Yama...da…”

Brat #2 scrutinized me, his eyes roaming my body and my teammates. He didn’t question why we
were here though. Grumpily heading back inside, Yamada brat 2 shouted.

“Saburo! Samatoki and his gang are here to see you!”

I smiled kindly at the second brat for his help, but he huffed and walked away because he frankly
didn’t care about me that much other than the fact that Ichiro hates me.


I heard scrambling from upstairs and peeked inside to see Brat #3 rush down. I smiled at him as he
hurried down the steps and ran up to me.

“What is- I like your new outfit,” Brat #3 smiled widely as Brat #2 made a sound akin to gagging.
Yamada brat 3 glared at his older brother, but he walked past me to close the front door.

“Thanks,” I hummed, “Had this for a long time though.”

“It’s trendy,” he supplied. Brightening up, Saburo smiled widely at me, “What are we doing today?
More training? I wasn’t aware of you coming!”

“Sure,” I hummed, “I was planning on eating at Sweet Sweets. There’s a couple of things we want
to go over with you, just you, and if you want, we can head over to the old MCD building to train

Kento gave me a copy of the keys after all. Brat #3 nodded as he swiftly made his steps to be
beside me. Jyuto and Rio glanced at me and I grinned. Right, they weren’t aware of the building’s

Mouthing them an ‘I’ll tell you later’ we walked over to Sweet Sweets. It wasn’t Monday so my
usual spot was taken, but that didn’t matter. I lead the group over to a different table.


A waitress timidly took our orders. I flashed her a smile and asked if anyone I knew was here.

“U-Uhm, Torimu-san is clocked in right now, would you like to get him for you?”

“Please do,” I nodded. Torimu was easy to talk to. He wasn’t the best for reporting though, I’d
have to ask Kento later.

A couple of minutes later Torimu walked over with our order.

“Boss,” he greeted. I nodded my head. Slurping on the mango smoothie I ordered, I showed my
phone's screen to him. Torimu nodded and walked off after serving us drinks.

“What did you show him?” Rio asked me as I flipped through my phone to check it. Scrolling back
up, I showed the other three what I showed Torimu.

A picture of a kitten playing with yarn.

“Huh?” Yamada brat 3 leaned in. “That’s a… kitten?”

“Yeah,” I nodded. “Her name is Hyptasia.” I scrolled around a little more and landed on an adult
version of the kitten. “She looks like this right now.”

“Hyp… tasia?” Jyuto looked up at me and I shrugged.

“Yeah,” I tapped the table with my fingers, “She’s a cutie. Well, an adult now. I haven't been able
to see her yet. Apparently, she's with someone else someplace else so it's going to be a while 'til I
can see her again.”

I hummed, remembering the rescue of Hyptasia like it was yesterday.

“You showed him a picture of a kitty,” Yamada brat 3 deadpanned. “Is there something else with

“No?” I glanced at Yamada Brat #3 oddly. “It’s just a picture of a cat.”

I received looks from all three. What were they getting all hyped up about? It’s Hyptasia. She’s
adorable and I don’t deserve their judgemental stares. What were they thinking? Slurping up more
of my smoothie, I glanced over at the cafe’s front. Torimu still hadn’t come out...

“Why do you have pictures of cats?” Jyuto sighed as he nibbled on his cheesecake like a prissy

“‘Cause she’s cute?”

“I agree,” Rio nodded.

“Thank you Rio,” I smiled thankfully at him. “Hyptasia serves as a good means of communication


I nodded, swiping through the phone for another picture. It was our beloved kitty stretching.

“Although here, an example would be this picture. This one means ‘I’m tired’.”

I found another picture of the kitty waving her paws.

“This is ‘hello’, this means ‘I’m excited',” I went over a couple more pictures and their meanings.
Rio seemed more interested as time went on but Jyuto and Brat #3 looked less impressed.

“Like an emoji or a LINE sticker then,” Brat #3 sighed.

“Yeah,” I shrugged, “Guess so.”

“Then that picture with the yarn?”

“Play cool,” I nodded.

“What part of playing with a yarn is cool?” Brat #3 muttered under his breath.

I ignored him for Torimu who walked back. Scrolling around, I ended up on just the picture I was
looking for. Showing him the picture, Torimu stiffly placed the receipt on our table. It was covered
by the menu.

Turning my phone off to put it into my pocket, I started to flip through the menu, looking for the
receipt wedged in there.

“Then what was that baby photo?” Jyuto asked, dumbfounded, settling in. “It was of the cat in a
hunting pose, were you going to chew out one of your old friends?”

“What? No!” I was flabbergasted. What the fuck was Jyuto talking about? “It meant he was being


At the chorus of confusion, I started to get confused too.

“You didn’t notice it? We’re being watched.”

Chapter End Notes

I guess it's not all bragging, but yeah! He's just happy about it :3
Closer to the 2nd DRB (I)
Chapter Summary

Samatoki spends his day with Saburo, Jyuto, and Rio. Then he runs into some

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

I pulled out the receipt that Torimu handed over to me and I flipped it to the back to read its

On alert. No approaches. All weary. No worries.

Hmm. I crumpled up the paper as the other three continued to shout loudly.

“Quiet down, they might hear you,” I sighed. Crossing my arms, comfortable in the cool puffy
jacket. “Yeah, we’re being followed. I’m guessing something’s going to happen or shit…” My eyes
caught Brat #3’s eyes. “Fuck… crap.”

The youngest person currently present rolled his eyes as I smiled in self-satisfaction. Scrunching up
the paper a bit more, I tossed it in my mouth and started to chew as Jyuto practically went into
hysterics with Rio and Saburo.

“What the hell is that for?! That’s paper! With ink!”

“Mm,” I chewed thoroughly. I wasn’t going to eat it without chewing. Not giving myself a
papercut, fucker. Learned my lesson from back then. "Tasty," I teased Jyuto.

“Spit it out right now!”

“Sama-niI! I don’t think that’s the best way of doing things-!”

“Samatoki, we can use other methods of getting rid of messages-”

I swallowed much to the shock of the other three. Showing off my empty mouth, I hummed, “So
MCD Remnants were found trying to search for more info about the shady dude and are under
surveillance. I believe that Chuuohku will let them off with a warning soon so we’re just sitting
ducks being watched right now."

“Huh?! That doesn’t mean you need to eat paper-”

“Don’t worry about it,” I waved them off, “It’s less important. This means we can’t go to the old
MCD building…” Rubbing my palms together, I decided to check the group chat. Nothing new. I
typed out a new suggestion, telling everyone to keep calm and talk smoothly so everything is easily
finished. Also to act as if they don't know me.

“Does that mean we can’t train?” Brat #3 visibly deflated.

“Sorry kiddo,” I smiled apologetically, “I don’t think we can without drawing attention to

“Fuck,” the kid cursed. My eyes shook a little. Children shouldn’t cuss!

“We can do something else,” I tried to appease him with a smile. His eyes glowed and I felt
happier. “Let’s try something else.”

“What would that be?” Jyuto frowned.

“Something relaxing,” I replied. “I don’t want Rio to trigger his injuries or something. We can do
something cool.”

“Thank you for your worries, Samatoki,” Rio grinned, “But this soldier is fine. We can do what
you wish.”

“Cool,” I shrugged, “I want to try doing something chill and relaxing. You want to join us, kid?”


I felt something tingling in my heart when I was playing around. We went bowling after all.

Wiping my bottom lip I hissed as I kicked the fucker who just punched me. It took a couple more
kicks and some rapping to put down the idiots who tried to expand their drug dealings into my turf.

I had to walk over to Oyaji. I don’t know why he bothered to reach out to me, but I would move on
forward, I guess.

“I don’t think they’ll ever go away,” I sighed. Puffing at a cig, I stared at Oyaji, “We might have to
get rid of them from the source.”

“Hahaha,” the old man grimly laughed, “I agree.”

“I can take care of each and every single one of them if you want me to,” I exhaled, legs crossed,
arms splayed on the couch. “Just give me the word and I’ll do what you say. Just know, Oyaji, this
might cause a massive conflict.”

“I don’t care,” his voice was stern. “No drugs are allowed on our territory, understood?”

“You got it, Oyaji,” I laughed. I stood up after snuffing the cig out and leaving it on the ashtray in
the middle of the coffee table.

I really just wanted to go bowling again with Rio, Jyuto, and Yamada brat 3, but it didn’t seem
possible anymore.

I glanced over to the side and huffed. It wasn’t hard to remember this incident. Or it wouldn’t have
been several years ago when I had returned to eighteen years of age, but it was slightly blurred now
because I was now seven years older. I walked to my quiet apartment lost in thought.

If I was correct, then it wasn’t that close until everything would go to hell.

Fuck that shit.

My feet moved on auto. It didn’t take long for me to find myself at the door, unlocking it. I didn't
expect someone to yell in my ear though.
“Samatoki! Do you hear me?!”

I glanced over in shock at Jyuto who huffed like the angry rabbit he fucking was.

“Yo, Jyuto,” I rubbed the insides of the ear he yelled in with my pinky, “What are you doing here?”

“I’ve been standing here for some while,” Jyuto frowned. “I was about to leave until I saw you
coming, but you didn’t respond to me.”

“Sorry,” I apologized as the door clicked open, “Come in. Don’t mind the mess.”

Jyuto nodded as he stepped in. I closed the door and quickly rushed to lock the door to my room, or
at the very least, close it.

“Don’t mind the mess,” I shouted, repeating myself from earlier, as I took a seat. “I know I have to
fucking clean this place up.”

“Don’t worry,” Jyuto huffed, “I assumed your place to be a mess already anyways. I had a
question, are you willing to listen?”

I lit a cigarette in response and nodded. Puffing out smoke I smiled thinly.

“Shoot; what do you need?”

“Have you heard of the Hanmyo gang?” Jyuto made himself comfortable on a sofa chair. I tilted
my head to breathe out nicotine and hummed in acknowledgment.

After I indicated I knew about their presence, Jyuto started to talk about the leader of the gang.
Apparently, his name was Sekirei Hanmyo and he made his name in the underworld by dealing
drugs. I was probably going to forget him again because who cares about a small fry?

I had a bigger disaster to prevent. Still, I smiled and nodded and asked what I had to do to help

“Do you not care about what I would tell you to do?”

“Why would I refuse to help a friend?”

“I… You’re right,” Jyuto gave me a dazzling grin. “I want to arrest him and I need your help.”

“Understood,” I agreed without questions. Because I already knew. This man was the man that
Jyuto was desperately looking for in revenge for his deceased friend and his parents. He wanted to
be the one to put a stop to it all. What was wrong with that?

“No more questions?”

“Why would I ask,” I stared at Jyuto, “I’d assume that I would simply lend a helping hand to beat
up some fucking drug dealer.”

“He’s… a special case,” Jyuto confessed. I only nodded.

“More the reason to beat his fucking ass, right?”

“Are you sure it isn’t because he’s also extending his business to Katen Gumi’s territory?”

“I won’t lie,” I shrugged after an exhale, “I was told to deal with it. But, you are the real reason I
need to give it my fucking all, right?”


“Then let’s beat his ass.”

Jyuto stared at me for a long time. I started to feel self-conscious as the silence was drawn out.

“What? You got something else to fucking say?”


I felt as if his emerald eyes were piercing into me. I stifled my nervousness.


“... Thank you.”

My eyes grew wide at the sudden gesture of gratitude. I then smiled.

“No problem!”

I forgot to tell Jyuto that the bastard had everything planned out so Jyuto couldn’t get his revenge
finished. I also forgot to mention Jyuto about the possibility of him losing his job for a brief while
to offset the shock. Oh well.

I didn’t find it shocking to see Chuuohku rush in to take Jyuto’s prey away. Jyuto couldn’t do
anything as he watched his only chance of revenge get taken away from him. I only glared at the
woman who led the group.

I hated her. So much.

“Sergeant Usa-chan! My team and I can take care of the rest, don’t worry about a thing!”

“Fucker, don’t mess this up by showing up all of a sudden,” I hissed at the very person I despised
for so long. I laughed when you fell and I will laugh again asshole.

“Oh! You’re Nemu’s older brother aren’t you?” The snake giggled as she lied about her and Nemu
being so close they were like sisters. A lie that I knew because Nemu only viewed Bitch as an
older sibling. “Did you also know-?”

“Commander! We arrested everyone here!”

The fucking creature that needed to be slain turned her head as her hair lusciously flowed. I
frowned as she laughed. Motioning everyone to leave, motherfucking Honobono thanked the
officer and stepped out last.

Just before she left the building, she snorted.

“Let’s play again next time, Big brother!”

Jyuto tried to get in the way. He moved over to grab the snake bitch’s arm and asked about the
arrest. He was frustrated, obviously, because he wanted to arrest the motherfucking stinkbug more
so than anyone else here. Well maybe except for Medusa, she enjoyed our pain, right?
Jyuto cursed because, in the end, he couldn’t hold a candle to the fuckers. He was forced to stand
down as his revenge crumbled in front of him. I sighed in my own annoyance. Grabbing Jyuto, I
offered him a drink.

Jyuto was shaken and accepted the invitation.

We went to a nearby bar and I watched Jyuto drink a bit too much than normal. No matter. I
dragged him to my apartment.

When I woke up, he was still asleep. Cooking up a quick breakfast and then wrapping it, I left it on
the dinner table with a note.

I arrived at the building easily. I was getting ready to walk into my office, but Rodii stopped me.
Raising an eyebrow I made time for my door guard.

“Kashira! There’s a major problem!”

“Rodii,” I motioned him to calm down, “What’s wrong?”

“It’s about Boss! Boss has been arrested!”

I blinked in slight shock. What? Boss was arrested?

I had the urge to call the bunny cop right away but I already knew he would be having his own
problems. I decided to go to Rio’s campsite instead. Jyuto would definitely be going there. Not to
mention… Oyaji… he was arrested because of me, right?

“Rodii, keep everyone calm. Oyaji will be back soon.”

I got there earlier than Jyuto. Just in the nick of time to see Kubiki’s fading back.



Rio looked at me confused and I nodded a greeting.

“Jyuto’s coming over too.”

“I see,” Rio quickly got up to make coffee, “I will be back.”

“Thanks,” I thanked him ahead of time.

We waited for Jyuto to appear, sipping on our coffees and engaging and small chit chat about the
most idiotic things we could think of. We were simply enjoying the other’s presence, I think. It
was fun and relaxing despite fate breathing heavily down my back, annoying me in every way

“Jyuto,” Rio waved at the brunette as I straightened my back to look over at him.

“Rio, Samatoki,” Jyuto nodded in greetings. He walked over to sit next to me. He pushed his
glasses up with his red gloves and thanked Rio when he was passed a cup of coffee.

“What took you so long, Jyuto?”

“Whatever do you mean, Samatoki?”

“By the way you called me over to Rio’s, I would have assumed you were getting here faster. You
do have a car over me, you know?”

“And you have your goons,” Jyuto smiled sweetly. It felt really icky and I hope he didn’t smile like
that ever again. It felt so fake… And terrifying.

“So we can agree that the drug dealer is working with Chuohku?”

“Yes,” Jyuto’s hand combed his hair. “I suspect so. I managed to find a name before I was chased
out of the office?”

“Chased out of the office?” Rio raised an eyebrow, “What for?”

“Did I not mention it?” Jyuto scoffed, “I was fired.”

Chapter End Notes

Jyuto's been fired!! Is he no longer a cop?!

This time, special thanks and shoutout to serpenscape to for the drama track
Closer to the 2nd DRB (II)
Chapter Summary

They're capturing the targets.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“You were fired,” I deadpanned.

“Yes, back to the prominent topic at hand, the most urgent one,” Jyuto waved it off as Rio raised
an eyebrow. “I need a background check on someone, think you can help, Rio?”

“Hmm,” Rio flipped over the roasting salamanders, “Is her name Hitaki Tsumabira?”

“Oh?” Jyuto blinked, “You’re rather well-informed.”

“It was a simple guess,” Rio shrugged. He offered me a stick and I took one to eat. Salamander
wasn’t too bad. Jyuto turned him down beside me. “She was formerly in charge of the Special
Maximum Security Prison, the one where my commander is in. I once looked into her for

“... Hitaki…”

I could faintly remember her name.

“Wasn’t she the one who joined up with the Tobari brothers that one time?” I questioned Rio and
Jyuto, withholding their stares.

“Correct,” Rio nodded, “After that incident, she was thrown into the prison she was in charge of.
Apparently, she had escaped and no one knew her whereabouts.”

“So then her chances of doing drug trafficking are high,” Jyuto mused, his hands crossing over his
chest, “That doesn’t explain why Chuuohku is involved though.”

“We can ask Hitaki that ourselves, then,” I puffed, watching the smoke dissipate.

“Yes Samatoki,” Jyuto deadpanned, “It would be easy to do that. Only if we knew where she was!”

“I know where she is.”

Jyuto turned to Rio in shock. I just calmly brought the cig to my lips.

“Rio… you… what?”

“This soldier knows where she is. I have a former comrade who’s good at gathering information.”

“Kento just hit me up too,” I hummed, “I’d ask Saburo, but we’d be getting him into unneeded
business. We can see if our information matches, Rio.”

Jyuto looked at us incredulously. He couldn’t believe us, huh? Well to be fair, if I was him, I
wouldn’t be able to believe it either…

“So then, how are we going to start?” Jyuto spoke with a troubled sigh. He was also furious, it was
obvious. I knew that he wanted to get his hands on that Sekirei roach and strangle him. I wanted to,
too, but he was Jyuto’s prey.

“We can start with you getting rid of the druggie bug,” I announced with a flick of the cigarette’s
butt near the ashtray. “Simple.”

“Just Jyuto?” Rio raised a brow, “Would it not be more efficient to have everyone go after this
Sekirei person?”

“Technically, yes, Rio,” I snuffed the cig out after one last puff, “But he's Jyuto's prey.”

“Jyuto’s prey?”

That’s how Jyuto started to explain his situation and his beef with the druggie roach. Rio nodded in

“Don’t fuck up, Jyuto.”

“I won’t dare to.”

We let Jyuto walk off on his own later. It was just me and Rio. We reached an area where the head
Chuuohku police department and Hitaki were at. The Misago beetle was praising the escapee on
her ideas of making their ranks higher than the rest.

By teaming up with a drug dealer, by selling and confiscating the drugs they sell, Misago would
gain many achievements in Chuuohku, causing the others to look her way. There would be no way
she wouldn’t be promoted. Hitaki stated she only watched the filthy men do their thing and mused
that maybe some of the men’s ideas were not rotten to the core.

It took every bit of self-control I had not to burst in at the scene.

I had to wait for Rio who took a detour on his way to get here. In case of the chance we got caught,
we split and went our different ways to grab the two women who were behind this drug fiasco.

As soon as I saw Rio rushing down the halls, I barged into the room like it was my business. The
two maggots were startled and one of them stood up, causing their chair to fall to the ground. I
wasted no time in rapping against them and Rio quickly took up his part in the duet. It wasn’t that
hard of a verse, but they had the audacity to state that we’ve gotten stronger.

Wasn’t that obvious? Grub. Why would anyone want to stay weak?

“Let’s split up,” Misago hissed. Hitaki nodded her head and the two ran off. I just let them go
despite Roi’s shock. A hunt was much more fun than a one-shot one-kill after all.

“Samatoki! We can’t let them escape-!”

“I know that, Rio,” I calmed him down with a soothed tone, “Who do you want to chase?”

“...” Rio looked conflicted for a second, but with a determined voice he answered, “Hitaki, I have
many things to ask her.”
“Got you,” I nodded, “Then I’ll chase the other worm.”

We split off after that. I’m sure Rio would catch her and defeat her in battle. He was strong, I
didn’t really have to worry when I knew the outcome of this encounter, this event, anyways. If he
was to be mortally injured I would’ve advised him against it, but that’s not even the problem, is it?

I easily jogged towards the bitch bastard who was screaming her head off. She was running as fast
as her feet could take them. Hell, this roach was eager to throw her pointy ended heels at me as she
ran. She was barefoot right now. What a fucking joke.

“I fucking swear,” the roach cursed, “Once I escape and recover, you’ll have hell to pay! I will get
my revenge!”

“You’re too slow for that,” I sighed as I started to pick up my pace. I worked out every day for
future and present and past problems. The roach? She ate cookies and drank tea and her feet were
sore from walking a couple of meters. We were in different realms.

It didn’t take long for Chuuohku officers to arrive on the scene. Well, we were in a hotel right now,
so I could understand why there was Chuuohku.

“Ladies!” The insane bitch threw her hands up in the air, “Welcome! Hahaha! Samatoki Aohitsugi!
This is your doom! The tables have turned and I have won!”

Her gleeful cheer was annoying to me. Not only that, I already knew that these troops were nothing
to me. They were weak fries and I was the burning oil that would turn them into charcoal.

“Just because you wear the same uniform doesn’t mean you’re on their side, bitch.”


I smirked as her eyebrows knitted in confusion. It was even funnier to see the Chuuohku police
start moving towards me as soon as she gave her orders. They were still wary of me, how funny.

“Stop right there!”

A familiar voice that pained my heart. I tried to ignore the weight my heart grew in a matter of
seconds. I hear a familiar voice that would call me so sweetly in the past.

Nemu walked to the scene, her cloak fluttering. She placed a hand on her chest and glared at the

“Misago Haebaru, you are under arrest for freeing Hitaki Tsumabira from prison and taking part in
illegal transactions.”

I didn’t say anything as Nemu prattled on and on. The troops supporting the bitch seemed to realize
that they might get in trouble and backed down. This caused bitch to panic. She hissed at Nemu
and pulled out a mic. Screaming, she activated it.

I know I should’ve stayed back, waited for Nemu to finish her off by herself so I didn’t cause any
unnecessary interactions, but I couldn’t help it. As soon as I saw the rap head towards Nemu, my
body reacted on its own and I took the full force of the attack.

It didn’t even sting, much less tickle. Still, a groan escaped my mouth and I could already feel the
shaking pink eye of my sister on my back.

It was silent, covered in the bitch’s laughter.

“Don’t get in my way.”

And as it should be, my help was refuted.

“I’ll take care of my shameful colleagues on my own, don’t get in my way,” Nemu repeated as she
briskly walked past me. “Chuuohku can fix its own problems. We don’t require your assistance.”

“... I know,” I settled on an answer and brushed myself off as I stood up straight. “But you’re also
my sister. I want to at least fight alongside you.”


“It doesn’t matter!” The roach laughed, “I will destroy you both!”

“You’re not relying on me to save you,” I said to Nemu. “I'm not doing this to save you. I’m doing
it to save myself.”

Nemu frowned and activated her mic as well, but made no further comments about wanting me to
stay out of her fight. Good. I really wanted to fight too. Let’s see how much my angel had grown
over the time we weren’t together.

I decided to play backup as Nemu acted like the spearhead.

“You have betrayed Chuuohku expectations

Your justice went through mutation.
I don’t need someone like you to recreate Chuuohku’s foundations!”

“You know that there is no negotiation

Regarding your obvious miscalculation.
Bitch if you think you think you're free,
I think you have a serious disease!”

The roach screamed so loudly that I thought she died. Though, I guess I sort of wanted her to die.
Nemu… didn’t sound like she was brainwashed, but the THM could do wonders. It made me
wonder if the 2.0 version was created. The perfect yet imperfect version.

“Take her away,” Nemu ordered the Chuuohku officers present. They looked at each other before
nodding. Turning their backs on their once commander, they dragged a screaming grub away.

“Wait,” I looked at Nemu, “I have questions for her.”

“Too bad,” Nemu said as the other occupants of the space left. It was just me and Nemu now. “I’ll
do something about Taikou Katen and Jyuto Iruma, until then, try to stay out of Chuuohku
business. Actually, not just then, all the time.”

“You know they're not guilty.”

“I do,” Nemu stated.

I stared into eyes that weren’t hazy by someone’s influence. I think it was a good time to ask.

“What are you thinking, Nemu?”

My voice was soft only carried by a gentle breeze that I wished caressed my sister’s cheek.

“I’m thinking…” Nemu paused, contemplating whether she wanted to tell me the truth or not. She
hesitated, but then relented, “I want to change the world by following the strength and justice I
believe in.”

“Chuuhoku isn’t very just,” I couldn’t help but point it out because of the bitterness in my heart.

“I know it isn’t clean,” Nemu responded after a heartbeat, “But if I can end the corruption, maybe I
can make a fair, equal world. A world where no one has to be in pain or one where families are

“That’s… hypocritical,” I hesitated, but the spiteful words escaped on their own. “Chuuohku is
something I can never forgive.”

“I know.” The answer was so short. “But ‘sacrifices must be made for the greater good.’”

I withheld a bitter laugh and just looked to the side. What a brother I was, unable to look into his
sister’s eyes.

“Do you really mean it?”


“You’ll have to fight against me, you know?”

“I am prepared to do that if I have to,” Nemu said with confidence, “It’s for my dream.”

“It’s a pointless dream. To reach that dream of yours, you need more corruption, it will never
become as clean as you want it to be,” I pointed out yet another flaw. What Nemu wished for was
peace, but peace normally invited dystopian tendencies and dictatorship.

“I just want to chase my dream,” Nemu tried to look me in the eye, “Is that bad?”

I bit the inner parts of my lips and looked up to Nemu, looking into her eyes. I needed to see how
resolute she was. I needed to see it, even if I didn’t want to.

“Onii-chan,” Nemu’s voice dropped back to the soft tone I remembered it to be before she left for
Chuuohku. “If you really want me to stay, I will if you tell me to.”


I placed my hands over my face.

“That’s what I thought,” Nemu sighed. Placing a hand on my shoulder, Nemu said, “You’re too
soft. You can’t tell me ‘no’, right?”

My hands were pulled off my face and I couldn’t give her the smile she deserved. It was a weaker

“You are following the path you believe in, I will follow the one I believe in,” Nemu stood up as a
police officer walked in. “Just cheer me on the best you can.”

“...” The sprinkler systems broke at that moment. A pure coincidence. Through eyes covered by
water, I could barely make out the dry figures of Nemu and the officer leaving. “I will.”
I lied.

“Thank you, Onii-san.”

I hurried to my apartment without anyone. I needed to dry myself before I saw another person.

“I’m going to leave for a slight while.”

“Ho? Is it because of the Division Rap Battle?”

Oyaji stared at me.

“I have something to do.”

“Hahaha! Alright. If you ever need money, I’ll welcome you back with open arms.”

“Thank you.”

Chapter End Notes

The second DRB is just around the corner... After a couple more weeks, hahaha
Chuuohku is allowing anyone who wants to beat up these two ex-officers to take their
chance now :)

This time, special thanks and shoutout to serpenscape to for the drama track
Drunk in Nagoya
Chapter Summary

Samatoki, filled with too many thoughts, calls up someone to take their offer of
drinking from a long time ago.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

When I left Katen Gumi, I felt like there was a hole in my side. So I ended up going somewhere I
probably shouldn’t have.

Calling a phone that was supposed to rust until a certain day, I found myself walking to Nagoya. It
wasn’t something large or harsh, rather something I felt like I wanted to do. Oyaji was cool with
me leaving, so I was going to go.

I would probably go back, but that was not today. It would not be soon.

Right now, I wanted to get fucked up. I forgave Ramuda, Nemu was doing alright, but everything
happened so suddenly, just at once. Rio and Jyuto still won’t tell me what they spoke about with
Ichiro and I needed to feel like shit.

That meant getting drunk.

I entered a bar I walked into before back when I was still with TDD and I smoked on the way there
from the train. Maybe I shouldn’t have held onto a cig for that long. Though, I didn’t care. My ass
sat on some chair and despite the high prices, I was willing to take a few drinks. Nothing too
strong, but nothing weak either.

It was still the same bar. A little cozy, pricey, and a great place to have a bit of fun.

I asked for two Islay whiskeys and told the bartender to put one next to me.

“For a friend,” I replied as my own drink burned my throat, sliding in without me needing to

“You might drown like that,” someone commented. They took the seat next to me, taking their
pristine suit off.

I set the glass down, half-empty, and my eyes scoured the person next to me.

“Hitoya-san,” I greeted the lawyer, “Good to see you again.”

“You haven’t seen me in a long time, brat,” Hitoya-san muttered ‘brat’, but I still heard it. I gave
him a faint smile and he sighed. Chugging the drink I bought for him, his silver eyes roamed my

“I thought you wouldn’t call me?”

“I had other plans,” I shrugged.

Hitoya-san scoffed as he placed his half-full glass. Keeping his eyes steady on mine, the lawyer
ruffled my head.

“Looks like it’s been tough for you since then.”

“Maybe,” I hummed. I couldn’t afford to let this man see any weaknesses. “I could say the same
thing about you too.”

“Maybe,” Hitoya-san chuckled.

From this sight of view, If he was sadder, more lost, yet at the same time determined, I could see
another person.

Hair that was no longer styled with precision and care. Eyes flaming with protection and fierceness
despite the way they seemed hollowed out. Dark circles under silver eyes and a body that was no
longer in a suit. The only remaining evidence of the suit was a tie that had two clips. One a
profession, the other a memory with a family. Knowledgeable in protection, but was unable to
protect those closest to him.

But the man in front of me was not him. He looked more resolved and happy. Different from the
Hitoya-san I knew. The one who said we were similar. The one I got to know in the future.

It makes me wonder.

Just what did he go through?

Had he met Kuko and Jyushi? Could they really change him that much?

From a bitter man hung up on his brother’s suicide to a man who brimmed with more confidence
and excitement?

I guess it meant he was stronger than me in a way. This was something I already knew but to come
to terms with it like this was… unexpected.

“Are you still some gangster punk?”

“Are you still a lawyer?”

I shot the question back at him and wondered how much of that night he truly recalled.

“I remember a bit,” Hitoya-san hummed. When I raised a brow he stated that it was his job to read
in between the lines.

“How did you know it was me?” I asked Hitoya-san a question as I tipped the rest of my drink
down my throat. “I only asked for you to come for a drink.”

“The same way I knew it was this bar at this time,” Hitoya-san laughed. “I thought it was a fever
dream, too hazy to be real. I doubted myself and our meeting, but when you called, it was like
everything rushed back to me.”


He nodded his head. Though he did say that his memory was still fuzzy about the things he
revealed he stated that hopefully, we could be good friends. Wordlessly, I got another glass to clink
with him in our silent vow of becoming friends.

We drank in silence a little bit and I started to feel a little fizzy. It wasn’t as bad as it was since the
last time, but it certainly felt more comfortable with a silent buzz unlike a cicadas’ hum ringing in
my ear. Definitely, because there was someone nearby too.

“You still seem like you can’t let go of something.”

He said it so casually. Just like that time when he talked about our similarities. Again, I would’ve
missed it. I think the only reason I didn’t was because of how accusatory yet so gentle the words
were. It made me want to curl up and let the pipes loose.

“What do you mean?”

I once again looked away and motioned the bartender to give him another drink. Hitoya-san took it
in stride and looked me in the eye, not as drunk as he was in our first encounter this time. It felt as
if our positions were switched somehow.

“You know what I mean,” he reasoned instead with a gruff yet soft voice. That scratched my
eardrums yet tenderly tickled them.

After a brief moment of silence, I asked him, “How did you let yours go?”

Hitoya-san contemplated the answer. He silently looked me over again, taking in my appearance. I
tried my hardest to look good, but in the end, I was still wearing the same vintage shirt, same
necklace, same bracelets, same pants, same shoes.

“I didn’t let go,” He finally answered. I was a bit taken back, but I smiled for him. I was going to
congratulate him or simply tell him I doubted it until he said something else. “I didn’t let go, but I
found a way to embrace it and recognize that one day it’ll be nothing.”


I blinked.

“I found a way to overcome it, but it’s not gone,” Hitoya-san nodded his head. “I can’t forget it. But
it’s not… desperation or spite anymore.”

“It’s not… spite, anymore?”

My eyes shook. What was that supposed to mean? Is he implying that I’m living out of spite? What
the fuck is he saying?!

“Look Samatoki-kun, can I call you that?” I nodded. “Samatoki-kun, it’s hard to explain. But I got
through it after telling someone and receiving the obvious knowledge that they would help me no
matter what.”

“I see,” I blinked slowly. Was that it?

“So you need someone to talk to,” Hitoya-san got up after finishing his third glass, “Find someone.
It doesn’t have to be me, but if you do ask me, I’ll be available.”

I couldn’t even thank him as he left the shop. I had to protect the small savings I had left. So I had
to make my money worthwhile. I would no longer have a lot of money so I had to be careful with
It’s okay, I've done this since I was little.

So I ordered one shot.

Two shots.

Three shots.

A couple of shots later I stumbled out of the bar. I paid everything beforehand so the bartender
gave me exactly how much I could get with the money I paid him. I was counting in my head but I
must’ve counted three extra than the original amount of shots I should’ve received.

I felt that familiar burn inside, that merry-go-round in my body. Hazy, blurry eyesights with the
faint dots of light. Brain melting into something comfortable and vulnerable yet prickly and unsafe.
Mouth still zipped shut.

And it was then, as I stumbled about that I realized something.

Back then, I contemplated how no one would be able to what me out regarding the future. How I
was alone that no one would listen to me.

Now, I was waiting for someone to pick me up and take me to a warm house. I was waiting for
Yotsutsuji to take me to TDD like he did when I was here before.

This just made me feel more lonelier.

I paused a bit, my legs stopping to work and the darker thoughts swirling in my mush of a brain. I
started to consider things I had attempted to stop and my thoughts would move on their own and I
couldn’t control my impulses.

I felt like fucking shit.


I had missed the fact that no one would come to get me.

Kento and the others were busy with a task I handed out to them beforehand. Jyuto had police
duties and Rio was busy finding out more information about his commander. And no one knew
where I was.

“Brethren of the night!” I heard a loud, confident voice. In the midst of the fog, I could barely
make out a teenager who I didn’t think I would be seeing anytime soon. “T’was a fine day is it

When his eyes met mine his confidence wavered and his mouth opened with a tremor.

“A-Are you okay?”

“Hahahaha!” I laughed harder. Maybe I wasn’t alone. Maybe I wasn’t going to be alone. He
seemed scared, but he reached out a hand to me. I took it fiercely and looked him in the eyes. His
fear-filled eyes changed to determination and instead of me leading, he started to lead me out of the

My legs didn’t stumble, I wouldn’t tumble and my legs continued on pushing against everything it
could to keep up with the boy dragging me along.
Despite being unable to feel anything other than the buzz of booze, I could feel the warmth of his
actions. And in a dead silent street, I could hear noiseless screams of gratitude.

I was handed a drink as my crusty eyes opened. Like ash, the crust crumbled and littered all over
the floor. I couldn’t see them, the specks of dirty things, but I was told it was okay. I drank water
and took a hangover pill as a teenager looked at me like a puppy.

“Y-You're Mad Trigger Crew’s leader, Samatoki Aohitsugi, right?”

“Yes,” I nodded my dizzy head. “And you are ArgoξOrchestra’s main vocalist, Jyushi Aimono,

“Y-Yes,” Jyushi blinked in shock and I smiled at him.

“Nice to meet you,” I said politely, offering him a face with a mouth that had its ends tacked up.

“Same here,” Jyushi muttered as he grabbed a couple of things. He started to dab me and I held in
a wince. I must’ve gotten injured somehow.

“Thank you,” I grinned.

“Your welcome,” He spoke with a high-pitched tone. Afraid and brave.

“Where am I?”

“My room,” my eyes grew in size, “I thought you weren’t having a good time so I thought it would
be safer to take you with me. My parents aren’t here so they won’t know.”

We were in a peaceful silence after.

He had parents who loved him yet were rarely home.

I never knew that.

“You are different from the you on stage, huh?”

I would never know. I barely remember the same Jyushi who flounced and spoke with polished,
extravagant words. I only knew real Jyushi. The one who spoke with confidence instead of having
to hide behind a character. The one who sung himself to sleep and would excitedly talk to me after
confiding his fears of death. The one who lost his stuffed pig.

“Oh! Uh…” Jyushi started to get nervous. I barked a laugh.

“It’s amazing. Two personalities. But that’s fine. You know what? I like you as you are. You’re
already strong, aren't you?”

“Huh?” Jyushi snapped his head to look at me and I chuckled. “Me? Strong?”

“You’re plenty strong to me.”


“Yeah,” I nodded.

“I see…” Jyushi smiled at himself. I heard him mutter a sentence to himself about being strong and
my mouth twitched a bit farther than the tack.

“I’ll get going now."

“A-Already?!” Jyushi looked at me with worried eyes and I nodded.

“I have teammates to go back to. I can’t disappoint them.”

“I… I understand,” Jyushi nodded his head a bit reluctantly. I huffed a laugh and patted his back. I
walked to the door, looking at how he had his back to me.

“Could you do me a favor though?” When baby blue eyes looked at mine I smiled at him. “Could
you pester Kuko about Ichiro? I know it’s difficult, Jyushi-kun, but… It’s for Kuko’s sake.”

“You know… Kuko-san?”

Before he could ask me another question, I rushed out on my own. So that when Jyushi turned his
body to rush after me, I would no longer be there.

I took my time texting Rosho-san too. If I could crack Nemu then Sasara and Kuko should be able
to regain something too. At least, that’s what I hoped.

Chapter End Notes

Whoo! I'm attempting to stick with fluff before the 2nd DRB lol :'D
Similar Happenings
Chapter Summary

MTC chats about what they could do after the 2nd DRB. And that night he gets a call
from an unexpected person.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

After my talk with Hitoya-san and my unfortunate yet fortunate meeting with Jyushi, I ended up
checking my phone messages more often than not.

I messaged the Remnants' group chat. I was asking for quite a lot of things, but they were doing
well for the most part. They all told me to take it easy and that I shouldn't be having too much
trouble now that weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

I agree.

For the most part, I felt lighter now. I also felt more in sync and favorable towards them. I knew
why I did and I guess I have someone to thank. A lot of people actually.

Kanade : Boss?
Boss : Yes?
Kanade : We are getting there.
Boss : Cool
Kento : Don't expect too much though!
Kento : We don't want to disappoint.
Boss : I doubt y'all will disappoint.
Kento : We won't fail those expectations.
Boss : I know.
Tenki : Boss
Tenki : I got everything made
Yudai : This hero had a difficult time helping
Tenki : U still did well Yudai
Kanade : Better than I thought you would
Yudai : Hey!
Tenki : I thank Yudai and Gin-chan for helping me.
Kento : How good?
Kanade : He wasn't a waste of space.
Yudai : Excuse you!
Kento : I'm surprised.
Kanade : Same
Adi : Same
Lomu : Same
Papari : Same.
Koni : Same
Rengi : Same
Piion : Same
Wano : SAME
Denki : Agreed.
Kanade : Denki!
Tenki : Damn U
Denki : WTF?! Wut I do?!
Piion : Even I ain’t that dum
Koni : Fucker!
Yudai : Hey! No fighting!
Yudai : Also no teasing the hero!
Denki : Wut I do?!
Tenki : “Agreed.”
Kanade : That
Koni : That
Rengi : That
Kento : Basically, you didn’t say ‘same’
Lomu : That
Zinan : Agreed.
Zinan : Whoops I was late wasn’t I?
Denki : Zin said it too!
Kanade : But he’s late.
Yudai : No one can mess with Zin-kun
Denki : Fuck you all
Kento : Fuck you Denki
Boss : So can I talk a bit more?
Denki : No, fuck you.
Denki : Fuck.
Denki : Boss I’m so sorry.
Denki : It was meant for Kento.
Kanade : F
Koni : F
Piion : F
Rengi : F
Zinan : F
Papari : F?
Tenki : F
Lomu : F
Adi : F
Wano : F

I stared at the ridiculous amount of texting and I struggled to hold in my laugh. Yep, this definitely
felt more real at the moment. It was a good way to ground myself. I texted a couple more orders in
it. I knew that Kento would look over them later so I wasn’t completely worried.

So as I was having my fun, I didn’t think that it would be ruined by something really simple. To be
fair, I should’ve seen it coming, so it was my fault I didn’t do anything, but at the same time, I
couldn't help but detest it a bit.

There were posters hung up on the walls of buildings in Yokohama. There were posters of
rebuilding and a promise to come. I didn’t take one, instead, I kept my eyes forward and continued
to walk.

When I entered my apartment, I was not expecting Rio and Jyuto to be there. I was thinking that
they would be somewhere else. Anywhere but fucking here. I really didn’t want to see them right
now. One of them especially.

I forgot that I had told them where my extra key was hidden.

“Welcome home, Samatoki,” Jyuto took a sip of his coffee. It seems like they found my stash of
Rio’s beans. Damn.

“I’m back, I guess,” I shrugged, trying to act nonchalant. I sat on the couch next to Jyuto while Rio
sat in a sofa chair next to me.

I gratefully accepted the coffee offered to me by Rio. I could brew some mean fucking coffee, but
Rio was the one with the best skills in making coffee. At the very least, the best beans.

“I heard you quit the yakuza,” Rio announced, eyeing me for a reaction. I calmly took a sip of my
coffee. Damnit. It was lukewarm.

“I didn’t quit,” I corrected, “I’m taking a break.”

“Then you must have free time?” Jyuto eyed me with his clover eyes. I eyed him back and brought
the cup back to my mouth.


I didn’t know what he was getting at, but I should’ve seen it coming.

“Then why don’t we all go to this amusement park once it’s open?”

I spat my coffee out in response. Jyuto held the same posters I saw plastered everywhere and he
had a damn innocent face.


“Samatoki. After this is all over. Let’s go to that new amusement park.”
“Then hell yeah, we can bring Rio too!”
“I suppose, but you’re using your own money.”
“C’mon Jyuto! Treat me a little, won’t ya?”
“Hah… fine…”

“Do you not want to?”

I bit my bottom lip. Shit, spoke aloud.

“Ah, uh…”

For some reason, I couldn’t say ‘I want to’. But I didn’t want to say ‘I don’t want to’. I couldn’t say
anything at all. I don’t know what happened.

“Ah… umm…”

It was as if I didn’t want to say ‘yes’, nevertheless, I didn’t want to say ‘no’.

Jyuto and Rio exchanged glances with each other before Jyuto leaned over to gently pat my back.

I jolted out of my stupor and Rio smiled.

“We can go.”

I don’t know when it got foggy in here, the boiling water for the coffee must’ve created the mist.
And I could feel the fog condense and almost form a streak on my cheek. But it only made my
vision blurry.

I didn’t trust my voice so I only nodded my head twice. Jyuto huffed as Rio smiled. They started to
talk about other things I wasn’t so sure about, things I don’t think I recall, but I knew one thing for

“Since I don’t have access to my office anymore, we need to figure out where we can meet,” I took
my role as leader and started to plan out ways we could meet up. “I can offer my apartment.”

“Same here,” Jyuto nodded his head.

“My camp is always free,” Rio smiled widely.

“Cool so then we have three distinct places to plan,” I shrugged. “Rio’s camp is normal, but feel
free to come by my place too. I promise it won’t be all that bad. Also, it’s more off of Chuuohku’s
radar, if you know what I mean?”

I chuckled a bit along with the other two. We started to talk about other things like rapping and our
tactics. Something that would help us in the 2nd DRB. We were more than pumped now, I could

I felt more and more nervous, but I wasn’t scared. I knew that there were people behind my back
no matter what. So with that in mind, I could act as rashly as I wanted to. Right?

Fuck nerves.

I cooked up a small dinner for the three of us. Rio and Jyuto seemed to like my food and I felt so
happy. Indeed, meals were to be shared. We shared our goodbyes and I made one more check-up
with the Remnants.

Kento seemed to be doing a fairly good job on his own, leading everyone. I’m pretty sure I saw
Tsuju mention that Leta was almost done with his part. Suzu might’ve said something else too… I
sighed and stretched a bit.

Looks like I’ll have to do a bit more, huh?

I decided to smoke before I went off to make more plans. I couldn’t sleep, I already knew that, but
I needed a break. The cig sounded really great so that’s what I decided to do.

I gazed out to Yokohama city from my apartment. I was having a pretty swell time until I heard my
phone vibrate. Now there’s nothing wrong with that, but I wondered who would call me this late.
Or should I say, message? It wasn’t the designated ringtone for the Remnants so I was really
confused on who it could be.

I moved over to grab my phone on the kitchen table. It was lighting up as another text went

I did not expect it to be the person it was.

Sasara Nurude.

I stared at the messages coming through. Then a call was started. I hurriedly snuffed my cig and
tossed it to the nearest bin instead of my ashtray and I rushed to pick up the call. What the fuck?

“H…” I panted, a bit out of breath, “Hello?”

“Fuck, what am I doing?” A bitter laugh answered the phone.

“Yeah, what are you doing?” I struggled to keep my breath steady, but I could manage.

“Hahaha! I guess you don’t know either!”

Sasara forcefully laughed. I could feel pain in his voice. I wanted to reach out to him. But I didn’t
know how the THM was working right now. Just because Nemu was fine… Doesn’t mean that
Sasara was fine.

“Are you okay?”

“You’re always fucking asking something useless.”

Ouch. The growl was unmistakably aggressive. I then heard Sasara panting, groaning, as if he was
in pain.

“Shit, I meant... I’m doing as fine as fine wine!”

“Your jokes are awful.”

“I know, my bad,” Sasara’s voice was a bit static, but he still pushed through his conflicting
moments. I could tell that he was doing his best.

“I’m surprised you reached out to me."

“You said I could,” Sasara pointed out.

“In this ungodly hour?”

“I knew you weren’t sleeping,” Sasara stated coolly. It was a harsh reply, “No one is there with

I just took it in stride. I said, “Yeah, I’m not sleeping. How did you know?”

“How do you think?” Sasara scoffed, “I could tell from the call. Not to mention, I ain’t dumb. I
know about your sleeping habits.”

I smiled, my fingers twirling an imaginary cig out of habit. Actually, I’ll just light a cig again.

“Yeah, I know you do.”

Fingers nimbly flicked the lighter and swiped the rotator. I got a small flame to light a new cig and
I puffed on it lightly.


It was quiet compared to his aggressive behavior. I couldn’t tell if Sasara was cursing himself or

We stayed quiet, simply acknowledging the fact that we were staying on the line.

Would Chuuohku hate us for talking to each other?

“‘Promise me that you will contact me even after you leave.’”

I exhaled as I heard something I think I said before. Sasara was reciting what I told him that night.

“‘You know I’ll forgive you no matter what. You can punch me or hurt me or whatever. Promise
me that you at least know I will forgive you and welcome you back with open arms.’ I called you,”
Sasara sharply inhaled, “Are you happy?”

“If I remember correctly…” I twirled my cig, “You made a joke about cheese after. It wasn’t that

“Hey!” I could hear Sasara gaining a happier voice. It was less aggressive and more friendly. “It
was great! Also! You shouldn’t ignore my question-”

“Yeah,” I hummed, cutting him off. “I’m happy.”


I smiled to myself and exhaled.

“Good,” Sasara replied. “Have a good night.”

“Yeah, you too.”

“Don’t choke on your cig.”

“That was one time-!”

Then he hung up.

Despite the way he hung up, I laughed, hiding my eyes with my hand holding my cig. I shut them,
engulfing myself in black as breaths of laughter erupted from my mouth. I wasn’t even angry,
because that’s what I did to him!


They fucking messed up.

I failed to control my laughter and I doubled over. In the end, I snuffed out my cig, despite not
using it much.

I was so happy, but I had to focus on something else now.

My eyes darted to my phone that was held by my hand. I swiped through it and got to the text that
was bugging me the most. The one I ignored to pick up Sasara’s call.
Unknown: You should lay low.
Unknown: Don’t call Sasara again.

I knew it was Rei. I don't know how, but I just did. He was giving me a warning. That’s okay. I
wasn’t planning on doing anything after this. Chuuohku was no longer hovering over the
Remnants, but they wouldn’t not keep surveillance around us, the divisions.

Samatoki: Got it.

Samatoki: Thanks Rei.

Chapter End Notes

I hope everyone had a happy thanksgiving or day! I realized late that the last chapter
was posted on Thanksgiving, should've said something, whoops!
Continuing On
Chapter Summary

After a nice lunch with Jakurai, Samatoki gets a call from Jyuto.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

It’s been a while since I last saw Sensei. That’s why I was surprised he asked me over. I mean, it
was before the 2nd DRB and we all had our own thing going on, but I hadn’t thought that he would
specifically ask me to come over.

I took the fastest train to get to Shinjuku as fast as possible. I wanted the meeting to be quick
because I was still busy training for other things.

“Samatoki-kun, have you eaten?”

Sensei pushed a couple of plates of food my way when we sat in a restaurant. I offered to pay, but
Sensei apparently paid beforehand.

“What did you want to talk about?” I pushed aside the pleasantries and continued on. I don’t need
to hear these concerns every time I meet someone. It’s honestly a little useless. Rei had warned me
not to talk to Sasara so I won’t. I wanted to reach out to Rosho, but I wasn’t sure if that was a good
idea. I don’t need to hear from them either.

“I wanted to… ask you for your advice,” Sensei had trouble with saying it aloud. I know right?
What could the perfect Sensei ask this great Samatoki Aohitsugi? Nothing really, because Sensei’s

That’s what I would’ve thought in the past, but that was different now.

“I don’t know if I can help.” I cut the steak with a knife, cleanly cutting the meat each falling apart
into two pieces, one small enough for me to toss into my mouth. I chewed as Sensei searched for
his words. I was patient, I cut another slice.

“This is rather embarrassing but…” Sensei bashfully ducked his head and I looked at him. He had
this twinkle in his eyes as he smiled softly. “Do you… remember?”

“Remember what?” I blinked oddly at Sensei. There were many things I remembered and many
things I forgot. Things I tried to let sink down to the back of my mind and things I tried to fish out
to shore.

“You said... “ Sensei’s laughter was filled with uncharacteristic nervousness, “I must be getting old
to be embarrassed about this… You said you would be my support.”

“I did,” I sipped the wine that was placed in front of me. I wonder where he was trying to go with
this… It didn’t have anything to do with Kannonzaka or Izanami, right?

“Not… exactly…” Sensei’s bit his bottom lip. “What would you say if… If I had to betray some to
protect a few?”

My knife stuttered on the plate. When I picked up my piece of meat, I inspected it. Half of it was a
clean-cut, but the rest of it was jagged. A couple of strands of meat were falling apart. I quickly
placed it in my mouth.

“It makes sense, doesn’t it?” I asked. I grabbed a napkin and dabbed my face. Sensei, in a sense,
had already done that. He was hit by the THM protecting Ramuda. By saving one person he had
forsaken everyone else. “They’re a precious person.”

I watched Sensei’s mouth freeze mid-chew. He continued slowly before swallowing the lump of
food down his esophagus. I let my fork down with a clink and put the knife down with a clunk.

“So do you think it’s permissible?”

“You’re a superhero, right?” Sensei froze up again and I took my time to cut the steak. “If you’re a
superhero, Sensei, it doesn’t pertain to everyone. It could be a community, a group of people, hell,
it could be a single person.”

I let the juicy thing sit in my mouth.

“Sensei, even if you harm me, I’m still going to be your support and you will still be a hero. Maybe
not mine, but you’ll still be regarded as a hero,” it melted and I chewed a bit before letting it run
down my throat. I was already full. “I said it before didn’t I?”

Sensei’s blue eyes got round as I quoted words I said some time ago.

“‘If you fall, I’ll be there for you, hero’.”

“Thank you,” Sensei bowed his head and his shoulders were shaking. I watched him. It was as if he
was crying, but I couldn’t tell if he was crying or laughing. “Thank you, Samatoki-kun.” His voice
wobbled like a top that was about to stop spinning.

“No need to thank me,” I laughed, “I am going to leave, alright?” I grabbed the wine glass and
downed the rest of the beverage before placing the glass down. “Thanks for the meal.”

I left an empty wine glass and half a steak with Sensei who couldn’t bring his head up to send me
off. I continued on my way, wondering what I should do for the day. I didn’t really know. I wasn’t
planning on doing other things.

The call from Jyuto really made my day for that reason.

Since I wasn’t sure what else I was going to do other than creating more strategies against the
future, I decided to go along with whatever the cop wanted.

“What’s up Jyuto?” I hummed to the phone.

“Samatoki, I was about to- CRASH. Damn it, not again. Give me a moment.”

I nodded my head and started to hum a song under my breath. The same unfinished song that I sang
unconsciously. A song I avoided for a couple of years in the past. I sang it as I walked to the
nearest train station.

“Don’t hesitate or stop playing with fire,

A creation so pure and full of our desire.
Rebel for our actions past and present
Revel in our victories, forget the unpleasant.
Damn the drawn lines we’ve crossed
We fight for ourselves, don’t heed the cost-”


We fight for those whose lives were lost.

I finished the verse in my mind as Jyuto shifted back into the call. My mutterings halted as my
breath hitched unevenly and I coughed a bit.

“Hey Jyuto, ‘sup?”

“Nice song,” Jyuto snorted, “What is it for? Sounds incredibly cheesy.”

“Does it?” I asked. I didn’t know if I wanted to laugh or scream so I just nodded, “I guess it does.”

“Who made it?”

I paused, unsure of how I should answer the question.


“I made it with someone,” I replied after he said my name. Damn, I took too long to think about the

“Why don’t you sing me the rest of it?” Jyuto changed tunes and asked me politely. I cracked a
smile and laughed without joy.

“Wish I could.”

“Did you forget it?” Jyuto snorted. He teased me, “It’s your own song and you forgot the rest of
the lyrics Samatoki?”

“I don’t even know the next beat,” I replied with another bout of laughter the same as the last.

“Samatoki, and you really can claim you created that song?” Jyuto was laughing with me now, it
wasn’t at me. No matter how much it felt as if he was laughing at me, he was laughing with me.
Because I was laughing too.

“Yeah, it’s incomplete.”

“You and your friend must’ve been busy then,” Jyuto snickered, “You won’t finish it without

“No, I can’t finish it without him.” I got my train ticket and walked swiftly to the train.

“When are you two playing to finish it?”

“We can’t finish it.”

“Why not? Are you afraid it’ll end up bad?” Jyuto scoffed. “That’s the dumbest thing-”

“I can’t finish it.” I cut Jyuto off with a voice too deep and too melancholic for my taste. Jyuto
went silent for a while. “That was the last verse that was finished.”
A suffocating silence stretched out. It was like playdough. Tough and to break soon. I could see
realization slowly dawning on Jyuto and looked away.

“My condolences,” Jyuto’s voice was thick. He must’ve had a hard time responding to me. I
wanted to apologize to him because of that.

“Nah, I’m sorry. Why’d you call me?”

“...” Jyuto stayed quiet for a while. I thought about hanging upon him, but all sorts of regrets could
happen if I did that so I stayed on the line.


This time, I had to call out to him. Softly, like I was asking a squirrel to come closer to me.

“Yes? Sorry. Right. I called you because I wanted to know if you wanted to possibly… Meet me at
Rio’s camp. I wanted you to brew me a coffee.”

“Oh, that’s fine,” I replied. My skills had really been honed after working as a barista/worker in
Yanagi-san’s cafe. “I can do that.”

“Where are you? I can pick you up.”

“I’m on the train right now. Since I’m heading from Shinjuku and back, it shouldn’t be long ‘til I
get there.”

“Shinjuku?” Jyuto sounded a bit alarmed. I snickered to myself, the tiredness from before ebbing
away. Jyuto and Rio were oddly protective over me visiting other divisions. It was as if they were
worried that their leader would be whisked away into another division.


“What were you doing there? You can’t even use your normal ‘roaming’ excuse because it’s not
night!” Jyuto snapped over the phone. I laughed to myself.

“Sensei called me over and requested a lunch.”

“...” I could hear his conflicting emotions over the phone. Another stifled chuckle as Jyuto huffed.

“Did you eat?”

“I ate some, yeah.”

“... Good.”

I imagined him scrunching up his face in distaste, his glasses slipping down just a little bit in
response. I rapped my fingers on the train’s side.

“Rio’s okay with us crashing right?”

“Obviously,” Jyuto’s bite started to come back into his voice. “I’m supposed to pick him up. He
apparently visited the city some time ago. I was going to go out of my way to get you too after, but
it seems like you aren’t even in Yokohama.”

“Yeah,” I got up and motioned an elder to take my seat. She thanked me and I smiled at her. “I’m
in a fucking train.” I moved to grab a rail so I wouldn’t fall.
We had a small banter during the train ride. Sometime in between, I could hear Rio’s voice as
Jyuto welcomed him in. I wasted no time in greeting Rio.

“Yo, Rio!”

“Samatoki?” Rio’s voice was full of disbelief as Jyuto sighed.

“He’s in a train right now. Apparently, he’ll catch up later.”

“I’m out of the train right now,” I informed as I stepped out casually stretching my legs. “I’ll get
going to Rio’s place then!”

“No no,” Jyuto ordered. “You stay there, we’ll pick you up.”

“You don’t even know which train station I’m in,” I deadpanned, as I looked around for the nearest
place to rest near some roads.

“Then simply tell us,” Rio suggested, “It isn’t difficult.”

“I guess so,” I sighed. I glanced around and casually walked over to lean on a lamppost. This was
fine. I nodded to myself. This wasn’t bad. My eyes roamed the streets, watching people as I
listened to Jyuto and Rio over the phone.

“Apparently Jyuto missed my coffee,” I teased suddenly. They stopped talking and I could hear the
cogs in both their fucking brains start to turn.

“Rio it’s o-”

“I can cook us something nice to eat along with the coffee,” Rio announced with a bright voice as
Jyuto groaned. Jyuto was a little too late. Damn. I shifted the phone away from my ear to look at
the time before putting it back near the ear.

2:43 PM. Cool.

“I might not eat much, Rio,” I warned the ex-navy. I was also not going to digest anything that was
of bugs or of vegetables today. “I ate lunch just a while ago so I’m not that hungry. By the way, my

“I know where it is,” Jyuto muttered. “You know I know and poked Rio on purpose.”


To be honest, I was full, but I knew that I’d get some sort of scolding if I didn’t eat something.
That was… If I didn’t have an excuse. But I did today.

A car pulled over and I left the lamppost that was just starting to get comfortable. The windows
rolled down and I could hear the click of the door lock so I could get in next to Jyuto.

“Get in here already.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I smirked as I slid inside.

Chapter End Notes

Some hypmic songs are incredibly cheesy. Fight me *^ *
The Damned Gates
Chapter Summary

Samatoki makes it to the front gates of Chuuohku and he isn't alone.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“We need to win the next DRB,” Rio announced loudly.

I nodded my head as I chewed on a Rio-made salamander stick, writing notes down in my

compressed notebook. It had the more thought-out and worthwhile plans jotted down with special
moments I didn’t want to forget. It wasn’t like my other journals which had my life in the past
written down. This one was solely for preparing the future and had everything condensed.

The ultimate notebook

After the talk with Sasara and the warning from Rei, I had to be extra careful so one notebook was
fine. There was a higher chance I would get caught with this but I was fine. This was fine.

Time was moving extremely quickly and it was almost time for the 2nd DRB.

I was barely listening to the conversation that Jyuto and Rio were having. My pen continued to
scribble and jot down ideas or thoughts I had. I knew I should be paying attention, but I was
focusing on this too.

“Why?” Jyuto asked curiously. He wanted to win too, but I guess he was curious about Rio's tone. I
paused to look up at his green eyes glittering as he glanced at Rio’s eyes who got dark.

“The next time we’re in Chuuohku, I’m planning to rescue the Commander. To infiltrate the
prison, I need data from the tower that’s kept offline. We can get into the tower if we win the
tournament. I will save him on my own and not cause either you or Samatoki any problems, so
please support me until then.”

I blanked for a second, my pen pausing creating a puddle of ink. Sighing and dabbing my pinky on
the ink to get rid of it, I closed my notebook with a loud thwack.

“‘I will save him on my own and not cause either you or Samatoki any problems’,” I mimicked
Rio, rolling my eyes after I realized that the damage on my notebook was irreversible. Whatever. I
glared at Rio, “Are you an idiot?”

“Samatoki-” Jyuto tried to cut me off but I stopped him with a single hand.

I already had plans for saving Ansho Iojaku.

“We’re all in the same boat, we live together and die together,” I pointed at Rio with my pen in
hand, replacing a cig that would normally be there.

Jyuto sighed, placing a hand to rub his temples as he added, “Not helping you isn’t on the table. I
will do whatever I can to help, even if it’s not much.”

“The end is near,” I muttered to myself, chewing the stick that no longer had a salamander. I would
have to contact a couple of people and ask them to do me a couple of favors so that everyone
would safely make it to the Chuuohku walls.

“Samatoki?” Jyuto glanced over.

“We’ll destroy Chuuohku after Rio’s Commander is out of prison,” my eyes fixated on my
teammates. “I’m done working under them.” I’m done living in fear for my loved ones.

“It sounds dangerous,” Jyuto sighed. But he gave me a grin after, “There are too many risk factors,
but you know what? I agree. Chuuohku supports drugs, I can’t let them loose scott free.”

“With the power we have, I believe that we, as a team, can do this,” Rio stated with a smile.

“Yeah,” I nodded. Glancing at the notes in my hand, I could feel a surge of determination swell up
in me. I took the stick out of my mouth and grinned, “We got this.”

We rode Jyuto’s car again on our way back to Chuuohku. Out of consideration for me, we reserved
the same hotel from last time, the one outside of Chuuohku. I felt a little less nervous in Chuuohku
than I was for the 1st DRB because I had a plan. Or at least, I think I felt braver.

Jyuto and Rio originally planned to arrive at Chuuohku late like we did for the 1st DBR, but after I
mentioned wanting to be the first ones there, they both packed up their things quickly and headed
off to Chuuohku despite it being early in the morning.

We ended up arriving a bit earlier than the afternoon. Rio and Jyuto decided to sightsee the
building and the walls a little more to see how we would rescue Rio’s commander. I said I would
stay in the car. Jyuto asked if he should stay with me, but I told him to stay by Rio’s side. I was
going to stay in the car so no one had to be with me.

I lied.

Opening the car door once they were gone from my eyesight and out of hearing range, I pushed
myself out and stumbled to the building that brought me so much pain. That brings me so much

I stared at it alone, a hand clutching a journal with condensed and hastily written notes.

When I realized my heart was working like it did before, I lit a cig and placed it between my teeth,
puffing away my worries and regaining lost confidence. I was going to wait until someone


I turned my head to look at a voice I heard through the phone the other day.

“Sasara,” I greeted the comedian who wasn’t supposed to appear at all.

“Samatoki-kun,” Rosho greeted me with a smile. He was right next to Sasara and had the kindest
look in his eyes, “We came earlier like you asked.” Sasara looked at Rosho and me indignantly
before rubbing his closed eyes. I could tell he was squinting by his scrunched-up face, but I don't
know if it was possible to see through shut eyes anyway...
“Thanks for coming,” I gave the Osaka Division one of my best smiles, tossing my thoughts away.
“Didn’t want to be alone.”

“You should’ve been left alone,” Sasara retorted. Then he paused. He apologized right after. It was
awkward so I tried to make a joke with him.

“Gomen? You mean, 'Go men!' That’s what Chuuohku says, right?”

Rosho’s face fell as Sasara’s started to brighten up, even Rei seemed amused.

I thanked Rosho from my past life as I watched present Rosho practically strangle Sasara for
teaching me bad jokes as Rei chuckled in the background.

“It’s good to see you all here,” I smiled, ignoring how my face tingled. Ugh, I wasn't embarrassed.

“It’s good to see you too,” Rosho tried to smile, but his worry got the best of him, “How are you?”

My fingers curled around my journal and I was suddenly aware of the weight of my Hypnosis mic.
I smiled benignly at Rosho and told him I was fine.

“Don’t push him,” Sasara laughed. He swung an arm over mine and I gave him a relieved grin.
He's taking my side. Maybe the THM effects loosened a lot. “He’s normally like this.”


“Though it is true you look worse than I last remember you. You look better than the first DRB
though. And that’s saying something,” Sasara hummed.

“I’d say he got better,” Rei spoke up.

I blinked in shock as the conman grinned under his sunglasses.

“Looks more prepared.”

My mouth twitched as the grip loosened.

“Yeah, I am.”

That’s when I noticed Fling Posse walking towards us. That’s odd. I thought they’d be one of the
last divisions to get here again.

“Ramuda!” I wove my hand widely, the cig leaving my mouth. The Osaka Division glanced over
to the three people walking over to us. Ramuda, Dice, and Gentaro made their way over to me.
Ramuda was gazing at me sheepishly but he froze when he noticed Sasara and Rei.

Fear and guilt. I could distinguish those two emotions anytime. I blinked at the way Ramuda hazily
avoided Rei and Sasara.

“Samatoki,” Ramuda pulled his lips into that trained smile, but he lost that fake spark of
enthusiasm. This wasn’t the Ramuda I knew in that time, but that’s fine.

“Did you forget about us? Ramuda-chan,” Rei smirked as he pulled Sasara over with an arm.

Ramuda visibly stiffened. Almost instantly the other two-thirds of Fling Posse were protectively
standing in between Rei and Ramuda. Gentaro looked livid and Dice seemed to be on edge. I could
only speculate what happened to Shibuya’s Division since the last time I saw them. Sasara looked
extremely confused since he didn't really know Ramuda while Rei barked in laughter.

“I’m sorry about him,” Rosho apologized for his teammates, “I don’t know what that man is
thinking sometimes.”

“That’s fine I guess,” Dice huffed.

Despite their words, Fling Posse did not lower their protectiveness over Ramuda.

“How are you feeling?” I asked Ramuda, taking one step closer to him. Gentaro glared at me but
Dice held him back. I could see the two conversing with their eyes as I nonchalantly spoke with
Ramuda. I'll ignore it.

“Pretty good,” Ramuda stuttered. He glanced at Sasara who looked confused and befuddled at the
hostility from the other two members of the Shibuya Division.

“That’s a relief,” I smirked at Ramuda.

Gentaro was still distrusting, but Dice seemed to relax. He smiled at me and I smiled back. As
Ramuda ensured the other two he was safe, I walked over to Dice to exchange pleasantries. Before
I could get another word in to Dice, I heard an extremely loud voice.


I turned my head to see Izanami rush forward. He grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me.

“You look awful as always! Do you want to move in and live with me and Doppo?!”

“Don’t force him if he doesn’t want to,” Kannonzaka walked in and huffed. He offered me a smile
which I sent back to him. He still looked over at me worriedly, Kannonzaka’s eyebags seemed to
be getting better though, I could appreciate that.

“Amemura-kun,” I tilted my head to see Sensei attempt to approach Ramuda. Too bad his two
puppy guards wouldn’t let him.

Kannonzaka and Izanami quickly told me their farewells as they rushed over to the doctor. It was
fucking funny and fucking sad to watch Sensei try to talk but fail. The other two Matenrou
members were arguing with Dice and Gentaro, trying to get them to let Sensei speak with Ramuda.
In the end, Ramuda took pity on him and offered to talk to Sensei on his own. I couldn’t help but
notice how both their teammates trailed after them in a very protective manner.

“Buddy buddy with everyone again?” Sasara tilted his head to look at me. My eyes snapped over to
Dotsuitare Hompo and I grinned. Rosho and Rei seemed to be arguing over something.

"Sure," I glanced at Gentaro’s fading back, “Though… I wouldn’t say everyone.”

“He must be a tough customer then,” Sasara joked with a grin. He snatched the neglected cig from
my hand and snuffed it out with me.


Sasara gave me his Cheshire smile and I felt my anger burn out. Damn clown. He must've thought
of something because his features softened up at the look of me.

I turned my head and realized with an ‘omph!’ that Brat #3 tackled me.

“It’s good to see you again!” The brat smiled widely. Behind him, I saw Ichiro and Brat #2. Ichiro
had a resolute face. I wonder what he was thinking about. His gaze morphed into some kind of joy
when he saw me and Sasara together.

Automatically, Ichiro was walking towards us and Saburo. Wait, wait. Didn't he hate me?

I started to pet Brat #3 as he rubbed his face against my chest. Brat #2 followed a little more
cautiously, his eyes trained on me rather than his brothers. Then they dropped to his brothers as he
grabbed his younger brother and peeled him off of me.

“Sasara-san, Nii-san.”


“N… Nii-san?”

Ichiro looked at me and narrowed his eyes. Sasara just laughed as he slapped my back. I felt lost. It
was as if they were talking about something I didn’t know about. What the hell did these two talk

“Would you look at that?” Rei waltzed over his grin shining a bit too white.

I blinked as all three brothers went hostile. Sighing, I grabbed the taller man’s shoulder and pulled
him down so I could speak directly to his ear.

“Stop doing that Rei,” I dropped my voice down to a whisper. Rei only chuckled as he straightened
himself, fighting against my strength.

“Of course, of course! I’m just happy to see them.”

“I know,” I added as Ichiro looked at me confused. It melted into some sort of deduction look as I
motioned Rosho over.

“Did he do something again, Samatoki-kun?” Rosho rushed over as he grabbed Rei. Automatically
he slapped the taller man’s chest and called him an idiot. Sasara joined in with more of a joking
manner. The brothers looked more confused, and I could tell Ichiro was slowly going over the
boiling edge.

“No worries about it. Rosho-san, come here for a sec.”

“Hmm?” Rosho turned to look at me curiously, but I just needed to say the name to trigger the
effect I wanted.


Rosho looked visibly surprised as Brat #2 quickly sprang to his feet. He rushed over to look at the
red-eyed teacher. The middle brother doubled back in shock as Rosho tilted his head in confusion.
The middle brother wasted no time in poking at Rosho and taking him in.

“Yes? Th-That’s me…”

“I’m Jiro!” Brat #2 introduced himself, grinning all the while. “Nice to meet you face-ta-face!”

Rosho looked at me in surprise before he quickly turned his body towards the second brat and
smiled, “Nice to meet you too Jiro-kun.”

"Thank you for taking care of my brother," Ichiro had a dazzling grin as he stuck out his hand, "I
suppose you remember me?"

"Of course! Please don't mind what Sasara said back then, he didn't want you to hold back," Rosho
took Ichiro's hand and returned the smile.

So far so good.

But something was troubling me. Where was Nagoya’s Bad Ass Temple? They should've been
here by now. I chewed the inner part of my cheek.

“Roshooo~!” Sasara started to whine as he sort of cuddled up to Rosho. “Why didn’t you tell me
about Samatoki~?”

“What do you mean?” Rosho looked away from Brat #2 and to Sasara. I only turned around ‘cause
I heard my name. “Wasn’t it obvious?”

“No! You just suddenly started to bug me about the old MCD days!” Sasara exclaimed. Ichiro
seemed interested in that too and turned to pay more attention to the duo. "And then suddenly you
said we have to get there early in the morning! And before I could introduce you to Samatoki you
already said 'hi' to him!"

“I teach Jiro-kun,” Rosho sighed.

“But when we saw Ichiro that day and you didn’t recognize him!”

“I only spoke with Ichiro-kun five times over the years through the phone!”

Ichiro nodded his head abashed.

“But… but,” Sasara stuttered, “That doesn’t explain how you know Samatoki!”

“I met him when he was trying to buy Melon Cream Sodas in Osaka,” Rosho sighed, “We
happened to run into each other and I thought I’d bring him to the place you liked!”

“Back then?!” Ichiro turned his head around to face me along with Sasara whose jaw dropped. I
grinned sheepishly as my meeting with Rosho was exposed. To be honest, I’m surprised he
remembered. Mine was like a hazy daze, I couldn’t remember anything to be fair. They blurred
with the previous timeline. I suppose what he said was true if I thought really hard on it.

“Guess so,” my lips twitched.

“Then why were they bothering me about MCD?!” Sasara glanced at Rosho with comically wide

“He asked me to,” Rosho sighed, “It was a favor and I only bugged you about it cause I got curious

Sasara glanced at me with his eyes bulging out, except they were still closed. Ichiro on the other
hand looked suspicious… Fuck.

“So it fucking was because of you, eh, Samatoki?”

A new voice joined the fray.

But it was one that we could easily recognize. I turned my head around to see a short monk walk in
with two people trailing after him. They were late, but I’m glad that they made it here. Checking
the sun I could tell it was before the fire started.

“Kuko?!” Sasara gagged.

Ichiro looked away as Kuko scowled.

“Yeah, me,” Kuko glanced at Ichiro before looking away. Golden eyes roamed over everyone
present before settling onto my own eyes. Then he repeated his words, “I knew it was because of
you, fucktard.”

"Whatever Sama-nii did you should think about your own actions."

When Saburo jumped to my defense, Kuko raised a brow, but otherwise stayed relatively neutral.
He was chewing on his bubblegum a bit too loudly, his lips smacking against each other as he blew
large bubbles from time to time. Made my hand itch for a cig.

"But it was his fault," Kuko complained loudly.

“Don’t say that, Kuko,” Hitoya-san smacked the backside of Kuko’s head. Kuko scowled and
glared at Hitoya-san, but did not do anything else.

“You’re talking about the favors I asked of Jyushi-kun and Hitoya-san?” I stared at Kuko back, my
eyes boring into his as well.

“You call those favors, bitch?” Kuko snarked. But still, his canines showed no real harm as he
grinned. “My head hurt like hell for the past few hours.”

“A couple of hours is nothing for you, right?” I retorted with a grin.

“Course not,” Kuko huffed. “It was just a shitty move meeting these two in Nagoya but not even
visiting me.”

“Sorry, I was worried about your mind,” I countered.

“As if,” cat eyes rolled to feign annoyance, “You sicked these two on me.” He jerked both thumbs
to each of his teammates, but the feline smile didn’t leave his face.

“I guess I did,” I relented with a chuckle. We stared at each other and I knew that Kuko would
cave. No, he wasn’t angry to begin with. We forgave each other through our eyes as Sasara rushed
to strike up a conversation and dragged Rosho along. He definitely wanted to brag about Rosho.


A distressed call was heard. I glanced to the side where the voice came from and I saw Rio and
Jyuto rush towards me. Kuko, the little shit, and Brat #3 stepped out of the way as the corrupt cop
grabbed me by the shoulders. Rio seethed behind him. Can't you guys see that they're pissed off?
Why are you letting them get to me?!

“You guys okay? Why so tired?” I asked, not really understanding the panicked and angry faces
that the two wore.

Jyuto started to shake me as he angrily shouted.

“What were you thinking?! You should’ve at least told me or Rio that you left the car!” Jyuto
screeched like a banshee, “Do you have any idea of how worried we were?!”

I smiled awkwardly because no, I had forgotten to notify them. Jyuto continued to shake me as Rio
glared at me silently. I apologized quickly to get them off my back, but also because I was truly
apologetic. It was slightly embarrassing being yelled at, but I suppose I had to deal with it.

“Sorry, I didn’t think you guys would worry…” When I received glares from everyone, not just
Jyuto and Rio, I hastily tacked, ...that much.”

“Are you shitting me?” Jyuto released me, but his eyes narrowed, “Why wouldn’t we worry?”

“Let’s not forget,” Rio sternly reminded me, “Chuuohku seems to have their eyes set on you.” He
wasn’t loud per se, but everyone still heard him. I was pretty sure they did because of the wary
gazes cast my way. I felt extremely self-conscious, but the Chuuohku building itself was relatively
quiet. I mean, can we get back to that, introduction phase? Luckily we did. Fling Posse and
Matenrou returned in a couple of minutes and we were ready to go inside.

“Fling Pudding,” Sasara snickered before getting a smack from Rosho.

It was a lighthearted meeting with the exception of the fuming bunny and angry bird.

The only bad blood I could see was the way Kuko snarled at Rei alongside Ichiro much to Sasara’s
and Rosho’s confusion. Hitoya-san and Sensei didn’t seem to be on even terms, reasonably. And
I’m pretty sure Fling Posse was too protective over Ramuda to the point where he might’ve been
suffocating in affection.

That's fine.

I don’t remember Sasara living long enough to have a battle. Hell, for it to be this peaceful enough
to have a battle.

So a little bad blood was fine.

Chapter End Notes

Whooo! Starting next week it's going to be 2nd DRB which means this story is now
turning away from drama tracks and manga because there is literally nothing I can do
it with!
Battle for Pride
Chapter Summary

Samatoki is amazed, the 1st Battle fo the 2nd DRB is starting.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

When we stood on stage, I had my guard up, clutching a notebook in my hand, my mic in my
pocket with the other. I also had my phone in the other pocket on vibrate.

I just had to make sure that nothing was going to end up south. Something bad was bound to
happen. Sure, I was fucking confused as to why it hadn’t happened yet, but that doesn’t mean
anything. It wasn’t bad if it wasn’t coming yet.

It simply meant I had to be on extra guard and I had to be careful.

My grip tightened.

The stage was a place where we simply became game pieces for all the fuckers who were
speculating us with grins and cheers. A place where six divisions stood as opponents and had the
tournament placements stated. I wasn’t surprised by any of the match-ups. They were the same as
the ones I saw on that paper that fateful day everything went to hell.

Still, it made no sense.

We never even stepped into the tournament building again after the 1st DRB.

It was so peaceful.

I felt a bit hopeful.

Were we going to be okay?

After our stand, Jyuto and Rio took me out of Chuuohku. We went to the hotel we booked, outside
of Chuuohku. Jyuto stated that he would be helping Rio inspect the Chuuohku building and asked
if I wanted to tag along.

I thanked him but said I’d rather walk around the town.

Jyuto nodded his head and left.

I lied once again because I stayed in the building for another lonely night.

It wasn’t a secret that MTC wasn’t going to stay in Chuuohku. The hotel we were staying in wasn’t
a secret either.

I simply didn’t expect this person who came to visit me, come to visit me.

I was greeted with Ichiro knocking on the door.

He was alone, with no brothers by his side. His ears were still bare and he had earphones like the
other DRB. His hands were fumbling with his phone, my contact on it as he shifted from side to
side, contemplating on which side he wanted to put the most weight on.

I thought it odd that he came to visit me, but I let it go and welcomed him inside.

Instantly his eyes went wide and he quickly hid his phone into his pockets and he made himself
welcome. He sat in a chair and I sat on the bed.

“Aohitsugi-san,” Ichiro started, then he bunched up his face and addressed me as “Nii-san.”

Imagine my shock.

“The thing in the past, I won’t ask you how you knew, but I want you to know that… I trust you,”
Ichiro warmly stared into my eyes with a bright light and I couldn’t help but start to freeze. “I do
wish you told me why or at least explained to me that you did nothing wrong.”

I stayed silent as Ichiro gingerly messed with one of the rings on his hands.

“You really need to explain yourself more.”

“I’m not an esper, Samatoki-san. You should really speak your mind more often. Like back then!”

“I’ll try,” I cracked a smile, “When did you grow up so fast?”

“During the time I spent hating you.”

Ichiro’s nonchalant response then still rang in my mind as I watched from behind the glass while
Dotsuitare Hompo and Buster Bros fought.

I didn’t think there would actually be a battle to watch.

I didn’t think that I would actually be watching it.

But here I was watching something I know didn’t happen and eagerly awaiting the outcome.

There was no surprise when the three brothers automatically aimed for Rei when it was their turn.

Sasara and Rosho looked alarmed at the sudden attack and quickly did their best to support Rei.

“Who do you think will win this time?” Jyuto questioned me from the left.

I blinked a bit, taken back. Looking over to an expectant Jyuto and a curious Rio, I could only give
them an uneasy smile. I couldn’t even guess who had the first turn right (my bet was Buster Bros
again, but it was Dotsuitare Hompo).

“I don’t know,” I answered truthfully. I looked back down at the two divisions fighting, one with
more vigor than the other. “But if I had to be honest, I think Buster Bros might win this one.”

“Why?” Rio looked at me, his interest peaked.

“Because,” I eyed the way that Rei was moving around, his sleazy ass tossing some rap here and
there. I knew what Rei was like when he was giving it his all. “Someone in Dotsuitare Hompo isn’t
really trying.”
“Ho?” Jyuto raised a brow as Rio furrowed his.

“That’s rather disrespectful,” Rio announced with a glow in his eyes.

“Yeah, it is,” I agreed. “Buster Bros have something bigger at stake too. In a sense, it’s almost as
important as Rio’s case.”

“What would that be?” Rio blinked. “Something more important than saving Commander?”

“Did I say that?” I snorted, my chin propped up by an arm. I stared through the glass and sighed. I
guess it was something after all that stopped me from talking aloud. "There's just a reason they
can't lose this battle."

Who wouldn’t want to beat their own father who abandoned them? Those brats on the stage had
one thing to prove. One thing they wanted to prove.

They didn't need a father like Rei and they grew up fine without him.

I sighed as Sasara pulled up his ability. I hadn’t seen that in a while. A ghostly smile fizzed on my

Killer Joke. An ability to be feared. He would be able to create a strong attack, just like Ichiro’s.
The difference would be the charging ability. Ichiro didn’t have to charge his, but Sasara’s would
get stronger the more ‘manzai acts’ he put on with another person causing his attacks to increase
the battle. Rosho was the perfect partner for that ability. Ichiro seemed a bit angry himself when
the attack came as a rushing punch. The two younger brothers tumbled, but they didn’t fall. Rei
only chuckled, but I could see the light reflecting off his eyes. What a happy fucker.

Ichiro sent his own Critical Blow with Yamada brat 3 backing him up. Brat #3’s ability to back the
others was a real wonder now as the impacts landed harder. I want to brag and say that it was
because of me.

Rosho quickly rushed forward with his own mic, looking a bit frazzled. He was the one that was
the weakest in this group. Sasara had been with me and Rei was the creator. Compared to those
two, Rosho was extremely lacking. Especially with his stage fright.

“Samatoki,” Jyuto’s lips pursed, “What do you think the other two’s abilities are?”

I blinked before glancing down at the battle. Of course, I knew.

“I wonder,” I breathed as Rosho’s verses sprung to life.

Educate, it lowers an opponent’s ability while heightening an ally’s. A true work of a skill if I said
so myself. Rosho’s hands trembled as he pointed off at Ichiro.

His rap barely did much to Ichiro and I could see Rei getting boosted. I felt a bit bad for Rosho and
Sasara at this point.

“He should’ve boosted Sasara,” I muttered without thinking.

“Why?” Rio looked at me and I decided to spare my teammates a glance.

“Because,” I jabbed at Rei from my spot with a thumb. “He’s the one who isn’t trying. It’s a waste
of a skill.” I jeered, “It seems as if his ability weakens an enemy and strengthens an ally at the
same time. It is smart in the sense that Rei is the next to attack according to the pattern they have
up, but the flaw is that Rei is completely holding back.”

“He’s holding back?” Jyuto’s eyes wavered a bit, he looked quite miffed.

“Yeah. I told you, remember?"

“But… he’s strong,” Jyuto pointed out. I raised an eyebrow of my own.

“So? Ramuda was the strongest one of all of us in TDD,” I steadied my gaze, he was the strongest
if I had not returned from the future. If he wasn’t hurting. “He’s holding back a ton too, you know?
Well, I don't know about that now since we're stronger now compared to then.”

“I see,” Rio furrowed his brow, “We are supposed to go against him…”

“On the third day,” my eyes wandered back to the battle before me. “Don’t worry, we’ll win.”

I said it so matter-of-factly the other two simply agreed with me.

I blinked as the middle brother hastily used his ability to attack…


No surprise. Brat #3 once again did his best to support his brother, Ichiro also boosting Brat #2 as
much as he could.

Then Rei stepped up to have a go.

Dotsuitare Hompo had a clear battle tactic. It was a little too clear and easy to read, but it was
arguably better than Buster Bros and their plan of simply going at it when they want to.

Rei grinned as he activated his ability.

Fraud, it was an awful attack that one. Depending on how much his teammates trusted him, Rei’s
ability would fluctuate. The more faith they had in him the better. He released a rap that hit the
brothers pretty hard, but the truth was the ability was more of a boost.

It looked as if it was an offensive ability, but the truth behind Fraud was the ability to support
teammates. Even the teammates didn’t know themselves that their abilities would be increased. I
could vividly remember Rei explaining his skill to me when we sat with the loud-ass cicadas.

His attack was still strong enough to push Brat #3 out of the way. I watched in curiosity and
surprise as Brat #2 rushed out of the rink, his own countdown starting. Ichiro watched in shock, but
the trust that radiated off of him was almost too much.

"Why did he do that?" Rio questioned, eyeing the middle brother who was rushing to the youngest.

"It's not like it's not allowed," I hummed in awe. "He can fight,but he can't move, then why not
move him back?"

Brat #2 picked up his brother and rushed back to the stage as the countdown got closer to zero.

"It's incredibly risky," Rio stared.

"Yeah," I laughed, "But it worked, didn't it?" Just as the country hit one, both brothers made it and
were counted safe.
“On the other hand, that is one strong skill,” Jyuto muttered under his breath as he eyed Rei.

“I suppose Samatoki might be wrong,” Rio huffed, “He might simply act as if he’s weak, but I
believe he is trying his hardest.”

“Then you fell for his act,” I tracked the brothers who were celebrating their small victory on
getting the third brat back on stage.

“It doesn’t seem so,” Jyuto hummed, “How do we know it wasn’t you who fell for the trap?”

“He’s stronger than that,” I said casually as Brat #3 rose to his feet with the help of the eldest
brother. “I’m still betting on the brothers.”

Then the youngest whispered something to Ichiro as he was passed over to the middle brat. Ichiro
nodded, his eyes shining with determination to win. Ichiro conjured his ability and his rap slammed
into Rosho. Rosho was shocked at the sudden target that was towards him. I could tell he was
bracing for impact, but it hit Sasara instead.

Sasara rushed forward.

A mistake, in my opinion.

Sasara couldn’t handle the sudden pressure and crashed into Rosho, both of them slamming into
the wall. Yeah, the countdown shouldn’t have said anything. The outcome was obvious.

Rei had on a sardonic smile, the sunglasses shining from his face. He rose a hand as his speakers
got a bit bigger. Using his ability, Rei blasted an attack at the brothers. Not a bad idea, but not the
best idea.

But Rei knew that too.

Brat #3 quickly summoned his own ability to knock the attack as useless while the other two
brothers sent a hit directed at Rei. Their raps overlapped, and you could easily hear the two
separate raps. A new technique, I like that.

Rei seemed pleased at his sons’ development and accepted the defeat, dramatically falling and
using his cloak to cover up the fact that he was still standing.

What a nasty son of a bitch.

I decided not to mention any of my observations to Ichiro. It wouldn’t be fair after all. I didn’t want
that. I sighed, moving my hand from out of my chin. So I could still predict the future like this
then? With everything I knew about them from the past, now, and the future?

I looked at the journal that was a bit crinkled in my grasp. I was still on guard, looking for
something to happen, but it seemed like all was safe for now. I wonder if tomorrow will be okay
too? I had more hope that it would be okay.

“You were right,” Jyuto speculated, “The Buster Bros won.”

“Did they?” Rio had a look of anger on his face, “The last one of Osaka’s Division was still
standing. He wasn’t kneeling.”

“Really?” Jyuto blinked, dumbfounded.

Oh, Rio noticed.

“Huh,” I smirked at Rio, “Yeah. But no one else noticed, right?”

“Indeed,” Rio mused, “I would have not noticed if you had not mentioned your suspicions about

Well fucking done Rio. I couldn’t help my gleeful look as I thumped Rio’s back, “It’s a secret
between the three of us, m’kay?”

Then I walked off, a hop in each of my steps. With my team being so strong, I think… I think that
the future would be better.

Already something that never happened was happening. Even if Chuuohku was using us like
puppets, I preferred this over what I had experienced.

Chapter End Notes

Sorry for the late chapter! Samatoki watches as Jyuto and Rio have expectations for
his observations to be true because of the first D.R.B.

Ahem, anyway, I am planning to take the third week of December the week after next
week off as a break for Christmas! It's pretty far off, so I'll make another reminder
later haha.
Battle for Revenge
Chapter Summary

Samatoki feels more at peace, the 2nd Battle of the 2nd DRB is starting.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

I was a little taken aback by how surprisingly chill everyone was. I had the Buster Bros knock on
my door in the hotel when Jyuto and Rio headed off somewhere else. I told them I didn't want to
move and they understood me.

“Buster Bros?”

“Excuse us,” Brat #3 smiled as he pushed his way into my room. Brat #2 followed him inside
without remorse of intrusion.

“Sorry Nii-san,” Ichiro smiled politely as he walked inside as well. I was a little stupefied, but I
suppose I didn’t mind because I just closed the door after they barged in.

They made themselves at home, sitting on the bed, the floor, just anything really. It was funnier as
the silence stretched out like putty.

“We won!” Yamada brat 3 broke that damn ice with a hammer. Yamada brat 2 automatically clung
onto his younger brother, shouting ‘we did it’ and ‘good job’. Ichiro joined his brothers as well and
I found myself congratulating them without meaning to. It went silent again. Hah.... These kids....

“Nii-san,” Ichiro’s eyebrows furrowed, “You know about Sasara-san’s teammates…”

“Yeah,” I nodded, brewing myself a coffee. I offered some and only the middle brother refused.

“One of them is Jiro’s tutor,” Ichiro continued as I mixed in some cream and sugar for the
brothers’ coffee. I introduced them, where was this conversation heading?

“Mmhmm,” I nodded again as I brought the cups over. Brat #3 thanked me as Ichiro took the cup
in thought. I walked back to get my own cup of coffee as Ichiro added his last thoughts.

“The other one was our father.”

Was , ouch. That one would have to fucking hurt Rei. Then again he was a shitty guy. Guess he
deserved that.

“I see,” I blinked as I sipped my coffee. “Do you want me to beat him senseless for you?”

Ichiro blinked so quickly in shock as the middle brother’s eyes just grew. Brat #3 scoffed as if he
was expecting me to say that. He looked at me with a smile and I smiled at him back.

“I’ll take that as a no?”

“He’s strong,” Ichiro hesitated. “It took the three of us to take him down-”
“I’m stronger,” I chuckled, hot coffee simmering down my throat, “So just give me the word and
I’ll do it.”

“We can care less about that man,” the middle brat suddenly spoke up. I looked up in shock to see
a normally gentle boy glaring at me, his eyes furrowed and generally slightly dumb, but loving face
get bunched up. The other two froze at the sudden hostility of the middle brother.

“Jiro,” Ichiro spoke sternly, his voice warning the middle brother.

“Idiot,” Brat #3 snided, his eyes shooting lasers into his older brother.

“What? We aren’t here to talk about that guy.” Brat #2 looked extremely irritated at the way his
brothers were looking at him. I found it more interesting that he was annoyed by their actions.
Well, I haven’t made much of an effort to get closer with this brother now that I thought about it.

He had died before we got really close back then. And I guessed the effect of the early death was
my inability to get close to him... or it just placed him lower in comparison to his brothers. I needed
to rethink this and try to get closer to him next time.

I smiled politely, trying to get his attention. Brat #2 stared at me with such intensity I couldn’t
really place into words.

“We wanted to ask why you traded your sister with us.”

That was rather blunt. I found myself mentally screeching into a halt at the sudden roadblock. My
dumbfounded face seemed to have touched onto something that the middle brother was thinking
about because he opened his mouth to question me further.

He was surprisingly stopped by the other two.

Brat #3 slapped his hand over Brat #2’s mouth and Ichiro grabbed his shoulder.

“I… Don’t know what you mean,” I choked out an answer.

Yamada brat 2 gave me a stare with distrusting eyes and said, “Yeah, right” under Brat #3's hand.

Again the middle brother was reprimanded for his behavior. He showed no remorse because he
didn't feel guilty in saying those words. That must’ve been enough for the night for the other two
because Ichiro quickly ushered his brothers out of the room and apologized to me. I tried to tell him
that it was fine, but they were already rushing out.

Before Ichiro could leave, I had to ask him that question so I stopped him by grabbing his arm.

“Ichiro,” I looked into the younger boy’s eyes and I felt something hurt in my chest area. “Who are
you hoping wins tomorrow?”

Mismatched eyes, red eyes, we stared into each other for a long time before Ichiro replied.

“Is it selfish to wish that he loses?”

Then he snatched his arm away from me before muttering a goodnight and hurried off to his

Of course, when I watched a battle from above, I glanced over to the tinted glass of the room the
Buster Bros were in, thinking about their questions, how they revealed Rei was their father to me,
and how Ichiro wished for him to lose.

“Who do you think will win this one?” Jyuto questioned me from the side.

I blinked, got off my stupor, and shrugged at Jyuto. I could speculate like last time, but I could be

“I’d like to know what you think as well,” Rio added his two cents as the coin flipped for Shinjuku
to go first.

“Depends on what Kannonzaka-san is feeling right now.”

When I got the probing eyes of my teammates asking me to elaborate, I couldn’t help but sigh.

“You remember his explosive ability?” I motioned to Kannonzaka, “His ability depends on how
pent up he feels. If he’s extra mad, then he’s a bomb that’s strong.”

I watched Izanami use his ability on Kuko. Kuko attacked Jyushi, but Hitoya-san quickly pushed
Jyushi out of the way and took it for himself. Kuko snapped out of the trance and looked hella

“To ignite that bomb is to defeat one of the other members,” I noted, “To prevent the bomb from
going off is to get it dismantled it first.”

Kuko grabbed Hitoya-san and yelled at him. Hitoya-san looked enraged at the suggestion, but he
still did what he was told to do. Kuko pointed at Izanami and Hitoya-san pulled up his mic to rap.

There was one terrifying thing I learned about Kuko in my dream from the first DRB. He was
much more mentally fortified than I had thought he was. When I look back to the future, I realized
how unshaken he was and how decisively cunning he was.

There was a reason why Rio always strategized with Kuko.

Hitoya-san used his ability, Objection, on Kannonzaka.

Objection was an odd ability as corroding and harmful as it could be. It was terrifying in the sense
of its continuous attacks. Objection was an ability that accumulated over time. Each action the user
made would be questioned by a certain part of their mind, creating doubt in their actions and
making them lose the will to fight. Of course, Sensei could easily heal them if he healed in time,
but it wasn’t an attack that could disappear so easily. Once a seed of doubt was planted, it didn't
matter if the skill wasn't amplifying it. It would grow on its own.

It also wasn't an ability that would show its effects so quickly.

Kuko had successfully defused the bomb.

The other two, unknowing of the situation, pushed onwards.

“What if the bomb couldn’t be detonated?” Jyuto questioned, “Then wouldn’t Bad Ass Temple
have a higher chance of winning?”

“Logically yes,” I nodded my head, staring at the battlefield. Kuko was a wildcard, he was
extremely powerful. However… “But Sensei is a different story. Sensei doesn’t want to lose here
for the sake of something else.”

I stared at how the kind Sensei had a hardened gaze. He was respecting Hitoya-san’s wishes and
retaliating harshly. It was an intense battle for sure, the two adults fighting like children in front of
children who were fighting like adults. I had no doubts that this would cause more rifts in between
their relationship.

I don’t think Hitoya-san regretted anything until we lost Sensei.

“How could you go like him?! You promised to stay by my side like a friend, not leave!”

Now that I knew more about Hitoya-san, I realized that the ‘him’ he was talking about back then
was his brother. Because both had left Hitoya-san before he could truly appreciate their existence
with him. He still cared about Sensei deeply after all.

I touched my back from that memory, tracing a nonexistent scar.

Maybe I should try to repair their bond after the battle.

Not just for their sakes, but for mine too.

Jyushi used Courage to one-time heal and boost his teammates. Kuko took that turn to demolish

“That is an interesting ability,” Rio mused, “It seems like there are many supporting skills this time

“I don’t think most are offensive,” I commented offhandedly. Rio continued to make observations
like a soldier would and I helped him fill in the blanks now and then. It was fun, analyzing and

I watched curiously as Kuko blockaded the attack meant for Jyushi and he attempted to stand firm,
but I could tell he was faltering. With every glance Kuko sent to the Buster Bro’s window, every
mental fortitude of his was slipping.

I closed my eyes in thought to Ichiro's wishes. There was no way that Kuko didn't know what
Ichiro wanted. But even if he didn't. When it came to his friends, to Ichiro, Kuko was always
expecting the most negative answer in response... because they didn't talk it out.

Then Kannonaka kneeled and held his head. He was looking affected throughout the whole thing,
but it seemed as if the stress was reaching his breaking point. Just as Izanami got worried and
Sensei used his ability to heal Kannonzaka, Hitoya didn’t miss the timing to attack Kannonzaka
causing him to get ousted. Izanami took that as a chance to attack Jyushi, knocking the boy off the
stage. Kuko seemed to have understood his limit. I could barely tell but the monk’s legs were
trembling ever so slightly. The shock of losing Jyushi seemed to hit Hitoya-san hard, because he
got unstable.

Sensei took this chance to blast Hitoya-san. Kuko quickly redirected the attack from Hitoya-san to
Izanami with Meditation.

“What happened?” Jyuto blinked.

“Is his ability like the host’s?” Rio questioned as he peered down the glass.

“Meditation,” I announced, gaining the attention of my fellow teammates, “That’s Kuko’s skill. He
can manipulate a rapper’s intended target. It isn’t like Izanami who can bend the will of the
opposing side or Ramuda who can cast illusions. He can simply redirect an attack through mental
force. It’s like a mental barrier.”
“Huh,” Jyuto blinked. “Then why not simply block the attack?”

“It would take less mental strain, but…” I glanced over at the teetering redhead. “Kuko doesn’t
like stuff like that. He’s probably using his fucking strength to get another attack in.”

Izanami hissed and sent a hot one back to Kuko. Kuko seemed to be pretty happy with his
knockout. I watched Hitoya-san build up his rage as he targeted Izanami and Sensei at the same

“His attack will be halved because he is attacking multiple opponents,” Rio clicked his tongue with
a slight frown.

“Not really,” I shrugged, “Plus it’s good enough to knock out Izanami.”

I pointed to the host who crumbled under pressure.

“It’s not looking that great for BAT,” I mumbled. Jyuto and Rio made sounds of agreement as
Hitoya-san and Sensei got ready to fight. It was the last match, but I already knew that Hitoya-san
would not be able to take Sensei head-on.

Kuko? Maybe.

That Hitoya-san? Probably.

This Hitoya-san? Never.

I knew that as a fact, not as some random guess.

Kuko could’ve won, but he was too busy trying to drill lessons into the other two. He was also
disturbed by Ichiro's silent suffocating precense. A bad idea to do that while fighting the
champions of the last DRB. A shame, but also interesting. If I were to guess otherwise, I would
state that Kuko and Jyushi decided to respect Hitoya-san’s wishes to face off Sensei over winning
the tournament.

That was nice of them.

To be honest, Hitoya-san lasted longer than I thought he would. He still lost to Sensei, but it took
some turns to get him to that point. Even Sensei looked worn out. Amazing.

I could tell Hitoya-san was frustrated though. It was written all over his defeated face.

“Tomorrow is our turn,” Rio announced. He glanced at me and Jyuto. “We must win.”

“Indeed,” Jyuto agreed.

I agreed too, I was more or less ready to train a bit more.

When we headed out, Jyuto and Rio told me that they would once again be doing more scouts. I
don’t know why they were so into it, but I agreed in letting them off and said I’d be fine walking to
the town on my own.

Of course, I had other thoughts when my feet took me over to Hitoya-san’s room. I knocked and
waited for him to open the door. It took me a while to realize that he wouldn’t really be there
because he would be in BAT’s designated infirmary.


I turned my head in shock to see Sensei. He blinked at me, a bit confused.

Covered in bandages and other things plastered on his skin to show off his injuries in the battle
today. Though it wasn’t that bad, I could automatically tell that they weren’t really that bad. At
least, unlike the things I have seen him covered with in the future.

“Why are you standing in front of Hitoya’s room…?”

“Sensei congrats for winning,” I dismissed his question and smiled.

Sensei pursed his lips at the way I pushed past his question and looked at me with questions in his
eyes. Still, he forced a small smile and thanked me. Then he asked if I had slept yesterday.

I thought about Rei’s words and how nothing is going as I had experienced before. A smile tugged
my lips.

“I’m doing well.”

“That wasn’t the question I asked,” Sensei looked at me carefully.

“I answered the underlying question.”

Blue eyes calculated me and I could see the sins they committed, but I wasn’t even scared. It was
simply Sensei after all. He regrets how quickly he is willing to go to murder if push came to shove.
He was raised that way so I don’t see any problems with that. Plus, I was a fellow murderer

“You did,” he said moments after.

“What are you both doing in front of my room?”

Sensei and I turned our heads to see Hitoya-san with Jyushi and Kuko.

“Hitoya…” Sensei was looking at his friend longingly.

“So? What brings the two of you here?”

“I was planning to go,” Sensei lied with a serene picture-perfect smile.

I sighed. This wasn’t going to go anywhere with tight-lipped adults, was it? I was planning to butt
in anyway…

“I needed to talk to the both of you really quick,” I twisted my thoughts. Kuko raised an eyebrow at
me but when I sort of sent a message through my eyes he grabbed Jyushi and walked off. Thank
fuck he got that.

“Hey!” Hitoya-san turned to the other two. “You brats!”

“Deal with the fucking talk yourself Hitoya,” Kuko wove his hand lightly. Jyushi seemed to be
extremely worried, but he couldn’t fight back against Kuko.

“Good luck, Hitoya-saaan!” Jyushi called out instead as he was dragged by Kuko.

“Fuckers,” Hitoya muttered. I snorted as the lawyer invited us inside.

When we all took a seat, Sensei looked at me curiously.

“What did you need us for, Samatoki-kun?”

“Don’t worry it’s something quick,” I nodded at Sensei and Hitoya-san. I really didn’t want to stay
here this long with my teammates worrying and my own body getting ready to fall whenever it can.

“That’s not what we’re worried about,” Hitoya-san snorted as he looked at me, face scrunched up.
I just offered a grin.

“I’m going to do something someone else should’ve done earlier. In fact, I’m just going to do this
as quickly as I can while Chuuohku can’t see what we’re doing.”

“Huh?” “Hm?”

They made confused noises at my words and I mentally thanked Kento and the others.

“Make up,” I demanded. Instantly both of the adults’ faces corroded into something sour and
sorrowful. “You two have had your fight for what, at least 10 years? Get a grip like the adults you

“I don’t think you know what you are-”

“It doesn’t matter,” I insisted, ignoring Sensei’s words, “Make up. You’re both at fault here.”

“You don’t understand-”

“You’re right,” I acknowledged that fact. Hitoya-san looked angry from that and Sensei looked sad.
It looked extremely pitiful at the moment. “I don’t completely know what happened between the
two of you nor do I understand how you feel about it. Nor do I really care about what you fought

“Then why-”

“But,” I cut off a tired Sensei, “I know what it feels like to be unable to apologize to someone. I
know what it feels like to be unable to see someone close again and ask for forgiveness. That is a
pit that you can’t climb out of nor cover-up.”

“How would you know?!” Hitoya-san bellowed. It was angry and distrustful. Sensei looked pained
by it. I stood my ground.

“If you care for someone even the tiniest bit and you can’t ever make up,” I stared at Hitoya-san
evenly, “I know how that feels.”

“Like I said,” Hitoya-san was spouting bullshit at this point. All three of us knew. He was angry,
Sensei was seething quietly, I was hurting. Hitoya-san was saying all these hurtful things to me
about not knowing what it felt like to lose a loved one. Sensei didn’t step up to correct him, his
head hung as he was caught up in his own thoughts.

Sensei was betraying everyone to get Yotsutsuji back.

Hitoya-san was refusing to mend a bond because he didn't want to get hurt again.

To them, I hadn’t lost anyone. Maybe Nemu, but it wasn’t like she was dead .

I ignored the roaring pain in my mind as regrets of being unable to say the simplest things swirled
in my mind.

“Hitoya-san you would know,” I stared at Hitoya-san. “Sensei too.” I glanced at both of them and
opened my mouth. I didn’t say anything about me knowing too. “You know what it feels like being
unable to say ‘I’m sorry’ or ‘I love you’ to people who are dead.”

Both of them stiffened. I took this as my cue to leave. Hoping that these two children would figure
it out themselves.

“It’s too late then. Fix your bond within fifteen minutes if you understand that sentiment. After
fifteen minutes, Chuuohku will be supervising everything again.”

And I headed out of Chuuohku, ignoring how my heart was squeezing itself.

I needed a cig.

Chapter End Notes

I don't know their actul abilities, I'm making things up, thank you :D
Whoo! Did they make up?! Who knows!
After this is the FP vs MTC!

Ahem, anyway, I am planning to take the third week of December the week after next
week off as a break for Christmas! It's pretty far off, so I'll make another reminder
later haha.
Recollection of a Future
Chapter Summary

The beginning of a catastrophe.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes


An albino man turned his head to face someone rushing in. Before the large wall of Chuuohku,
many people were waiting for its doors to open and let the invited men inside. They were all called
over to entertain, but each team had a different goal in mind. They had not expected to wait in front
of the walls for the amount of time they had. The sixth division was nowhere to be seen. Then the
man with slick back purple hair screamed as he rushed over. He shocked the other people there as
his voice burned his throat, tears streaming down his face.

There was chaos immediately. The men around him watched him plead for assistance. The albino
man stared at the man he never met. Though many didn't move, some of them had the urge to help.

“What is it? What happened?!” A man with black hair and heterochromia eyes leaned over. The
man’s ruby red eyes looked up, filled with despair.


Then there was a scream from somewhere far away. Automatically, the pale man felt a jolt of
electricity run up from his finger to his shoulder. He ran with a couple of others as the panicked
man led them to a certain area. There was a building that had collapsed and there were red flames
eating everything in sight.

“Sasara!” The shaking man screamed, his glasses slipping off his face. “Rei!”

“Rei?!” The teenager who asked what happened was looking at the man who sobbed. He then
turned his head back to the burning building resolutely. He was grim, but he was already heading
towards the building. The pale man followed after him. HE said two names.

“Jyuto, Rio!”

“Understood!” “Roger!”

Almost immediately the two men hopped to action. As the pale man lunged forward into the
burning rubble, the one wearing a military outfit rushed in and the police officer stayed back. A
blur of a small redhead was barely spotted as he went inside too. Everyone else was prevented from
going inside by the police officer and a couple of others.

Everything inside was too hot. The pale man huffed as he started to push past the debris that wasn’t
on fire. Something he could touch. He hoped to see something, someone alive. Three people
followed him.
“I’ll take straight, Rio right, Ichiro left, Kuko follow Ichiro,” the pale man ordered those who
followed him. Without a question, they all listened to the calm words that penetrated their panicked

The pale man was there for a larger amount of time than anticipated. Reaching out and looking
around frantically, the pale man knew, he knew that he had to leave the building soon. It would
collapse into a larger, fiery mess. He groaned when he couldn’t find anyone. It was about time to
leave. He couldn’t inhale the smoke any longer.

Just as he was leaving, he saw someone trying to move. There was a man whose leg was caught on
a support beam. Automatically, the pale man shifted his directions from leaving the building to
running full speed at the man.

“Rio! Ichiro! Kuko!” The man yelled for support as he rushed to the struggling man. He coughed
into his arm, but he pulled out a mic to use anyway. Then he thought better and put it away. He
needed to save this man, not destroy the building.

“Fuck it all! Hang in there!”

The man cursed as he started to take the smaller bits of rubble off of the man. He had messy black
hair and a gold necklace. Sunglasses broken in one corner and a hat burning to the right of him.

He coughed again into his hand, the smoke getting to his lungs. He called out to the other three
again and even started to call for help for anyone. It didn’t take long for someone to rush in. A
small redhead rammed his feet into the debris. It broke, the monk finding the weak spot of the
support beam. He quickly helped the pale man take everything off so that the tallest man could

They hoisted him up on the albino man’s back. Yes, the tallest man was heavy, but the albino did
not give up. Per request, the monk helped the albino carry the tallest man with a crushed leg. He
also retrieved the large fur coat and hat, careful not to get it any more burned.


The sobbing man rushed up to the man that was just saved. He hiccuped and bawled as the ex-
soldier confessed he did not know where a certain comedian was at. He apologized to the other
man who simply cried and stated that right now, he was glad to have at least one of them there.

Red eyes that belonged to someone with white hair dirtied grey by the soot and ashes from his
rescue in the building felt an odd chest ache. He asked his ex-navy team member if it was true that
the comedian could not be found. The man in the military uniform nodded solemnly as he hefted
the saved man.

Biting his lips slowly, the man looked away, lost in thought. He had not expected someone to pass.
The group reconvened in front of the large wall that they were supposed to enter hours ago. People
swarmed those who valiantly went into the burning building and checked to make sure they were
alright. They made the trek back to the building missing one person.

The man with red eyes snapped his cig in half, a cig he lit with the fire’s remains sometime ago.
Grinding until the other half fell off. He hissed. He couldn’t hold his temper in check, like the stick
he chewed, his mind finally snapped in two after so much pressure. Then the young man felt so
calm. Unexpectedly calm.

Like an angel, he demanded everyone’s attention without a word. They were all too busy taking
care of themselves and their own teammates.


The cop called out to his leader in confusion. Everyone’s gaze turned to him. Suddenly he looked
like an angel that descended from the heavens. His white hair, littered with ash was almost afloat
because of the breeze. He strutted to the gate with quiet steps.

They say there is a calm before the storm.

The man was the perfect representation of it.

He walked up to the wall and stayed quiet just like that. Then he kicked the walls as hard as he
could. Silent rage burned his eyes as he continued to take his frustrations out on the wall. So much
so that it activated the defense mechanism. It didn’t matter. The man punched and hit and kicked
and broke the wall, determined to bring it down.

He wanted an explanation.

A group of women rushed out to the man in alarm as the man glared at them. He haughtily called
them names and demanded to know what happened. He acted like a child, creating a calm
catastrophe as he beat up the wall, breaking it and demanding an explanation for the things he had
just witnessed. He was then suppressed by rap. Panic arose in those that were used to power. It was
a shame that the comedian had passed. It was a terrorist attack. The team missing it’s leader would
have to quickly find a third member if they wanted to enter the next DRB. Only once would the
government turn the other cheek.

The pale man was not going to take any of it. The disrespect and rudeness for the man who had
died. Terrorist attack or not, the government was not giving the man the respect he deserved. The
pale man screamed a rebellion and almost everyone behind him agreed. He would create a large
rebellion against the government with the weapons they gave.

Taking a hold of his mic that transformed into a stand with a skull, the vampire-like man bared his
fangs against those in power. He shouted profanities, ripped the loose seams of power the
government had and cursed those in a higher class than him.

His raw power and confidence brought many under him. Automatically those who held hatred for
the government or had a complaint about their current lifestyle were drawn by the boldness the
young man had. He later commanded armies to fight against the government.

Obviously, those in power did not appreciate the young man’s attacks. They started to show off the
reason why they were important, why they ruled the nation. But even their hypnosis cancellers no
longer gave them the power they needed.

The scientist who made the wretched weapons was on the rebel’s side.

So the banned firearms made their way and it was truly war.

The young man in charge would fight daily, risking his life on the frontlines, gaining the trust of
even those who used to hate him. There were a few who tried to backstab him, but the numbers
dwindled down as the other strongest 16 rappers took it to themselves to be bodyguards of the

He would roar on the battlefields unafraid of the artillery or weapons that were aimed at him,
fighting alongside his men instead of watching from the back like the cold leader of the other side.
His ambition is what drove him and his confidence led others to believe in him, to die for him.

The pale man was truly a god to those who fought for him.

His demands were reasonable.

He was as human and as desperate as them.

He didn’t falter for long.

He cared.

So they fought. As the pale man was winning during the year the rebellion took place, it honestly
looked as if Japan’s authority would be overturned. But the man was wrong about how much the
current government was willing to win.

The Party of Words would not give up.

They were desperate enough to seek third parties to add to the mix. Secluded Japan was soon open
for all nations to come in and attack. They freely let the other nations run over the lands and help
suppress the rebels.

The young leader did not lose hope, he did not waver. He continued to press forward, charging,
rapping, and growing. For two years, the young man continued striving as a leader who fought in
resentment, anger, and determination.

Even nuke threats wouldn’t threaten his rather simplistic mind.

He had to watch some of his closest comrades fall to death as the fight dragged on so long. The
second brother of three had sacrificed himself to take a hit meant for his brothers. His battered body
fell to the ground with a resounding smack.

It was red for the brothers and the estranged father. The leader stepped down and temporarily
requested peace to mourn for the fallen soldiers. He was tricked. It didn’t matter, the rebellion still
prevailed and only the family members no matter how estranged were allowed time to sit vigil and
mourn for the fallen.

Then the father had died protecting his sons, dying as he muttered his grief for being unable to
protect the second son as he was protecting the first and the third.

The leader persisted on.

They had lost a young child, a teenager who was to turn twenty, snatched by the Japanese
government using the cursed THM. The government did not care who they had to use to use the
mic. The child who had only wished peace to the world was a mindless puppet, his stuffed pig
trampled by the feet of soldiers, a toy so pure destroyed while the puppet was stringed to be played
around helplessly.

Ruby eyes couldn't stop there. There was too much to avenge for.

Someone all too close to the leader had died. A promise of an amusement park broken and left to
freeze. He was protected by the green-eyed cop who had continuously supported him. The cop
died breaking his promise with the young leader and the young leader being unable to keep his
promise of making the green-eyed man’s dream come true.
The white-haired man had to move forward. His mental health seemed to deteriorate, but he would
not hesitate to bring his wrath on his opponents. It was more than a rebellion, it was now survival.

The man’s confidence was so close to snapping, but nothing seemed to toss him over that edge.
Even when the sweet doctor who was capable of helping out those in need was cut off from his
free will when the THM was used once again. Saving the one he used to hate, the one fated to die,
the doctor fell victim to the THM.

Bloody hands have sinned. Their sins would not stop so he would not stop. He would wash the
tainted hands with more sin and bring his enemies down with him. He was angrier than ever.

He was tired. The final straw, his final line of determination snapped with one more added to the
death toll. Someone closer than a green-eyed cop that would take care of him and brew him some
mean coffee. Someone with the same DNA, same looks, same unbreakable will, and a cuter face.
His sister had become a casualty.

The man lost his confidence, his ability to lead, his determination, his will. Everything. He thought
it was hopeless, but he would still support those who carried his will to rebel. That was the only
reason the fallen star continued to shine.

Soon the third parties turned against even the Japanese government, wishing to get the mics for
themselves. They ransacked bodies, demanded for the mics to be distributed, and even fought over
them. The government that destroyed everything of his, was also being destroyed by their own
hands. It was fair and unfair. The whole nation was being destroyed.

As time moved on, so did the lives of the ex-leader’s comrades.

An author died for his two friends that saved his life stuck in revenge with false identities.

A host who could no longer shoulder the burden and fell off the roof.

A fashion designer who failed to acquire the medicine he needed.

A teenager who cursed his brother all the way to death.

A teacher who lost his left arm.

A gambler who devoted his life to medicine only to fail because he didn’t have the resources.

A doctor’s child who only wished to save others.

An average salaryman who lived every day to the fullest, living for the deceased.

A monk prepared to sacrifice his own life in exchange for everyone else’s life to be extended for a

An ex-soldier who took the role of a leader after the young leader fell into despair.

A lawyer who focused on saving all those he could to replace how empty he felt after losing the
children he was fond of.

A man who was steadfast despite his losses and stuck by the wretched ex-leader’s side, even
sacrificing his life for the broken man to survive.

The young leader only felt more despair when he had realized the terrorist attack was caused by an
international third party who had plans to invade the secluded island nation and take the mic’s
technology with them. Japan was doomed from the beginning. The other world players wanted the
nation to disappear.

Chapter End Notes

I'm starting to realize not mentioning names might be confusing, so let me know if I
should change them :'D
Battle for Rights
Chapter Summary

It's the 3rd Battle, the battle before the final. Samatoki does not intend to lose.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Memories of the future slammed into me as soon as I reached the stage the next day. I staggered
from how the things locked up suddenly exploded and ran over me. If I was pessimistic, I could
argue that it was because of me that Japan as a nation was practically doomed. But it wasn’t true. It
was the third parties. Those from other countries trying to take the technology of Hypnosis Mics
for themselves.

Japan had secluded itself from the world after World War III, but it continued with trade discreetly.

That’s how Rio got what he wanted when he went hunting. But the ones who entered Japan were
sworn to secrecy and had tight relations with the government. This was how Hypnosis Mics were
not known outside of Japan. This was how Rei kept to himself and Chuuohku remained in power
without the interference of other countries.

However, this secrecy and seclusion ended with the beginning of the rebellion. A rebellion is
similar to an independence war. Of course, this would gain the attention of the other countries. Not
to mention, the rebels had the scientist who invented the Hypnosis Mic on their side. In hindsight,
Chuuohku really didn’t have a choice when they were losing. They had to ask other countries for
help in suppressing the rebellion.

It wasn’t a world war.

It was a war to gain more technology.

The other countries fought to get Hypnosis Mics and Japan started to fight back because we didn’t
want to share our own findings. Ending up with Japan’s demise, right?

“Samatoki!” Jyuto grabbed my arms and pulled me up. He supported me as I returned back to this
world. I covered my eyes with the back of my hand as possibilities swirled in my mind. How have I
forgotten? How did I forget one of the most important memories?

This was a variable I hadn’t even considered. And it was rather dangerous.

When my eyes landed on the others, I realized that there were a lot of eyes on me. I shook my head
to come back to the present. I’ll have to deal with these thoughts later. Everyone was worried.

Fling Posse only watched from their spots. They didn’t move to walk away or to help and that was
the best choice. This was a speculated battle, there were eyes everywhere.

“Are you okay?” Rio questioned me, his deep blue eyes staring at me from the corner. I nodded my
head, straightening up my posture.
“Yeah,” I showed him all my teeth, the ends of my lips forced up. “I’m fine.”

Rio nodded uneasily as I looked at the trio going against us. Gentaro had an impassive mask, Dice
looked at me nervously, and Ramuda’s eyes were fixated to mine.

“Today’s match is the third match!” The announcer shouted at the top of her lungs, making my
ears ring. Fuck her. “It is Mad Trigger Crew versus Fling Posse!”

“Black is Mad Trigger Crew, white is Fling Posse!”

The announcer screamed once again. With a countdown, the coin was tossed digitally instead of
Bitch flipping it. I watched the screen with immense focus. Depending on who went first, the
battle could already have an outcome.

“Who do you think will go first?” Jyuto asked me as the coin spun.

“I don’t know,” I replied, “I know that we’re going to win this one.”

“I agree,” Rio smiled widely at me.

A future I didn’t know about. My eyes were glued to the spinning circle. I was honestly… This
Great Samatoki Aohitsugi was honestly a little scared of a future I didn’t experience yet. Yet, I was
excited all the same,

A breath I didn’t know I was holding was released when the coin revealed its color.

It landed on black.

“Mad Trigger Crew has the first attack!” The announcer screeched into her microphone. My ears…

“Get ready…”

I didn’t summon my mic but Jyuto and Rio did.


I missed the beat to activate my mic, I realized. My brain must still be malfunctioning from the
memories of before.

“Bring the Beat!”

Rio jumped straight into the rap.

As soon as the call was made, he gave the other side no time to think or even plan as he attacked
without telling me or Jyuto. Luckily enough, Jyuto managed to provide a good enough support by
jeering the novelist.

“It was good knowing you Dice,

But this single verse should suffice.
I will chop you continuously like minced mice!”

Shit. Rio, your desperation is sort of leaking. That being said, I glanced at Fling Posse. Dice had
taken the harsh blow. He only slid back a couple of feet and looked more fired up, grinned at us,
but gazed above us.

Their desperation reeks more than Rio’s. I noted in my mind.

“Rio-san, that all you’ve got?
You just threw some words in a mixing pot!
Here’s some advice from a rapper like me,
You want to make sure they hit their targets, see?!”

Rio grimanced as he was pushed back further than Dice was. I bit back a chuckle at the fire that
was lit underneath his eyes. At the same time, Jyuto took his stand, walking forward with a flare
that couldn’t be replicated. His confident posture broke only to show a fiercely angry, and
protective cop.

“One more felony and you’re in luck,

You and your lies will end up locked up!
I’ll be the one holding the damn key,
Stay in the jail cell I prepared, for free!”

Gentaro hissed as his body was flung back before ending up in a cell. His back slammed against
the metal and he slid down to the ground. Automatically the other two screamed for their comrade.
Gentaro huffed angrily in his cell, forced to sit out a turn. He struggled to stand up as Dice and
Ramuda crowded around the prison he was locked in.

Dice’s eyes were blazing when Gentaro told his posse he was fine. He looked super pissed at

“Fuck you cop, hero-wanna-be!

Think you can move around freely?!
You’re an eyesore, total bore,
Get lost-”

“Or I’ll come for everything that’s yours!”

Ramuda suddenly butt in the middle of Dice’s angry rant. Purple eyes flickered to the shorter man
in shock as Ramuda glared Dice down.

When Jyuto’s body whizzed past mine, I knew that Ramuda just prevented Dice from doing
something that he would most definitely regret in the future. Not to mention, the teamwork was
incredible. Despite cutting in, the lines were strong enough to force Jyuto to back down. The
teamwork that was basically nonexistent in the first DRB was really being shown off right now.
The way they cared for each other, protected each other, helped each other.

I was just apologetic and sad that it couldn’t have been TDD.

Well because it wasn’t TDD I met Jyuto and Rio so I suppose it’s alright.

“Rio, Jyuto,” I gave them a big smile, my thumping heart slowing down as the mantra from the 1st
battle remerged and repeated itself in my head. This is just a sparring match. “Let me at ‘em.”

“Understood.” “Do as you please.”

I nodded, my mic just now summoned. Dragging it, creating screeching noise as I moved a bit
closer to Ramuda. My eyes might’ve been darting around the place like a mad man, so I’ll keep up
that farce.

I refuse to lose.

“Ramuda, Arisugawa, Yumeno-san,” I held my smile that grew bigger along with my summoned
speakers. “No hard feelings, right?”

Ramuda bit his bottom lip, whispering something urgently to Dice and Gentaro who were still

“Look here roaches, this ain’t no kiddie ground,

Only real men fight this round!
If you’re weak shit to take this hit,
You’re better off with your throats slit!”

As my rap went off, Gentaro was freed from Jyuto’s prison.

Then something completely unexpected happened.

“What’s my luck today?

Woah 777?! We’re going my way!
Your attacks are worth none,
When they have no effects, dumdum!”

“Here is an eloquent rap in which you’ll be forced to succumb to,

And some letters with lies will trap you soon,
Why not receive what I was gifted,
Your soul chained down, not to be lifted!”

“Onee-san, Onii-san! Lookie lookie!

Here’s a big bad meanie weanie!
Go fuck yourself in that corner,
Unless you’re ready for a brutal murder.”

My eyes widened as Ramuda’s attack slammed into me. He used his real voice?! He’s actually
trying then?! My back slammed into cell walls and my body folded by itself. What, cell walls?

“It worked! It really worked!”


My brain processed what happened as Rio and Jyuto screamed my name and grasped at the cell
doors. Ramuda was cheering with an overjoyed Dice and a smiling Gentaro. Our positions from the
last round were swapped.

It happened so fast I couldn’t process it until it was our turn and we had a chance to process the
quick change of scenery.

Dice used his ability and pulled the lever on the slot machine before my rap could hit him, at the
same time Gentaro used his ability to mimic Jyuto’s ability and opened up a cage for me while
Ramuda used a normal attack on me on my way into the cage. Just before my rap could hit any one
of them, in the nick of time, Fling Posse got lucky and the slot machine above the team spilled a
shower of coins that blocked my attack.

I don’t know how to explain my disbelief and amazement.

What a lucky pull.

I forced myself up, my body was shaken quite a bit. The three Fling Posse members looked at me
wearily as I spoke excitedly, “Nice one!”
When the three smiled at me in return, I ignored the sticky mess on their foreheads that revealed
how nervous each one was.

"Samatoki!" Jyuto huffed, "Are you alright?"

“I’m okay,” I laughed at Rio and Jyuto. Who gripped the cell tightly. “Come on! Show them who's
fucking boss!”

Jyuto stood up, his hands leaving the cell bars first. His eyes were trained on Ramuda. If I wasn’t
in this situation I would’ve told him to aim for Gentaro because if Gentaro used his ability to mimic
mine we would be in a tough spot, but that wasn’t something to worry about for now. Since
Gentaro used his ability to mimic Jyuto.

He aimed his skill on Ramuda, but Dice took the damage instead. The teamwork was truly
impeccable. I watched with wide eyes as Fling Posse stood their ground.

It was almost my turn, I smiled unconsciously. It was my time to attack soon. Fuckers better be
getting ready.

“They’re doing another joint attack!” I shouted as Fling Posse readied themselves.

“Samatoki!” Rio and Jyuto screamed my name as I noticed Dice’s attack rushing towards me.

Rio quickly used Shelter to protect me, but they failed to realize something. I watched as Rio got
slammed with Gentaro’s attack when his barrier went to Jyuto and I was bashed with Dice’s as
soon as the cage was lifted.

Ramuda was grinning with a desperation that hit too close to then in his eyes. It was as if he was
pleading with me to stop getting up again.

Before I could even stand and recover from Dice’s ability, Ramuda used a stronger attack,
supported by Gentaro, to knock me out of the ring. My eyes fluttered shut as my mind felt a large
ache I was sure to have never felt before in this time by a rap attack.

What’s this?

I was going down?

I don’t want to. I can’t lose here.

I only wanted to lose twice, this wasn't one of them.

But if you fight back you might fucking kill them.

And that small voice in my mind was what kept me from waking back up.

When I woke back up, I was leaning on Gentaro’s shoulder. I blearily looked at the stage that
didn’t look as great as I remembered it. It was as if there were three animals on stage.

“Are you awake?”

I pushed myself up from Gentaro’s shoulder.

“What happened?”
“We aimed for you,” Gentaro spoke, his green eyes trained on the stage with four people rapping.
“You were our designated target since the beginning. You are simply too strong.”

“Huh…" I didn't know what to say to that. "What about Jyuto and Rio?”

“They’re too angry,” Gentaro replied calmly, “By attacking you, a kill switch is flipped in the other
two and it makes it easier to fight them. Especially when Ramuda has them under his ability.”

“How did you get out?” I asked.

“I walked out,” Gentaro announced, his hand on his chest. His eyes twinkled as he gleefully added,
“I stepped out of the ring to help wake you up!”

Instantly I could tell it wasn’t one of his lies.


He seemed taken back at how I assumed he wasn't lying, and his hand moved from his chest to his
lap. The fake twinkle in his eyes dimmed and he sighed.

“Because that was what our team agreed on. I would take the next hit and sit out, my job would be

“You don’t trust me.”

“Indeed, I do not,” Gentaro blinked slowly. “I do not, but they do.” He turned to look at me, his
finger pointing at his teammates. “And I trust them.”

“I see.”

“I was also curious,” Gentaro hummed. His eyes glittered like a boy who got new toys. “You
warned me before, but I cannot help but get curious. Before you passed out, I doubt the others
noticed it, but…” He then leaned to my ear and whispered, “Your speaker’s aura turned black for a
split second.”

I started to laugh. I laughed uncontrollably as the others battled in front of us. Jyuto slid off the
stage, but I didn’t even move towards him. Gentaro had me grounded and I rather liked leaning on

Gentaro shot me a quizzical smile when he realized I wasn't moving and I was laughing.

“You’re the only one who saw it then?” I stifled my laughter, I’m so fucking glad that it wasn’t
visible to the others. That could've been dangerous.

“Yes,” Gentaro replied, “Scared me stiff. I honestly knew I couldn’t fight after seeing it. I almost
doubted its existence for it could not be emulated, the bloodlust was too severe.”

“You’re right,” I smiled as Dice and Ramuda fought off Rio, the last one standing. “It must’ve
been scary.”

I watched Rio fall and Dice and Ramuda claim victory.

“You did it.”

“We did.”
That faint smile on his face was the same as that day. I brushed it off of my memories and let out a
content sigh. What a good fucking battle.

“Hey, Yumeno-san.”


“How free are you?”

“Depends, why?”

“When I need you one day. Can you come without arousing suspicion?”

Gentaro’s eyes narrowed at my words.

“Of course.”

There, I have a couple of blocks knocked over.

I touched the journal hidden in my pocket.

I just need to make a new plan.

Chapter End Notes

Completely unrelated but HAPPY BIRTHDAY SABURO!!!

Whoo! Since MTC lost, even if Samatoki swore to never lose, he was pushed back by
a desperate Fling Posse.
I also assume that Rio and Jyuto would be a bit angrier with Samatoki out of the way

That being said, I am taking the next week off! Happy Early Christmas~!
Battle for Survival
Chapter Summary

The last battle of the 2nd DRB, Samatoki is prepared for anything.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes


My hands reached out on their own in a hazy, foggy world.

“Samatoki-san. Is it selfish and mean if I said that I want you to stay alive?”

Mismatched eyes, a grim grin, calloused hands, a young adult of age 24. Ripped jacket, tattered
pants, torn hoodie, three rusted, busted buttons. Red, white, blue, black, yellow, grey, green
purple. Too many colors on a muscular adult with hair that was cut with broken scissors.

“Is that too cruel to ask of you?”

“Is that too cruel to ask of you?” I repeated the words in my dream as my hands that were reaching
the ceiling dropped to my face. “What do you think?”

The man’s smiling image, branded into my mind appeared in the darkness.

What the fuck do you think, Ichiro? Isn’t that really cruel?

Or am I a whiny bitch?

“What is?”

I quickly rose, to look at Jyuto.

“What is what?” I acted innocent. Widening my eyes just a bit, I tried that tactic that Nemu
occasionally used on me.

Jyuto eyed me, but he closed his mouth after looking at Rio.

“Nothing,” Jyuto huffed, “We lost so what to do now?”

“Nothing,” I repeated Jyuto’s words. “We’ll just have to wait it out, right?”

I took a look at Rio. He was sitting on a chair, hunched over, his hands clasped and above his head
as if he was praying. He hadn't said a single word since I woke up. Jyuto looked rather downcast
too. His eyes were closed and he had the saddest looking frown on his face.

I had to say something to make this environment better.

“Sorry I lost,” I said aloud. That alarmed both Jyuto and Rio. They whipped their heads to look at
me and I blinked. If I didn’t get that sudden memory no doubt we probably would’ve won. At the
very least, I shouldn't have underestimated Fling Posse. I got too cocky. “It’s my fault.”

“Don’t be ridiculous!”

“Do not say such things,” Rio said darkly as Jyuto screeched. “It will make me hate you,

I stayed quiet after that. I didn’t want Rio to hate me, but didn’t he already? I mean, I was the first
one out-

“Samatoki,” Jyuto’s firm, angered voice jerked me out of my trail of thoughts. “You told me in the
first Division Rap Battle that it wasn't my fault for losing first. Let me tell you it isn’t your fault

“That is true,” Rio huffed. “We can save the commander some other way.”

“Even if we did save him and we couldn’t start the rebellion in time,” I stared at Rio, thanking
Jyuto with a smile, “What would you do? We don't know how many people will be willing to work
with us and Chuuohku would do everything they can to find him. We as a team would be in

“If that is the case then I can take the-”

“I’m not a shitty person, Rio,” I casually said, “At least, I try not to be with my friends. So do you
have a different plan? If you don't, no offense, but...” I pulled out a cig and lit it, "I don't want to
save someone just to have them get caught again."

“... We can go into hiding,” Rio stated calmly.

“That’s going to be difficult,” I replied lazily, waving my cig around. Ramuda said that they were
found immediately by her. I pulled out my journal and a pencil to write down more ideas. I had a
couple and hopefully one would be pretty.

“Then what?” Rio asked me, his eyes on fire, “What do you want me to do?”

“What if we move to a city other than Yokohama?” I asked, flipping through a couple of pages,
there was a list of things that were crossed out. “What if we go to a fortified area?”

“A fortified area?” Rio blinked.

“Does such a place exist?” Jyuto questioned me.

“Let's say it does exist. If it did, what would you say?” I looked at Rio and Jyuto. “We’ll be
captive, stuck in one building and Rio’s camp and Jyuto’s home would be ransacked for items by
us and evidence by Chuuohku. My place too of course,” I chuckled. I puffed on the cig while
tapping the pencil's butt on the journal.

“If such a place exists. That’s… That would be amazing,” Rio stated without a doubt, “I would
gladly give up my freedom to save my commander.”

“Cool,” I answered breezily. “Then what about you, Jyuto?”

“I just got my job back,” Jyuto replied, holding his head. He looked annoyed, but anyone could see
his lips twisting into a smile. What an indirect person.

“I just quit mine,” I retorted with a chuckle, stuffing the journal away. I walked over to the closest
mirror and pulled out the makeup I was given by Akemi. I should’ve applied for it before I got
here, but I forgot to. Well, I can do it now.

“I don’t mind,” Jyuto announced after a pause.

I tried not to smile when I applied the makeup underneath my eyes.

“Cool, then let’s just watch the match and not get on Chuuohku’s nerves.”

Rio and Jyuto agreed with me, albeit confused. They were probably wondering what the point of
me talking about a fortified area was if I wasn't going to act on it. It didn't bother me. I checked
myself out in the mirror. Perfect.

The final battle was in all seriousness, intense. There were a lot of team-ups, betrayals, shouting,
and strong raps being tossed around. The rap abilities were carefully used and trump cards were
pulled. In all fairness, I didn’t really care much about the betrayals and things, I really just wanted
to see the winner.

But I couldn’t do that.

I sighed, my knuckles rapping on the table and my mic picking up each da-dump.

My feet moved to a nonexistent beat and I just waited for hell to break loose. Rio and Jyuto were
focused on the battle, of course, they were. To them, we had to get ready for the third Division
Rap Battle after all. I was staring at my journal that had an empty page staring back at me. My
concealed eyebags were double concealed by a pair of sunglasses.

My hands moved rapidly or slowly and soon the beat started to affect Rio and Jyuto because they
were starting to bop out to it too. Funny fuckers.

“I have to go,” I announced, getting up from my comfortable spot. I smiled over at Rio and Jyuto
who stared at me blankly. “Restroom.”

Then I booked it.

I made a careful way down to the bathrooms which were empty. To be fair, no one would be here
at this time, right? It was a waste to miss the intense final battle. I pulled my mic out and felt its
weight on my hand. I held in one breath and counted to five and released it to calm my nerves.
Closing my eyes, I started to mutter quick raps under my breath.

Halls, small corridors, short cuts, vents, cell, person, freedom, skinny, run, Ikebukuro.

When I opened my eyes I made sure I was alone and confirmed my location.

Yup. Still in a bathroom stall in Chuuohku for men.

I quickly moved back to MTC's speculation room. Walking down the halls, I moved to another
nonexistent beat. Pulling out my phone, I sent in a couple of favors to Kento and the others.

Zinan: Understood.
Koni: We’re here!
Zinan: Don’t worry Boss.
Koni: Heading back now~!

I was smiling since I didn’t have to worry about it anymore. Thank god.
“What took you so long?” Jyuto eyed me as I walked in.

“Stomach ache,” I lied as I took my designated seat. I pointed to the stage. “What’s going on?”

“The leaders are the only ones standing,” Jyuto reported, his eyes kept on the stage. "Who do you
think will win?"

“I think that-”

Rio was cut off as a large alarm went off. I watched as the three people on stage froze up in shock.
Panic was brewing in the crowd and the announcements went off. Jyuto and Rio were quickly
moving to reach for the door.

“Don’t,” I said, getting comfortable again in my chair. “We shouldn’t get in unnecessary trouble.”

“Everyone please stay in your seats. A dangerous criminal has just escaped from Chuuohku’s
special prison ward. Please stay seated and we will fix this issue. We will ensure everyone’s safety.
Those who are moving will be assumed to be the ones who helped the captive escape.”

Zinan: We’re out.

Kento: Tenki!
Tenki: Yeye
Tenki: Deleting messages...

I shut my phone off as the door was slammed open. Rio and Jyuto started to shout as the women
rushed in. I stuffed my journal into a hidden area as the women started to rake through everything
in a flurry.

“What’s going on?” Jyuto blinked as he was grabbed by the officers. His hands were brought to his

A body of a woman was muffled and hung up on a wooden pole. A battered face that could be seen
through the white hair that cascaded her face. A devil laughed as she tossed a flame to the pole.
Screaming from someone else as her body burned with the pole, signifying war.

Suddenly my brain started to do some withdrawal. I curled up at the touch of the women. It
suddenly hit me that I was still in Chuuohku. It wasn't just any place. It was Chuuohku. My
adrenaline was coming back with the image. I started to breathe a bit too loudly as panic arose. I
was pulled out of my chair and forced to my knees. Rio and Jyuto were still standing.

Damnit. I forgot that this would trigger the stupid fucking trauma. I tried to control my bloodlust
that threatened to ooze out and strangle someone on its own. I’m not going to fucking kill anyone!
I'm not fucking weak!


That got me a kick to the face.

“Shut up,” Bitch snorted as she put her slightly bloodied boots on the ground.

So much for my makeup huh?


Jyuto and Rio called out as they were held down by the officers, their mics confiscated for the time

“I said shut up,” Bitch glared. She had a disgusting face as she stared at us.

“No matter who you are, you are not allowed to-”

“How annoying,” Jyuto was cut off by Bitch. She kicked me again, Rio’s and Jyuto’s eyes shook
as I spat out the rusty metal liquid in my mouth. I didn’t wince when rough fingernails dug into my
scalp and pulled me up from the ground. I wasn't letting her feel that pleasure. “Control your

I could only raggedly breathe through the rough treatment. She smirked before tossing my head to
the ground. It sort of bounced. And it fucking hurt.

“There’s nothing here ma’am!”

“Nothing?” Bitch snarled, “You’re telling me they have nothing to do with this?!”

“With what?” Jyuto practically spat at Bitch, “What do you think we’re doing?!”

“We were just wondering if you had something to do with the fugitive,” Bitch shrugged. “Yakuza,
corrupt police, ex-military, it’s possible.”

Rio snarled at the women holding me. Jyuto lunged for Bitch who promptly kicked my stomach.
Fuck. I coughed.

“If you know better, you would give him treatment instead of trying to talk to me,” Bitch snorted.
She then walked away, leaving red prints and the other officers trailed after her.

Damn. She must be really fucking mad.

Still, despite the calm mind, my body was still shaking and choking. It was a bit fucking annoying,
but I suppose it’s how it works. Alarms, Chuuohku, blood, rapping. I shut my eyes tightly as it got
harder to breathe, a hand on my chest instead of my face that was bashed in.

Come on, breathe you stupid body!

“Onii-chan, I’m so sorry.”

Fuck fuck fuck fuck.

“Samatoki, are you okay?!”

“Samatoki answer us, please.”

I gave them a grin with swollen cheeks. My hyperventilation seemed to turn into normal, long-
drawn-out breaths when I felt their hands on my shoulders. Jyuto cupped my face as Rio helped me
sit up.

“I’m fucking peachy,” each inhale and exhale of air was now controlled with these two around. I
pulled them over to get a hug and chuckled. “Let’s just get out of here as soon as we can, yeah?”

“Of course,” Jyuto nodded his head.

“Roger,” Rio stated.

I held onto them tightly as the alarms continued to blare.

“Samatoki, shouldn’t we clean that face first?”

A man with green eyes laughed a bit painfully as he grabbed a handkerchief. He lightly dabbed it
on the younger man who had a bloodied face. Each dab was painful, but the younger man simply
let the brunette continue to wipe more blood on his face.

“Do you need to get treated?”

A man in a military suit eyed the man who was getting more blood on him. The man they spoke to
opened his mouth and said-

“Samatoki, did you hear us?”


Jyuto sighed. He kept a hand over mine as he pulled out a handkerchief and wiped the blood away
from my face. His gloved hand was warm. He sat down in front of me.

Rio just smiled as if he was troubled and left his hand on top of mine. He started to inspect my face
for wounds. I could feel rough, warm fingers wrapped around my hand. He sat down next to me.

I felt much more at ease.

We stayed on the floor like this, each of their hands on top of each of mine. The familiar and
unfamiliar alarm continued to ring and it annoyed me, but I didn’t mind. I shut my eyes tightly. I
was going to be fine. I was going to be fine.

Sirens, screaming, none of that was happening in real-time. It was just me.

When the alarms calmed down, I thought that we would start moving, but I was okay when we
didn’t move an inch from our positions. The door slammed open again, the other two’s heads
snapped up and I followed slowly.

“Samatoki! Hey, you aight?!”

I blinked as Sasara kneeled down to look at me. Rosho grimaced in the background as Rei sported
a frown.

“Dotsuitare Hompo?” Jyuto spoke distrustfully. “What are you doing here?”

“Probably for the same reason as us,” Kuko pushed his way in, his eyes looking over me. Jyushi
and Hitoya-san trailed after him. “You look like you were thrown to the wringer.”

“Thanks,” I mustered a grin.

Only a single corner of Kuko’s mouth rose.

“We were worried,” Rosho quickly spoke to chase away the tension. “We heard from the officers
in our room that something was happening over at Mad Trigger Crew’s room. We didn’t bring a
first aid kit though…”

“We did,” Hitoya-san forced his way in and grabbed me. Jerking me closer to him I could feel him
apply things to my face. “Stay still or else.” As he cleaned my face, Hitoya-san broke the silence
for a while, “There are two things I hate, having a good battle interrupted and the damned fuckers
who think they can get away after bullying someone.”

And we were like this. Three divisions in one room. I waited for us to be released, the lockdown to
loosen up, staring at a dim phone when no one else was looking.

I just wanted to go to Ikebukuro.

Kento: Ansho Iojaku is safe.

Chapter End Notes

Poor Samatoki, his face got bruised T^T

Something came up and I ended up uploading this chapter late... I also realized that I
should occasionally mention my tumblr account, oops ^^'
Chapter Summary

Samatoki decides that in order to make a better plan, he needs to get off of Chuuohku's

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Kento: We're still looking for Kubiki.

Boss: Cool.
Boss: Anything else you have to report to me?
Kanade: Not really.
Zinan: Come visit as soon as possible.
Koni: Or Zi might come to you instead, haha.
Zinan: Shut up Kon
Boss : Haha, get along.

When I woke up back in the hotel room I looked at my phone before even trying to remember
when I fell unconscious. Not that it really mattered though. I spent my time talking with the
Remnants. There wasn't a real problem yet, so far the terrorist attack that I asked the Remnants to
check out were small-scaled and didn't contain a dead clown or a majorly injured conman.

I wasn't completely sure of it until now, but it was obvious at this point. Chuuohku was weary of
MTC, more specifically, me. Just Samatoki Aohitsugi. I wasn't sure if I was prepared enough o
start a rebellion. Hell, I had to make sure the others were ready too. Yet, now that they were
keeping an eye on me, I couldn't move as freely as I wanted to.

I have to be off-grid.

I pulled out my journal and flipped through a couple of pages that had ideas on what I should do.
None of them sounded pleasing, but there was one that seemed the best way out. I hid the journal
under my blanket and started to type on my phone again.

Boss : Actually… Let’s get Plan Deadman started.

Kento : Understood.
Boss: And don’t be surprised when you see my face.
Kento: ?


I glanced over to the door that was slammed open.

Izanami rushed in with a red face along with Kannonzaka and Sensei. I quickly dropped my phone,
face down, to the bed, making sure it wouldn’t crack, and I looked up into worried golden eyes.

“You had us so worried,” Kannonzaka huffed. He checked my face that was more or less patched
up by bandages. Sensei wordlessly moved to look over my wounds but made no comment

“Sorry, I didn’t think she would take it this fucking far,” I scoffed a bit. Bitch had a good kick.
Kannonzaka, Izanami, and Sensei weren’t shocked at my language at all. They only nagged me
about being more careful. “Who won?”

“No one,” Sensei replied. He pulled back once he deemed my face fine. “Chuuohku seems intent
on finding the fugitive over finishing the DRB.”

“I see,” I hummed. My thoughts were elsewhere. No, I had to focus... My phone vibrated and I bit
my bottom lip.

Fuck it.

“Could I be left alone for a bit?”

"That would be-" "Huh? Why would you-?"

“Of course!” Kannonzaka smiled widely as he ushered the other two out. After casting a worried
glance my way he shut the door behind him. I was glad I could trust him.

I made sure to listen for any other footsteps. If anyone was coming near the door, I needed to be
careful. I got up from my bed and looked at the phone with messages from excited peers. I stuffed
the journal into my pocket and did a look over at the nearest mirror. My face was scruffed up, but I
still looked okay. I also noted how I was still in the hotel room. That sucked, but I could get my
way around this.

Papari: I’m here.

Good, the cameras were hopefully off by now.

I opened the window and peered down. It was higher up than I had thought. Clicking my tongue, I
scaled down as quickly as possible. I had to carefully and quickly find crevices to avoid
plummeting to my death. Awesome.

“Jump!” Someone shouted.

When I heard the voice I trusted, I let my hands release their grip on the walls and someone
grabbed me before I could break my legs. Luckily the fall wasn't too high up that I could've died if
I was caught. The fourth floor is a good floor to scale from.

“Boss, are you alright?”

“Thanks, Yudai,” I smacked his chest. Just then someone draped a cloak over my head. I turned to
see Zinan look up at me. I grinned at Zinan who faintly blushed. I could tell by the way his eyes
glinted that he was instantly worried about the state my face was in.

“Of course, let’s go quickly,” Yudai smiled widely as he started to push us over to a familiar car.
He still has his old car… When I tried to go to the backseat, Yudai pulled me to the shotgun. Damn
it, it was better if I sat in the back.

"I'm sitting in the back, you sit at the front."


“Yudai, do not fight me, people will notice. Come on,” I frowned. Yudai paused and gave in,
taking the seat next to Papari as I took a seat with Zinan. Zinan grabbed my hand and I pet his

The car was still as neat and clean as I last remembered it. Still... It bothered me a bit...

“Papari, do you need a new car?”

“I told you I was fine,” Papari laughed. He started to put the car on drive as we rushed to a road. I
felt a bit bad for doing this to the others, but this was all going to plan. I held out my arm and Zinan
carefully sliced it with a pocket knife. As the blood dribbled, he simply collected them in a small
glass container. I ignored the light sting and looked out the window.

“What are you going to do now, Boss?” Zinan asked me. He looked at me curiously, “You left
your teammates, Ichiro, and his brothers. Are you coming back to us?”

I laughed as I rubbed my hand on the little boy’s hair.

“It’s a temporary fix. I’ll be out of y’all’s hair in no time,” I hummed, “This is just the beginning of
my rebellion. An unplanned rebellion is sure to lead to doom compared to a planned one.”

I caressed the journal a bit as I said it. That last one wasn't planned for. But this one was. And I was
going to make sure that the plan was good.

Bzzt Bzzt.

I glanced at my phone that was buzzing. Jyuto. I felt a bit bad now. Not that it would stop me.

“Papari, take a left and pause there,” I ordered.


Papari rushed to an empty parking lot. I turned to Zinan. Understanding my intentions, Zinan
pulled out a phone. A burner phone to be exact. I quickly told him all of the important contacts
with the names. It was a shame I needed to toss this, but I didn’t really have a choice. I pulled out
the sim and tossed the phone. It cracked immediately, the phone's screen shattering to pieces. The
side windows rolled down thanks to Papari.

I heard a click and a bang right after. With a quick motion Yudai shot the phone, the phone broke
with a loud crack and the bullet was left smashed into the ground. I hummed as Papari gently
tugged my bleeding arm away. He started to bandage it dutifully as Yudai pulled his hood up. Z
inan took the bottle of blood and attached it to a water gun. Meanwhile, Yudai got out of the car
and pulled out a body from the trunk. If they had gotten everything right, that should’ve been the
bomber who killed Sasara in the past. The body was dunked in chemicals to make the blood
unrecognizable and then-

Pssh. Splat. Pssh. Splat.

Zinan started to shoot my blood out near the burned corpse. It was a bit more than charred just in
case the chemicals were found to be ineffective.

I was setting up my own murder scene.

It was… much more fun than I thought.

“Boss, Iki and them started the fire.”

“It was at a building supposed to be torn down, right?”

“Yes,” Papari reported as Yudai sat back down in the seat.

My leg throbbed at the thought of a construction site. It was easy to forget small details. I realized
that this probably wouldn't seem like my corpse since it was so far away from the sight and the
body was charred to bits and the blood was sort of fresh. Well, I never pulled a death scene and got
away with it. Nothing could be too perfect, I guess. Hopefully, Chuuohku was stupid.

"Done," Zinan announced, dragging me out of my thoughts. He pulled the water gun back in as the
windows rolled up.

Look at that. A perfect corpse.

“Papari, we good?"

Papari released my bandaged arm, "Yes."

“Let’s hightail the fuck out of here then,” I laughed.

If I wanted to move around more freely to take down everything I wanted to, I needed to be freed.

To me, death was freedom.

And this death, no matter how ridiculous and fake it looked, was my freedom.

We drove away and I grinned at the way we left me out there on the ground.

The weak Samatoki, the one who fainted after getting his face kicked, the one who thought that he
couldn’t change the future. He was dead.

And I, the Great Samatoki Aohitsugi, was going to do as much as I could.

“Boss,” Zinan looked at me with wide eyes. “Did you tell anyone?”

“No,” I hummed as the corpse got smaller and smaller.

“Do you plan on telling anyone?”

“Maybe,” I hummed. Depending on how it goes I might have to tell one person or more, right?
Then in the end, I can just go 'I pulled a prank!' and show everyone that I was really alive. “Do you
have everything ready for me?”

“Yes,” Zinan replied. “Akemi-nii is in charge of it.”

“Okay,” I grinned.

Our ride to Ikebukuro was rather quiet. We had everything planned out and ready to go so I wasn’t
too worried. We got a message that Kubiki and his friends were located and currently residing in
the destination we were driving to. When I got out of the car, Papari smiled at me and drove off to
a different place. Holding the clothes over my face, I moved inside the old MCD building.
“Boss,” Akemi gave me one of his charming smiles. He motioned me to come closer. Next to him
was a man I never met before and a man I fought before.

“Kubiki,” I smiled at the soldier, he nodded at me. I turned to the one I never met before. “I’m
guessing you’re Rio’s commander then?”

“Ansho Iojaku,” the man bowed his head. He looked awfully skinny, awfully bony, awful overall.
I simply nodded.

“It remains a secret I am here,” I looked at Kubiki, “Chuuohku is most definitely on the prowl to
track down and hunt each and every one of the soldiers except for Rio who has an alibi. In other
words, you’re more or less stuck here unless you can sneak around. Iojaku-san stays here though.

Kubiki’s eyes narrowed, but he nodded his head. He looked slightly miffed but agreed with my
terms. I could already tell he had no plans of staying here though. I guess being cooped up like a
chicken didn’t sit well with him.

“You know Busujima?” The commander turned his head to face me.

“We are teammates,” I stated. “I’m just taking a break from being alive right now.”

“You look more like shit than you did when I first met you,” Kubiki huffed under his breath.

“Shut up, you look like you cried,” I rebutted.

“Boss,” Akemi butt in. He looked up at me and browned, “We need to do it now.”

“Okay, my bad,” I waved at the two ex-soldiers. “Be careful and have fun. This is a good building
with good people.”

I walked with Akemi who pulled out a container of makeup. Near him was Suzu who smiled at me.
He gave me a wave and I gave him a wave back.

“What look are you going for Boss?” Akemi asked as he started to tug and pull at my bandages. He
decided to leave them on for now; I could tell by the way he angrily dropped the white things that
wouldn’t peel off my face.

“Something common.”

“Understood,” Akemi hummed. “Zuzu, the best casual clothes, please. Something with a trench
coat so it looks good on Boss.”

“Okie Dokie,” Suzu hummed, “I can see if we have anything that’s branded!”

I looked up to Akemi who carefully pried my eyes open with his fingers. Gently I felt pressure
being applied to my eyeballs.

“Blink quickly and then look at me please,” Akemi instructed. I did what I was told to do and I felt
him do the same thing to my other eye. “Do you want to see it now or after?”

“I want to see the finished piece.”

“Then tilt your head backward Boss.”

I was almost lulled into sleep as careful, long fingers slid around my scalp. I closed my eyes at the
nice feeling and Akemi worked on messing with my hair, cold water, touch, cold water, touch. Yet
everything was so warm. Once I was finished, Akemi huffed and told me I had to be careful. Suzu
waltzed in with a couple of clothes and as I waited for my hair to dry from the wash, we played
mix and match with the clothes Suzu brought.

It was unsurprisingly very laid back as I ended up with a teal shirt, a tan trench coat, some jeans,
and ankle boots.

Though I preferred vintage, I was told not to wear them.

"It's almost a dead giveaway," Suzu teased. "Not many people are stacked enough to get money
and flaunt it like you, Boss."

Instead, I was given brand-name clothes from places I didn’t really care about. Oh well, the dead
couldn’t be choosers. I could tell they were trying to appease my taste as much as they could

It took some time for Akemi to give me the okay to move around. But once I had that okay, I
grabbed the clothes we chose and started to strip. I could feel both their eyes scanning each scar,
like Jyuto and Rio did in the past, but I ignored them and continued to pull clothes on.


I was ready to look into the mirror until-

“Not yet,” Akemi sighed as he ushered me to a chair. Immediately, I was feeling dabs and pricks
on my face. I suppose he still wanted to add some makeup on my bruised face. NO one asked
questions about it, but I could feel their radiating anger.

I wasn’t mad though.

When I looked into the mirror, I was a new man.

I couldn’t even tell who I was.

Striking purple eyes, long lashes, and hair dyed black. A small part was even braided to the side.
To change me a bit more, I was offered round glasses that fit my face almost too well. I really
looked like someone different now. My bracelets were in my pants pockets and a different
necklace around my neck. The MTC necklace was braided with my hair, the triangle tucked away.
I was unrecognizable.

Actually… I leaned down and pulled up a part of the jeans. I attached the bracelets there and
nodded. This was the best. I unrolled the jeans over the bracelets with a smile. There was one
problem with the disguise.

“What about my voice?” I asked, looking over to Akemi.

“Papari-san said you should just make it a higher pitch since you lower your voice a lot,” Akemi
smiled sweetly, “You can also stay quiet as your new character.”

“Got it,” I laughed. I quickly changed my laughter, but Suzu giggled.

“You should be fine,” Akemi smiled. “Please Boss, don’t get caught.”

“I won’t,” I smirked, “Plus one of you guys is always going to be with me, right?”
“Yes,” Kento emerged from the door. He gave me a flourished bow and gave me a grin. “Let’s
present you to the others, Boss.”

I stepped out and gathered everyone’s attention. They were all looking at me with expectation and
excitement. Good. Our rebellion might not be public, but it’s going to get there.

Rio’s commander watched us as I spoke about what we were going to do. He seemed fine with it
too. Supporting even. He wanted everyone to know he was okay, but only Kubiki and a few of the
soldiers knew. The other soldiers would most likely be harmed if they were not working under us
right now so we were all searching around too.

Yanagi-san must’ve assumed we were doing fine because everyone was relieved of their duties
temporarily. As of now our current source of income was Joben, the three vigilantes, Akemi, and

That was fine.

We had a ton of savings, surprisingly. I didn't use them all.

I huffed and took a look at the mirror again.

This time, I wasn’t going to let anyone down.

Chapter End Notes

This chapter... I struggled with it. Samatoki's not confident enough to say that he can
just start the rebellion.

I don't remember if I explicitly stated it or hinted at it, but Samatoki did tell the
Remnants that he's from another timeline. Mainly because Hitoya advised him to do so
and it helped get a lot off his chest. Also for the voice part, I'm thinking more of A3's
Itaru (Samatoki's VA has an amazing range, the skill is passed down to Samatoki lol).
Small Visits
Chapter Summary

Samatoki decides to visit the other divisions to see how well they're faring.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

It’s been almost a month since the body was found, a little more than that since the last battle of
the DRB, and a couple of weeks since I was proclaimed dead by Chuuohku. The media was all
over it trying to examine everything. Despite how poorly I 'died', the media blew it out of
proportion. I wonder if they were thirsty for some new news. I also hypothesized that Chuuohku
wants everyone to believe I'm dead so that they can look for me on their own. It’s been almost a
month since the body was found and a little more than that since the last battle of the DRB.

My wounds have healed to the point that I could walk around as much as I wanted to if I so wished
with my getup on. Of course, my hair was dyed and I had contacts as well as a new closet of
clothes, but it was better than staying in a building. I'll apologize to Rio since I never had the
thought of staying in one place for too long. Maybe I'd put the others in one place, but I would
never do that to myself.

“Boss,” Kento glanced at me a week after my death was claimed. “I know it goes against what we
were saying but… Is it possible to at least tell Yanagi-san?”

I blinked as Kento looked away. Everyone who worked under her was looking my way with their
own various pleading gazes. Torimu spoke when no one else could.

“I never saw her this sad before...”

That’s when I wonder if I was really doing this the right way.

It was after that I ordered the Remnants to keep an eye on the divisions. When I was informed of
Jyuto and Rio’s state I was even more shocked. Apparently, Jyuto had taken a long vacation and
Rio stayed over at Jyuto’s place more often than not. I really wanted to apologize when I heard
that. I mean, bunny cop recently got his job back but he was slacking off?

Kanade, who infiltrated Chuuohku a while ago, told me that Nemu has been extremely distant. She
questioned if Nemu was originally like that when she was placed under my sister.

The list didn’t stop there.

My death had affected everyone somehow. I didn’t know that many people cared.

“I knew Boss was an idiot,” Zinan told me one day as we ate hot Ikayaki together. I accidentally
confided in him about my worries for the divisions.

“I didn’t know,” I replied.

“Why do you think I asked what you planned to do?” The teenager eyed me, “You value yourself a
bit too low.”

“Maybe.” I refused to tell Zinan he was right. So I came up with something. “That’s why I had to
change my plans.”

“You changed them?” Zinan tilted his head.

“Yeah, I did,” I chuckled, letting the lie become a truth. Getting up, I brushed my pants. “Let’s
take a tour around Japan tomorrow! Or some shit like that.”

“Understood,” Zinan quickly got up with me. "I'll still accompany you."

"Okay," I nodded.

We decided to head over to Nagoya first the very next day. Of course, I had to tell everyone where
I was going. Iojaku-san looked much better than the last I remembered him. He actually had meat
on his bones and he seemed to be faring well although he was stuck inside the building. Kubiki
came to visit every once and a while. He was giving me a wide grin and told me that the offset I
see Rio he wanted me to give him a letter.

I agreed.

In Nagoya, there was nothing special. Since the main goal was to personally see how the others
were faring I decided that we could go the furthest places first. It was decided that we would visit
Hitoya-san’s office instead of Kuko's temple and I noticed that it was a bit busy there. Zinan and I
just waited around a bit.

“Boss…” I turned to Zinan who went pink. “Restroom…”

“Go,” I smiled.

When Zinan left, I felt a bit lonely, but I waited. The receptionist told me that Hitoya-san was
currently on lunch break. Made sense. She also said I had to wait to go since there were a couple of
clients and I told her that was fine. It was just a small visit. After studying me a bit, the receptionist
motioned me over to the side. As I sat, I didn’t expect a blur to come right at my face at a
frightening speed. I grabbed the fist with my left hand, eyes wide as the sudden punch. I could feel
someone attempt to kick me so I grabbed it with my right hand.

I could feel the muscles twitch as they tried to push through my grasp. Damn, who?! Isn't this place
supposed to catch assaulters? It's a lawyer's office for fuck's sake!

“Kuko-san!” “Kuko!”

I heard Jyushi screech as Hitoya-san roared.

When I held the blur steady I realized it was Kuko. Kuko’s own eyes were blown back in surprise,
clearly not recognizing me. Thank fuck. I could tell he was at least suspicious though. He started to
mutter chi this chi that, but when I felt his bloodlust dissipate I released him.

“Sorry,” Kuko apologized lazily as the other two ran up to him. “I thought you were someone

“Mm,” I tried not to speak. Instead, I pulled out my phone and made a new contact. I gave it to him
and looked at him expectantly. Kuko looked me in the eyes before he jotted his information down.
I simply smiled as he walked to the others. Hitoya-san and Jyushi apologized for Kuko as Kuko
cackled. When Zinan came back I told him I saw what I wanted to and we left.

I paid no mind to how Jyushi’s eyes were puffy, Hitoya-san’s crinkled suit, and Kuko’s tight grasp
on the two of them.

In Osaka, we sat in one of Sasara’s shows. He looked a bit more desperate searching the crowd. It
was almost obvious that he wasn't really focused on his show. I passed by Rosho’s school and he
kept spacing out. We even met Rei in a cafe by luck. Rei was staring at me the whole time. It took
a while, but we decided to leave first since he wasn’t being his usual self and it was hella

“Hey.” I turned to Rei who stood up slowly. The chair screeched as he made his way to me.
“Here.” I had a business card thrust into my pocket. “Contact me if you need help.”

Then the fucking conman disappeared first. Not fair, I was standing up first.

We went to Shibuya next. We decided to visit the store without going inside. I could see a
coughing Ramuda with a worried Dice.

“Excuse me,” Gentaro spoke from behind me. “Are you buying something?”

I supposed these two were helping their friend out with his store.

“Just eye shopping,” Zinan replied for me, his eyes trained on Gentaro’s. Gentaro relented with a
soft smile. I stared at Gentaro who stared at me back. He gave me a piece of paper and requested I
come with money next time. It was a flyer for the shop. Empty Candy seemed to be doing well.

When we went to Shinjuku it was determined that Sensei was too risky so spying on Izanami was
better. Zinan agreed. When we were stopped by the gates because of Zinan’s age, I laughed and
told him to stay back. I was fairly surprised to see Kannonzaka with Izanami.

I moved over to Kannonzaka and glanced at how they were entertaining people as a duo. Izanami
must be having a hard time if he needed Kannonzaka even during work. I walked off after a single
shot. My burner phone was doing well with contacts right now. I picked up a card for the Izanami
and walked off. I met Zinan at the next train station.

“How’d it go?”

“Fine, what of Sensei?”

“I almost got caught,” Zinan smiled, “But he has bags under his eyes and seems to be working
harder than normal. Something about ‘saving as many lives as he could’ and being ‘far from

“Mm,” I frowned. Not what I was expecting. Well, Sensei wouldn’t fall from something as simple
as this so I should just let it slide.

When he reached Yokohama, it was more of a peek and run. I gave the letter to a mailman and
requested him to personally deliver the letter to Jyuto’s apartment. I didn't want to see them. I
walked back to Ikebukuro after. Now that it was nighttime, there wasn't anyone outside.

I already knew what the brothers were thinking. Apparently, Yorozuya Yamada was on a break for
now. Brat #3 had taken a break from school and only the middle brat was the one out and about.
Every local was worried as fuck. I was as worried as fuck. I counted as a local since I was hiding
out in Ikebukuro.
“Zinan, could you get something from the convenience store?”

“Yes, Boss,” Zinan smiled at me as he walked off. He took my hint.

I wanted to be alone for now.


So I didn’t expect to hear such a cold voice. When I turned my head I was forced to face someone I
didn’t expect. Nodding my head in greetings, I wondered why Brat #2 was here.

“I know it’s late. I was doing some late-night running.”

I blinked, he understood what I was thinking?! I opened my mouth but before a single noise came
out, Brat #2 started to speak first.

“You know, Aniki and Saburo are extremely bummed out right now because of you,” Brat #2
glared at me. “Don’t try to deny it. I know. There were a couple of rumors of your ghost. Don’t try
to fool me. I’m not that dumb. Not to mention the body wasn't convincing at all.”




I ended up sighing exasperatedly. Who would’ve thought I’d get caught here. Maybe I should’ve
stayed in the building. No, I was starting my next plan. It just had to be tweaked. This impromptu
plan would work out. Somehow.

“You better,” Brat #2 snarled.

“You can’t tell anyone,” I looked at Brat #2. “It has to be just you, you can’t tell your brothers.” I
almost plead.

The middle brother eyed me, his hair half up half down. Then he continued on his run without even
looking back.


Thank fuck.

I enjoyed moving around without Chuuohku on my back, but now that I’m fully healed, I should
really start putting more things into motion, huh?

When I walked back, I was greeted by Iojaku-san.

“Zina-kun told me that you were busy with something? Apparently, you wanted time alone?”

“Time to think,” I corrected him. “Iojaku-san, what do you think about telling other people?”

He seemed lost in thought for a while, but when he opened his mouth I wasn’t disappointed.

“As long as you trust them.”

“I trust all of them, but I’m only planning on telling a few of them. Not all.”
“As long as we will win this war,” Iojaku-san hummed, tweaking his words, “As long as you can
lead us right, then we’ll be fine.”

“Thanks,” I nodded. Then my mind was settled. I pulled out my burner phone and started to dial in
the first person I had in mind.

“Yorozuya Yamada… I’m sorry, but we’re closed right-”

He sounded so downcast my heart took a large hit. I shook my head of doubts.

“Aniki! I told you before! Let me take the calls!”



“Hello! This is Yamada Jiro! Sorry to announce that we’re not open right now!”

“Hey, remember me?” I casually spoke through the phone. Twirling my braid around my finger I
hummed. “Meet me tomorrow in the original Sweet Sweets at 8 PM. Tell them you want the
hidden special Matoksai. Also, leave your phone at home.”

Then I hung up. Moving to the next target I grinned, this was going to be fucking amazing. This
future that never happened before. This peacefulness that I will stretch out to the ends of the world.

I had so many funny reactions from my voice alone.

“Is this a joke?”

“Are you real?”

“Fuck you.”

And the funniest of all.


It took a lot of convincing to get everyone to let me go alone.

When I went to Sweet Sweets 30 minutes earlier than I asked, Yanagi-san was operating the
counter. Her pupils shook as I walked over. Giving her a kind smile I asked if I could talk to her in
private. She took my hand and led me to a room meant for secret meetings in the back.

Why did one exist? When her building was getting renovated back in the day, I had requested her to
do it for me as a please and thank you kind of thing.

She grabbed me by the shoulders and forced me to look her in the eyes.

“Wh-Who are you?”

“Samatoki,” I smiled sheepishly, “Sorry for the initial scare Yanagi-san. I had to go off the grid,
you know? Didn’t want to get you in trouble with Chuuohku or something like that.”


She trembled so much as tears streaked her face. I gently wiped them away for her.
“Why did you tell me?”

“So you can smile again,” I laughed, “Plus the boys back were pestering me about you. We all
care, you know? You helped me a lot.”

Yanagi-san lightly hit my chest. “People care about you too, you idiotic boy.” She then huffed,
putting her hands to her hips, "I knew you weren't dead! You're much more tougher than that!"

I smiled at her helplessly.

"Could you do me a favor, Yanagi-san?" She hummed as I said, "I know I'm being selfish, asking
you for so much-"

"Shut up," she smacked my head, "Of course, I will. What is it?"

“Can you let anyone who says Matoksai into this room today? There should be a total of five other

“Of course, you stupid stupid boy,” Yanagi-san wiped her remaining tears. "You didn't tell me just
because of the favor did you?"

"Well I didn't want Chuohku to do-"

"I can protect myself well," Yanagi-san clicked her tongue. Hitting my back once, she just laughed
it off too. "At least you told me."

Giving my shoulders a squeeze, she rushed off and I watched her go back to the counter with a
larger smile on her face. She was a sweet woman.

I thought about the people I invited over today. For some reason, I doubted that they would be as
kind and warm as Yanagi-san had been. In fact, I have a feeling that I would be stopping a lot of
fights first. Hngh. I didn’t want to fucking do that, but I guess I don’t have a choice.

Moving my hands together, I fiddled with my phone after sitting down on one of the six chairs
Yanagi-san placed in here for me. I was going to help her but she told me as a dead person, I
should stay deadweight and not move a muscle. I couldn't argue so I stayed put.

Minutes after being alone, I realized that I should’ve tried out some of those games Ichiro told me
about weeks ago. Damn.

I moved my fingers to play around a little more with google instead.

What is the word for going back in time?

Then the first person walked in.

Huh, ten minutes early?

“Welcome,” I grinned, looking up to the person.

“What the literal fuck.”

Chapter End Notes

Samatoki realizes that his plan might've not been a great one. At least he's changing it
(Realizing that Yanagi-san should've been more mad or upset).
Creating a New Team
Chapter Summary

Samatoki makes a ragtag team in hopes of telling others.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Kuko stood at the door, eyeing me with a glare. He was taken back, but with the way he was
judging me, I could tell he was highly disturbed.

“So it was you yesterday,” Kuko’s mouth twisted, “Why did you pretend to be dead, Samatoki?”

“You really have the ability to tell people apart,” I hummed, my eyes kept on Kuko. I could see
him teetering on anger and relief and disbelief. At least he didn’t try to hit me this time.


“I’ll tell you when everyone else is here,” I hummed. Something flashed across his face, but I kept
to myself as Kuko took a seat. The chairs were set up in a circle and he was sitting at the one
directly across from me. He huffed and we only had to wait 176 seconds for the next person to
come in.

Gentaro glanced at Kuko and me before seating himself a bit further away from me. Actually, they
were both facing me instead of taking a seat next to me. Interesting. He was silent and didn’t even
greet us. Kuko raised a brow but didn’t comment on Gentaro's action. As if he understood what the
novelist was thinking.

Kannonzaka walked in next and looked scared for his life at the lineup. Gentaro had hands folded
over his lap, and Kuko was scowling, his arms crossed. He looked at me with confusion but sat
down in the seat next to me as if it was a better choice over sitting near the angered duo.

Brat #2 was the second to last, taking the last seat furthest from me. He struck up a conversation
with Kannonzaka and Kuko joined in. I watched them speak, a unique bond forming between the
three. It was interesting to see them bond and I wondered if Jiro remembered anything about Kuko
and Ichiro.

We actually had to wait for five minutes before the last member joined us. Rei loved to be
fashionably late anyway. He took the other seat next to me. Now that we were huddled in a circle
and everyone was here, Gentaro, who had been silent the entire time, spoke.

“Why are we gathered?”

“I called us to gather,” I said, speaking through my real voice. It seemed to shock Kannonzaka and
Gentaro by the way they flinched, but it appeared that everyone else more or less knew or guessed
my real identity. “I gathered you here to tell you the truth.”

“It better be a good one,” Kuko’s eyes were narrowed. “We don’t have a way to contact our
“If you brought your phone, my plan would be a bust,” I shrugged half-heartedly. I glanced over at
the others and hummed. It was time for me to be honest. I glanced at Rei, already aware of why he
was late.

“No one did,” Rei chuckled, “Who would when we get told by a seemingly dead person not to?
It’s a bit suspicious isn’t it?”

As expected, looks like Rei made sure this meeting was safe before he walked in. Good for me. It
just meant that it was more or less safe to talk freely for now.

“I really want to know why you’re doing this,” Brat #2 spoke bluntly. “It’s been messy back at

“I can say the same here,” Kannonzaka spoke heavily, “I haven’t seen everyone so sad before…
Hifumi even asked me to help him with his work...”

“My bad,” I said with a grimace, “I didn’t think that anyone would care.”

Kannonzaka meekly looked as if he wanted to protest and I shook my head. We can't focus on that
right now. We needed to talk about something else.

“That being said, I think this is a good amount of people,” I flicked my fingers. Then I started to
point at them. Kannonzaka, “Someone who cares.” Kuko, “Someone who is friendly but on
guard.” Brat #2, “Someone distrusting.” Gentaro, “Someone who is weary.” And finally Rei,
“Someone who is suspicious.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Brat #2 snapped.

“It represents your feelings towards me,” I announced with a shit-eating grin. “See, there is some
sort of conflict with me. Kannonzaka is the one that knew me the least and he had his suspicions
about me when we first met. Though the suspicions are more or less gone for now.”

“Eh?” Kanonzaka turned to me surprised.

“Why gather the ones you can trust the least?” Rei smirked, but the crease between his brows
showed his real emotion. "It would make this more difficult for you."

“Easy. I have a plan to take down Chuuohku,” I let that sink in, “And I want everyone on board.
We're all pretty good liars.”

Brat #2 frowned, “I’m a bad liar-”

“You’d do anything for your brothers,” I dismissed. I glanced over at Kannonzaka, “And don’t
even try to say something negative about yourself.” Kannonzaka shut his trap and I smiled widely.
“I plan on telling everyone the end, but I needed to test waters first and have a stronger bond with
the people here.”

“So you’re calculative,” Kuko rolled his eyes, “Congratulations. You have made the group here
awkward enough that no one would get up and start a fight. Well done. What now?”

“Easy,” I laughed, though I could feel something choking me. “I can’t expect you to trust me so I’ll
explain everything. You just have to promise it needs to stay a secret. If you can’t do that, please

“You being alive is a big secret enough,” Brat #2 snarled. He got up and moved to the door,
“Forget this bullshit. I’m out.”

“You shouldn’t leave so quickly,” I warned him before he could open the damned door, “This
pertains to your brothers.”

He froze, hand almost at the handle. Brat #2 snarled and moved back to his seat, growling.

“So we can leave, but if we leave those we hold precious are at peril,” Gentaro mused. A
dangerous twinkle appeared in his eyes, “Interesting.”

“What is kind of secret is it?” Kannonzaka asked carefully. Cool so now everyone seemed to like
me less with what I said.

“A big one.”

“That explains nothing,” Rei gave me a toothy grin, “I like it.”

I started to feel nervous, the pressure in my esophagus becoming more noticeable. Everyone’s eyes
no matter how harsh or how kind was demanding an explanation.

“As ridiculous as this sounds, you have to believe me,” I started.

“Ridiculous as you faking your own death?” Brat #2 snorted.

When I nodded my head everyone’s gaze almost hardened, “I’m a regressor.”

“What?!” “Huh?” “What’s that?” “A regressor?” “Hoh?”

The different reactions were perfect. I glanced over to Gentaro who donned a distasteful

“You are claiming to be a regressor? Someone who went back in time?”

“Yes,” I nodded my head. That was the exact word that appeared on google when I was looking at
it before Kuko walked in. “I am Samatoki Aohitsugi from the future.”

“That explains a couple of things,” Rei didn’t even laugh. Scary...

“I regressed here as an eighteen-year-old,” I said, silencing their desire to speak. “From then on I
would constantly visit Ikebukuro West Gate Park to find Ichiro and gain his trust.” Brat #2’s
eyebrows furrowed. “Then I would purposefully make roundabout trips across Japan and with luck,
I managed to find and talk to almost everyone in every division.

“I basically have information on all of you from things you haven’t experienced, will never
experience, and have experienced,” I stated. “For example, I knew that Ichiro would be called
‘Aniki’ by the time the 2nd DRB would start and I knew how the 1st DRB would play out and
planned to act the way time was supposed to go originally.”

“It was all predetermined you say?” Gentaro had his fingers grasping his chin lightly.

“We won last time too?” Kannonzaka blinked in surprise. “Wait. You let us win the 1st DRB?”

“Why tell us now? In fact, why tell this group of distrusting people?” Rei managed to get that grin
back on his face.

“Easy,” I answered Rei with a flick of my braid, ignoring the other questions, “I need a group of
liars. Liars are good at detecting other liars. That’s why you all had something about me to

Gentaro’s eyes narrowed.

“What of the 2nd DRB? Were you originally supposed to die? You changed the timeline by faking
your death before it actually happened and you want to rebel against Chuuohku just because they
killed you?” He jabbed at me with questions despite being a bit laidback. "That doesn't sound like a
problem that involve us."

“No,” I answered truthfully. I could rely on Gentaro for his imagination. “I’m not going to lie right
now because I need your trust so just try to take in everything I saw with face value, okay? Don’t
try to question it.”

“As if that’s fucking easy,” Brat #2 mumbled, he was very belligerent towards me so I ignored him
and took a deep breath.

“In my original timeline, I never had the 2nd DRB even happen.” Disbelief flashed across
everyone’s face. I mean, the second DRB was rather important to us. “Contrary to your belief,
Yumeno-san, I was actually the last person… I wasn’t the first person to perish. It was Sasara.” I
twisted my words in the end and shifted my eyes from Gentaro to Rei.

“Sasara?” Rei looked at me with disdain and slight contempt.

“Sasara,” I confirmed, my head nodding along. I didn’t want to remember, but I couldn’t forget. I
didn’t want to forget. “There was a fire and Dotsuitare Hompo was the last to appear in front of the
gates. Rosho was the only one who made it there and he was begging for help. No, he was only
screaming names.

“There was so much fire, heat, smoke, screaming, so much... “ I shut my eyes briefly, “I ran inside
with Rio, Ichiro, and Kuko. We searched everywhere, but there were no survivors. Well...
Actually, there was one. There was one survivor trying to escape the building when his leg was
crushed under a support beam.”

I looked at Rei.

“Only Sasara died that night.”

Rei looked shocked. He probably didn’t think that Sasara would’ve died there because of the
clown’s intellect. I could tell he didn't notice who the survivor was so I continued to share a bit of a
tragedy that was already prevented.

“You would’ve made it out with Rosho had you not noticed Sasara not coming out of the building
after he claimed he would save the rest of the people inside.” My eyes left Rei and moved as I
continued to tell the story. “I ended up starting a rebellion in response when the 2nd DRB was to
continue on as if nothing had happened. The Chuouhku bitches didn't care that someone died, they
just needed their entertainment.”

“Of course you did,” Brat #2 jeered. But his eyes held mixed feelings about my memory.

“I did,” I glared at him, my voice cracked a bit, “I started it and lost everyone I cared about. So
help me prevent that.”

"Help you prevent what you had to witness," Gentaro had a soft voice, "I am to believe that those
'everyone you cared about' pertains to everyone in the divisions?"
I nodded my head. Gentaro seemed to be contemplating my answer as Rei shook his head in slight

“I don’t think I would be able to fight,” Kannonzaka said blankly. He had his hands curled together
in the middle of his lap.

“Izanami said something similar like that, got sick, and died,” I announced, my eyes on
Kannonzaka. I shouldn't have said it, but the answer was immediate. I couldn't control it.
Kannonzaka's body went rigid and I could tell the whisperings of doubt in everyone’s mind left at
that moment. “He was the only one to go by his own hands.”

No one spoke and I tried to enjoy the brief moment of silence.

“The beginning was simple. We were winning. Someone made new hypnosis cancellers because
we as rebels could surpass the old cancellers and so could Chuuohku," Rei eyed me and I sent a
small hand signal to confirm his suspicions. "It only got ugly when foreign aid came. In the end,
Japan as a whole was ruined.”

“I’m not thoroughly convinced,” Gentaro had a worried look across his face.

“I can tell you what happened to everyone,” I shrugged casually, stifling the thick thing in my
throat. “I know you’re already convinced, but I can tell you how it went anyway.”

I took my time looking at each of them, making sure my words were conveyed. Jiro.“You protected
your brothers but never got thanked for it." Rei. "You protected your sons but never got forgiven."
Gentaro. "You protected your friends but caused their depression." Kannonzaka. "You protected
the wills of your friends but you were the last one living amongst them." Kuko. "And you protected
everyone for a single night, but ended up dying in exchange.”

Each one of them was frozen. Then again, if I was them, in the past I would’ve growled and asked
what kind of bullshit was happening. I didn’t like stuff like that after all. I mean who would want to
know why they died and how they died? To know that you've died for a seemingly useless reason
since everyone else had died anyway.

“If what you say is fucking true,” Kuko spoke for the first time since I started the meeting, still in
deep thought, “Then this isn’t a simple fucking rebellion against Chuuohku, but survival against
the shitty world.”

“Yeah,” I nodded, “You can tell the others I’m still alive later, but I don’t want to let anyone know
about this yet. Because I don't know if anyone will tell Chuuohku.”

“It’s hard to take in,” Kannonzaka frowned. "I doubt anyone is working for Chuuohku either, I
don't think there's any harm in telling the others."

"I agree" Gentaro had disdain written on his face as if he thought I was talking about Ramuda. I
wasn't. But I wasn't going to tell him that.

“I still think this is bullshit,” Brat #2 frowned. An unsettling atmosphere made itself home in the
room when the brat opened his mouth. “But in the case that it’s right, how long did you survive?”

“I didn’t really keep track of time…” I pulled out my journal and flipped through to the first page.
Each important date was listed and buried in my heart. I will never forget the days you perished.
“If I did the math right, I should’ve been 30 before I woke back up as 18.”

“Damn,” Rei whistled. “That’s quite some time.”

“Yeah,” I nodded. “It is.”

“Then what do you want us to do?”

“I need to get everyone on board with overthrowing Chuuohku, but before that, we need to get
Chuuohku to work with us against the foreign countries.”

“I would like a better explanation,” Gentaro raised his hand. Right, Fling Posse dislikes Chuuohku
the most. “I doubt everyone would like to work with Chuuohku.”

“I understand,” I nodded my head, purple eyes roaming the green, “That’s why I’m asking for help
from you guys. The bomb wasn’t set off by Chuuohku, some spies came in to create a ruckus for a
revolution to bring the foreign military aid in Japan to get the Hypnosis mic technology.”

It seemed like my words reached Rei and Kuko, they were just nodding along, but I could still see
that some of them were doubtful.

“Mmm,” Gentaro frowned lightly. “I don’t know-”

I pulled out a handful of candy from my pocket. Gentaro’s eyes went wide in shock at the precious
candy practically spilling out of my hands. Good, he could recognize them. No one said I couldn't
bribe them into helping.

“Will this help?”

Brat #2 stared at the candy in confusion.

“How is candy going to-”

“Yes,” Gentaro replied with a clipped tone. He stretched his arms and stuffed the candy I offered
into his sleeves.

Kuko watched curiously and Brat #2 scoffed.

“Also, this room has people with good skills,” I hummed. Glancing at Kuko who sighed, I gave
him a smile to signal him going first.

“You’re right, I have an ability to sort of tell when we’re surrounded by some weird people,” Kuko
wove his hand. “I can sort of see the aura of people. The closer they are the more distinct and I can
start telling people apart despite not being in eyesight.”

Brat #2 blinked as Gentaro’s mouth curved up. Looks like I didn't have to ask someone to go next.

“That's very intriguing,” Gentaro smiled. “I have the ability to tell when someone lies. It’s not a
special ability.”

“I’m…” Brat #2 sighed, “I’m abnormally strong.”

“Abnormally?” Kuko glanced at Brat #2.

Brat #2 rolled his eyes. He grabbed his chair and held it up. No one was impressed. Until he
changed from a hand to four fingers to three to a pinch.

“Saburo said it’s abnormal. I’ve been training to keep it in check,” Jiro shrugged. He put the chair
down and sat on it.
“I created the Hypnosis Mic, True Hypnosis Mic, and Hypnosis cancellers,” Rei smiled widely.
Shock rippled to the others but I didn’t care. Their questions were silenced by the next person.

“Why am I here?” Kannonzaka stared at me, “What ability do I have?”

Chapter End Notes

Aww a sad Doppo-

To be fair, I didn’t mean for this to happen, but in hindsight, we had two leaders, two
second groups and two-three groups lol (I was just looking for people who disliked
Samatoki or something...) Also, Honobono's character design reveal, what?
Step One
Chapter Summary

Samatoki convinces the five people to train under him.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Why am I here?” Kannonzaka looked at me, teary-eyed.

“Your rap ability,” I replied. He looked miffed at my answer and I tilted my head in confusion.
Why was he still looking downcast?

“It’s self-destructive,” Gentaro observed, “It makes no sense.”

“Sorry, I should’ve said your speaker ability,” I grinned sheepishly at my mistake.

“Speaker ability?” Rei looked at me oddly. Of course, he was confused because as a creator he felt
as if he should know these things. Humans were surely amazing creatures to make use of a weapon
and evolve it further on to their own record, even if the weapon creator disappeared.

“Those who are talented gain a rap ability,” I repeated what I read in Chuuohku’s files once, “then
they can evolve further into gaining a speaker ability and furthermore into a mic ability,” I listed. “I
have all three abilities and for the past few months, I’ve been training the youngest Yamada
brother on his speaker ability.”

Brat #2 looked at me in shock. “That’s why-”

“Kannonzaka-san’s speaker ability is extremely rare. In a way, it’s almost better than Sensei’s rap
ability.” I butt in to shut the brat up and looked to Kannonzaka. Kannonzaka’s eyes widened and I
smiled at him.

“Are you the reason why Ansho Iojaku escaped?” Rei stared at me.

I gave him a grin in response.

“If you still don’t trust me, let this Great Samatoki Aohitsugi give you an example.”

“I would be lying if I said I was not curious,” Gentaro’s lips twitched.

“These are abilities that appeared during a time of war,” Kuko mused. He was pretty fast. “Then
they must be dangerous to some extent?”

“Depends,” I hummed. I don’t think I went all out since I came back. I trained, but only one ability
at a time. “I mean our abilities evolved enough for us to kill many soldiers armed with weapons,
you know? I’ll be honest though, I don’t know everyone’s abilities.”

“Don’t worry about it for now,” Rei gave me an amused grin, “I want to see if you’re spouting
bullshit or not.”
“I can’t do it here,” I announced. “My speaker ability is large, I can shrink it, but we still need to go
somewhere more private than here.”

“What are you waiting for then?” Brat #2 stared at me. “Let’s go.”

I gave them a map and instructions on how to get in.

We all walked out at separate times and entered the MCD building at different times and in
different areas. Iojaku-san was surprised at the visitors, but he said nothing. Rei was staring at him,
I knew, but who cared.

“Boss!” Koni rushed in, “Welcome ba- oh…”

“Koni, is the main training room clear?”

“I can clear it!” Koni rushed away. He did look back once, to look at Kuko.

“Who are they?” Kannonzaka peeked at me.

“They’re people I trust,” I smiled, “People I didn’t know about in the past. Thought I could tell
them about my dilemma of being a regressor. Hitoya-san’s suggestion really.”

“You trust them more?”

“It’s less about trusting more,” I eyed Brat #2 when he asked the question with a huff, “It’s more
about hope. Think about it, something bad will happen in the future. You might be letting fate take
its place, but nothing is changing, the future looks bleak.”

“So you turn to the people that make it seem as if you changed the future,” Kuko laughed, “That’s
one way to do it.”

We walked into a large empty room. Koni passed us with a grin and a couple of others walked off

“Good luck Boss,” Adi patted my back as he walked off. Wano gave me a thumbs-up as Lomu
looked at me apologetically.

Kuko wove his hands at the three who froze at his appearance. He snickered as I led them all

Damn, now how was I going to show off and not destroy the building? The room was smaller than
I originally imagined...

“I can minimize my ability so it can fit…” I muttered aloud, thinking up solutions to my current

“Show us your demonstration,” Gentaro smiled unkindly. I guess he was still nervous, was the
candy, not enough?

“Of course.”

I started a light rap just generalizing what I told them before.

I didn’t need to look back to know how I looked right now. My eyes were probably glowing from
this usage of my abilities and the aura on my speakers was most definitely black. The large
skeleton pulled out from its coffin and crouched to fit in the room despite its smaller size. Six more
skeletons appeared from the speaker and took pieces of the coffin with them. My mic itself had
changed into a sword of a sort as I rapped.

Even when I stopped rapping, the speakers, skeletons, and mic stayed this way.

“What do you think? Flabbergasted yet?”

I’m pretty sure they were shocked. Their faces sort of said it all. I could expand my rap to further
places and my mic was a literal blade. I could hurt someone with it.

Brat #2 poked a small skeleton, “Does it stay this way?”

“I can’t control the speakers without rapping,” I frowned, “I haven’t gotten that far yet. I don’t
know how to get there. Otherwise, until I deactivate my mic they stay out. This lets me focus on
physical attacks with this.” I held up my mic. "I do have an ace, but it's not the best... I'll explain

“How do you plan on rapping with a sword?” Gentaro looked amused.

“Mmm,” I blinked. I decided to use my speaker as an example. Tossing in a couple of raps, I re-
enacted the fighting style I learned to adapt over the span of the years I fought as a rebel. Once
again, I amazed the others. “Does that answer anything?”

“I’m on board,” Kuko hummed. He gave me a lazy thumbs up as if he just decided to help me and
his decision wasn't set in stone ages ago.

“Shut up, you’ve been on board,” I snarked, “It was written over your face when you stepped in the

Kuko just grinned at me.

“I was ready when you gave me the candy,” Gentaro conceded. Oh, I guess the candy was enough

“It only took me the knowledge of knowing more about the weapons I created,” Rei whistled. "I'm
now curious as to how much of a genius I really am."

"Even if you made the product, the people were ehte ones to make it evolve further," I snorted. He
gave me a shady grin and I fought the urge to kick him.

“I can’t protect Aniki and Saburo if I can’t learn more abilities,” Brat #2 frowned. "So I guess I
don't have a choice..."

“I still haven’t been told what speaker ability I have that marks me so important…” Kannonzaka
sighed. “I’m on board, but I don’t know how helpful I will be compared to everyone else here…”

“Teleportation,” I smiled, “Kannonzaka-san’s ability should be teleportation. Each screen can

teleport one person.”

Kannonzaka looked shocked, but he soon smiled at me, it was a pitiful one. One that spelled out
how he still thought he was useless. He doesn’t know how many people he saved with that ability.

I sighed and walked over to the older man. Leaning to his ear, feeling his hair tickle my cheeks, I
told him something I thought he needed to know.

“You were also someone who helped others continue living,” I whispered into his ear. "You
helped me a lot too."

At that, he seemed more sure about himself, eyes wide with a disbelieving smile. I got back up and
looked over at the others who were examining the speakers.

“Hey, Samatoki,” Kuko blinked as he touched my lifeless speaker. He had this thoughtful look on
his face and I fought the urge to punch him.“Was there anyone who could move these things

“Yeah,” I thought about an awful memory. A speaker going haywire without someone controlling

“Who?” Kuko didn’t even look at me.

“It was yours.” Kuko whipped his head to look at me. Purple eyes met golden. With a burning
curiosity that demanded to know more so I spoke more. “Even when your soul left your body, the
dragon razed the ground until no one was left from the other side.”


No. Not cool. But I didn’t say anything.

Someone grabbed my shoulder from behind. My head moved slowly to see an old man.

“Will you be training us?” Rei smirked underneath his sunglasses.

“Yeah,” I nodded, “We won’t be doing it here though. We managed to create a simulator that lets
us fight in an open field and still retain our skills in real life. Of course, we can still practice in this
room as well.”

“I need your help in other things too,” I said. The five people from different divisions looked at me
seriously. “Rei, I want you to create a mic that can reverse the T.H.M and that stronger canceller I
was talking about earlier. I’ll bring in some people that will be supporting you. Brat, I need you to
start exercising your body to carry heavy things. I know your strength is amazing, but you haven’t
used those muscles in a while. Kuko, I need you to train your senses. Yumeno-san, I need your help
in gaining Ramuda and Dice’s trust.

“Of course, apart from Yumeno-san, I will have people pair up with you.”

I glanced at my phone, brushing against my journal that was in the same pocket.

“Why didn’t you just bring them here?” Gentaro frowned.

“I needed to know how they would react and a buffer. You know me less than they do so my
supposed death should’ve affected you less. Plus, I'm not really sure if I want them to know.”

“Indeed, that is true,” Gentaro hummed, “I don’t know if I should be flattered that I’m being used
as a tool.”

“There’s a second step, but I’m trying to get everyone involved slowly,” I shrugged, “Fling Posse
just happens to be first on the list.”

“Boss! You called?!” People rushed over.

“Yeah,” I motioned them over. “Hey guys, here are the people who’re going to work with you.”
“Huh? Kuko?!”

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Kuko waved shamelessly, while the Remnants gawked at him. There
was a bit of tension too. Damn, I forgot how hard it would be to be forgiving. I coughed gaining
everyone’s attention and momentarily dismissing their incredulity.

“Tenki, Ginto,” wiggled my finger, lighting a cig. I placed it in my mouth and puffed. “You’ll be
helping Rei with the T.H.M and Cancellers. Rei,” I glanced at the man who looked doubtful,
“These two guys are two of the three that created the simulator we’ll use for training. They’ll be a
great asset.”

“Hi.” “Hey.”

Tenki and Ginto waved their hands in greeting. Rei waved his own.

“Brat, you’re going to be Zinan, Koni, and Yudai,” I motioned to the three.

“Great,” Zinan rolled his eyes, “I get to know the middle brother too.”

“Hello!” “I’m a hero young man!”

Brat #2 looked surprised at the three who easily clambered over to him. I gave him an encouraging
grin and looked over to the side. It was interesting to see him get overwhelmed a bit.

“Lomu, Wano, Adi,” I looked at Kannonzaka, “They will be helping Kannonzaka-san to gain that
speaker ability.” The three vigilantes looked evil next to poor Kannonzaka-san. “They don’t have
abilities, but they can help you grow yours.

“Kuko, the rest of them will be running around so that you can train,” I smiled. “I will meet
Yumeno-san in Empty Candy tomorrow.”

“Sounds fine with me,” Gentaro smiled pleasantly. “May I take this time to leave?”

“Yeah you guys can start leaving if you want,” I nonchalantly waved my hand, puffing away at a
cig. “Just take the simulators with you. I’ll be doing lessons from around 10 PM to 2 AM
everyday. Starting tomorrow. Come join whenever you want.”

“Does it sync us to the same location?” Kuko tilted his head as he scanned the helmet.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “We might have some other people join us here and there. Don’t get caught.”

Gentaro was given a box and he gave me a helpless smile. Taking the simulator gracious he soon
left and bid us farewell.

“It’s like a game,” Brat #2 mused. He childishly looked at the simulation in wonder. Then he
frowned. “What if we can’t make it?”

“It’s fine,” I huffed, “I’ll be there the entire time whether y’all show up or not. I’m quite rusty too.”

“Cool!” Yamada brat 2 hummed as he grabbed his mic, “Then I’ll go with these guys and we can
start picking up large stuff!”

“We’re only here to supervise,” Zinan deadpanned, “We can’t carry any of the stuff, we’ll be
telling you what to carry.”

“Hehe,” the middle brother looked oddly happy to hear that. Strange...
“The story we’re going with is that Kon is a transfer student from Shibuya and that’s why he’s with
you. Kon is the only one who can publicly be next to you," Zinan explained.


“Because, Jiro-kun,” Yudai laughed, “Your brothers are aware of us.”

“Really? Damn,” Brat #2 whistled as the quartet left to go to a different room.

Kuko had already left with the majority of the Remnants. All that was left was Rei, Tenki and
Ginto left without him.

“You have a complaint, Rei?” I asked Rei a question, my eyes staring into his body.

“Not really,” Rei chuckled, “I just had a question that was rather important.”

“What’s up?”

“Were you planning on leaning on this team for the rebellion only? Not everyone in Japan?”

“I was planning on involving everyone, but trusting a couple,” I answered. “I can’t protect
everyone, you know?”

“You’re a shrewd man,” Rei’s laugh was hearty.

“So are you,” I leaned over to glance at Rei, “You love playing villain, don’t you?”

“I could say the same thing, Mr. Dead man,” Rei smiled wickedly. “Let’s not make this just about

“I could say the same thing to you.”

Chapter End Notes

I was extremely late today, sorry!

A Chance After Failure
Chapter Summary

Samatoki attempts to reveal himself to the rest of Fling Posse. Later that night, he's
ready to start training the others.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"You look like a tad bit like Rosho. If you want Sasara's attention, you sure got it," Rei said to me
on the phone. So I swapped my glasses out for a mask, covering my nose down to my chin.
Motherfucker, I guess I did sort of look like Rosho. It was fine since I was on my way to Shibuya
and not Osaka, but I still swapped the glasses for a mask. For once, I wasn't trailed by a Remanent.
Mainly because they decided to trust Gentaro, who I was going to visit. Also because it would end
up being awkward if I was never seen alone. I was also told to buy some clothes from Empty

I mean, I thought my new closet was okay (the best would be vintage), but Akemi and especially
Suzu bugged me about getting more expensive things and I talked about only liking Empty Candy.
When I was on the fence about buying from Empty Candy, the entire team was brought in to
bother me.

I ended up agreeing. And I had money instead of fake IDs and credit cards. That would be a bit too
much to deal with. Especially if I got caught. So I could just hand Ramuda a wad of cash and be
done with it.

I let out a sigh and got off the train, walking up the stairs to the bright city of Shibuya. Gentaro said
he was temporarily working with Ramuda and Dice as an employee of Empty Candy. he never told
me why, but my best guess was because the store got busy or some shit. I would light a cig right
now, but I was about to enter Ramuda’s store so I guessed I couldn't.

When I exhaled deeply, I thought that I could really enjoy the time I had for myself. No one could
recognize me without my normal white hair, red eyes, and vintage clothing. I had my defining
accessories off like my bracelet, necklace, and earrings. Of course, I had to place the bracelets
somewhere else and the MTC necklace was tied into and slightly hidden by my braid. I did keep
the ruby earring though. It's the one Ichiro chose after all.

My feet moved rather languidly and I reached Empty Candy in no time. It was bigger than the last
time I remembered it. I walked in, listening to the little bell chime, and peeked into the store. There
was a large array of clothes. I got to pick my favorite, right? I browsed each section, uncaring about
my current appearance. Everything was too colorful, not really the look I was going for. It made
me stand out when the goal for me was to blend in.


Damn, this looked fucking good.

I glanced at the lace design. Didn’t think that Ramuda could come up with things like these. It was
a black button-up shirt made out of laces, it was see-through, but that could be fixed by wearing
something else underneath. They had skull patterns embedded in them and a black jacket that
clipped on it, obviously not for wearing properly. Looks like it’s a recent design too.

Hell yeah.



“I don’t think that would suit you that well~☆”

I turned to see the tiny menace of society who was grinning at me widely. I withheld my 'Who the
fuck thinks that way? This shirt would look fucking awesome on me' and I gave him a weak grin
back. Still, I didn’t put the clothes back. I wanted it. Noticing my intent on buying the clothes,
Ramuda gave me an ‘oh well’ look before ushering me to a different section. Now, these were the
clothes that this new me would probably wear.

Still, they weren’t really my taste.

“You should try something like this!” Ramuda laughed as he showed off a couple of bright-
colored clothes. Despite my dark hair and purple eyes, I supposed that they would fit me rather
well. I gave him a polite nod, trying not to play with my voice. He tilted his head, confused as to
why I wasn’t speaking I’m sure, but he offered me a couple of clothes to try on without too much

Cool, another brightly colored coat with white highlights. I looked like a canvas and someone
threw paint balloons at me. Not in a bad way, this just wasn’t my style. The hat wasn’t that bad

“Maybe you would like this as well?” Ramuda hopped over with another set of clothes. I grinned
helplessly at the selection of clothes. Yep, they definitely fit this cameo version of me and also fit
my style.



Just then Ramuda doubled over. I froze as his body hunched over and curled.

Automatically I knew I had to find Dice or Gentaro.


I turned on my heels to grab help but someone grabbed my ankle. I turned to see Ramuda panting
and coughing. Blood was splattered all over the floor.

“I-It’s fine… Please don’t tell anyone…” I stared as the red continued to blossom. The little
fucktard grabbed my ankle tightly. Fuck, he wasn’t going to let go of me. “P-Please…”

“Fuck it,” I muttered. Ramuda’s eyes went wide as he felt up my ankle. Of course, he didn’t want
me to leave. I crouched and pulled out a lollipop and unwrapped it.


I placed the lollipop into his mouth. Taking off the coat I was wearing right now, I draped it over
Ramuda. I can come back and visit later. This was a fucking bust. I had a couple of candies in there
as well, including the ones I asked Papari to make. I mean, I still had more back with Papari. Right
now, I was sure that Ramuda would think I'm from Chuuohku because I gave him some

Time to get the hell out of here.

I mumbled an apology as my leg was jerked away from Ramuda’s grip.


Ramuda wailed as I hurried off.


Dice brushed past me. I could hear him kneeling and panicking all over. Fuck, I didn’t mean to do

Suddenly I felt a tight grip on my shoulder. Huh?! I turned and saw Dice’s strong glare. I could see
purple eyes staring at me ferociously. Dice wasn’t about to let me go. I could tell.

“Hey you, what did you do?” Dice’s low voice was extremely hostile. When I didn't reply, he
threw a fist. I nimbly moved out of his grasp to dodge the oncoming attack, but it didn’t stop there.
I barely managed to escape his kick and Dice was suddenly growling at me. Even during the 2nd
DRB, I don’t think he showed this much hatred towards me. I don’t think Dice ever aimed his raps
against me.

So this was new.

I had to pretend to be a civilian. I let my legs collapse as Dice got ready to bash my face in. Fuck, I
rolled out of the way in the nick of time as Dice snarled.

“D-Dice, wait!” Ramuda was rushing towards us, he grabbed Dice and pulled him back, “I just
want to talk to him, not beat him up!”


I took this time to run for it.

“Dice get him! He’s getting away!”

A confused Dice ambled towards me.

Just then Gentaro appeared and slammed into Dice. His eyes told me to run and I didn’t look back.
To be honest, normally I would feel frustration bubble up but… I didn’t. I guess it was because I
was more confused than upset.

I heard Ramuda shriek as I ran back to Ikebukuro.

“I now have my teammates complaining because of you,” Gentaro announced when he came to
train tonight. "And I thought you wanted to reveal yourself."

It was a nice setting. The sun was shining in the fake Yokohama. The only thing was that there
were no life forms other than me and Gentaro. I practiced and used most of the functions to get
used to it last night.
“Sorry,” an apologetic smile.

“It’s fine,” Gentaro gave me an easygoing smile, “At the very least, they don’t know my relation to
you. Sorry, I didn't come earlier, I didn't know you would get there so early.”

“Yeah, I guess mistakes were made,” I laughed.

"I also have the shirt you wanted to buy, a set of clothing that should fit you, and your coat,"
Gentaro listed off his fingers.


A heartbeat of a pause lasted before the brunette spoke again.

“May I ask why you look like that?” Gentaro tilted his head.

“Ah,” I smiled helplessly, “It might have something to do with how Tenki made this simulator. I'm
pretty sure we can change our appearance. He was originally trying to make a game...”

A body of a 30-year-old me with tousled slightly long white hair, visible muscles, and scars.
Luckily the clothes could be anything I imagined so I was just wearing what I normally wore. My
vintage T-shirt and jeans with my MTC necklace around my neck.

“Was that how you looked before?”

“Yeah,” I answered.

“Clothes and all?”

“Not much,” I shrugged, “I think the last thing I was wearing was, uh,” I watched my clothes shift
into a more tattered look. The white shirt was now a bandana wrapped around my belt loop and my
jeans were ripped. I had a different worn-down shirt over me. “This shirt was actually Rio’s,” I
said nonchalantly. “And the clip that’s on my shirt was Jyuto’s.”

“Quite intriguing,” Gentaro hummed. He himself was wearing a different style of clothing.

I changed the outfit back and smiled at Gentaro, “Would you like to change your own clothes?”

Gentaro didn’t even blink an eye.

“Why should I lie here when you are open for us to judge?”

“Thanks,” I smiled.

“No need to thank a liar,” Gentaro smiled mischievously, “Then let’s get started, shall we?”

“Of course,” I nodded my head. I have to admit, it was fun training with Gentaro. He was definitely
different compared to training with people I was used to. His eloquent raps hit harder than one
would expect. Even if the opponent didn’t understand, the raw power in his raps was certainly
interesting. If I thought about, I never really trained against Gentaro.

“Sh-Should I try something else?”

Gentaro panted a bit, already slightly winded from the warmup.

“No,” I shook my head. He was doing really well in my opinion. It just seems like…
The stakes aren’t high enough.

I looked at Gentaro.

“I’m going to create a scenario. You’ll be fighting an opponent from my memories, is that alright
with you?” I glanced at Gentaro who nodded.

“This is a very advanced simulator,” Gentaro sounded amused.

“I suppose so,” I shrugged, maybe a bit prideful. "They worked hard on it."

Gentaro’s eyes went wide when he saw Ramuda and Dice on the ground. Granted they weren’t the
ones he knew, but he didn’t have to know that. He most likely couldn't tell, actually. I blinked as
Gentaro quickly summoned his mic, his fun demeanor dropping. He started to scream frantically,
but this was a memory.

The man with a dagger continued to approach them, his face gaining sweat, but that devilish smirk
remained on his face with that hellish mic in his left hand.

“Desolute fool who doesn’t know his place,

You’re begging me to slap you in the face!”

Still, the soldier moved on. Gentaro’s breaths became shallow as he started to panic. The author
who always had something to say, suddenly couldn’t find any words.

“No no no-!”

The rap broke apart as Gentaro was left with a loss of words. That being said, I got to see his
speaker ability for the first time. It flickered around him. It was interesting to see a forcefield more
or less open up, but I didn’t know what it was meant to do. It flickered away when the memory

Fuck, it’s getting to that point.

I quickly shut the memory off. The figures dissipated but I could tell Gentaro was already
envisioning it.

The blur of a body rushing in front of the two figures on the floor, hands splayed out. Green eyes
that held contempt, apologies, love, and care. A mouth curled up, parted for the beginnings of a

His own death.

Gentaro’s head whipped around as the field disappeared. He walked up to me with brimming
emotions in his emerald eyes.

“That’s how I left. Isn’t it?”

I couldn’t tell him anything directly. I spewed excuses instead. “I only saw a glimpse of it. I
couldn’t see the whole thing. I was fighting someone else, it wasn’t like-!”

A hand was gently placed over my mouth. Gentaro looked at me pitifully.

“I’m not asking if you were the one who killed me, Aohitsugi-san. I am not blaming you for being
unable to save me. I was simply asking if that was how I passed in your original timeline.” He
waited patiently for my answer.
With saliva clogging up my throat, I stared into his eyes and nodded my head. Because yes, yes,
that was exactly how Gentaro left Dice and Ramuda.

“Thank you for sharing that with me,” Gentaro spoke softly, his hand moving from my mouth to
my shoulder. I looked down at him who smiled at me. “Now then, let us continue. Did anything

“I just wanted to push you,” the excuse came out first. Maybe that weak Samatoki didn’t die with
that body. I sighed, steeling myself, and forced a smile, “You managed to create a forcefield. It
looked like it boosted your powers, but I’m not so sure…”

“I’m supposing that I passed before you got to witness my mic ability or speaker ability?”

“Yeah,” I nodded my head, “I think from the people who are training right now, I only really know
Kannonzaka-san’s and Kuko’s. We can only train mentally here though, so the middle brother is
going through hell with the others.”

“Interesting,” Gentaro hummed.

I nodded my head, my clothes shifting to their standard white button-up shirt and jeans. I simpled at
Gentaro who simply hummed.

“If I’m attacking memories, I can’t do anything to them so how am I supposed to know if I

“That opponent I knew nothing about,” I shrugged, “Dice and Ramuda dealt with him. I can only
create dummy fighters of people I fought with before, but most of them had guns. I don’t want to
know what dying or pain would feel like here that isn’t rap.” I paused, “At least for now.”

“Looks like training will become fearful,” the liar chuckled. “I look forward to it, Leader.”

“I’d rather not be called that,” I choked in laughter, “Anyways, getting back to the target thing. I
created a memory because I realized that what I was doing wasn’t working. Otherwise, fight this

I created a man I personally disliked.

“Drew Patterson,” I announced. “An American who I clashed heads with a couple of times. He
used Bitch’s old mic.” I paused as Gentaro sent me a confused glance. A thin smile said, “Ichijiku

Chapter End Notes

I don't really know what Ramuda's store looks like, I'm sorta eyeballing it here.
VRMMORPG was the setting I wanted to play with for the 'training room' since the H
Era is so technological.
First Training
Chapter Summary

The first training doesn't go badly.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Even if I was the one who conjured Drew up, seeing him back to life just made me want to retch.
His dirty blonde hair, his maniacal smirk. I hated him. I hate him. He went a bit crazy with the
power that the mics brought and used hostages as experiments. Then I killed him with a gun
instead of a mic as per his wishes. This bastard single-handed ruined so many lives.

“Seems like you dislike him a lot,” Gentaro glanced at me wearily. I blinked, bloodlust must’ve
been oozing from me.

“I do,” I acknowledged. “This man… I hate him.”

“This… Drew Pattuhsun man must have done horrific deeds.”

“Mm, let’s move on to the battling him bit,” I shrugged, “This memory is when he first gained the
mic so it’ll be a weaker version than the last time I saw him.”

“I suppose I am to be offended?” Gentaro joked. My body jerked in surprise as Gentaro smiled

connivingly, “That was a lie, I understand that I do not have enough experience or skill as of yet.”

Then we started to work on a couple of raps and tried to rekindle the speaker’s ability. Gentaro
seemingly had a bit of trouble going against Drew.

“You said that this version of him was when he first gained the mic?”

“Well, I made it so that he was at least skilled at it,” I replied a bit apologetic. "He wouldn't be
much of an opponent if this was his first rap.

“I see,” Gentaro laughed breathlessly. He tried to be amused, but I could tell he wasn’t. He was
probably concerned since Drew was stronger than he expected.

“It was a war,” I reminded Gentaro, “Our rap that evolved then along with our bodies were all
about survival. Don’t put yourself down.”

“I’m not,” the liar looked miffed, “I’m quite worried. You act as if this will all happen and train us
to prepare for it, but are you sure that it will happen?”

I blinked. Then I laughed.

“Maybe you didn’t see the news? There was a building that got bombed and killed 5 people and
injured 36 the same day we walked into Chuuohku to have our battle. It was titled a terrorist
attack,” I looked at Gentaro gleefully. “It’s already happening.”
Gentaro smiled at me back with his eyes halved, but I already knew that he wasn’t smiling. How
could he? He didn’t think any of this was funny or amusing. It was rather alarming to him, maybe.

“No one is here,” Gentaro hummed, “I’m impressed.”

“It’s late at night, early morning,” I shrugged. “Everyone is probably still thinking about what they
want to do or training in the real world.”

“Or, they don’t know how to use this thing.”

A new voice joined us. I turned around to see Kuko deadpanning. He still had his signature grin
though as he waved at us and jogged over.

“I sent a message to Jiro through Ichiro about the login functions.”

“I’m finally fucking here!” Brat #2 screeched as he manifested in front of me. I smiled
uncomfortably, “Then Kannonzaka-san and Rei…?”

“Don’t know,” Gentaro hummed, “I had read through the message that was given to me, did you
two not?”

“‘Course not!” “What message?”

“The message that told us how to log in?" Rei walked over with a grin. "Did you not get it?" He
whistled at the sight and smiled.


"I couldn't understand it at all," Kuko laughed as he wove his hand, "That's why I sent a simpler
version to Jiro."

"Jiro-kun probably didn't even know about the original message," Kannonzaka appeared. "Sorry
I'm late, I had to stay overnight again… Ha… I just ate with Hifumi and now he's asleep I can be

“It’s fine,” I wove my hand, “It looks like everyone here.”

“Who’s that?” Kuko pointed at Drew.

“Why do you look like that?” Brat #2 tilted his head.

“Should I start training?” Gentaro piped up, with a chuckle.

“That’s Drew, Gentaro was training with him. Some other people can join the battle too. I can just
up Drew’s battle skills. This version of me seems to be the one before I regressed. You can start if
you want to. Any other questions?” I answered the influx of questions rather easily and glanced at
them. Kuko hummed as he summoned his mic.

“Do you want us to fight that man?” Rei asked, a cocky grin on his face.

“Sure,” I shrugged. “We’re just trying to activate speaker abilities right now. I can make multiples
of him.” I wove my mind, conjuring up two more. “Yumeno-san can partner with Kannonzaka-san.
The brat and Kuko can work on one together and Rei can work solo.”

“You’re being awfully crude to this old man,” Rei snorted.

“You need to go all out or you’re in danger,” I warned Rei. “I made him a bit tougher for you.”

“You’re working me to the bone,” Rei chuckled, but I can tell an easygoing Rei from a serious Rei.
And this one was still easy-going. Well, he can’t argue that I didn’t warn him. I watched his body
get blown back as he tumbled from shock at the strength of a Drew who knew how to use his mic
pretty well.

“Like I said,” I called out to Rei, “You hafta go all out!”

There was a handful who could easily gain more abilities with little effort, but everyone else
needed to make sure their limits were reached and surpassed. Those handfuls… Were monsters.

I watched Kuko as his speaker razed Drew. One monster. Brat #2 whistled for Kuko as I conjured
up another Drew for them to fight. The middle Yamada brother yelped in shock as Kuko huffed

I turned back to Rei who started to fight earnestly. He was struggling, but he wasn’t doing badly.
Gentaro and Kannonzaka seemed to be doing well on their own as well. I wasn’t sure of Gentaro’s
ability. But it certainly was a supporting one, just like Kannonzaka’s. Maybe it was time for a
partner switch…

I glanced at the flying clock in the sky. 1:30 AM, 30 more minutes, huh?

“We’re switching for 20 minutes and then we can regroup for the last ten!” I shouted loudly,
creating a speakerphone from memory, I shouted, “Kuko will work alone, Rei with Yumeno-san,
Kannonzaka-san with Yamada #2!”

The new pairings were interesting to say the least. Kuko fought the harder version of Drew, putting
his speaker ability to the test and making sure that Drew wasn’t getting his way. Kannonzaka and
the Yamada brat were actually doing pretty well. Since they had a battle together and at each other
before, it seemed to pull its weight of being a good combo attack.

Rei and Gentaro had the worst compatibility. Whenever Gentaro attacked it would be ineffective,
but it garnered Drew’s attention. Rei should take that chance to attack from the other side, but it
wasn’t working that well with how he would purposefully fight behind Gentaro. If Rei attacked,
his rap would be canceled by Gentaro’s as well. Drew would take that chance to fight back.

A rather difficult duo.

Well, it was obvious that the biggest liar and the most largest conman wouldn’t really get along on
the surface. Damn, this is why the world needs more honest people.

I knew what I would do the next time I saw them. I clapped my hands when the clock hit 1:50 AM.

“Okay! Let’s get together, I’ll tell you what I saw,” I ushered them over. Panting with sweat
plastering their hair over their faces, the five stood a bit away from each other to avoid body

“How’d we do?” Rei asked with a raised eyebrow. He was leaning back to avoid showing how
tired he truly was. That’s fine.

“I’m sure you already know that I wasn’t planning on you to gain your speaker abilities right off
the bat,” I glanced over to the monster, “But I forgot that there were some exceptions.” A caught
into my hand, I straightened my back, “Thanks for coming tonight even if you were busy. I am
going to try to go to Empty Candy again and meet up with Yumeno-san. Other than that, I am also
planning to do a bit more training before proceeding.

“A lot of practice will help you in getting your speaker ability and I strongly encourage you to
practice outside of this simulator. You are mentally awake here so understand you will start to feel
tired as well,” I clapped my hands, “Now I’ll be going to evaluations.

“Rei, you did good with the battle, but as I said… don’t underestimate opponents and make sure
you are able to rely on anyone. Sometimes fighting in the shadows isn’t possible and you might
have to be the only one to fight out front at times. Any scenario is a possibility, keep your mind

“Brat, you did well. Continue attacking with straightforward things, but listen to your partner if
they request something of you. Their plans are, no offense, normally going to be better than yours.
Asking for a second opinion is good and even if you don’t like who you are working with, don’t let
it affect your ability to rap.

“Yumeno-san, I applaud your ability to fight. But be a bit more mindful of the others as well. Your
rap and your partner’s rap may be incompatible so do not expect your rap to be backed up. You
need to be powerful on your own as well. Do not try to back up a rap either. Although there are
some you can back up well, none of those people are here. At least that I understand.

“Kannonzaka-san, you need more confidence in your raps. Think of the consequences. You can
also try using your rap ability and go into a berserk skill to see if you can manage that state without
losing yourself, that’s a good idea.

“Kuko…” I blanked for a second before grinning, “You’re a monster.”

“Ha!” Kuko burst into laughter as Rei barked in his own amusement.

“Try to control your speaker ability more and see if you can get stronger,” I felt an uneasiness
ripple throughout my body, “If you understand what I mean.”

“Sure,” Kuko grinned, “Maybe I can get it to move on its own later!”

“Haha,” I made sure my laughter didn’t sound like it was as nervous as I was, “Yeah. That’s it
unless some of y’all have questions.”

“Sounds like school all over again,” Kannonzaka muttered as he disappeared. Rei also bid me
adieu before he left. Gentaro simply left after reminding me to make sure I come tomorrow to
retrieve my coat and the clothes that he bought me.

I’m pretty sure he meant smuggle out of Empty Candy, but who knew, right?

Brat #2 and Kuko stayed behind, oddly enough.

“Hey,” Kuko blinked, “You’re bringing Shibuya’s division here first, right?”

“Yeah,” I nodded my head. I didn't give up on my plan. Not yet.

“Make sure you hurry it up and bring in some other people too,” Kuko hummed, “Some people are
going to take this well. Your friendship might get worse when you let a lie like this one stretch out
this long.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I smiled at him.

“See ya then.” Kuko left, digital pixels disappearing.

“I wanted to say the same thing,” Brat #2 opened his mouth, “I don’t want to lie to my brothers for
too long.”

“Understandable,” I said again.

The brat gave me a look before disappearing.

So I’ll have to pick and choose faster. Cool. Then I know exactly who I need to reach out to. I
glanced at my fingers and started to count down from the least urgent to the most.

Ramuda needed to know, otherwise his candy supply… Papari’s experiments should’ve been fine. I
didn’t want to just leave Dice out either. But they weren’t completely urgent on a colder view.
Ramuda could hold out longer and if Papari’s new medications work, Ramuda is instantly the least

Other than that, the real pressing matter would be...


I thought about a certain doctor in the future.

I dusted my hands with a couple of claps and sighed into a void of nothingness, the city look
withering away to black.

First, let’s get rid of the backstabber.

Chapter End Notes

Uh, if you know about the Drama tracks, there's a reason why Samatoki says
'backstabber', otherwise, it's a spoiler so I'll keep my mouth shut, hehe...
A Hasty Rescue
Chapter Summary

Samatoki isn't going to stand still and let the possibility of a backstabber remain. He's
going to take away the leverage Chuuohku has so that there is no backstabbing.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“It’s that bad?”

Brat #2 complained next to Papari as he drove his new car. It's a really good one if you ask me. It
couldn’t be too expensive because that would grab the eyes of Chuuohku in no time. Papari seemed
to like it though. He told me his preferences and I did my best to get him the one he would like the

“The effects are devastating,” I replied.

“This is so creepy,” Brat #2 whined.


“You know why, Boss,” Daichi smiled helplessly.

“Not really,” I joked.

“C’mon man!” Yamada brat 2 exclaimed, “You’re a fucking skeleton, how the fuck am I not
supposed to be scared?!”

That was true. I was currently rapping, letting my ‘soul’ temporarily take refuge in one of the
smaller skeletons I could summon. My voice was coming out through the speaker that it was with
and I couldn’t even calm anyone down with a smile.

“Your eyes are blue flames,” the brat huffed, “I’d be all over it being cool, until I realized that it’s
not cool at all! I almost pissed myself when you suddenly started to speak you know?!”

“Yeah, yeah,” bone hands waved the middle brother of Ikebukuro Division off. My main body was
currently under the watch of Hajime and Joben. I had no doubt that Piion was watching from the
shadows and Zinan from the sidelines.

We were currently going to take the bargaining chip that kept Sensei with Chuuohku away. It was
going to be a good way to get Sensei back to our side.

Daichi was going to switch with Papari and drive (he’s apparently good at racing) while Papari
looked after Yotsutsuji’s condition once he got here. The brat was mainly here to be a good
distraction. He was already in a good costume (we all were thanks to Akemi and Suzu) and
everyone was basically unrecognizable.

Yamada brat 2 was to throw a barrel of oil at the wall and I would set it on fire. In the portion of
the speaker I was carrying around to communicate with, I had hidden a lighter and a cig. Man…
Now I wanted to take a cig.

“Boss, we’re getting close,” Papari hummed. The car parked close to the walls.

“Good luck, Boss,” Daichi gave me a thumbs up. I gave one back to him and minimized the
skeleton to the best of my abilities. I also took this chance to shrink my speaker and stuff it. I
grabbed onto the speaker tightly as a hand wrapped itself around me.

“Chuck me as far as you can brat,” I instructed.

“Yeah yeah,” the middle brother huffed. Then he chucked me. Not a simple toss, even a throw
would be better. This boy yeeted me. Thank fuck I’m a fucking speaker. Nothing hurt, but it was
definitely infuriating.


I took this time to enter the halls through the windowsill I was chucked at. I could faintly
remember Fling Posse reiterating their pathway to me in another time. I made sure not to get
caught, but it took forever walking in this small form. Fuck it. I slipped into a vent. This was more
difficult than I originally thought.

I had to get this done as soon as possible too. Tch. If only Kannonzaka had his speaker ability, I
wouldn’t be facing this many problems if he had. Oh well, I can’t blame him for it, only myself for
not being a good teacher. I can do better though, it’ll be fine.

The vents were dusty and small. Perfect for this miniature skeleton. It was like a dark, winding
hallway made of metal for the walls, floors and ceilings. When I heard whirring, I automatically
assumed it was a fan and got a bit bigger to avoid getting blown away or blown towards the vent
fan. It got louder when I passed it.

“Hey, don’t cry.”

Was that…?

I paused in my quest to find Yotsutsuji. It was a familiar voice. And a familiar sobbing.

“She said that she can’t go back home. Not yet.”

Ramuda’s words tingled in my nonexistent ears and I found myself abandoning the speaker and
peeking out the grid pattern to see what was happening. Nemu was there, crying into her hands as
Bitch wrapped her arms around my sister.


Nemu stuttered, like a broken doll as she sobbed. I felt my heart move, but I didn't console her. I
wanted to, but I couldn’t. For a better future. I wonder if that was how she felt when she told
Ramuda to tell that to me.

“You can’t quit here,” Bitch said firmly, her hands on Nemu’s shoulder. “You know you can’t.”

Nemu quietly nodded as her soft cries continued. At the corner, I could see Kanade walking by.
She had a pitiful expression on her face, looking at Nemu. I wonder how much Kanade really knew
about Nemu. I think she said that she was simply distant, distraught, but to be devastated was a
completely different matter.
I knew it was so that I didn’t falter. And looking at Nemu, maybe I would’ve. If I was who I was
before I set up my death, I had no doubts that my resolve would crumble. But this was a difficult
scene to watch. All I felt was pain and a desire to ask for forgiveness. There was no regret.

“You have to pursue your goals, right, Nemu?”

“I-Ichijiku-san…” Nemu hiccuped.

Bitch was doing her job well.

“Samatoki-san,” someone laughed in the distance of the vents, “We have to continue forward.”

“You're right as always,” I muttered back to the abyss further away from where I stood. I shot one
last look at the consoling Bitch and the sniffling sister before moving back to the speaker piece. I
had to move forward without looking back.

The skeletal body continued forward, pushing a part of my coffin speaker. After long, excruciating
hours, I finally found and reached the room where Yottsutsuji Kannabi was being held. I peered
down and noticed a couple of Ramudas.





Maybe I should’ve felt remorse for doing what I did. But I didn’t.

When the last Ramuda fell after freeing Yotsutsuji from his trance, I became a much larger

"Huh? W-what?"

His voice was so coarse, it broke my heart. I lifted him over my skeletal shoulders apologizing for
how hard it must feel against his ribs and picked up my speaker with the other.

"Ssh, let's go." The speaker blurted out.

Yotsutsuji's eyes widened as I started to book it. Sadly, these skeletons were around Kuko's height
and their speed wasn't very fast. Luckily, that could be ignored because a skeleton running shocked
people still more so than to get them to attack the said skeleton.

"Hold the ribs, pretend to be dead," I instructed in a higher tone. Yotsutsuji seemed confused at the
sudden change in pitch but he did what he was told. I ran faster.

Dammit these things were still too slow.

"HALT!!!" An officer shouted. I pushed past her, using my speaker to rap a bit. It was getting
worse now that the initial shock of a skeleton running subsided. I no longer had that to my

That's fine, I was getting far enough. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Kanade glance at me. She
then disappeared.
A second later, Kanade was running alongside me, wearing a cloak to hide her identity.

"Boss, slip into the cloak, please. I can hold the two of you."

Her voice was soft. Yotsutsuji shivered.

"Is this an abduction?"

"No," I replied through the speaker, "It's a rescue."

"So please stay still," Kanade was given Yotsutsuji. I minimized myself and hopped onto her cloak,
holding the smaller speaker with two bony hands.

"There they are!" "Get them!" "Don't let them get away!!!"

Fuck, we needed to go faster. I could tell Yotsutsuji was getting anxious all the while he pretended
to be dead. Kanade was puffing, her breath getting louder.

“Split,” I ordered. I hopped out of the cloak and landed on the ground, my speaker with me. I grew
in size, blocking the officer bitches from reaching Kanade and Yotsutsuji.

“Who are you?” Bitch walked out of the mass, her heels clicking against the floor angrily. “You
should return him if you care about his and your safety.” When I refused to respond, she bellowed,
“You won’t be able to wake him up!”

“Is that admission in harming a young boy?” I stared at Bitch.

“How dare you-!” Bitch’s eyes glowed.

“Ungrateful are you odd of being

You’re still nothing in comparison to the women in charge
There’s no way you will fully escape fleeing
You’re wanted for felonies at large!”

The skeleton body could feel the pain of a rap. It was a mental attack after all so I would suffer.
But I wasn’t going to falter, heh. The bones rattled as I moved behind the speaker. Let’s throw in
some fear.

“Listen well motherfuckers,

This is a war cry!
Here’s a little hint, why don’t you not try?
One more step and you're at your personal hell, fuckers!”

They screamed and I grinned. My flames were a deep blue, not a navy nor a black. They were just
pussies. I wish this skeleton could smirk but there was no skin to show it off. Instead, I picked my
speaker up and started to run again.

I was getting far until I heard something annoying.


Fuck! I could feel the skeletal body start to fade out. If I lost it here, I would most definitely have a
huge mental impact back in my actual body. And the plan would be a bust!

“W-What are you?” Bitch was appalled.

My speaker and the skeleton flickered. The cloak slid through me because the body was acting up.
Not good. I grabbed the speaker and ran for it. I could see Kanade in the distance, waiting for me. I
ran towards her at full speed, even tossing the miniaturized speaker. Fuck, that was difficult.

I then flung myself out the window. Can’t really take physical damage with this skeleton. As I
hopped off the window, I turned larger and grabbed Yotsutsuji from Kanade. There was concern in
her gaze at the way my skeletal body flickered in and out of reality. She rushed off to act her part
as an officer after whistling loudly and I huffed as Yotsutsuji was passed back to me.

With great strength, someone broke Chuuohku’s walls. I blinked as Brat #2 frowned. I tossed
Yotsutsuji at him and he tucked the teenager into the car. I would need to buy Papari another car.
I’m so fucking sorry Papari. I just got you your dream car too.

The brat tossed a large barrel of oil at me as the women rushed over. They paused when they saw
the sticky black oil seep into their territory. A flickering skeleton in the middle of the inky mess.

“What the fuck are you doing?!” Someone screeched.

I just laughed. It echoed from the speaker and I could already tell that they were getting scared.
Samatoki Aohitsugi wasn't supposed to be a threat to them.

Grabbing the lighter and cig from my speaker I laughed as I lit the cigarette. There was no reason
for me to be scared. Not when it was okay for me to die here in this form. Okay, maybe not, but
they didn’t know that.

“Don’t!” Someone else screamed. I pulled the cig up to my mouth to mimic blowing on a cig.
Bitch glared at me as her ragged form appeared. I pushed back a memory and the jaw that
continued to flicker in and out of reality kept moving as I laughed.

“You-!” She recognized me.

I dropped the lit cigarette on the oil and deactivated my mic right before it hit the ground.

I continued to laugh.

Everything went red.

Everything went black.

And I was back in Ikebukuro, in my original body.

“Ack! Ugh… ahk!”


I struggled to breathe as blood clogged up my mouth. Fuck! Was the canceller that strong?!

“Aaah… ahhh.”

“Boss!” “Aohitsugi!”

I felt someone dab below my nose. Blearly, I could see Piion dabbing my nose that was also
bleeding. Zinan was cleaning up the bloody mess quietly along with Joben and Hajime who looked
at me worriedly. The one who had shouted my last name was Iojaku-san who must’ve entered on
his own.
“I… uh…” I felt more blood leave my mouth. Fuck. I didn’t think it would be that bad. I felt a bit
lighthearted. What to do? I decided to ignore it for now and moved over to grab my phone. I
wanted to say I was fine, but that would be time thrown away.

“I’ll call them,” Hajime stated as he grabbed my phone.

“Bra...Brat….” I managed to choke out some words, the blood finally getting cleared away from
my throat after all my hacking. Iojaku-san rubbed circles on my back as Piion wiped the smeared
blood away. The mop Zinan held was looking pretty red.

“Call Jiro,” Piion spoke in an uncharacteristic calm voice. Hajime didn’t question it and did what
he was told to do. I was breathing heavily as blood continued to come out of somewhere, the call
was put on speaker and picked up rather quickly.

I blinked, regaining my senses as Hajime handed me the phone.


“Brat,” I huffed, still a bit breathy, “What going on there?”

“You sound winded,” The brat exclaimed. “He’s confused, but there’s nothing going on otherwise.
We’re going so fast, everything is a literal blur.”

“We’re fine Boss!” I heard Daichi. Coughing as stealthily as I could into my hand, I told him to
report. “Papari’s at the back with the guy who was in a coma. He’s slowly getting better, just needs
nutrients and stuff. I have to concentrate so I’ll cut it short, sorry Boss!”

“Do you mind speaking to him, Boss?” A calm voice spoke. Papari was requesting me to speak to
Yotsutsuji? “He seems to be extremely distrusting of us, if not weary.” Oh, okay then. Why the
fuck not?

“Yotsutsuji, it’s been a while,” I spoke through the phone.

“S-Samatoki-san? What’s going on? Why am I in this car? Where am I-”

“Listen to them, they’ll tell you what happened.”


“Trust me, Yotsutsuji,” I said, “It was for you, for Sensei, and for someone who's a year older than

He quieted down after I mentioned Sensei. What a brat.

Now I would have to find a way for Sensei to not side with Chuuohku. There was still an offset
chance that this would make him want to join Chuuohku to find his son, need to play my hand

“I’ll see you soon.”


I could hear Brat #2 complaining so I motioned Hajime to end the call. He took the phone from my
hands and did as I told him to. Damn, I still needed to tell the others... My eyes fluttered shut on
their own when the world tilted sideways.
Chapter End Notes

Samatoki becomes a speaker skeleton and starts to roam Chuuohku to haunt them-

I freaking love you guys and this. Here's art by Pokeydapuppy with Samatoki. I don't
how to explain how elated I feel just by knowing that people enjoy this journey with
A Snappy Goodbye
Chapter Summary

Samatoki and Yotsutsuji goes to visit Jakurai.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“I heard you did something incredible today,” Gentaro greeted me.

Despite me being on time at 10 PM, Brat #2, Gentaro, and Kannonzaka were already here. It
looked like they were simply chatting and letting time run by by the looks of it. I could already
guess that Brat #2 told everyone about burning Chuuohku. Should I scold them for not training?

“Hello,” I said instead.

“I never knew Sensei had a son…” Kannonzaka muttered.

“Well.. he sort of just took him under his wing so I don’t know if it’s official,” I replied.

“I guess you want me to keep an eye out on Sensei?” Kannonzaka asked, looking at me with
resolve. He fiddled with his fingers, obviously uncomfortable with distrusting Sensei.

“It’s fine, I plan to go there myself,” I announced.

“What happened to you coming over to Shibuya today for your clothes?” Gentaro playfully
reminded me.

“This was more urgent,” I looked at him with an apologetic smile. In a lower voice, I added,
“How’s the candy faring?”

“The new candy is being mixed in with the original stash you gave me beforehand,” Gentaro spoke
offhandedly, but he was also whispering to me. “Ramuda won’t even know the difference between
them. He also seems to be getting better. The supply was short after the 2nd DRB but we’re doing
fine for now.”

“Let me know if you need more,” I glanced at Gentaroo who nodded his head. Neither
Kannonzaka nor Brat #2 asked what we spoke about. Instead, they waited for further instructions,
particularly on training. “I will visit Shibuya as fast as I can, alright?” Gentaro simply nodded his
head and placed his fingers over his chin.

“Today, you’ll still be facing Drew,” I announced. “He’s a tough one and a good stepping stone to
continue practicing on. No teams though. Just fight on your own."

So that’s what we did. From 10 PM to 2 AM, They trained against Drew solo. Tonight Rei and
Kuko didn’t come. I didn’t have to ask because I didn’t really care. I knew that they had their own

Apparently, I blacked out a bit after taking enough mental shock from the canceller and was still
willing to move in a body that was dissipating. It was already pretty far away, from Ikebukuro to
Chuuohku do it was already fucking difficult to concentrate on keeping my soul there, but it had
also been forcefully cut off for a bit by the canceller. Oh, there was that damage I took too because
of Bitch. It was a miracle I held on and a miracle I didn’t die.

Either way, coughing up blood or having a bloody nose was pretty minor so I told them to ignore it.
Papari still had a good look at me though.

“Samatoki-san,” I turned my head to Yotsutsuji. It’s been easier to sleep lately and since I had
shared a room with Yotsutsuji for the night, it felt considerably better. He was sitting up on the bed
and I was already smoking near the window, using the sill as a support to lean on.


“Are we really going to Shinjuku today?”


“Was… Was I really-?”

“Ramuda didn’t want to, but he had to report you,” I said as I lit a cig. “It was inevitable you would
be used as a bargaining chip in the end, right?”

“Yes,” Yotsutsuji was quick to catch on, smart kid. “But it still pains me to know that I’ve been
used in that way… To harm Jakurai-san, I-”

“You didn’t know and you just wanted to help,” I wove my hand dismissively, “Forget it. We’re
going to Shinjuku later, incognito, to let you see Sensei. If you want to stay with him, you can. If
you want to stay here, you can. All I know is that you’ll be locked up either way because
Chuuohku will be looking for you.”

“That’s fine with me,” Yotsutsuji laughed sadly, “I just want to see Jakurai-san again.”

“Then consider it done,” I answered. “We’re going later today, Kento will be tailing us.”


“Did they not tell you?” I looked at Yotsutsuji in amusement, “I’m supposed to be dead.”


I turned my whole body to look at Yotsutsuji, “You really weren’t told? You can’t tell Sensei, you
know… not yet anyway... Damn, what were those guys thinking?” I pulled the cig back to my
mouth, puffed, and pulled it away. “Aohitsugi Samatoki died a month or two ago.”

“Huh?! But then-”

“They could think it was a prank or something. Maybe even a ghost, heh. The investigation was
rushed because they didn’t want to hear anything from the other divisions, I bet. Either way, the
fuckers are probably scared shitful.” I snorted, “I mean, having a speaker of a dead man greet them
and hijack things? What a fucking joke, am I right?”

My eyes rolled to the side when I realized that Chuuohku probably wasn't really buying the whole
'dead' thing, but whatever.
“That’s… awful...”

“Well, they deserve it then,” I chuckled, puffing again. “Those fuckers deserve every bit of pain
sent their way.”

“... I guess so,” Yotsutsuji said after a while.

“Give me a second to get ready,” I decided to stop smoking after the silence dragged on from
comfortable to uncomfortable. After snuffing I, I passed a flip phone over to Yotsutsuji. “Call
Sensei using this burner phone and tell him to meet us at Sweet Sweets Shinjuku.”

“Sweet Sweets Shinjuku?”

“Yeah, Tsuju and Piion gave me the address. It can be inconspicuous. Apparently, they have
private rooms that are only open during the night. A special function for the Shinjuku version of
the store. I don't really know.”

“When we get there it’ll be midday,” Yotsutsuji’s shoulders dropped.

“We have a personal note from Tsuju and Piion. It’ll be fine,” I replied. “They’re on break, but
they’re still the heads of that cafe.”

“R-Really?” Yotsutsuji seemed shocked.


Then he dialed the number and started the call.

“Boss, are you ready?” Akemi walked in with a pair of clothes and makeup. I smiled at him. He
took that as a sign to start. Despite Yotsutsuji being present, he started to work on my disguise.
Behind him, Iojaku-san watched with interest. They seemed to be talking a lot with each other
lately, I think Iojaku-san was interested in disguises that didn't come in the forms of twigs, mud,
and leaves.

I pulled on my new clothes and waited for Akemi to start.

Yotsutsuji finished the call right there and I swore I heard Sensei cursing. That’s rare.

My hair was once again braided, the MTC necklace taken by Akemi’s swift hands. Blue contacts
were placed on my red eyes and my hair was combed a bit less spiky as Suzu liked to call it. Akemi
made sure that my eyes were a good color of purple and handed me my mask.

“Amazing,” Iojaku-san applauded. Akemi looked at him with a grin as Yotsutsuji looked at me in

“Thank you,” Akemi hummed, “Boss, are you fine with this?”

“It’s good as always, Akemi,” I responded. Glancing over to Yotsutsuji, I motioned him with a
finger, “Come on Sensei’s waiting.”

“O-Of course!” Yotsutsuji quickly grabbed a bag filled with clothes and chased after me. He was
wearing a hoodie and Suzu took the privilege of dying two strands of his hair silver and lilac. He
didn't want to hide at all, he just wanted to dye his hair before he went to Sensei. Something about
not being able to dye his hair if he was with Sensei.

As we got on a train heading for Shinjuku I looked at him and grinned.

“How are you feeling?”

“Pretty good,” Yotsutsuji answered, his eyes were twinkling, “I’m just a little worried. To be put to
sleep like that… It’s sort of scary.”

“Right?” I mused. “There’s just one more person we need to wake back up from that state.”

“They did it to multiple people?” Yotsutsuji looked at me with wide eyes. I looked at him and
pursed my lips. “Not exactly. Yours was curable,” I hummed, “The other’s might not be.”

“Why not?”

“No comment.”

"Are they... dead?"

"No..." I trailed off at the awkward question.

“Who is it?”

I looked at him and he lowered his eyes. I smiled helplessly when he apologized and changed the
topic. It was nice at Sweet Sweets. I showed them my authorization, we easily walked into the back
room and we even got to choose a room. Yotsutsuji chose the room, it was one of the bigger
rooms. A room that was in a circular shape and had a circular table in the middle.

Smart choice. It was also the closest to the back exit.

Apparently, it was for me to escape since I wasn’t sure if I wanted to let Sensei know or not.

We waited around, me sipping a good roasted coffee and Yotsutsuji slurping on smoothies. We had
pastries on the table too. Pretty incognito and nice, if you ask me. I didn't want to know what these
rooms were reserved for at night, and I didn't have to think about it.

It was relatively peaceful.


But the door was slammed open for it wasn’t really peaceful. I looked up to make eye contact with
a very agitated Sensei. He was staring at me with blown-back blue eyes, his eyes boring into my
soul. His hair was frizzled and there were stains on his jacket. He was in an obvious rush then.

I only raised an eyebrow in response.

“Where is-?”


When Sensei looked at Yotsutsuji, his whole face just broke apart into relief. How Sensei
recognized Yotsutsuji despite the hoodie up and covering most of his face, I wouldn’t know. But
he just surged forward and grabbed Yotsutsuji by the shoulders. He jerked the hood back as
Yotsutsji continued to enjoy slurping his smoothie. Sensei couldn’t believe it. To be honest, it
made sense why he couldn’t believe it.

“Are you alright?”

“I’m fine?”
“Are you truly alright?”

“Yes, haha, I’m fine.”

“Does anything hurt?”

With a clack the smoothie was left on the table, Yotsutsuji stopped the barrage of questions by
hugging the living shit out of Sensei. It was rather touching. I wondered if Rio would be like this
with Iojaku-san. That would be interesting. I would laugh to myself and watched them hug it out.

When they calmed down, Yotsutsuji led Sensei to a seat and sat down. Sensei sat down with him,
his eyes staring at mine.

“Thank you.”

Sincere gratitude, filled with so much emotion that the stitches of the package might rip off. There
was suspicion too. Damn. When I didn’t reply for three seconds, Yotsutsuji quickly spoke for me.
He’s good at catching on.

“That’s Sanosuke-san.” Wow. I didn't even have the chance to say I'm not dead. He even made a
name for me. Survivor, huh? “He helped me wake up.”


Sensei's blue eyes bored into my soul. Ah, so Sensei knew about the Ramudas too. I wonder if he
thought it was unethical. Who am I kidding? Of course, he fucking thought it was wrong. No, he
probably only really cared about the one he got to know. The one he spoke with before the 2nd
DRB. At least, that's what I understood from the different time.

“It’s not all that important,” Yotsutsuji waved his hands around frantically. Lime green eyes
searched for a befitting topic to start a derail this conversation. “But... I just wanted to ask you
something, Jakurai-san... Y-You’re not working with Chuuohku for my sake… right?”

Sensei froze.

Fuck, wrong topic Yotsustuji. Yotsutsuji-!

“It would be awful if they finished that product,” Yotsutsuji pleaded for me. It was such a good
idea to let him know everything. Am I fucking kidding?! To switch to that topic so quickly-! “You
would harm so many people!”

I desperately fought to keep my face neutral.


“Jakurai-san,” Yotsutsuji looked at Sensei with puppy eyes. Damn. I wouldn’t be able to say no to
that. No- Neutral face... neutral face... “You have to quit working with them!”


“I want to stay in Shinjuku with you, so please-!”


That was a surprise.

“Enough, Yotsutsuji-kun,” Sensei muttered, his bangs shadowing his face. “I’m grateful to your
friend, but I can’t not help them. I must. If I don’t someone close to me might-”

“I don’t think so.”

I raised my voice up like the others told me to try. Damn, I’m pretty good. I sounded like a
different man! To be fair, it didn’t really sound like one of the game characters I can faintly recall
Ichiro telling me about before… What was the name… Itaru Chigasaki, I think.

“Excuse me?”

I stared Sensei down. “You simply don’t want the Ramuda in Fling Posse to get hurt, but you don’t
have to worry about that.”

“What buffoonery are you-?!”

“Listen up, doc,” I tilted my chin down and looked up at him. “I don’t think you’re understanding
anything I’m saying so I’ll be frank with you instead. You’re the type of person to save one person
and destroy the world. If you continue working with Chuuohku, you’ll be destroying not just this
world, but those you care about.”

“Just who-”

“Have you heard of the incident in Chuuohku? The one when the walls broke and a fire was
started?” Wise blue eyes shined in shock and curiosity. “We did that and Yotsutsuji is fine now.”

“I heard that a skeleton was there.” Sensei’s eyebrows furrowed. “I have a photo of the
incriminating being.” He also looked sorrowful. Yotsutsuji looked at Sensei and hugged him
tighter. Still, he kept silent as I stared at Sensei. “It’s familiar.”

“Are you the only one that knows?”


Hmm… What if this helps me more in the long run? I’ll have to change my plans again. I pulled
out my notebook from my coat’s pocket and placed it below the table. I started to scribble the new
plan and what I would have to change from now on.

“Send it to all the divisions.”

“Excuse me?”

I looked up as I tucked the journal away.

“Is there something wrong, Jakurai-sensei?”

“It’s just that,” Sensei looked pained, and I realized that he had circles under his eyes and he
seemed to be pitiful after all. What if the stains on his clothes weren’t just because of Yotsutsuji
but also because of the past months? “It would be rather painful to tell them.”

Still, I can’t look back.

“I recommend you do,” I got up to leave. “Yotsutsuji will be safe with you. Please hide him well.”

Yotsutsuji blinked as I looked at him. I told him he could choose what he wanted to do. He wanted
to go back to Shinjuku. Fine with me.
I already gave him the simulator and instructions beforehand. This was going to be simple.

Chapter End Notes

Samatoki gains one member and then loses him the next. Dang...
Another Crazy Rescue
Chapter Summary

Gentaro asks Samatoki for a favor and Samatoki just can't say no.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Surely you haven’t forgotten about your clothes again?” Gentaro joked when it hit around 2 AM
and everyone else left. “It’s been growing legs so that it could run to Ramuda and Dice. I don’t
know how much longer I can halt its process!” When I looked at him with a raised brow, Gentaro
smiled softly, “Of course, that was a lie.”

“I can tell,” I huffed, “There’s no way clothes can start moving on their own.”

“You don’t seem that convinced,” Gentaro argued with a laugh. I just gave him a shrug as an
answer and he took it with a smooth movement. About 3 days passed since Yotsutsuji returned to
Sensei. I still haven't told anyone else and at this point, I might be pushing it off until later. Until
we were ready. Yotsutusji was in the simulator earlier today, battling against Gentaro. He was still
getting used to it, and I'd say he was getting pretty far.

“Is there something wrong?” I asked Gentaro when his mouth parted and no words followed. Off,
for a liar to be at a standstill.

“Slightly,” Gentaro replied, unease written on his face. He was clutching his sleeves nervously. “If
you are from the future, I was wondering… How much do you know of my brother?”

I paused. I bit back the answer that almost shot off my mouth. Instead, I recalled a novelist saying
something with a such a sad yet resolute face.

“He wouldn’t be pleased with me protecting a dead body over the living.”

“I know a bit,” I muttered. Gentaro’s face fell a bit as if he knew what I was thinking. Still, putting
on a brave face, he didn’t waver.

“Do you think you would be able to bring him back?”

“If anything,” I muttered, “We can try to keep a closer eye on him and bring him to Ikebukuro. But
that’s all we can do. I don't know if we can wake him up.”

“That’s fine,” Gentaro smiled at me pleadingly, “I would rather have him gone than to be under
Chuuohku’s radar.” I didn’t tell Gentaro that his selfish plan could end up having our entire
rebellion plan being found out. Because I knew he knew. But Gentaro was that desperate.

And I didn’t want that same crestfallen face of a man who had his hopes dashed away and tried to
mend the hole in his heart with things he knew couldn’t fill it. I had once gone the way for the best
of the majority and ended up alone. I'd rather try to save everyone than not try.

“We might not have the right equipment to keep him alive,” I added. Looking up at Gentaro whose
eyes brimmed with unshed tears. “He might leave as soon as he leaves that hospital.”

The brunette bit his lower lip and I could only watch apologetically. I felt bad for him and I knew
that it wouldn’t be enough for me to help him. But I really wanted to. I just couldn’t. I wasn't
knowledgeable enough to wake his brother up.

“That’s fine,” Gentaro decided to answer after a long while. “I simply wish to try. At the very least,
I wish to try to save him instead of simply standing over his bed and praying for his recovery.”

“You want to be a part of the mission if it ever occurs,” I recognized this quickly. Gentaro looked
at me, hope fading in and out of his eyes. As if he was afraid to let them shine for help and fearful
of extinguishing them.

I didn’t know what to do. I stared at the novelist who looked at me. Then my eyes shifted to look at
the clock. It was 2:12.

“This song,” a liar laughed as he composed the lyrics in a melodic fashion. “We have to finish it
together later.” The brunette looked up to the man composing with him and gave his partner a
large smile. “It’s going to be perfect for everyone. It can be sung by anyone.”

“A good way to honor everyone, right?”

“Of course,” the liar pointed to the notes on the paper, “This is our song. And no one else has the
rights to sing it.”

“Better not,” his partner snorted, “We spent all night doing just another verse, huh?”

“At least the chorus is finished now!” The liar laughed again.

It was 2:12 then too. I sighed, ruffling my hair as the memory fizzled out with each scratch.

“When I get my clothes this afternoon,” I settled for good words, “We can talk about your brother.”

“Thank you,” he spoke in a soft voice, relief pooling in his eyes, letting those tears drop.

“Don’t thank me,” I replied a bit too harshly. “I don’t want to be thanked when everything could go
fucking wrong.”

And for once, I wasn’t the last one out of the simulator.

“Boss~” Koni peeked his head in to look at me. “We’re really bringing Io-san with us?”

Akemi and Suzu helped me get ready as usual. I looked back at Koni with an amused huff. “You
really want me to say it again, Koni? Iojaku-san is imperative to this plan. We’re going to avoid the
most impossible hurdles this way.”

“Really?” Koni questioned. “Dai-san is coming too right?”

“Yes,” I answered as my hair was gently pulled back. “Kento is coming too. I would’ve preferred
Kanade, but Kento is the better alternative so he’ll be coming as well. Papari will be Daichi and

“I still don’t understand why Denki is coming,” Koni complained.

I sighed.
The plan was rather simple and required more people than the previous plan did. This was due to
many reasons. One of them was because of the moving process. We were also supposed to move
into three separate groups.

Team one consisted of me, Gentaro, and Kento. We were going to infiltrate into the room
Gentaro’s brother was in and get him out through the window to group two. We would then jump
out of the second floor and get onto the stolen ambulance. Not that Gentaro knew anything yet, of

Group two, or team two, was Papari, Daichi, and Denki. Daichi would be our driver and Papari our
doctor. Denki would be the one stealing an ambulance car and giving out directions so that we
weren’t followed. The ride might as well take a day because we’re trying to lose their tracks. Of
course, Gentaro and I would ride with them as Kento snuck off to the base on his own.

Akemi, Koni, Ginto, Iojaku-san, and Tenki was team three. They were to distract the doctors and
nurses and mess with security cameras and other Hospital stuff that could potentially get in our
way. I was planning on messing around and somehow finding a way to ask the third Yamada
brother for help, but Ginto said he could try something and I agreed. Iojaku-san would be
supervising Ginto.

I did not want to know what the group did over the years with these available skills.

We didn’t have that many drivers in the group so it sort of sucked, but what else could we do?
Tenki was tasked with driving Group three and Daichi for Group one and two. We couldn’t afford
any mistakes.

Oh, did I mention that Kento was in charge of making sure that my clothes were returned safely?

Koni backed up as Akemi and Suzu finished.

“Thank you both,” I smiled at them, “For doing it every day.”

“No problemo boss,” Suzu grinned cheekily, “As long as you look cute, I don’t mind doing
whatever, whenever!”

“Same here,” Akemi smiled pleasantly, “You look stunning, Boss!”

I smiled at them as Koni complained in the background. “Alright, we should get going. Suzu, don’t
do anything stupid.”

“Understood!” Suzu grinned as I laughed.

“Time to visit Shibuya.”

Apparently, the liar was rather surprised by our meeting. I realized that he was more or less
surprised by my looks and forgot I was in a disguise. He still let me in without a second of
hesitation and moved to lock the door.

“Ramuda and Dice aren’t here?”

“Why they’re simply hiding in the closet,” Gentaro sang as he went to get the clothes.

“Bullshit,” I replied as Kento bristled beside me.

“That’s correct,” Gentaro smiled as he came out with folded clothes, “That was a lie~”
“What the fuck?” Kento muttered under his breath as he took the clothes from Gentaro. He placed
them inside a bag that he brought to look inconspicuous.

“Indeed,” Gentaro smirked, his green eyes curving. “Have you decided on what we will do?” His
emerald eyes moved to meet mine with worry. Again that flickering hope appeared in his eyes.

“I’ll tell you in the car.”


“Iki brought the big van,” I replied. “It has everyone who’s ready to go and he’ll drop us off,
nearby where there are no cameras. Then we can just walk.”

“I see,” Gentaro hummed. “What is this grand plan of yours?” He was delighted that he would be
taking part. I could tell.

“I need your glib tongue,” I said instead of answering his question. “Kento and I will accompany
you to your brother’s room, everyone else is going to do their things later.”

“Should I be worried?” Gentaro asked as Kento opened the door for us to walk through. I thanked
him with a flick of my wrist and watched a van pull up.

“Maybe,” I shrugged. “You’re asking a man who started a fire within Chuuohku to steal someone
else's son away to save your brother.”

“Then I suppose my worries are justified,” Gentaro laughed. He followed us to the van and sat
inside. It was rather crowded inside. Iojaku-san smiled at me softly and moved over. I thanked him
with a nod and moved over to sit next to him.

Gentaro sat on my other side. He seemed a little uncomfortable by how rowdy the van seemed to
be. I decided to save him and called out to Iki.

“Iki, let’s go.”

“Roger!” Iki shouted as the van started.

I took this time to cough and it hushed quickly. Gentaro and Iojaku-san looked at me rather
impressed. I tried not to laugh and explained my plan. We were going to steal the sickly Yumeno
from the sickbed and hurry out the window.

Gentaro looked almost distressed when he heard that, but I gave him a thumbs up and he had to
agree with me.

“It is on the second floor, right?”

“Yes,” Gentaro sighed. “He is.”

“Cool,” I smirked, “Then we’re going to have some fun.”

When we reached an area with no cameras, I signaled everyone to move out to the readied cars.
Hajime was there with the car group three would be using. He grinned at me widely. We quickly
switched places, Hajime riding the van and everyone more or less getting ready to walk or take the
new car.

“Let’s make this as smooth as possible.”

“Understood,” They all nodded their heads. We moved out, Gentaro looking at me resolutely. The
worry was clearly affecting his brain.

“Don’t worry too much,” I grinned, “We’ll get your brother for you.”

“I know.”

When we entered the hospital first, Gentaro briskly walked over to the nurse. He motioned to me,
Kento hidden in the shadows.

“He’s with me, we’re here to see...” he paused briefly, but the nurse was nodding.

“You know where he is, you may enter.”

Such a bitch. I almost glared at her, but I shifted my mask instead. Following Gentaro, I hoped the
third group would fuck it up. Gentaro’s pace was rather quick and his brisk walking style made me
think about how urgent he must feel. It wasn’t hard to follow him, thankfully.

“Careful,” I warned, “Don’t be too abrupt.”

“I know,” Gentaro smiled. He chided me lightly, “This is important to me as well, Samatoki-san.”

He opened the door and I let him walk in first, leaving the said door open, long enough for Kento
to walk in. I closed it when he rushed inside.

“We need to get rid of everything that he’s wearing,” I warned, “This includes the IV and the
mask.” Kento was busy clipping away at the Camera so that it looked as if mice had chewed
through them.

I didn’t have to utter another word as Gentaro moved swiftly, removing certain tools and wires out
of his brother. As the frail body of the real Gentaro Yumeno was slowly pulled, we had to wait to
pull the IV. Doing it wrong could literally kill him.

Bzzt Bzzt

Ignoring the phone call, I looked over to Kento who gave me a thumbs up. I glanced over at
Gentaro who nodded his head at me. Kento opened the window’s door and Gentaro carefully
removed the IV from his brother’s arm. The monitor beeped loudly. I picked up the bedridden
Yumeno and rushed to the door.

“Come on!” I shouted. Kento stayed back, barricading the door as I hoped out of the window.
Below me, Papari and Denki had prepared a sort of trampoline-like contraption, how no one saw it
yet, I don't know. I bounced on it. It was extremely difficult not harming the unconscious being in
my arms, balancing while I bounced more than once. Once I got a better balance and I wasn't in the
air so often, I passed him off to Denki who quickly put him on a stretcher and into the ambulance.

Then Denki moved to the seat next to the driver as Papari rushed inside from the back to check the
older Yumeno’s body. I looked up to see Gentaro look at the contraption with doubtful eyes.

“Hurry up!” I shouted in my faux voice.

He looked at me and steeled himself to jump. He didn’t pummel. I watched him try to regain his
balance. Stumbling around, I went back onto the trampoline thin and pulled him away. I tossed him
into the car and jumped in myself, shutting the doors. As the doors were closing, I could see Kento
hop onto the trampoline and make a getaway by himself.
There wasn't enough room here. I already warned him.

“W-We made it,” Gentaro breathed heavily as I laughed.

“Yeah,” I nodded, “We fucking did. Papari?”

“He should be fine. He's stabilizing,” Papari replied as he moved quickly around the body. I sent
the signal to Team three so that they could stop their actions and get the hell outta there. I got
confirmation from Iojaku-san that motioned they were leaving the scene.

“We’re good,” I looked at Gentaro. “Isn’t that a relief?”

“Thank you,” Gentaro’s eyes shook lightly. Tears flooded his eyes.

“You're welcome,” I laughed.

Chapter End Notes

My apologies! I assumed I already posted, but I didn't! T^T

Samatoki is going to save all those he couldn't save before.

An Emergency I
Chapter Summary

Samatoki gets an alarming call and rushes to fix the problem.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

I learned how to apply the contacts on by myself and how to handle the makeup so that I don’t
look worse than I did with my slowly fading bags. I found an easier time going to sleep, surrounded
by people who showed their affection and weren’t afraid to mention my health. It was enough for
the bags, I thought would stay permanent to disappear. I felt bad for Kannonzaka because we had
training late at night and he would probably be stuck with those black bags of his. If only I could
help him one way...

Well, for my makeup, even if I could do the bare minimum on my own, I let Suzu and Akemi do
what they did when I was put in disguise. They seemed to like it and who was I to neglect that joy?

I sighed, glancing at my phone. Sometime today, Gentaro was going to send me a call. Why?
Because our heist went well. His brother was still in a fairly unstable condition, but Papari’s been
doing all he could for now. We abducted a clone a while back and forced him to use the THM on
the older Yumeno. Nothing happened, unsurprisingly. Rei surprisingly offered to help out, but the
MCD Remnants insisted that he focused on making the new cancellers first.

I told Rei I didn’t care, but Gentaro surprisingly sided with the cancellers being finished first so
that was what Rei had been working on. Sometimes, I visited the room so I could send pictures and
stuff to Gentaro who was obviously concerned. He hadn’t been able to visit at all. I knew how
distraught he was, but he was pulling through.

Meanwhile, Kuko would do the most random things and send me a couple of pictures of cats
telling me that they would soothe my heart. Sometimes I would send some of Hyptasia using
Kanade’s phone. He was terrifying, that monster, his ability with the mic was really no joke. I
wonder why Chuuohku didn’t see him as a threat before. Or maybe, he grew within the time that
he was in Nagoya, alone.

My knuckles rapped the air as I sighed into nothingness, really. There wasn’t anything to note. I
did notice that there was a problem with Jiro but I trusted Koni enough to let the middle brother do
whatever the fuck he wanted.

I sighed through my nose. Everyone’s ability was coming along nicely.

Kannonzaka has managed to create two one-use portals. I was able to move around a bit more
fluidly in my skeletal body. Lower-level Drew could be defeated by basically everyone. Rei was
actually somewhat able to use his hypnosis mic ability as well. I finally managed to figure out what
Brat #2’s and Gentaro’s speaker abilities were.

Brat #2’s ability was extremely similar to his brothers’ ability. His speakers were large and could
be ridden on. Ichiro’s was a bit different, but Brat #2 and Brat #3 had similar abilities. The biggest
difference was that there was no way for the speaker to help someone get up there (we’d have to
climb it ourselves or use a different ability) and it could move.

Rei had used his ability to be interesting. His speaker had multiple features, and he only really
mastered one of them. The paper-like speakers could protect him from strong physical attacks (I
tried punching it), but it would tear like the paper it was when a strong rap was thrown at it. We
tried using it as transportation and it could give some mean paper cuts. He was working on it.

Gentaro’s speaker ability was interesting. He could create a forcefield where the people inside the
circle his speakers created could be cloned within the field and attacked simultaneously. Pretty neat
if I do say so myself. So far he could only make it around himself and could create up to two
clones, but with more practice, who knows the extent of the ability, right?

And then there’s the monk…

Kuko has terrifyingly unleashed his mic ability and was focused on creating battle tactics for

Like I said before, he was a monster.

Bzzt bzzt.

I glanced at my phone, right, it rang some time ago. I sort of ignored it. I picked it up and noticed
that the one from weeks ago was from an unknown number. Yeah, I wasn’t going to answer that. I
looked at the newest message and noticed it was from Yotsutsuji.

Yotsutsuji: help

I felt my heart race suddenly. I called his number, expecting him to pick me up since my reaction
was immediate, right?

Three rings later, it wasn’t Yotsutsuji who picked up the phone.


It was Sensei.

“Hi,” my voice quickly shifted to that sweet one that I was more or less used to by now. “This is
Sanosuke.” I used the name I barely remembered Yotsutsuji calling me by. “Are you in danger?”

“Oh,” Sensei’s voice rumbled as he contemplated on how he should answer me. I could hear the
slight hesitation in his voice. Then he sighed, releasing his worries, and mumbled at me. “May I
call you back?”

I did not like that. I grabbed my shirt, near the heart in frustration. What the fuck was going on?

“Of course.”

Then he hung up on me.

It was rather abrupt, unlike Sensei at all.

“Tch,” I stood up from my seat and walked to the door. It slammed open; I must’ve been angrier
than I originally thought. As bloodlust seeped out of my body, I continued to walk a bit more
briskly, a bit more quickly.
“Boss?” Kento looked at me warily, I looked at him with purple eyes.

“Kento,” I greeted, “Perfect timing. Get Suzu and Akemi. I need clothes that provide flexibility and
won’t restrict my movements.”

“Understood,” Kento dipped his head before rushing out. On his way I noticed him gaining the
others’ attention and telling them to find Akemi and Suzu. Grabbing a lock of my dyed hair, I knew
that it would be fine.


“Iojaku-san,” I looked at the man who hadn’t stepped out of the building since the time we saved
the eldest Yumeno. “Hello.”

“What’s going on?” He looked at me with a brow raised, his hands crossed over the light grey T-
shirt that Akemi provided him. “I thought an enemy had arrived because of the bloodlust.”

I couldn’t help but smile at him sheepishly when he said that. I felt bad. I felt bad for everyone
now. They were trained to respond back to bloodlust, we’ve all fought before and Iojaku-san was
an ex-soldier. I must've released too much after the call...

“Sorry,” I muttered, “I’m in a rush. I got an… an alarming message.”


“The first kid we went to save,” I announced, red eyes locking into golden eyes, “The one we
rescued from Chuuohku.”

“The one that I train with in the simulator every once and a while then,” Iojaku-san replied, his
voice was light. His eyebrows knitted together. “He sent you a message?”

“Yes.” I felt antsy. “I’m going to prepare to leave.”

“Understood,” Iojaku-san replied. He looked at me, “I can’t stop you, but you should take it easy
now and then. Yes?”

“Yes,” I answered, controlling my breath. As I stopped emitting what was giving everyone in the
building fear, I continued on my walk to the room with all of the makeup and clothes. “Thank you,

“Of course, I hope nothing has happened.”

“Me too,” I muttered as I walked past him.

“Boss!” Akemi looked up. He and Suzu were scurrying around the room, pulling out clothes and
looking for the items needed.

“Here’s your clothes,” Suzu huffed as he wiped his forehead, “A simple V neck with a vest and
flexible suit pants with a belt and combat boots.”

I looked over them and they still had that natural, soft cafe feel to them. That was fine. I nodded my
head in agreement and undressed. I pulled on the clothes over my face as Suzu prepared my
glasses. Once my clothes were pulled on, Akemi quickly braided my hair.

“Since you already did the bare minimum we won’t be using any make-up,” Akemi rushed his
explanation. “Don’t get injured out there, Boss.”
“Don’t worry, thanks for being snappy.”

I got on the first train to Shinjuku without looking back. My feet were consistently tapping the
train’s floor and I briefly wondered if I could make a hole this way. As the train’s noise started to
drown out my thoughts, my phone vibrated and brought me back to a slightly frenzied state.


I picked up without even looking at the caller.

“Is there something wrong?” Gentaro’s soft voice carried in and I belated realized that I was
supposed to call him to talk about his brother.

“Ah, well…” I bit my bottom lip, “Nothing’s wrong.”

“Let’s not lie,” Gentaro hummed. “It’s a nice pleasantry, but we’re far past that now, yes?”

“I’m going to Shinjuku,” the words stumbled out like a dam that broke, “Sensei picked up my call
after Yotsustuji sent me a help message. Frankly, I’m worried.”

“That is rather troublesome,” Gentaro hummed, “I think you should keep us all in the call just in
case. It wouldn’t hurt to.”

“You think?” I asked, “I’m not really sure…”

“I encourage you to do so,” Gentaro pushed a bit. “We’re quite worried and Kannonzaka can send

“Right,” I sighed, “Okay. Understood.”

“Great,” Gentaro’s voice came in a little distracted, “We shall talk to you soon then.”


“Of course,” Gentaro hummed.

When he hung up, I realized I didn’t tell him anything about his brother so I decided to tell him
what I knew through a text message. Since I missed the time to call him, Gentaro must've gotten
worried. As I got off the train, I received another call. Once again, my fingers moved without

“Is this Sanosuke-san?”

“Yes, is everything alright?”

“Where are you?”

“I just arrived at the train station,” I answered, my eyes darting around. Damn, I need to be crafty.
“Could you pick me up?”

“Of course, can we meet at the cafe you introduced to me before?”

His voice was rough and tired. It was also on edge. I agreed to meet him and walked to the
Shinjuku Sweet Sweets. What was going on, was Yotsutsuji already taken? Normally there was
some kind of rhythm in my step, but it didn’t exist today. Not right now. It was erratic like my

“Over here, Sanosuke-san.”

Sensei wove his hand at and I quickly made my place there. He was right outside the cafe.

“Jakurai-sensei, what about-!”

“He’s fine,” Sensei spoke sternly, his eyebrows creasing. “For now.”


“Chuuohku is planning to do a quick scan of my apartment. They believe that I am hiding

Yotsutsuji-kun. I…” Sensei faltered, and I watched a man who called himself a hero tear up, “I
want to protect him.”

“And you need me,” my tone was flat, but I knew how dangerous this was. Damnit. It hasn't even
been a full week and Chuuohku was already looking forward to destroying everything? I pulled out
my phone and quickly rang up a couple of people before muting the call. I merged the calls and
turned to Sensei who looked at me hopefully.

“Yes,” his blue eyes shined, “if you saved him once, I was hoping you could save him again.”

A hero was asking me to help him. I promised the hero I'd be there for him.

Who was I to decline? Of course, I’d help him, I gave him my word and men don’t go back on
their words.

“I can.”

“Thank you,” Sensei smiled at me serenely. I tugged my mask up. Sensei led me into his
apartment. He did say that I could rest here before if I ever wanted to. I noticed Yotsutsuji sitting
there, playing on a phone. His posture was lazy, I couldn't tell if he was nervous and trying to relax
or if he didn't know anything at all.

I glanced at Sensei who smiled at me helplessly. It didn't seem as if Yotsutsuji was aware of his
situation then. Was it Sensei who sent the S.O.S message? Damn. Yotsutsuji’s lime eyes tracked
every movement on his phone. It must be a mobile game. I remember playing one of those. What
was it again? Ah, who cares.

I moved to my side and waved, vying for the teenager’s attention. I didn’t get it though, he seemed
intent on focusing on his game. I glanced at Sensei who looked at me apologetically. I found
myself stifling my laughter.

Yotsutsuji definitely didn't know. This was a rather unexpected turn of events.

“Ahem,” I coughed into my hands a bit and watched Yotsutsuij raise his head. His lime eyes
widened as his phone dropped. I could hear the fail song of the game as Yotsutsuji stuttered.


“I’m here,” I cut Yotsustuji off quickly at the sound of an ‘m’. I hope Sensei didn’t catch that.
“How are you?”

“I’m doing good,” Yotsutsuji’s face brightened, “What about you? Is there something wrong?”
I shook my head, “Nah. I’m just here cause-”

“I invited him over for dinner,” Sensei cut me off.

I glanced at him as Yotsutsuji cheered.

The fuck?

Chapter End Notes

Samatoki, every action has it's consequences-!

Jakurai was probably fine until Chuohku was like, let us search your home. Probably
panicked and caused Chuuohku to suspect him even more.
An Emergency II
Chapter Summary

Samatoki needs to stay undercover while he's eating... And he's not as good as he

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

I did not expect my visit to turn into a peaceful dinner. I honestly thought that there would be a
problem and I’d have to risk revealing my identity to Sensei or something a little more serious, like
that... That was not what happened.

Yotsutsuji got so excited that he asked me if it was possible for Sensei to cook. He was already
bragging about Sensei and his capabilities of being... Well… Sensei. Someone who was good at
everything. Sensei only smiled and entered the kitchen that was a little too clean.

Damn. He didn’t even try to deny it.

I looked over at Yotsutsuji whose smile slipped off his face like a mask was torn from his face. He
looked at me seriously, a ferocious glint in his eyes.

“Why are you really here, Samatoki-san?”

Yotsutsuji’s voice dropped into a whispering tone. It was a little intimidating, but I didn’t mind it.
It was like a pup trying to bare its fangs against a mammoth. Cute and possibly scary, just not to

“You don’t believe that Sensei invited me over?”

“My phone was taken from me,” Yotsutsuji frowned. He fished out the phone he was playing
games on. “This is Jakurai-san’s phone. Did he really think I wouldn’t notice my data was
transferred? Even if they're identical phones, I could tell my data was transferred!”

“How?” I asked curiously. If they’re identical, wouldn’t it be harder to tell them apart?

“Because,” Yotsutsuji puffed his chest out. “I have money in my account so that I can buy booster
packs if I need them. Jakurai-san doesn’t have any money in his account.”

“So,” I tried not to laugh at the proud boy in front of me. “If he also used the binding technique
with your account on the phone, theoretically, you wouldn’t notice?”


He sounded a bit too happy in revealing that.

I stared at him before shaking my head, now wasn't the time for that.

“Chuuohku might attack us,” I answered. “They’re coming over to sweep the area and check
Sensei really doesn’t have you. If anything, I bet they found him a bit fishy since he possibly
declared to defect from the Party of Words.”


“You asked him to quit,” I deadpanned. “When he hesitated, I offered an alternative to save those
he wanted to protect, but it involved quitting . He most likely defected from the original deal.
Chuuohku would be looking for you if that was the case.”

“So that they would have the upper hand?”

“Yeah,” I rolled my shoulders, “But then again, they would still be looking for you since, well,
they want the trump card back. They’re simply suspecting Sensei because of his defection. He
must’ve been pretty cool with it too.”

“Huh,” Yotsustuji frowned, “Then what do we-”

“Yotsutsuji-kun!” Sensei spoke from the kitchen. “Could you help me set the table?”

“Of course!” Yotsutsuji called out. He stood up, glancing at me. I smiled at him to give him even
the smallest bit of reassurance. I already knew what to do. I stood up and walked to help out once
Yotsutsuji’s back was turned on me.

I was thwarted by Sensei. He gave me a piercing glare with a benign smile.

“Sanosuke-san,” he motioned me to the dinner table, “You’re our guest. Please, take a seat, dinner
will be out shortly.”

I swear, I would’ve helped out. I’m not a wuss. It was just the former assassin’s gaze was a bit too
sharp for my taste. I was pretending to be dead, I didn't actually want to die, dammit. I took the seat
with a faux smile and elegant fashion.

He looked self-satisfied with that and nodded to himself. Giving me another look over, Sensei
placed the plates he had on hand and walked back into the kitchen.

I did my best to ignore how frizzled the ends of his hair were and how the bags were still prevalent
on his face. They had nothing to do with me after all. It was about Yotsutsuji. It had to be.

I watched as food was prepared. I was a little miffed at the number of vegetables on the plate. Was
there no meat? Like, come on!

“Is there something wrong?” Yotsutusji looked at me tentatively. Sensei seemed to catch me
staring as well because he had on a worried gaze.

“No,” I fibbed, snatching my chopsticks quickly, “I was just a little stunned. This is… a lot of
food.” I received a stare in return, I looked at Sensei who was looking at me a bit too much, “Is
something wrong, Jakurai-sensei?”

“My apologies,” Sensei smiled at me. Despite how big the lips curled up, I could still sense the
pain that was emitted from him. “You happen to remind me of someone.”

We all said our pleasantries and thanked Sensei for the food before we started to eat.

“I do?” We went back to the topic before we thanked Sensei. I refrained from my normal speaking
tics, enjoying the sweet ambiance of the dinner. Yotsutsuji had his head down and refused to look
at my eyes when I looked at him questioningly.

“Yes,” Sensei smiled forlornly. It also had some scorn in it. For who, I wasn’t able to tell.

My chopsticks made a small clink sound as I snatched a piece of meat, escaping the vegetables on
the plate.

“May I ask who?”

“I don’t mind. The person I am thinking of made me truly think I was able to become a hero.”

It was a calm voice. I wondered who this person was.

“Sounds like a great person,” I retorted, taking a bit of rice into my mouth. “Aren’t you already a
hero though? Why would you need someone to tell you that you are something?”

Yotsutsuji stiffened. He still refused to give me eye contact and focused on stuffing his face
quickly. Odd...

“I don’t think I am,” Sensei shook his head. I raised a brow in shock. This was new. Sensei’s hair
delicately framed his face that looked a little too sad for my liking. He took a dainty piece of food
and chewed it slowly. I swallowed and snatched another piece of meat before adding rice to my

When I realized he wasn’t going to talk, I decided to ask him. “Why?”

“Because it wasn’t me,” Sensei responded with a sharp inhale. “I wasn’t the hero, rather, it was
someone else. The hero was a person that I looked up to.”

“Sounds like an amazing person,” I hummed, chewing thoroughly. Sensei never mentioned the
person's name. Not even once. I couldn’t help but get curious. I wanted to ask him about it more, I
honestly would’ve, but that face he had every time he mentioned the person...

I didn’t want to see him make that sort of face.

I thought that we would be having a rather quiet dinner after, but surprisingly, that wasn’t the case.
We spoke about miscellaneous things, listened to Sensei’s stories about the Dirty Dawg and
Matenrou. Yotsutsuji even bothered to tell me a little bit of Kuujaku Posse. I just smiled and
listened, fulfilling my role as a kindhearted guy.

“The first few lessons with Amemura-kun were certainly memorable,” Sensei sighed, his lips tight,
but still forming a bittersweet smile. “I would not say that they were a waste of time.”

I nodded, listening to the story, the meat resting in my chopsticks, waiting for me to finish

“He had to do all sorts of things,” Yotsutsuji added. He started to count off the weird encounters
and basically trials that Sensei had to go through with his fingers. “The weirdest one had to be sky
diving, right, Jakurai-san?”

“That was one of the many,” Sensei replied. “Although, I suppose they did help me with my rap

I stifled my chuckle and nodded. I sort of sympathized with Sensei. Being put through that for rap.
I couldn’t imagine that. I’m pretty sure my training was better, maybe less fun though. Hmm… I
should take a note from Ramuda’s book just in case. Maybe having fun is a better alternative at

“Jakurai-sensei,” I hummed, “Thank you for the meal.” I finished it off with another round of
pleasantries after I finished my plate.

“I’m glad you liked it,” Sensei replied as he dabbed a napkin to his face. “You seem to have a
strong preference towards meat.”

“Haha,” a burst of uncomfortable laughter escaped my lips. I ignored my blunder and continued to
push on a different question. “Do you regret forming the Dirty Dawg?”


I blinked rapidly, taken back. I at least expected Sensei to be more contemplating on the answer
before settling on an answer. I asked him why as my head tilted ever so slightly, my braid caressing
my cheek. Yotsustuji eyed me and Sensei before escaping to the restroom.

“I do not,” Sensei smoothed out the sharp expression that was on his face into a more neutral one.
“I do not regret it at all. Meeting Amemura-kun and creating Kuujaku Posse, later on forming, the
Dirty Dawg, and finally here, as the leader of Matenrou, I do not regret any of it.”

“You don’t regret anything, Jakurai-sensei?”

Sensei pursed his lips. This question made him contemplate? That was interesting. I placed my
chin on my hand as I looked at him. Eyes that were falsely purple stared at him curiously.

“I do,” Sensei said after a while. “I have a couple of regrets, but I am sure every human has them.”

“Why?! Why-”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, but I would rather not regret.”

I was reminded of an overheard conversation between a doctor struggling against the first order of
the THM and a smaller person coughing up blood. A sigh escaped my lips. I noticed Sensei’s eyes
narrowing at my sigh and I smiled helplessly at him.

“It’s a true statement,” I tried to be as refined as I could get myself to be.

“Then about Yotsutsuji-kun-”

Knock knock.

Speak of the devil. I watched Sensei’s chair clatter onto the ground as he shot for the door. Hmm.
This could end up becoming troublesome. I glanced over to the restroom that had a toilet flushing.
My hands rubbed against each other as I thought up something really quickly. Grabbing my phone
that was still on a call, I decided that there was really only one way to do this.

I added another number onto the call and still had it on mute. But I wasn’t muted so they could
hear me. I pulled it up to my lips and murmured.

“Yotsutsuji, you better have your pants up.”

I could hear Sensei chatting away with the women keeping them at bay for a couple more seconds.
Perfect. I stalked over to the bathroom and grabbed the door handle. It opened up as Yotsutsuji
looked at me with shaking eyes, he just finished washing his hands. His phone was rather loud as
people started to talk over each other.

“Mute your phone, they’re so loud,” I complained. I walked in and closed the door, locking it. I
decided to sit on the toilet seat, pulling its seat cover over. Pulling out my mic, I activated it and
summoned a skeleton. It was a bit cramped with Yotsutsuji, but whatever.

“Roaches approach this home like they’re scum,

With a body not mine, why don’t I join the fun?”

I automatically felt myself staring back at my own body. Mm, the dark hair, braid, and rather
dressed up yet elegant look. It still throws me off at how good at disguise Akemi and Suzu were.

“S-Samatoki-san?!” Yotsutsuji whisper shouted, grabbing my shoulders and shaking them. “Are
you okay?! Samatoki-san?!”

“Hey, quiet down,” my voice hissed from my coffin speaker despite my lips moving on my
unconscious body. Skeletal legs moved to walk to the speaker and my bony arms just plucked a
piece off of it. Yotsutsuji’s eyes flashed with late recognition as my body stayed still.


“Kannonzaka-san,” I glanced at Yotsutsuji, my speaker piece booming next to Yotsusuji who still
held his phone close to his heart. “Everyone heard what’s going on right? Could Kannonzaka-san
use your ability to take Yotsutsuji to you? Or anyone that’s alone really. Somewhere not here. And

I watched Yotsutsuji flinch as the door of the bathroom was knocked harshly on.

“We know you are in there, Yotsutsuji Kannabi!”

“I told you! He’s not there!” I could hear Sensei roar. He sounded as if he would snap at any
moment, damn. Sensei, I understand you’re trying, but it’s only making them more fucking

It took nanoseconds for a familiar screen to appear in front of us. My flaming blue eyes, reflected
off the glowing screen as I motioned the teenager to step through it. He hesitated, but after another
pounding, he pushed himself through the screen that grew big enough to swallow him. Then it
shattered, disappearing along with his body.

“It’s occupied,” I spoke in my false tone. Hefting the speaker up over my skull.

“Bullshit! We know you’re-”

I turned smaller and quickly escaped the bathroom with my speaker. Growing back big and placing
the speaker into my mouth, I coughed. Everyone’s attention went from the bathroom door to me. I
could see their pupils shaking. Sensei’s eyes seemed violent, covered in extreme emotions.

“Hahaha!” I laughed, the speaker in my jaws made it seem as if I was a talking skeleton. Perfect!
As my laughter grew harsher and louder, I decided I played enough of a show and disappeared.

As soon as my eyes snapped open, I flushed the toilet first for the sound and stuffed my
microphone into the inner pocket of my coat. I turned the water on, making sure it was loud
enough for them to hear, and used Sensei’s floral scented soap. Wiping my hands on the handtowel
and opening the door, I feigned ignorance.
“Why is everyone at the door? It’s rude to knock when someone’s in there.”

“I-It’s nothing,” one of the officers stuttered as she stepped back. They hurriedly excused
themselves and meekly apologized to Sensei for accusing him before rushing out. I watched,

“Where’s Yotsutsuji-kun?” Sensei asked, looking at me with worry.

“He’s safe, I had someone help me out,” I announced. I grabbed Sensei’s shaking hands, man, he
must’ve been really fucking worried. “Don’t worry.”

“I see,” Sensei’s hands were still lightly shaking.

“I don’t think he should come back though,” I apologized in a hushed tone, “He’s probably safer
with me or someone else.”

“I… I understand,” Sensei was distraught, but he seemed to believe in me. Awesome. “Thank you,

I looked at Sensei before breaking out into a smile.

“Of course.”

Chapter End Notes

Jakurai only got to see Yotsutsuji for a couple of days... Awww.....

Also, a dumb Samatoki.
Group Bonding
Chapter Summary

Samatoki decides to train the group and push off the matter of telling the others that
he's alive.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Everything was going along rather swimmingly if I do say so myself.

Yotsutsuji had joined our ranks and it was a little easier now to move around. Iojaku-san was to
train Yotsutsuji and rap with him. They were invited to the training at night so the other five would
see them from time to time.

Like tonight.

Kuko’s speaker burst loudly, the soundwaves even affecting us, the people hidden behind a
skeleton's hand. To be more exact, my speaker. It was crouched down and had its hands in front of
us so that we wouldn't be affected by any raps accidentally sent this way. Its fingers were parted so
that we could look at the battle but it would close to block an attack every so often. I watched as
Iojaku-san and Yotsutsuji stumbled backward. Kuko continued his relentless one-sided slaughter,
his body moving and withholding his urge to use his mic ability. He took no pauses as he continued
to make fun of the two.

“They truly are puppets simply dancing to a dragon’s tune,” Gentaro mused, a hand over his chin
as he loftily spoke. But his green eyes were sharp and calculating as if he was wary of Kuko. Who
wouldn’t be?

“It’s a bit too brutal to be called training, isn’t it?” Kannonzaka whimpered, his eyes staring at the
distinct moves.

“They aren’t going to die,” Rei snorted, “It looks like fair game to me.”

“Still, that’s harsh bro,” Brat #2 winced as Yotsutsuji’s body rolled on the ground.

“You’re truly not going to do anything about it?” Rei’s easygoing eyes never left the battle scene. I
guess even he thought this was brutal.

“Nah,” I replied, “But you two need to do me a favor.”

“Which two?” Gentaro finally pried his eyes away from the battle. Emerald eyes started to prickle
my skin along with three other gazes. I felt the upper corner of my lips twitch up in excitement just
from the stares.

“Rei, brat,” I looked at the two family members that had been awkward even when they met at the
cafe. Or whenever we train. My red eyes turned deadly as I frowned, “You need to get rid of your
hatred and lament of each other.”
“What?” “Fuck no!”

Brat #2 started to shout rather loudly, “Why the fuck would I do that?! I might respect you now,
but that means nothing for this bastard!”

“Haha,” Rei chuckled humorously, “How can you say that about me? I don’t think I’ve ever
harmed you.”

“Fuck you and your fucking lies,” Brat #2 gave the man the finger.

Well, I thought this was to happen. It was far too tense.

“There’s too much tension. This is a team effort kind of thing so your inner problems are bothering
the life out of me,” I wove my hand nonchalantly. Kannonzaka and Gentaro stared at me with
baffled looks as Rei became more amused. The brat, on the other hand, got angrier.

“Why should I-”

“He died for your brothers, remember?” I decided to paint Rei in a new light. Sort of. “He’s a
douche and a bastard, but you don’t know how heartbroken he was when he lost you.”

I’d be able to see Rei’s eyes shaking if he didn’t have his sunglasses on. I just knew it. But that
wasn't enough for the brat. He continued to protest and I honestly should've seen this coming.
Maybe if I asked the youngest brat, he'd be more open to it than his two brothers.

"IF you two don't get along somewhat, somethings better left undone would happen," I stared at
green and yellow eyes. "Everyone has a story, even douchebags."

Yamada brat 2 had a tight frown on his face, but he seemed to understand. Looking at Rei, Yamada
brat declared a battle. I decided to leave the skeleton there with its closed fingers to separate the
two battles as Kannonzaka, Gentaro, and I excused ourselves.

“Was that completely necessary?” Kannonzaka questioned me as we walked away from the family
mess and the training mess.

“Yes,” Gentaro answered first. “They were making it rather uncomfortable for us. It makes sense to
instigate some kind of conclusion.”

“They’ll be fine,” I hummed, “Both died protecting the same exact people.”

“I can’t imagine the trauma that would come with it. I mean having someone precious die because
they cared for you, but twice...” Gentaro hummed. I wanted to call him out for his bullshit since he
too died for his two precious people, but I decided not to. There was no benefit in me doing so.

“Me neither…” Kannonzaa said glumly.

“We’re going to be training together,” I said instead. Stopping their conversation, I turned to face
them. “The three of us against one man, think you’re up for it?”

“The three of us?” Kannonzaka looked at me uneasily. It made sense, why wouldn’t he? Why
would I call out the three of us to do something instead of just Gentaro and him? Simple.

“Yeah, we’re going up against a strong guy.”

“We could assume that,” Gentaro drawled, “But what makes you think that it will be beneficial
fighting with us when we could more or less be dead weight?”
“It’s good to practice,” I shrugged.

“I-I’m not too sure about that,” Kannonzaka stuttered. He looked at me apologetically as he argued
against me and with Gentaro. “I don’t know if we would be much help, nor do I want to get in your

By the way their shoulders drooped, I supposed I should do some other training.

“Fine. Let’s try something else,” I conceded. Summoning an army with people holding guns,
Kannonzaka and Gentaro froze. “Let’s try to avoid bullets.”

“Wait-!” Gentaro’s voice was cut off as the bullets started to rain.

Dust kicked up from the ground as the guns went off loudly, striking everything in their path. I
could hear screams and shouts, but it didn’t really matter. I was careful. Yesterday afternoon, Tenki
and I played around with the bullet mechanics. It hurts like hell if you got hit.

Skin does tear open from the bullet’s spin and it does fatal mental damage. So we adjusted the pain
levels so the mind wouldn’t be shocked to death. We had to offset some shock and pain and a
couple of other things, but the simulation itself still worked well. With the right adjustments, the
speakers could block bullets here and in the real world. It was a pain in the ass to create, but it

So, I was hiding behind my larger speaker, wondering if the others were struggling. To be fair,
Kannonzaka’s always broke upon hits and Gentaro’s weren't the best for bullets.

It was okay.

The demonstration bullets weren’t aimed at them anyway.

“Are you okay?!” “Samatoki-san!” “Oi! Aohitsugi, are you alive?!”

I heard a lot of noise. The bullets must’ve gained their attention. Dammit, I didn’t think about that.
I peeked out of the coffin as the dust cleared.

“Hey,” I smiled confidently from my meek position behind the coffin. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to
interrupt y’all.”

“What happened?” Iojaku-san ran over to me. He grabbed my shoulder and started to pat me down
for injuries. I just laughed at him. Rei watched me from afar and Yotsutsuji rushed over as well. I
could see the brat wavering between his decision to rush over or to stay in case I was injured and he
would see a mangled body.

“I wanted to train against a rain of bullets.”

“Huh?!” “Bullshit!”

As the other clambered over me, Kuko stared at me further back and I gave him a thumbs up to
cease his needless worries.

“We need to practice for this too, you know?” I decided to say something completely different than
what I meant to say. “There are a couple of people whose speakers won’t protect us from bullets,
but a couple of people can and we can take advantage of that.”

“I see,” Gentaro hummed, “That scare was completely unnecessary.”

“I thought I was going to die,” Kannonzaka winced. “The sounds of the guns were intense…”

“I thought some fucker came in,” Brat #2 complained, his face painted in relief. “But it’s to see if
we can protect ourselves from the bullets?”

“Yeah,” I nodded, “But after the training you guys were doing before is finished, not now. Now
shoo! I have to fucking talk to Yumeno-san and Kannonzaka-san.”

The others grumbled but they moved away. They moved back to their respective areas and I could
see them duking it out, Kuko going a bit easier on Yotsutsuji and Iojaku-san while Rei and Jiro had
a heart to heart.

“Yumeno-san, Kannonzaka-san,” I stared at them. “This is highly important for your survival.”
Their eyes turned quick and sharp. Gentaro’s especially. “Neither of your speakers are fit enough
to block you from a bullet.”

“I could assume mine was like that,” Gentaro tossed his hand offhandedly towards the still mob of
gunmen. “But why Kannonzaka-san?”

“Because,” I answered easily, “Kannonzaka-san’s speaker ability is focused on teleportation. They

aren’t fit for defense, no matter what.”

“Then wouldn’t Amayado-san’s speakers be bad as well?” Kannonzaka questioned, tilting his

“Nope, Rei’s speaker can only deflect or offset the physical attacks. A barrage of guns would
actually get blocked without even tearing it up, but strong mental raps will tear it open.”

“What the fuck,” Kannonzaka muttered under his breath. I could only grin.

“Yeah, it’s a little unfair. Not everyone has defensive speakers. So your goal today, or rather the
training is going to be about finding safety from others’ speakers. Or by, you know, sticking close
to someone with a defensive speaker.”

“It’s a lot harder than it sounds… is it not?” Gentaro questioned. I nodded my head as my devilish
smile grew bigger.

“Are you guys getting ready?”

“I don’t think I’m mentally prepared yet,” Kannonzaka complained. “This is a lot to take in… you

“I understand,” I nodded my head. “I’ll start in three minutes. Your goal is to ‘not die’ and take out
all of the gunmen.”

“Let’s get to it then,” Gentaro sighed as he walked closer to the gunmen. “Our range isn't quite
good enough for us to attack this far.”

“Aren’t you scared?” Kannonzaka complained under his breath as he walked closer too. I tactfully
placed skeletons near them.

"I am, but I can trust Samatoki-kun," Gentaro replied.

This was going to be rather interesting.

“Start!” I shouted as loudly as I could. My fucking voice might’ve cracked, but who cares? I
watched the guns cock and shoot as Gentaro and Kannonzaka did their best in defeating each

I didn’t complain that they weren’t killing anyone. In fact, it made more sense that they were
simply knocking them out. I spoke of death, I spoke of killing, but I didn’t want them to experience
it just yet. So like in a game, each time a man was unconscious, they would disappear. Simply
become particles.

Maybe it was getting them used to killing. Maybe it was offsetting the shock of killing someone.
Either way, there was no blood so we continued.

I watched both Gentaro and Kannonzaka gain hits from time to time. Again, since the pain was
lowered a lot, they were still able to move. However, there was a limit to how much the body
could take. There was an instance when Gentaro was in trouble.

“Shit! Yumeno-san!” I shouted loudly, getting ready to freeze the trap. Gentaro had taken too much
damage to moving. He was probably confused as to why his body wasn’t moving. Just as a couple
of bullets headed his way, Kannonzaka’s speaker teleported Gentaro next to him, behind a skeleton
with a speaker that was acting as a shield.

“Yumeno-san,” Kannonzaka smiled, “Are you alright?”

Gentaro seemed concerned and shaken by the incident. He looked at me who smiled helplessly at
him as I jogged to them, the scenario frozen.

“I… I think so,” Gentaro answered confused, “My mind was clear so why was my body failing to

“Because you were hit too much or you got shot in a vital,” I replied. “To simulate a real bullet,
they still do wound you, you know?” I looked at Kannonzaka who nodded his head.

“Either way, thank you, Kannonzaka-san,” Gentaro smiled mirthfully, “It seems like there is still a
lot to learn. Am I still able to rap?”

“If you want to keep moving in that condition,” my answer was rocky. I didn’t want him to. But it
seemed like Gentaro was willing to go through with it. So was Kannonzaka. In a battle, technically
you kept fighting until you lost your last breath.

“Well then, we better continue,” Gentaro shooed me off with a wave of his hands. “Go back to
where you were and spectate for us, Aohitsugi-san.”

“I can protect him,” Kannonzaka vowed. He eyed me before dipping his head. I had no fucking
choice other than to back off and let them do as they wanted. A couple of military men were still
there. I doubted they could win.

Maybe it was my urge to protect that kept everyone weak. But with this harmless simulator, I
realized that I was easily letting go. Since I knew there would be real repercussions. What kind of
fucking subconscious did I have? Maybe this was great practice for me to realize that I needed to
let the others fight for themselves and I couldn't fight on my own.

Still, I was wrong. Kannonzaka and Gentaro managed to defeat the soldiers with a terrifying
combination of planning and they quickly supported each other if something happened. Even in a
weakened state or the burden of protecting someone else, they worked hard and really showed me
what hope was like.
Was that what I was like at the beginning of the rebellion? I wondered.

When the training was finished, Gentaro’s body got lighter as did Kannonzaka’s. They smiled at
each other and offered genuine compliments, not just polite ones. Good. I never mentioned it
aloud, but there was tension between them as well. Mainly because of Hifumi's comment to
Gentaro, but at least that was put away now.

My eyes roamed to Jiro and Rei who seemed to be talking it out too, both worn from battle.

Then there was the vanguard, the military commander, and the medic apprentice. They seemed to
be resting too.

Our bonds as a team seemed to be getting stronger. I kept the bubbling smile off my face as much
as I could, but it rippled out anyways. Like a kid receiving their most wanted wish on their birthday,
I cheered as loudly as I could.

Chapter End Notes

Samatoki is preparing everyone with an iron fist :'D

He's one of those, "groups only work with trust", people.
Finding More Allies
Chapter Summary

Samatoki needs to take several more steps for the rebellion to be successful. This
includes finding new allies.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Training was going pretty smoothly. From what I could gather, Mad Trigger Crew was practically
disbanded. I tried to get a hold of Kubiki to get more details, but he hasn’t visited much since the
last time we met when Iojaku-san was rescued. He trusted us enough to level Iojaku-san with us
and not check a lot, huh?

I blew out the smoke that was gathering in my mouth and watched it float into the abyss of the sky.
It was the middle of the day and I was taking a small stroll. My company today was Torimu and
Kento. Kento was hiding out somewhere while Torimu just walked next to me with his resting
bitch face.

That being said, we were visiting Hyptasia’s grave.

The cat that was rescued since the TDD days had a grave incident that caused her death. Could I
really call it grave? It was due to miscarriage.

Tenki and Kanade had taken care of her well and gave me all the pictures they had of her as an
adult and as a kitten. The ones I missed. They gave me their hidden meanings as well. They didn’t
tell me about her death until I thought about her until I was sending Kuko some of her pictures.

I was starting to run out and I asked for more. It took three hours for them to tell me that she died
and how she died. It was probably why no one used the picture language tactic anymore. Since
they probably felt guilty for something they couldn't control.

Apparently, some tomcat invaded the house when Kanade was cooking and left the window open.
Hyptasia attacked the tom, but ended up, well, ended up with babies. I wouldn't know if it was love
at first sight or if she attacked the cat, but I could tell Tenki and Kanade did don't have good
feelings about the tomcat. Kanade had hidden pictures of a pregnant Hyptasia as all gang members
were super excited about her children.

Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. Hyptasia ended up having a miscarriage and the married gang
couple was too late in saving her.

I tried to ignore the pain of it. The reason was really simple.

It was not only the death of Hyptasia the cat but a hard remainder of Hyptasia, a forgotten dream of
nine lives.

Just one death had killed so many.

I should've thought about the parallels between the cat with babies and a group with dreams, and
considered that I would be upset if the cat Hyptasia died at all, but I wasn't really thinking back

I stared at the small grave that was made for a beloved gang cat. Should I just say cat? The entire
gang took care of her, so it felt more right calling Hyptasia a gang cat. I placed the small flowers I
bought that were sort of laced with catnip and smiled softly.

“It’s a nice place,” I said aloud, looking at Torimu who nodded quietly. “Do you guys visit her

“It’d be a shame not to,” Kento appeared suddenly to my right. “It feels like our fault she had to be
put down.”

“Don’t be too harsh on yourself,” I reprimanded. “Think more positively. At least she wouldn’t
have to go through what we’re about to go through.”

“True…” Torimu ruffled his hair.

“The future would not be nice to her,” Kento sighed. He shook his shoulders and shook his head.
“We have to get used to it somehow.”

“Right,” I encouraged them with a grin. “Now come on.” Burrowing my emotions that seemed to
be overflowing deep into my mind, I motioned them to follow me.

The khaki blazer bristled in the wind. It was as Akemi said, the clothes were definitely a good fit
for me. Almost too good of a fit.

“Where to next Boss?” Kento’s voice drifted. I snuffed the cig to a wall of a building and let it fall
to the ground.

“Today, we’re going to do a bit of a visit.”

“A visit?”

“Yeah,” I nodded my head. “We need good fighters. We need plenty of them. I asked Yanagi-san a
couple of things and I managed to find out a couple of things.” I refused the urge to put my hands in
my pockets and walked briskly, the mask secured on my face.

“Boss…” Torimu’s voice was grim as we got closer to our second destination. “That’s the police

“I know,” I smirked as I changed the pitch of my voice. “We’re going into the police station.”

The police station was warm compared to the weather that was getting colder outside. I stepped in,
my black shoes clicking as if I had heels. I had a reason for asking Kento and Torimu to wear their
most civilian-like clothes today.

“Is there something you need?” A police officer looked at us with a disinterested glance.

“I want to meet Yoshi Toriki,” I answered. “It’s sort of urgent.”

“Not just anyone can meet him,” the police officer frowned as if this was a waste of his time. To be
honest, it was more of a waste for me, but I wasn’t planning to look antagonistic.

“Give him the name Sweet Sweets.”

“Like the bakery?” The police officer raised his brow as his coworkers snickered. “What does that
have to do with anything?”

I could feel Torimu and Kento starting to get angry, so I decided that it was better to make this

“Please make it quick, it’s an emergency.”

“That you can’t simply tell us?” One of his coworkers spoke up from being annoyed.

“Yes.” I answered bluntly, “You are rather useless in this investigation.”

“What’s that supposed to mean-!”

“What’s going on here?”

I looked up to see someone of a higher ranking come in. Give me a second… That man… I knew
him! Monden! The one that Ichiro asked me to help out back in the Mad Comic Dialogue days!

I walked up to him as the cops complained about me. I wove my hand gaining their attention.
Kento and Torimu seemed on edge as I smiled politely.

“Hello, Officer Monden, correct?”

“Yes,” he gave me an untrusting stare. “Please state your business with our Department Head.”

“It’s a rather private thing,” my grin wouldn’t stop growing, “Please do me a favor, since we’re
both friends of Ichiro, it’s the least you could do?” I had to name-drop it was the fastest solution to
end this awkwardness. Dammit, sorry Ichiro!

Monden seemed more displeased with the name drop so I had to hint at Yanagi-san and myself,
Samatoki. That’s when he seemed a bit more trusting and told us to follow him. We walked deeper
into the police building and I found myself staring at a door that was apparently the office of Yoshi
Toriki. The man falsely arrested me because of an incident the Tobari brothers made back in the
day. Good thing Yanagi-san took me out of jail and Sasara helped me resolve the issue, I wasn't
sure how it would've gone otherwise.

Monden walked into the office probably to tell his higher up about the issue before walking out,
letting me inside.

“Do you mind staying inside with me?” I glanced at Monden who seemed visibly surprised by my
words. He nodded and we entered the door with one swift action. Torimu shut the door as I walked

“Hello,” I bowed my head a bit for politeness. The other two followed suit. The officer, who
seemed older than he did years ago, looked at me wearily.

“Who are you?” He asked.

“Someone who wants help,” I replied offhandedly. “It’s nice to see you doing well.”

“I do not remember your face,” he apologetically looked at me. “What is your name?”

“That’s not really important,” I shrugged, “For now please call me Sanosuke.”

“Sanosuke,” the cop muttered under his breath, testing it for any remembrance.
“Yes, I need help from the police force should I decide to rebel.”

“Say what?!” Monden shouted from behind me. Yoshi Toriki seemed to be smarter than that. His
eyes scanned me, Torimu, and Kento. Eyes deep in concentration as his brows furrowed.

“Well, I guess it's been decided that I will rebel. So come help when the rebellion starts," I nodded
my head nonchalantly.


"I have connections to all divisions,” I announced, “Ichiro and Jyuto included. Please think about

“How would we contact you?” Yoshi Toriki questioned.

“You don’t have to,” I replied with ease, “I just need you to act.”

“What if we decide to not help?”

“It would become a rebellion without Ikebukuro's police officers backing it.”

The two men stayed quiet. I was sure they knew that this conversation had to be kept quiet as well.
Just in case Chuuohku dogs were in the building with them. By their darkening gazes, I wasn't
going to get optimistic, but they surprised me.

“I will think about it.”

“Thank you.”

I walked out, Monden trailing behind me.

“Hey!” He shouted in shock once the door to the office was closed, “What do you mean by

Kento and Torimu turned around and Kento answered for me.

“Exactly what it means. A rebellion against Chuuohku.”

Then we walked out as if nothing happened.

Kento stretched his arms as he looked at me worriedly, “Is it okay announcing that in a public

“We should be fine,” I laughed, “Tenki, Iojaku-san, and Ginto were working on everything to the
best of their abilities. I’d recruit more help, but that’s going to be more difficult than I originally

“I see,” Torimu nodded his head. “As expected of Boss.”

My laugh turned sheepish as Torimu’s words. “Let’s be careful now. We need to continue living
without a watchful eye.”

'How much longer until you think we will act, Boss?' Kento signed as I lit another cigarette.

'Not too long,' I signed back. We were still in the public after all. 'We need a lot of backing. Right
now we have one pending, and we only have a dip in each division except Yokohama. I don’t even
know what Rio and Jyuto are doing now.'

'Should we keep a lookout on them?'

'No, if we did that Chuuohku would probably catch wind. Or one of them would notice and then
start interrogating you,' I puffed. 'The Katen Gumi is most likely to help us out when we really
need it as long as I send the letter with my signature. We should be fine with that. I’d like a bit
more help, but I don’t know what we could do. I don't really know new people either.'

'Then can we talk about the future?'


'What will we do after the rebellion?'

I puffed, motioning for him to continue.

'We’d need a new president.'

“Hitoya-san, Sensei, Rei,” I listed names with my fingers. I spoke aloud since I couldn't use both
hands to count the names off. Each finger that was folded opened up as new opportunities, “They
can fight for it.”

'Wouldn’t that cause another large-scale fight?' Kento bit the bottom of his lips. A bird chirped
nearby as if it was coughing in the smoke that left my lips. 'Then what would be the point of the

'There won’t be a fight,' I shook my head, 'They’re each smart and to be fair, each of them wouldn’t
want to completely rule. We might have to split Japan so that they’re ruled by Division or strong
people. For example, the Remanents would be strong enough to control one territory.'

“I don’t know…” Kento muttered aloud.

“Okay,” I sighed, exhaling heat. I guess I’d have to admit it... “I haven’t thought about it that far.”

“Boss,” Torimu released an exasperated sigh. Kento just shook his head. They seemed to be under
the impression that I planned for everything.

I mean, I technically did, but I wasn’t completely sure what the future was like you know?! The
first thing I was concerned about was making sure everyone was alive!

“We’ll figure it out together,” I declared. “It’s going to be awesome.”

“If you say so,” Kento groaned.

I wasn’t even complaining about their disappointment. Because one, I sort of deserved it. Two, it
was all out of affection. Three, they still trusted me enough for me to know what I was going to do.

I was lying if I said that it didn’t bother me though.

I hadn’t thought that far because somewhere in my mind, I was still firmly believing that it was
impossible, no, it was extremely unlikely that we would survive with everyone alive. I at least had
to be strong enough to beat everyone in the other time one-on-one.

So, I conjured up two demons that I knew I had to be able to defeat as soon as I entered the

I needed to get stronger if I wanted to fight. It was still rather early so no one would be here yet.

The two most craziest rappers I’ve met.

Anastasia Popov and Jeonju Kim.

Both were monsters. In a similar sense to Kuko. They were quick to progress, geniuses in some
sense, and monsters all in all.

Anastasia had half of her face eradicated. Obliterated. Burned off, melted, torn up, you name it. It
was thanks to Kuko’s dragon speaker. What was worse was how I conjured up this version of her.
The one right before she died. Then again, she wouldn’t be able to wrap if I summoned the
Anastasia I last saw, torn up again by Kuko’s dragon. Her body still showed lean muscles and she
flexed Head Bitch’s microphone.

I hate her.

Jeonju Kim was slightly hunched over, his hands covering bits of his face and his hair basically
fizzled out. He had the small pupils that darted around, but that large grin and heavy breathing
hobby didn’t seem to disappear. He had the look of a madman, once again, this was before I had
found him dead by Kuko’s dragon.

I hate him.

And I fear them.

These two monsters had the ability to fucking smell fear. I couldn’t stop my body from shaking as I
prepared to battle. Even with experience from the future, the mental fortitude along with the
physical abilities I trained so hard for couldn’t stop me from shaking.

Dammit. I hate them. I hate them so much.

“Rabbit, run, fear,

Come, here, dear,
Born, from, love
In the form of a death dove!”

That choppy, sporadic rap of Jeonju Kim’s fucking hurt.

“Mother Russia’s snowland

Bestowed upon your deadland.
Let this pitiful weak man
Feel the wrath of her big plan!”

That nationalistic rap of Anastasia.

I hate them both.

A scream erupted from my throat. I couldn’t even rap first. Dammit… Dammit! My head was
thrown back along my body quickly pushed forward as my feet regained balance. I needed to hold
my ground.

“You can’t fight them alone.”

“Shut up Rio,” I replied to thin air. “If Kuko did it, I can too.”

If it took a monster to destroy other monsters, I need to become a monster too.

Wiping the saliva from my mouth, I used my speaker ability to gang up on them. Skeletons
appeared widely as they moved to overwhelm the two with numbers. Only, I had momentarily
forgotten that they too had enough power to do that. Anastasia and Jeonju used their own speaker
ability along with their mic ability.

Maybe I aimed too high.

Didn’t mean I couldn’t try.

“Fought. Bled. Red. Red.

Comrades. Enemies. Dead. Dead.
Fight them please, they said. Said.
That's why I will take your head. Head.”

Jeonju broke free and aimed a rap at me.

“Damn you both,

Bugs that represent everything I loathe,
Let me try to be kind,
And fuck up your little minds!”

I shouted, taking the damage. My speakers grew pitch black. I missed. No, they were deflected.

“Mother Russia sees your importance,

But she says it’s all wrong, your accordance.
Wander into the snowy abyss,
You'll notice something went amiss!”

Anastasia took the chance to aim at me.


I shouted. My skeletons charged with speakers in their arms. The large skeleton attempted to sweep
the fuckers away. The small ones dropped the speakers around the two fuckers and started to
attack. I had a good army then.

But it honestly didn’t matter.

I watched Jeonju bash one of the skeletons down and it dissipated under his constant beatings.
Anastasia would simply rap her way out of the attacks.

I huffed. I wasn’t even able to get to a standstill. I had completely lost. My legs gave way on their
own and soon my knees met the ground.


They disappeared as I wished them to go. At this rate, I wasn’t really training anymore, just
blowing off steam. If I was training, I would’ve summoned just one at a much weaker stage.
Though, even then it would be difficult for me to defeat them.

I could see the skies of a ruined Japan, the setting I used for my personal training started to get

“Fuck it all.”

I started to laugh as it rained.

Chapter End Notes

Is Samatoki crying in the end or not? Who knows :S

I was rereading the fic (I do need to reread this long fic, yes) and I noticed on chapter
42 that I noted about how long it was. "I realized that this fic is really long and has a
ton of chapters..." 42+ more chapters later and the story still isn't finished. I laugh at
my little naive self in the past.

I also need your help! It's a question so if you have time please click yes or no! Thanks
in advance.

That being said, again, sorry for the sorta late upload.
Sudedn Confrontation
Chapter Summary

Samatoki receives unwanted visitors on a relaxing day. He needs to think a bit more
about his plans.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

It was a peaceful day inside. Almost every Remnant was training outside in the alleyways. Iojaku-
san and Yotsutsuji followed them too under the excuse that they needed sunlight and that both
fugitives would be protected. A couple stayed inside to train like Piion, Tsuju, Yudai, Tenki, and
Ginto. A few of them had work.

I was dressed up neatly so I could leave the building whenever I wanted to should I want to take a
walk. Of course, I would have to tell one of the Remannets beforehand and take them with me as
an escort. I stretched my back as my mic was deactivated.

Walking out of the main training room and to the new kitchen for water, I heard the front door
rattle. The kitchen was placed sort of near the front door, but the rattling was actually pretty loud
anyways. That was odd. In many ways, I didn’t expect the door to rattle. Since everyone had the
keys, they could just walk in... couldn’t they? I could yell at them to use a key, but I guess it was
better to just open the door for them.

Holding the glass of water that was half full with one hand, I opened the door with the other.

I was so glad I didn’t speak.

In front of me were the Buster Bros, Jyuto and Rio. This was a rather shocking experience since I
didn’t expect to see them at all. Jyuto and Rio… I thought that they weren’t together after what

Maybe I should’ve told Kento to have someone tail them…

“Who are you?” Ichiro raised a brow as he scanned me up and down.

“What do you mean?” Jyuto asked for me. The cup in my hand suddenly felt half empty. “There
are many people in his gang, it’s not like you know-”

“He does know though,” Brat #3 cut in, “Ichi-nii used to be in his gang.”

His ?! What is this? Is my name toxic or taboo?! You guys seriously treat dead people this way?! I
looked over to Brat #2 for help, but all I got was a helpless expression. Fucking dammit.

“Do you know where Kento is?” Rio stepped up, staring at me with ocean eyes. “We want to talk
to him.”

“I do know,” I tweaked my pitch as per usual. “But I don’t know if he’s taking any visitors right
“That’s a shame,” Jyuto snided, “You think being as close to that person as we are, he would come
scrambling down to talk to us.”

Dammit, what was going on? This also sort of just hurt my feelings. My name is Samatoki!
Samatoki! Not just person, him, or guy!

“We're in a rather difficult situation-”

“Maybe it’s because you’re new, but you should know that it wouldn’t be smart to keep us
waiting,” Brat #3 huffed. I felt four intense glares drilling holes into my body. Come on Brat #2 do

We exchanged glances.

“A-Aniki,” Yamada brat 2 finally spoke up. “I think that it would be better if... we asked nicer?”

He was of no fucking use! Shit!


Shit! Shit!! I could hear Yudai shout as he rushed over. And so could the others. They were
looking at me suspiciously now and Brat #2 was starting to sweat bullets. Fucking shit.

“Who are you talking to?!”

Dammit Yudai!!!

“Boss?” Rio looked offended.

“I thought there was only one Boss?” Jyuto sneered as he stepped forward.

Dammit! I needed to shut the doors in their face! As I heard footsteps approaching me from
behind, I pushed the doors shut.

“Hey!” Ichiro pushed back. Now, if it was him alone, I’d be okay, but it was Ichiro and Rio
pushing the doors back open. I had no chance. If Brat #2 joined then it would really be difficult.
Thankfully I doubted that he was that stupid.

“Boss! Whatcha doing?” Yudai asked cheerily behind me.

“Help me shut the door,” I muttered as I continuously poured my strength onto closing the damned

“Understood!” Yudai chirped as he started to push the doors with me. I could feel the door give
way to our combined strength.

Finally, we had a chance-

“Jiro!” I heard Ichiro shout. “Help us out!”

“I- uh-”

“Stupid Jiro, hurry up!” Brat #3 shouted. I could feel more pressure from the other side, he
must’ve started to push too. Dammit!

“R-Right!” Brat #2 pushed. We could tell. It was a losing battle. I hopped back and pulled Yudai
with me. It was an easy decision really. Why fight a monster? I clicked my tongue as the doors
opened easily with Brat #2’s help. Yudai landed on his butt and I internally had to wonder what
would've happened if I revealed I was still alive.

I was so sorry everyone! Dammit!

The doors opened and Yudai’s face fell as the five walked back in. Ichiro had a pretty smile on his
face, but we knew that it really equated to death.

“Yudai-san,” Ichiro bowed politely, “Why are you calling this man ‘Boss’?”

Fuck, Ichiro skipped the greetings and promises to catch up altogether.

Yudai’s lips trembled as he thought really hard. I was hopeful for a split second because I
remembered one fact about him. Fuck! Yudai was part of the unofficial idiot gang! If he started to

"Whew~ whew~"

He was just spitting out air! He can’t whistle. Shit!!!

“A-Aniki, maybe you are-”

“Shut up Jiro,” Brat #3 scoffed. “There’s obviously something going on here.”

“You bet there is,” Kento walked in.

Wait Kento?! Kento!

He could help me out. Oh, thank fuck. I thought I was done for.

“We lost a bet,” Kento stated easily as he walked in, “This is our new recruit. Since we lost, all the
Remnants are calling him ‘Boss’ for the time being.” He swung an arm over my shoulder and
smiled charmingly.

Kento, you beautiful soul!

Yudai nodded his head furiously from behind. Kento waved him off and Yudai scurried away, no
doubt he would tell the others not to disturb us.

It seemed like we would be living another day-

“I thought you didn’t like to call anyone else your Boss though?” Ichiro questioned as he waltzed
in. Kento welcomed them and motioned them to sit down at a table. He gestured to the kitchen with
his head and Ichiro’s eyes widened.

“Since when did the building have a kitchen?”

“Since we bought it and some members decided to live here?” Kento replied easily. “You can
leave now, Boss.”

“Uh, yeah,” I nodded my head frantically and tried to escape. Sadly, this didn’t work out since I
was stopped by Jyuto. He requested me to stay and I could feel Kento tense up. Still, Kento nodded
his head stiffly.

Fucking hell. I plastered an uneven serene smile on my face and moved to make everyone coffee.
“What brings you here?” Kento started up some chitchat as he sat down nonchalantly.

“A couple of things really,” Ichiro replied.

“There’s been a lot of things going in on our minds,” Jyuto supplied, “It’s about your B…" I could
feel his eeys piercing me from the back, "... your old Boss. We wanted to talk about him.”

“He ain’t here,” Kento replied with a frown. “If that’s what you’re going to ask, he isn’t here.”

“We were merely curious,” Rio dipped his head in gratitude as I placed the coffee down in front of

“What about Mad Trigger Crew?” Kento asked as he thanked me for the cup. “I thought you were

“We’re still friends,” Jyuto scoffed, taking a sip of the coffee I gave him. “In any case, it’s a smart
decision to disband. There's no point in wanting unneeded attention. We didn’t want to continue
fighting the D.R.B either.”

“There was no reason to anymore,” Rio agreed. “Our goals were aligned with the other divisions
and they agreed to help us in regards to what our goals were should they win.”

“But in the public's eyes, isn’t it like denouncing Boss?” Kento asked as I gave the three brothers
hot chocolate and my ex-teammates coffee.

“Of course not,” Jyuto snarled, “It was more similar to let us have free roam to do what we wanted
without their eyes fixated on us.”

“But then you should’ve-”

“We have confirmed they have less eyes on us than before since Jyuto and I do not meet up other
than Saturdays,” Rio announced. “We came here separately as well and made sure that there was a
distinct pattern so their guards would be down today.”

I stood behind Kento diligently, surprised at how much thought was placed into MTC’s
disbandment. Well, that’s Jyuto and Rio for you I suppose.

“In any case,” Brat #3 rolled his eyes, “We’re here to talk about the funeral.”

“Funeral?!” Kento did a spit take and the coffee was spilled. I picked up some rags in a drawer and
started to clean nonchalantly. Still, I didn’t miss the weary and horrified glances of the second
Yamada brother and Kento. I blinked in small shock as Kento hummed in thought, obviously
distracted by me wiping his mess. "I thought you wanted to see him?"

"That's if he's... well..." Ichiro trailed off, his eyes shadowed.

“Yes,” Jyuto shifted his glasses and picked up where Ichiro left off, “A funeral. It would be rather
rude of us to do it without you according to Ichiro-kun. We wanted you and your gang to help us.”

“Yes, well…” I peeked at Kento whose eyebrows scrunched up.

“We can’t put it off for long,” Rio hummed, staring into his coffee. I got up from wiping the table
and moved to toss the dirty rag into the sink. “It would be unfair for him.”

“If it’s him,” Kento frowned. He didn’t even look at me as he responded in a rather cool way, “He
wouldn’t even want a funeral.”
That was true. If I had actually died. I would’ve… I would’ve preferred no funeral. It would’ve
been better if I just melted away from their memories and they continued to live happy, happier

“That might be true,” Yamada brat 3’s eyes sparkled, “But that’s not what we want.”

“This is…” Kento paused, “Difficult to adjust to.”

“We understand,” Rio nodded, “But as a fellow friend of Samatoki’s, we needed to consult you.”


“I heard there was something going on with Boss?” A voice fluttered in. I recognized it as one of
the many hidden voices that the best liar I knew had. I turned my head along with an alarmed
Kento’s to see Gentaro, Kuko, and Kannonzaka.

They were standing at the door, Kuko blowing a bubble with his gum, Kannonzaka slightly
hunched over and Gentaro walking in with prose. Gentaro wore a mask over his eyes and had his
hair redone, wearing completely different clothes and contacts. Kannonzaka had contacts and a
different hairstyle as well as Kuko. Akemi must’ve cleaned them up before they could see me.

The Remanents must’ve been planning in the background while Kento and I stalled them. The
perfect liar was here.

I almost didn’t recognize them if it wasn’t for distinct traits. Akemi did a really great job if I were
to say so myself. I wonder if his rap ability was awakened yet. I was training the Remanets, Iojaku-
san, and Yotsustuji to get to that level. Yotsutsuji I knew, but I didn’t know about the rest of

“Who are you?” Jyuto’s voice contained aggressiveness like a tiger circling his prey.

“We’re here to explain everything to you,” Gentaro lied as he moved in. Kuko and Kannonzaka
followed him swiftly. Kento glanced at the trio with a confused expression, but he must’ve realized
something because he grappled a neutral look instantly. He turned to nod at Gentaro’s questionable

“Explain everything?” Jyuto questioned. He scoffed as the youngest brother snorted. Ichiro had an
eye staring at us intently as Rio crossed his arms.

Gentaro’s hand was placed on my shoulder. He tightened it gently and gestured me to stand next to

“This man is our Boss,” Gentaro spoke with such confidence that I would’ve believed him. If the
boss wasn’t me of course.

“Boss?” Rio questioned.

“Boss, Leader, Commander, Chief, Head, Captain, Superior, whichever you prefer,” Gentaro
beamed. He shined a bit too much, but it seemed like it was enough to convince the others. The
hand on my shoulder tightened a bit and I could sense Gentaro’s nervousness. Still, he remained
steadfast as he built up a lie.

I could see the doubt in Brat #2’s eyes, but he didn’t refuse anything. He let it all play out.

“We’re a small group of nine,” flawless lies were spilling. “And as I mentioned, we serve under
our Boss, Akio Sanosuke.”

“What’s the name you’re affiliated with?” Jyuto raised a brow, “I’ve had my fair share with
criminal groups before, it’d be weird if I never heard of you.”

I could feel Gentaro hesitate so I took the chance to take reign. Feigning composure and excluding
as much authority as I could, I shifted my glasses.

If Hyptasia was a dream lost. Then this would be our new dream.


“Mitaire?” The bunny cop's green eyes narrowed, “I never heard of that before.”

“Well that should be obvious,” Gentaro took reign of the conversation with a big smile. “We’re a
very small, quiet, and new group.” He made circular motions with his hand before tying an
imaginary noose and hanging himself. “We want a rebellion.”

There was shock on everyone at the table except Kento and the middle brother. Kannonzaka
nodded his head along with Kuko behind the perfect liar. His glib tongue was working well to
persuade the four here.

“Against Chuuohku?” Rio spoke in disbelief.

“Why yes!” Gentaro enthusiastically nodded his head, “If we were well known we’d be caught,

“I suppose so…” Brat #3 muttered under his breath.

“We teamed up with..” Gentaro glanced at Kento who took the hint right away.

“Mitaire joined hands with the Remnants. It’s revenge for Boss,” Kento added, “We were planning
to rebel anyway, and having a group help us out was what we needed.”

“Then to continue on,” Gentaro smoothed out his hesitation, finally grabbing a hold of the
conversation. “We would like to extend the invitation to rebel with us to the Divisions.”

The faces of the four stiffened while Brat #2 brightened. I mentally applauded Gentaro’s quick
thinking. The perfect way to bring the divisions into our side!

“We’ll accept,” Rio agreed easily, he glanced at Jyuto for confirmation and the officer nodded his
head. “It’s the perfect chance to strike.”

“We’ll have to disagree.”

“What?!” Brat #2 sprang to his feet when Ichiro refused to cooperate. Ichiro looked shocked at his
brother’s sudden interest, especially when the middle brother was pretending to space out and
stayed quiet the entire time. His sudden interest seemed to have intrigued Ichiro, hopefully not in a
bad way.

“Why?” Brat #3 questioned, “It’s almost like suicide. This small group from who knows where
and, no offense to anyone, but two groups that lost their leader and basically their morale. It’s like
siding a losing battle.”

Brat #2 gnashed his teeth. I suppose it was true in one way that there would be no point in fighting
for an unprepared team. But it wasn’t like we were unprepared. Everyone’s been training for this
specific reason after all.

“Aniki, I think we can trust them. Plus, didn’t we come here with the dirty cop and jobless soldier
to help them find Samatoki-nii-san?” He pointed at the two older men accusingly. "Not only that,
how are we going to have a funeral peacefully while knowing Chuuohku is still in charge of

“Well, you can choose what you want,” Jyuto pinched the bridge of his nose. “We only wanted
cooperation to see if he was still alive. We have received an answer, however negative it was. We
work individually from here. It’s that simple.”

I could see Brat #2 struggle. I was wracking my own brain trying to find a way to get them to
switch sides too. Gentaro was mumbling ideas to himself and I could hear Kannonzaka’s silent
prayers. Even Kento was paling rapidly. Dammit, I can’t think of any. What do we do?

“If you join,” Kuko spoke up after staying quiet. His new teal eyes stared at Ichiro intently. His
voice was altered just a bit, but it still held the rough edges of his normal tone. “We can have a

“Hah?!” Brat #3 sneered, “Why the fuck would we want to talk to you? If anything, it would be
more beneficial to talk to your Boss-”

“Okay,” Ichiro shrugged lazily. But his eyes were extremely piercing.

This made me pause for a moment. Did the disguise not work on Kuko well? Compared to me,
who had changed as much as I could with makeup, hair dye, and even changing my voice and such,
there was minimal change to the others.

“Ichi-nii!” Brat #3 protested as he looked at his oldest brother, “This isn’t beneficial to us! It would
only be somewhat appealing if it was the Boss that was explaining-!”

“Shut up Saburo!” Brat #2 jeered as he tried to keep his brothers on board with the rebellion, “If
Aniki said we’re joining then we’re joining!”

“You stupid idiot!” The youngest screeched at his other older brother, “Why would we-!”

“Stop fighting you two,” Ichiro sighed. He didn’t even stop them with a bonk on the head. Just a
soft sigh. I blinked in slight shock as the two brothers quietened down. “That one,” Ichiro pointed
at Gentaro who placed a hand on his chest as if he was offended, “That one,” Ichiro motioned to
Kannonzaka who shrunk back, “And that one,” Ichiro’s finger landed on me, “Would all lie.”

“Huh?” Rio blinked in shock.

“Then they aren’t doing a rebellion?” Jyuto’s eyes narrowed as he looked at Kento. Kento shook
his head quickly.

“No no! We are doing a rebellion,” Kento spoke hastily.

“That’s the truth,” Ichiro confirmed, “But if I wanted extra answers, only one person would give
me the truth.” Ichiro’s finger moved from me to Kuko. My eyes widened. Ichiro… He already
knew who everyone was. I could see him eye the middle brother. “That’s why I agreed, Saburo.
Plus, I'm not sure if I really want to join, I just want to talk first.”

Ichiro… Maybe he grew up a little too much. But it was enough to make my chest swell up in
pride. And my mind numb in fear.
Chapter End Notes

Ichiro being a smart boy to choose Kuko who'll listen from probably guilt, lol
Planning Meetings
Chapter Summary

Samatoki destresses with Mitaire and then restresses.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“What did you guys talk about?” I asked Kuko out of curiosity the next night.

“Nothing yet,” Kuko rolled his shoulders. “He’s waiting for a fucking chance I think. There has
been no contact whatsoever. ‘Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good
attitude while waiting’. Just relax.”

“He noticed who you were, right?” Kannonzaka asked. Rei was being filled in by Brat #2, it
seemed like their relationship hadn’t soured from the fight I forcefully put them through. That was
a relief.

“I believe he noticed who we all were except for Aohitsugi-san, of course,” Gentaro frowned,
“We’ll have to be careful with our next steps should our leaders bother us about it.”

“It seems troublesome,” Yotsutsuji crossed his arms, “What should we do about it?”

“We can’t do anything as of now,” Iojaku-san huffed. “We need to simply let it play out. Until
then, we must stay vigilant. It is a shame that I missed the chance to talk to Busujima...”

“We could try to hide,” Rei suggested, finally caught up. He thanked the middle brother and joined
in the conversation, “Ichiro would try to play safe and try to find out as much as he can.”

“I’ll refrain from telling him every fucking thing,” Kuko huffed. “I just need a list of things that I
definitely can’t tell him.”

“Anything that pertains to me needs to be exempt,” I huffed. “Otherwise that’ll be too many big

“Not going to tell them you’re alive until later?” Brat #2 scoffed, “Dragging it out will only do
more harm.”

“I know,” I groaned, “But I don’t really have a choice at this point. You guys know my position.”

I could tell they didn't understand, but for my sake, someone agreed.

“That is true,” Kannonzaka’s voice was laced in irritation. He turned to Kuko, “I think you have
enough awareness to know what to say and what not to say.”

“On the other hand, Akio Sanosuke,” Rei smirked, “What a fitting name.”

“What does Akio mean?” Yamada brat 2 tilted his head. “Sanosuke is ‘survivor’, right? Like that
“Yes,” Gentaro nodded, “Yotsutsuji-kun did a wonderful job in selecting the name.”

“Ah, th-thank you!” Yotsutusji smiled widely. I smiled at the way he beamed from the
compliment. I should do that more...

“Akio…” Kuko tilted his head, “Doesn’t that mean ‘hero’?”

Wait what?

“It does!” Gentaro clasped his hands. “You have a great grasp on naming sense!”

“That’s what I want to say to you, Yumeno,” Iojaku-san laughed.

“That’s so embarrassing,” I covered my face with my hands. Everyone laughed around me. As we
continued to chat leisurely, I learned that Akemi had awakened his rap ability. It was called
Photoshoot and apparently, it could minimally disguise those he used it on. Of course, in battle, if
one took a resemblance to a loved one, the morale would fall so it was similar to a debuff.

A weaker version of Ramuda’s ability if you will.

It was still perfect in terms of usage so I’d have to applaud him for it later.

“Mitaire,” Gentaro tested the name on his lips. Soon after, everyone started to do the same.

"Isn't that more embarrassing?" Iojaku-san chuckled. He glanced at me with a teasing glint in his
eyes, "It sounds like a childish fantasy."

"Shut up," I hissed at Rei. I was proud of my naming sense, fuck Rei.

“Who would be part of it?” Brat #2 asked.

“Is it not obvious?” I asked, motioning to everyone around me. “We’re all here.”

“It’s supposed to be a nine-man team,” Kannonzaka frowned, “I apologize if I counted wrong, but
there’s only eight of us?”

“We can include Gentaro’s brother,” I ignored the look that Gentaro gave me. It was probably
negative anyway. “That way we have nine. Oh, he’s doing fine by the way.”

“Continuing on,” Rei smirked, cutting in before the others could question anything, “Don’t we
have to choose some titles befitting us? It's a good way to wind down the stress we got.”

“Why?” I questioned.

“Because we’re a group that Chuuohku doesn’t know yet has to appear in public for the divisions
to trust us? Because everyone here is most likely stressed by my quick-witted son?” Rei snorted.
The second Yamada brat seemed uncomfortable when Rei said 'son', but it was passable since he
didn't lunge at Rei and try to kill him.

“That seems like a good idea,” Iojaku-san agreed with a nod of his head. “It’ll be beneficial to have

“Then I want to name everyone!” The middle Yamada brother’s hand shot up quickly, forgetting
about his discomfort. “I think we should base it off of a game!”

“That sounds like a great idea!” Yotsutusji enthusiastically agreed.

I felt myself smile a bit at the thought.

“Then let’s name everyone together,” Kuko snorted. “We could do awesome fucking creatures
instead of game dynamics.”

“Mitaire,” Kannonzaka hummed, “It sounds magical.”

“Then why not both?” Rei added his two cents.

I watched them start to chat amongst themselves, getting excited as they created titles with beasts
and positions. I couldn’t help but reminisce about what it was like when Hyptasia was originally

It was similar to this. People chatted away happily, pointed out mistakes, created names, titles and
complimented each other on what their best traits were. I could remember joining in on the
conversation. Different from now, since I wasn’t really participating.

“Samatoki-san,” Yotsutsuji looked at me. Everyone turned their heads to look at me. “Aren’t you
going to join us?”

I blinked a couple of times before a flower bloomed in my heart. I smiled widely and nodded.

“Yeah, I think that I have the perfect thing for Kuko…”

We ended up with sort of basic yet perfect things for us. Using the system we even managed to
create looks that we’d like to wear in representation. The most important things were the masks
and small details of what beast we represented, but it was fun overall. We could ask Akemi to
make us the clothes or something similar to it so we could wear them in real life if we wanted to as
well, but this was just for fun.

Kuko became the Dragon who would be more or less the most balanced of the nine of us. He was
the Canon, well we decided to call him the Rogue for now. He seemed a bit more willing for ninja,
but everyone else agreed it was lame so we decided to call him the Dragon Rogue.

We decided to make Gentaro a Siren because of his voice. He was so flustered that he sat out of his
own naming process with a red face. The second Yamada brat hummed as he deemed Gentaro to be
a Bard. I agreed. I mean, he was the orator of Mitaire. Without his consent, Gentaro was deemed to
become the Siren Bard.

Rei had a thing for lions and since we were going with mythical beasts, Yotsutsuji suggested a
manticore. It wasn’t bad and Rei seemed to enjoy how he could make his mask fluffy and add a
different colored cape to wear so we entertained the old man. Manticore Scout, since he was our

Brat #2 was unanimously chosen as the Dullahan. Even the brat thought that he would be cool. To
be fair, we had different thoughts than simply being ‘cool’. The main reason was his brain
capacity. Thus the Dullahan Fighter was born.

Kannonzaka’s was the funniest. Jackalope Berserker. Thinking about it makes me want to laugh,
but a blood-crazed Kannonzaka was no joke. I think we chose the wrong creature, but Gentaro
stated that it had to be done. In a way, it makes sense. Kannonzaka was extremely docile when left

Yotsutsuji was chosen to be a Kirin. I was thinking about the more deer-like version and Iojaku-san
resembling the dragon-like one, but I think Yotsutsuji could fit both descriptions. As the so-called
Priest of this group, he was in charge of medical things. I had told him early on about his abilities
and he was getting there.

Iojaku-san’s was the most interesting. A Griffon Tank. I think it suited him well since he was the
most protective. We actually had to argue a lot for Iojaku-san. There were more creatures and so
many fit him such as gargoyles, minotaurs, and Brat #2 even suggested the hippocampus or a
cyclops. Iojaku-san chose the Griffon.

All the names had to do with our rap abilities and actual positions in a battle or situation to a certain
degree of course.

We weren’t sure about Gentaro’s brother, so for now, we decided to call him the ‘hidden card’ of

As for me… Damn… It’s still fucking embarrassing.

“Phoenix Necromancer,” Kuko laughed, “Sounds like it fits you to a fucking tee!”

“It does not!” I argued.

“Why not?” Gentaro hid his smirk underneath his sleeves, “This is technically your second life and
your skeletons resemble the dead.”

“Hey! Don’t forget about how much of a bitch he is!” Brat #2 teased.

“Shut the hell up,” I muttered, this was more embarassing than the 'leader' role I had to play before.

“Your ears are red, Aohitsugi,” Iojaku-san chuckled.

Oh really? I would’ve never known how hot my face fucking feels!

As they joked around and laughed, my embarrassment started to ebb away and I found myself
laughing with them. Of course, I wondered how serious I was going to take this joke. In the past,
we did have titles that followed us because he had made names for ourselves in the battlefield.
Well, I guessed I didn't have to worry about it here.

“I hope we don’t have to make a public appearance to the Divisions,” Kannonzaka sighed, running
his hands over his hair. “That would be disastrous.”

“We probably don’t have to for Jyuto and Rio,” I smiled, “I mean, they’re pretty much convinced
already, right?”

“Possibly,” Gentaro hummed, “But it’s a good idea to add them into the list just in case.”

“It was decided that we’re people who don’t talk much right? I can tell you the rumors that Kento
has circulated for us,” I picked up a stone.

“That would be nice,” Yotsutsuji mused. He touched the hair strand dyed silver and lilac.
“Wouldn’t some of these be a dead giveaway?”

“I don’t think anyone is planning on dying their hair,” I shrugged. “Mine’s dyed black..." I briefly
paused before stuffing my face into my hands, "I really look like a necromancer, huh?”

“When it starts to turn white again from the roots of your hair, you’re really going to have a
different look,” Rei chuckled.
“Let’s just do a quick rundown about who will talk to who should we meet all of the divisions.”

“It’s obvious that we can’t be Mitaire and be a division member,” Brat #2 said something
intelligible. “So we shouldn’t say that everyone can meet.”

“The leader should be present for all,” Iojaku-san stated, “Even if he doesn’t speak, Aohitsugi
needs to be our figurehead.”

“We also have these shitty notes from Kento,” Kuko huffed as he tossed the papers down, “We
should adhere to them to some degree.”

“I think they were made well,” Kannonzaka tried to be optimistic. But that only lasted for five
seconds because his face fell as soon as he remembered what was written for him. “Except

“Continuing on,” Kuko rolled his eyes, “Let’s start by going from the furthest to the closest.”

“We need good days too,” Iojaku-san stated.

“Since they’re requesting to meet us, I don’t think it’s a push to state the days that we’re free,” Rei
hummed, “We don’t need to adhere to their needs.”

“That makes sense,” Yotsutsuji pursed his lips.

I looked over to Brat #2 who was being spoon-fed the conversation in simpler terms by Gentaro. In
the end, we just theorized until the next training session. We needed time to train not only our
mentality and raps but our bodies as well.

“We have a problem,” Brat #2 prompted when I got onto the simulator with Iojaku-san and

“What do you mean?” I asked, taking a seat on the ground next to Kannonzaka. I didn’t expect
everyone else to be here early.

“It’s about the Divisions,” Gentaro licked his lips, “It seems like they’ve tried to put us in a bind.”

“A bind?” Yotsutsuji tilted his head as he sat next to Brat #2.

“They want to meet us all this week,” Kannonzaka replied, his eyes shaking lightly. “It’s
Wednesday, there isn’t enough time to meet everyone!” He wailed, putting his hands on his head.

“So they’re playing it hard,” Iojaku-san frowned, “Someone’s testing us.”

“It’s Wednesday, we can meet two divisions a day,” I stated. “It should be okay with us. Three per
team and I’ll be the staple. We need to think about this well.”

“We can go to Shibuya Division last,” Gentaro offered, “Ramuda nor Dice seemed to care much
about when you came as long as it was within the time.”

“Aniki can wait as well,” Yamada brat 2 suggested, “It’s better to keep him off the list until later.”

“Okay, then who is the most urgent?” I asked, looking at Rei.

“Just because I’m an informant on paper doesn’t mean I actually am,” Rei chuckled. Still, he
conjured paper into the simulator and talked about the logistics of the teams. This man, he was
taking his role seriously.

I laughed internally as my lips moved to simplify the entire conversation for the youngest boy who
was struggling to understand.

“Then it’s decided? We’ll go to Nagoya and Osaka first, Yokohama and Shinjuku next, and finally
Ikebukuro then Shibuya?” I looked for affirmation. Everyone nodded their heads.

“Nagoya is tomorrow with Rei and Iojaku-san,” I confirmed it by looking up. “Osaka is also
tomorrow with Yotsutsuji and Kannonzaka-san.” After the noises of the agreement were heard I
continued down the list. “Friday will consist of going to Yokohama and Shinjuku, in that order.
Yokohama is Yumeno-san and Iojaku-san, Shinjuku will include the brat and Yotsutsuji. The last
day, Saturday, is going to be Ikebukuro with Yumeno-san and Kuko then Shibuya with Rei and
Kuko. Obviously, I will be there every single time.”

“Not to mention,” Iojaku-san added, “We’ll have the Remnants help us out with guiding and
finding the best times to catch them off guard and talk.”

“It’s good training for them too,” I laughed, “They need to practice their rap abilities.”

“We have to be careful of Shibuya,” Gentaro warned. He was pressuring us, but I knew he was
mainly worried for Ramuda’s discerning gaze. “It’s going to be difficult.”

“They’re a potential obstacle everywhere,” Kuko rolled his eyes at Gentaro's particular worry,
“Sasara is sharper than he acts and so is that gambler. Pink midget and tall man have quick eyes
and Yokohama has two experienced people. I’d be fucking worried about Saburo, but Ichiro’s no
joke either. And I can’t forget about my own division… Hitoya’s a fucking lawyer.”

And here I thought Kuko could say something without cursing, hah.

“We need to be as careful as we can be,” Yotsutsuji nodded, “But isn’t that why the setups were
made this way?”

Since all members had to be present, there were a couple of restrictions because of this, but we
paired everything as best as we could.

Yotsutsuji would obviously be recognized by Sensei whose mind would be placed into a chaotic
state. If anything, Sensei trusted us the most since I had helped him in regards to Yotsutsuji.
Iojaku-san would be the mental destructor of Rio’s which would end up confusing Jyuto. Kuko
was obviously recognized by Ichiro so it wasn’t a stretch to say that Ichiro knew about Gentaro too.
That was fine.

Adding people who could shake up the mentality and thinking process of the other team only made
it easier for us to be honest. It would help us take control of what’s happening.

I could already tell that this was orchestrated by Ichiro, dammit.

That kid, he was really trying to pave his way here.

I couldn’t help but smile at that.

Come catch me if you think you can, Ichiro.

Chapter End Notes

Ichiro: *furious searching*
Jiro: *walks in*
Ichiro: *stares at Jiro*

I made a sharp Ichiro who doesn't knowthat 'Sanosuke' is Samatoki... Heh.

Negotiations I
Chapter Summary

Samatoki visits Nagoya to convince them to join the rebellion. Nothing goes the way
he thought it would.

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

It was Thursday. Obviously, there wasn’t enough time for good sleep, but I had to get ready.

As Akemi did my hair and pulled out the masks that were the most urgent he smiled at me. I
smiled back. It was a joke, but Akemi seemed to take it pretty seriously. He forced the other
Remnants to help out making small accessories and buy appropriate clothing. I tried hard not to
choke at the dent it made in the savings we had, but it wasn't that much and they seemed to have
fun so I assumed it was okay...

“Good job with your rap ability,” I praised. “It’s rather amazing.”

“Well, I’m not the first one,” Akemi smiled softly as he brushed my hair. I was so glad there were
no knots and it just ran through. The last time Akemi did my hair that was full of knots, he showed
me no mercy. He carefully braided the front side too. Giving me a look before putting the contacts
in, he hummed.

“Still, you are one of the early ones," I continued my praise. Many of the Remnants still were

As we prepared, I waited for Akemi to finish tidying me up. It was oddly satisfying to change into
a different person. Despite being known even with this face as Akio Sanosuke, I was still wearing a
mask. The mask that Akemi rushed to make was gently placed on my nose.

“I’ll try to make a better one later,” Akemi swore. I laughed him off. It was a joke, we didn't need

The black feathers tickled every time they brushed against my face. I hummed as the black trench
coat followed my movements. This was cute in its own right. “Thanks, Akemi.”

“Of course, Boss. I’m glad you like it.”

I waltzed out. There were slight heels on my boots, but it wasn’t that much of a difference to make
me stumble. Apparently, I had to be a little taller to be a bit more intimidating. I motioned Kento,
Yudai, Suzu, Adi, Wano, Lomu, and Zinan with a flick of my wrist. They were going to be
supervising the meetings today.

First on the list was Nagoya. Both Iojaku-san and Yotsutsuji would be following me. Yotsutsuji
would be dropped off at Osaka with Kento and Yudai to wait for the Osaka meeting. Suzu would
stick with Iojaku-san and me in case we needed help with makeup. Akemi couldn’t follow us
today, so it had to be done. Suzu has great skills too. Adi, Wano, and Lomu were to look for a good
opening so we could talk to the trio in secret. Kuko would also be pulling the strings from the
inside to make that easier.

Zinan was my guard.

I thought it was supposed to be Leta, but Kento must know what he’s doing.

“Yotsutsuji, Iojaku-san,” I greeted them as they stepped out of Akemi’s studio.

“Samatoki-san!” “Aohitsugi.”

They greeted me back and walked over my way. They wore their masks proudly, all crafted by
Akemi. Rei’s was being held by Suzu and Kento had Kannonzaka’s. Both of them tried not to
laugh when they were given the masks as I did. A joke to reality felt weird and amusing. I took the
mask off and pulled up my normal mask that hid half of my face. Wearing a feathery ballgown
mask would catch the attention of too many people.

If Kannonzaka came early he would contact either Yotsutsuji or Kento to get ready and that would
be when he got his mask. They could walk around together too.

“Let’s get on the train,” I motioned. We were being a bit fancy, but it didn’t seem to catch too
many eyes of others. Not wearing the masks helped. The Remnants made sure that no pictures
were taken either. Really, what a reliable bunch.

It was time to continue our facade. Yotsutsuji, Kento, and Yudai split from us and I wished them
the best of luck to have enough freedom for fun.

“Iojaku-san,” I glanced at the man who was sitting next to me, “No, Griffon, how are you

“I’m feeling pretty good,” Iojaku-san replied, stifling a chuckle, “It’s going to be a long one. Do
you think we can successfully fool the divisions?”

“Even if we don’t,” my fingers twiddled with each other, “They’ll still join the rebellion. I’m
confident about that.”

“The trust is the issue,” Iojaku-san huffed. “We need to be wary of internal fighting that can break
and weaken the rebellion.”

“If they work under us, we should be fine,” I calmly stated. “We have experienced people on our

“But if there is no trust there is no point,” Iojaku-san pointed out. Looking into my eyes he gave up
with a couple of words. Apparently, he couldn’t bother trying to convince someone like me.

When we stepped out of the subway, the first thing we had to do was go up. I was waiting for Rei’s
call so we could see the fucker and give him the mask. Adi and Wano were sent to check up on
BAT and look for the perfect chance to greet them.

Once Rei contacted us and met up, we would give a heads up to Kuko who would then start to pull
some strings for a BAT meeting somewhere that would be secretive. I tugged my coat as Iojaku-
san walked cautiously.

“Over here,” a familiar voice called out. I turned my head to see Rei, grinning widely at me. He
had switched his black fur coat with a golden brown as if he was waiting to dress up. There was a
reason this fucker was playfully designated as the 'scout'. It looked like he knew about the masks.
He even switched out to a different outfit. Wow.

“Rei,” I waved my hand. Iojaku-san followed behind me with a grin. “I’ll text Kuko then.” My
voice adjusted to the high pitch tone of Akio Sanosuke.

“Of course,” Rei huffed. Suzu appeared from the crowd and walked up to us. He handed the mask
over discreetly before making it back into the crowd so that there weren’t too many eyes. “This is
rather fancy for something that was made with little time,” Rei snorted as he exchanged his
sunglasses for the mask. "Not to mention, it's funny."

"I agree," I chuckled alongside him.

“We must make haste,” Iojaku-san rolled his wrists. “It’s a good idea to get moving quickly.”

“We don’t even know where to go,” I replied. “It’s going to be a pretty ugly sight if we went there
without notice from Adi and Wano.”

“Boss,” Lomu casually greeted me, emerging from the darkness. He sparred Iojaku-san a wave and
Rei a look. “Kuko is gathering everyone to his temple.”

“Then I suppose a visit is due,” I smirked. Turning to the two older men I gestured them to walk.
Lomu led the way there and I could tell Suzu and Zinan were trailing us from behind. As we
slowly walked incognito, Lomu stopped us at the base of some stairs.

“Up the mountain is the temple,” Lomu stated, he looked up before looking back down at us, “It’s
recommended to climb the mountain through the woods. According to Wano, they’ll be at a nearby

“Then why are you stopping us?” Iojaku-san questioned with a raised brow.

“Stairs or hike, right?” Rei snorted. He cracked his neck and started to move towards the forested
area. We hiked up rather quickly. Iojaku-san seemed more relaxed in the forest and Rei was
relatively easy to catch up to. I snapped the feather mask on my face and removed the black face
mask on my way up. In any case, Lomu seemed the most out of breath when we reached the top.

“Woah Lomu-san you look worn down!”

“Haha, Lomu-san looks tired!”

Adi and Wano greeted us. Lomu glared at the two, hunched over and panting. Rei just smirked,
plucking a twig from his cape and Iojaku-san brushed his shoulders.

“Where should we go now?” I asked, flicking the small bead of sweat off my forehead.

“We’ll lead you there, Boss!” Wano happily chirped. Then the two dashed forward. Rei and
Iojaku-san started to go after them.

“Suzu, stay with Lomu,” I ordered before running after them. I could hear a faint and tired ‘Yes,
Boss!’ on the way.

The trees were mere blurs to be passed and the roots that would trip me weren't a threat as long as I
swung off of the said trees. There were no cicadas to be heard since it was midday and the nature
here was rather useful and didn't get in my way.

“You look like a monkey,” Rei snorted as he leaped over the rubble on the ground, following my
pace with ease. Iojaku-san was doing the same thing a bit behind us.

“You look like a fraud,” I shot back with a shit-eating grin. When Adi and Wano stopped, they
were out of breath because they had to maintain their positions as the lead while being less athletic
than the three of us, Wano managed to point us in a direction.

I glanced at Rei and Iojaku-san who nodded their heads. Iojaku-san put his mask on and I checked
that mine was still on my face. We made sure we looked well prepared before stepping out like the
shady group we were selling ourselves as.

“Damnit Jyushi!” Kuko’s voice could be heard over the waterfall. “Stop being such a wimp! It’s
just water!”

“Water that really hurts, Kuko-san!” A wail pierced the sky. We exchanged mirthful looks as we
walked closer.

“Kuko, you damned brat! Stop it, he said he doesn’t like it, you fucking child!”

“Shut up money for brains!”

BAT was currently in the water, playing around with jackets tossed aside with shoes and pants
rolled up. Kuko was trying to force Jyushi under the waterfall for his 'training' while Jyushi
refused. A ton of insults were flung around, but despite the harsh words, it seemed as if they were
having fun.

Damn you Kuko. Why did he make this so hard?


The three froze as Rei grabbed their attention. Kuko’s eyes shot up, but that smirk of his bloomed
across his face.

“Would you look at that, they actually came,” HItoya-san mused as he stared at us. Moving out of
the water, he stepped onto the pebbles. Jyushi hurriedly followed suit while Kuko just sat in the
water with a loud splash.

“What do you want us to do for you to join the rebellion?” Rei asked using a voice much gruffer
than usual. He was definitely a conman.

“Convince all of us,” Kuko announced. Hitoya-san and Jyushi turned to look at their leader in
surprise as Kuko huffed. “We’re a family. This team ain’t participating until you get a unanimous

I lifted an eyebrow. That was fairly simple.

“That’s fine,” Rei nodded in agreement. Thus the persuasion began... Or to be honest, it ended
before our side had a chance to speak.

“Jyushi, you go first,” Kuko nodded his head.

“I… I’m not sure,” Jyushi started. He shifted his eyes around, before running up to his stuff and
hugging the living shit out of Amanda. I tried to ignore how I thought about the trampled doll we
couldn’t recover from that day. Baby blue eyes looked at us nervously as I looked at him with a
sadness only I could understand.
“Why not?” Rei snorted as he placed a hand out to open air. It was as if he was asking Jyushi to
weigh the reason onto his hand.

“I don’t want to endanger my family. Helping in the rebellion would surely hurt my parents,”
Jyushi stuttered. He curled into himself and looked away. “I-I…”

“It’s fine,” Hitoya-san reassured Jyushi, “I was going to say no too.”

He didn't add anything after that, but his eyes darkened. I turned to look at Kuko who had a shit-
eating grin on his face.

“You heard our answer,” Kuko said, staring into our eyes. It was as if he was telling us to let it
play out. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. I honestly thought that Kuko would agree for the team.
Or at least pretend to be suspicious of us and cast away their suspicion. But he was going to stop us

“That’s harsh,” Rei chuckled. I could see a malicious glint in his eyes as he continued to speak,
“We didn’t even get to say anything in our own defense.”

“It’s just how it goes,” Kuko countered, glaring at Rei. “How are you going to counter Jyushi? By
saying it’s more dangerous to let Chuuohku do what they want? By saying the rebellion will
protect them?” Kuko stared at me. “Simple words mean nothing.”

Jyushi meekly nodded in agreement.

“Let’s say hypothetically you passed Jyushi,” Kuko gestured as he stood up slowly from the water.
“But then you’d have to convince Hitoya and he ain’t easy to persuade.” The water splashed widely
and I was momentarily distracted by the dazed appreciation of how the pants didn’t fall off Kuko’s
waist because of the weight.

“Then-” Iojaku-san was cut off by Kuko’s piercing glare.

“Let’s say you managed to snag the money bitch onto your side,” Hitoya-san shouted in the
background, but we were absorbed in what Kuko had to say. “How would you convince me?”

I felt something thick lodge in my throat.

The immense pressure I received, was this Kuko as BAT’s leader? So then, he is willing to help
make a scenario where we can try to convince them as a member of Mitaire, but as the leader of
BAT he needed to be ferocious and strong for his teammates.

He wasn’t going to fudge the results in any way.

The other two members of BAT needed to concede and so did the leader of BAT. I didn’t think that
the very first division we went to would be the hardest one to convince.

“You can come back and try again if you want,” Kuko offered with a stern look. “But don’t take
the Nagoya Division as free help.”

I could respect that. I motioned the other two to follow my lead. The way Kuko was looking at me
told me that he had something else up his sleeves. Fine then. Turning my back on him before
turning back to cast a small glance, I smiled.

“We’ll be back.”
Chapter End Notes

Dang it, I assumed I posted yesterday and then realized I didn't click post before
shutting my laptop down. :'D

Ahem, late upload! But don't worry the next chapter is still going up tomorrow!
Negotiations II
Chapter Summary

THe Nagoya division was a failure, but there's five more divisions to go!

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Kuko that bitch. As a member of Mitaire, I had expected him to work with us. But I couldn’t even
be really angry. It was respectable. I knew Kuko would apologize as a fellow member in Mitaire,
but I was also aware that he wouldn’t really mean it. Kuko had pride in being the leader of If Kuko
wasn’t involved in Mitaire, would he even be cooperative?

I guess not.

“Looks like that went as a bust,” Rei chuckled as he pulled the mask off. He hid it under his fur
coat and smiled widely, "Better luck next time, am I right?”

“Yes,” Iojaku-san pulled his mask off as well. “There is always a better chance somewhere else.
We shouldn't let this drag us down.”

“Don’t be too disheartened, Boss!” Suzu shouted as he made himself known from behind a bush.
We were still in the mountain, despite being near the base of it. It was hidden enough for us to
move around.

“That makes sense,” I sighed, “We still have to go to Osaka for Dotsuitare Honpo, right?” My
purple eyes scanned Rei as he snickered.

“Don’t look at me like that kiddo,” Rei tilted his head, “I don’t plan on playing it as the monk brat
did. You have my full support, as Mitaire’s Manticore Scout and as Rei Amayado.” I forgot to react
when he added the joke in his words and Rei barked out a laugh. “Should I say I trust in you as Rei
Yamada as well?”

“Don’t,” I sighed, rubbing my hands together, “Although it means a lot to me, the brothers would
hate to hear you say that.”

Iojaku-san brought his hands up in mock surrender as Lomu, Wano, and Adi appeared.

“I suppose that’s my cue to leave,” Iojaku-san smiled. He then waved at us as he turned around. “I
will see you back in Ikebukuro, Aohitsugi.”

“I’ll see you there, Iojaku-san,” I dipped my head as the three escorted Iojaku-san. Eyeing Rei, I
pushed a tree branch off my face. “Let’s go to Osaka.”

“I’ll give you a firm signal,” Rei smirked, “Don’t worry too much about Osaka.”

“Got it,” I nodded. I walked out of the forest inconspicuously, splitting up with Rei. Once I was
alone, Suzu immediately took my right side and Zinan appeared out of thin air, following suit
quietly. His blonde hair covered his orange eyes, but I could tell that his hands were shaking, and

Zinan, this brat… I couldn’t help the smile that appeared on my face.

“You didn’t have to get angry at Kuko,” I laughed. Suzu smacked Zinan’s shoulder as soon as I
revealed why Zinan appeared so late.

“You idiot!” Suzu scolded, “You should’ve at least taken me with you! I’d smack him with all my
designer bags!”

“Calm down Suzu,” I smiled, my fake voice continuing on as we walked across the streets of
Osaka to the next train. We were going to take our time since Rei needed to be there first. “It’s
better if nothing big happened, yeah?”

“I understand,” Zinan’s head was bowed as he muttered, “I apologize, Boss…”

“Yeah, yeah,” I waved him off. It didn’t really matter, “Did Kuko hurt you?”

“No, I punched a tree on the way back because he wasn’t giving me the answers I wanted,” Zinan
reasoned. His breath was shaky. There was no need to ask if he was hidden while arguing with
Kuko or not, I already knew the answer. Poor kid. I pulled him over by hooking his shoulders with
my arm.

“Sometimes, I forget you’re still a kid,” I snorted. I gave him the best comfort I could do with head
pats and rubbings. Suzu seemed to do his best playing the role of an older brother too. Seriously,
this gang was too soft to be a fucking gang.

“Did you ever want a normal childhood?” I asked, glazing at Zinan. “Koni still goes to school in
Shibuya and works as a manager in Sweet Sweets, but you stayed with the gang, right?”

I ignored the regretful look Suzu had. He looked guilty, but Zinan and I knew that regret wasn’t
what Zinan wanted the Remanents to feel.

“If you regret it,” Suzu moved from my side to Zinan’s, “You can quit, Zin.”

“Quit?!” Zinan looked offended. Irritation bubbled over his face as he moved away from both
Suzu’s and my affection. “That’s basically asking me to leave my family. I never really had a
normal childhood so this is honestly way better than what I had to do before." Zinan's face
scrunched up, "Well, I do love my brother."

He looked a little rueful as words continued to spill out of his mouth.

“Everyone taught me so much and helped me too much. I don’t even know if I’m deserving of it,”
Zinan swallowed thickly, his little adam’s apple bobbing. Was he finally going to cry? He should,
no child shouldn't be allowed to cry. “So I want to enjoy life the way I want.”

“You can cry,” I said, pulling him into my arms. “You can cry all you want. Just don’t do
something stupid like regret what you did." Then I added wistfully, "Also, don’t say this just
because you don’t want to study.”

Zinan’s tears were mixed with laughter as Suzu smiled from behind. I could see him moving from
the corner of my eyes.

“Let’s go,” I whispered, pushing the crowd to go to the train.

“Understood,” Suzu walked to my side and we entered the train station. Zinan was laughing by the
time we walked out.

The ride was comfortable, surprisingly. Zinan fell asleep, his head on my shoulders as Suzu cooed
and took pictures of the sleeping boy.

“Suzu,” I glanced at Suzu who tilted his head to look my way. I stared into brown eyes that shined
when I looked at him. “Are you doing okay?”

“Of course I am,” Suzu smiled, “Is there something wrong, Boss?”

“Nah,” I shook my head, “I was just worried since you seemed to get your clothes dirty.”

“What?!” Suzu screeched, “Where?! Where?! I hope it doesn’t stain. Oh, deity above please help
me if it does stain. I will cry.” He started to wail getting a lot of attention. I looked at him
helplessly and shifted my mask up. It was only Zinan's tears... and snot.

“We can always get new ones later,” an attempt to appease him. Suzu whined that they could never
get replaced and we had an… arguably pleasant train ride.

When we reached Osaka the first thing I was worried about was obviously how we were going to
find the other two. I could trust Rei to do his… Rei things. But if Yotsutsuji was caught by a
Chuuohku official or if Kannonzaka was with him… We’ll see how it goes. I withheld a sigh and
moved quickly.

Zinan was on Suzu’s back despite Suzu’s complaint. Suzu was hands down the weakest in terms of
physical strength, he was also not the brightest, I ignored his complaints about stains, but he was
well connected and great with blackmail. Suzu was originally disliked because of his lack of skills
compared to the others, but he really does shine. People just don’t recognize it a lot. I’m sure the
Remnants have recognized him though. That’s most likely why Suzu was happy now compared to

“Kento-chan just sent their location to us,” Suzu hummed as his legs shook. I asked if I should
carry Zinan, but he refused. “I can carry him just fine, Boss." I watched Suzu's leg almost buckle
underneath him. "R-Rei also said we should come by soon.”

“Aohitsugi-san,” Kannonzaka waved his hands as I lightly jogged over. When Yotsutsuji lightly
nudged his shoulder Kannonzaka froze up and stuttered. “Err, uh, I meant Sanosuke-kun!”

“Kannozaka-san,” I greeted with a laugh, “Yotsutsuji, are you ready?”

“We’re leaving already?” Yotsutsuji looked at me disbelievingly. His mask slid onto his face as I
gave him a rather apologetic look.

“I know right? It’s a bit unbelievable but that’s what Rei said,” I shrugged. Doing a small stretch I
motioned them to come closer, “We need to be on guard of course.”

Kento manifested along with Yudai.

“Boss,” Kento gave me a dazzling grin, “One down and two more to go, right?” Yudai laughed
haughtily as he inched to grab Zinan away from Suzu. Suzu let the bigger man take him.

“Nope,” I smiled uneasily as Suzu looked away. Kannonzaka’s eyes were as wide as a blimp as
Yotsutsuji stuttered. Kento’s smile faltered and Yudai stopped laughing.
“Wh-what do you-?” Kannonzaka stuttered.

“We failed in convincing Nagoya Division,” I revealed, “We’ll have to try extra hard, huh?”

“What buffoonery-”

“It’s the truth,” there was nothing we could do about it. I swapped the masks so and hummed. “So
let’s see if we’ll convince Osaka.”

“Oh my god,” Kannonzaka mumbled as he placed his mask on his face. “I hope this goes well.”

“It’ll have to,” Yotsutsuji sighed, “We need more manpower.”

“Let’s give it our best you two,” I cheered and thumped their backs. “Rei already sent us a location
and it’s a bar nearby. Apparently, he chased everyone out for the moment, so we have to hurry. We
can go through the back he said.”

“Amazing,” Kannonzaka groaned, “This isn’t what people do in real life!”

“We’re heroes,” Yudai laughter came back, “We need to look amazing! We need a great entrance!
We need-!”

“Yudai,” Kento’s hand slapped his face and he dragged it down. “We’re not the ones entering. It’s
Boss, Yotsutsuji-kun and Kannonzaka-san.”

“I understand,” Yudai smiled, “We must be the shadow heroes!”

“Good gracious,” Kento muttered as Suzu giggled. Yudai’s antics managed to calm the other two
down and we walked in a little hesitantly into the empty bar.

Rei was already there, behind the bar acting as a bartender, mixing up some drinks. In front of him
were Rosho and Sasara who were arguing and a couple of boxes of food. Well to be fair, it was
more of a manzai act than a fight... and I never thought that I’d actually enjoy seeing or hearing it.

“Looks like they came,” Rei said as he shook up a drink. The two stopped fighting automatically
and turned to look at us. Sasara’s eyes opened a crack to square us up. Fucking shut eyes. We’re
not that shady.

“Woah~!” Sasara whipped out his fan and placed it on his head, “Would you look at that Rosho! It
really looks like all the big cats came to the party!”

“What the hell are you on?’ Rosho asked annoyed. He was obviously nervous about our
appearance because his fisted hands were trembling. “What’s that supposed to mean?! None of
them even resemble cats!”

Sasara laughed loudly, “Hahaha! Rosho! They’re obviously dirty cheetahs! And if you tell me they
aren’t you’re lion!”

“You already know why we’re here,” I gave Sasara a faux smile. He looked at me and reflected
the smile.

“Maybe I do, and maybe I doughnut!” Sasara motioned to the box of doughnuts.

“Sasara I swear-”

“Rebellion,” I spoke quickly to cut to the chase. Rosho was cut off, I mentally apologized to him,
but I needed to say it. “In or out.”

Rosho froze. Like an opossum that freezes up when they see a car coming over and die. It was a
rather morbid description of him really, but that's what he looked like. As if his soul had departed
from his body.

“That’s a tough one,” Sasara’s laugh was louder than the one before. He eyed us and I could feel
Kannonzaka shrinking. Meanwhile, Yotsutsuji did his best to stand his ground. “Why should I trust

“...” I wanted to give an impassive shrug, but that was the amazing Samatoki Aohitsugi. Right
now, I was just the normal Akio Sanosuke. “That will be up to you.”

“Can we talk about something like that this openly?” Rosho questioned, his eyes darting around
frightfully. His soul seemed to have come back, thankfully.

“Why not?” Rei chuckled, “I like to joke about it a lot.”

“This doesn’t seem like a joke,” Rosho muttered. I pretended to not hear him and looked back to


“So what?” Sasara huffed. He was done inspecting us with the way his back straightened. “You
really came with members like those and expect me to believe you? Do you think can even beat
them? That isn't really funny. My funny bone seems to be temporarily broken.”

Rosho seemed like he had a lot of things to say to that last statement, but he stayed quiet, handing
me a chance to speak.

“We will win whether you join or not.”

“That’s some conviction,” Rei chuckled as he started to pour the drinks into six glasses. He offered
three to us and two to his teammates and poured himself the last glass.

I stared at the liquid that was swirling in the glass.

“I rather like it,” Rei hummed. He took a sip of his glass and smiled widely, “I’m in.”

Wow. Rei was going to be fucking blunt about his help, huh? He really kept to his word about not
being like Kuko.

I could see Sasara whip his head to Rei alongside Rosho.

Kannonzaka glanced at me and Yotsutsuji. I gave him a reassuring pat and looked at Rei who
started to do the talking for us. Thankfully.

“I don’t understand,” Sasara said after Rei said bullshit. “But I'll join too, I guess... If Rei is, who
am I to say I ain’t? I’m no chicken!” This did not stop him from pointing out the chicken wings
near them.

“This is happening, this is really happening,” Rosho had his hands on his head as Sasara and Rei
laughed around him.

“Come on Rosho!” Sasara cheered. “You’re not gonna let us go alone right?”
“Damn you both,” Rosho swore. He grabbed a glass and chugged it. After he was finished it
slammed on the table, frightening the two beside me. “Damn it! Alright, alright! I can’t let you two
idiots go alone! Fine! I’m in!”

They cheered and glasses were shared. Our three glasses were left untouched. Rei winked at us as
we walked out to the back.

“We really didn’t do anything,” Kannonzaka muttered sheepishly.

“At least it went well?” Yotsutsuji laughed quietly, but it was more like a question than a

“Yeah,” I smiled unevenly, “We have one out of six.”

Chapter End Notes

I didn't forget this time! Suck on that, post button! (maybe)

1/6! Samatoki's slowly making his way there!

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