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At the current stage of socio-economic development of the Republic of

Moldova, there has been a dynamic increase in crime, which warns the law
enforcement agencies and the entire system of state power, intensifying the activity of
combating the criminal phenomenon as a whole.
The problem I have focused on is the crime of violent sexual acts, because in
recent years there has been a rapid increase in the number of such crimes in our
country and it is necessary to conduct a more extensive investigation of each element
that stands at the basis of this type of crime. Undoubtedly, it is one of the most serious
crimes, as in almost all cases it causes the victim a physical injury, a mental or
psychological trauma.
The social danger arising from this type of crime consists first of all in the
suffering caused directly to the victim and secondly in the destabilizing consequences
it causes socially on the normal course of life. Violation of sexual freedom creates in
society a state of general insecurity a particularly dangerous and serious imbalance
caused to the social organism.
It is also worth mentioning that sexual life has a legal protection in the light of Article
8 of European Court of Humain Rights. I can say that a person's sex life is part of
their intimate life.
In the process of researching the mentioned topic, I studied and analyzed the
legislation and specialized scientific literature edited and published in the Republic of
Moldova, the Russian Federation, Germany, France, Romania as well as the
explanatory and guiding decisions of the national courts and courts of other
mentioned states, regarding the application of the in force legislation which referes to
acts of sexual violence.
The theoretical importance and applicative value of this paper lies in the fact
that it contributes to the theoretical development of criminal law, to the practical
solution of many problems of criminal justice, filling some gaps in previous research.

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